• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 367 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter 7 : Long Live The Brave

[Golden POV]

Alright, it's time! I have been waiting 3 hours straight in this hanger. I...borrow one of the Sky Slayer's uniforms and join the squad.
Zeus did the same without any backtalks. Hopefully they won't ask for my name. Then came a Pegasus stallion with the Sky Slayer uniform of a sergeant and he glared at the squad who are readying themselves.

"Come on, double time!" Sergeant McKay, as his name tag stated, let out the usual roll call. All the Sky Slayers, as well as Zeus and I, quickly line up and enter the plane, and Sgt. McKay start shouting the names and each Pegasus replied... Oh boy...
"Ace, Galahad, Silver Shrine!" McKay barked.

"Here!" answered the pegasus named Ace, who had a red scarf around his neck. Either part of uniform or his personal taste.

"Here!" Galahad has a combined accent of British and African, makes me wonder if he is a rare Pegasus Zebra or a pegasus raised in Africa.

"Here!" Silver Shrine is a pegasus mare whose coat matched her first name and she has a Hispanic accent.

"Killjoy, Daisy, Crystal Light!" boomed the Sgt.

"Here!" They all shouted.

"Amethyst and Grimm?" he barked. I grew nervous because that's the name tag on the uniform we sto-uh, borrowed. He glared at us and immediately know we are not them. "Wait a minute! What are you doing here, rookies?! Well, I don't know what are you trying to do, but I'm going to report you to the staff sergeant!" McKay growled. I can't let this chance slip out of my hoof.
"But-wait!" I protested.

"I knew this won't work!" Zeus, as usual, whined and complained about my plan being flaw. Okay, I'll admit, I didn't expect they do a roll call.

"McKay! We don't have time for this! We need to go now!" yelled one of the pilot. McKay got us off the planes just as Amethyst and Grimm arrived and enter their planes. Nonetheless, McKay got us on the next planes and we readied ourselves. They closed the ramp and we all took off to the sky. Finally, the day of avenging is here! Just you wait, Khronos! I will avenge my family!


[Celestia's POV]

We had arrived to Appleacres and we are setting up the perimeter, placing artillery in tactical position. We must win this battle or all will be lost.

"Alright, we must place the first battalion of rifle ponies and zebras on the first trench. Feline snipers in the tree! Potrenko, how is the artillery progress?" I asked to the King of Stalliongrad.

"Da! The artillery are ready and my soldiers are very eager to kill some Khronos trooper!" Potrenko sports his eager grin. I smiled.
"Good! Now we need to make this battle end quick. I need zebras shocktroopers at the frontline! I don't want Khronos have any advantage to break the line!" I advised then my sister approached me.

"Sister, I think we should have the unicorn troops prepared if the front line failed. When Khronos pushes forward, the unicorns can hold them off while the Feline surrounded and strikes from their blindspots." suggested Luna.

"I agree the strategy!" Cleo, Princess of Feline Empire, had agreed with Luna's plan. Well, if Cleo likes the plan then I accept her suggestion.

"I agree too." My smile changes to frown as my ears had pick up the roaring engine of the Khronos tanks from the distance. I gazed over the distance and saw them rolling it. I turn to Potrenko. "Potrenko! Ready your artillery, they're here!" I called out.

"Finally!" Zulu, King of Mombasa, stated as he wore his helmet. "Let's kick some flank!" he hollered

"I hope the Sky Slayers get here in time... PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" I let out a mighty yell and all Solar Empire and allies got into battle formations, and I can see their faces are filled with eager to kill Khronos and to end his rising tyranny.

"Get into position!" Com. Locke let out a command with Afro-american accent and the soldiers enters the trench with their rifle gauntlet and mortars ready. I prepared myself as well but something is not right. The air and land feels very strange and disturbing, as if Death is passing by. No! I must handle this battle at hoof. I can see the tanks rolling in and the Khronos troops...Wait, something is not right. Their armors... They are midnight-black with dark grey but I can feel a very strange aura from them. And looks like I'm not the only one sensing that aura.

"What in the hayes!?" exclaimed Commander Locke.

"T-Their armors...I-It's different!" stuttered one of my soldier, Jimmy.

"Oh no! Game changer! This is a freaking game changer!" panicked the others.

"Focus!" ordered Com. Locke. Kronos troops are in battle formation, reading their battle saddles and began their charge, shouting the name I am getting tired of hearing it.

