• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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Applespice and Bolt's Storytime- "Her Fate Is In Your Hooves"

Starshine stood in the strange emptiness staring at the young filly before her. Apple Pie sat on her haunches staring right back at her. The little spectral pony spoke in an almost wanting-to-please voice. "erm...should ah begin, marm?"
Starshine wasn't sure what to do or say, she opened her mouth to speak. The words that came out however, seemed to come from nowhere. She was pretty sure she didn't intend to speak them. Yet, as she said them, they felt instinctively right. "Do you truly wish for another chance? Do you truly wish me to learn of your past?"

Apple Pie could tell something had changed about the unicorn in front of her. She seemed strangely more mature, almost as if wisdom gathered from eons of existence had suddenly filled her. She had no desire to attempt to deceive this strange pony. She could see from the blue fire blazing in her eyes, that Starshine would not tolerate it. She felt afraid. For the first time since her end, she genuinely felt fear. She was completely at Starshine's mercy, and she knew it.

Staring into those merciless eyes, Apple Pie saw a small twinkle. That twinkle suddenly filled the spectral pony with an immense surge of hope, like perhaps she had a chance. She spoke directly to Starshine in a firm voice, "Ah want nothin' more, marm. Please hear of mah tale an' learn of mah regrets."

With a nod of approval from Starshine, Apple Pie began her tale of woe. "It all started when mah ma got appointed ta the position of head o' th' Earthpony Division of th' Friendship Guard of Equestria..."

Starshine's eyes went wide as Apple Pie's words slowly lessened in volume until she could no longer be heard. Instead, as her mouth moved images began to appear all around her. The pictures depicted a young filly watching as an orange pony in a cowboy hat was given news of her promotion. The tiny filly suddenly grew angry and filled with jealousy. Starshine could tell because the tiny filly was suddenly engulfed in the green glow she noticed earlier as well as red. It was strange. Somehow it felt natural for her to observe this. She watched as the orange pony glowed with a soft pink light while hugging the small filly followed by a blue glow as she left the barn.

What am I seeing? Why am I seeing it? These thoughts flooded her mind at once. A voice she had never noticed before told her to focus, to observe, to understand. "Pay attention, observe her emotions, see the truth, set her free."

That voice was calm, yet affirmative. Just as calm waters contain deep secrets, Starshine could tell this strange voice was the calmest amidst the stream of fastpaced thoughts she had been having. Who are you? Thought the purple unicorn. The voice responded with a warm determination, "I am that which you had stolen, I am you."

Starshine was non-plussed. Me? She thought. The endlessly patient tone replied. "Yes, I am you. Now focus on the matter at hand, her fate is in your hooves."

That voice sounded warm, safe, and inspirational. Starshine wasn't sure what was going on, however she felt she could trust it and so she determinedly began to focus on the spectral pony before her once more. What am I looking for, though? No sooner had this thought popped into her mind, then the voice claiming to be "herself" responded. "Do you see the colors around her?"

Yes, she thought. Ever calm the voice responded. "Those colors represent a spectrum of emotions she is harboring in her heart of hearts. These emotions cannot be seen by others. What I mean is, you are analyzing her soul."

Alright but, why? She asked. "Right now she is on trial. You are the judge, the jury, and quite possibly her executioner. You are searching her life, her very existence, to learn why she strayed from the Path of Harmony."

Path of Harmony? What is that? Starshine still was attempting to process this as the colors flowed.She was still mentally noting each and every one. That is when she saw it. Apple pie lowered her head in shame, as she confessed her deepest regret. In that moment Starshine saw a large glow of gold surround her. She feels remorse, Starshine thought. She didn't know how or why she knew what it meant. The only thing she knew was it was genuine regret and remorse for her actions.

A slew of thoughts popped into her mind. You say I am her judge, jury maybe even her executioner? What does that mean? Also, why do I have this ability? Also, what is this Path of Harmony? The voice responded with a tone of absolute certainty, leaving Starshine no cause to doubt it. "The young filly before you was sentenced to a horrible fate after she had met her end. What she did, was thought to be unforgivable by those at her trial. As penance she was forced to wander the ethereal plane until now. She is neither amongst those of Equestria nor amongst those of the Otherside. Before you she has bared her soul, everything she has thought about from then until now. Your part in this is to decide if she has learned her lesson, does she deserve a second chance? If so, she may yet again see her mother on the Otherside."

Starshine interrupted the voice with her thought. What happens if she doesn't? The voice though calm was filled with sorrow. "Then she will be sent to Tartarus, with no chance of redemption. There will be no other trial, no other chance for her salvation. You hold the final verdict. You must decide what becomes of her."

You still haven't answered my other questions. "Everypony in life walks a path. This path is known as the Path of Harmony. Remaining balanced with morals and choices of good will keeps one on this path. Should they stay on this path; their road leads them to the Otherside. However, should a pony lose the light within they then become consumed by darkness. The choices they make continue to lead them further and further astray. They become lost, also known as Fallen. The destination for those who have fallen is a fate worse than any living creature could ever imagine enduring."

Why me though why do I possess this ability? There was a small silence, then she heard the words that made her blood run cold. "You can thank your birthmare as well as her six friends for this ability, though I do not believe the time is right for me to explain further."

What? Birthmare? You mean mom? Her mind was racing. "No, but that is neither here nor there, you must focus Starshine. In time you will understand. Right now however, you have a role to play, a job to do. You have seen the evidence. You have witnessed the dastardly acts committed, and you have seen the heart of the one before you. You must decide, what shall become of her?"

