• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 367 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter 1: the beginning of the end/ Chapter 2 : The meaning of the Friendship

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the end

[Twilight's POV]

It has been four days after Canterlot's destruction. Our hearts are filled with sorrow, scarred with agony and heavy of loss...we were all now slaves to our enemies. Their weapons was unlike anything I ever seen...weapon that counter my magic...Shining Armor... My brother is gone...

We ponies were taken out of our home and we had been walking for so long...too long that our hoofs aches, our legs became numb...our throat sore with thirst...I can't feel my wings for I have no strength left...
Shortly afterward, we came across a town, which seems to be abandoned. Maybe the villagers managed to escape before these invader came.

*At least they got away.* I thought but then I can see a well, not very far from us. I felt a spark of joy inside me of seeing, finally, a well to calm our thirst. One of the foul Alicorn soldier approached to that stallion who murdered my brother. Seeing him makes me wanna snort in anger!

"Sir! There's a well up ahead!" he said.

"I can see that, soldier! Take the other troopers with you to that well and refresh yourselves. Later the slaves. They are no good for us dead!" snorted that stallion who was addressed as Commander Steel. As we watch them bringing up the bucket of water from the well, we can now see their faces when they took their helmets off. They drank the water and pour themselves with refresh themselves from the head. "Now give the prisoners some water!" he gave the order and I can see his evil, amusing grin, like he enjoys seeing us ponies begging for water. Everypony drank their fill one by one but when it's my turn to drink, the soldier, who is an Unicorn no doubt, very different from the others, was about to feed me when...

"Don't give water to that pony!" Commander Steel shouted all the sudden. The Unicorn turned to him with a perplexed gaze.

"Why?" he asked.

"She doesn't deserve anything! She's an Alicorn! She is bound for few days!" he said it with that irritating mockery tone. The Unicorn look at me and stepped back, obliging his commander's order by spilling the water on the hot sizzling dirt. I struggled to drink the water before it gets absorbed by the dirt but all I taste...is dirt. "Let's move out! Move it, you maggots!" he yelled and all the ponies moaned in agony as we stood up and start moving.

At nightfall, they had made camps while we slept outside in the cold night. While everypony complained about the cold or hunger, I was trying to find a way to get that canting away from the guard who had taken turn. While he was distracted, I used my magic to slowly snatch his canting and finally I drank some water. I return it in its rightful place just when the guard turned to grab his canting. He didn't notice the difference when he began to drink, only to find it empty.

"Hmm... Empty. Guess I was more thirst then I thought." he said to himself, making me felt relief that he didn't suspect anything. Before I went to sleep, I began to pray that somepony come and save us all. Because this won't get any better.

Chapter 2: The Meaning of Friendship
The scene slowly fade in, viewing the enchanted forests where everything are balanced in a unexplained way known as Everfree Forest. A small filly was galloping through the enchanted forest, shortly after the ponies were taken away by the unknown enemies and Canterlot was destroyed. That filly was Apple Jack's younger sister, Apple Bloom.

She was galloping non-stop as panic, fear and desperation had conquer her thoughts, but she struggled to stay brave for her sister and her family and friend. Plus, Everfree Forest had the ability to bring fear to life so she must not be afraid and not think the worsts. However, Apple Bloom didn't realize she enter the forest until she finally stopped running to catch her breath and scanned her surrounding.

"*panting* Great! The Everfree Forest... Things can't get any worse then thi-" Apple Bloom instantly paused for a second, recalling that the situation is already worst so she shook her head and sighed. "I hope everypony is okay." she said. Then, there was sudden movement in the bushes, making the young markless filly to look around in a nervous and frighten behavior.

"H-Hello? W-Who's t-t-there?" asked Apple Bloom as she tried to find the source but only the rustling sound of the bushes were heard, causing Apple Bloom's heart go "Ba-dump Ba-dump" in a rapid state. Sweats appears on her smooth yellow coat as a low canine growl was heard. She turned around and saw an anthropomorphic wolf whose skin/fur are made out of various wood. It was a Timberwolf. Before Apple Bloom can run, the wooden wolf pounced on her, hold her legs with his powerful paws and began to drool, stating he's going to eat her. "HELP! SOMEPONY HELP ME!" screamed Apple Bloom as the vicious Timberwolf refused to release her and moved his open jaws toward her head. All the sudden, a greenish-white energy bolt struck the wolf, sending him aside as Apple Bloom got freed and land on her flank. The Timperwolf turned his wild eyes at the mysterious pony conceal in a brown hood. Its presence made the wolf growled and howled in anger then lunged at the mysterious savoir, who unleashed a burst of green light that cause the timperwolf to halt in mid-air and got beheaded with a death howl. His body staggered back then dropped on the ground dead after 3 seconds. Apple Bloom looked up and gazed at her mysterious savoir, surprised.

"T-T-Thank you!" said Apple Bloom, still trembling by the timberwolf. The mysterious pony stretched out its hoof, telling her to grab it and lift herself up but Apple Bloom noticed that its coat are white with black stripes, which means it's a zebra. Refusing to take its hoof, she asked. "Who are you and are you with the invaders?" She then hope that the zebra is friendly and not with the mysterious invaders or their slave traders. The Zebra lifted its head and its face become visible for Apple Bloom. It's a mare and has amber eyes.

"My name is Zanuck and no, I am not with the Khronos Empire." she answered with a African accent.