"For Khronos!" they roared. The thundering sounds of their hooves shook the earth and we remained steady, waiting for the right moment. The moment to shot their throats apart to silent their chant.

"Steady...steady..." said Com. Locke. The Khronos continue galloping down and I continue waiting. They're in position and I signal Potrenko. He saw my signal and gave a grin.

"OPEN FIRE!" he yelled with all his might. 4 artillery fired mortars simultaneously, creating a huge barrage of explosions and all those Khronos got blasted into pieces. I can hear the Khronos shouting to each other of not breaking the formation even if it's suicide. I was very shocked of something and Locke had the same expression: these new Khronos had resisted the blasts while the others blew apart.

"Don't break formation!" yelled the captain before he almost got blast by the mortar. "We must break the frontline!"

"Sir yes sir-" A mortar blasted the troopers apart. It phased the captain but not enough to stop him. The Khronos are getting closer and closer, right into our trap. Commander Locke gave the order and they all open fire, killing every remaining Khronos but the new troops immediately counter-fire. It took more then two bullets to put them down. Locke threw a frag grenade and blew up the remaining Khronos.

"BUCK YEAH! Who wants some more?! WHOO!" cheered Locke as he resumed fire. The Zebra troopers activated their grenade launcher of their battle saddle then blasted the Khronos and one Zebra activated his HMG function and mow down the enemies. It's a great massacre to the Khronos and a new wave of tanks rolled in, just as we planned. Their tanks are more advance version of panzer tank, more hi-tech and stronger, as the artillery cannot stop it. The tanks had blown through the first line of defense. "Fall back everypony! Get the haye outta here!" I was taken aback when I watch Com. Locke returns fire at the new Khronos.
"Wha-CLEO! STRIKE NOW!" I hallored.

"NOW!" Cleo leapt out of the trees that surrounds the west of the first trance and her warriors followed. "Kill them all!" yelled Cleo. The new Khronos failed to react as the Felines had slain them and the tide had turned to our favor once again. Two Felines tried to high-jack Khronos Panzer Tank but the gunner shot them with high-caliber MG, breaking them apart and blood spilled on their armors. Felines and ponies had caught the Khronos in a kill box but the Feline numbers are depleting faster then the enemies. Suddenly the Khronos artillery start firing at us!

"Unbelievable! He's killing us and his own troops!? How heartless is he?!" I baffled.

"This is insane! Felines! Take covers and hold the lines-UGH!" The mortar shells nearly struck the ground 5 feet away from her and she flinched slightly. Four zebra shocktroopers are holding the lines with their 50 cal. then ran out of ammo so they switched to rocket launchers, blasting many Khronos as they can.

"We must hold the line! Our king and family are counting on us to stop them!" yelled one of them in Swahili accent as he fired one rocket shell at the panzer tank but only took damages, not destroy. "Darnit!" he yelled.

"Fall back troops!" ordered Com. Locke.

"Sir yes si-" My scout got blasted by the mortar shell.

"Ugh... Fall back! Go go go!" They are falling back, which means it's our turn.

"Come on, Luna! Let us show them a quick death!" I used my magic to place my helmet on. "Potrenko, have your first battalion ready! I'm going to need backup!" I said as my sister and I flew in.

"You heard her, comrades! Arm up and take your battle-saddles and fight for your life, your family! And make them pay for what they did to our Motherland!" yelled Potrenko.

"CHARGE!" We ready our swords and the Stalliongrad Troopers [Brown armors, helmet conceal all face with red lines on the edge] all gave a war cry as they charged in the battlefield.

[Normal POV]

"Open fire!" Celestia yelled as she struck her sword forward. The Stalliongard troops open fired and killed several Khronos troops without hitting their allies, bashing and slaying any wounded Khronos troopers. Celestia and Luna engaged the K. Commander and began the sword clash between Deity Sisters and the commander. The battle continues to wage on until the Sky Slayer finally arrived and enter the battle's air space. Among them is Golden Gleaming and Zeus.

"Alright! Finally I can avenge my family! Are you ready, Zeus?" Golden asked to her partner.

"If you meant by dying, no! I am not ready!" replied Zeus as he starting to freak out.

"Everyponies, follow my lead! And remember, no showing off! Showing off will get you kill!" said McKay as he prepare to jump. "Get ready..."

"I'm coming for you, Khronos." grinned Golden.

"Let's end this war." said Zeus. A plasma machine gun fire blasted through the airplane, disintegrating the left motor. The airplane start spinning out of control and Golden was shocked of this.

