• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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The Final Storytime- The Princess of Redemption

"Haven't you ever done anything stupid, for somepony you cared about?"

Simple words. Eleven simple words to answer one potentially important question. Celestia sat upon her throne with a slight frown upon her muzzle. Starshine and her had returned home an hour ago, the sun still refusing to bend unto her will. The answer Bolt, no, Ruby Rayon had given her still had her flustered. The words had annoyed her, so much so that she had draped Starshine's still form over her flank and flown back in a huff.

"How dare she? How dare she presume to speak to me in such a manner? She swapped bodies with her stallion simply for the fact she loved him? So what if Apple Pie's conviction caused him to not want to be an Apple? How dare she defy the laws of the heavens in such a manner?"

Celestia slowly rose while shouting out these words, her tone indignant and conveying much annoyance through her body language. She smashed a hoof down onto the tiled floor, slightly cracking it as she roared to the heavens in anger. "I don't care if it is for love. There is never a just reason to perform such forbidden magic!"

Suddenly the royal princess of the sun shivered as a chilling voice called out behind her. "Tell me your...highness, which pony was it exactly who turned back time? All because a certain pony she cared for deeply perished one day as Equestrians everywhere watched, I wonder."

Whirling around Celestia found herself face to face with...Discord, no wait that's impossible, she thought. Looking closer, she noticed only some resemblance to the legendary chaotic being. What was before her, was an amalgamation of draquonicus and pegasus. "Who...or what are you? How did you get in my castle? You can't fool me; you aren't Discord."

The sad tone in the voice of Celestia was more than noticeable to the creature and so it replied in a familiar, soft-spoken voice. One that Celestia had known quite well. "I am not, you are correct. I am his daughter and I was there, your majesty. I saw what you did that day."
"What are you talking about?"

The hybrid mare before Celestia began to huff in frustration, becoming angrier in tone with each word spoken. "We had the perfect life. Apple Pie was poised to take second in command of the royal guard, your royal guard I might add. Bubblegum had just been promoted to manager of Sugarcube Corners. His mom even threw a party to celebrate! Claire had just surpassed her mother's flight record. Even Commander Dash and retired legend Spitfire herself publicly announced she would be Dash's successor. Ruby and her husband Apple Bolt were proud to run Rarity's Boutique."

Celestia was looking around wildly, as if afraid, as the clearly angry creature before her started towards her. The creature continued. "My mother and father were so proud of their daughter. I had finally awakened my ability to control chaos. Finally my best friend, Starshine had given birth to two beautiful foals. That wasn't good enough for you, was it princess? All because Princess Twilight decided to atone for her crimes and perished. All because she sacrificed everything she had to bring her daughter back."

Celestia was taken aback. "What in the royal lands of Equestria are you saying Daughter of Discord?"


The royal sun mare shook her head and looked strangely confused as she replied in a patient tone. "I have done no such thing. I haven't the faintest about what you are referring to. However, please take a moment and compose yourself before my patience with you wanes too thin, young one."
The creature's tone lessened seeing the apparently genuine confusion on the princess's face. "I was there in the crowd. I saw the projection, and I watched as twilight saved her daughter. I saw your horn glow, I saw the flash surrounding Starshine. Don't you dare deny you cast a spell to attempt a time reversal...your highness."

Celestia's eyes narrowed in anger, still she kept her calm tone, though her frame was shaking in rage. "You would dare to accuse me of casting such a forbidden spell? Do you truly realize with whom you are speaking to? I am Celestia the Eldest of the two sisters to rule Equestria. I have been in charge of this land for countless eons. I was gifted with the power to move and listen to the heavens themselves, and you dare accuse me of going against their wishes? Young one, I believe the time has come for you to leave my sight, if you wish to leave at all. I would never go against the law of the heavens, even to save one I love or cared about. Now please, go."

"But I saw-"


A booming voice echoed from the doorway and shook the walls of the very room in which they stood. Turning their heads towards the doorway, both beings saw Princess Luna slowly trotting towards them with the now conscious Starshine by her side.

