• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 367 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter 12: The Great Escape

[Fluttershy POV]

I asked Twilight how did she managed to escape from the mining facility as well as arriving here. She told me very exciting, and at the same time scary, stuffs such as her battle against Slave Master Scare. I had to bring Johnny along as it's not safe for him to be wandering around the town anymore. I was so glad to see Rarity is safe and sound as well then met Celestia's old pupil who remains in that pocket dimension as their world's Princess of Friendship, Sunset Shimmer. We were enjoying our reunion and Johnny's eyes shines in determination for seeing 3 members of the Mane Six. Unfortunately I have to return to my master or he'll be really upset.

"I have to return before nightfall. When can we escape?" I asked eagerly.

"At 4 o'clock before dawn. That way, no one will notice until it's too late." whispered Twilight.

"Alright, I'll get Sweetie Belle and we'll meet you all here." I nodded. Rarity, who also don the Khronos Infantry armor as a disguise, gave a tearful smile.

"I can't wait to see Sweetie Belle!" she quietly squealed.

"Alright then, I'm going to help the kid." said Sunset as she wore her helmet. "They won't see anything coming." she said with a hidden grin.

"Okay. Rarity and I will get us a transportation." smiled Twilight. I stood up and gave a nod.

"Okay, good-bye for now." I said. After departing, I managed arrived back at mansion before the night fell. I'm very surprised that the Sun and Moon still rise and set even with the Princesses captured. Could Khronos be doing their jobs? If so, he should be wearing himself down. Nonetheless, I arrived before Mr. Shard, who was sitting on the porch and seems to be having an conversation with a guest before he noticed me.

"Oh, you finally arrived." he said.

"I-I'm in trouble??? I'm really sorry if I am!" I timidly responded as I lower my head.

"Nah, I was worry that something must've happen to you. You know there're still bandits in these roads." said Mr. Shard as he drank his cup of wine. Bandits? I bet he must've meant the Resistance.

"I say, do you really give this slave that much trust? You must be more weary to whom should give your trust." said the guest whom I heard to be called General Pilate as he used his magic to levitate his cup.

"I'm weary with my action, Sir Pilate! Mrs. Shard does appreciate the work of this sweet mare. Now, Fluttershy, get inside and attend my wife and daughter." he ordered.

"Yes, Mister Shard!" I obliged and stepped inside the mansion. I began to search for Sweetie Belle while not letting anyone notice my anxious expression. I found her in the kitchen, baking biscuits and she noticed me.

"Oh, there you are, Fluttershy. Could you take this to Mrs. Shard?" she asked me as she placed the baking pan on the counter and removed her cooking gloves. I grabbed the treats and placed them on the tray but I lend close to her and whispered.

"Sweetie Belle, be ready to run away." I said.

"Why?" she asked as she whispered as well.

"Twilight and Rarity are going to rescue us, we just have to be ready at 4:00 am." I answered.

"REALLY!?!?" she exclaimed but I quickly shush her.

"Shhh! Yes." I said then I left to serve Mrs. Shard and her daughter. My final night of serving the Khronos Empire at last.

[Sunset POV]

[1:50 am]

I've arrived at the rooftop near the prison camp. According to Johnny, his mother used to shelter the Celestia Troops so it makes sense why they arrested her but not just her, I spotted the pony version of Octavia and DJPoni3 in the cell as well. 3 of them are sharing the cell and Octavia has bandages over her eyes, meaning she's somehow blind. I was expecting to make an escape plan with one pony but 3, well, I hope this doesn't end up like last time. Maybe I'll use my cloaking magic....yeah, that'll work. Thanks to my magic, I was able to sneak through the entrance as the supply truck enters, passed through the guards and I noticed some ponies tied into the pole and were being whipped by the guards, about 50 slashes or more. Hard to ignore them but I cannot rescue them all so I press on. I finally arrived at their cells and I whispered them.

"Psst! DJPoni3, Octavia." I whispered.

"Huh? Who said that?" asked Octavia.

"Show yourselves!" frowned Vinyl as she scanned around then I uncloak only my face so they can see me.

"Hi, I'm here to save you gals." I said.

"Do we know you???" asked Vinyl. Ah, right. This DJPoni3 doesn't recognize me nor met me.

"Who are you? How should we know that you're trying to trick us into a trap??" asked Johnny's Mother.
"Look, there's no time for this. Your son Johnny and Twilight are waiting for us outside in the forest so come with me." I explained.

"Princess of Friendship?! She's alive?!?!" asked Octavia.

"M-My son??? Okay....let's go." she nodded. With the Alicorn magic boost, I expands my spell to cloak Octavia, DJPoni3 and Johnny's Mother then we made our escapes. We were almost reaching to the exit when the alarm suddenly wail out.
"ALERT! ALERT! PRISONER #347, #348 AND #349 HAVE ESCAPED! REPEAT, PRISONER #347, #348 AND #349 HAVE ESCAPE!!" said the PA.

