• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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Starshine's Story Time- "Her Name Was Twilight Sparkle"

"My ancestor, mommy?" questioned the filly. Celestia smiled and patted the bed on which she had herself sat down on. As the tiny unicorn lay back onto the soft comforter in an attempt to get comfortable, Celestia used her horn to cast a spell calling forth a book from behind the portrait on the wall depicting an artist's rendition of the 7 most famous ponies in all of Equestria; the mythical Mares of Friendship.

Celestia began to explain as the unicorn watched wide-eyed: "she was a regal mare, standing just a hoofs length short of my height. An alicorn like myself, she graced those around her with an impressive display of her wings unfolding. Unfurled they reached an impressive six hooves-length in diameter while her rich purple feathers truly were a sight to behold. Her fur was a light shade of purple" She paused to smile bitterly at the memory before continuing: "just like her horn I might add. Actually, you remind me of her at that moment when she first came to the castle. From your fur to your mane and even your tiny horn, you are the spitting image of her."

A tiny hoof shot up into her line of sight and Starshine asked, "but who was she, mommy?", To which Celestia replied: "her name was Twilight Sparkle."

Upon hearing this the young filly sat bolt upright and exclaimed in disbelief, " the Twilight Sparkle? Are you saying I am related to the Princess of Friendship? As in the pony who is considered instrumental in leading the Mares of Friendship in order to stop the destruction of Equestria whenever disaster loomed or a villain had appeared? That Twilight Sparkle? That's just an old mare's tale, isn't it?"

Celestia's muzzle shook with soft laughter at this statement. "She was very much real Starshine and she was my closest friend. Alongside myself and Luna, she stood as royalty helping us to govern Equestria. Though while Luna and I surveyed the kingdoms for the distress that may be lurking, she was a more...hands-on princess. At the drop of a pin, she would rush to seek answers to solve any problem. No matter the issue she would find a way to resolve it and would charge courageously into combat, calm, serene with grace, and as wise as the ancients. It wasn't always like that of course. When she first set hoof in this castle as a unicorn she had been very one-track minded. Always focused on a single matter at hoof but not the big picture. This naturally resulted in all sorts of fumbles and follies on her behalf."

Ever curious Starshine inquired, "how so mommy, I thought to focus on something is supposed to be a great way to accomplish a goal?" Celestia nodded thoughtfully and began to explain:"Focusing on a goal is indeed very important, but as Twilight had to learn, narrowing your thoughts to that one thing can lead to being blind to the entire truth. Listen as I read to you from the 'Book of Twilight' written by none other than the original Cutie Mark Chroniclers. This book has the details of Twilights entire life from her getting her cutie mark to her fiercest battles. Since you've already heard of those, however, how about I share with you the struggles she endured? How she then rose to become one of the greatest princesses in all Equestria. Her battles were indeed fierce, but sometimes the hardest thing a pony can do is not fight but truly forgive. Sometimes that requires more than just one point of view. That is what occurred when one of her most vexing rivals sought her blessing for the hoof of one of her most promising students."

Chapter 293 from the Book of Twilight, "Twilights Blessing: A Rivalry Put to Rest"

"May I please have a moment of your time?" Twilight stood in the doorway of her glistening castle, completely slack-jawed not at what she had just been asked but rather by whom was asking it. The pony before her stood trembling, almost humble, far from her usual bravado of being great and powerful. In fact, she seemed to be downright cowering in fear standing there, well aware of what the stakes were in doing this. Twilight glared at her for a moment and gestured with her hoof: "come in Trixie."

"The great and...I mean I thank you, princess", Trixie hastily fixed her words even throwing in an uncharacteristically courteous bow in respect, before stumbling into the room. Twilight meanwhile had turned her back on Trixie and walked farther in, gesturing to a nearby couch and taking stock of every movement made by the blue unicorn not trusting her for a second. Trixie had not rested her haunches down on the soft feathery down for so much as a second before Twilight questioned her as to why she was here: "Trixie what do you want? Another duel? Another chance to insult and attempt to humiliate me?"

Trixie opened her mouth but immediately closed it as she wilted under twilight's glare. Twilight continued, "every time you show up at my door it's to prove how 'great and powerful' you are and how weak and powerless you think I am. Tell me what the flippin' competition is this time so we can get it over with and I can get back to my life!" With that, she rested upon a nearby easy chair clearly angry.