"Young creature, I know not why you are accusing my sister of such crimes but thou would be most wise to curb thy tongue."

Starshine's eyes widened. Her Aunt Luna was angry, that slip into her Ancient Canterlot dialect had been very apparent. Unlike her sister, Luna had no qualms about being upfront with her anger. Luna shot a sideways glance towards her sister. My sister may be forced to remain poised and disciplined she thought as her wings flared wide I have no such obligations. The lights on the wall went out, one by one, as she passed.

Starshine's mind flashed back to a conversation with Celestia one night. "Starshine, many herald me as the ruler of Equestria, many sing my praises for many deeds throughout the ages. The truth is, however, few know the truth of those moments. You see, I sit upon my throne and govern Equestria now and though i commanded my troops, your Aunt Luna led them into combat. Fiercer than the soldiers, she would approach the foe unarmed with swords, bows or spears. Instead, Luna would harness the darkness within the night and would use it to truly terrifying effect. Her viciousness and the fact she never backed down, earned her the nickname of "Nightmare." Before Twilight, her friends, or even the elements themselves, she helped Equestria settle it's disputes. Her strength was legendary. As was her loyalty to my designs for Equestria back in the warring days, when we sought to overthrow a chaotic tyrant. It was thanks to her, that my rule was established. It was thanks to her Equestria was brought into an Era of peace against the chaos. As sisters, we both took the titles of 'Princess' rather than making me a 'Queen' or 'Empress' as a promise to each other that we would rule side by side."

Starshine's mind snapped back to the situation at hand, as she heard a whimper from the creature as Luna approached, her anger very apparent. "Thou are treading very unstable waters young one, now apologize."

These words were emphasized by Luna's eyes glowing a rather luminescent shade of sea green. The creature however either failed to see these signs or maybe she simply did not care. Instead of lowering her tone she began to yell at Luna. "You stay out of this, your highness! You are just as guilty as she is!"

Luna's horn began to glow as she stood there rather offended. "What did thou just say, whelp?"

The tone was soft, silky, and very dangerous. Starshine opened her muzzle to speak. "Au-"

Celestia stormed forward, placing herself between the two. her wings flared shoving the two even farther apart. Her voice was that of a mother; patient yet very clearly dissapointed. "That is enough Luna and you as well. Both of you calm down and think for a moment."

Celestia had been observing the conversation, watching the subtle signs. The slip in dialect, The eye color change it was clear as crystal what Luna was thinking. Celestia had acted quickly in order to prevent any further losses. She would not allow her sister to become that again. "Luna, no more."

Luna rounded on Celestia her words clearly portrayed her emotion. "That creature has accosted my pride sister, as well as your-"

Celestia glared and spoke, slowly lowering her wings once more. "I do not care, it is not worth the risk of losing yourself again. As for this one, I sense she has true belief in her own words. Now then, let's for a moment at least, entertain this notion of hers. Do we not possess a spell for displaying one's memories?"

The lunar princess stood there slack-jawed. Did she stop us from fighting because of that? "Sister, you know I won't-"

Celestia gazed into Luna's eyes and spoke firmly. Her voice had a you-will-listen tone in it. "Luna, answer my question."

The legendary nightmare herself began to shake as she felt the words of her sister. She was strong, vicious, and merciless. However, before that gaze she was truly outclassed and knew from experience what defying her sister would bring her. Lowering her gaze, her voice took on a timid tone. "Yes sister, third shelf, second row, under the Twilight section in the royal library."

The solarmare's gaze softened. She turned to the creature and spoke gently. "If what you say is true, you should have no issues with proving it to all present."
Without awaiting a reply she glanced at Starshine. "Please go fetch the spell scroll, sweetie."

Starshine ran off, galloping at tremendous speed until she reached the royal library. She thought about how she had spent hours upon hours and even days, reading the stories written by the Cutiemark Chroniclers. Though as she looked through the rows of books, a thought caused her to be confused. What scroll? She had never seen a section of the library containing scrolls before. She was quite sure she had ventured into every possible nook and cranny in the one acre wide room. She still marveled at the fact that a spell her Aunt cast eons ago, could make a room bigger on the inside than the outside.

