• Published 9th May 2018
  • 2,922 Views, 78 Comments

The Foal Prince - Foal Star

Prince Blueblood was regressed to a foal by a strange enchantress. He now must discover the mystery surrounding her to become a big pony again.

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Chapter 4: Bluey's day out

Rarity was walking down the road, humming as she was pushing the foals, with both Blueblood and Hoity Toity in their cute little purple frilly bonnets, looking around the city with the sun streaming down. They were engrossed in the world around them.

Blueblood was groaning as noble ponies constantly came by to say hi to him and tell him how cute he looks. Blueblood rolled his eyes and endured the cheek pinches, pats on the diaper, boops on the nose, and the worst of all the random diaper checks.

Hoity enjoyed it though, giving each pony that came by a cute giggle, or blowing raspberries at them and receiving dawws.

What made Blueblood even more angry was the fact that Rarity talked over them like they weren’t even there. She would explain how she planned to put the two into the most adorable foal completion. Or whenever Blueblood in his pouty state, Rarity just explained to ponies that he was grouchy because it was his nap time. Which made him shout. “No, is becawse I a pwince and ya aw tweatin’ me wike a baby!”

The nobles always laughed, and one mare even scoffed. “What horrible manners. He needs a timeout, pronto.”

Rarity tried not to smirk. Truth be told, she wanted nothing more than to dress the prince up all nice and pretty and show him off to all of Equestria. But she had more important things to worry about, so she simply replied. “Maybe if he keeps this up…but he’s still getting used to his new state. I’m sure he’ll learn soon enough.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes and fell back into his seat as Hoity giggled. “Ya silly, Bwuey. Dun ya want to be cutew ten me?”

Blueblood whined. ”Wight now, I just want to be tweated with wespect wike ta pwince I am.”

Hoity poked Blueblood’s thick diaper. “Kind of hawd to take ya sewiouswy whiwe ya weawin diapees.”

Blueblood replied. “Yeah, I need to pwove to Auntie Tia I a big colt, and can go potty by mysew.”

Hoity nodded. “Right. But if ya go potty on ta fwoow tats gonna be quite ta mess. And ya might have to weaw even thickew diapees.”

Blueblood blushed, horrified at the idea of having an accident on the floor and the resulting punishment. “Bu this diapee is thick enough! Is aweady hawd to waddwe awound in.” He complained.

Hoity nodded. “Yeah, wew ten maybe ya show take it swow and ask Wawity if she can take ya to ta potty. I sure she’ww say yes, she wets me use a twaining potty.”

Blueblood shook his head. “Nuh uh, not gonna do tat. I not using some stupid twaining potty.”

Hoity shrugged. “Otay, tat ya choice. Dun ting Rarity will wet ya use the big potty though.”

The foals then gasped upon coming to a strange building. It had a sign hanging overhead with baby blue painted font on the front that read. “Royal Foals Emporium.”

Rarity cooed. “We’re here, this is the best foal shop in all of Canterlot! Strangely enough, it only opened a few years ago.”

They went through the front door, and inside was what could be best described as a foalish paradise. The place was covered in a blue, soft padded floor, parents were with their foals, running about. Half of the store consisted of foal supplies from diapers all the way up to training potties, and the other half involved toys of all kinds.

Blueblood rubbed his eyes in disbelief, while Hoity bounced up and down in excitement. “Wow. tis pwace is amazing!”

Rarity nodded as she patted his head. ”That’s right, it really is a foal’s dream come true. Now, Princess Celestia has stocked up with all kinds of foal supplies for our little prince. But I think we should get some more toys,” She led them to the toy section with both colts bouncing in the stroller, filled with excitement at the vast amount of toys in front of them. Rarity cooed. “Now, I’ll buy one toy for each of you. So choose carefully, okay darlings?”

They both nodded as they were placed down on the padded blue floor, and went down the rows of toys. Blueblood grabbed a foam sword and swung it at Hoity, who scoffed back at the attack. “Ya so siwwy.”

Then, Blueblood gasped upon seeing Flower Petal. She was in a pink frilly dress, and a cute pink pull-up. The filly was busy going through a row of dolls, carefully debating which one she should get. Stricken with nervousness, Blueblood ran behind a shelf filled with rattles and toys for newborns.

