• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 21

"Celestia, is everything-" Rawsthorne tried to ask, but he made the error of opening the door to her room and stepping inside. It was as if the man had walked into a solid wall and rebounded. "GAH! Christ, Celestia, what is that?!" her poor owner yelled and hurriedly waved a hand in his face.

The mare surfaced from a very hot, very sweaty and above all, very active dream. She blinked her eyes, then stretched her aching legs. Her blanket nearly crackled. The alicorn remembered the previous night. Luckily it was dark in her room, so Rawsthorne couldn't see the damage. Just smell it.

It was musky and sharp and sweet, all at the same time, and since the mare had been practically stewing in her own juices through the night, it was potent. Enough to drive the human back with a pained look on his face. "Crack a window, jeez!" Rawsthorne complained as he reached for the light switch.

"No! Don't-"

It was too late. The darkness was banished and the human stared in shock. It looked like he didn't even know how to respond proportionately. At length, her owner just sighed and took a backward step into the hallway. "Please clean this mess up. And you may take a bath today."

That made her ears lift up in attention.

"You're yellow, Celestia. What in blazes did you do last night? I heard you, but I didn't imagine it was this bad!"

Aaaand, down the ears went again, but she still found no words.

The mare was beginning to panic. She had to say something. "Sorry."

"I don't have time for this. Clean yourself up, and your room. And please air out the whole house!"

She gave a guilty nod. The blush was stealing over her face and she couldn't quite lift her eyes high enough to meet his. Any chance she might have had with the human was probably ruined. As the pony shifted a little, she became aware of her coat, which was adding to her shame. It was sticky, but only in the places where it wasn't dry and cracking. What she could see on her forelegs was indeed yellow, as were her sheets. So was the pillow, which had somehow ended up between her hind legs.

Some of it was on the ceiling! She had no idea how that could have happened! The pony couldn't hold back a small whimper. Much to her surprise, Rawsthorne came back into the room. He didn't sit on the bed - of course not, especially in his work suit, but he crouched near her and put a hand in her mane. Celestia imagined it was like grabbing a filth-encrusted, sticky mop. But the human showed no disgust.

"Look at me, Celestia."

The command was irresistible. She looked up, her vision only slightly blurred by tears. She tried to blink them away, but they just kept coming. She was surprised they didn't sizzle on her cheeks, which were positively burning with shame. She should have cleaned herself up last night. Also the room. Also she should have found something to wear in bed. Celestia had known all this! She had just been too lazy in the afterglow of her release. Releases, she remembered.

Now it was time to pay the piper.

"I'm- it was-" She took a deep breath and tried again. "I'm sorry! What must you think of me!"

That last wasn't crying, but only through a herculean effort of will. It wasn't far off, but if she could only hold it back until the human left, she would be okay. Her self-loathing could wait for when she was alone. Her shame, too.

Unfortunately, Rawsthorne was perceptive. His hand shifted to her muzzle and lifted her face up, so he could inspect it more closely, and prevent her from burying it in the bed. His thumb gently rubbed her chin and the mare closed her eyes and leaned into the touch.

"I'm sorry I yelled. I didn't realize how bad it is. Please don't cry."

The mare opened her eyes in disbelief. It wasn't a tone she had expected. She was sure she hadn't heard this kind of voice from him yet.

"It makes me do things... want things! I can't even keep it out of my dreams!"

Her owner watched in silence, but there was also sympathy there. And concern. "It's going to get worse, isn't it?"

All she could do was nod.

"Mrs. Turner will let me borrow one of Glowbug's horn rings. A strong one. I'll go buy some rope today after work."

It was a very sensible precaution. If the urge had hit her that strongly on her first day, then she would be entirely out of her control at the peak. "That's g-good. Please be safe. From me."

That wasn't all, it seemed. "I'll also get you some toys. You can use them in the lower bathroom, it'll be easier to clean. You can also take a bath afterwards - as often as you need."

It was good news, but right at that moment it sounded more like a stopgap measure to keep her under control. The mare still nodded in gratitude.

"Let's consider your punishment suspended until this passes, okay?"

"Thank you, Gregory."

The human looked around the room again. "Should I bring you diapers? Just for the night, of course. So you don't have to change the bed every single day."