"Great...." I groaned then suddenly my spell got deactivated and we got visible. "What the?!?!"
"Bravo, it was very entertaining to watch, Sunset isn't it?" asked a female Khronos General as she stood before us.

"And you are?" I asked as we took battle stance while Octavia stays behind us.

"I knew nopony would recognize me like this." she then removed her helmet and I was very shocked. It's the pony version of.... "It is I, The Great And Powerful Trixie!!"

"Whoa, whoa, are you serious?!?!? I mean, Trixie, the self-proclaimed wizard pony who once enslaved Ponyville under the negative power of Alicorn Amulet, joined the Khronos Empire?!?! Twilight told me over her diary that you changed and became friends with Starlight!?" I asked in complete baffle.

"Well, you know what they say, one pony must side the winner and Trixie joins the winner, Khronos Empire. All Hail Khronos!" she grinned. Figured that some pony will completely lose hope and will side Khronos for their life but if this Trixie is an equivalent of Trixie back home...

"Something tells me it's more then just staying alive, isn't it?" I frowned.

"Kehehehe..... Yes, Khronos promised Trixie powers and so Trixie accepts but Starlight refused to join us so she's weak! And it's Trixie who told Khronos when Celestia, Luna leave to Canterlot for a meeting with their allies?" Oh 12 Divines!!! She just admitted she was the double-agent!!!

"So you betrayed your home, your re-new reputation, your new friends, your new life just for the powers Khronos promised you?!?!?" I growled as my horn glowed.

"YOU BROKEN TECHNO!!!" yelled Vinyl.

"YOU TOOK MY EYES!!!" cried Octavia.

"AND YOU CUT MY SON'S HORN!!!" snorted Johnny's Mother.

"Boo-hooo, my friends hates me now." she mocked us.

"Trixie, you just crossed the line. And there is no room for forgiveness and I know Twilight will never forgive you....because of you, Shining Armor is dead and Crystal Empire were annihilated. From now on, The Great and Powerful Trixie is now the Vile and Coward Trixie!!" I grunted at her.

"Grrrrr!!! Enough talking! The General Trixie grew tired of this! Kill them!!" ordered Trixie.

"I don't think so." I frowned with a malice grin as I constructed multiple energy spears and impaled all the guards that were at her side. "Too slow." I mocked.

"What?!? Grrrr, you will not humiliate me!!!" she screamed as she constructed two bound swords and charged at me.
"Sorry." I said innocently as I cast a paralyze spell on her, making her stumbled over and slide on the ground. "But I now have to improvise. Vinyl, I think I saw a Bass Cannon 9000 at the weapon depot. Go get it." I told her as I unleashed my magical energy and snapped all the locks apart, setting all prisoners free. "Run everyone!!! Princess Twilight still fights on! Praise for her and the Mane 6 so they can free the whole Equestria and beyond!!!" I yelled at them.

"Horray!!! Thanks Twilight!!! ||| Praise The Mane 6!!!" they all cheered as they ran and some subdue the guards that were whipping the prisoners, free them and they stole their weapons while some whipped at them as revenge. Vinyl broke out of the weapon depot with her beloved Bass Cannon 9000 and regrouped with her boyfriend I believed.

"Tech, you okay?" she asked.

"Still a bit broken but I can still run." he groaned.

"Come on, we're outta here!" she grinned as she fired a powerful sub-sonic cannon that blew the station towers apart and deafen the guards then Johnny's Mother carried Octavia on her back and followed the others. I turned my head to Trixie, who managed to break free from my spell in rage.

"AAAARGH!!!!!" she screamed as she rammed me into the ground. "I'm gonna kill you!!!" she screamed as she activates her blade gauntlet and lung it at me.

"Whoa!!" I exclaimed as I constructed a barrier and snapped the blade apart. "Not going down that easy!" I sneered as I used telekinesis to shove her aside then constructed my sword. "Now....come on!" I taunted and I can see her grinding her teeth.

"GGRRAAAAAGGH!!" She dash toward me and start swinging her broken blade non-stop but her anger and relentless attack doesn't help her much as I swiftly block her attacks then she back-flipped before I strike her and fired energy bolts. "Come on!!" she snorted.

"Really?" I asked as I project a magical aura and absorbed all the bolts then used it to enhanced my speed, move in close and headbutted her helmet, destroying it and send her staggering back before I blasted her away with my energy beam (it's non-lethal sadly). "Knock it off. You cannot win when your potential is stage magic." I reasoned with her.

"Wrong!! Trixie is mistress of all magic!!!" she yelled as she constructed various monsters. I believed it's an illusion magic and she's trying to traumatize me. "Survive this." she grinned.

"Sorry but trix are for kids!" I said as I blasted her back with my magic, canceling her spell. OMC her face is sooo awkward and hilarious! Ha ha ha, I must've nail that pun!

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!" she screamed as she constructed a death scythe and swung it at me. She almost pierces through my armor if I haven't jumped over her, land at her blind side and shot her with confusion spell.

