• Published 9th May 2018
  • 2,922 Views, 78 Comments

The Foal Prince - Foal Star

Prince Blueblood was regressed to a foal by a strange enchantress. He now must discover the mystery surrounding her to become a big pony again.

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Chapter 8: Princess Bluebella

Blueblood was having fun having as the enchantress chased him around the nursery, while he ran around with no diaper. But then the enchantress suddenly growled and he squeaked as he was poofed into a big diaper, making the little foal squeak as he fell backwards onto his rump. The enchantress came over to him, panting heavily “If you don’t stop, I’m going to regress you into my tummy!”

Blueblood squealed, imaging being in the mare’s belly! He kicked back in disgust. “Eww! Dun wana be bown again. Tat’s nasty!”

The enchantress scoffed. “Then stop, because if you do anything else I will do just that!” The mare then poofed Blueblood into a foal bouncer and growled “You stay put, or else.” She then turned to see the foal guards she’d regressed years ago standing together with little foam swords as the leader growled. ”Ya weve ta pwince alone ya meany!”

The enchantress laughed. “Oh my, and what are you foals going to do about it?!”

The foals all tackled the enchantress and to her amazement she fell onto the ground. All the foals took out their little feathers and began tickling the enchantress as she kicked about, laughing. Blueblood giggled and bounced up and down in glee. “Go little foal,s tickle ta enchantress!”

They giggled and cooed as they continued tickling the mare as she kicked about laughing hysterically. But at last she shot off a spell from her horn and plopped all the foals into a big playpen. “Ugh, maybe having an empire of foals is harder than I thought,” She turned to Blueblood. “Looks like I have to get out of here, but we’re going to have to change you into somepony else.”

The enchantress lit her horn which glowed with power. The foal’s coat turned into a bright pink, his gold mane grew long and curled around his head. His tail grew out and curled as well. His diaper poofed out with little purple flowers printed on the padding, than a frilly white dress grew over him The foal squeaked and turned to the mare and whined. “Ya turning me into a fiwwy! I dun wanna be a fiwwy!” His face turned a deep shade of red upon realizing his voice was lighter and sounded like a little filly.

The enchantress walked around Blueblood, admiring her work. “My my, Blueblood, you look adorable! I might even keep you this way.”

Blueblood whined and stomped about, he didn’t want that. “Ya change me back to a colt wight now!” He demanded! Then he squeaked anew as he was lifted into the foal carriage and tucked under a dozen foal blankets as the enchantress nuzzled him. “Oh, looks like my little filly is ready for her walk.”

Blueblood whined and kicked. “Ya think this is gonna work? I’ll just keep shouting until somepony hears me!” He vowed! “Ya won’t get away with tis!” The enchantress just scoffed and plopped a pink pacifier in his mouth. The colt had now finally turned complete into a filly and growled as he tried to spit it out but was unable.

The enchantress cooed. “There, that’ll keep you quiet. Now I need a disguise.” The mare lit her horn and turned into a cream coated unicorn mare with a set of brown for a mane, blue eyes and a foal bottle and heart for a cutie mark. She cooed. “Do you like it, Bluebella? The perfect disguise as a typical mother. Nopony will suspect a thing.” She quickly took the carriage and pushed it out the doors of her apartment.

By now alerted to the fact that Blueblood was nowhere to be found, panic gripped hold of Rarity as she was running down the cobblestone streets and looking frantically for the little prince. Hoity Toity rode on his mother’s back, shouting. “Bluey! Whewe awe you?! Tis bettew not be a game!”

Eventually, Rarity and Hoity Toity came upon a giant, big white padded ball with a little filly shouting. “Somepony get this stupid diapee off me! I can’t see!” Rarity quickly used her horn to tear the diaper away, and saw a little grey coated pegasus in a cute pair of pullups. She stood up on her pudgy hooves and brushed herself off.

Rarity chuckled. “Oh hello there, little one. Are you alright?”

