• Published 9th May 2018
  • 2,916 Views, 78 Comments

The Foal Prince - Foal Star

Prince Blueblood was regressed to a foal by a strange enchantress. He now must discover the mystery surrounding her to become a big pony again.

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Chapter 6: Mommy Fever

A week soon went by, nothing changed within Canterlot Palace and nothing changed outside as the mare that turned Blueblood into a foal was never found. A cure for Blueblood’s curse was still somewhere in the realm of “maybe” but it was a maybe that seemed increasingly unlikely to happen.

Now out of options, Blueblood found himself within the fancy manner of Flower Petal’s mother, Sunflower. She was chatting with Rarity in the main parlor as Flower Petal and Blueblood were playing tea party in the room. Flower Petal was decked out in a cute, white frilly dress, while Blueblood wore one of his embarrassing suited onesies. Flower Petal squealed in delight as Blueblood looked amused while entirely bored.

Sunflower turned to her daughter and asked. “Hey sweetie, everything okay? So you need to go potty?”

The filly shook her head. “Not weawwy. But can we have more tea? Ta pot’s empty.”

The mare waved a hoof as a butler poured a pitcher filled with iced sweet tea into the pink pot. Hoity was also seated there with his friends, drinking tea from a sippy cup. Blueblood sighed looking down at his pudgy forearms. He tried to grasp his bottle but it kept falling from his hooves.

Rarity got up and bent down to his level. “Here, let me help.” She lifted the bottle to his lips, and he rolled his eyes and stuck his hooves out as he allowed Rarity to assist.

Flower Petal giggled, seeing that Blueblood had grown pudgier. She teased him. “Wow. wook at you all chubby and cute. You'we going to win ta competition fow sure if ya keep it up.”

Blueblood blushed knowing it was at least partly from all the breastmilk he drank from Rarity. As if she knew what he was thinking, she commented. “Well he drinks my milk as a good foal should. I did the same for Hoity Toity when I became his mommy,” She then casually checked his diaper and noticed that it was a little damp. But she just gave it a gentle pat and cooed. “Hm, only a little wet. I’ll change you later, your diaper can hold a lot more than that.”

Blueblood reluctantly nuzzled her belly before he turned back and asked. “Mommy when is the foaw thingy?” He hated using the m word, but the longer he remained stuck in his foal state the less he had a say in the matter.

The fashionista's face flushed and he squeaked, putting his hooves over his face in shame. “Well, the foal competition is this Friday,” She told him. “I see you're doing well practicing with your friends. Now, do you remember what you’re going to say to the judges?”

Blueblood sighed and threw his hooves up in the air. “I Wittwe Pwince Bwuie and I one and hawf and wuv my diapees.”

Everypony in the room dawwed and Hoity pouted as he saw Blueblood was becoming cuter everyday. He couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the fact.

Rarity gave Blueblood’s chubby tummy a few pokes. “Yes you are, and you're such a chubby foal. We need to upgrade your diapers.”

Blueblood whined. “Tey aweady poofy enough as is. Is hawd to get to ta potty ow even wawk awound in tem.”

Rarity just giggled as she took Blueblood and nuzzled him. “Oh, I want them so big you’ll need Mommy to do everything for you.” He groaned but couldn’t help nuzzling back.

Sunflower cooed, observing the scene. “Oh, I see you have Mommy Fever, Rarity.”

Rarity placed him back down, blushing at the realization that even more so than with Hoity Toity, she’d become attached to the regressed pony in her care. “I can’t help myself, sometimes he’s just so cute.” She walked back to the couch, embarrassed at her own behavior.

Flower Petal bounced up and down as she exclaimed to Blueblood. “Ya awmost ready, but being cute is only half ta battle! To win the foal competition, ya two gonna have to have a talent.”

Hoity squealed. “Ya, I gonna make a cute picture for the audience, and I’ww win fow sure!”

Blueblood scoffed. “Nu-uh, my dance is gonna make the crowd faww over from heawt attacks. I did once, ya shoulda seen Pwincess Cewestia’s face when I did it in fwont of hew.”

Hoity whined. “She awways does stuff wike tat. My picture will get more daws ten ya stupid dance, just watch!”

Blueblood growled and declared. “Otay ten, later today when mommy is having her meeting with ta nobles where tey go on bweak and have dinner, yeh draw a stupid picture, and I do my dance. And we see who is cuter.”