She was so lost in thought she didn't even notice when she bumped into something solid, knocking her onto her hindquarters. Gazing up dazedly at what she had bumped into, she saw the lilac color of a very familiar face peering down at her with a sad smile.

"Hello, Starshine, my daughter."

Seconds turned to minutes and finally an hour had passed. Princess Luna grew annoyed and stamped her hoof impatiently. "Where is she?"

Celestia's face looked slightly worried. "I...am not sure, do you think she got lost?"

At that moment Starshine stampeded into the throne room, completely out of breath. "I...got it."
Using her own magic to levitate the scroll out of a pack on her back, she passed it to Princess Celestia, before sitting on her haunches, breathing rather heavily. The princess of the sun gingerly wrapped a warm white wing around Starshine to show her gratitude. She then spoke to Luna. "Alright, according to this we need to-"

Working together, the Celestial Princesses each went to one side of the hybrid, and horns glowing cast the spell on the scroll. The scroll shot twin beams of light, landing square upon the hybrid's forehead. A large projection screen appeared, linked to those beams, in the middle of the throne room and so the memories began to play.

Starshine watched the screen, unblinking. She focused so hard the room itself seemed to vanish from sight. The trial played out. Before her eyes, Princess Twilight and the other six fell to the ground, still and unmoving. There she stood! The Starshine in the memory looked around her and screamed. Starshine heard Celestia yell, "Luna bind her, quick!"

Both of the celestial princesses stood there, tears streaming down, horns aglow. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, as a glow surrounding the mare on the screen exploded outward.

The image changed, they were in a deserted landscape. A creature stepped into view, a long serpent like body and the screen began to pan upwards. A strange head appeared complete with horns twisted in a chaotic fashion. "Serenity, my darling Screwy, are you all right?"

Celestia nodded to Luna and both alicorns lowered their horns causing the projection to fade. Everycreature present stood silent as Starshine stood there in shock. It wasn't them...it was me. She opened her mouth to speak, her eyes orbs of watery sorrow as she remembered the conversation she just had in the library.

"Princess Twilight?"

"Yes, I suppose so, though another time, another world you once called me mom."

"How are you here?"

"You need to focus. I do not have much time to talk."

"what's going on?"

"In another world, at a later time, a pony cast a spell to reverse her sorrow. The spell was corrupted by interfering magic, and this world was born as a result. Time was reversed, that event never occurred, but time itself is succumbing to the corruption."

It was me. Starshine's heart pounded. Ba-Bump. The guilt began to show on her face as she recalled those words spoken. Why hadn't she realized?

"I-I don't understand, can't it be dispelled?"

"The spell cast was of my own creation. To dispel it requires a special type of magic. Only the caster can dispell it."

It was me; it's my fault Ba-Bump-Ba-Bump, her heartbeat seemed to ring in her ears as she stood there dumbfounded as the realization of what that conversation had meant dawned on her. How could she have been so clueless?

"Please tell me how!

Her flashback faded as she heard the words of Twilight Sparkle, the legendary Princess of Friendship. "They must admit it to the ones who it affected most and show genuine remorse."

The tears coursed down her muzzle as she spoke in a cracked, hollow voice. "Everypony! It was me! I cast the spell; I caused all this! I am so sorry..."
Princess Celestia and Luna looked at each other in confusion. "Young filly what are you saying? Quit talking nonsense Starshine!"

Serenity, the daughter of Fluttershy and Discord, stood there staring at her, mouthing softly, "no it, it can't be true. It was them! They did this!"

The three before her began arguing once more. Nopony was listening to her. It was then amidst the arguing that it happened. Starshine heard the voice once more. "do you finally understand Starshine? Do you know what you had stolen from you? Do you know the name of the one who took it upon herself to steal it as well? Do you finally know who you are?"

