• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 366 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter 9 : Rising From The Ashes

The scene slowly fade in to where the previous chapter end, where we find Khronos watches in amusement of how Crystal Empire reduced to ashes. He then decided to not continue watching it as he was satisfied, took a deep breath and spoke.

"It's time to depart. There's no more reason for us to remain here." he said.

"Where to, Sir?" asked the lieutenant. Khronos began to think slowly of which target or places he needs to go or search. One thought enters his mind.

"To Two Princess Castle." he answered.

"Yes Sir!" nodded the lieutenant as he walk away but paused and turn to his superior. "Uhh, what about the rest of Celestia Army?

They still present a potential threat." he asked and Khronos gave her a short but bone-chilling stare.

"Kill them all..." he said as he turned away from the view and head toward his jeep. "...and use their guts to grease our tanks." he continued as he got on his jeep and turns to the spot where the Princess of Love remains mourning for the loss of her kingdom.

"Get Princess Cadance into the truck!" he ordered.

"Yes Sir!" replied two Earthbound Khronos Soldiers as they approached Cadance.

"Move it, princess!" ordered the soldier as they dragged her toward the truck.

"LEMME GO! LET GO OF ME, YOU COLD-BLOODED JERK!" yelled Cadance as she struggled to break free.

"Well, excuse me princess!" scoffed the soldier.

"Hurry up!" yelled the second one. Once Cadance was almost dragged inside the truck, a massive quake shook suddenly across the ground and the sky grew very charged like when Celestia went Solar except it grew very darker then it currently was. Everyone grew confused of the sudden change of atmosphere and Khronos felt something dark, darker then anything he senses.

"I got a bad feeling abo-"

"DON'T SAY THAT!" yelled the soldier at the others.

#Insert Song: Flame Heart by Two Step From Hell#

Suddenly a large pillar of pure darkness pierced out of sky and into where Crystal Empire once stood and enveloped in darkness as the beam divides into two and start swirling about. Everypony could not believed what they're seeing, it looks like two tornadoes are uniting as one. The crimson red light with outer line/wave emanated from the center of the pillar. Khronos couldn't understand the situation but Cadance knows very well who it is.

"Sombra...!" she muttered.

"Mwah ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA!" an evil, demonic laughter filled in everypony's ears then the pillar of darkness erupted in a powerful shockwave that blew the dust and ashes away, resulting a cloud bank of mist.

"Ready your weapons and prepare the Inhibitors!" ordered Khronos as he hoof-pointed at his lieutenant.

"Yes Sir!" he saluted him. "Ready the 50cal and get some Inhibitors over here!" he barked the order as he grabbed and equipped himself with the sniper battlesaddle. "Let's kill this abomination!" he growled. A large mist began to mold itself into a shadow figure then slowly reveal its full body as it approaches the Khronos soldiers.

"Kuhuhuhu! Abomination, you say?" asked King Sombra, to the Umbrum Unicorn. "Ironic, coming from you... A lab rat who wants to be as powerful as a deity... How stupid!" smirked Sombra.

"Why yooou! Open fire!" ordered the lieutenant as he aimed his rifle then all Khronos soldiers start firing at the Urbrum Unicorn simultaneously with their M16 battle saddle, hitting Sombra with everything they got. Every time the bullets or energy bolts struck Sombra's hide, it didn't effect him greatly as each wounds were immediately heal by dark smog. He sports a demonic grin and his eyes sharpen that spread fear into the soldiers.

"Pathetic ponies... Wearing Umbrum as armors? Kehehehe... You've brought your own coffins!" Sombra's eyes glowed demonic green with purple smog emanating from the eyes then he dash toward them at great speed before reducing into a mass of shadow and spread across the field. The shadow wrapped around 15 troops then start crushing them with their own armors, causing all of them to scream in agonizing pain and few start begging for mercy.

"P-Please, spare me!" begged the scout but the armors crushes deeper and blood pour out from every opening of his armors.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" he screamed.

"DIE, YOU MONSTER!" yelled the lieutenant as he resumed fire. The shadow mold back into the form of Sombra, dart toward him with a jagged lance created by his dark power and shred him completely with a single thrust. Cadance, taking the chance of the soldiers distracted by her arch-nemesis, fled the war zone and toward the hill but couldn't reach very far because of her wounds, plus she feels like she need to see the deciding fate of Equestria between two tyrants so she hid herself behind the steep hill so she won't get caught in the crossfire.

Khronos' Bio-Alicorn confronts Sombra and one of them charged at him with his Umbrum blade drawn. Sombra, using his Umbrum nature, telekinetically command the Umbrum armor to stop him in mid-air and take hold of his sword, forcing the biologically ascended pony to stab himself to death then Sombra pull the blade away and consumed it into his own being. He advance toward the army.

