• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 4,090 Views, 199 Comments

Off Duty - awf

After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized.

  • ...

Chapter 55

Almost exactly as they had predicted, the group came to their destination late at night. It was nearing midnight when they checked into yet another hotel room. This one had one big bed and a couch. There also weren't any chocolates on the pillows. Celestia hoped there was hot water at least. Keeping up her disguise up for the second day in a row was getting quite exhausting. Luckily, she could get a full night's sleep and be ready again the next morning. The border was mere miles away now. She could sense its energy in the distance!

While Lake Frond and Rock Lichen were getting settled on the couch, Celestia laid down across Rawsthorne's knees on their bed. "Tired?"

He shrugged, then nodded. Yes, Celestia imagined. Driving looked about as tiring as her spell. It took constant focus which wore you down after a while. They had stopped several times to rest and once to eat, but the man still looked a little down. She knew why. If everything went well, this would be their last night together for quite a while. The realization made Celestia heave a dissappointed sigh.

"Come, let's go and take a shower."

That cheered him up a little. If she couldn't see Rawsthorne for the next month or two, then she would make him remember her. Celestia had spent some quiet time in the car to recall, word for word, the article from the laundromat, and to think hard on how it applied to her and Rawsthorne. She had some ideas to try and, since it wasn't all that late, she would have the time to experiment with most of them.

She was about to jump from the bed and drag the man to the bathroom, but Lake Frond beat her to it. The couple were headed there. "Our turn first, this time!" the mare said. Then she paused and looked worriedly at the Princess. "Uh, if that's okay?"

Celestia didn't have the heart to deny them. She had seen how crazy about each other the two were, even after years together. They could hardly keep their hooves to themselves in the car. Even Rawsthorne had to blush at some of the sounds from the back seat. For that matter, Celestia herself was worried that the two had stopped breathing at a few points! It was probably the prospect of freedom and the thought of raising a family, she guessed. Her heart sang to see such love among her subjects.

Since the bathroom was busy, she nudged Rawsthorne in the ribs with her snout. "Lie down."

He seemed shocked. "What? Here?!"

She laughed at his expression. "So? They will be busy in the shower. We will hear it stop with enough warning. We can... 'warm up'."

"But- you look like Supple Branch," he pointed out.

Celestia leaned her head to the side. She did. "Why is that a problem?"

He couldn't quite explain, but he tried anyway: "Dunno. Feels slightly like cheating on you."

It was quite sweet, Celestia decided and, in time, it could be useful to liven things up a little! She stepped down from the bed and winked. "Let me slip into something more comfortable." It was a line she had heard on TV and so fitting! They both laughed at it as the glow enveloped her.

The only problem was that Rawsthorne was still sitting up. After another prod, he complied and lay back. Celestia tugged at his shirt which he obediently removed. The best part was that with him like that, she could watch his face the whole time. She eagerly climbed on the bed and only remembered at the last moment to levitate a towel from her saddlebag. They would still need to sleep on those sheets afterward.

"Princess? Please wake up!" Again a whisper was rousing her from sleep! What was it with waking up the sleeping alicorn these days?!

Celestia opened her eyes and groaned a little. She had barely nodded off! At least, she saw, Rawsthorne was still asleep. Good thing she had worn him out! Who then was calling her? All she could see was a pony-shaped shadow beside the bed. There was a faint light, coming from the bathroom.

"Lake Frond?"

The mare sounded horrible. Like she had been crying. "Please. I need to talk to somepony!" Her desperate tone washed away every last vestige of tiredness. Her heart began to beat faster in fear as Celestia carefully slipped out of Rawsthorne's grasp. She paused to see if the man would wake up. He didn't.

Lake Frond grasped her foreleg and tugged. "Please," she repeated.

Celestia didn't speak, just followed the mare into the bathroom. There the distraught pony closed the door and looked up. Her face was a mess of tears.

"Lake Frond? What has happened? What is wrong?"

All the mare could do was begin crying again. It was a job for the Royal Chest Fluff. Celestia simply grasped her friend and embraced her. After a few seconds she added her wings to block out the big, bad world from the two of them.

"I'm sorry," Lake Frond said tearfully. "I'm so sorry for this, Princess. I was stupid and I should have thought it through and I should have noticed but I was just so stupid!"

The mare was babbling and Celestia pressed her more firmly against herself. "Hush, sweetie. Start from the beginning. What is wrong?"

Lake sniffed and wiped at her snout with her hoof. She couldn't meet Celestia's gaze. "S-some time ago," she explained, a little hesitantly and with her ears plastered all the way down, "when I de-decided I wanted a foal..."

A chill ran down her spine and Celestia recalled a few of the more horrific stories she had heard whispered in the Canterlot Castle. Humans who didn't want their mares to become pregnant. Who treated them as pets. And had them-

Celestia shuddered at the mere thought.


Her own tears were threatening to begin flowing now. "What did they do to you?"

Lake Frond watched her in confusion for a moment, then her mouth opened and her eyes widened as she realized it. "OH! No, no! Nothing like that!" she said quickly. "I didn't mean to imply-" She stopped and lowered her eyes again. "I can't even do this right," she moaned.

It wasn't that, then. She doubted she had ever felt such relief in her life, but her heart was still hammering and Celestia was still afraid. "Do not worry. Go on, you can tell me. I will help, I promise."

Now the other mare shut her eyes tightly and resumed her story: "I met t-this... pony on the Internet. He used to be an apprentice alchemist in a shop in Los Pegasus. A-and he made me this potion..."

Again, Lake Frond fell silent, so Celestia asked a question to move the mare along. "What kind of potion."

"F-f-fertility p-potion." It didn't sound too problematic, but they were probably getting to that part. This time Celestia decided to tactfully wait for her friend to work up the courage on her own.

Finally, Lake Frond took a breath and went on: "It was supposed to... b-bring my heat sooner, if it wasn't t-too far."

Maybe the potion did something to her? Again, Celestia felt pity for the poor creature, but this time she didn't comment on it.

"A-anyway, when you called us and said we were going," Lake Frond began, her voice full of shame and misery, "I..." She took a shuddering breath and Celestia hugged her more tightly again. She was keeping the wings around them and now quickly added a silence spell. "I drank it," the mare finished lamely. "I know it was a stupid, foolhardy, idiot thing to do, but I just..." She sobbed and bravely forced herself to continue. "I just got so excited, P-princess. I don't know what came over me. I drank it before we escaped."

"What happened?" The mare was silent, so Celestia asked again. "Lake Frond? Did it work?"

When Lake Frond opened her mouth again, the words came out in a rush, as if she wanted to be rid of them as quickly as possible. "It was supposed to take a week! I swear, the pony said it would be a week until it took effect and I thought - I thought that was just enough time to get home and then we could start right away!" She looked up imploringly at Celestia. "Please, Princess! I swear I-" Swallowing, she tried again: "It was supposed to bring my heat a week from now and Rock and me could try for a foal right away when we got home!"