Hoity noticed and giggled as he casually came over to Flower Petal. “Hey, ya name Fwowew Petaw, wight?”

Flower Petal nodded as she turned. “Hey, ya Hoity Toity, wight? The one ta got tuwned into a foaw?”

Hoity nodded. “Yep, tats wight. I heawd ya danced with Bwuey yestawday.”

Flower blushed, but nodded in confirmation. “Yeah, I was on ta newspapew but…” She pouted and sat down. “His nanny took him and just weft me fow no weason. He’s a poopy head.”

Hoity giggled. “Wew, it was powbaby his bedtime. He can get cwanky when he’s tiwed.”

Blueblood’s face grew bright red as he angrily stomped over. “Hey, I not cwanky! I am a pwince who can do whateva I want!” He protested.

Flower Petal squealed and threw her hooves around him. “My pwince in shiny awmow has wetuwned!”

Blueblood squeaked as he was spun around the room, and she kissed him on the cheek. He squealed, rubbing the spot where she’d kissed him. “Nah, stop tat!”

Flower smirked, turning to Hoity. “Ya wight, he is cranky. I dun get whyy he dub take a nap?”

Hoity giggled. “Yeah, Bwuey, I tink ya need a nappy. Ya so cwanky.”

Blueblood pouted and crossed his forelegs. “Dun need a nap. What I need is fow ya two ta stop being poppy heads.”

Flower Petal rolled her eyes and remarked. “He isn't weawwy actin wike a pwince. Taught a pwince would have mannews and dance and fight dwagons. Aw ya dun so far is whine about everything.”

Honey burst out laughing as Blueblood waddled up to the filly. “I am a pwince, and I can pwoce it.”

Flower Petal cooed. “Otay ten. If ya a pwince then ya needs to uh...fight a dwagon.”

Hoity laughed. “Thewe’s no dwagon here.” But then they turned to see Spike gurgling, looking through the toddler section of the store, and picking out things for Bright Wing. “Ugh, why couldn't Shining get one of his guards to do this instead of me?”

Blueblood got up, sensing a chance for mischief (and a chance to prove himself). “Watch and leawn!” He boasted, as he waddled down the row of toys, charging Spike with his foam sword and poking at the purple dragon's behind.

Spike blinked in surprise and turned to see Blueblood. “Hey Bluey,” He greeted the prince by his regressed name. “What’s up?”

Blueblood whined and declared. “I swayin ya, eviw dwagon! Faww ovew!” He then pounced onto Spike and they both tumbled to the padded floor.

Flower Petal giggled, coming over as she commented. “Hey, Bwuebwood, tat doesn’t count. Spike is a baby dwagon.”

Blueblood pouted. “So wha, he stiww a dwagon and I swayed him. Tat pwoves I a big colt.”

Spike was just confused, he rubbed his face with a claw. “I don’t get what’s going on here.”

Hoity blushed as he helped Spike to his feet and babbled, “Bwuey is twying to pwove he a big colt and a pwince. I dun think is wowking out.”

Spike shrugged as Rarity ran over with worry on her face. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Spikey-Wikey, are you okay?”

Spike nodded as he sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine, just trying to finish shopping for the toddlers. Shining was busy today and Bright Wing needs arts and crafts supplies for his class.”

Blueblood scoffed. “How can ya wike making a mess with hoof painting?”

Rarity eyed blueblood “I think it’s quite good for foals to express themselves, it’s certainly better than coloring on the walls.” She then bagged a couple jars of hoof paint and Blueblood whined. “Hey,I not gonna pway with hoof paint!”

Rarity cooed. “Too bad, sweetie, you’re going to make a cute picture whether you like it or not. And if you don’t behave, I won’t put it up on the fridge for everyone to see.”

Blueblood whined. “I stiw want my own toy to pway with.”

Rarity cooed. “Wellm just pick one out, sweetie. But be quick about it, we’re going to be leaving soon.”

The prince scoffed and waddled back through the toys, Hoity did as well. Hoity soon gasped, taking out a foal’s kit full of clothes for dolls and plushies, and he babbled. “I want tis! Want to design cwothes fow my pwushies!”