It was further humiliation. A reminder of just how little control she had over her own body, but she nodded anyway. "That would be best."

"Be safe. I'll come home as quickly as I can. You don't have to bother with dinner - we'll order something, okay?"

The pony just nodded. Rawsthorne was still keeping his hand on her face and she felt the warmth and smoothness of his skin, and his support and care through it. She chose it as her rock to cling to in this world, just as Luna was her strength back home.

Her next word was a mere whisper: "Greg?"

The human leaned closer to hear better. "Yes?"

Even Celestia herself didn't know why she had done it, but the human was there. He had been unfailingly nice to her - even when he was punishing her. He was there, and the mare was alone, confused and a little frightened.

She kissed him.

He didn't push her away. He didn't resist!

When she realized that, Celestia felt her stomach flutter and her heart speed up.

It went on and on, and then, just as suddenly, they were pulling apart. Her first instinct was to apologize. Play it down. Blame it on the hormones.

All of that would be a lie.

She stared the human defiantly in the eye, silently daring him to say something.

"Well- I'm really running late. I'll see you tonight!" Rawsthorne nearly ran from the room, and his expression had been unreadable.

With a sinking feeling, Celestia realized that she might have made a big mistake. Worse than that, she wouldn't know until the evening, unless Mr. Plain came to pick her up sooner than that. She let her muzzle fall on the bed and closed her eyes. The dam threatened to really break now.

"I love you, Greg," she whispered, but it was too late. Maybe if she had led with that, it would have turned out differently? Or maybe she was just a silly old mare with a Stockholm Syndrome.

Thank you Glitter Dust for explaining that one.

Perhaps the lack of herbs made her fall for the nearest male around? If even she couldn't know, how was Rawsthorne supposed to believe anything out of her muzzle?

The pony whimpered silently and sniffed. "You really dropped the Sun on this one, Celestia." There was nothing else for it. The mare dragged herself out of the bed and got to work.

It wasn't a solution she was particularly proud of, but it would do. After the fourth time she had to hurry to the bathroom - and after her second spill, Celestia had groaned in frustration and went to look in the laundry basket. A towel and a pair of Rawsthorne's under-pants. It wasn't a good fit, nor was it comfortable, but what choice did she have? She couldn't keep taking shower after shower!

Her tortured mind alternated between utter despair, when she thought her indiscretion that morning had permanently turned the human away, and excitement, when she imagined she remembered him returning her kiss.

Of course, thoughts of Heavy Hoof and his urgent, desperate grunts kept coming back to haunt her. It always resulted in a mess. At least now, the only casualty would be her tail, which was bunched up uncomfortably under the towel, and maybe the under-pants, which she could wash easily.

Luckily it hadn't happened over a carpet, or she would have accomplished very little in the day. Her own room was bad enough and at least there the towels and the blanket had soaked up most of it.

There were stains in the mattress, though, and the pony didn't know what to do about them. She ended up lifting the thing upright next to an open window. At least it would dry out. She could take it from there later.

The sheets were easier, as were her covers and the blanket itself. In the end, it only took three loads in the washing machine and then the drying machine before she had it all neatly folded back in the wardrobes.

Before the evidence of her night was erased, she mentally corrected and blushed, even if there was no one around.

What mess was left in the carpet took some scrubbing with soap and water and a rather ingenious variation of her dust-removing spell. She was actually quite proud of that one. It also worked on the mattress, after a fashion.

She didn't feel hungry, but she made herself eat a few apples, mainly for something to do with her time as she rested.

The occasional ping from her iPad didn't help. It was Heavy Hoof, asking to chat with her again, but the mare didn't feel like it, so she didn't reply. What would she tell him, anyway? 'Sorry, I kinda like my owner now, so I wanna see where that goes?' She couldn't deal with his whining and begging, not right now. Besides, the stallion had Glitter Dust and Belle Hop and Glowbug to see to his needs. He wouldn't suffer badly without Supple Branch.

She didn't ignore the one from the pegasus, though. Glitter Dust was a mare and would understand.

"hey u there?" it read. Celestia didn't particularly like the pegasus' lack of grammar, but she hadn't brought it up. On the other hoof, her own wasn't exactly flawless either. It was just too much work with the stylus to write exactly right.

"Yes what is it?"