It was obvious the potion didn't work as expected. Celestia was starting to get a suspicion. Their over-eagerness in the car. The length of time they were in the shower, both the previous night and this one, but she didn't sigh in exasperation. The poor mare was distraught enough as it was. Instead, she made her voice gentle. She needed her ponies to trust her, not fear her. Lake Frond had done the right thing by telling her. "It worked too fast?"

The mare nodded silently.

"And now-"

Another nod, but Lake Frond finished the sentence: "I'm pregnant."

Of course the mare would know. Almost from the day it happened. It was probably last night, then, so she would be sensing it tonight.

"Does Rock Lichen know?"

Now Lake Frond shook her head and began sobbing again. "I'm just a stupid filly and I messed everything up. I'm sorry, Princess..."

It wasn't necessarily a problem. "It was a rash decision, yes, but I am not mad at you, Lake Frond."

The ears perked up and an incredulous stare followed.

"No, I am not. You wanted what every mare wants naturally. I can't be angry if - in your excitement - you made a foolish decision. Many have done so before you." The poor pony just burst into tears again, but this time out of relief. "Why does this worry you like this? Surely nothing will be seen for many months. It will not affect our crossing of the border."

Lake Frond was shaking her head. It took her some time before she could speak. "I-if something went wrong... and I got sent back..." she began, but shuddered and fresh tears overwhelmed her.

Celestia remembered the threat her owners had made. "I will not let that happen. I swear this to you, Lake Frond. You will pass the border tomorrow into Equestria as a free mare and your child will grow up there, free."

"B-but, but," the mare blubbered, "if it goes wrong..."

Celestia nuzzled her poor, frightened friend. "Sweetie, it will go smoothly. Even if the worst did come about - remember that I am an alicorn. I will get us home, no matter what it takes." It seemed to help, but she couldn't be sure. The mare just kept crying into the Royal Chest Fluff.

She held Lake Frond gently and nuzzled her, but inside Celestia was worried. With this knowledge, she could not let Lake Frond fall back into human hands. It was now impossible to go back. However badly things went at the border - and the mare still hoped they wouldn't - Lake Frond had to end up in Equestria. There was no more choice. She began searching her memory for battle spells. Awful things of huge destructive power. Evil magic. Things she had hoped never to use again. She began praying that she would not need them.

She went back to bed hoping that she would not have to start a war.

This time it wasn't a voice which woke Celestia, but rather an incessant, annoying ringing. It took her a moment to realize where it was coming from, but then she quickly nudged the man sleeping beside her. "Gregory. Your phone."

He sighed and reached for the thing on his nightstand. He peered at the screen, but then sat bolt upright. "Miriam?" he asked and quickly put it against his ear. "Hello?"

Celestia also lifted herself up. Of course she couldn't sleep through it.

"Yes, Rawsthorne? Where are you? Did you get the ponies through yet?" the D.A. asked.

Rawsthorne needed a few seconds to gather his thoughts. "N-no," he finally mumbled and looked at the mare beside him. "We're going in the morning. What time is it?"

This time Celestia stopped herself from feeling the Sun. Besides, Miriam answered the question: "Nearly five."

"The border does not open for another two hours," Celestia said.

Rawsthorne just repeated the same thing, but Miriam had heard her. "Is that Celestia? Lemme talk to her."

Rawsthorne held the phone out and touched the button which would make it louder. He didn't need to, not for her benefit, but Celestia guessed he also wanted to hear what Miriam had to say.

"I am here. What is wrong, Miriam?"

There was a faint shuffle of cloth from the other room and Celestia guessed they had woken up at least on of their friends. Probably the mare.

"You need to go through right now! It would have been better if you went yesterday, but you need to go, now!"

The emphasis worried her and Celestia shivered a little. "Why? What is wrong?"

Before answering, Miriam heaved a sigh. The little speaker in the phone distorted it somewhat, but exasperation came through unmasked. "Look, did your two friends tell their owners anything when they escaped?" the D.A. asked.

"No, I don't think so." At least, Celestia added to herself, they hadn't mentioned anything of the sort. She spotted Lake Frond looking around the door with wide, frightened eyes, and waved a hoof to call her silently inside. The mare walked to the bed tentatively.

"Wait just one second, Miriam," Celestia said and looked down at her friend. "Lake Frond, did you or Rock Lichen tell your humans about this?"

The mare shook her head. "N-no, of course not! Why?"

Miriam heard and answered: "Well, somehow they knew exactly where you were going. They called the police and the picture is probably already up at the border."

The poor mare was shaking her head in horror. "No, t-that can't be!" she mumbled, as if trying to will it so.

Celestia swallowed and her stomach sank. There was no way they could change their paperwork, even if they dyed both the ponies to change their color. "What do we do?" She sounded defeated. They had come so far, through such hardship, only to be denied at the last step.

"Hey, that's why I'm calling," Miriam said and she sounded optimistic. The alicorn imagined her mischievous smile. "There's a chance they didn't look at the wanted list yet, or maybe they hadn't printed it out."

Her ears perked up and Celestia allowed herself a small measure of hope.

"But you have to go RIGHT NOW, understand? They will certainly have it printed and on the wall by seven!" the woman admonished.

"B-but it's not even open yet!"

Miriam sighed. "I know, I know, but- there's usually some guards posted. Go there, talk to them. Beg. Pay. Whatever it takes, just get through, okay?"

Celestia was about to ask for more details, but she saw that Lake Frond wasn't listening anymore. The mare was sitting on her haunches with her forelegs wrapped around her belly. Fresh tears were flowing down her face and she was no doubt imagining what the humans would do if they recaptured her. Gathering her courage, Celestia very briefly hugged Rawsthorne, then slipped out of the bed and laid a gentle wing around the devastated mare.

"Come, let us go and put on my dye. We have to hurry. Gregory, you wake up Rock Lichen!"

The man agreed and said a hurried goodbye and a thank you to Miriam. But just before he hung up, Celestia called out again. "Miriam? How did you know this?"

"My friend at the FBI called me as soon as the wanted list got out today. Go!"

She squeaked her own thanks and led Lake Frond to the bathroom to get ready. She didn't need the mare to help her, but she didn't want to leave her alone. Busy, that was the key. Prevent her from thinking!

She heard Rawsthorne get out of bed and begin dressing himself. He would have plenty of time. The hair dye took nearly half an hour and Celestia just hoped it wouldn't be too late.

When she burst out of the bathroom with Lake Frond right behind, she saw a disturbing sight. Rawsthorne was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands, and Rock Lichen was huddled on the floor, sobbing. His marefriend quickly went to him. "Rock?" she asked worriedly, concern for herself momentarily forgotten. "Rock?! What's wrong? What happened?"