Hoity stuck out a hoof. “Deaw, and ta winner has to wear a pwetty dress.”

Blueblood blushed. “No way, tat shouwd be if ya wose!”

Flower Petal got up. “Sounds wike a great idea! I’ww get one of my specwal dwessies Mommy got me when I was two, tey so puffy ya can't waddle around and gots to be carried eveywhewe.”

Blueblood scoffed and growled knowing that if he wore one of those, even if he turned back to normal nopony would ever take him seriously ever again. But then he turned his attention to Hoity and tapped a hoof to his chin while thinking. “I could do this and prove I’m cuter than him. I would not only grow closer to Celestia, but also prove that I’m willing to put up with this insanity. Maybe even have more clout with the nobles when I go back to normal. The prince smirked, getting up and extending a hoof. “Ya gots a deal, Hoity Toity! May ta best foaw win!”

Unaware of what had just transpired, Rarity came over to Flower Petal and asked. “Oh, I was just talking to your mommy, Flower Petal. Do you want to sleepover at the palace tonight?”

The filly squealed in delight! “Yeah, I would wuv too! I gonna bwing a pwetty dress too.”

Rarity eyed her and asked. “Why is that, darling?”

Flower smirked. “You'ww see…”

Later that evening Blueblood was getting his dance ready as he scrounged around in his old closet.

Flower Petal eyed him and asked. “What is ya doing?”

Blueblood babbled. “Getting my owd reword pwayer,” He pulled something out of the bed from under his old plushies and blew the dust from it. He also held in his hoof a few old records with nursery rhymes. This item was special to him, because the records were specifically made for him by Princess Celestia when he was still in his mother’s womb. He even told Flower Petal. “Auntie Tia gave my mommy tese when I was still in hew tummy. My mommy’s tummy I mean, Auntie Tia didn’t give bwith to me.” Though a part of him wondered. “But what if she had? She was always more motherly than my own mother, she always had time for me. My mother never did.”

He took the bag out and turned to see Hoity with crayons trying to make a picture of himself and Rarity. The prince babbled. “Weww, I gonna go practice in a guest room where Rarity sweeps. She still drinking tea with ya mommy so I should have some privacy.”

Flower Petal shrugged. “Ya gots to ask Comfy Wump fiwst.”

Blueblood sighed, reluctantly crawling over to the big nanny and asking her. “Hey, can I go practice my dance in Wawity's woom?”

The nanny looked down and cooed. “Oh of course you can, little Bluey. But don’t touch anything, okay?”

The prince nodded. “I won't, just gots to practice my dancing is aww.”

Comfy Rump then took the prince onto her back and led him to a room not far from the nursery. She opened the door to a lovely room now decorated with ponyquins with dresses. But what was more curious was the milking pump near the bed with a bag full of foal supplies, and a book on the bed that had “Tips for New Mothers.” printed on the front cover.

Comfy Rump smirked. “I have to say Rarity has Mommy Fever bad.”

Blueblood was confused by the term and asked. “Wha's Mommy Fever? I heawd Fowwer Petaw’s mommy say it, and now you.”

Comfy giggled as she explained to the prince. “Oh, it’s just that Rarity loves taking care of you as if you were her own foal. Now don’t touch anything in this room. I'll be right next door if you need anything, so please come and get me if you need anything. And be careful.”

The prince nodded and turned to his bag taking out the old record player, and a few records with nursery rhymes. He put on his favorite “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, it was something simple but he loved it as a foal. He placed the record on the player as it spun, playing the simple tune. He could hear Celestia’s soothing voice, remembering that these were recordings of her singing the nursery rhymes. He blushed and wiped a tear that emerged from his eyes, quickly regaining his composure. “Otay, time to dance.” He took out a large princess doll from nearby and started his dance, slowly waddling around with as much grace as he could muster in his chubby, padded state.

Meanwhile, Rarity was finishing up her conversation with Sunflower. Sunflower adjusted her monocle and commented. “Well I have to say, Rarity you shouldn’t worry about finding a husband or anything like that. As long as you feel you're up to caring for little Hoity Toity.”

Rarity nodded. “Oh I am, it’s just that it’s so hard sometimes with my job and all. But we’ve got a schedule going and I even enrolled him in the local daycare. He loves trying to help me with designs too, right now he comes up with the most adorable designs for foal clothes, diapers, and onesies. And he’s the perfect model for them too.”