"Throw the Inhibitors! NOW!" ordered Khronos, but half of the troops were terrified and frozen in the presence of Sombra, which allows the Umbrum Unicorn to brutally and sadistically slaughter them apart while he laughed of how weak they are. Suddenly he was brought to the ground and he began to scan for the cause of it.

"What is this?" he wondered calmly yet annoyed as he got on his knee.

"Inhibitor, to remove your powers." answered Khronos as he approached him with his energy blade drawn from his right hoof.

"Tarturus awaits you!" he frowned.

"Fool..." scoffed Sombra as he stood up firmly regardless of the Inhibitor Collar's effect. "Have you forgotten already? You had killed millions of innocent lives, all of their pain and sorrow in the very moment of death, I devour all those pain, all their sorrows... Now I am stronger then I ever was before. Your technology is useless at this point." Sombra's horn emanated dark aura and spawn several symbiotic tentacles that dart toward the remaining Khronos Army, crystallized itself and impaled them all to the core. "A very bold move you had made by destroying the Crystal Heart in the city. Nothing can stop me now!" grinned Sombra.

"Impossible!" growled Khronos with a death glare. "No matter. I will kill you!" he said as he took a battle stance in mid-air and drawn his second blade.

"Mwah ha ha ha! You're welcome to try." Sombra vanished in the mist of darkness then the mist dart toward him faster then any Alicorns and instantly form into Sombra as he tackled him then kicked him down, slamming the evil King into the boulder, creating explosion of dust. Cadance was watching from afar and tried to calm herself. Khronos punched Sombra's face then blasted him away with his magic beam, Sombra dissolved into dark smog and spread around Khronos, an attempt to blind him. He flew up to locate Sombra , but Sombra manifested from his blind-spot and strike him with his horn. He groaned in pain, turned around while empowering his left hoof and punched Sombra, who fade into the shadow and emerged with a sword mold from the shadow, dart in and swung it, Khronos switched to his energy sword, block and parry Sombra then they moved in as energy blurs, clashing each other in a fierce sword duel. Sombra move in and swung his sword, Khronos blocked the blow and did a 90º swing while drawing his second blade and done a 60º swing. Sombra evade both swings, backflip through the air and land on the crystal pillar he forged then rode it to grant an extra boost to jump. Once he jumped, he charged at Khronos with 4 telekinetically-wielded shadow swords and swung all of them at once. Khronos managed to block all three but failed to intercept the fourth and got his face plate fractured then Khronos land on the ground, just for the symbiotic darkness to rose up and lung at Khronos as crystal towers. With his hooves energized, he shattered one on the left, then one on the right and both in front but more symbiotic tentacles rose up and surrounded him before crystallizing, trapping him. Sombra stood before him and gave a erratic demonic grin.

"Now...to kill you, like I did to your army." grinned Sombra as he commands the Umbrum armors to crush its wearer, causing Khronos to roar in anger and smashed the crystals apart then blasted Sombra away from his sight.

"You...can't...beat me that...easily!" panted Khronos as he stood up as if nothing happen. His armors was barely fracture then he charged his magic and amplified his energy gauntlets and armor so the Umbrum cannot be control then switched his energy blade to energy brass knuckles. He charged toward Sombra and land a critical right-cross punch on Sombra's left cheek, Khronos retreated then dash forward and land an uppercut, preventing Sombra to react then he retreat once more and charged his magic for a few seconds then project an energy beam without draining all of his magic. Sombra got blasted head-on but the symbiotic tentacles emerged from Sombra and instantly forged together into a crystal barrier, deflecting the beam and Sombra gave a smirk as he dissolved into a mist. Khronos ceased firing and check his surrounding for Sombra, once again failed to see the Umbrum King manifesting from his blind-side and he tackled him by surprised, yet Khronos countered him by stabbing his energy blade at his right waist. Sombra grunted in pain then grinned at Khronos.

"You cannot kill me... I am immortal!" he reminded as he gave a death glare.

"True...but that doesn't mean you can't feel pain." said Khronos as he increased the energy output of his blade then constructed a barrier around Sombra to prevent his escape, levitated him and slammed him around the ground repeatedly then threw Sombra at the truck loaded with flammable barrels and energy cell, creating an kinetic explosion then he lifted him up and threw him at the nearest mountain and crashed at maximum force, creating a massive crater while Sombra formed a Sombra-sized hole where he impacted. However, he's out of Khronos' magic range so he instantly regenerated all the wounds he recieved then created a death scythe and charged toward Khronos at unspeakable speed then the scytch splits into two and start striking Kronos relentlessly.

