• Published 9th May 2018
  • 2,916 Views, 78 Comments

The Foal Prince - Foal Star

Prince Blueblood was regressed to a foal by a strange enchantress. He now must discover the mystery surrounding her to become a big pony again.

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Chapter 9: The end of a Fairy Tale

Prince Blueblood was now in a tower sitting on top of an uncomfortable stool as a pink coated little filly, with nothing on but a cute diaper with Rarity’s cutie mark proudly displayed, and little purple frills lining the back of the diaper. The prince poked the diaper and sniffed it gagging at how it smelled of flowers, making him whine. “Ugh! Twiwight, pwease teww me tis cuwse is reverwibwe! I dun wanna be a fiwwy fowevew!”

Twilight was still scanning the foal with her horn, trying to determine if the curse was reversible. “Just calm down, I’m almost done here.” She advised.

Blueblood gave a loud groan as he sat down on his diaper, making it crinkle loudly.

Twilight did everything she could to keep from bursting out laughing seeing how adorable (and embarrassing) Prince Blueblood looked with his curly golden mane flopped over his shoulders, and his cute frilly tail whisked around him. Twilight claimed herself and stopped the flow of magic as her horn dimmed.

Blueblood nervously asked. “Teww me, Twiwy! Am I a pwincess now?!”

Twilight blushed at the question. “Well, there’s good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?”

Blueblood rolled his eyes and whined. “Otay, wha’s ta good news”

Twilight poked Blueblood’s diaper making it crinkle loudly as she cooed. “Oh come on, sweetie, what’s the magic word?”

Blueblood sighed, looking up with puppy dog eyes as he pleaded. “Pwease, wha’s ta good news?”

Twilight satisfyingly dawwed as she explained. “Well the good news is, you're going to turn back into a colt. This curse seems to be only temporary.”

Blueblood jumped up and down in glee. “Yay! I gonna be a cowt again!” But then he stopped seeing Twilight was smirking at him and he asked. ‘Otay, wha’s ta bad news?”

Twilight continued. “Well the bad news is, you're going to be a filly until midnight tonight..”

The prince just sighed and shrugged. “Well, is bewwer than being a pwincess fowevew,” Then he looked up and asked. “So, wha about tuwning me back into a stawwion? Is tat tempowawy away too?”

Twilight rubbed her head and sighed. “No, that’s something I still can’t fix. I’m sorry, Blueblood, but I think you're going to remain a foal. But from what I can gather you’ll age normally and you’ll still have your memories.”

Blueblood looked down, unsure of what to say. He was relieved he was going to be a colt but he had mixed feelings about still being a helpless foal. Finally though, he looked up and gave Twilight a big smile. “Weww tat’s otay, I wuv Wawity so she gonna be my mommy!”

Twilight was quivering as she saw how adorable Blueblood looked, she couldn’t hold back any longer. She swept him into her hooves and nuzzled the cute little colt as she cooed, “Oh yes you will! Yes you will! And I’m going to babysit you, help you learn how to write, teach you how to read! Would you like that?”

Blueblood whined and kicked back at the mare in frustration. ”Ya just gonna make me read books! How is tat gonna hewp me!”

Twilight giggled. “Well I guess you’re going to have to relearn your ABCs first.”

Blueblood, who was now settled on Twilight’s back, scoffed. “I know my ABC’s, watch! A, B, C…” Then he blinked, realizing he couldn’t remember the letter after C. The colt whimpered and rubbed his head. “Doh, I fowgot!”

Twilight gave Blueblood an innocent smile as she cooed. “Oh don’t worry, Bluey, you’ll relearn your alphabet in time. I know of a good preschool in Ponyville that'll just adore you, and I’m sure you’ll make lots of adorable new friends!.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Weww as wong as I dun have to go to daycawe.”

Twilight giggled at the remark as she skipped down the stone steps in the tower and explained in a cheery tone. “I think you should give daycare a shot, Hoity just loves it.”

Blueblood whined. “As if! I can barely handle Hoity! He gonna be a hawd bwothew to handwe.”

Eventually, they came upon Blueblood’s nursery, and Twilight slowly opened the door revealing what was inside. It was a padded blue room filled with foal toys, cribs and a large changing table. Inside a playpen were five white coated pegasi foals waddling around and building a tower made of foam blocks.