It took a long while, during which the alicorn shuffled her feet uncomfortably. The tail pressed against her was tickling her a little and it would soon be time to change her towel.

Finally, the response came: "hh said u did it yesterday but u arn't answering now" her friend wrote. Then, few moments later: "u ok?"

Celestia rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. It was the stallion again, only this time he was going through the pegasus to talk to her.

"Its complicated I don't wanna talk to him right now"

Of course he had told her everything! 'Supple Branch' would need to have a heart-to-heart with Heavy Hoof. It wasn't a big secret that he was regularly seeing all the mares - except for Lake Frond, Celestia still wasn't sure about her - but he could at least pretend. There was such a thing as discretion!

She considered her answer, but Glitter Dust wasn't done yet: "he also said u r in heat"

Celestia saw no point in lying to the pegasus. "Yes I am so you know why I can't see him" After a moment's thought she added some more explanation. "I got used to the herbs back home and its bad now without them I can't control myself"

She put the iPad down in frustration and considered calling Glitter on video chat, but she really didn't want to change into Supple Branch now. Her makeshift diaper would probably fall down and make another mess.

"oh that explains it ill tell him dont worry i got ur back"

It was very welcome news, but there seemed to be more: "want me to come help u out ;)"

That was a winking face! Celestia nearly gasped in shock at the proposition. And - Luna help her - she was actually considering it! No danger of foals with Glitter Dust and it would help. Except she knew now that she wouldn't be able to hold on to her disguise.

The mare didn't know if she should be relieved that the decision was out of her hooves, or sad that she wouldn't get the release she craved. Of course her imagination began its insidious work immediately. A mare! She would definitely know her way around. More so than a stallion. It would also last longer! A tongue was not... the thing, but it could writhe around, seeking for that spot-

Her ears went flat and Celestia shuddered. No, the disguise spell was still the key point! She had to be firm with herself.

"Thanks but I'm fine just need a few days to get over it. Can you tell the others?"

Even the text of Glitter's reply seemed disappointed: "awww," but Glitter didn't make a fuss. She went on simply: "okay i got u"

Of course she couldn't leave without teasing some more. Celestia blushed again as she read her final message.

"u know where to find me if u change ur mind! ;) ;) ;)"

Three of them this time! She would never have guessed that he pegasus liked mares. Not after the rumours about Heavy Hoof. Maybe Glitter Dust went both ways? It was a very inappropriate thought for the Princess, but also one she couldn't stop. How bad would it be if she told them the truth and then invited both of them over?

She could watch Heavy Hoof with Glitter Dust, and then Glitter Dust could have a turn with Celestia. Heavy Hoof could even help out, and he would keep going much longer than usual because of the smell. Glitter would certainly appreciate that!

Celestia bit her lip as she tried and failed to suppress an excited whinny. Then she thought what Rawsthorne would say and her ears flopped down. The human would probably allow it. He would just be so very disappointed in her. One moment she is professing her love for her owner, and the next she's involved with two other ponies, right under his roof. Yeah, that'd be bound to make him return her affection!

No! The alicorn was adamant. If she was to have any chance at all with her owner, she had to be strong. Plus the whole disguise thing, etcetera.

Even if it meant dealing with the heat on her own and then working on bringing about their relationship with a clear head. Rawsthorne would trust her words more then, too.

Would she still feel the same way, though? Her doubt - the fact there was doubt - made it even more important that she didn't do anything stupid or drastic during this trying time!

"You probably blew the spell already this morning, don't make it any worse!" Maybe talking to herself helped, or maybe it just distracted her, but the urgent heat under her towel subsided a little.

There was still some dusting to do - that should clear her head a little - and later she would make dinner for Rawsthorne, heat or no. Her owner had said she didn't have to, but it would be something enjoyable to do. Other than that.

If she performed all her duties well, she would indulge in a short bath. The human had said she could do that! Only then, in the bath tub, would she reward herself with a little hoofplay. Hopefully that should help her keep it under control through dinner.

After that - maybe she could video chat Heavy Hoof again? Despite her dreams, Celestia had slept better than she had expected. It would relax her again, no doubt.

She wanted to say no. Stay strong. Keep control. Sadly, even now her will was flagging under the relentless assault from her hormones. It was a curse, that's what heat was! The pony sighed and went to look for a duster.