While Apple Pie sat waiting in anxiety, she saw the unicorn before her deep in thought. Who is she, why did I feel so willing to share my story? Apple Pie couldn't answer any of these questions in her mind. That tiny filly before her seemed like a mare of untold wisdom and stature. She couldn't help but feel like she was being scrutinized not by a filly but by a full-grown pony of true regality. It was as if the highest authority was before her and she was slowly being crushed by the gravity of a power she could never comprehend. Why am I feeling this way? Apple Pie continued to sit still, afraid of offending the tiny purple unicorn and waited for what was to come.

One more question, Starshine thought. The voice responded with a patient, "yes?"

What right do i have to choose the fate of another? There was another silence and then, "you were chosen by the elements to do so."

After a few nerve-wracking moments, Starshine opened her mouth and gave her verdict. Her voice gave no hint of emotion, though it carried with it a strange sense of authority and age beyond her years.

"Apple Pie when you left Equestria you were convicted of your past regrets.At that time you showed no emotion, no feelings for those whom you inflicted with misery and pain. You were convicted to wander the ethereal neither above nor below in order to gather insight as to what occurred and to see if you could ever be redeemed. You have presented your case, baring your soul before myself. I have weighed all relevant facts and have reached my verdict. in the name of the ponies who have suffered. For all those you caused to leave before their own time, I hereby judge you to be ..."

Five hours ago in Sweet Apple Acres
Princess Celestia stood with her wing draped over her daughter's still body. Applespice and Bolt stood slack-jawed. "Erm beg yer pardin yer Majesty. What didja just say?"

The princess thought carefully about how to respond. She did not want to cause a panic, yet she could not deny her daughter was not breathing.The fact of Starshine's glowing horn made explaining even more tricky. what to say...

"Starshine will be fine, she accidently cast a sleep spell upon herself. The poor filly, still trying to get a hold on her magic. We should probably get inside before the rain starts. Please help me carry her to the barn."

The solarmare was lying through her teeth. The truth of the matter was she had no clue what had happened to her daughter. One moment she was breathing, the next her body was stone cold. She knew Starshine possessed a unique form of magic, though how it worked or even what it did, was a mystery to her. Her mind was running rampant with terror. I can't lose her again! In her state of panic, she had defaulted to a very old habit, denial. Nothing is wrong, she is simply sleeping. Surely it will work out, like it always does.

The problem was, Applespice saw right through the veil. However, she could also see the fear in Celestia's eyes. A simple country pony, Applespice always believed there was nothing hospitality couldn't solve. This situation was no different. Deciding to play along, she turned to her husband and spoke. "Th' princess is right Bolt. Ah reckon we should get the young'un tucked in fer the night. Tomorrow she'll be right as rain."

Unlike his lovely wife, Bolt was a very well-educated pony. Back in his youth, he had graduated from Canterlot Academy having earned a full degree in Engineering. He saw the situation, and like the engineer he was, analyzed the different variables involved. Starshine was still. Celestia was scared. His wife knew this and she had a plan. "Oh dah-ling" he said with a flourish of his mane, "I do believe you are right, besides this humidity is atrocious for my mane."

Bolt carefully draped the still form of Starshine across his wife's back. Applespice then led the way as the three of them headed back towards the barn. Once they were back in the barn, Applespice made her way up to the loft, to tuck in the still unicorn she carried. Bolt had sat Celestia down at the table once more and proceeded to serve her a slice of cake. I don't know what my wife plans to do, he thought to himself I can bet though whatever it is will brighten your mood princess.

Picking up a nearby war hammer, Bolt proceeded over to the forge and began the process of forging a new set of armor. Celestia watched him, spellbound. All thoughts in her mind vanished, replaced by wonder. This effect continued as she watched the artistic almost poetic way Bolt smelted, shaped, and formed the metal to his will. It was as if the earthpony possessed a special magical connection to the metal itself, as it bent and molded according to the stallions desires. Completely distracted by the enchanting display, Celestia failed to see Applespice had joined her at the table. "Yer daughters all tucked in fer the night. It's a mervolous sight ain't it, yer majesty?"

Celestia momentarily startled, turned to face the country unicorn who was speaking to her. "I really appreciate your help with that. I didn't see you there. I was just watching the way your husband bends the metal, and seems to communicate with it. It truly is a wonderous sight to behold. Quite a strange aptitude for one having been born an earthpony of Apple Heritage."

Upon saying this, a thought struck Celestia. "Then again, it is quite odd to see a unicorn wearing the hat of the Apples, and living life as a earthpony would."

Applespice's eyes widened. Celestia was acting a bit nonchalant compared to earlier. Did she simply not care, or could it be her unwillingness to believe what had happened? Either way she needed somepony to lean on during this time of need. Smiling with delight at the inquiry of the princess, she realized this was a great way to get the princess's mind off her daughter. "Very many moons ago, two little fillies, a colt and a mare, went ta the royal castle in Canterlot. A tradition had been started makin' it common fer fillies, before them were to go to classes fer th' first time, to attend a storytime with two royal sisters. Th' storytimes involved legendary heroes and heroines of the past performin' heroic deeds not since witnessed. Th' two little fillies were completely in awe, ov'r the stories of two particular ponies. Their names were Applejack an' Rarity. Th' tiny colt were enthralled by th' stories of the amazin'ly generous and fierce, yet delicate nature o' the Mythical Mare of Generosity; Rarity. The young unicorn mare was delighted an' enchanted hearing about th' rough and rugged nature of th' strong yet family oriented earthpony known as Applejack, the Mythical Mare of Honesty."

Celestia's eyes showed great interest in this tale. Applespice continued and as the light from the forge glowed to the rhythmic pounding of the war hammer, Celestia listened as Applespice began to tell her story. The black of the night sky, slowly becoming brighter with each and every word spoken.