*How did they know we're coming and exactly where will we be?!* gasped Golden.

"Jump! Now!" yelled McKay. All pegasus/alicorns flew out of airplane as it disintegrated and exploded. Energy shots were coming from the Messerchitt warplane with futuristic tone.

"Sweet Celestia!" gasped Golden.

"Stay with me! We're almost there!" yelled McKay. Golden saw one blot struck the Sky Slayer and he screamed as he was burned to ashes, revealing his skeleton before Golden's eyes and vanished.

"Focus, Gleaming, focus!" muttered Golden then she spotted one Khronos warplane. "Gotcha!" she flew in faster, swung her mane about, forming it into a blade-like form then swung it, slicing the warplane's cockpit along with its pilot, resulting the warplane to began descending rapidly. "Oh yeah! Eat that sucka!" cheered Golden as she regroup with the others and continue descending to the waypoint. Another warplane appears and start shooting, Zeus ceased his descend, charged up his electrical magic energy in his horn then swung his head forward.

"ENOUGH!" Zeus blasted the warplane with a bolt of lighting, piercing through the nose and out of the tail. The Warplane made a screeching sound before exploding. "Whew..." he sighed as he regrouped.

"Tactic, sir?" asked Silver Shrine.

"The Ave Maria tactic!" McKay answered.

"Sir yes sir!" replied the Sky Slayers.


[Luna POV]

The battle is growing even more intense. We can't hold the line longer... Khronos... I can't believe Khronos Army grew so powerful all the sudden.

"Where are the Sky Slayers?!" I asked desperately as I decapitated one of my enemy. They are not suppose to be this late.

"Soon, I hope!" My sister replied as she blocked the commander's attack then parry him aside. I remain in defense as I check the sky. It's about time.

"They're here!" I hallored. The Sky Slayers had arrived, now we can end this massacre! The Sky Slayers had changed the tide once again but this time it's victory. They executed the Ave Maria tactic, which it's to strike in at tremendous speed that no pony can keep up and the foes will feel nothing once they passed them then they will levitate for a brief moment and die. MCkay had slain three elite Khronos troop, tackled one trooper armed with HE rocket launcher battle-saddle, lifted him up and he used his weapon to destroy the panzer tank, with the turret being blown off. I spotted Celestia's young pupil, Zeus, and a golden-mane pegasus dash through the troopers, cutting them limps to limps. I am surprised to see one of Celestia's pupils among the Sky Slayer and that mare with him is something else. She used her mane as a weapon. Now there's no stopping for anything as they get closer of ending this. Silver Shrine and Galahad were fighting the Khronos Pegasus troopers in airborne battle with nothing holding them back, and Silver Shrine is engaging an alicorn with one nanofiber wing.

[Normal POV]

"Come on, show me what you got!" snorted Silver Shrine as she armed her bladed gauntlet and engaged a sword clash. She swung left, right, left, right, faster and faster but the alicorn managed to block her attacks.

"Not fast enough! Ha ha ha ha!" she laughed then noticed Silver Shrine grinning. "Huh? Are you amuse because I manage to keep up?" she frowned.

"Nope. I've seen how you can defeat an alicorn." Silver Shrine pulled out an inhibitor from her saddle pack and threw it at her, hitting on her breastplate, which activated the inhibitor.

"What the-URRK!" She got electricuted and felt her powers being drained. "AARRRGH! Why you stupid mare!" snarled the alicorn as she began to lift her bladed gauntlet. Silver Shrine struck first by slashing 90º to the left then 30º to the right, finishing off with a cross slash. Blood covered her blades and some on her face or armors. The rest of the Sky Slayer finished off the last forces.
"Yes!" grinned Celestia as she raised her sword. "Now forward!" she yelled.

"Let's bring justice to this murder!" yelled Luna as they pushed through the line, slaying anyponies who fight for Khronos and they finally reach to main camp where a powerful alicorn stands. He is much more menacing then anypony as his armors are very unique; shadow-black and blood-red, his lens are pure krypton green and he surpassed Celestia's maximum height. He is a pure alicorn, indeed. He stepped forward, causing the density of the land and sky to charged by his unnatural aura and electrical bolt bounced about his body.

"I didn't expect you to reach this far..." Khronos' electrical aura ceased and his lens gave out a spark of malice. "I am not going to waste monologing a compliment to you nor your comrades! It's time to end this once and for all. FIRE!" ordered Khronos as bio-alicorns appears from the empty sky and start blasting the Celestia infantries while the others appears at the artillery and obliterated with their bio-magic.