Heavy Hoof was a gentlecolt. He would understand she wanted some fun over video chat, but not the real thing. Right?

She was at one of her low points when Rawsthorne returned. It didn't help that the human was running very late. Obviously! He had to arrange things with Mr. Plain to come pick her up, it was the only explanation. Not only would they send her back home, but it will be in the middle of her heat!

Luna was a smart mare. She would undoubtedly guess what had happened, at least a version of it, and then the jokes and jabs and snickering would come. For weeks!

That wasn't even the worst bit. She would miss Earth! The beautiful landscape. Her first winter without journalists in ages. Her new friends - there was no way she would be able to stay in touch. Maybe through letters, but only if Mr. Plain would be kind enough to relay them. Not to mention she would have to keep lying to them forever. The mare had hopes of finding a way to free all the ponies and take them back with her. They wouldn't really mind her disguise if she freed them, right?

Now it wouldn't come to pass, simply because she had given in to a stupid impulse. Why? Why did she have to try and kiss the human? In time he might have opened up more, but in her heat it was pushy of her at best, disgusting at worst, especially after he had seen her in the mess she made. Of course he couldn't return any feelings! Her punishment was that now she would never have the chance. Not after he threw her out in disappointment!

The pony was on the verge of tears when she heard the car and the garage door. She made her way to the hallway outside and waited for the verdict. Only one car, so maybe Mr. Plain wasn't coming yet. It was late, the auctioneer would probably come for her tomorrow. She kept her eyes on the floor when her owner entered.

"Oh, there you are, Celestia. Help me with these, alright?"

Her face snapped upward and her ears lifted, but the mare didn't dare allow herself hope. The tone had been so casual as if nothing had happened! She felt her mouth open in shock and unexpected hope bloom in her heart.

"Celestia? Everything alright?" Rawsthorne asked with a touch of concern.

"Y-you're not mad? Dis-disgusted?"

Now it was his turn to gape. "Whatever for? Did you do something?"

She hurriedly shook her head. She had, in her frustration and misery, done a superb job on the house. The pony knew that. Every surface was sparkling. Every speck of dust cleaned up. Floors washed, carpets vacuumed, laundry finished.

To top it all, not one but two delicious lasagnas! Well, one tasty and one foul. She had gone the extra mile and made a meat one for Rawsthorne.

"No! Nothing!" It was all she could do to answer his simple question.

"Then why?"

He wasn't going to bring it up! Celestia didn't know if she should be pleased that he didn't seem to care about her indiscretion, or sad that he so casually dismissed her kiss.

"This morning..." She really had to stop answering in sentence fragments.

At least it worked! Rawsthorne remembered and looked away. If she had to guess, a blush was coming. And she still didn't know what to make of it. Was the human open to a relationship or not?!

"Oh, yes. Well, that," he mumbled. "I'll attribute that to the heat."

Her ears went down again, but this time in disappointment. "Oh. Yes, of course."

At least it didn't sound as if he would send her away or punish her. It wasn't the response she had feared, but it also wasn't one she had hoped for.

Maybe it still wasn't quite off the table? Perhaps it was the hormones, but she had to know. "When it's over? I-" She looked away to keep from blushing at the blatantness of what she was asking. "I'd like to- I wish to explore this a bit more, Gregory. I l-like you."

When he didn't answer, she looked into his deeply thoughtful frown. At long last he spoke. "We will see."

It felt like a kick in the gut, but the mare drew a shuddering breath and nodded. "Yes. Thank you. Sorry."

"These bags now?"

She quickly lifted them up in her magic. They were full of blocky shapes. Definitely not groceries, but she didn't really care at this point. Even her heat and the pressure in her groin felt distant. The human had all but snubbed her and she felt about ready to cry.

"Where do you want me to take them?" She would put the stuff where Rawsthorne told her, then run to her room for privacy.

Why should this matter so much?! It never did before! Stupid hormones, and her stupid heart and - the pony nearly growled at the thought - stupid unrequitting human!

If he noticed her inner turmoil, her owner didn't show it. He just pointed with his hand. "Living room. These are all for you."

Gifts might make her feel better. She hurried there with the bags and emptied them on the coffee table while Rawsthorne took a seat on the couch. A few of them she recognized immediately. Toys. A few human-shaped and one in pony anatomy.