Blueblood eyed him and then looked around the isles. He took out a cute alicorn costume with foam wings and a cute fake horn made. But Blueblood smirked. “I think I wan to have tis.” He held it up and Rarity giggled. “Alright, sweetheart, if you’re sure that’s what you want.” She took the foals up with her magic and placed them back in the stroller as she purchased the toys.

Hoity took the opportunity to ask Blueblood. “So wha, ya think ya gonna be fwiends with Flower Petal?”

Blueblood scoffed. “Ya kiddin me? She so obnoxious and annoying. I dun want hew to be my fwiend.”

Hoity laughed and went on teasing Blueblood. “Oh ya so siwwy. She supew nice and wuvs ya. I bet ya two gonna get mawwied.”

Blueblood scoffed. ”Ya wight. What, we get mawweid in owa diapees and shawe a cwib and aww?

Hoity burst into laughter, kicking his little legs at the mental image. “I mean, when ya gwow up again. Though it’d be funny to see ya get mawwied as a foaw.”

Blueblood grumbled. “Whateva, not gonna stay wike this fow wong. I gonna find tat wewd mawe who did this to me, and make hew change me back. And if she says no, I’ww just sit on hew with my diapeed butt untiw she changes hew mind.”

Rarity heard none of this, she just pushed the two out the doors and back out into the streets of Canterlot.

Rarity was now pushing the foals through a foal themed art museum, filled with cute pictures of animals and colorful pictures, all with sections where foals could play and make their own art. Blueblood only eyed a canvas splattered in all kinds of color, as Rarity put the two foals down near the hoof painting section and instructed. “Go on, darlings. Make some art for me!”

Hoity waddled over and started to smear paint over the canvas, making hoof prints ont the white canvas.

Blueblood at first didn’t want to hoof paint at all, but gradually he grew bored and gave into his foalish instincits (thought not all the way). He slowly and reluctantly dipped a hoof into blue paint and tried to carefully make the sky. It looked fine until he tried making clouds with white paint, groaning upon seeing how clumsy his hooves were now. As a result, the blue and white just mixed together in swirls. Blueblood grumbled and started to smash his hooves into the canvas, growling in frustration. Why couldn’t he just make something decent?

Hoity held up his new masterpiece (while covered in paint) and babbled. “Wook, Mama, I made ya with ya pwetty buttefwy wings.” It was a cute picture of a white blob for Rarity,with a blob of varying color for her wings.

Rarity chuckled. “Oh that’s so pretty. Thank you, Hoity.” She picked her son up and nuzzled him with her nose.

Meanwhile, Blueblood looked down at his picture seeing that it had turned itself into a blob of various colors mixed together, looking more like a rainbow explosion.

Rarity peered down and cooed. “Oh Bluey, your picture looks good too.”

But Blueblood shook his head. “Nuh-uh, is tewwibw! I just wanted to twy making Tia waisin ta sun!”

“How about you let me help, darling?” Rarity suggested, Blueblood blushed as Rarity placed his hooves into the paints, helping him and Hoity make a new painting involving a blue field with white clouds splotched all over the place. They then painted a sun over the sky with orange and yellow. Then a white, splotchy Celestia appeared, with her wings being a bit more formed this time around.

Blueblood eyed the picture as Hoity clapped his hooves. ”We did it, Wawity! Ca we put it up in the museum?”

Rarity nodded as she cooed. “Oh yes, of course we can. It’ll make a lovely addition to the masterpieces on display here. Come on,” She then carefully lifted the canvas to a blank area in the museum. Blueblood blushed hearing the dawws of ponies as they started taking pictures of the newest foalish art. Rarity hugged the colts. ”See, Bluey, being foal can be lots of fun. Now, after we clean you two up, we’re going to Donut Joe's.”

Hoity clapped his hooves in joy. “Yay! I wuv Donut Joe's! I used to go theew aww ta time!”