"NO!" cried Celestia as she watches them burning alive and then began to build up her magic.

"Don't waste your time with your magic. They are already dead." said Khronos with a mild chuckle. Celestial turned at Khronos with flames in her eyes.

"YOU MONSTER!" Celestia charged her magic at max. Luna noticed a bio-alicorn is about to strike her sister from her blindspot.

"Celestia! Sky Slayer, come with me!" yelled Luna as she charged toward her sister. The bio-alicorn had struck her down then placed the inhibitors around her, weakening her even more.

"Kill the princess...NOW!" ordered Khronos. The Bio-alicorns began to charge their attacks at max. Luna grew wide-eyed then frowned greatly as she gallopped faster. Her coat changed into midnight-black, her armors changed from black to glittering night-blue, her physique changed to match Celestia's build and her eyes changed: her sclera are mint-green, her iris are neon-green and her pupils changed to a reptilian-like pupil. She had become Nightmare Luna and used her enhanced powers to grabbed Celestia then teleported in front of Apple Jack's barn house that was destroyed from first invasion while the Sky Slayers engaged Kronos.

*The moment of truth... No holding back! Khronos will die by my hoof!* thought Golden then she turned to McKay. "Order, sir?!" she asked.

"Use Judgement Thunder tactic!" he barked. All the Sky Slayers split up, two to the left and two on the right while the three strikes from above.

"Take this!' yelled Golden as she charged toward Khronos, whose body is surging with electrical current then his lens gave a spark of malice. She used her blade gauntlet and start striking Khronos with no restrain. "Die die die die!" she yelled but Khronos swiftly evade her attacks by swaying left and right in a mass of shadow then he activated his gauntlet, but it's no ordinary gauntlet, it is a omni-power gauntlet. Galahad charged in from his left and he simply jabbed his face with his hoof but the light jab contains a power that shattered Galahad's skull, killing him instantly. One Sky Slayer strikes him from behind but Khronos retaliated by grabbing his right hoof, twisted it then activated his omni-gauntlet, re-configuring into a blade and slashed him, shredding him apart diagonally.

Zeus then blasted him with his magic but he remained firmly without any pains or damage to his armors.

"Zeus? Celestia's pupil? Ha ha, never thought her own pupil dares to challenge me." chuckled Khronos.

"Uh..." gulped Zeus in fear.

"Now...think fast." sneered Khronos as his horn glowed powerfully and fired an energy beam. Zeus quickly created a magic shield but instantly shattered and he gets knocked away. Ace used his speed to outsmart Khronos, slashing him then flew away and strike from the left then flew away but Khronos jumped up, grabbed his leg, threw him across the field and blasted him with minor magic blast. Multiple Sky Slayers charged toward Khronos and he gave a smirk, spread his wings out that created a pulse then flapped down, rocketing through Sky Slayers and they all got knocked aside, including Golden. Ace rose up to fight but failed to react in time as Khronos impaled his torso then amplified his blade's powers, widen the size and slashed upward, splatting blood on the field.
"ACE!" screamed Golden in horror.

"GOLDEN, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" yelled Zeus. Golden turned around then quickly dart away as Zeus' body is surging with an electrical aura. "JUDGEMENT THUNDER!" he fired a powerful pillar of lightning that impacted Khronos, obliterating the entire area where he stood. Golden gazed at the destruction in awe.

*I hope he's dead for good.* she thought but she felt something's off. She glanced at the enemies and they just stand there watching, not even flinching of what happen to their king. She then widen in horror.

"Well? He's dead or what?" asked Zeus desperately. The smoke subsided and emerged Khronos with mild scorch marks on his armors. Zeus remained shocked of this.
"How pitiful. That's the power of Celestia's pupil?" he asked then he stood on his bipedal and draw out his second blade from his left hoof, energized with blue/krypton-green aura.

"What are you, a grave walker!?" asked McKay as he and the Sky Slayers recovered and dropped in battle stance. "In the name of Celestia, you will pay for all the crime you committed!" he growled. Khronos stopped in his track and stands there with a threaten impression.

"You actually think by hearing the name of Celestia will threaten me? From everything I done, surely it stated something already! I am not afraid of any cracker who called herself princess and pretend that she's powerful! Look around you!" he boomed. McKay remains in battle stance and took a careful look around in his surrounding. Sky Slayers' bodies scattered everywhere, some decapitated and some brutally murdered. The only Sky Slayers left is Zeus, Golden and himself. "You had witnessed the power of true alicorn!" boasted Khronos.