Twilight blushed hard seeing her mentor Princess Celestia sitting in the middle of the nursery, helping them build their tower. She barely noticed Twilight came in until the unicorn gave a small cough. Celestia looked up with surprise. “Oh, hello, Twilight. Sorry, I was…uh…busy....” She quickly got up on her hooves and asked. ”So have you figured out more about Blueblood’s curse?”

Twilight gave a nod and explained the situation. “Yes, Blueblood will be a filly until midnight tonight. As for him being a foal however, I think it’s permanent.”

Celestia sighed and asked. “Is it permanent like…” She turned towards the five little ones innocently building a tower.

Twilight shook her head. “No, his curse will let him age naturally.”

Celestia gave a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear,” She then asked. “So what about my five royal guards? Did you find a way for them to at least grow naturally?”

Twilight looked over at the guards and nodded, “I think I’ve come up with something. The spell was advanced, but it has a lot of flaws.However, besides the one colt who helped Rarity, they all have completely lost their minds. They won’t remember that they used to your royal guards.”

Celestia began to tear up as she whispered in guilt “It’s...it’s my fault that they’re foals. I’ll take care of them.”

Twilight put a hoof on her mentor’s shoulder. “It’s not your fault. This is all Midnight Glow’s fault and she will answer for her crimes.”

Celestia wiped her tears away, gaining control of herself. “You’re right, Twilight. Forgive me.”

Twilight continued with an innocent smile. “Princess Celestia as grateful as it may seem, five foals may be too much for you. You have it hard enough dealing with one colt.”

Celestia looked up. “Well... I guess if we had to we could split them among other ponies as we did with Cannon Feather, Bucket Bridle, and Bright Wing.”

Just then the door to the nursery opened, and a guard named Battleheart walked into the room, blushing. “Uh, Princess Celestia? I’m sorry to interrupt but,…uh…I think I may have a solution.”

Celestia turned with a smile. “Alright, Battleheart, go on.”

The stallion sighed and continued. “Well my fiancé and I have been thinking of having a big family…we would be grateful to adopt all five of the regressed guards.”

Celestia blinked in surprise. “Are you sure? That would be quite the undertaking.”

The stallion nodded. “Yes, I’m quite sure. This is nothing more than a simple request and I know that it makes little sense, but we really would love them like they were our own children.”

Celestia beamed a happy smile as the five foals waddled up and hugged his legs, making the stallion laugh and Celestia smiled. “Well then, if you’re going to take on this tremendous task I'll assist you financially with foal products, and make sure you have everything you need to raise them properly.”

Battleheart blushed. “Thank you, Princess Celestia! I’ll tell Glass Hooves right away, she’s going to be so excited!” He ran off down the halls as Celestia turned her attention to Twilight. “That settles that problem, now I guess we can spoil our little Bluebella.”

Blueblood (who’d been scribbling with crayons the whole time) heard what the mares were saying. He got up and whined. “No way! I not gonna go out wike tis! Evewypony wiww waugh at me!”

Celestia laughed. “It’s Flower Petal’s birthday though, and she invited you personally. It would be rude not to show.”

Blueblood blushed and pressed his diaper down, not even wanting to consider what Flower Petal would have to say about his transformation. The little colt turned filly whined. “Do I have to go? I mean, I can visit hew tomowwow when I a cowt.”

Twilight picked the colt up by the seam of his diaper and threw him onto her back as she cooed. “Nope, you’re going to the party. Now come on, we need to get you ready! Don’t you wanna look nice for Flower Petal?”

Blueblood whined, kicking about and crying, but Twilight was already skipping out of the nursery and down the stairs with him.

Blueblood was now in a pink sudsy bubble bath with Twilight humming as she washed his fur with a flower smelling shampoo. He coughed and whined. “Ugh, why do I have to smeww wike woses?”

Twilight giggled while washing his mane and cooed. “Well fillies your age like these kinds of smells. So I thought it would be best to do just that. Besides, would you rather smell like a dirty diaper?” She then rinsed out his mane with water and plucked the dripping colt from the tub.

He blushed seeing that despite the enchantress turning him into a filly, he was still pudgy with foal fat. Twilight couldn't help but poke his exposed tummy a few times with her hoof. “I think Rarity needs to cut back on the breast milk, you're going to turn into a pink marshmallow at this rate.”

Blueblood just blushed and went silent, unsure of how to reply.