She looked up with surprise. Getting those must not have been easy. Perhaps Rawsthorne did care for her? It lightened her heart a little. There were two she didn't immediately recognize. She lifted up one which looked like a thick stick with a half-sphere on one end.

"What is this one?"

The human had obviously mastered his embarrassment, because he didn't seem put off in the slightest. "That's a vibrator. I have batteries for it somewhere. It... well, it vibrates. Give it a try and see if you like it."

She definitely would. The alicorn found thoughts of unrequitted emotions and Rawsthorne returning her affection slipping away as her heat reasserted itself.

One more she was curious about, then she could take them all and try to douse the fire within. "And this?"

The human shrugged. "Oh, that's a massaging shower head. I'll change the one in the upstairs shower."

She didn't immediately realize why he had brought it. Sure, a massage would be nice, but it wouldn't help too much with her current problem. Then she looked at the vibrating toy. An idea occurred and the mare gasped.

"OH! You mean I can use it to-"

Luckily she didn't say it. Her owner nodded. "Exactly. It was mentioned on TV once, in one of those housewives dramas or something. I thought you could give it a try. Oh, and I also got this."

He reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a black, misshapen circle. She recognized it immediately.

"Oh, that's why you were talking with Mrs. Turner! Glowbug's horn ring?"

"Exactly. She has more of them, so she could let us borrow this one. I also have some rope in the car, but I really hope we won't need these things, Celestia. You can keep a hold on yourself, can't you?"

She gulped. As intense as it had been the previous night she didn't think she could control herself this night, let alone over the weekend when it would really hit her hard!

"I will try, but please have those in your bedroom. If I come... for you... in the night..."

She mumbled until she stopped, embarrassed and blushing. Then she gathered her resolve and went on. It was important the human knew how to defend himself. "Pretend to agree with me. Say you won't do it unless I wear the ring. I will be really stupid, okay? The heat- it messes with your head."

Again there was that look of sympathy and care on his face. Again, the twinge in her heart. She went around the coffee table and gently touched her muzzle to an arm.

"This is not the heat talking, Greg. This is me. You have my undying gratitude. And when I said I like you a lot, it wasn't just a lie to get in your pants."

This next sacrifice would be huge. Hopefully he would see it as meaningful. "I... don't want your, uh, 'help' with this heat. I'm serious about taking it further when it's over. I'm okay with you restraining me however you can."

He fell back to his previous argument again: "But Celestia, I'm still the master. The difference in-"

She grunted and interrupted him. "-power. Yes, I know all that. I don't care. Remember when I had to tell you not to treat me as a horse?"

He nodded. "Well, it is the same thing now. Don't treat me like a slave! I haven't felt like a slave for a single second I was here!" She was getting dangerously close to admitting her real purpose and status, but she was willing to accept the risk. "I wanted to do all these things for you. I don't see a difference in power! I don't know about how 'wrong' this would be. I just know I like you and it feels right."

The speech ended with her breathing heavily and staring hard at her owner. He didn't quite know what to say to that. The fact pleased her immensely. Maybe she was getting through to him.

"Okay, okay," the human gave in. "Enough of that. I'll think it over and we'll talk about it when the heat is over, deal?"

It wasn't a no! From her viewpoint, it was practically a yes! The weekend would be hard, but with all the toys Rawsthorne had brought her, she could make it bearable. She would take the horn ring even before it started. In fact- The mare floated up the ring and slipped it on her horn. It felt heavier than it should and made her quite uneasy, but it was a show of faith.

She wondered if she should feel anything. "There, now you don't have to fear my magic. How does it work?"

Rawsthorne just stared in shock. "Wow. Committed, aren't you?" He searched his pockets and brought out a small, black, plastic square. "A remote. I can set how much magic it blocks. Right now, it's not doing anything."

"Turn it to maximum."

The human did so, after seeing her determination. There was an almost imperceptible electronic whir from the ring, but she didn't feel the sudden, blinding pain she had been half-expecting.

She experimentally tried a simple levitation spell. The effort was there, and she felt the magic leave her, but nothing happened. She concentrated harder and the electronic whine got louder. It felt as if the ring was absorbing all the magic! It was a disconcerting feeling and she understood why Glowbug hated it so much. A new thought made her wonder and she focused quickly on the Sun.