"HOW DARE YOU!" roared McKay as he drew his duel blade gauntlets and charged at unparalleled speed, almost reaching to double rainboom.

"Come, Zeus! Commander needs us now!" yelled Golden.

"Right!" Zeus joined in. McKay battled Khronos at the speed not even Golden can see and Khronos is taking the beating without a care.

"HOW. YOU. LIKE. THAT?!" yelled McKay in every strikes then Khronos caught him via his telekinetic aura.

"Is that all? How disappointing." he said in a amusing tone. "See you in the afterlife!" Khronos raised his swords.

"NOO!" Golden swung her mane forward, extending it like a whip, lasso around Khronos' neck and yanked him away. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" she yelled. Khronos threw McKay aside and dash toward Golden.

"Come at me, you filly!" grinned Khronos as he yield his blades and ready his hoof. Golden dash in and intercepted his punch with her own, causing a jolt.

"I am going to-" Her hoof's bones shattered afterward from halting Khronos' punch, whose single jab had shattered Galahad's skull.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" screamed Golden as she dropped on the mud puddle and clutched her hoof in pain.

"GOLD!" gasped Zeus and McKay stood up.

"Let's end this, Zeus!" he snorted.

"Yessir!" nodded Zeus as he start surging with electricity. They all charged toward Khronos at high speed. Khronos smirked and ready to blast them when...

"NOW!" McKay suddenly break and dash upward. Zeus created a lightning clone of McKay the moment he ascend and he ascended as well. Khronos, unaware the tactics, blasted the clone, causing an EMP charge that engulfed his surrounding and replaced with usual smoke.

"Did you like that?!" panted Zeus. McKay dove down and was going to deliver the final blow. he's almost near Khronos and was about to make his move but he received a full-energy charged punch in the face, sending him flying to the sky with his head disintegrated in sudden flash then his body followed. Khronos lower his hoof and glanced at Zeus as his body emanated electrical aura.

"Losing faith now?" he sneered as his lens gave a spark once more. Zeus remained speechless and filled with fear as he witnessed McKay's death.

"No..." Khronos and Zeus glanced at the direction of the voice. Golden began to stand up but sluggishly as she is wounded and has a broken hoof. "I am going to beat you, Khronos! No one else!" she panted as she struggled to get in battle stance.

"You think you can defeat ME!? You must be dreaming!" frowned Khronos as the ground thundered by his stance. Zeus immediately blasted Khronos with his thunders.

"Golden! Get the princesses, now!" he yelled as he continue attacking in long distance.

"*Uhh...he's right. We need the princesses!* Okay!" she nodded and tried to fly. She struggled a bit but succeeded and head off. *I must find the princesses, so they can stop Khronos...! But I just saw when the soldiers blasted Celestia so easily...No, I must get to them now! I can see a barn...maybe they went there.* thought Golden as she tried not to look back. However, she failed to notice the Khronos soldiers.

"There she is!" They fired a net and captured Golden. "Easy hunt!" one of them grinned.

"WHAT ARE YOU!? STAY DOWN!" yelled Zeus as he blasted Khronos again and again. "DIE ALREADY! JUST WHAT ARE YOU!?" he demanded. Khronos' lens glowed then gave a spark. Zeus' wings got caught by Khronos' telekinesis and he gave a grin.

"No. I am the very being you wish you hadn't trifled with!" he answered as he ripped Zeus' wings apart from his back's joints.

"AAHH! AARRGH!" screamed Zeus in pain as he fell on the grass and his joints start bleeding.

"Finally. Find the princesses! They must be in that barn over there! Remember, no prisoners!" he ordered. The Kronos shocktroopers killed every felines, zebras, ponies and Stalliongard soldiers, even the already dying ones. Stalliongard fought back when they enter in range...they eventually lost.


Within the barn, Celestia began to regain conscious and slowly stand on her hooves. She shook her head to shake off the dizziness and felt her body in pain.

"Ugh...Luna? Are you okay? I know I'm not..." moaned Celestia as she cricked her back then searched around for her sister. "Luna? Luna?! Where are you?" she eventually found Luna lying on a broken wagon, which it got smashed by her landing. "Luna!" she gasped as she galloped toward hr and dropped on her knees then tried to wake her up. "Luna! Wake up...wake up, little sister!" Her tears began to roll down her cheeks and Luna shows no sign of life. Celestia's eyes widen in horror.