Twilight went about getting him dried up with a crisp, white towel. Then she unfolded out his new diaper which made his mouth drop, it was a white mass of padding with purple frills lining the back, and Rarity’s cutie mark proudly showing on the rear with little diamonds and tiaras all over the front for wetness indicators. Blueblood could only whimper as his rump was powdered and the monster diaper was strapped over his rump. Twilight was careful and precise as she taped it around his waist and made sure the tabs were snug in placed. Then she lead a hoof down the thighs around the leak guards, making sure they were snug.

She nodded and then proceeded with a frilly purple dress with bubble sleeves and a white trim, there was a big white bow tied around it and Rarity's cutie mark sat proudly around the skirt of the dress. Twilight cooed. “Rarity made this just for this occasion, can you believe her? She really wants her new foal looking pretty.” Twilight then slipped the dress over Blueblood and made sure it surrounded him. Of course it did nothing to help hide his diaper, in fact it seemed to expose his padded backside to the world. He whined. “How couwd tis happen to me?!”

Twilight cooed. “Oh come on, don't be rude. Rarity spent all day making you this dress, show some appreciation.” She then began to fuss over his mane and tail, curling it perfectly, then a big, white bow was tied around his tail. He looked up with a cute look and Twilight took some pictures. “Oh I will never forget this! You’re so adorable!” He blushed hard and profusely, knowing that in twenty years those photos were still going to be around. Then Twilight threw the princess onto her back. “Alright, time to show you to your mommy!”

Twilight skipped down the steps once more to find Rarity, who turned around and swooned at her little prince in the adorable outfit. Blueblood whimpered, but Rarity was overwhelmed taking the prince within her hooves and twirling him around and squealing! “You are just adorable!” She smothered him in kisses. “Oh my little princess, you are just the cutest thing ever! And tonight you're going to shine even more than you did at that foal competition!”

Blueblood squeaked as she was suddenly thrust into a foal carriage, and there in front of him was something that a few days ago would have made him die of embarrassment. His cute little padded boom on the front of the Foal Fashion magazine with an article that read: “Winner of the Cutest Foal Competition has turned into a filly. Some say his cuteness may bring about the end of ponykind!”

Blueblood laid down, suckling a pacifer as he thought to himself. “Even when I become an adult nopony is ever going to forget this!

It took only a good hour of walking and Blueblood was having a much-needed nap, when he was suddenly awakened by Rarity taking him from the stroller, cooing “We’re here!”

Blueblood groaned and looked around, seeing hundreds of foals in a garden. There were balloons and a table filled with candy and cake. Even the rich knew foals were going to be foals.

Flower Petal looked over the guests at her party and saw Blueblood among the crowd as he waddled alongside Rarity (who was talking about he cute he was). Blueblood was struggling trying to hide his diaper that poked out from behind, making Flower Petal giggle and skip over. ”Hey, Bwuey! Ya having fun?!”

Blueblood squeaked, jumping back as he whined. “No! I hate being a fiwwy!”

Flower Petal looked over the foal and giggled. “Weww is not aww bad. Come on, wet’s go dance!” She took Blueblood’s hoof and threw her into the fray of a bunch of foals dancing around the cute ballroom. Blueblood growled as her dress swung around, showing off her frilly diaper to the world, making other fillies laugh, even Flower Petal. “Oh, wow just wook at tat diapee!”

Blueblood blushed. ”I told Mommy it was too poofy!” He whined.

Flower Petal patted the diaper and hugged her. “Oh, dun wowwy, Bwuey. It works great on you.”

Blueblood sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ww twy to enjoy being a fiwwy. I’ww be tuwning back into a stawwion by midnight anyway!”

Flower Petal bounced up and down. “Oh, sounds wike a faiwy talw!”

Blueblood looked the filly over and asked. “So how ya potty twaining going?”

Flower Petal blushed. “Wee, I kinda had a few accidents and uh…” She lifted her dress showing off a diaper and Blueblood blushed too, then they both laughed and hugged each other.

Rarity dawwed and turned towards Mrs. Petal. “I assume that everything is going well with your little one?”

The mare nodded. “Yes, and it seems that Blueblood is quite the filly. Is he going to stay a filly?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, he'll turn back to normal at midnight tonight.”

“That’s too bad, I would’ve assumed you want a daughter.” Mrs. Petal teased.

Rarity blushed at the thought. “W-well maybe one day, but I think having two colts is going to be hard enough for the time being.”

