• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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Applespice and Bolt's Storytime- Apple Pie

Princess Celestia and Starshine were led down a path through the orchard towards what looked like a rotted old wooden barn. The roof had a hole near the top. The sides were pitted and dotted throughout with cracks and dents. Time has not been kind to this place, Celestia thought darkly. As she noticed the rotting and decaying corpses of the once proud apple trees as they had trotted slowly down the path.

The sign to the farm hung on a single hinge and clattered against the wooden arch as the wind blew a listless, chilly gust upon it. Sweet Apple Acres it stated in the dull fading paint. A relic of days far more cheerful. Celestia's mind flashed back to a very proud orange earth pony giving her the tour of the orchard and her little sister eagerly offering her a cup of delicious cider. Those were indeed brighter times, Celestia thought bitterly as they passed a small worn down metalwork statue.

Starshine was trailing behind her mother, when the sound of sniffling reached her ears. Turning towards the sound she saw a small filly staring at her, the face of the young pony showed a great sadness.Blinking, Starshine opened her mouth to greet the strange silent filly, only to notice it was gone. Looking all around her in confusion Starshine saw no pony but her mother, who had turned once more to gesture with her head. "Starshine,come."

The purple unicorn shook her head as if to clear her thoughts and once more began to follow her mother towards the rundown barn. The elder mare and her aged husband were waiting there patiently for the princess and her daughter. "Coming mommy!"

Soon, she stood in front of the rotted wooden door. The barn itself looked as bleak and intimidating as the property on which it stood. Starshine noticed the slats that made the side were slowly deteriorating and dirt and debris had dulled the once brilliant red paint. Unsure of what lay ahead, she looked to Celestia for guidance. Her mom smiled warmly at her and gave a small comforting push with her wings, letting her daughter know she was safe. Taking a deep breath as the chill in her bones seemed to vanish, Starshine pushed open the oaken door. With a loud protesting squeak of the rusted hinges it swung inward to reveal a most curious scene.

The interior of the wooden structure was in a single word, homely. Glass mason jars held small fireflies, which gave off a gentle orange glow. The table was a beautiful and detailed craft of metalwork. It gleamed and glistened of polished copper welded together using iron accents. Around it sat four matching chairs. The smell of smoked apples wafted through the air, supplied by the applewood flooring and a small pan of freshly baked apple fritters, cooling on a wood stove top.

"Ah hope y'all don' mind apple fritters fer dinner."

Starshine heard Applespice, and her soothing down home accent as her mouth watered in anticipation. Turning to look at her mom, she saw her nod in approval. "That sounds wonderful..."

Applespice winked at the solar mare and exclaimed, "an of course what would a visit to an Apple be without tryin' some of mah homemade Applespice Cake?"

Celestia immediately dropped her royal demeanor and swiftly rushed to the table, drooling in anticipation upon hearing the words 'cake'. Every creature in Equestria had long since been aware of the royal princess and her love of cakes.Starshine trotted over to the table before taking a seat, silent laughter causing her eyes to water at the amusing sight.
Sitting at the table, she witnessed Applespice opening the oven and pulling out the perfectly cooked form of a large double layer cake. From it, wafted the most calming fragrance of Golden Delicious apples and a hint of cinnamon as well as roasted...pears? Sniffing to make sure she wasn't mistaken, Starshine confirmed that the layers of cake were connected with pear jam!

Off to the side, while his wife served the dinner, Bolt trotted over to a nearby metal contraption and pulled a lever. Starshine's eyes went wide with wonder as a flame appeared and silent burned inside the device warming the area considerably.

Once the strange contraption had been fired up, Bolt came over and sat down at the table next to his wife. The poor stallion was then bombarded by questions from the ever curious Starshine. "What is that? How does it work? Did you make it? Does it run on magic? If so how did you use it, being an Earthpony?"

Bolt cast a bemused eye in Celestia's direction. The princess gave a small laugh as she sipped a rosehip and apple tea that Applespice had just poured her. "I would answer her. She won't stop otherwise."

Bolt smiled and shook his head in amusement before turning to Starshine and giving his response. "Oh dah-ling. That device is what we call a forge. Yes i did indeed make it myself, with these very hooves many years ago. You are quite observant dear, as it does in fact harness magic. The magic is supplied by my lovely wife, and it was also her design. By pulling that lever there, I can create a spark by compressing the magic within, when the pressure around it builds high enough a spark is created from combustion. Inside the machine is a special shell to contain and regulate the magic."
The conversation carried on with both of them going back and forth, while Celestia and Applespice held their own little counsel. "She is adorable, yer highness. Ya should be very proud."

Celestia smiled and replied, "raising her has been my proudest achievement to be sure."

Noticing the slightly off toned response, Applespice attempted to ask Celestia a question, though she was interrupted by Starshine. "Ah noticed ya both sport different coats, is she ado-"

"Excuse me, but why didn't that filly I saw join us for dinner?"

Everypony in the room stared at the young unicorn in disbelief. Celestia traded nervous glances with the other two before asking her daughter, "Starshine, sweetie, what filly?"

"The one that was standing in the center of the yard! She looked so sad, did she do something wrong?"