Rarity was humming a tune to herself, as she pushed Blueblood and Hoity Toity through the streets of Canterlot once again. The foals were tuckered out from the toy store and the art museum suckling their pacifiers as the rocking of the stroller lured them into a deep sleep. Rarity just smirked as she patted them on the head. “Good little foals. I’m glad you’re not being a hoofful,” She then set the stroller aside and put a foal blanket over the foals, while she gave their diapers a quick pat, noticing both colts had wet them, but not very much The mare sighed, sitting down on a bench as she gave an exasperated sigh. “My goodness, being a mother is harder than I thought.”

The fashionista then turned to see Fleur coming up, who asked. “So, Mama Rarity, how’s it going? I understand you have a new little one you’re taking care of?”

Rarity nodded, and groaned in exhaustion. “It’s only noon and I want to take a nap too.” She nodded to her colts as Fleur peeked over. “Oh, just look at them. It’s hard to imagine they were once full grown stallions.”

Rarity nodded as she continued, “they are just adorable and I’m happy to say hoity has fully accepted the fact he’s a foal. He’s such a creative little colt. Blueblood on the other hoof is quite the troublemaker and is really stubborn.”

Fleur giggled. “My my, two colts. Good luck. I had enough trouble just dealing with one.”

Rarity nodded. “Tell me about it, I can still remember all the headaches from raising Hoity Toity at my boutique,” Then she changed the subject. “I have a question, Fleur. Did you notice a strange, black coated mare at the Grand Galloping Gala the other night?”

Fleur sighed. “I already told some royal guard no. The thing is, from their description, I’ve never seen such a mare in Canterlot. Trust me, Fancy Pants and I know almost every pony in Canterlot, so we’d remember meeting such a pony.”

Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin as she pondered. “Do you think she’ll come back to get Blueblood? Is he still in danger? He could end up regressed even further.”

Fleur shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea, but I doubt she’ll try something in broad daylight. And during the night, it’s my understanding that Blueblood is sleeping inside the palace. He’s perfectly safe.” She couldn’t help but give the prince a few pats on his padding, noticing he was just a tiny bit wet. But she couldn’t be sure if he’d just wet it, so she said nothing.

Rarity nodded as she got up. “You’re right, there’s no need to worry.” Rarity pushed the stroller through the streets as Fleur walked beside her and asked, “So what’s next on your tour of Canterlot?”

Rarity laughed. “Well, when these two wake up, we will go to Donut Joe’s. Then I’ll take them back to the palace for the evening. Comfy Rump takes care of Blueblood at night.”

Fleur nodded. “Good idea, that way Blueblood will always have somepony watching him in case that mare comes back. So I guess, for now, we’re just going to walk around?”

Rarity nodded, but her blush became harder as they came upon a fancy looking building with a sigh overhead with a goose in a bonnet printed on it alongside the words: “Mother Goose’s Roost.”

Fleur burst into laughter. “Aww, you picking up a maternity dress, Rarity? It’s okay, I won’t judge. You can make anything look good.”

Rarity lightly scoffed at Fleur. “Of course not, I need…other things.” She then strode inside as Fleur stepped back, noticing that Rarity wanted privacy for what she was going to buy.

Inside the building, the fashionista blushing seeing a host of mothers going through the maternity dresses. Some were just pregnant, and others were chatting excitedly about having their first foal with them.

Rarity brushed by them as mares turned and dawwed. Then Rarity gasped upon seeing Cadence going through a book that was titled How to Survive Your Toddler. She squeaked, putting the book aside. “Oh... hey, Rarity! I was… uh...”

Rarity blushed, coming up to the princess as she asked. “Cadence, why were…you…uh…”

Cadence blushed. “O-oh, I was just reading something, you know…I watch little Bright Wing and he is a good foal. But he can get rambunctious at times. So I just thought I’d do some light reading. Just a little bit rusty on my foalsitting skills is all.”

Rarity nodded as she went over to the milk pumping machines and Cadence blushed hard. “Oh you…uh…”

Rarity squeaked, but confirmed. “Yes, my... hormones have been causing me to lactate lately and I forgot to bring my special machine from Ponyville.”

Cadence came over, picked out a simple pump and replied to Rarity. “This will do, it’s cheap and good, trust me. Let’s just say that sometimes, a foalsitter has to do things she wasn’t expecting to do to ensure the foal is properly cared for.”