"I don't have time for this!" I stated. As much as Trixie deserves to be punished, I cannot do so without Starlight knowing it. The spell I casted on her causes her vision to become blurred, thus she thinks I used duplication spell to create clones of myself. Judging her face, she must've seen my illusion selves mocking her.

"NOPONY MOCK THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!" she screamed in unspeakable rage as she start lashing at the air. I managed to slip away before the spell wears off and arrived at the forest. Johnny is happily reunited with his mother and everyone thanks me. I check my clock and it's already 2:45 am. Well, I done my part so I better wait for the others. Twilight will not be pleased once I tell her about Trixie's betrayal.

[Fluttershy POV]

It's almost 4:00 am. Everyone's asleep and we are set to go. Sweetie Belle is very anxious to leave. Poor filly is filled with joy.

I scanned my surrounding if the coast is clear then we began to sneak down the stair and head directly to the front door.
I'm glad I have the house key. I opened the door and we quickly got out.

"C'mon, Sweetie Belle." I whispered.

"I can't let you leave, Fluttershy." We stopped in our track as General Pilate was waiting for us outside, levitating a Colt M1911 pistol. I had a feeling that you were plotting something. Guess I was right." he frowned.

"Y-You're not going to kill us, r-r-right?" asked Sweetie Belle in fear.

"Why yes, I'm sure that mr. Shard wouldn't mind....much." he grinned as he aimed at Sweetie Belle. I can feel all my rage and agony raising up from my heart. I cannot let him kill Sweetie Belle!!!!!

"NNNNNO!!!" I screamed as I charged in and tackled him down, ruining his shot.

"Argh!! Get off--"

"YOU WON'T TAKE ANYPONY LIVES ANYMORE!!!" I rammed my hoof against his right shoulder and completely dislocated it into pieces.

"AAAAAAAAHH!!!" he screamed.

"YOU FEEL THAT!?!? THAT'S OUR PAIN!! THE PAIN YOU INFLICT ON OUR HOME!!!" I screamed with such anger I never thought I held in for months.

"R-RRRGH!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!! HA--" I pressured my hoof on his throat, causing him to start gasping and gagging.
"No. HAIL CELESTIA! HAIL LUNA! HAIL CADENCE AND HAIL TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!! HAIL TO ALL EQUESTRIAN AND THE KINGDOMS BEYOND!!! YOU MAY HAVE DEFEATED CELESTIA AND LUNA BUT I AM STILL HERE!! I AM THE ELEMENT OF KINDNESS AND I DON'T TAKE KINDNESS ON YOU!!!" I punched him across his jaws then yanked his broken arm, lifted him up and judo throw him with all my strength, demolishing and creating a large hole on the house. Finally, all my rage is gone and I'm back to my usual self as I picked up his gun with my mouth and turned to Sweetie Belle. "Run, Sweetie Belle! Don't stop, okay?" I said in a muffled tone.

"Okay!" she panted. We can heard voices from the house and I know it's Mr. Shard.
"What in blazes going on out the-- What the--- Pilate, what are you doing here?!??!" he exclaimed. We managed to reach to the meeting spot and Sweetie Belle is reunited with her sister. I was smiling as Rarity was crying in joy and kept hugging Sweetie Belle, expressing how much she misses her. Twightly brought us the Khronos Assault Car, an all-terrian type....according to her.

"Okay girls, hop in and let's get out of here and find the rest of the Mane Six! Hopefully they found Starlight and Flurry Heart." she said as she hopped in the driver seat.

"Uh, Twilight?" I began.

"Yes?" she asked in a very confident tone.

"Do you really know how to drive?" I asked.

"Sunset thought me when I was visiting that pocket dimension. That's how I brought it here, no?" she smiled at me.
"I dunno if Sunset is an expert driving teacher but your driving was dreadful! You're practically like a mad mare!" Rarity expressed her experience of driving with Twilight.

"Hey, it was easy as a Human but as a pony, I'm picking up the pieces." she defended herself. "Now get in before they find us!" We all hopped in and she drove us off. Rarity is r-right! T-Twilight does d-drive like a m-m-mad mare!!
"I think Sunset should've come with us and she'll drive us instead!!" panicked Rarity as she clutched Sweetie Belle tight.

"I AGREE!!" I sqeualed in fear.

"Wheeee!!!" Sweetie just squealed in excitement as she held her hooves up.

"Nope!" Twilight replied.

[Normal POV]

At the prison camp, the confusion spell wore off and Trixie noticed she was attacking illusions and noticed all the guards are dead, camp were demolished and the prisoners had escaped.

"Once again.....I've been humiliated..... I.....actually....cross the line.... They'll.....never..." Trixie's eyes began to shed tears but suddenly, her eyes glowed blood-red and she quickly shook her tears off. "NO!! I will not be weak! I won't show regrets!! I, General Trixie, will become even more powerful then anypony!!!" she growled in distorted tone as her aura expands and shows a shape of a demonic Alicorn and she glared at the dust cloud of Twilight's vehicle at the horizon. "They will pay......dearly!!" she grinned malevolently as the scene went dark and her blood-red glowing eyes brighten the darkness.