It almost looked as if the stallion didn't want the hug. He wriggled free and admitted, amidst choking sobs: "It w-was m-me!"

"What are you talking about?" Lake Frond asked.

He glanced up at Celestia. "Please, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think. Just go without us, they shouldn't bother you if we're not with you and we'll go back to Master and Mistress. I'll say it was all my fault, okay?"

Celestia didn't quite follow. "What? Why? Why would you go back? How is it your fault, Rock Lichen?"

He drew a deep breath and looked back to his wife, who was just staring at him in shock. "I-" he tried to say, but sobbed instead. "I wrote a note... f-for Mas-master!"

The mare shrank away from the stallion. "Rock?" she asked with a fearful voice. It sounded as if she didn't really want to know, but couldn't stop the question: "What note?"

He seemed to get a grip on himself and explained again: "Before we w-went. I wanted to say thank you to Master, so I left him a note. I said we wanted to raise a family and that I was g-grateful for his... k-kindness..." his voice trailed off at the end.

Celestia understood. "You essentially told them exactly where you are going."

All Rock Lichen could do was nod. "I'm so, so, sorry, Pri-princess! I wasn't thinking, and now if you're with me and Lake, they probably won't let you through. We can't do that to you!"

Celestia put her head in her hooves, much like Rawsthorne was doing. For a moment she allowed herself to feel a sliver of anger. She pointed a trembling leg at the pair. "Let me understand this. While you were drinking a fertility potion, you were writing a helpful little note to your slavers, telling them where you were going and why?"

The stallion looked at his wife in fresh shock. "F-Fertility potion?!"

She just nodded, but couldn't answer. Lake Frond was still staring at him with something close to betrayal. "Yes. And it worked too fast. She is pregnant, Rock Lichen. She can not go back, do you understand?"

The pony paled, his gray fur going nearly white. Rawsthorne also stared, but the human didn't say anything.

"L-lake- I di- didn't..." the stallion mumbled, "I- I'm-" He couldn't form even a single sentence. Then he looked up at the Princess. "Please..." he whispered, knowing fully that it was futile. "Please help."

It broke her heart. Of course Celestia couldn't say no, even after both their blunders, but it looked more and more like she would have to start a war with Earth over this. Her shoulders slumped. "I will get you home. I promised."

At least the ponies had the decency to look at the floor in embarrassment.

"But we have to hurry. Now!"

It was before six that the group arrived at the portal building. It looked like a small war zone, even though no battles have been fought over this scrap of land. Some of the nearby buildings were abandoned and a few had been demolished to make room for new construction. The portal had opened in a crossroads in the middle of a human city and it was sheer luck that no one was hurt. Had it destroyed a building, or - goodness forbid - hurt some humans, they would likely have seen it as an attack and diplomacy would have been all but impossible.

As it was, Celestia remembered, both sides had scurried to put the situation under control. Chain link fences and guards were the first measures, quickly followed by more permanent walls as it became apparent that the phenomenon was going to last. It was still there, she could sense it. The gateway to her home was really close now. Celestia barely restrained herself from simply blowing a hole in the wall and running for it with her ponies. Instead, she entered the reception with Rawsthorne and the couple. She remembered the place from her first trip through, but her pony friends were looking around nervously. It was likely quite a bit different than they remembered. If they had even been conscious when they were first brought through. In the years since, the diplomatic relationships improved and the place was no longer a fortress, warding against an invasion, but simply a border crossing. Laws were enacted and procedures agreed upon. Men with guns had been gradually replaced by those with clipboards

This way the humans could precisely control who came and went. They could enforce the trade agreements and prevent contraband from moving between the worlds. On her first trip through the bureaucratic machine Celestia had been impressed by the attention to detail and efficiency. Now she hoped the guards were lazy and inept.

At long last! A fat, sleepy-looking man ambled over from somewhere in the back to answer Rawsthorne's persistent knocking. It seemed as if he was the only one watching the place at night, but Celestia suspected there were a few more watchmen making their patrols.

"Whatd'ya want?!" the guard bellowed. "Border opens in an hour!"

Rawsthorne was prepared: he had a hundred dollar bill in his hand. "Please! I have a very important meeting and I need to drop these three off before that. Can't we do this now?"

The fat man gave it some thought. His eyes followed the money closely. Rawsthorne reached into a pocket with his other hand and pulled out another bill. Now it was two hundred and the guard licked his lips.

"Well, okay. You've got your papers?" he agreed, a little reluctantly.

Celestia stepped up smartly to her human so he could pull the briefcase from her saddlebag. "Right here," Rawsthorne said. He gave the man his money together with the documents. "Thank you, Mr.?"

The fat human grunted. "Bass," he said. "Just call me Walter." His years of dealing with all sorts of people came to Rawsthorne's aid. He smiled pleasantly and there was nothing in his expression except honest relief. "Rawsthorne," he said and shook the other man's hand. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Walter. I should have been here last night, but I had a flat. You know how it is."

Celestia was impressed by how well Rawsthorne could lie, but she didn't draw attention to it. The other two ponies were looking at the ground, as if hiding their faces would make them less noticeable. It wouldn't work. Humans went by fur and mane color, she knew, but she stayed near her friends and bumped her flank against Lake Frond's to try and reassure her. They followed Walter Bass through some hallways and to the portal. She knew the way and what to expect, but the other two didn't. When they came to their destination, the ponies stared around in awe. Double doors opened into a a huge room. The ceiling would be lost in shadows, if there weren't neon light bulbs embedded in it. Walls were bare, except for a few splashes of red and yellow for the alarm lights and speakers. In the middle, raised slightly above the floor, was the portal. The hole between their worlds was over thirty feet high and almost twenty wide. Her gaze followed it up and up, where it nearly vanished into the ceiling. It could easily fit even a large dragon.

Right now, almost nothing could pass the barrier. The humans, in their ingenuity, constructed a metal frame for the portal and somehow locked it in place over the opening. Thick metal bars prevented passage. It opened, Celestia knew, but only at human command. She looked around, but couldn't see the hinges or any other weak points. A sturdy and clever solution. Of course her magic could blast through it, but it would take a minute.

"W-Why is it so big?" Lake Frond asked, awed.

Twilight Sparkle had spent a lot of time theorizing why it the opening would be taller than it is wide. Her best guess before Celestia left had been 'something to do with gravity'. The portal itself was simply a hole, like a window. There wasn't a glowing edge, just a sharp line where the world changed, as if someone had cut an opening through canvas with a sharp knife. Of course, even Celestia understood that part of Twilight's explanation. It let everything through and that included light and air.

She became aware of a gentle breeze. It was coming from the portal and ruffling her mane. The alicorn closed her eyes and inhaled. Smiling, she felt her eyes moisten. Home. That was what it smelled like. Snow, and ponies, and countryside and, yes, even Everfree Forest in the distance. Home and family and her people. That was where she belonged. Celestia had never realized how much she had missed it all, until now. She had to close her eyes and turn her head away. She focused on a question to fight the nostalgia: Why was the air coming this way?