Rarity took it and smiled. “Thanks, darling, you’re a lifesaver!” She quickly ran off to pay for her new device. “At least nopony in this store will judge me for needing this.” She thought to herself.

Blueblood woke up an hour later to find a familiar foal bottle filled with a familiar tasting milk. He sighed, noticing that Hoity was awake as well, suckling his bottle with a big smile printed on his face. Blueblood took his bottle out and babbled. “I don’t get it, Hoity. Why do ya wike being a foaw? Dun ya want to be a big pony again and do big pony tings?”

Hoity shook his head. “Not weawwy. I didn’ have a gweat foaw hood befowe and now tat I got a second chance and Wawity wants to be my mommy, I want to gwow up again and weawn mowe about design.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Ya cwazy! As a adwt ya can do whateva ya want, and ya dun even need diapees.”

Hoity eyed the prince. “Yeah, tats twue. But ya awso need wove, and I didn’ have tat befowe I weggessed..”

Blueblood sighed, thinking back to how his mom and dad never really talked to him or seemed to care about anything he did. He could even remember them insisting that he give up on foalish things like pacifiers and bottles, and requiring him to sit on his toddler potty for hours on end even when he didn’t have to go. He hadn’t thought much of it before now, but it sure felt like they hadn’t loved him. “So this is wike a second chance? To find wuv?” He asked Hoity.

Hoity nodded. “Yeah, kind of. Besides when have ya as a adwt had tis much fun?”

Blueblood blushed. “Okay, guess ya wight, being a foaw’s not aww bad…” Then he blurted out in protest. “But I dun wike diapees.”

Hoity poked at Blueblood’s diaper, hearing a squelch. “Guess ya do need diapees, ow ya woud be supew soaked.”

Blueblood scowled, looking down at his wet diaper. “Not faiw, I was sweepin! I can stiww use ta big potty when I awake, ya watch.”

But their conversation was interrupted as the foals were pushed into Donut Joe's and the big stallion turned around with a smile. “Oh, hello Rarity. I heard you were toting the little prince around.”

Rarity giggled, “Oh my, guess word gets around fast,” She took the colts out of the stroller and set them in their seats, hearing a familiar squelching sound. “Oh dear, better change their diapers first.”

Blueblood whined, kicking about and fussing, but Rarity did the diaper changes with relative ease. She soon powdered and strapped both colts into the diapers she’d designed and placed them into the highchairs already set up for them as she asked Donut Joe. “Could you get donuts cut up in small pieces for the little ones? And I’ll have some unsweetened tea, darling.”

Donut Joe nodded. “Of course, Rarity, coming right up,” He went back to his kitchen to grab the food, and after cutting out some of his donuts he placed a tray of the small slices in front of the two, watching as they grabbed the donuts and chewed on the small bits. Rarity drank her tea calmly as Donut Joe dawwed at the adorable scene. “Just let me know if you need anything else, Rarity.”

Rarity nodded slowly, engrossed in watching her foals eat their food and giggling as they got frosting all over their mouths and hooves. She was son engaged that she didn’t notice her eyes start to droop. Soon, her head fell back and she went into a deep sleep.

Blueblood soon noticed this and babbled in a whisper. “Hey, Hoity, whiwe mama sweepin I gonna use ta big potty.”

Hoity shrugged. “Otay, if ya want to. But don’t get fwushed wike I did. Is scawy and yucky”

Blueblood paid no attention to Hotiy’s comment, he just carefully wiggled himself out of the high chair and plopped onto the floor as he waddled along to the bathroom. He settled on what he assumed was the colt’s room and pushed the door aside.

Waddling in, he found an open stall. But then looked up at the porcelain throne and groaned seeing, how big it was. Getting up on it was going to be hard. He tried to roll down some toilet paper and use that to climb up, but his chubby little hooves wouldn’t grasp the flimsy stuff and he slid to the floor. “Stupid big potty, why ya gots to be big?!” He complained.

Then the prince happened to turn and see Flower Petal coming out of the filly’s bathroom in her pink pull-up. Reluctantly, he waddled over to her. “Hey, Fwowa Petaw, wha ya doin hewe?”

Flower giggled. “Just goin’ potty,” She looked at the prince, noticing the open stall and the toilet paper on the floor. “Ya twyin to use ta big potty huh?”

