• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 984 Views, 37 Comments

What the Future May Hold - DougtheLoremaster

In the Era of Friendship 6 young creatures, descendants of the mane seven learn of the battles their ancestors fought and how they too have a destiny.

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Applespice and Bolt's Storytime-Celestial Distress

As Luna dwelled in Cloudsdale that night,

"Princess Celestia, why do you do this?"

Celestia listened to these words as she knelt on bended knees before a figure, who to her was larger than life. I am so sorry, she thought frantically as tears streamed down her muzzle and dripped down onto the stone floor she rested on. The room was cloaked in shadows. The only light was that from a flickering, slowly dying candle. The small candle flickered and sputtered as her thoughts grew grim and even grimmer still. I was such a fool! I gave that order, and you paid the price! Why couldn't it have been me?

The figure stood almost as tall as Celestia herself. Its wings outstretched to their full extent as it looked down at the sniveling form of the once proud solar princess. Slowly it folded its wings to reach towards Celestia. I accept my fate, and your wrath thought the white alicorn as she closed her eyes and braced herself. Instead of anger, however, Celestia found herself wrapped within in a warm hug as the wings pulled her close to the figure. A soft female voice whispered to her, "it wasn't your fault, I've said this many times. Sadly these words have fallen on deaf ears. Every night you appear here. Every time I try to reach you, try to let you know I forgive you. Since that isn't working, I've decided to try a different method."

Celestia raised her muzzle to look the figure in the eyes. She saw the amethyst eyes of her former student and the Princess of Friendship staring back with a warmth of patience and love. In the glow of that gaze, Celestia's tear stopped flowing. As Twilight wiped away her remaining tears, Celestia saw not her student but her friend who had been in charge of the Friendship School. The pony who had used all her power to unite the Dragons, Griffins and even Yaks of Yakyakistan to gather under the same banner in peace and friendship. She knew she couldn't argue, nor would she, not with her of all ponies. Celestia bowed her head submissively and whispered softly, "What would you have me do?"

Twilight's voice reached her ears, "you need to go back, back to where Ponyville began. You have forgotten one of the most important values one can hold in one's heart. Your view on Starshine is very flawed, and to learn the truth I want you to visit the once well-trodden home of one of my closest friends. Princess Celestia, you must visit Sweet Apple Acres."

Celestia was non-plussed. In a rather confused voice, she asked her former protegee, "that place has been abandoned for years, though. What could possibly be learned from visiting a run-down orchard, that hasn't been tended for centuries, Twilight?"

Twilight laughed, "your despair has blinded you far too long, princess."

It was then that Twilight's voice went from warm and caring to a no-nonsense, yet extremely firm voice. Much like that of a parent lecturing a child. "You will go to that farm and you will stay there until you understand why I sent you there! I don't want to hear another peep about it, nor do I want to see you set one hoof outside that farm until you have done so."

Celestia cringed slightly at the way Twilight spoke feeling almost ashamed of herself for her actions, though she had no idea why.

"Am I clear, your highness?", the disciplinary voice was gone replaced by the warmth and care once more. Celestia nodded, tears slowly falling down her face. Twilight's purple hoof came into Celestia's sight as she felt her chin lifted slowly until she was looking into the eye's of the Princess of Friendship. Those amethyst hued eyes stared into hers with care and concern as she began to speak.

"I am not mad at you, Celestia, I am concerned for you. Your pain and despair have consumed you. It is time to break you out of this shell of woe. Trust me, you need this. Now do as I have asked and open your eyes, it is time to say goodbye for now and you have a sun to rise."

Celestia slowly blinked and looked around as her surroundings came into view. She was on her side in the tent still, it was very dark. Beside her she could hear the snoring of a small pony; her daughter. She smiled softly and gently, yet elegantly rose onto her hooves. Leaning down she nuzzled the sleeping unicorn until her eyes opened. With her horn aglow with the light of the heavens themselves, Celestia whispered, "time to awaken sweetie, it is time for me to raise the sun, would you like to bear witness?"

At once, Starshine went from a sleepy filly to an energetic purple unicorn. "Yes, mommy!"Shouted the superexcited pony before her. Starshine was always thrilled and extremely anxious whenever the chance to witness magic was available.

Celestia laughed and opened the tent flap, revealing the glowing purple orb Starshine had made. Celestia looked at her, "Starshine, what is this?"

Starshine looked nervous and scuffed a hoof at the ground. She knew she wasn't supposed to do magic without supervision from either her mom or Princess Luna; her Aunt. "It was raining" she began under the gaze of her mom, "and I was worried you would get wet..you were already having such a horrible dream and-."

Celestia spoke, "you cast a shield spell all by yourself?"

Starshine nodded. Celestia smiled warmly, "oh, sweetie that is wonderful! This is the first time you have ever cast a spell without help! Oh, I am so proud of you. "
Starshined grinned in relief as her mom gave her a huge warm hug, "thanks, mom!"

Celestia continued slowly starting out of the tent, "such a wonderful construction as well, good quality. Now let's raise the sun and start a new adventure."

Starshine watched in awe as Celestia's horn glowed with a golden hue and prepared herself for the majestic sight of the sun rising into the sky. However, as Celestia slowly raised her head, the sun didn't rise. Starshine thought maybe being watched made her mom nervous and so she tried to cheer for her. "Mommy you can do it!"

On the outside her poise and grace were elegant, but inside her mind, Celestia was drowning in miserable thoughts, one after the other. She calls me mommy. I'm not her mom! I don't have any right to think of myself that way. These thoughts changed into sheer panic when she saw the sun fail to rise. What's going on? Why isn't it obeying my summons?

Behind her Starshine who had been cheering slowly trotted up and tugged on Celestia's mane, "mommy? Where is the sun?"

Celestia looked at her and her eyes wide whispered, "I don't know Starshine."