"No...No, I can't believe...she can't...she can't be dead...I will heal you, even if it takes all my powers! I won't lose you again! Please wake up!" Celestia start charging up her magic but failed, for the effect of the inhibitor remains. "What? No, no, no, no! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Celestia in agonizing sorrow.

All the Khronos army marched down the field and arrived at the barn, where they found Celestia mourning on her sister's death.

"She's still alive!" yelled one of the soldier.

"Then what are you waiting for!? KILL HER!" Khronos yelled as he fired his energy bolt and struck Celestia.

"OPEN FIRE!" they yelled. All the tanks and mortars were fired and they all impacted Celestia's back, destroying the barn but Celestia hardly flinched by the blasts.

"My...SISTER!" snarled Celestia as she shot her head up with an exaggerated glare and gritted teeth but her eyes changed; the sclera become sun-orange and her pupils become reptilian with her teeth sharpen into abnormal fangs. Outside, as the tanks continue firing, Khronos felt a sudden change in the area. It's a different changes from his own then the whole land shrouded in darkness. Khronos looked up and saw the Sun is being eclipsed by the moon. He then looked at the river and it was starting to boil violently then the dried grass field instantly got consumed by unknown flames.

"What the...?" muttered Khronos then he turned his gaze to the barn and saw all the explosions and flames start gathering around then emerged a flaming sphere. Inside the sphere is Celestia but she changed: her broken armors are now repaired and transformed into a coat of golden alloy with the glitter of the sun, her mane changed from smooth, flowing mane with three colored stripes to a blazing, wild flaming mane, her coat changed from vanilla-white to crimson-red, her flanks had dark scorch marks around her Cutie Marks and her wings are covered by large flaming phoenix-like wings. She began to speak in a booming reverberating yet distorted voice.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DONE TO LUNA! ALL OF YOU!" the newly-transformed Celestia's horn start blazing with nova energy and fired a solar beam across the sky and impacted the panzer tank, blowing it away and exploded into pieces. All the solders stood in awe and frighten as it took an HE rocket shell to destroy that tank. Celestia then shifted her death glare at the soldiers, causing her sphere to start swirling wildly, launching a solar flare and burned through the soldiers, reducing them to ashes in the instant. As she descend down, Celestia's manes then flared up more intensely and her coat changed once more, becoming covered in golden flames. Khronos remained calm and cleared his throat.

"Well, what do you call this transformation?" he asked. Celestia stood on the ground and advance forward, leaving a trail of fire as she answered.

"A NIGHTMARE...THAT'S WHAT I AM!" She instantly charged through the army, blasting them aside with her blazing aura and rammed Khronos out of Appleacres into Ponyville.

"What the heck!?" exclaimed one of the commander as he saw Khronos flew across the battlefield.

"T-That's Khronos!" exclaimed the troops.

"Come on, let's kill the one who dare strike the king!" yelled the others.

"Troops! Advance forward in battle formation!" yelled the commander. A flaming comet flew up and disbursted to reveal Nova Celestia. She charged solar energy in her horn then launch a spread of multiple beams, striking every single one of Khronos troops including the tanks, which it melt completely with its pilots and gunners inside. She then generated a solar blade and swung it away, slashed everypony in sight as the sun turned blood-red. The Bio-Alicorn charged in and engaged Nova Celestia. Despite of attacking at full power, none of their attacks and magics can even phase or touch Nova Celestia as her body is becoming like the sun, growing more intense every minutes.

"What!? This can't be happening!" exclaimed the leader.

"THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!" Nova Celestia vanished, reappear in front of the leader and land an downward punch against his head, igniting him on fire.

"AAAAAAAHHHH-" he screamed as he reduced to skeleton then into ashes in a slow, painful way.

"YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARE TO A PURE ALICORN!" Nova Celestia then mule-kicked the second Bio-Alicorn, shattering his torso armors, along with the rip-cage and his lungs got pierced by the broken bones. He gasped with blood and fell down dead. "YOU ARE SCARED OF OUR POWERS SO YOU HIDE BEHIND TECHNOLOGY!" Nova Celestia stretched out her wings instantly and created a solar burst, like actual sun, burning all the Bio-Alicorn alive. She then searched for Khronos in a erratic behavior. "WHERE ARE YOU, COWARD!" she boomed.