Khronos switched both energy brass knuckles to energy blades and he blocked and parry them aside but Sombra struck him from behind, breaking his armor apart and the fracture on his helmet worse with blood bleeding out of his body, resulting him to lose balance. Seeing his face fracturing, Cadance wanted to see his face but don't want to risk exposing herself.

"It seems you're falling apart, aren't you Khronos? Too bad, I was enjoying this battle. What makes you think you'll win?" asked Khronos as he slashed Khronos with his scythe, completely shattered his helmet. Cadance can finally see his face. Aside from Khronos' kryptonite-green eyes, his face are semi-transparent, making his skeleton structure visible but not his organs and the skins are corundum green as if he was exposed to massive radiation or something.

"You regret this!" frowned Khronos as his wounds suddenly regenerated.

"What? You're not using your magic!?" cringed Sombra.

"Fool, have you forgotten how does Celestia and Luna had such power?" he asked as a faint aura appears around him. "Let me remind you... Through all ponies... when they pray them, praise them, and worship them, they make them stronger. Well, so do I! My people worship me, for I will lead them to victory and prosperity!" he declared his ability.

"So...he's an alicorn like Celestia and Luna? That can't be true!" gasped Cadance.

"Hmph. No matter. I will end this battle once and for all." frowned Sombra as multiple symbiote tentacles rose up, crystallized and impaled Kronos but he didn't flich as he charges his powers. Sombra used his scytch and they enter yet another sword duel. In every strikes and blows, Kronos decides to grab Sombra, fly high up through the first cap of the atmosphere then deliver a powerful headbutt then pile-drive him down to earth. Sombra is dazed by the blow as they comes down like a meteor and Khronos rammed him through the ruins where the Crystal Hearts once were. Sombra survived and regenerated then splits into three. They all seperately attacked Khronos and his armors cannot take much more damages as they arrived at the former Crystal Heart chamber then Sombra got knocked into the ground, flat on back then he rose up and glared at Khronos.

#End song#

"Ugh... That's it? You expected that this can end me!? You are more foolish then I thought! Only the Crystal Heart can stop me!" he yelled as he rose up but felt a sharp pain on his left waist. "RAAAAAGH!" he screamed in rage and pain then Khronos pinned him down and stabbed crystal on his left waist. Sombra began to bleed "black" blood and Khronos stabbed his right wrist and strike both forehooves.

"Thanks for the reminder." smirked Khronos. "Now go back to Tarturus." he rose up his blade but Sombra, despite his shock of being defeated with his current level of powers, began to laugh.

"Kufufufufu...Kehehehe...Ha ha ha ha ha! MWAH HA HA HA HA!" he laughed.

"What? Your defeat was so hilarious to you?" asked Khronos.

"Fool... I am surprised that you succeed of defeating me...but you cannot destroy me... The Crystalings may bind my powers but without the Crystal Heart...no matter how many times you destroy my body...I can always come back, not 200 years but every seconds of your life! You want to send me back in Tarturus? FOOL! I AM THE MANIFESTATION OF TARTURUS ITSELF! YOU UNLEASH ME! Mwah ha ha ha! I will enjoy watching you slaughter more ponies from my prison cell, growing stronger and powerful! From this battle, I've lost but in the future...you will be the one who'll beg groveling beneath my hooves! Mwah ha ha ha-Urk!" Kronos stabbed another crystal on his throat and placed him into a comatose state.

"Shut up..." he growled then glanced up and noticed Cadance. "*hff* Princess Cadance, you can come out now! Do not make this hard! Think about Flurry Heart! I won't hesitate to kill her!" he threaten. Cadance stood up bravely and gave a sharp dagger-like glare at the tired tyrant.

"You are LYING! You kept me prisoner for 8 months! I have seen every single prisoners of Crystal Empire and other empires you taken over and you don't have Flurry Heart!" yelled Cadance.

"Do I look like I'm lying?!" he asked as his eyes grew brighter and brighter. "I will kill her!" he threaten again.

"I am not buying your dirty threat. I am staying because I have no strength to fly, no strength to flee! I stayed to see if Sombra could kill you. And don't even plan on forcing me to tell you where my daughter is. I have nothing left and I rather die then revealing my daughter to you!" frowned Cadance as she troted toward him. Khronos was rather impressed that Cadance actually saw through his attempt to decieve her.

"Smart mare." he said as he levitated the comatose Sombra then the jeep, miraculously intacted, had its radio buzzing. Khronos placed Sombra on the jeep and Cadance rode on and turned away from the tyrant in a huff.

"Sire, we have intercepted the remaining enemy forces. Permission to engage." said the radio.

"Permission granted!" he answered as they drove away.

-Meanwhile, in Everfree Forest campsite-

"EVERYPONY, TO YOUR BATTLE STATION!" shouted Golden Gleaming as all the Pegasus head for their station.
to be continue.