Sunflower cooed, adjusting her flowing golden mane. “Oh I know, I already placed a huge order for your designs. I’m planning on having at least two more foals.”

Rarity squealed and asked. “Really? But why do you want more? I mean as much as they are cute, they are quite a lot of work.”

Sunflower simply replied. “As much as they are, don’t they make you feel...great or I don't know how... satisfied? Especially being the mother of the famous Hoity Toity. I mean you're pretty much raising a legend in the fashion industry.”

Rarity blushed. “I can only imagine what he'll be like as a teenager. I certainly don’t look forward to that.”

Both mares burst out laughing as Sunflower turned, blushing as Rarity’s dress lifted a little. Her violet-red eyes looked at the fashionista as Sunflower asked. “Oh darling, um...you nurse?”

Rarity squealed, holding down her dress. She was still incredibly self-conscious about it. “Oh, y-yes, that obvious! As much as I enjoy nursing Hoity once in a while, my teats are so annoying to milk and now they're becoming more pronounced! It feels like they’re always so full!”

Sunflower giggled. “Seems like it may have something to do with you being around two ponies that have been magically regressed. It’s not just you, Celestia and Luna are both having the same issues from what Comfy Rump tells me.”

Rarity gasped! “No way! The princess’ nurse?!”

Sunflower tried not to smirk as she nodded. “They’ve even secretly been giving their excess milk away. I’ve already ordered a dozen bottles. Alicorn milk must have special properties.”

“Oh, I think that might be something to check out, we'll have to see,” Rarity commented. “But for now I should pump out my excess milk..”

Sunflower waved a hoof. “Go right ahead, I’ll go walk around the castle. It's not every day you get to tour the palace of Canterlot.” She walked off as Rarity shrugged and went up to her bedroom to get her pump.

Up in Rarity’s room, Blueblood was finishing his dance and nodded in approvement at himself. Then he sniffed and decided that he was stinky. Not waiting for a bath, he trotted over to Rarity’s bathroom, trotting over to the tub. “I wonder if Rarity has any bubble bath supplies around here,” He thought, before he shook his head. “I don’t need a bubble bath! Princes don’t take bubble baths!

He grasped the faucet and turned it with his magic as he giggled feeling the stream of water run down him. Without pulling back the curtain for his shower, he took out some of the fancy shampoos and after tossing aside his diaper so it wouldn’t get (a task that was quite difficult with his chubby little hooves) started washing his mane as best he could. Then he began to splash around in the puddles for a bit.

After that he shut the water off and went over to a nearby towel laying on the floor. He took it without hesitation and start drying himself off. After that, the curious foal looked over to the nearby cabinet and pulled out some fun to look at toilet paper. He started throwing it around, giggling as he swirled it around him. “Yay!”

Then the foal suddenly felt a pain in his bladder, and he was not about to go ask Flower Petal if he could borrow her training potty. So that meant there was only one option. The prince looked up at the toilet as it seemed to stare down at him, taunting him with its size. He babbled. “Otay mister, I am king of ta potty and you awe going down!” He giggled at his statement.

Blueblood took some of the toilet paper he’d been throwing around earlier, managing to get one of the rolls to go over the seat. It took a great deal of slipping on the soft toilet paper, before he finally climbed up on the seat and with a plop planted himself rump first over the bowl.

The prince relaxed, certain the worst was over. Soon he could hear himself peeing, and he squealed in delight as he raised his hooves! “Yay I did it!”

But now came the matter of flushing, something Blueblood hadn’t considered. He briefly considered not flushing, especially since he hadn’t done number two in the toilet. But the foalish part of his mind was intrigued. “A courtesy flush wouldn’t hurt.” He thought, then slowly scooted over to the handle. He tried to grab at it with his hooves, even going so far as to stand up on tiphooves. But the lever remained out of his grasp. “Fine, ya stupid potty! Ya awsking fow it!” He declared as he surrounded the handle with his magic, groaning and straining as he managed to flush it.

A loud roar reached the prince’s ears and he squeaked as he lost his balance from the strain and fell into the draining waters of the bowl! He started splashing and gasping as the water swirled! “Hewp, I going down the howe!” He cried, barely able to keep his head above the water! Meanwhile the water spun faster and faster, taking the helpless foal with it!