No, that was still there. Apparently the ring worked only on the unicorn magic. It made sense - the humans didn't have an alicorn to study. A few spells which involved that part of her power would probably work. Hopefully she wouldn't remember that when the heat blanked her mind and made her go to Rawsthorne.

"Well?" the human asked. He was just as curious as her.

"It is strange. I am trying really hard to lift that box, and it feels like it should be working. If I kept it up, I would be just as drained and tired as if I had been doing it, but it is not happening. The ring is soaking it up instead."

He fiddled with the remote and suddenly the box responded and shot up into the air.

"Ugh! Now it just feels really, really heavy! I can barely hold on to it. It is a huge effort!" She lowered the box and let herself relax. "What did you do?"

"It's one setting less than the full block. Here, let me turn it off. We don't need it right now."

The electric noise went away and Celestia tried her spell again. Now it was working as it should. It was quite scary, the things these humans could do. She wrenched her mind away from that line of thought.

"So, how come I don't just remove the ring with my hoof? Turn it on again, I want to try something."

The human obliged as she sat on her haunches and raised her hooves to her horn. It was tricky to grasp, but she got it and tugged. It made her gasp out in pain and caused her eyes to water. The thing felt as if it was a part of her horn. She wouldn't be able to pull it off without ripping it right out of her skull.

"Yes, I understand now. I wonder how it does that."

"Does what?" Rawsthorne turned it off again, much to her relief. She tried again and now it slid off easily. She let it fall back down.

"It feels like it's stuck there. Like it's a part of my horn. If I pulled hard enough, I would rip my horn out."

Her owner examined his remote again. "Ah, I see. There's a separate setting - a padlock. That probably allows you normal use of magic, but doesn't allow you to remove it. Clever."

She nodded. "Good. Use that. Keep that remote near your bed. If I come in the night I won't be myself, remember? I doubt you'll be able to reason with me. So just use that to get rid of my magic, then... tie me up."

Again it made her think of how helpless she would be. Horny, willing and helpless. Perfect for taking. Maybe, seeing her that way, Rawsthorne wouldn't be able to resist-

The mare gulped. She had to do something about it, quickly. Before she began begging the human for it. "Dinner's on the table! I'll be back in thirty minutes!"

He didn't argue as she grabbed all the toys in her magic and almost galloped upstairs. Thank goodness for the towel and the underpants! A most sensible precaution!

Even as she ran up the stairs she tore open the pony-toy box. Rawsthorne had brought it just in time!

After taking care of her biological urges, Celestia had taken a long, luxurious and - above all - extremely hot bath. She had dried herself off, wrapped herself in Rawsthorne's bathrobe and crawled into bed. It was the perfect ending! Now the alicorn was lying sprawled across her bed when she remembered something Rawsthorne had said. She lifted her head with a vaguely interrogative grunt.

Surely he didn't? She had to know. The mare groaned a little in dismay. She had just gotten comfortable. Now she had to get out again. Of course she did. She would never sleep if she didn't find out the answer to that question!

She exited her room with her head and tail hanging down limply and her hooves dragging on the floor. She paused for a moment to swivel her ears this way and that. The human was already in his bedroom. She would probably wake him up, but she had to know. She knocked politely, but didn't wait for the invitation before entering.

The human lifted himself up and reached for the switch, but the pony was faster. She turned on the light and focused a stare on her owner.

He opened his mouth to ask, but she quickly reassured him. "No, I haven't come for that. Don't worry."

He visibly relaxed, but now his curiosity was piqued. He didn't even seem annoyed that she was disturbing his sleep. "Why have you come, then?"

She almost didn't hear it. She was looking at the bed. It seemed too comfortable. Even without an actual, conscious decision Celestia walked forward and lifted herself up. The bathrobe - human shaped - was a bit uncomfortable around her forelegs, but she liked its smell so she ignored it.

The human obligingly made room for her and the mare fell down with something between a grunt and a sigh. Only then did she speak up. "You said you borrowed the horn ring from Mrs. Turner, but she thinks I'm an earth pony. Did you tell her?"

If he had, Glowbug would probably know very soon, and then the others. It would significantly complicate matters. If Rawsthorne had blabbed, the glare she was giving him was fully justified. If not, she would apologize later.