Applespice's eyes were wide with shock, swallowing hard she asked, "Sugarcube, what did this filly look like?"

"Oh, she was about as tall as me, with freckles, and I believe she had a light red coat with an orange mane and tail."

Upon hearing this, Applespice began to cry. Worried she had done something wrong, Starshine began to apologize. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be nosey. I'm sure there is a reason for it."

Celestia whispered, "Starshine, did this filly have a cutiemark?"

"Yes mommy! It was plain as day, an apple pie!"

The color drained from Celestia's face. "C-can you show us exactly where you saw this filly, sweetie?"

Unsure of what was going on, Starshine felt she had upset the adults somehow. I have to fix this, she thought. Starshine nodded. "yes mommy! Follow me!"
Racing from the barn with the others hot on her flank, Starshine ran up to the little statue that they had passed earlier. "I saw her right here!"

Starshine felt an ominous chill crawl up her spine and spoke in a slightly anxious panic "W-what's going on? Mom-my why is it so c-c-cold all of a sudden? Why is everypony so worried?"

Bolt pointed at the statue and spoke in a toneless voice, "take a look at the statue beside you."

Starshine turned to examine the worn out metal figure beside her. The statue was made from welded iron. Time and exposure to the elements had corroded it. The details appeared to be carved with amazing precision. The waves and curves indicated a mane, hooves, and a small hat. The tail was almost completely gone, but what was left was very well styled. On the side of what looked like a flank was a small symbol of an apple pie. Below the statue, in a barely visible etching were some words. Starshine squinted to make them out:

Apple Pie

Here lies our daughter, taken from us before her time. May we meet again at that final Apple Family Reunion one day. Ah couldn't protect...

The scratchings below indicated it continued, but were far too faded to be read. Starshine eyes widened as she understood.Princess Celestia looked at Applespice and gave a small encouraging nod. Applespice stepped forward and taking a heavy breath, said "Sugarcube, that filly you saw were none other than the daughter of Applejack, herself."

Applejack? Starshine knew that name just couldn't quite place it and so she put her hoof up to her chin to ponder it, when it struck her. "The Applejack? The General of the Earthpony Division? That Applejack, the Mythical Mare of Honesty?"

Applespice smiled, "the one an' the same, Sugarcube! Ah reckon ya've heard all about her in yer fancy Canterlot classes."

Starshine thought back to her classes before the summer vacation had rolled around. "Princess Flurryheart once taught me about how Applejack was famous for her strength enough to rival even Rockhoof, and was honest as the day is long as well as very family oriented. On the battlefield she was known as the "den mother" by all those under her command. Legend has it she would refer to them as family, never as soldiers."

Applespice grinned. "Aye that were Applejack, indeed!"

Her voice sunk low with a serious tone. "However, there is a tale about her known by few, an told by none. Yer see, it isn't widely known but, she had herself a daughter. A beautiful little filly by the name of Apple Pie. An' one day, while her ma were on the frontlines handling a dispute between the dragons and griffins, her daughter met with an 'orrible fate."

Starshine shivered as her vision blurred. Shaking her head, she attempted to clear her sight, only to be greeted with the filly from before staring back into her eyes. Feeling frantic she looked around for the adults, but they were gone. Turning back to look at the small earth pony before her, Starshine spoke. "Are you Apple Pie?"

The filly answered calmly at first before becoming startled. "Aye ahm Apple Pie, wait, ya' can see meh?"

Starshine wasn't sure what to say. Pondering how to answer for a moment, she began to recall a lesson taught to her by her Aunt Luna back when she got her cutiemark:

"Your magic is a very special variety Starshine. It comes not from the elements of harmony themselves but from the spiritual energy you feel surrounding you. The emotions felt by others, by channeling your desire to help them, you draw forth the ability to cast your magic. You may not possess the ability to raise the sun or the moon, Like your mother and myself. However, you do have the ability to soothe the restless, to grant peace to those who are off balanced. When you are older, I promise I will explain more. Until then, please do not use magic unless your mother or I are present."

Starshine's horn glowed as glanced at Apple Pie. The air around the young filly's form shimmered and swirled with red, blue and green energy. As she observed this phenomenon, she gave her answer. "I can. I can also see you have a bit of a tale to tell, don't you? Why don't you tell me, why are you so sad?"

The red in Apple Pie's coat seemed to darken around her muzzle, indicating a blush. "Ya' can see right through meh can't ya? Mah tale is not one Ah enjoy tellin'."

"I want to help you.Please tell me."

Apple Pie stared at Starshine. The fiercely determined look on the purple unicorn's face told Apple Pie she had no choice. The small spectral pony, sat down on her haunches and as Starshine watched her with her horn aglow, she began her tale of days long past.

-five minutes ago-

Celestia had seen her daughter's horn glow and had tried to snap her out of it. Now she stood beside her daughter, sobbing, for Starshine had stopped breathing. The only sign to indicate what was happening, was the small glow of bluish violet surrounding the tiny unicorn's horn.

Applespice turned to her and began to speak. "Yer majesty what's goin' on?"

As her tears subsided, Celestia turned to look them in the eyes. Wrapping a wing around her daughter, she spoke softly. "She has gone to bring peace to a fallen Apple."