Everything went dark for the prince as a faint “Glug glug glug” could be heard, and he felt himself be sucked down the drain. In vain he tried to grab something with his magic, but it was too late!

Moments later Blueblood found himself in the sewers, but he managed to swim over to a drain pipe and climb up to the surface. Rarity was already standing near the entrance and she growled. “Bluey!” She took hold of his little hoof and held the soggy colt close. “Bluey, what in Equestria were you thinking!? You could’ve drowned!” The colt could only whimper and then began to wail, prompting Rarity to hold him close. “There there, it’s okay. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

A few minutes later, Blueblood was back in the castle, and was cleaned, dried, and strapped in a new, thick diaper with Rarity's triple diamond cutie mark on the seat of his padding. He was suckling away on a bottle filled with the mare's breast milk as she held him, watching the colt nurse. After a few minutes he removed the bottle, looked up adorably and asked. “So, am I in twoubwe fow wha happened in ta bathwoom?”

Rarity smirked. “Well considering you’re still in trouble after your little escapade in the castle last week, I’ll let this slide. You were just curious after all. But no more trying to be an adult, you’re a baby. And this is exactly why Princess Celestia and Comfy Rump decided you’re not ready for potty training.”

Blueblood pouted and whined. ”I was just twying to use the potty wike a big colt is aww. I pwomice I won’t get fwushed again.”

Rarity smirked and placed him on the bed, tickling him all over. “Oh yeah, Prince Piddle Pants? You really think you’re ready?”

Blueblood kicked about, laughing loudly! “Stop, I know ya twying to make me pee!” He complained. Then just as he said that a little hiss came out and the front of the padding yellowed a little. Blueblood rolled his eyes and Rarity finished by blowing a raspberry into his pudgy tummy, making him squeal and kick his little legs about again. Blueblood booped Rarity’s nose. “Comfy Wump is wight, ya gots Mommy Fevew.”

Rarity gave the little colt a loving smile. “Well, I can’t help myself seeing how adorable you are,” Blueblood nuzzled her, loving the attention and Rarity began changing his diaper as she added. “Darling, I heard you wanted to try to dance in front of Celestia’s court, are you ready? Hoity’s drawing is quite adorable, you’ve got some tough competition.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Just wait, you’ww see I cuter than him.”

Rarity finished the changing, padding Blueblood up and placing the colt on her back. “Alright then, come on. I even have your little recorder all set up downstairs” Blueblood blushed but was taken down the stairs anyway and there the crowd was drawing at little Hoity's picture, and Rarity giggled as he waddled up. “Mommy, wook, I made a picture!”

She held it close to her chest. “Oh, I love it!” She then gave him a nuzzle and poked his diaper: You are so cute!”

Hoity squealed and clapped his hooves together with amusement. Blueblood got down and turned to Rarity. “Can ya... uh stawt ta wecord?”

Rarity nodded and the music started playing with “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” being sung by Celestia and the princess blushed hard on hearing her voice from nearly twenty years ago.

Blueblood began to bounce as he took Flower Petal by the hooves and started to dance around with her and the gathered crowd dawwed at the adorable little scene. Flower Petal blushed and wiggled around, completely in heaven. Then, as the song stopped everypony clapped at the performances both Hoity and Blueblood waddled up to Celestia and asked her. “So who is cuter?”

The sun princess smirked. “I think you both are, it's a tie!”

Both foals gasped in horror and Flower Petal squealed! ”Tat means ya both gots to wear dwessies!”

Rarity had her little colts now dressed in pink frilly dresses with adorable white laces tied around their manes and tails. As they posed in front of Rarity she took photos. “Oh how wonderful, one of you cuties is going to win the competition for sure.”

They both blushed, and Blueblood asked. “If I win can I stay up wonger? I dun wike going to sleep so earwy.”

Rarity giggled, coming down and snuggling her foals. “Oh no, you two need your sleep. How about if you both win, I’ll throw a party for you both?”

Blueblood gasped! ”A party wike ta Gwnd Gawopin Gawa?!”

Rarity giggled. “Maybe, and with you’re adorable dancing you're going to be wooing all the little fillies.” She then gave both foals raspberries, making them squeal and kick about unable to prevent the onslaught of tickles. When Rarity finished she tucked them under the sheets and climbed into bed. They both gradually gravitated to the warmth of her underbelly. Rarity smiled, knowing that the two would nurse and went into a peaceful sleep with thoughts of foals running around in her dreams.