Twilight had said it was a stroke of luck that they had similar atmospheres on their worlds, and similar pressure. Otherwise one world or the other would have been in serious trouble. As it was, the delicate the balance fluctuated. Sometimes the air flowed from Equestria to Earth, and sometimes it went the other way. She heard Lake Frond sigh in happiness and opened her eyes to look. The mare was smiling faintly and leaning heavily against Rock Lichen, who didn't seem to mind supporting her. As her eyes slowly became used to the strange opening, she realized that the room on the other side was slightly brighter. Ah, yes! Due to the way the sisters controlled the Sun and the Moon, their mornings weren't always completely synchronized. It looked like Luna had begun this day a little earlier. Celestia dragged her eyes from the window into her own world and finished her inspection of the room. There wasn't too much: a small platform with steps which took you up to the hole itself, a few benches, some chairs and a table off to the side. That was where the guards sat during the day, Celestia remembered.

Right now, there was a pegasus in gold armor at one of the tables. Celestia didn't remember any ponies on the human side when she came through the first time, but one of the Equestrian royal guard was lounging in a chair made for a human, with two cups of coffee steaming beside him. The way he kept glancing guiltily at the portal told Celestia all she needed to know. His visits to earth weren't exactly 'official', but he had probably sat on his side of the portal most nights, watching the humans while the humans watched him. They had probably started talking and found they had a lot in common.

All guards, everywhere, had a lot in common.

Besides, what was the harm of nipping across the room for a cup of coffee in the morning? They were both official guards, so rules for crossing over were a little relaxed. Nopony could begrudge them a bit of company and a warm beverage to help pass those long, quiet nights. It nearly made her smile. It proved that humans and ponies could be good friends, if they spent time together as equals. Most importantly, it boded well. Perhaps this Walter had come to like ponies and would let them through quickly and without looking at the documents too closely.

It was to be hoped.

Remembering him, Celestia looked at the human guard. He was reading the release forms with his brow furrowed, like many people to whom written word doesn't come too easily. Every now and then he glanced up at the ponies, as if to make sure what was written on the paper was correct. The four of them waited in uncomfortable silence, while the pegasus guard pretended he wasn't curious about them and fiddled with his coffee cup instead. Celestia searched her memory. If he was a royal guard from Canterlot, she should know him, but the golden helmet hid his features and the few patches of white fur and a splash of violet mane didn't tell her much. Once he spoke she would certainly remember the name. Both sisters made a point of knowing everypony who worked for them.

"Hmm, please wait here," Walter said and walked to his little glass box with the papers. He closed the door behind him and sat down.

Celestia looked at Rawsthorne, but he shrugged. "I don't know the procedures. Maybe he has to look up the document numbers or something. Or compare the stamp. I'm not sure."

He fell silent as the pony guard approached.

"Excuse me," the pegasus addressed Lake Frond, who had turned her face away. "Please look at me."

The mare did so, if hesitantly. Rock Lichen took a step forward, as if to protect her, but the guard just sighed and lowered his head. "Coming here was a stupid idea," he said sadly.

"What? Why?" the Princess asked.

The pony just pointed to a nearby wall with a wing. There was a bulletin board with a few pieces of paper, and on top of them all...

Lake Frond made a small whimper. It was unmistakably her and Rock Lichen's picture. They were too late. Celestia felt for her magic and prepared a few spells.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you," the guard said and finally Celestia was able to put a name to the face and voice. Moonbeam. Originally from Canterlot city watch. She knew very little about him.

"Why?" she asked.

Moonbeam shook his head. "First, there's cameras everywhere. Second, Walter has a gun. Third, any sign of trouble and he just has to push a button to lock down the entire place." The pony peered at the human in his little office. "Yep, he's probably already called the cops." He turned to walk back to the table and his cup. "If I were you, I'd make it easy on myself and go quietly. I'm sorry."

His voice really did sound sincerely sad, but he also wasn't going to help them. Celestia wondered how many such cases he had seen. Hopefuls, so near their home soil, but turned away at the last step. Before Celestia could cast a spell to bring down the metal gate, Rock Lichen hurried after the pegasus guard and raised his hooves in supplication.

"Please, please, sir! You gotta let us through! Please, you're a pony!"

There was regret in his face, clear even under his helmet, but Moonbeam still shook his head. "Sorry. Nothing I can do. This is the human side. I am not even supposed to be here."

Rock Lichen wouldn't give up. "Come on! Please, she's pregnant and if she stays here, they will make her abort!"

The guard let his head drop. He heaved a sigh, but he didn't look like he would say anything more.

Celestia walked up to the two. "I know your presence here is not official. You just came for a coffee. The human is your friend, right Moonbeam?"

The guard gave a gasp and looked up sharply. "How do you know my name?!"

The mare shook her head dismissively. "You are friends. If you talked to him, he might let us through. Please try, for your fellow ponies. For a mother."

Rock Lichen added: "Her name is Lake Frond. You're killing her baby if you let her fall back into human hands, and probably her, too."

The poor guard pegasus swallowed uneasily. His eyes shifted from the stallion, to Celestia, and then to Lake Frond, who was just watching him imploringly. Tears were streaming down her face. Moonbeam swallowed again, then he let out a deep sigh. "Buck," he swore quietly. "They'll have my hide for this. I hope it's worth it."

He didn't wait for their thanks, but went to knock at Walter's office. The human looked up, then opened the door to let him in. There was a whispered conversation, while Rock Lichen walked back to his marefriend and smiled tentatively. They embraced, but Lake Frond didn't seem relieved.

Celestia joined Rawsthorne where he was waiting and he patted her mane reassuringly.

"Sorry. I can't be much use here," he said as the mare hugged his legs.

"You have done plenty, love. I hope Moonbeam can convince the human to let us go. Otherwise I will simply have to... make a way."

He saw just how much she disliked the idea. "Here's hoping," he said quietly.

They watched the argument in the glass office. Celestia caught a few words here and there.

"... gotta let them go..." Moonbeam was saying fervently. She missed the next bit, but then he exclaimed a bit more loudly: "How many times have I asked for a favour, Walter?!"

The human's reply was unintelligible, as was whatever the pony said to that, but then the next fragment from the pegasus made her smile: "... all my wife's lasagnas I've shared with you over the years?!"

Of course. Food was the universal language. Unless it was meat, then it was a human-only dialect. She didn't hear much of Walter's reply to that, but she recognized 'fugitives', and 'police' and 'on their way'.

It made her blood run cold. Were human authorities coming already? How long until they arrived? She looked at the hallway where they had entered the room. Walter had locked the door behind him. Celestia quickly sought for a spell which would keep it locked, at least for a while. It would buy her the time she needed. Then the two guards were coming back and she swallowed nervously. She flashed her human a faint smile, then took a step away to await the verdict.

