• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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Claire and Skyflare's Storytime- Nopony Left Behind

Claire sat there seeing a rather peculiar sight. Princess Luna stood before her and seemed to be talking with somepony named Rainbow. The problem was, Claire couldn't tell where this Rainbow was supposed to be. She watched as Luna's normally serious face was alight with pure joy, though the small pegasus had no idea who she was talking to, it was crystal clear whoever it was, must've been somepony very important to the lunar princess.

"I have missed watching you in action Rainbow!"
"Your speed certainly hasn't slowed."
"Remember that night you helped me play that prank on Tia?HA! When she woke up with a full on rainbow colored mane? Priceless!"
"I remember that! The entire audience standing there dumbfounded when you announced Spike would be flying by your side in the friendship games along with Gilda. I thought for sure Spitfire was going to go into shock!"

Claire was a young filly. Only twelve years old and flightless. She could be hot-headed and big-headed about things. The one thing she was not, however, was stupid. She sat there quietly analyzing the situation. It was clear Luna thought an old friend was by her side. She watched as for the next two minutes Luna held a conversation with no one.As much as Claire wanted to inform her of this, she also took note of the smile on Luna's lips. That smile spoke a story of a prayer answered and hope renewed. Claire made her choice. She was physically handicapped, and she may never be able to fly, but this she knew, was something far worse. All thoughts of anger towards their first run-in vanished, suddenly noticing her handicap seemed rather inconsequential. Luna needed her and she would never turn her back on somepony in need.

She rose off her haunches and approached Princess Luna and vowing mentally to support her in her time of need, put a smile on her face and asked, "forgive the interruption Princess Luna but please may I know who your friend here is?" Luna gestured a hoof towards the emptiness beside her, the positioning indicating a winged pony.

"Claire, this pegasus is the reason for the Wonderbolts allowing dragons and griffins. This is the pony who fought on the front lines alongside Twilight and her friends. She was also my bodyguard on the Nightwatch during the Chrysalis Reformation. Most importantly of all, she was one of my best friends, I give you Commander Rainbow Danger Dash of the 863rd Equestrian Wonderbolts."

Claire stood there open-mouthed, not sure how exactly to respond. Luna looked at Rainbow Dash and laughed, "Ha, she is so speechless to see you!" Rainbow Dash's eyes flashed with pity as she stared back but, only for a second before smiling and suggesting to Luna,"why don't you tell her about the party? Remember when Pinkie Pie invited the dragons and the griffins were enraged over at Griffinstone? I bet she would love to hear that."

Luna said,"why don't you tell her?" Once again, for just the briefest instant, Rainbow's eyes flashed with sorrow."Well, because last time we talked I just finished my shift, went to bed and I just woke up. Besides, you know I love when you tell my stories." Luna knew that arguing with her stubborn mare friend was useless so she said, "alright, I will."

Luna's horn glowed with a light blue magical energy as she focused on the satchel bag at her side. Claire watched in awe as the bag flap opened and out rose a colorful hardbound book. On the front, Claire noticed the design of a cloud with a multicolored lightning bolt striking from it. As the book hovered before the mighty alicorn princess, Luna spoke, "this is the Book of Rainbow Dash. It chronicles everything about her, from her birth to her...Ahem...anyway if you are interested, I could regale you with tales of her daring and loyal nature."

Claire was interested. That was an understatement. Rainbow Dash was a legend amongst every household in Cloudsdale. Her feats in flight and speed still stood on the academy wall of fame for the Wonderbolts. The problem was nopony actually knew anything about her. Claire's brother was related to Scootaloo, believed to be Rainbow's sister, she knew that much. However, all traces of the legendary rainbow-maned, winged-mare had vanished aside from a rather colorful chalk message on the board in the Wonderbolts record hall which stated:

Rainbow Dash - 1.5 minutes, Cloudsdale to Griffinstone, Current Record
Recorded by:Commander Spitfire

Every pegasus aspired to be like her. The Wonderbolts had even made a contest out of it. Anypony, who could break the legendary record, would receive a bit pool jackpot. The cost to try was two bits. The current jackpot was at forty-two million, and the jackpot itself had become legendary. Only full-grown mares and stallions were allowed. Many historians and mathematicians have claimed the record was a fake that it was impossible to fly over three thousand miles in a minute and a half. Still, pegasi went after that goal with a fervor and Claire was no different in her aspirations.

"Yes please!", she practically screamed with excitement. "I particularly would love to hear about her flight from Cloudsdale to Griffinstone!" Luna laughed, the young filly's excitement was as bright as the colors in Rainbow's mane. Turning to look at her friend she could have sworn something was off...did those color's hues get duller?She shook her head and thought, surely not, it was just her imagination. After all, Rainbow was smiling and hovering there intent on listening to her epic tale of awesomeness. Yes, she thought, just a trick of the dim light from the moon. Completely failing to see the look of genuine pain Rainbow gave her before smiling again, Luna glanced once more at the treasured novel. She was about to start reading when a loud voice called out, "there you are sis! I have been looking everywhere for you!"

Commander Skyflare slowly descended to land beside his sister, now out of uniform since the show was over. He nudged his sister after glancing at Princess Luna and whispered, "what's going on? It's past your bedtime we need to get you home or mom will get angry." Giving a formal salute to Luna, Skyflare said directly, "beg your pardon ma'am but it's past her bedtime."

Luna's face took on a crestfallen appearance, before Claire said suddenly, "I can't leave her just yet!" Her brother glanced at her, having immediately noticed the tone of urgency in her voice. He stood there silent as she continued, "Princess Luna and her friend Rainbow Dash, were just about to read tales of her awesome deeds." Skyflare noticed the intense emphasis of the name Rainbow Dash and looked around. He saw nopony, though he knew his sister would not be acting this way without a reason. He decided he should play along until he knew the entire story.

"Oh forgive me, Princess in this light I failed to notice your friend" Skyflare was no stranger to putting on airs. Many events had occurred where the orange pegasus had to be charismatic and deliver speeches. Without missing a beat, he watched Claire for cues and pointed at the air beside the royal princess. "Rainbow Dash it truly is an honor to meet you!"

Luna smiled and said, "please say hello Rainbow!" Skyflare shot a covert glance towards Claire and saw her slight nod and smile. He had figured it out. He smiled as he thought, never one to leave a pony behind were you, sis? Luna spoke up after a brief silence, "without further ado; the night isn't getting any younger. This is the tale of an awesome pegasus, a pair of friends in peril, and the desire to help them, no matter the cost. This is the story of Rainbow Dash and the Rainbow Seen Around the World."

As the brother and sister sat there next to the rainbow falls glistening in the moonlight, Luna began to read. Glancing off to her side for a moment, she noticed Rainbow Dash grabbing a nearby cloud. Then in typical fashion, she lay on it, hooves under her chin, intent to hear one of her greatest friends retell her story.