"Is that who they are called? Khronos?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Indeed. We must carry on to the forest before they find us. Come!" she ordered as she began to walk deeper into the Everfree forest.

"Wait!" Apple Bloom called out as she stood up. "What are you, really?" she asked again and Zanuck paused in her track and remain silent.

"I am the few who survived the Khronos' invasions. That is all you need to know." she replied. Apple Bloom still can't trust her and wants to know if she is not lying. However, that debate must wait as a group of hoofs galloping the ground was heard from the distance. Zanuck turned her serious amber eyes over her shoulder and look over Apple Bloom, seeing a group of Khrono Scouts approaching. Zanuck then took off at much haste, with the young filly following her.

Dawn shines upon the darken forests and the two mares arrived at the large tree, crafted into a house (hence the doors and windows). Zanuck suddenly spoke upon seeing that tree house.

"The Everfree Forest still had its surprises." she remarks with a smirk. "Who would ever live in this dreaded enchanted woods? Either this pony is crazy or smart." she wonders. Apple Bloom, in the other hoof, knows perfectly well who live in that tree house.
"Actually, who lived here is a zebra. Her name is Zecora and she is a very good friends to all pony...though somepony are frighten by her appearance and for living in Everfree Forest. She is very smart too and always speak in rhymes!" smiled Apple Bloom softly.

Zanuck immediately turned her eyes at Apple Bloom and asked her in a tone that frighten her.

"Did you said...Zecora?" she asked as she stares at the young filly.

"Y-Y-Yes." stuttered Apple Bloom then Zanuck turned her gaze back at the house and shook her head.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing." she chuckled as she approached to the door, open it and enter inside to see if Apple Bloom's words are truth.

"Shouldn't we knock first?" asked Apple Bloom, politely. Zanuck entered in the house and saw a zebra meditating upside down on the pole. Her coat are whitish-grey with darker grey stripes, has her mane combed in a Mohawk style, had golden rings accessories and earrings, and her Cutie Marks are the African Sun symbol.

"Zecora." said Zanuck in a tone that sounds hopeful but bother as well and Apple Bloom catch up. Zecora heard her name called out so she hopped off her pole and land on her hoofs then turned to see who called her, only, to her surprise, it was somepony she less expect to see.

"Zanuck?" asked Zecora.

"So...have you found the serenity that you searched for? I mean, from what I see here, you did." she said as she gaze around, bothered. "Guess it's good enough to turn your back to your country!" she frowned and Zecora was puzzled of her behavior.
"Zanuck, what's wrong?" she asked.

"What's wrong?! I'll tell you what's wrong! Canterlot had fallen and many other kingdoms and empires will follow! This is the Fall of Equestria!" she yelled. Zecora's ears dropped and she looked away.

"This is not my battle nor my war to rage on." she replied, making Apple Bloom become dumbstruck.

"But...you told me that you cared for us?! Was...was that a lie?" asked Apple Bloom.

"No. I do care for you and your friends but...the Khronos Empire are too powerful for me." she said sadly.
"Why? They're not that scary and I'm sure we can beat them together!" smiled Apple Bloom with high hopes.
"That's what I thought." she said, which made the filly become confused but Zanuck was not surprised of that.

"What really happen to you?" asked Apple Bloom.

"*sigh* Very well." she turned to face her young friend. "I was once part of the group called The Vanguards. Our purpose is to protect the city Mombasa from any threat at all cost. We protected it from the invading armies, sand creatures and jins. But one day, the invasion begun. We stood and fought fearlessly against the invaders but we had failed to see that the invaders are more powerful then any armies we had fought. It was an army of Alicorns... The city of Mombasa was lost... Many of us decided to stay and continue fighting but others decide to run away, because...we lost the will to fight...knowing that if we fight...the only reward...of our battles shall be our death. I was one of those who decided to run away and that is why I came to live in the Everfree Forest...to find the serenity and vowed myself to never fight another war. That...is all you need to know." sighed Zecora as tears shed from her eyes.

"That's no excuse for not helping us!" cried Apple Bloom as she start shedding tears. "You always told us to help others even if it risking your own life! My family and friends are in big trouble! I want to see Apple Jack and Big Mac again! I want my MOM!" Apple Bloom start crying and ran to Zanuck for comfort, if she had any in her.

"I see you thought her more then just showing her how to cook." she said in a optimistic tone. Zecora said nothing to the compliment Zanuck said. Zanuck took Apple Bloom outside and comfort her while Zecora began to think about what Apple Bloom said.

Zanuck managed to get Apple Bloom calm down and she looked at her.

"So...what are we going to do...now?" sniffed Apple Bloom.

"We must go to Manehatten. Since there are no Khronos Troopers in Everfree Forest, we can travel all the way." said Zanuck.

"Well, then you need a guide." Apple Bloom and Zanuck turned and saw Zecora stepping out of her home with her supplies saddle and a smile.

"ZECORA!" cried Apple Bloom as she tackled and hugged Zecora. "You really do care for us!" she cried.

"Thank you for the, how you say? 'Pep talk'?" smiled Zecora.

"Glad you are tagging along." smiled Zanuck.

"Okay, no more stalling. Let's head in that direction." She hoof-pointed at the northeast section of the forest. "This is the quickest yet dangerous path to reach Manehatten." she said.

"All right. Let's go." said Zanuck as they began their journey. As Apple Bloom followed the zebras, a thought cross her mind.

*I hope Apple Jack and everypony else are okay.* she thought with hope.