Walter spoke up. "You four are putting me in a real awkward position here, you know that?"

Celestia allowed herself a sliver of hope.

"I can't let you through," the man said. Moonbeam kicked him lightly in the shin. "What?" Walter exclaimed. "I can't! I already called it in!"

Lake Frond started to sob uncontrollably and Rock Lichen did his best to console her. Both the human guard and the pegasus looked at the mare uncomfortably.

"Look, if the cops come here and you're gone, I'm outta job and probably in jail, too. I've got kids!"

"C-Can't you say we es-escaped? Bucked you and r-ran for it?" Rock Lichen begged.

"Cameras," Walter said and pointed. "There's cameras everywhere. You were on tape the minute you walked into the building. Sorry."

Celestia looked at her friends in despair. Rawsthorne's face was clouded, Lake Frond was weeping and the stallion sat dejectedly on the floor, looking at his hooves with his ears flattened. She swallowed a lump and focused on her breathing. Of course Rawsthorne knew what she would do. She had whispered this last, desperate plan to him in the car. He didn't like it, but there was no other way. Lake Frond could not stay in the human world! She caught Rock Lichen's eyes as he looked up shakily. The depths of despair she saw there pierced her heart.

No, she would be destroying three lives if she gave in now. Her lips pressed together and her resolve strengthened. The guard, sensing their despair, laid a hand on Moonbeam's withers in sympathy. He wasn't evil, Celestia knew. Just doing his job and providing for his family. He was sorry, but had little choice.

She would try not to hurt him. The worst part... It almost physically hurt to imagine what would happen. An alicorn would reveal herself, on Earth. She would tear down the barrier between the worlds with frightful power. An unprovoked attack. That is how they would label it, and rightly so. They would see what just one of them can do and the fear would start again.

More guards. More walls. More hatred. She had come to know them - their history - well enough to guess. A full-scale attack on Equestria was possible. A war.

The first war where an alicorn was the aggressor. Her name would certainly go down in Equestrian history. She felt the tears start flowing down her cheeks, but Celestia could not stop her thoughts reaching their inevitable conclusion. Both sides would endeavour to close the portal. That would be the only way to protect themselves. Whether they succeeded or not, one thing seemed certain. She would never see Rawsthorne again. The mare could hardly stand to look at his face, but couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off it.

It was unfair! They had barely any time. Celestia mouthed to him the only word he could think of: 'Sorry'.

He seemed resigned, but nodded anyway. Even now the man supported her.

She glanced to her pony friends. Lake Frond was still sobbing in misery, but Rock Lichen met her gaze. He was resigned. More than that, Celestia saw. He was ready to lay his life down to ensure his wife and child get to safety. Celestia reached for the magic. It rushed into her and she lifted her head up proudly.

At the very least, let the humans see a Princess, facing them down on their own world. Breaking open their trap and leaving, undaunted, unconquered!

Moonbeam's mouth fell open. He didn't recognize her, but something about the stance was so familiar. Even the human guard drew back nervously from her glare. They both knew she was about to do something. Power built up and Celestia shaped it into a first blow against the metal barrier. There was a slight tremor in the ground around her, making everyone step away further away.

"I'll stay." Rock Lichen's pained whisper broke her concentration. She whirled around and the potential for her spell fled her body.


The stallion stared at the human guard. "W-what exactly did you tell them? When y-you reported us."

The man looked both relieved and slightly embarrassed, because he didn't know why he was relieved. "I just s-said I got fugitives h-here," he mumbled.

"No details?" the stallion asked, more hopefully. "You didn't say mare and stallion?"

Walter thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Just fugitives. Where are you going with this?"

Rock Lichen hugged Lake Frond, who had frozen in fear and was now staring open-mouthed at her husband. "Tell them you misspoke out of nerves or something. That there was just me. I'll let them take me, so you don't get in trouble.

For a second it looked like the fat human would agree. But then his face fell. "The cameras," he pointed out.

Moonbeam snorted at that. "So what?! You can erase them, right? Isn't that what you've been doing for our little coffee each morning?"

Four ponies and two humans observed each other for a while. Then Lake Frond whispered. "N-no." She drew a shuddering breath and repeated: "Please, Rock... no."

He nuzzled her and spoke in a rush. He was desperately hoping she would convince him against the idea, yet at the same time knew she mustn't. "It's my fault, Lake. I left that stupid note. I don't care if they stick me in jail, as long as you and the foal are safe!"

It could work. Celestia hated to admit it, but there was a chance and it was better than starting a war. She looked imploringly at Rawsthorne. "I'll do what I can," he promised and the mare gratefully nuzzled his thigh.

"Lake Frond, it is the only way. We have to hurry. Gregory will help Rock Lichen get out of jail. He'll get him away from Andrew, okay?"

Rawsthorne knelt down beside the crying mare, who was now clinging urgently to her husband. He spoke more calmly than Celestia felt: "Sweetie, I promise I'll do all I can. We'll work something out and we'll get Rock back to you, but you have to go now. You know what will happen if you don't."

That made her squeak and cling to her stallion even tighter. He returned the hug, but also began extricating himself. "Please, Lake. I want you and the little one to be safe. I'll find you someday, I promise!"

They were both openly weeping now and Celestia took matters into her own hooves. She faced Walter. "Please, let us through."

The man heaved another sigh, then unhooked a large key chain from his belt. Moonbeam smiled and Celestia knew he would do it. The tension left her shoulders.

She went to Rock Lichen, gave him a brief hug, then gently pulled Lake Frond away from him. "Come on, sweetie. We must go, now!" but the poor mare clung to her love.

"Rock..." she choked out a sobbing response. It was all she could say. He gave her another kiss while Celestia waited. There was always time for a kiss.

"I'll come back to you, I promise," he said and forced a smile. "I love you."

The mare tried to answer, but all she could do was sob miserably. Finally she released him and let Celestia pull her to the portal. Now that they were nearer, the Princess saw there was a smaller metal door inset in the larger one. It was big enough to admit a human or a pony. That was what Walter Bass had unlocked.

He pulled it open and beckoned. "Come on. Get through before I change my mind. I still have to wipe the tapes!"

There came a hammering from somewhere near the entrance. Rawsthorne was right there behind her. "Guess I'm not getting out. I'll probably share a jail cell with Rock," he joked.

Celestia turned and reared up so she could hug him. "I will help in any way I can! Please be safe. Call Miriam right now!"

He promised and gently brushed her cheek with the palm of his hand. She wanted to kiss him, but she didn't. Moonbeam and Walter Bass were tense enough as it was. She didn't wish to push them further, lest they change their minds. She stepped through the gate and instantly regretted it. It was still possible this would be the last time she saw Rawsthorne.

She should have taken that last kiss!