Trixie's horn glowed, and she removed her magician's hat resting it in her hooves as she bowed her head before replying in a shaky voice: "Twilight I came here to make amends. I came here not to be great or powerful but to be truly humble and ask for your forgiveness."

Twilight's eyes went wide. Trixie, humble? This must be some kind of trick just like before. Her eyes narrowed: "oh right, the Trixie who refused any kindness I ever showed her. The Trixie who humiliated me and brushed aside any form of generosity or kindness I or my friends gave her, is seeking friendship?"

Trixie's face scrunched in rage. Here it comes, Twilight thought. Her usually selfish, angry and boisterous attitude. Much to her surprise, however, Trixie took a deep breath and once her face relaxed, she stated: "you are right. What I did to you and the others was wrong of me and for that, I deserve anything you wish to inflict upon me. You always forgave me and I took it for granted. Treated it like nothing more than a right, that you had to forgive me because I was the Great and Powerful Trixie; I was selfish, rude and disrespectful of anyone and anything I came across. I am truly sorry."

Twilight couldn't believe her ears. Did Trixie just apologize in a sincere manner? Before she could respond Trixie continued, "I was always jealous of your power; it's true. Contests to prove my strength in magic, trying to prove my intellect over yours, it was all out of jealousy. About 40 moons ago, however, something happened to make me think that perhaps I shouldn't be Jealous of you but rather improve on what makes me special."

Twilight rolled her eyes and inquired: "and what exactly was that?" Trixie gulped and putting on her bravest face replied, "I met your apprentice in the ways of friendship.", Seeing the look of surprise on Twilight's face Trixie continued:"Starlight and I shared a kind of empathy, we began to get along great and eventually we began hanging out. She told me of her past and how you never gave up on helping her overcome it. She even began lecturing me on the ways of being friendly towards others. I realized something, though accepting it took a bit of effort afterward."

Twilight's raised eyebrow seemed to bid her continue, so she did. "I realized that for her to be such a good friend she had to have learned it from you, the ways and ideas to do so. I never had many friends and still, she reached a hoof out to me, me of all ponies! However, if not for you that truly never would have happened."

Twilight though not completely buying it, said graciously: "that is very kind of you to say, however, why now? Trixie, why exactly are you here?" Trixie replied:"Twilight you know Starlight and I have been together for a while now, right?"
"Yes and all of your shenanigans have kept her out past the curfew I assigned," Twilight retorted, "so is that what this is all about? Have you come here to beg for yet another pass for your actions? Perhaps related to last weeks party where somepony replaced my shampoo with rainbow color dye?" Twilight squinted at Trixie accusingly.

"Er, no. I mean yes, I did that, no I am not here to ask for a pass on it. After this talk, I will gladly accept whatever punishment you feel is necessary for my actions." Trixie was shaking as she said this, Twilight noticed. How very unlike her, what could she be up to?

"Then why exactly have you sought a personal audience with me, Trixie? What are you after?" Twilight asked, after coming up with no answers of her own. Trixie knew she could no longer beat around the bush she had to go for it. "I have come here tonight for two reasons." Twilight leaned slightly forward a bit more attentive, her wings having been outstretched now folding slowly around herself as if to indicate her interest.

"One was to ask" Trixie gulped and took a visibly deep breath before continuing, "for your blessing in taking Starlight's hoof as my somepony. The second -" Twilight interrupted at that point: "You've come here tonight after many years of chaos to ask me for such a favor? You; the pony who demeaned, humiliated, abused and embarrassed me on top of shunning any kindness or compassion I attempted to give? Do you dare to approach me for a personal favor? Why do you want my blessing anyway? Starlight is a grown mare! Do what you want! You have never cared for my opinion before and frankly, I am tired of trying and failing to offer it to you. Get out, now!"

Trixie saw the look on Twilights face as the wings flared wide open and realized she had no chance. She rose and tears streaming from her eyes bolted from the crystalline castle. As she did, a voice behind Twilight said softly: "are you alright? Twilight, I heard shouting."Turning her head, the princess relaxed her wings as her face took on a warm expression."I am fine, my faithful student," she replied tonelessly. It was obvious she was hiding the truth. Starlight stepped from the shadows and sat down next to her greatest idol on the couch, offering her a chalice of Sweetmilk from Sugarcube Corners before speaking up. "Would you mind if I talked to you, Princess?"