• Published 9th May 2018
  • 2,916 Views, 78 Comments

The Foal Prince - Foal Star

Prince Blueblood was regressed to a foal by a strange enchantress. He now must discover the mystery surrounding her to become a big pony again.

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Chapter 1: One Crazy Morning

Prince Blueblood woke up early the next morning with a start, gasping as he looked around, his heart pumping. He yawned as he stretched his tiny limbs, and tried to gauge where he was. The first thing the little prince noticed, was that all he could see was a sea of white fur stretching on for what seemed like miles. Then he squeaked hearing the odd but recognizable noise of his diaper. He looked down, groaning upon seeing the padding was a bright pink in color, and he whined. “So it wasn’t a dweam, I weawwy a foaw!”

The prince groaned and wiggled, but the sea of fur shifted as he squeaked, seeing a giant white object land on him softly, as a giant hoof pressed him to the plush white fur. He could hear a faint thump from the heart of his captor. Blueblood growled and wiggled from the grasp, as he plopped down into a sea of satin blue bedsheets. The little colt peered up at the face of Princess Celestia sleeping soundly. She was a giant compared to the little foal, who just sat there with his mouth gaping open. “She huge…I mean I know she big, bu now she wook weawwy big.”

The colt curiously waddled over to the princess’ rump and giggled upon seeing her big sun cutie mark. “Oh wow, is soft.” He then saw her tail of blue, green, and pink waving on the bed, and squealed as he jumped into the tail and rolled around in the hair. Then he heard a door open and gasped as he quickly hid in the tail. But he heard a foal whisper. “No so would gonna wake Auntie Tia.”

Blueblood peeked and saw five other foals crawling into the room as baby Zecora whispered. “So ya tink ta new foaw is a giww tis time?”

Bucket Bridle put his hooves on his soggy diaper. “Wha wong with cowts?”

Zecora shrugged. ”Noting’s wong, but I wana pway with mowe fiwwies.”

Hoity came up. “Wew, if ya want, I wowd wuv to weaw a pewtty dwessie and we can pway tea pawty. Mommy always says to twy new things.”

Cannon Feather got up. “Hey, if any cowt gonna pway tea pawty in a dwess, it’s me.”

Zecora giggled. ”Aww, you guys awe ta best.” She hugged the colts as Blueblood watched, still unsure if he wanted to have the foals see him in his present state.

Bucket Bridle rolled his eyes. He looked up at Celestia and climbed up the side of the bed, wiggling around in his soaked nighttime diaper. He nuzzled her and crawled under her wings as Bright Wing followed suit. Bright Wing giggled, poking Celestia’s cutie mark. “Is so big up cwose.”

Bucket Bridle nuzzled Celestia. “Yay! My mommy gots ta best cutie mawk in ta whowe wowd.”

Cannon Feather climbed up after his friends. “Nah uh, Mama Wuwu is ta best! She bettew ten ya!”

Bright Wing scoffed. “My daddy is ta best, his cutie mawk is so coow!”

Hoity. meanwhile climbed up and then helped Zecora up, as they too waddled to Celestia. Poking her and nuzzling her, Zecora cooed. “Oh, she so soft and warm.”

Hoity snuggled into Celestia under one of her wings and yawned. “She soft and white, wike Mommy.”

The little guards clambered through Celestia’s other wing, giggling as they brushed it. Bright Wing giggled. “Hew wings awe so soft, ya tink she gots ta biggest wings eva?”

While all this was going on, Celestia was deep in sleep, seemingly unaware of the foals clambering over her. She woke to the tiny hooves clambering over her body, and chuckled. She then looked over, seeing the foals poking her cutie mark, tugging on her tail, and brushing her wings, and she cooed. “Oh, what are you foals doing?”

They all looked up and squeaked as they all clambered back onto the bed. Bucket Bridle looked up and apologized. “Oh, sowie Mama, we wookin fow ta new foaw.”

Zecora clambered out from under the alicorn and asked. “Is it a fiwwy?”

Celestia giggled as she looked around. “Oh he’s not a filly, but he is a prince.”

The foals gasped as Zecora whispered. “Abbwe fwitews.”

Blueblood, meanwhile, tried to worm his way through Celestia’s tail. But squeaked as he was lifted into the air by a yellow aurora and plopped down on the bed. The little prince whimpered, curling up in his pink diaper as the other foals cooed in unison and crawled around him. Blueblood whined. “Stop it! I not cute, I am a pw-“ Then he squealed as he lost his balance, plopping down onto his diapered rum,p and he squeaked as a hisss came from his diaper.

The foals all burst into giggles and Blueblood whined. “Stop, it not funny!”