I do. Starshine thought to herself. Starshine, opened her mouth and as she spoke the room grew quiet. Her voice was mature, her mind had finally been unlocked. She remembered who she was and what she did. It was time to declare the truth.


The princesses and Serenity stood there shocked, as from the tiny filly's muzzle erupted the legendary Canterlot Voice. Starshine continued pouring out her heart and bearing her soul before them, as her cutimark began to glow."My name is Starshine Starlight Sparkle. I am the daughter of Twilight Sparkle, the Goddaughter of Starlight."

A chain on her cutiemark blinked and was gone leaving behind four more. Celestia saw it happen and secretly nudged Luna, whispering in her ear. "Look at her cutiemark, sister. I've never seen anything like it."

Starshine's head was still down though her cracked voice was gone. It was replaced by a slightly timid tone." I can't believe I did such a thing. I wanted to reverse it all. To rewind the events, to save my mother, to prevent the battle, to go back to the days of peace and harmony. I cast a spell that should never have been cast, and in the process I took something that wasn't my right. "

Two more chains blinked out of existence, leaving just three on her cutiemark. The lunar princess felt her heart skip a beat. What just...Did I imagine it? .
Starshine slowly raised her head staring Serenity in the eyes. Her voice had grown more assertive though filling rapidly with conviction. "I stole the pasts of everyone present, as well as your future! I am responsible for what occured; Apple Pie going down the dark path she did, the dragons who no longer exist except in memory, the reason for Serenity's transformation. It was my fault."

Another two chains were there one second, gone the next. Celestia and Luna were wide-eyed as they watched the scene unfold before them.

Starshine raised her muzzle to the sky and as the tears endlessly coursed down her muzzle, she shouted a heartfelt apology to the very heavens itself it seemed. Her voice was firm and full or remorse and tinged with the want to fix everything. "I STOLE THE EXISTENCE OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN EQUESTRIA. I AM TO BLAME PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"

Everycreature across the land from the muddy swamps of the Everfree to the heights of Cloudsdale, to those all the way in Las Pegasus heard the plea of the tiny unicorn. The room itself seemed to shake with her conviction as the words were shouted. The final chain, wrapped around the star, flickered and slowly faded from her flank. her cutiemark began to glow brightly, as did Starshine.

The glow filled Starshine's vision causing her to blink. She heard the celestial princesses calling her name and then silence. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Where am I? What's going on? Starshine's heartbeat quickened in fear. She was surrounded by stars, from where she stood she could see Equestria below her. She whipped her head to the side as a voice beside her began to speak in a proud tone. "You have made me proud, daughter of Twilight Sparkle."

Looking around Starshine saw no being and called out in a nervous voice that sounded nothing like her own. "W-who's there? Show yourself! What do you want of me?"

The voice echoed all around her, it's gender, very feminine. "I am the beginning and I am the end. I speak and what I want appears."

The being before her eyes slowly started coming into view before her eyes. She saw a body of an alicorn mare, colored a pure creamy white, as pure as ivory slowly shimmer into view.

"I made the sun and the moon. The celestial princesses know me as mom."

Starshine saw the most amazing mane of a rich burgundy, as pure as a rose adorn the head of the alicorn. From the hindquarters a matching tail without a hair out of place appeared.

"I am the one that made the elements, I am the reason you have your abilities. I made the trees the earthponies tend, I made the winds that blow through the sky on a hot summer's day. I made the sky in which the pegasi move the clouds. The magic in which unicorns delight...I gave it to them."

Starshine watched in amazement as a pair of seven-foot wings flared majestically opened, completely at a loss for words.

"The ponies of Equestria, the gryphons in the mountains, the dragons and their treasure hoards, and even the brutish yaks of Yakyakistan are all my children, I made them all."

The alicorn mare lowered her head to look at Starshine, eye to eye. Those opaque teal eyes removed all fear and sorrow from Starshine's heart as she stared into them and saw the warmth and love reflecting from within.

"If you look inside Starshine, you will find, you already know my name, child."