The pegasus guard followed right on their hooves to usher them past the door and Walter slammed the gate shut behind them with finality. "Go! Get out of sight! Get out of the building. They'll search it!" he told them, just as his phone began to ring. He hurried away.

The pony guard took the lead. "This way. Come on."

Before she moved, Celestia looked back through the metal bars. Rawsthorne was standing there and smiling faintly. She made herself return the smile. Hope! There was always hope! The man waved, and she did the same, even though her vision was getting blurry. Then Celestia grasped Lake Frond and followed the stallion out of the portal room.

"You probably cost me my job, as well as Walter his, you know?" Moonbeam said once they were out of the portal room.

Celestia had no time to grieve. Lake Frond still needed her. They weren't safe yet. "What will happen to Gregory and Rock Lichen?"

The guard shrugged. "They'll stick them in jail for the day, then who knows. Fines, most likely. Depends if he's got a good lawyer."

Celestia relaxed a little and even managed a small chuckle. "He does. Believe me, he does!"

"Don't know about the stallion. Walter and I didn't talk about that sort of thing much," he admitted. It made Lake Frond sob again, so Moonbeam quickly added: "Shouldn't be too bad. Don't worry. He'll be fine. Depends on his owner, I guess."

Celestia nuzzled her grief-stricken friend, then gave the guard a faint smile. "You have done a good thing today, Moonbeam."

"That's the other thing," the stallion said. "How do you know my name?"

She let her grin turn mysterious and winked at him in lieu of an answer. They were nearly outside the building and the corridors were getting noticeably brighter with sunlight. It looked like a lovely day, if still slightly cold. Despite having to leave her lover in unknown danger, Celestia was glad to be home. She was once again on Equestrian soil and that gave her fresh courage to face the day. They came to the main entrance and stepped outside. There was still snow everywhere, but the sun was rising and the air was so clear she could almost see Canterlot in the distance. It looked like an hour's flight, no more for an alicorn, but then she saw Lake Frond. She could not leave her alone, not now. Two hours if she carried the mare, Celestia calculated. There was just one problem. Rock Lichen still had the saddlebags with his and Lake Frond's stuff. In their tearful goodbye, everything had stayed with him.

That was probably a happy accident: it would look like he had meant to escape but failed to. Celestia just hoped the stallion and Rawsthorne would come up with a good reason why Lake Frond wasn't with them. She also prayed her human would find a good excuse for where 'Supple Branch' went.

Then she thought about Miriam. Those were some of the most resourceful, smartest legal minds she knew. They would be fine, she told herself. They would also take care of Rock Lichen until Celestia found a way to bring him home. She had to believe it! It allowed her to relax a little and think.

Celestia rummaged in her own bag. There was the scarf Rawsthorne had given her. It was still enchanted and she draped it gently around Lake Frond's neck.

The guard took a few steps back. "How are you doing that?!" he asked as he watched the levitating piece of cloth.

"I am in disguise, Moonbeam. Here, let me show you." She took a few steps back and released her change spell. The light flashed around her.

The pegasus gasped, his eyes widened, but then he smoothly fell into a bow. "P-Princess!?"

She smiled as she approached and gently urged him upright with a wing. "Thank you for all you did today. Please come see me in the Canterlot Castle at your earliest convenience. You will have a medal for this, Moonbeam!"

He stood and managed a salute. "B-but why didn't you say immediately?!"

"Do you think Walter Bass would have let me go if he knew who I was?"

The pegasus looked away. "Good point. I think he would, but I guess you couldn't risk it."

"Exactly. Come, Lake Frond. Let us get to Canterlot so a doctor can have a look at you and then we will find your parents."

The mare looked up, then nodded. Getting separated from the stallion when she had spent years with him constantly by her side was a shock. She seemed numb for now. There would be more tears, Celestia knew, but for now, the mare was safe.

She had gotten her and her child home. It was enough for the moment. The husband could wait a little. Rawsthorne would also wait.

She crouched down to let Lake Frond climb up on her back, but the mare didn't move. "Come. We will fly, it is the fastest way. I will carry you."

Lake Frond blushed a little at the prospect, but she obeyed and clambered up on her back. Then, with a nod at Moonbeam, who saluted, Celestia was away. Undoubtedly the humans would soon search the portal building on Equestrian side, but they wouldn't find anything. As she took flight, the Princess remembered how close they had come to a terrible war. Instead, through his selfless sacrifice, Rock Lichen had bought them their freedom.

Celestia swore to herself she would fix that.

When they landed in the Canterlot Castle courtyard she was feeling a little winded. All the days sitting in an office, or lounging on Rawsthorne's couch had taken their toll. She was out of shape, but she paid her aching muscles no mind. There were things to do! The castle guard and a few passers by were already gathering around her. Some of them were pointing and whispering excitedly to each other.

One pegasus guard - a captain - was the first to approach her and take a deep bow. "Princess!" he said, voice full of relief. "You are back!"

It felt good to be home and Celestia smiled at her people. She lowered herself so Lake Frond could slip from her back. The mare had turned inward as they flew and had stopped responding to questions, which made Celestia a little worried about her. Losing her husband was starting to hit her hard and being in the center of all this attention probably wasn't helping.

The Princess looked at the captain and sought for a name. "Yes. Thunder Clap, right? Please take some ponies and guide Lake Frond to the infirmary. Then make sure she has a warm meal and find her a room. I will check in on her as soon as I am done with Princess Luna."

The mare clung to her and watched the pony faces around them with wary apprehension. She wasn't used to seeing so many of her own kind in one place anymore.

Celestia gave her friend a hug and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, Lake Frond. I will find you very soon. Please - the doctor should see you and make sure your child is alright. You can trust captain Thunder Clap, I promise."

To the stallion, who was patiently waiting for her to finish, she said: "See to it personally. Do not leave her side."

He saluted smartly. "Yes, ma'am!" The captain didn't have to do much more than motion to a few ponies and they quickly gathered around. Lake Frond watched them nervously for a second, then looked at the Princess. Celestia kept her encouraging smile and the mare finally allowed herself to be led away. When she was gone, the ponies around her who had been watching the spectacle in quiet awe, began to clamor for her attention.

Drawing herself up regally, Celestia made a short statement. "Fellow ponies. Yes, I am back now. Please hold your questions until I have had a chance to freshen up and see Princess Luna. I will be holding court tomorrow and I promise to answer all your inquires." It satisfied them a little, but immediately more voices burst out. Celestia gave them a pained smile and quickly moved through her guards. Loyally and obediently they formed a wall to hold back the crowd. Celestia was proud of them. Just before she vanished through the door, she turned and addressed one of the guard ponies.

"Princess Luna is in day court, I assume?"

He shook his head and saluted, just in case. The stallion seemed a little nervous and Celestia couldn't quite recall his name. He was obviously a new recruit. "No, ma'am," he answered, "Princess Luna is in her quarters. The day court has been abolished."