Celestia just smirked, seeing her nephew in his new state, clearly unable to see that he was going to learn a lesson or two about humility from the experience. She yawned, seeing that the moon was setting beneath her window. “Time to raise the sun,” She said with a smile. “But first, we have some soggy diapered butts to change.” She took hold of her charges and with her magic, changed the wet diapers of the foals in a quick motion.

The foals all stood up in their new, poofy diapers, now emblazoned with cute little suns on them. Bucket Bridle beamed in pride despite having been put back in a diaper. “See, Mommy’s cutie mawk is ta best!” He boasted.

Blueblood (relieved that he was out of the embarrassing pink diaper) kicked about in his new padding, though he soon noticed it was thicker than the pink diaper he’d worn before. “Why it so big?”

Celestia blushed. “Oh, sorry. That diapering spell needs some work still.”

Zecora squealed, bouncing in her new diaper. “Nah, is gweat! It so comfy and bouncy! I couwd bounce aww day!”

Bucket Bridle was the first to pounce, and the other foals followed suit as Blueblood blinked in confusion. Celestia squealed, falling down with the foals snuggling her in their poofy diapers. She laughed and pulled them into an embrace with her big wings. “Oh, you're all just so cute!” She snuggled the foals as Luna came into the room with a slight scowl on her face. “Dear sister, I lowered the moon a hour ago. Wha-”

Luna stopped mid sentence upon seeing Celestia with all the foals snuggling her belly and exploring around her body, prodding the wings or brushing her tail. Celestia was so entranced by the foals that she looked up and squeaked upon seeing Luna standing there with the most confused look on her face.

Celestia blushed as she explained. “Oh, sorry sister. As you can see, the foals have taken over Equestria.”

They all giggled and Blueblood rolled his eyes. Luna smirked. “Have they now?”

Cannon Feather bounced up and squealed. “Yeah, Mama! We gonna make aw ta ponies in Equestwia weaw diapees!”

Zecora then shouted. “Now tat we bwought down Tia, we gots to get Wuna!”

Soon, the foals all leaped off of Celestia and tackled Luna to the ground. She squealed, flying over as the foals clambered on her and were busy tickling the alicorn all over. Luna laughed as she kicked her legs. “Oh dear sister, we’re done for! The foals will cover the land in a thousand years of padding!”

Celestia gave a fake gasp. “Whatever shall we do?! Soon everypony will be in diapers, and with nopony to change them all.”

Cannon Feather got up and raised his hooves. ”Tats wight, we foaws wiw need to make ya two change aww ta diapees!”

Both Luna and Celestia gave an over dramatic “Nooo!” Then both alicorns fell to the ground with their tongues rolling out of their mouths, as the foals all clapped their hooves at the performance. Celestia and Luna both then got up and bowed. Celestia proceeded to pick up the foals in her magic, and placed them onto the bed and cooed. “Alright now, little ones, Auntie Tia needs to go out and raise the sun.”

The foals all groaned with a “awww.” Seeing the fun was coming to an end.

Celestia smirked as she got up. “Alright alright, how about later, we’ll play this again? Next time I’ll be more prepared for the invasion of foals.”

The foals all started shouting. “Yeah! Wets pway tat again!”

Celestia just gave a chuckle as she left the room and Luna turned back with a concerned look and squeaked. “Wait, sister! You’re leaving me by myself with all the foals!”

Celestia smirked. “Good luck, sister. You’re on your own until I get back. But I’m sure you can manage a few little ones.” As the princess of the sun closed the door, Luna was then tackled by the foals, once again knocking her down as they snuggled into her.

Luna just dawwed and wrapped her wings around them. “Alright, sister,” She said to herself. “But you’re going to owe me big time for this.”

Blueblood just rolled his eyes and stood aside while grumbling. “She bettew come back soon. I dun gorts aw day to be a foaw. I gots a vewy impowtant meeting ta attend today! Diapeed ow not, I not missing tat.”

Not soon after Celestia went to raise the sun, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity were all getting up, yawning as they walked across the castle courtyard.

Applejack mumbled. “So ,Twilight ya think that whoever turned Blueblood into a foal, is the one who made the wish from that genie?”

Twilight nodded. “I’m almost certain. Last night we checked all over the castle and the surrounding garden, but found nothing. Hopefully, this time I can maybe find the spell that regressed Blueblood.”

Rarity scoffed, still feeling offended at the prince standing her up and taking credit for others’ ideas. “Well it’s his own fault for going after some suspicious looking mare when he was supposed to be at the door.”

Applejack eyed her friend as she asked. “And ya decided it was a good idea to just leave him alone with this mare?”