At that moment on the alicorn's flank appeared a cutiemark of a quill in an inkwell. Starshine opened her muzzle and spoke, somehow perfectly calm and at ease in this mare's presence. "Faust."

"Very good, young one. Now then, you asked of me what do I want with you? It's quite simple. There are those who ponies in Equestria would seal away. Those who seem beyond my reach, beyond forgiveness. "

As she spoke a scene appeared in Starshine's mind of cages and a cavern of red, crumbling rock. Creatures from all walks of life shouted in anguish, as a sign above twin iron doors stated the words: Tartarus.

"I have monitored your progress from birth to mare, and even now."

Suddenly Starshine found herself in the horsepital as Twilight gently rocked her back and forth. The scene shifted to show her graduation, her marriage and finally to that very tragic fight.

"Nothing escapes my gaze. You have shown quite a bit of promise. Selflessly you have sacrificed for the well being of others, time and again. "

Her greatest sacrifice appeared before her eyes, a graphic scene as those who had fallen on the battlefield, rose again as her fur turned from lilac to a very bright red as the wounds grew in number more and more. The scene faded, and she was back in front of Faust.

"Though you stumbled shortly after."

The time spell being cast once more replayed before her eyes. Starshine lowered her head in shame.

"Yet I still saw the potential within you."

Starshine raised in her head in surprise and saw a strange new scene. As the spell had been cast, she watched as Faust had approached her and whispered in her ear. "You have cast a forbidden spell, young one. I sense a pure heart within. You can still change this fate. You will be tested. I will send those you cherish most to guide you through this test. If you succeed, we will meet again. Should you fail, all knowledge of your existence will fade from Equestria."

The scene was gone once more. Starshine looked in shock at Faust. The divine alicorn beamed at Starshine. "You overcame your weakness, you admitted your faults and awakened the power sealed within. You have truly proven yourself worthy of my task."

Starshine watched in awe as the being's horn began to glow. Starshine raised her wings as the glow grew to blinding brilliance. Wait... She stared at the lilac colored wings in shock. Are those mine? Her mind raced faster than even Rainbow Dash had ever flown. Maybe I should try moving it? Slowly she attempted to move it, the wing before her eyes moved. Her eyes grew as wide as a dinner plate. It moved! I have wings? What? Why? How? A warm, cheerful giggle snapped her back to reality.

"Magnificent aren't they? Every Alicorn princess needs a pair, after all. I do believe those are some of my finest work."

Starshine noticed something else. As the wing moved, she found herself staring evenly into the face of Faust, whereas before she had been glancing upwards. She spoke her concerns, but her voice sounded sweeter and a tiny bit lower than normal. "My Queen, I-I don't understand, what's going on?"

That same cheerful laugh greeted her as a mirror suddenly appeared before her. "I returned you back to how you were, with some added features. Do let me know what you think, don't be shy."

She was older, taller, more majestic, she stood as tall as Luna. Her wings were gorgeous. Five feet in width fully flared open, the feathers on them shimmered and shined, accented by pink edges, causing them to glisten as the light hit them. "Wow, they are...wow."

"Oh, I am so happy to hear that.I have been designing them for quite a while, you see."

Starshine looked at her and asked a question in a very curious tone. "You mentioned something about a princess?

"Oh yes, you will be the Princess of Redemption. You will be my messenger. You will bring the light of harmony to those who have been lost in the dark. You will remind them of the truth, help them seek me, and help bring my children back home to me."

Starshine folded her wings and spoke, her voice full of concern. "What of my family, my friends, the lives in Equestria I ruined?"

Faust smiled playfully as she wrapped her white wings around Starshine in a warm embrace. "Ruined? Oh child of mine, I do not believe such an event has ever happened. Now then, it is time for you to carry out your mission, my daughter and never forget I am always with you."

"Wait, What-"

Starshine looked around her. The room was filled with very familiar faces. Applejack and her daughter Apple Pie were hoof wrestling in the corner. Bubblegum and Pinkie Pie were handing out cupcakes to a table of nearby fillies. Rarity and her daughter Ruby Rayon were talking to Rainbow Dash and her Daughter, Claire, about the flight record in Cloudsdale having been beaten. "Are you alright, Starshine?"