Blueblood whined. “Yeah bu is so big and I can’t weach it. I dun wanna use my diapee so…C..Can I use ya pink twaining potty, p...pwease?”

Flower Petal turned over and giggled, her potty was still set up in a stall and she hadn’t used it. “Maybe…but if I wet ya use my potty, ya gonna make a deaw.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes and babbled. “Awight, wha is it?”

Flower Petal stomped a hoof. “Ya gotta invite me to ta pawace.”

Blueblood whined. “What, ya gots to be kiddin me! I can’t do tat!” Flower Petal eyed the prince, laying bare her demand, and he whined. “Otay, fine, but I gota go fiwst! I tink is gonna be a poopie!” He waddled over to the toddler potty in the filly’s bathroom and tried to pull down his diaper. As he tugged at it he could hear Flower Petal giggle and he whined. “Can ya just go?! I need my pwivacy!”

Flower shrugged but obliged. “Awight, but wembew ya pwomice.” She left the bathroom and then Blueblood babbled. “She gone, and I not gonna invite hew to ta pawace, she cwazy!”

Flower Petal gasped and scoffed, having overheard Blueblood's conversation. An idea formed in her head as she waddled to her mom. “Fine, ta pwince bwakin a pwomice. I gonna tew my mommy tat a cowt usin my potty!”

Blueblood eventually tugged his diaper down and threw it aside as he plopped down on the pink plastic potty. Then he sighed and grunted quite hard, pushing out a poop that caused him to blush. “At least I didn’t do that in my diaper. I’d have died of embarrassment.” He thought to himself.

But all of a sudden, a purple coated mare (who Blueblood recognized as Flower Petal’s mom) trotted into the stall and gasped as she cooed. “Oh how wonderful, the prince is going potty all by himself! What a big colt he is!”

Blueblood’s face went white with horror as every patron in the shop burst into laughter, waking Rarity who got up with shock, turning to Hoity, who was laughing and clapping his hooves. ”Yay, Bluey went potty! And he didn’t get fwushed!”

Rarity, who was still scared of what might happen, forced a smile as she walked to the bathroom, seeing an embarrassed Blueblood whimpering. “Fwower Petal, why ay do tat ta me?!”

Flower Petal came up with a pout. “Wew, ya lied to me and ya bwoke ya pwomice. Ya deswewved to be embwassed.”

Rarity came over and sighed, apologizing to Flower Petal’s mother. “I’m so sorry, the prince must’ve gotten out and into the the bathroom without me knowing.”

The mare cooed. “It’s completely fine, Flower Petal was getting too big for that training potty anyway. It seems our foals could definitely play with each other, I’m sure Flower Petal would really appreciate it.” She smirked, Rarity found it odd knowing that there was another agenda. But she decided to play along. “Sure, why not? The prince needs more friends his age. But let me get Blueblood cleaned up first,” She then took some foal wipes and helped wiped Blueblood. Then she dumped his mess into the toilet and flushed as she cooed. “Now Bluey, it’s nice to see you try using the potty, but you can’t do this by yourself. I don’t want you getting flushed or making a mess.”

Blueblood sighed. “Awight…I sowwie. I just wanted to show ya I a big colt.”

Rarity bent down and told him. “I know you are and I think we can start potty training if you want. But you also need to understand that things that seemed easy for you as an adult are a lot harder for you as a foal. And using the bathroom is most certainly one of them.”

Blueblood nodded, and then looked up and pleaded. “Awight…so can I be in puwwups ten, pwease!?”

Rarity sighed and rubbed a hoof over her face, but conceded to Blueblood’s puppy dog eyes. “Okay, at least for a little bit during the day. But if you have too many accidents of any sort, you’re going back to diapers. Deal?”

Blueblood smiled. “Otay, deal.”

Rarity took put a pair of pull-ups she’d been saving for just such an occasion. They were blue with a big yellow shield on the front and back. She strapped Blueblood up as she cooed. “Okay, now come on, let's finish up your doughnuts, so you can play with flower petal.”

Blueblood groaned, as Rarity led him to the sink to wash his hooves. “Ugh, just gweat, what did I get myself into?”