Rarity squeaked and protested. “W-well...I...I didn’t know she was evil! Heck, we don’t even know for sure if she was the one who regressed Blueblood. It could be somepony else entirely.”

Twilight turned towards her two friends and in a serious tone she replied. “Enough of that. As much as I wish Rarity had stayed, maybe it was for the best. Had she gone off, she could have been regressed along with Blueblood, and then we’d really be in trouble.”

Applejack just shrugged. “I was just teasin’ a little, I didn’ mean anythin’ by it.”

Rarity scoffed. “Well, I can see why Zecora has such appalling manners.”

Applejack growled. “Wha's that supposed ta mean? I’ve raised Zecora quite well, she knows right from wrong.”

“Girls, please,” Twilight snapped. “We need to stick together on this. Not only do we have an enchantress of some sort on the loose, we also have six foals now. If we don’t work together to put a stop to it, everypony in Equestria could fall victim to this foal pandemic.”

Rarity and Applejack turned away from each other as Twilight rolled her eyes, and opened the door to the nursery to see a huge disaster.

Luna was running around the room, laughing as she chased the regressed royal guards. As she did so, she clearly didn’t notice Zecora and Hoity both busy playing with Celestia’s makeup counter, smearing lipstick on their faces. Twilight just fainted at the scene of seeing her mentor’s bedroom being defiled by foals.

Applejack just stomped her hoof down and came over and scolded the little zebra. “Zecora! What in the hay are ya doin’ with Celestia’s makeup?!”

Zecora's squeaked as she looked over at her adoptive mom and whimpered. “Sowie, Mama, just wanted ta pway tea pawty with Hoity.”

Applejack sighed, lifting Zecora up onto her back. “Alright, sugarcube, that’s enough foolin’ with the princess’s makeup. We need to get packed up, ‘cause we’ll be leavin’ soon.”

The little zebra squealed. “Can we buck abbwes togethew when we get home?”

Applejack chuckled. “Not quite, sugarcube. You’re still way too young for that. Even Apple Bloom ain’t old enough to buck apples yet, and she ain’t in diapers like you are.”

Zecora grumbled, muttering: “Abbwefwittews.” as she was carried off.

Rarity sighed, lifting Hoity by the seam of his diaper. “Hoity Toity, darling little colts like you don’t need makeup to look pretty.”

Hoity blushed as he was lifted up into the air, not unlike he was about to be disciplined. “Sowie, Mommy, just twiyin to wook pwetty wike ya.”

Rarity dawwed in spite of her better instincts. “Oh sweetheart, you already look so handsome in just a diaper. Besides, red lipstick is definitely not you color. It clashes so hideously with your coat,” She then began to wipe his face off with some foal wipes and cooed. “Now, I signed you up with Photo Finish to model some of the foal clothes you designed!”

Hoity squealed. “Oh yeah I fowgots aw about tat!”

Rarity giggled, poking his diaper. “This diaper is quite adorable though, and I know I didn’t put you in it. Did you design it yourself?”

Hoity shook his head. “No, Tia did. She poofed it on us.”

Rarity looked the padding all over and then cooed. “Well I have to say, Princess Celestia may just have a taste in foal fashion. How about we find a matching onesie to fit that diaper?”

Hoity clapped his hooves. “Sounds wike fun! I gonna be ta pwince of ta sun!” Rarity then nuzzled her adoptive son as she walked off.

Luna, meanwhile, finished scooping up the royal guard toddlers in her embrace, panting and gasping. “I finally got you little trouble makers,” She then looked up to see Shining Armor coming down the hall and asked him. “Oh Shining, thank goodness. Can you get these three ready for preschool?”

Shining gulped a bit at the sudden gesture, but still replied. “Uh...sure. I guess it won’t be too big a deal,” The toddlers squealed and tackled Shining as he took the toddlers and placed them onto his back as he grumbled. “How are you three this excited at six in the morning?”

Luna got up, fixing her mane and sighed. “Tell me about it, it’s like they all drank a gallon of coffee or something.”

Just then the sun finally rose into the sky and the light fell onto Prince Blueblood, who squeaked and tried to hide under the bed, but was pulled out by an aurora of magic as Twilight placed him onto the bed. “Hey there, cutie, sorry about that.”

Blueblood crossed his hooves in a pout with his diaper poofing between his legs as he grumbled. “Stop cawwing me cute. I not cute.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Oh dear, well it looks like we have a stubborn little colt on our hooves today.” She teased

Blueblood growled. “I not a wittwe cowt! I a pwince, and ya need to tuwn me back into a adwt wight now!”

Luna only cooed. “Oh he’s just so cute when he’s grumpy.”

Blueblood stuck his tongue out at her as Twilight rolled her eyes. “Alright, that’s enough of that, Blueblood. Now, we're here to learn what in the hay happened to you last night.”