"Abolished?!" Celestia began to worry about her kingdom a little. She didn't say anything more, nor did she wait for the guard's response as she began to trot. She passed maids, who squeaked in surprise and dropped into curtsies or bowed. The castle seemed to be functioning, that much at least was good. There was no sign of damage or riots, but abolishing court? How were ponies supposed to bring their petitions to the crown? Celestia found the door. She considered knocking, but thought better of it and just magicked the door open and burst inside.

"Luna, what is the meaning of this 'abolishing court'?!"

Her sister, who had been lounging on her bed, nearly tumbled off in surprise. "Sister!" she gasped. "You are returned!" The younger alicorn rushed forward and fell into her sister's hooves. Despite her worry, Celestia was glad and relieved to see her and returned the warm hug. For a moment she forgot the worry and simply enjoyed her sister's presence. Her fur was cool, as always, and her ethereal mane seemed to caress their faces. Celestia inhaled deeply and squeezed her sister harder. Until now she hadn't realized just how much she had missed Luna's scent. Lilies, and summer nights and mystery. Sweet and spicy and exciting.

If only Rawsthorne could be there to share this moment. He would undoubtedly like her sister. Just like him, she was slightly stiff on the outside, but so warm and caring on the inside! "I have," Luna began, but pulled her head away and averted her eyes as she blushed a little. "I have missed you."

Celestia shed a few tears of joy and laughed pleasantly. "I missed you too, Sister. You have no idea how many nights I watched the Earth's moon and thought of you."

"I am glad you are safe," the night-blue alicorn admitted. Then she pulled out of their nuzzle and looked seriously at her sister. "This foolish vacation - it went well?" she asked. There was a tiny glint of something in her eye and the slight mischievous smile gave Celestia pause.

She didn't know what to make of it yet, so she answered truthfully. "Yes. Although I had to depart in some hurry and I left a few... people behind, but I will rectify that as soon as I possibly can."

Now Luna openly giggled. "You said 'people', not 'ponies', Sister. So there is indeed a person who is not a pony?"

"Yes, there is." Celestia didn't know where her sister was leading with this, but whatever it was, Luna apparently let it go as she embraced her again.

"I am most pleased that your foolishness did not end poorly," she admitted quietly.

Returning her hug in some confusion, Celestia decided to gently probe about the state of her kingdom. "How were things at home while I was gone? I hope it was not too much trouble."

Luna just sighed and her ears folded down. She looked out through the window and clearly avoided the question. "'tis a beautiful day. Let us take a stroll in the Castle Gardens and speak in fresh air, Sister."

She could let it pass for a few moments later. However badly Luna had managed to mis-hoof the kingdom, they would fix it, together. Besides, a walk sounded pleasant and Celestia moved aside to let her sister pass, then fell into step behind her. The younger alicorn led her from the bedroom down the immaculate hallways. For some reason, Celestia expected to see signs of some slight damage or mischief. Perhaps a vase, smashed and swept under the rug, or an empty space where a priceless picture should have been. At least a broken window, or two!

"Luna, tell me why you abolished court."

The younger sister sighed and stomped her hoof in anger. "There was no other choice, Sister! The ponies - Our subjects," she complained, a little petulantly, "such impossible requests! Such silly demands they made." Luna snorted angrily. "The petitions were most foolish, Sister. I had no choice but to put a permanent stop to them."

Celestia smiled to herself. It that was all the trouble Luna had wrought, then it was a small price to pay. "Foolish sometimes, yes, but among all the chaff there are sometimes legitimate problems. You must learn to sift through all the unimportant requests and see the critical ones. Court shows you how your kingdom is breathing, Luna. It does not pay to ignore it."

Her sister just shrugged. "They were foolish," she repeated, with only slight uncertainty in her voice. "I see how our subjects are doing from their dreams!"

"True, but they do not know you are listening to them. They lose faith in the Crown, Sister. We have always held court."

"Then you can reinstate it," Luna replied nonchalantly. She suddenly slowed and stopped, then looked at her sister a little guiltily.

Celestia wondered what the slight tinge of crimson on her sister's muzzle meant. She looked around the corridor, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Why have we stopped?"

Luna didn't answer, but kept her eyes firmly on Celestia's face. She had that grin again, insolent and expectant and barely holding back roaring laughter.

It was a trick of some sort. Celestia suddenly realized that Luna had led her on a roundabout route to the gardens. There had to be something! She tried to remember how the hallway should have looked. There were the large windows and the flower pots. The carpet seemed fine and the roof was whole.

Then she spotted it. A portrait was missing! In its place...

Celestia gasped and rushed over to see it better. "How did you get this!?"

It was one of her pictures. One from the human world. It was completely impossible that she should have it, but Luna had not only acquired it somehow, but had it put into a golden frame and hung it on the wall in lieu of an older painting. There she was - Princess Celestia with a saddle and tack and a grinning child on her back. It was a good picture, too. Abigail Phillips, with her auburn locks and freckles and the mischievous smile, which nearly matched the one on Celestia who was carrying her. She held her reins in one hand and was patting the pony with her other. Her eyes clearly shone with delight and Celestia obviously shared in it. The memory was a good one, but the image here was not! What would her people think?! To see their monarch in what could only be a demeaning position among humans!

"Luna! Ponies can see it! This cannot be here! What were you thinking?!"

Her sister was giggling like crazy by now. "I found it amusing. I wished to share the mirth with our subjects. It is a picture to remember!"

"Take it down this instant!"

A maid was coming down the hall and Celestia nearly flew up to hide the picture with her body. The castle staff had probably all seen it by now, so it would have been pointless. It still took quite an effort to stand by it nonchalantly as the maid bowed to them and hurried away.

As soon as they were alone, Luna burst into laughter again. "Ah, your face, Sister! It is a sight to behold! Most amusing! Perhaps another portrait should be made and put on the walls!"

Now Celestia was sure she was frowning. Seeing that Luna wouldn't do anything about it, she lifted the frame from the wall herself, but then she didn't know what to do with it and just felt foolish for letting Luna get to her like that. In her annoyance, Celestia focused more of her magic and the offending picture burst into flame. It was gone in seconds.

It just made Luna laugh harder.

"Happy now?" Celestia asked quietly.

"Very, but fear not, Sister. There are many copies. The staff have been instructed to replace the pictures if they 'get damaged'!" Luna said.

Celestia sighed. She probably deserved a bit of teasing. She had left Luna with a lot of responsibility. Besides, perhaps seeing her like that would make her ponies a bit less reverential. Maybe they would treat her more like a mare, rather than a goddess. It had been an adorable picture, she had to admit. It was plain to see on her face that Celestia was carrying the child around because she wanted to. Because she enjoyed delighting them. Yes, her mind was already working. A few comments to some of the staff and the gossip would spread. The Kind Princess, yes! It could work! She turned resolutely away and began walking again, keeping her eyes firmly away from the occasional portrait on the wall. It would wait. She still wanted to see the gardens. The winter-blooming flowers were particularly beautiful to look at, especially with spring so near that some of those early bloomers were already budding. This time Luna followed her, still chuckling occasionally.