Her mother, Twilight Sparkle sat on the side next to Fluttershy, Discord and the owner of the voice, Serenity; their daughter. Starshine had been looking around tears flowing down her muzzle. "I-I'm fine, Serenity. I've just never been so happy."

Twilight looked at her and spoke in a very motherly voice. "Well tone down the happy then dear, you are scaring the baby!"

Starshine looked down in her hooves and saw two small, little silver eyes staring back at her. She smiled and kissed the foal's forehead whispering, "it's alright, mommy is here."

The tiny pony giggled and closed it's eyes sleeping once more. Starshine looked beside her. To her left sat Celestia and to the right sat Luna. As she sat upon a throne in between them, she suddenly gestured to her mom, silently calling her over. She whispered to her, "Mom, I have something I need to do. You see-"

Twilight smiled knowingly as her daughter told her of her mission. She replied in a voice audible only to Starshine. "I am proud of you, Princess Starshine."

The next day, Starshine, the Princess of Redemption set forth from the castle in Canterlot and headed for the depths of Tartarus. Twilight stood at the gates, carrying the adorable filly, Shimmerstar Sparkle on her back. The foal waved goodbye with Twilight as her mom left their sight.

The sun was slowly being lowered as Starshine arrived at her destination. She breathed a heavy sigh. Her eyes were set on the giant iron doors as she determinedly turned the lock with her magic and set hoof inside, ready to get to work.

Comments ( 10 )

It's finally up, all the build up has led to this, the final storytime. What the future may hold, the final storytime is now up and ready to read. Please enjoy~
this was an amazing process. A lot of sleepless nights, many hours coordinating thoughts with my friends, grammar and spell checking my work, and all the support from my readers. Thank you.
A huge shoutout to Pink Wolf and Statizkyz for all their help and patience as I badgered them about flow and form, sending them multiple versions of the same paragraph hundred's of times to get it right~
I do have plans for a sequel. So be on the lookout for that~

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Well in the story, Starshine is 8 years old for most of it. I would say mostly a sweet, semi high toned voice, just a hint of squeakiness.
her adult form would portray a voice similiar to a slightly deeper Twilight.
Serenity would sound...chaotic. slightly unhinged during certain points, but mostly put together.
It would depend on the situation...in all honestly.
Bubblegum would be sugarrush in speech, like his mother
Claire would be rebelious and annoyed at being mollicoddled.
Skyflare would be proud like magnus in tone
Apple pie and Applespice would have a southern accent
Bolt would sound a bit like Rarity maybe an octave higher.


NOOOO!!! I NEED MORE!! MORE!! :fluttercry::raritycry:

What a beautiful story!! Thank you soo much for sharing this with the rest of us!!

It continues in Thestral With The Golden Halo. Also I'm glad you enjoyed this!

Yeah, I know. I plan to go through this story sometime later today if I can't find anything else to read or mark for later. There is a story I know that tbh start off horrible... When not like bad bad but compared to later chapter is pretty bad. I guess https://www.fimfiction.net/story/437915/the-equestrian-odyssey-a-tale-of-two-worlds is a prime example to getting better as time goes on.

tbh when comparing this story to some others I've seen, those stories would make this story a master piece.

While grammar has never been my forte, After this book I started using a grammar checker. My autism (not a joke) makes it hard for me to grasp the concept. Though the speaking parts...yeah I agree, though I am glad you can see past that to the actual content. I wrote this (as well as subsequent stories) for therapy reasons; psychiatrist suggested it would help my PTSD. After this book however, I realized how happy it made me and just how much it relieved my stress, and so I got a bit more serious about my writing.

I'm glad that you made stories you enjoy doing!:twilightsmile: For me if it's grammar I really don't care as long as it not as bad as one story I came across where it honestly made it near impossible to understand the story let alone what it was trying to tell us.

For now, going off of what I've seen(for description and first two chapters) so far I think it's going be a pretty good story.

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