"No, I didn't. I told her it was for a work colleague who has a problematic unicorn."

Relief flowed through her and the pony smiled. "Smart human." The only problem left now, was that she was getting warm and comfortable and her room was all the way on the other side of the hallway. She simply laid her head down.

Perhaps the pleasant, slightly sore glow after her session with the toys was making her too relaxed, but Celestia felt mellow and cuddly. Rawsthorne would just have to live with it. At least for a while. Only one thing was missing. She raised her head and concentrated. Her horn glowed around the ring.

Seconds later, a plastic tub floated into the room, accompanied by two spoons. She cast a sneaky glance at the human and saw his mouth twitch up in a smile. Good. He wasn't mad.

The ice cream landed between her forelegs and she popped the container open. Mint. It was perfect.

Rawsthorne reached out and fingered the cloth of her bathrobe. Yes, she had decided it was hers. At least while his smell lasted. Then she would make him take a bath and wear it for a while to replenish it.

"Looks funny on you."

The mare pulled the spoon out of her mouth and stuck her tongue out by way of answer. Then she waved the other spoon in Rawsthorne's face. "Shut up and eat."

He waved it away. "Thanks, but I'm good. You just enjoy it."

The pony intended to do just that, but there was one more thing. She wondered if she could press her luck. "Wait."

She lifted the ice cream up and rolled around awkwardly for a bit until she got the sheet from under her. Then Celestia shuffled closer to the warm human and covered herself up. It made a little cave around her head and horn with just enough room for the ice cream and the spoon.


Perhaps she was pushing it too far, but the alicorn didn't care at the moment. She was emotional, horny and wrung out, all at the same time. The human would just have to bear it for a while.

Yes! There it came! The hand, starting on her neck, then sliding down to her back, where it settled. The fingers played lightly with the fabric of the bathrobe. She almost purred in delight.

"Correction. Now it's perfect."

The human still didn't say anything, which was just as well. She dipped the spoon back into the minty, sugary goodness and chomped down. It was as if the treat was cooling the fire in her belly.

"You're not going to sleep here, are you?" Rawsthorne finally asked and broke the spell.

It made Celestia sigh sadly. "No. Just let me finish this ice cream, then I'll leave you alone." She almost felt him nod, even if the sheet was covering her almost entirely. Eyes weren't important right at the moment. It was all about the smell and the taste and the warmth.

"Oh, and thank you, Greg. I do realize just how inappropriate this must seem and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you being so accepting."

Now he was probably blushing in modesty. At least that's how she chose to imagine her owner. "Don't mention it. It's a trying time, I understand."

The pony nodded a little, but didn't talk with her mouth full. She almost raced to the end of the tub, then was sorry it was gone so quickly. She lifted the cover and put the empty plastic and the spoon on the end table.

One more thing to do - this one for a chuckle before bed. She licked the human on his cheek with her icy-cold tongue.

He made the cutest little gasp of surprise and Celestia couldn't keep back a titter. She did it again, but a hand came to stop it. So she licked the palm, instead. That time there was no reaction.


"Are you done?" There was a note of annoyance, faint, but present. The mare knew she was pushing her luck too far. It was time to go.

She wasn't mad, because now she had set a precedent! A quick cuddle and ice cream in Rawsthorne's bed was apparently okay! Maybe even welcome. She wondered if she could build on it. Perhaps once her heat was done and she wasn't a danger to her owner's health in the night, the mare could extend her comfortable stay further and further, until she 'accidentally' fell asleep!

"Yes. Sorry. But also thank you, Greg. You're a good human." She dragged herself out of bed and picked up the empty ice cream cup and cutlery. She couldn't help noticing the remote for the horn ring on the end table.

"I think I'll be fine for tonight. Thanks for- uh. Thanks for the toys. They help."

Was it just her imagination, or did the human look relieved? She nearly humphed. Relieved that a beautiful, needy mare won't come to his bed in the night! The audacity! She considered taking a small revenge by hiding the remote for her collar. Then he would be helpless if she needed something warm inside her in the night. The mare felt herself starting to blush and hurriedly turned off the light to hide it.

"Good night, Greg!" Her voice was a bit more squeaky than she would have liked, but maybe the human hadn't noticed. She hurried out of the room.