The pegasus looked down blushing at her pull-up now soaked with urine, some of the pink umbrellas had faded. “Uh oh, I peepee.”

Rarity dawwed and helped her up. “It’s alright, sweetheart. What’s important is that you’re out of that giant diaper. Do you want to be changed before your mommy or daddy finds you?”

The foal simply shook her head and babbled. “Nah, is fine, I’ww get changed watew. I changie mysefw befowe.”

“What’s your name, little one?” Rarity questioned the foal. “I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.”

The little filly blushed as she babbled. “I Wain by ta way, I Bwight Wing’s owd mawefwiend.”

Rarity gasped and asked! “Rain?! But, how did you get turned into a foal?!”

Rain sighed as she fussed with her pull-up, still frustrated that she peed, and babbed. “Weww, is a wong stowie. But I need ya hewp ta save Bwuey and ta othew woyaw guawds tat wewe tuwned into foaws.”

Rarity picked the filly up with her magic and plopped her onto her back.”Alright little one lead th-” But before she could finish, she looked around and saw something most unusual. A mother unicorn who looked surprisingly familiar to a mare she’d seen around Ponyville pushing a big pink foal carriage through the streets. Rarity followed the mare from afar as Rain whispered. “I tink that’s the enchantwess!”

Rarity hushed the little pegasus. “We’ll see, darling. It’s rude to accuse somepony without proof. Though I have to admit that mare does look strangely familiar for some reason,” She then slowly approached the mare and cooed. “Hello there, miss.”

The mare turned and smiled at them. “Hello to you too. You must be that Rarity pony I’ve been hearing so much about. The one who they say got bit by Mommy Fever.”

Rarity blushed and desperate to change the subject she quickly asked. “Well, Hoity Toity and I were looking for Prince Blueblood. He mysteriously disappeared after competing in a foal fashion show. Have you seen the little prince running around at all? Last time he was left to his own devices, he accidentally flushed himself down the toilet.”

The mother mare simply replied. “I don’t believe I’ve seen such a foal, and I would think a foalified prince would be hard to miss. The only foal I have with me at the moment is my daughter.” She opened the carriage and inside was an adorable little pink coated unicorn filly, with a cute curly gold mane. The foal seemed pouty and was trying to say something but the pacifier prevented her from being heard.

Rarity dawwed and tickled the foal’s tummy, making the filly giggle and kicked about. The fashionista cooed. “Oh my, you’re just so adorable in that lively little dress! Yes you are, yes you are!”

The filly stopped kicking and groaned, still suckling her pacifer. Then she blushed as her diaper swelled. “Oh my, she’s just so excited isn't she?!” Rarity exclaimed!

The mother nodded. “Yes she is, I’m sorry she peed though. I thought she was better than that.”

Rarity giggled. “It’s alright, I can change her for you. After all my time with Hoity Toity and Blueblood, wet diapers don’t phase me anymore.” She took the foal out of the carriage and placed her on a changing mat that she always carried with her (the fashionista had learned how important it was to have one on hoof after what had transpired at the Manehattan restaurant).

She placed the filly on the mat and hummed as she took out her diaper bag and began the change. The filly Blueblood was blushing and he squealed as Rarity wiped him. As a filly he felt more sensitive to the cold wipes. Rarity, for her part, just giggled at the filly’s antics and cooed. “So what’s the little cutie’s name?”

The mother blanched and appeared to stutter. “Her name.. oh….s-he’s..uh… she’s Bluebella!”

Rarity blinked and Rain shouted. “Bwuebewwa! Tat sounds awot wike Bwuebwood!”

The mother unicorn blushed. “Yes I...I know, but she isn’t Blueblood as you can clearly see.”

