• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,084 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 28

Her ploy had worked, but only that day. Rawsthorne made sure to send her to her own bed each night after that. Celestia didn't much mind, though. She threw herself into the work with zeal, which left her exhausted by evening. She dragged herself to bed and was out like a light. She would work on Rawsthorne after the case was over.

The bad part was that her enthusiasm and effort deeply impressed her impromptu boss. Every day Denis offered to buy her contract, and every day Rawsthorne refused. The mare didn't really mind - she just ignored him and kept working. By Friday she had absorbed all the mandatory texts Denis had given her and all the news reports and case details she could get her hooves on.

Her eyes stung from staring at the computer screen so intently. She tended to get lost in whatever text she was reading to the point that she forgot to blink. Also, if it weren't for Wendy Celestia would have starved. She made a mental note to find a way to repay the woman for bringing her a salad each day, but even that would wait until this case was behind her. The alicorn had learned a lot, but she still didn't feel ready. The human legal system was full of protocols, exceptions and intricacies. She needed to understand as many of them as possible, if she was to offer any kind of help in the case.

She would meet the prosecutor on Monday. The mare loaded her saddlebags with all the books she thought she would need - volumes which were missing from Rawsthorne's library at home. She made her way to the lift after the human, but the pony was barely aware where she was going. Even placing each hoof before the other was a conscious effort.

"You're running yourself ragged with this case," her owner remarked on the elevator. She firmly shook her head.

"I have to help. This will be a precedent-setting case, Gregory. It might even pave the way toward granting ponies the same rights as humans. I have to do all that I can!"

He appreciated how important it was to her and didn't argue. Not only that - Celestia was a little surprised - he lifted up the bags from her and slung them over his shoulder. Her exhaustion wasn't physical, but the mare was still grateful. She gave the human a friendly nuzzle.

"Thank you, Greg. You are a sweet human."

She fell asleep in the car and only woke up when they stopped in the garage. Celestia blinked in surprise for a few moments until she realized where she was.

"Okay, that's enough. Off to bed, right now. We have Sally's party tomorrow and I can't have you falling over. You might land on a kid."

She tried to blow him a raspberry, but it turned into a yawn. A small victory: she managed to push out her tongue as far as it would go while her mouth gaped. He probably understood she had meant to be a little rude.

Maybe the human was right. She should get a good night's sleep, enjoy the party and the cake, then study some more in the afternoon. It wasn't like there was much else to do. It had been raining since Wednesday and the outside was truly miserable with the freezing drizzle.

"Okay, okay. I'll make us a quick dinner and then I'll-"

Rawsthorne laid a hand on her muzzle to shut her up. "Nonsense. You've been doing very well at work. I'll make us sandwiches and you will take it easy over the weekend. You won't make a good impression on the DA if you can't even stand upright!"

"Can too!" She stood up to show him, but nearly lost her balance when another yawn took hold of her.

"That's it. Off to bed! I'll make it a command, if I have to!" the human said sternly. It sounded serious and Celestia decided to obey. She still didn't much like that the human was right, but the mare knew when to concede defeat. She had worked herself too hard, that was true. She would be no use to her ponies if she couldn't see the case through.

She had to admit it: "Maybe you're right. I'll take it easy over the weekend. Let's-" She couldn't even get through that sentence before she yawned again! Cursed weak alicorn body!

"-let's watch a movie."

It would be relaxing, right? Falling asleep leaning against Rawsthorne would be so very pleasant, but the human wouldn't hear of it. "BED! NOW!" he ordered.

Celestia only grumbled a little as she slowly dragged herself up the stairs. She paused right outside her room and then looked down the hallway, smiling a little. He hadn't said whose bed! The pony made her way to the human's bedroom. His was softer, anyway, and it smelled nicer! If he really wanted her rested, then this was the best way.

In moments she was under the covers and asleep. She woke up when something prodded her back, but she just mumbled to whoever it was to go away. The mattress shifted under her as the rude person failed to obey, but the mare didn't really mind. The bed was big enough for two. She woke up briefly again when a pair of arms encircled her barrel, but only enough to lift herself slightly and allow it to slide under her.

The mare gave the palm a friendly lick, then she was gone again. The last thing she managed was: "Good... night..."