Blueblood whined. “I don’t know! Aww I wememba, was tat I went to see some cwazy bwack mawe with siwvew eyes and a wong fwowing sivew mane!”

Twilight nodded while taking notes, as Blueblood spoke and Luna asked questions. “So she turned you into a foal when exactly?”

Blueblood tapped a hoof to his chin. “Uh...wew...ya see, whiwe I was bein Tia, I saw hew...and uh I didn’ wecognize hew on ta wist. So uh, I went to see what she was doin hewe.”

Luna smirked as Twilight rolled her eyes and Blueblood pouted. “Hey, I tewin ta twuth!”

Twilight just jotted down a few notes and continued. “I’m just messing with you, Blueblood. Anyways, I can give what I learned to my brother, and he can have his guards look for a mare matching your description. Hopefully she hasn't left Canterlot.”

Luna nodded. “Good idea, I’ll give you a formal letter with my seal. That should make it official enough for those stuffy nobles.” Luna took out a scroll and a quill as she wrote down something.

Meanwhile, Blueblood whined and pouted. “So, ya gonna tuwn me back to nowmaw ow what? I gots a meeting to get to today.”

The adults all looked at each other with concern as Twilight sighed. “Uh, Blueblood,,, as of right now. ....I’m not sure how should I put this but, um...”

Blueblood shouted. “Wha do ya mean?! Ya ta best pony with magic, awnet ya?! Ya gots to be abwe to change me back!”

Twilight blushed. “Well, the thing is, we found out that some of the foals turned into foals because of a wish from a genie. But for you...I don’t think that’s the case. And as of right now, we don’t know what spell was used to turned you into a foal.”

Blueblood groaned and dragged a hoof down his face as Luna continued. “As such. you’re currently a foal. So I’m afraid you can’t perform your royal duties. That is, unless you want everypony to laugh at you.”

Blueblood scoffed. “Sowie, Auntie Wuna, but I a pwince and stiww got my duties. I not gonna be tweated wike a foaw.”

Just then, Celestia came into the room, giggling as she replied. “Oh Blueblood, come now, you're a foal. I doubt you want to do your ‘duties’ in diapers.”

Blueblood kicked about and screamed in protest! “I dun wana weaw diapees! I can stiww use ta potty! I just… need a witte hewp doing so is aww.”

But Celestia lit up her horn and a pacifier with her cutie mark printed on the mouth guard appeared. She popped it into her regressed nephew’s mouth and as he suckled the object curiously, she cooed. “Now now, Blueblood, we’ll get you back to normal soon. For now though, I think you need to get some more sleep. Foals always get cranky if they don’t get enough sleep.”

Blueblood suckled his pascifer with a pout as he eyed Celestia, who lifted him into the air with her magic.

Twilight asked. “Who’s going to watch him though? I’ll be busy trying to figure out exactly what spell was used on Blueblood, and my friends are going to be going back to Ponyville. And you, Princess Luna, and Shining Armor all have your own little ones to care for.”

But Twilight then turned to see a unicorn mare bouncing into the room. She was a big, white coated mare with big blue eyes, and a swirling mass of pink for a mane and tail. She had a big pink diaper bag bursting with diapers and foal supplies, and she squealed. “Oh, is this the little prince I’ve heard so much about?!”

Twilight blinked in surprise. “Uh, Princess Celestia, who’s this?”

Celestia gave Twilight a loving smile as she explained. “This is Nanny Comfy Rump. She was Bucket Bridle’s first adoptive mom. She comes here a lot when I need a extra set of hooves to help with all the little ones.”

Blueblood cried in horror, terrified of the idea of having such a mare as his caretaker. “Nooo! She can’t be my nanny! Pwease, anypony but her!” He protested!

Celestia just cooed. “Sorry, Blueblood, she’s the only one available on such short notice. But I think she can teach you a thing or two on how to be a good foal. And maybe if you ask nicely, she’ll let you use a training potty.”

Comfy Rump scooped up the foal and asked the princess. “So, are you renovating his room to fit his new form?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes I am. Luckily, with some magic and some foal supplies I found from when he was a colt, I designed his room perfectly for an adorable little prince like him. Maybe this time, he’ll grow up right.”

Blueblood’s mouth dropped wide open, only imagining what Celestia had done to his pristine room in the palace.

Comfy Rump, meanwhile, was ecstatic, jumping up and down with joy. “Oh I can't wait to see it! Come on, Bluey, we’re going to have so much fun!” She bounced off as Blueblood kicked and whined. “I command ya to stop! Dun caw me Bwuey!” But his protests fell on deaf ears.