Rarity, meanwhile, had just finished strapping the filly into a diaper with her cutie mark printed on the padding. She looked the filly over, who was whining a little but she looked nothing like Blueblood. ”Rain, this isn’t him,” She replied to the little pegasus. “Come on, we need to get going and find Blueblood!” She gave Bluebella back to the motherly mare as the filly whined and kicked in her new diaper. “Sorry to disturb you,” She apologized to the unicorn. “But if you see a little prince running around please let me or a guard know.”

The mother nodded. “Will do, good luck on finding the prince.” She stored the little filly in her carriage and walked off as Rain eyed the two. “I dun twust hew,” She whispered to Rarity. “Someting seems off about tose two.”

Rarity nodded. ”I have the same feeling, but we need to get going. Mere suspicion is not enough to accuse her. Now lead me to where you last saw Blueblood.”

Rain led Rarity to an old manor and she went upstairs to find a bunch of little foals waddling around in a playpen, babbling and playing. One colt turned and waddled over. “Oh tank goodness, Wain, ya otay!”

Rain nodded and babbled. “Yeah, I fine. I gwad ya doin otay. Do ya know whewe ta enchantwess weft off to and whewe Bwuey is?”

The colt gulped and answered. “Weww... uh, ya not gonna bewieve it but she weft, and tuwned Bwuey into a fiwwy and hewsef into a mommy!”

Rarity gasped as she recognized the mom and the filly! “Oh my Celestia!” She exclaimed! “That was Blueblood! I should’ve known! You were right after all, Rain!”

An hour later, the enchantress chuckled upon seeing she was close to the train. “Almost there.” She whispered to herself.

Blueblood struggled, unable to do anything.

Just then two little foal guards came out adored in their plastic gold armor and pull-ups as they both waddled to the mare and Cannon Feather babbled. “Hawt! We needs to check youw foaw carriage, miss!”

The enchantress blinked in confusion and asked, “Why? Are you two looking for the prince too?”

Bucket Bridle nodded as he explained. “Yeah! Sowie, bu we need to make sure he isn’t in ya foaw cawddige. Wet us have a wook.”

The enchantress reluctantly conceded, confident that Blueblood’s changed appearance would be enough to fool the foal guards. “Well, alright.” She declared and lifted the hood again as the two colts looked inside, dawwing upon seeing the little filly.

Bucket Bridle chuckled. “Weww tat’s not the pwince!”

The foal whined and kicked about trying to tell the guards it was him. But he couldn’t do anything but flail his hooves in vain. The mare cooed. “This is Bluebella, my daughter. You’ll have to excuse her, she’s just a little fussy is all. We’re heading back home to Ponyville on the next train, actually.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “Oh tat’s it? Ten why dun ya have a diaper bag?”

The enchantress blinked and asked. “Excuse me?”

Cannon Feather blushed and explained, “Did you forget ta diapee bag or somethin?”

The mare squeaked in realization and replied. “O-oh, yes! I must’ve have left in the hotel, silly me.”

Bucket Bridle got up and shouted! “Weawwy?! What hotew?!”

The unicorn gulped as sweat started to form on her brow. “Uh…forgot the name I’ll go back and get it.” She began to push the stroller away.

But just then Rarity emerged from the shadows, stepping onto the station platform. “Interesting, you just told me you were going on a walk with your foal,” The guards eyed the mare as Rarity continued. “And Bluebella seems suspiciously close to Blueblood. Care to explain what you’re really doing here, miss?”

The enchantress growled as she realized that the disguise wasn’t working. She stood up and her horn lit up, dropping her disguise! “You all stand back, or I’ll regress all of you! I mean it!”

All paused, but Cannon Feather was either brave enough or foolish enough to run at the mare anyway. She hit him with a spell and he transformed into a one year foal, drooling with a big thick diaper!

Rarity, however, took advantage of the situation and stole the foal carriage! She picked up the foals, placing them inside and running down the road as the enchantress roared and chased after them!