"Throw those inhibitors now!" ordered the K. Elite Captain.

"Deploying!" all the elites threw the inhibitors at Nova Celestia but it had zero effect on her and began to short-circuit then exploded by the intense energy her body produces. One elite Pegasus charged in and punched her face. She didn't flinch and his hoof ignited in flame. He start screaming in unbearable pain then Nova Celestia shot him a widen glare, causing the elite's armors to fuse his own flesh and bones, melting and crushing him. He screamed even more then 3 others elites start shooting at her.
"WHY RESIST? YOU WANT TO DIE IN HONOR OF YOUR KING, NO?" she then gave a devilish grin, a grin that shows no mercy and made them grew very scared. Before they react, she created a solar blade and sliced through their armors with ease. She then rocket toward Ponyville, killing every Khronos troopers in her path. An entire tank division was waiting for her, when she enters in firing range, they start firing non-stop. Many tank shells hit her but she suffers no damages and she created an energy sphere, send it into the sky and broke down into a countless rain of embers, blasting every tanks and exploded, demolishing the whole division and the buildings suffered the same fate. Nova Celestia, however, doesn't seems to realize what is she doing. Khronos stood up from the debris and dusted himself off then glanced at the destruction of his army.

"Hmmm, not what I expected. Still... Amazing power she have." Khronos cast a spell and created an extra shells on his armors. "Must end this battle or there won't be anything left to conquer." he frowned.

Somewhere at the battlefield, Golden remain trapped in the net and whimpering in pain. Then a mysterious figure approached her. Could it be a survivor?


[Luna POV!?]

The pain...it was so strong, it was unbearable. The Bio-Alicorn's attacks managed to nail me hard before I teleported ourselves away.

I finally managed to regain consciousness and open my eyes. I got up from the wagon I land on and shook my head before checking my bearing-WHAT? Everything is in ruins and on fire. Something must've happen...but where's Tia? Then something else caught my eyes. The sky is crimson-red and...an eclipse? I looked away and saw everything is dying. Where is Celestia? I looked at the distance and saw Ponyville on fire. There's even a living sun, about as small as a wrecking ball and it was attacking the village. It hit me...I fear my sister thought I was dead and that means she lost it...like me when my jealously consumed my mind. Fighting the pain, I flapped my wings and flew to the sky and head toward the town square as an explosion erupted from the said square. Once I arrived, I witness the most amazing yet devastating battle!

Celestia and Khronos were fighting all out, from sword duel to beam clashes to close-combat. Celestia smacked Khronos' chin with an uppercut then mule kicked him. Her kicks is unbelievable as Khronos bored through 5, 10-no, 15 houses. Khronos did an aerial recovery and extended his swords, re-engaging in a sword fight. From every strikes and every blocks produce shockwaves of unspeakable powers. The houses shattered, the roads shifted apart, the water got vaporized and fire engulfed the entire town. I got to stop them now! Wait a minute...She is going to destroy Khronos with something I have never seen before! An energy sphere so powerful that it shared the heat that rival the sun's. I cannot let her execute that attack! It will destroy us all!

"CELESTIA STOOOOOOOOOOP!" I screamed as hard as I can. Celestia must've heard me as she tilted her head away from Khronos and fired her attack. It soar pasted me and went down to the far outskirt of Ponyville's south side. It made contact on the ground and exploded, producing a massive explosive dome that the entire Equestria felt its power and quake.


[Normal POV]

The Apple family, Zecora and the others saw the great energy dome from the refugee area in Yakyakistan. They felt its quake and everyone braced themselves.

"Holy cow! What the haye is that!?" exclaimed Apple Jack.


Elsewhere, Twilight, Sunset and the others were travelling to the destination until they felt a powerful quake then they turned around and saw the great energy dome. Twilight and Sunset stood in awe and they both muttered.
"Sweet Celestia!" they said.


[Luna's POV]

It seems Tia is not herself as she frowned at me for distracting and messing up her attack then she blasted the distracted Khronos into the ground then constructed her sword out of her own aura and she moved in to kill Khronos.

"FIRST YOU, THEN THAT MARE!" hissed Nova Celestia. Tia doesn't recognized me?! I know we must stop Khronos but not like this! I have to stop her!

"Sister, you're not like this! Don't do it!" I begged her and she gave me a death glare. The heat...it's unbearable. "Tia! It's me, Luna! Your little sister? Don't you remember? I'm begging you, calm down! You are destroying the world just by being in this form! Please!" I cried as the flames grew stronger.