"What else has happened while I was gone? What of the griffins, or the minotaurs?"

"There have been delegations," the younger sister said noncommittally, "but I dealt with them."

The silence was broken only by their hoofsteps - muffled clinking of metal for Luna and hoof against carpet for Celestia. She suddenly remembered her saddlebags but she kept them on. She would pass by her chambers later and leave them there to be sorted out later.

After a few steps her sister admitted some more: "You might, perhaps, have a few treaties to re-negotiate, Sister."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "What have you done?"

"I might have," Luna said and swallowed nervously, "called the griffin ambassador a 'pompous, feather-brained buffoon'."

"I see."

"And the minotaur was a..." Luna began, but had to search her memory. "A... 'goat-faced sheep wrangler'."

Not too bad. Celestia had thought worse. Of course she hadn't said it, but a banquet and some careful stroking of feathers and patting of backs would set them straight. Perhaps the trade agreement would be slightly worse for ponies for a while, but she was certain she could get it back in time. "Anything else?"

Luna just stared at her in silence for a few steps. "The human ambassador kept asking for you, Sister. He became quite insistent in the past month."

Around the time the human government discovered her presence on Earth, Celestia guessed. Of course he would try and confirm that she was missing. She hoped Luna hadn't bungled it up. "What did you tell him?"

Flapping a dismissive wing, Luna frowned and stuck out her tongue. "His incessant prattling got on my nerves. I had him tossed in the dungeons."

Celestia froze in shock. "DUNGEONS?!"

Luna looked back with a slightly puzzled frown. "What?! I left orders that he should be given leftovers after each dinner and that his bucket should be changed twice per week!" She had said it as if it completely excused the fact that she had thrown the ambassador of the most important political faction in jail for absolutely no reason.

Despite herself, Celestia whimpered and her ears dropped down.

"Ah, that reminds me, Sister," Luna went on. "Some letters have arrived from the humans. Addressed to you, so I left them on your bed."

Again, Celestia fought back panic. "I have to let him out! Apologize! This is bad, Luna! What were you thinking?!"

Her sister shrugged. "I was thinking: 'This insignificant monkey is annoying! Away with him!'" she explained. "Don't worry, I said it to him also. You should have seen his face!" The Princess of the Night giggled again and Celestia let her head slump. She couldn't deal with that right at the moment. Of course she would have to let the human out personally. She would have to bow and scrape and apologize. Beg forgiveness. Another unpleasantness to deal with when all Celestia wanted was to sleep and dream of Rawsthorne.

"What else have you done?"

Her sister gave it some thought and Celestia bit her lip in frustrated expectation. What other disaster was there? Maybe Luna had called the dragon princess an 'overgrown fire lizard'? Was invasion imminent? Or perhaps she had started the feud between earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns again? No, that was unlikely. Celestia had seen all three in the courtyard when she landed.

"Nothing else. The kingdom is fine, Sister. Do not worry yourself."

A small mercy. Celestia exhaled with relief.

"Except..." Luna said, making her sister freeze mid-sag. "Cloudsdale may have been caused to come crashing from the sky."

Her mouth dropped open and Celestia had to replay the statement in her mind a few times. "WHAT?! HOW?!"

Her younger sister guffawed with laughter. "I joke, Sister! The look on your face!" She nearly fell to the floor, doubled up with the giggles. It was a relief that the cloud city was unharmed, but for a moment Celestia really had believed it. She glared as Luna held her belly and tears streamed down her face.

"You are too easy, Sister!" she gasped out.

Celestia shook her head and rolled her eyes. Some ponies. She still wouldn't trade Luna for the world. After a few seconds, her mouth quirked up before she could suppress it. One of these days she would have to think up a small, funny revenge. For now, she was still glad to be home, and she was happy to see Luna in such high spirits. Now that there weren't any more ugly surprises, Celestia remembered to ask a question she had sometimes thought on Earth.

"Luna, have you ever found my dreams these past months?"

Her sister wound down from her outburst and wiped away a few remaining tears. "Perhaps once or twice. I had scarcely any power in them. I could not resist your portrayal."

"My portrayal? What does that mean?"

Luna caught up and the sisters resumed their walk. "A dream is always controlled by the Dreamer, Sister. Even if you enter the dream, you are subject to the Dreamer's whims. It takes significant power and presence to fight that." She paused and waited for Celestia to nod that she understood. Then she resumed her explanation: "Over such distance as Earth is from Equestria, I had very little power. Hardly any influence. It took all I had to speak a simple message."

That bit made Celestia smile. She had known her sister was keeping an eye on her. Perhaps that was how she had learned about the children. "So that is how you knew about the pictures. How did you get them?"

Luna grinned in satisfaction at her own cleverness. "I sent off for Mr. Plain and offered him a few more gems to acquire them!"

"Ah." Celestia bumped her flank against her sister's. "I am still miffed about that, Luna. We will talk about it later. Shall we get lunch?" The Princess still wanted her stroll in the gardens, but now her stomach was really beginning to bother her. She had eaten nothing since last night, since before they had arrived in their hotel with Rawsthorne.

As if thinking of him reminded Luna, the younger sister spoke up: "So, Sister. When does your human lover join us?"

Celestia nearly succeeded in holding back a small gasp. "How do you know about that?!"

Luna just chuckled. "Oh, please, Sister. Your dreams are full of him, and some things you dream about..." she said and blushed. "Perhaps you have found a use for humans, after all."

Celestia didn't have an answer for that, so the two simply continued toward the kitchens in uncomfortable silence. Celestia though back on Rawsthorne. She missed him already and didn't want to deal with all these new problems, but the human ambassador was a priority. She compromised and decided to see him right after her meal, a brief visit to the gardens to finish catching up with Luna, and after she checked up on Lake Frond. Perhaps she would also bake a cake. One so delicious that the human would have no choice but to forgive her. She recalled that the ambassador was a man who enjoyed his pastries. A personal apology cake, made by the Princess herself. It would still be quite an uphill struggle. Her ears went down and Celestia heaved a sigh. Of course Luna could guess what was on her mind and gently nuzzled her.

"I am sorry," the younger mare admitted. "I acted hastily and irresponsibly. Perhaps I should learn more diplomacy. You deserve vacations more often, Sister." Then, almost too quietly to hear, Luna added: "Running the kingdom is harder than it seems."

Celestia leaned into her sibling and closed her eyes. She smiled gently. "Whatever you saw in my dreams, I missed you, Sister. You were never far from my thoughts."

"I know, Sister," Luna replied. "I know."