Alerted to the commotion, both Celestia and Luna teleported to the scene! Touching their horns together, they shot a wave of energy at the enchantress, trapping her in a bubble! The mare bucked and tried to escape but could do nothing as the magic withstood all her attacks! In fact, the first such spell she attempted inadvertently turned Cannon Feather back to normal. “Tat was cwose!” He commented. “I taught I was gonna be stuck as a one yeaw owd fowevew!”

Everypony waited until the enchantress stopped fighting. Blueblood then poked his out of the carriage to see what was going on. “Wha happened? Why the fighting stop?” He asked and blushed at how high pitched his voice was as a filly.

Celestia confronted the enchantress with a stern glare reflected in her face. “It’s over, enchantress! Whoever you are, your regression epidemic ends here!” She sternly declared. “Now, are you going to explain what’s going on? Why are there so many ponies turning into foals, and what have you done to Prince Blueblood?”

The enchantress looked all around, saw that she was trapped, and growled. “My name is Midnight Glow!” She spoke in a cold tone of voice! “Grown ponies are evil, petty, and cruel. Why, just look at Prince Blueblood. Before he regressed he was mean, selfish, and arrogant. And now as a foal he’s fun and happy. So who cares if I had to turn him into a filly to sneak away with him? You could never understand, Princess Celestia. The world is much better off with everypony as foals and me to care for them! Haven’t you ever wished you could leave all your adult responsibilities behind and live a carefree life again?”

Celestia only growled and shook her head. “To be young again and to shirk responsibility would be to doom us all,” And then she added. “Turning ponies into foals against their will is wrong. Just look at the chaos you’ve already caused.”

Midnight only scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Well that’s easy for you to say, your majesty. But not everypony is lucky enough to grow up in a happy go lucky world with every need of theirs provided for them. Some of us were forced to grow up before we were ready, and we didn’t get a say in the matter.”

At that Celestia whispered to the mare. “Midnight, I know your past was hard after your parents disappeared. But turning everypony in Equestria into a foal as retribution isn't going to solve any problems. It’s only going to leave the nation helpless and unable to function.”

Midnight shook her head. “It’s already too late, I’ve gone too far to turn back now, princess..”

Celestia eyed the mare and asked. “What do you mean?”

Midnight sighed as she looked up and explained. “I set things in motion using an arcane time spell to ensure my victory. What's done is done and nothing can stop me now, not even if I wanted it to.”

Luna scoffed and growled. “So you made me turn the royal guards into foals?!”

The enchantress chuckled. “Not really, Luna.I just shot a powerful age regression spell at them while you were Nightmare Moon. Since you’d already immobilized them it was super easy, and it was a good test of my abilities. Considering I turned their parents into foals by accident years before, I’d say it worked to perfection.”

Celestia gasped! “So it was you stole the scroll and turned my guards into foals!”

The mare whisked her mane from her eyes and continued. “Oh yes, and I also set up the exact potions in Zecora’s hut to turn her into a foal, to ensure she couldn't find cures.”

Hoity looked over and growled. “Ya twied to take ovew my buisness so ya couwd make diapees and foaw cwothes fow ya stupid foaw empiew!”

Midnight growled back. “I did, but that thanks to you that plan failed, as did my faith in Starlight Glimmer. She’s a foal now though, so she won’t be anymore of a burden.”

Celestia simply looked at Midnight and shook her head. “It’s a pity you’ve fallen so far from the light, Midnight. Now that you have confessed to your crimes, I will have enact punishment. Perhaps turning you into a one year old foal will be suitable. I shall see to it that Nanny Comfy Rump administers tough love to you.”

But Midnight simply stood up in her full glory. “I did all that I did to make sure nopony will stand in my way when I make my foal empire! You’ll see it my way one day! Mark my words you will all be my foals! I already have set up things with the most powerful creature in Equestria to finish the job! And I’ve wasted enough time talking to the likes of you!” She then lit up her horn and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Blueblood (still a filly) got up and spat out the pacifier as he whined! “Get back hewe! Ya forgot to turn me back to a cowt!”