The mare nodded. ”I bet, but you have a prince as a son, he must already be well behaved.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “This is Blueblood we’re talking about. I’m not exactly looking forward to having to make sure he stays in line. Did I mention that he tried to potty train without me and flushed himself down the toilet?”

“No kidding? If only Flower Petal was anywhere near as eager when it comes to potty training. I think I’m gonna keep her in diapers, she’s had too many accidents,” Mrs. Petal remarked. ”Well from what I can see here, Blueblood is being rather rude to my daughter. So I guess you may be right. I hope you’re prepared to discipline him.”

Rarity looked over to see the two fillies playing. “Well even so, I think he's a good colt. He seems to be getting along alright,” She turned to see him running to the tea party and cooed. “I think he’s going to be just fine.”

Blueblood, meanwhile, now sat among the rest of the fillies at a tea party. They sat around a pink table with little pink teacups, drinking warm tea and enjoying themselves. Blueblood was blushing as he sipped his tea and fillies all around him cooed at his dress. One even asked. “Tat's a very pwetty dwess. Did your mommy make it?”

He blushed. ”Yeah, she did. Ya wike it?” She wiggled around, showing off her diaper before blushing and placing it down. Blueblood looked up at the fillies giggling and Flower Petal cooed. “Why ya so embarrassed? We aww awe weawing diapees ow puww-ups. Is not wike ya used it.”

Blueblood sighed, realizing that Flower Petal was right, seeing the white or pink padding under the dresses as he sighed. “Sowie, it just weiwd.”

The other filly turned around and cooed. “I wove it, is weawwy pwetty! I wish I had diapees wike tat! I’d nevew want to be potty twained!”

Blueblood replied. “Weww, tanks, I tink…” He sipped his tea, still blushing as Flower Petal turned her head towards the filly and asked. “So how awe ya doing being a fiwwy?”

Every filly at the table turned toward Blueblood who gulped and whimpered squirming in the thick diaper while holding the dress down to cover it. “Weww uh... is weiwd... but I wike it.”

They all giggled as one filly asked. “So ya going to be a cowt again?”

He nodded and explained. “Yeah, at midnight.”

The foals all gasped and Flower Petal giggled. “Oh, do I have to kiss ya fiwst wike in a fairy tawe?!”

The fillies all burst out laughing as Blueblood made a blah sound. “No way! Not gonna kiss ya!”

Flower Petal cooed! “But is my birthday, and ya didn’t bwing me a biwthday pwesent.”

Blueblood blushed. “Come on! Ta speww gonna bweak soon anyways.”

Flower Petal cooed. “Bu I can wead ta headwines! Flowew Petaw saves Bwuey and tuwn him fwom a fiwwy to a pwince! Oh, it’ww be a faiwy tawe come twue!”

The other fillies whined in jealousy as Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ww kiss ya, ya fiwwies can be so weiwd sometimes.”

Flower Petal giggled, jumping down from the table. “Then wet’s make this wike any faiwy tawe, stawting with a dance. I gotten bettew since we last met.”

Blueblood jumped from his seat as well, and the two scurried off down the hall as the other foals curiously followed suit.

Blueblood waddled over to the middle of the ballroom where Flower Petal stood and asked the prince. “Ya weady?”

The prince sighed, waddling up as he tried doing a courtesy but squeaked as he fell onto his rump. The dress flew up, showing off his adorable diaper. Blueblood slowly got up, twirled around the little filly, and they bounced and danced with as much grace as they possibly could. Blueblood struggled to keep himself from falling and embarrassing himself even more.

The two fillies danced for some time as Rarity came up and cooed. “I don’t mean to break up this lovely dance, but it is Blueblood’s bedtime.”

They both looked up and burst into laughter, as did Rarity, and Blueblood protested. “Weww I can’t go yet! I promised Flowew Petaw to kiss hew wike a faiwy tawe.”

Rarity cooed. “Well it is almost midnight.” They both turned to a big clock over by the ball dancers where the two blushed, and Flower Petal whispered. “Time fow a kiss.”

Blueblood sighed, closed his eyes and, puckered up his lips as Flower Petal slowly came up and pecked the prince on his lips. Then a swirl of pink tendrils came over the prince as the pink coat turned back into a pure white. His tail and mane shortened and he looked around, puzzled, as everypony in the crowd was either dawwing or bursting out into laughter.