"YOU DARE TO DEFY MY AUTHORITY!?" she boomed at me and the heat got worse.

"Big Sister! Please don't! Remember, Celestia! Remember me! Who is the one that waited thousands of year for my return so the newly-discovered Mane Six can use the true power of Element of Harmony to cure me?! Who forgave me for what I've done and brought me back to the family! We always had fun together. We always teased each other of who got the bigger flank or lecture me for talking loudly! I always look up to you today and I will continue to do that! Because you are my sister and, just as you struggled to save me, it's time I return the favor! Please... Remember everyone, remember me! Remember Equestria!" I cried to her. Celestia kept gazing at me and her anger expression changed to a sad expression. Her coat changed from gold to crimson-red to vanilla-white, the scorch mark vanished, her manes returns to their smooth, normal self. The intense aura vanished and the moon moved away from the sun, returning everything to normal.

"L-Luna...my sister..." She gazed at me and her eyes widen with tears. I've done it! I got through to her! I was overjoyed with tears.
"LUNA! You're alive!" she cried as she tackled me with hug and cried of joy. However, I saw Khronos standing up and dusted his armors.

"Oh, how delightful this turn out to!" he then activated his commlink. "This is Kronos, bring in the Ghost Army, we have won! Continue the invasion without me!" he stated. That no-good sonofa-
"You didn't won anything..." Celestia stated, but her voice sounds weaken.

"If you bother to look around, then you may realize that you have no army or allies to help defend your kingdom! Your sister made you waste the only opportunity to kill me once and for all! But don't worry. I'll make sure to have someone or pony to tell the destruction of kingdom." Khronos then flew off and we can only watch. I held my sister as that transformation had drained her power.

"We have lost so many lives and with no victory to celebrate." I sighed.

"But...we...let Khronos...know that we don't go down without a fight." she panted and I agreed with her.

"Yes, Celestia. Long live the brave for their sacrifice to protect others." I nodded then I saw somepony coming toward us. Thank goodness it's Potrenko.

"Princesses! Are you okay!?" he asked as he galloped toward us then he noticed my sister's condition so he helped me to carry her.

"What happened to you? Beside destroying the Khronos Army and almost destroying Ponyville completely." he asked, though...does he had to rub it in?

"How many of our allies survive?" I asked.

"King Zulu and 12 of his troops survived if it weren't for their armors. Cleo is in critical state and I have only 8 of my artillery gunners." Potrenko's face is filled with bothersome and sadness. "In the end, we've lost the battle and the war." he said.
"I can't believe this..." So many of our allies were killed in the battlefield and Khronos also lost his entire army but that lucky demon had some extras all this time!

"It's all my fault...I have...failed...failed to you...our friends...I even failed my pupils...!" cried Celestia.

"It's not your fault!" Potrenko declined that.

"Don't hurt yourself. You didn't had control of your abnormal state. I know I didn't so don't worry about it. Nobody blames you." I told her and she began to weep quietly. Potrenko and I helped her to stroll out of the Ponyville.


[Normal POV]

Many ponies, Stalliongard and Felines survivors were taken to the Medical Camp. Many were screaming and moaning in agony since they are in critical state. Cleo was being treated by unicorns who used their magic to heal her.

"MEEEEEOOOOOOWWWW!" she cried in intense pain. Zulu held her paws to aid her fighting the pain.

"Hang in there." he said. The tent entrance slided open and Luna and Potrenko came in with Celestia. Everyone gazed at Celestia's condition and Potrenko called out.

"Nurse Red Heart, Princess Celestia will need your immediate assistance!" called Protrenko. Nurse Red Heart, a white Earthbound mare with light-pink mane that are smooth and had two locks on the tips, has a bang with a smaller bang, wore a red military medic jacket with the medical symbol on the collar and has a medical kit attached on her flank. Her Cutie Mark is a heart with a medical needle.

"At once! Please put her on the medical bed." said Red Heart. Potrenko and Luna placed her on the bed and Red Heart began to open her kit. "Don't worry, everything is going to be all right." she said and Celestia replied with a nod. Across 4 beds away from Celestia is the recovering Golden Gleaming sleeping in her bed. Sitting beside her bed is her savior, who responded to one of the nurses.

"Excuse me, nurse but could I have a glass of water?" asked the savior with a trolling voice.

"UGH! Again?!" complained Nurse Gemstone.