The colt then looked into a mirror squeaking seeing that despite being a colt he was still wearing the frilly purple dress and whined. “Eek! Mommy, take it off!” Rarity came over and helped take the dress off, leaving the prince in nothing but a diaper.

Flower Petal came over and nuzzled him. “So I guess ya gonna weave Cantewwot.” Blueblood nodded and she sniffled. “Weww, ya bettew visit me when ya come back, otay? And ya bettew be in puww-ups too!”

Blueblood blushed. "I'ww twy. Potty twaining is hawd.” He kissed her on the cheek making her blush as he waved a hoof.

Rarity then picked him up and cooed. “I think you may have found your special somepony, darling.”

He whined. “Oh come on, we foaws! She just a fwiend!”

Rarity cooed. “Still, I think we can arrange a playdate every few weeks. I wouldn't want to ruin true love. And Flower Petal could learn from how a prince goes potty.”

Blueblood blushed, "Oh tis is weiwd, I wike a thwee owd foaw and ya once wuved me? Tweu wuv is weiwd, not wike tose faiwy tawes.”

Rarity shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe I might find mine someday. But still, I think you being my son is enough love for me.” He nodded and nuzzled into her as she held him close as they stepped into a chariot that rode off into the night.

Comments ( 12 )

awwwwww love your stories. also since Starlight is a foal now... Twilight will be her mommy. please don't make me beg for it. :raritycry:

9108222 Yeah, she could hang out with all the other foals from the foal pandemic, Hoity Toity, Zecora, and Blueblood. :rainbowkiss:

*Applause* Always an epic effort! Cute finale with Flower Petal winning more over with each of her appearances. She's a delightful OC for this series of stories.

I wondered if things may wrap up here but it does appear we have more adventures before Midnight Glow is stopped... If she's stopped.

I'm gradually catching up on your work. I'm glad you are still writing and sharing your stories. I'm even happier when I see you collaborating with others, like Zubrich. Great times!

i was looking at my favorite image of baby Ember last night. And i thought of how cute a regression story about her could be. Expecially with her still trying to be really tough and intimidating as a baby. And i was thinking an excuse the enchantress could have for regressing her is so the dragons would be to disorganized without a leader to attack her foal kingdom. Not knowing about the dragon gauntlet because of how little ponies knew of dragons before that episode. She would think that Ember would inherit the throne sense the events of dragon gauntlet are not for a while at the point in time you're stories are in in this alternate universe. She would have to try to get Torch also but fail. Maybe this could happen when spike joins the great dragon migration. And Twilight, Rarity, and RainbowDash, are protected from her dust by their dragon costume and they save spike by pulling him inside. But the enchantress succeed in regressing not just her but a whole bunch of dragons making them not just disorganized put a lot weaker. And they could have a confrontation with the enchantress before she escape so that Torch has reason to believe that they are not with her even though they would also be ponies who snuck into the great dragon migration. Also she could take all the regressed baby dragons but not have time to grab Ember. And the story could center around the main 6 trying to find them. While taking care of baby Ember because Torch is too busy trying to keep the peace in the wake of this disaster to take care of a hatchling. And there could be a super adorable scene where Ember is embarrassed when her father gives them a ton of fireproof dragon diapers. And other baby supplies dragons need. And when they find the regressed dragons baby Garbel could get teary eyes and apologize to Spike now knowing what it's like to be small and helpless
reasons why Twilight could end up being embers mommy: she has experience with baby dragons and would want to ask her questions about dragon culture
reasons why RainbowDash could end up being embers mommy: they have very similar personalities
reasons why FlutterShy could end up being embers mommy: she loves taking care of things she thinks baby dragons are cute her caring loving personality could show ember it's OK not to be tough and aggressive all the time and ember could help FlutterShy get over fear of dragons

While were on that train of thought he should make sunset shimmer come back but land as a foal.

So question Foal Star how did you get into these kind of stories? :rainbowhuh:

I honestly read a few age regression stories on fimficton's they were mostly Shining armor's age regression stories and I loves them. But I also got into ABDL. My first big story was an ABDL story but my first big age regression story was the cutie squad.

So wait... Does this mean they'll never grow up?

9379190 They will, they'll just have to grow up all over again.

9388146 I do know that, it's just that the way was worded it sounded like some of them would never grow up again. Is that true or or will they all grow up is what concerns me.

the story is very great! I very like it. mapquest directions

Comment posted by logindetails deleted Sep 22nd, 2022
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