• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 366 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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MLP FIM: Prologue

The scene slowly fade in from the darkness. The sky are orange, as if in dusk but very grim with uneasy feeling in the wind. The camera panned down and there, we saw a little town known as Ponyville, covered in fire and destruction, the air are filled with mares screaming in agony and horror, fillies crying and sounds of ponies screaming in pain. There, walking out of the town were a horde of ponies, chained and bounded by steel as they are being enslaved. Many ponies are covered in bruises, swellings from the blows and covered in bleeding scars, possibly from scourges or clubs. I will not identify the ponies because it's all the ponies of Ponyville but in the front of the slaves was a young lavender pony with a beautiful short mane with streaks of violet, pink and magenta. She has the horn of a unicorn and wings of a Pegasus, so she's an Alicorn. On both sides of her hips was her Cutie Mark, a fushia-pink/lavender star. Like everyone, she was beaten and bound in chains. She slowly look back at Ponyville, covered in flames then gazed up at the distance where Canterlot was located but there was no remains, only destruction and smokes. Tears flows up in her eyes as she began to speak with her voice breaking.

"Oh Equestria... How you used to shine in glory...and now...you're in ruin and crumbling into dust." she quivered as she clutched her eyes, unable to watch its beauty burned to the ground. A pain-filled tear escape from her clutched eye then memories appears before her of the events.


Going back to the event that took places 20 minutes ago, we can see a horde of vicious, feral-feature Alicorns, dressed in powerful armor plates, silver-grey and the material was too advance from normal pony science, had eyes as sick-green as the Changlings, and they are equipped with powerful weaponry that nopony had ever see before: a hoof-gauntlet that fires powerful energy that is not magic in nature, twin turrets mounted on their saddles and they have no Cutie Marks. None of them.

"Seize them!" one Alicorn boomed as they flew up to the sky, yanked the sash in their mouth and fired a rail of bullets. Many ponies scattered in fear and some got shot by the bullets, either wounded or dead. More fierce Alicorns flew in and confront an orange mare with blonde mane, has freckles on her cheek, green eyes and wore a cowgirl hat. Her Cutie Mark are a trio of apples. With her was an older, well-build stallion whose coat are red, has blonde mane with freckles on his cheek and his Cutie Mark is a large slice of green apple. They were fighting the Alicorns away as the stallion charge in and swung the sword he wield in his mouth but their armors withstood the blow and used their telekinesis to shove him back. Before they can fire their mysterious weapon, the mare moved in, spun around and land a powerful mule kick, strong enough to knock one against the others, sending them away. They dropped their advanced sword so the mare took in her mouth and engaged the others but not before she turn her head to a young yellow filly with scarlett-red mane and had a pink bow but no Cutie Marks.

"Applebloom! Get outta while you still can!" shouted Applejack in a Southern accent.

"B-But what about you-" Applebloom was interrupted by her older sister.

"JUST GO!" she yelled in a half-plead and half-demanding tone. Applebloom swallowed hard, build up the courage as her eyes shed tears then turned around and quickly ran out of the farm and into the wilderness.

"Don't let that puny filly escape!" hissed the Alicorn as they charge after Applebloom but they got headbutted/mule-kicked by the Apple siblings.

"Nobody gets mah little sister without going through us!" snorted Applejack as she and Big Mac confront them. The Alicorns exchange sadistic, dark grins as they draw their weapons. They charged in and swung their swords, which Applejack quickly jumped aside and land a roundhouse kick, knocking them down then clashes her sword against the 3rd Alicorn. Big Mac grabbed both of them and smacked their heads together then headbutted the other. More comes and Big Mac grabbed rake's ropes, pulled it with all of his might, spun around and slammed it against the Alicorn, with one of them got impaled by the rake's blade. Applejack decide to use a trick her friend used: she start running around in one circular motion then become a spinning tornado with her sword first, bashing the Alicorns aside but the Alicorn held up a large cannon with her telekinesis and fired a large energy net, binding Applejack down and electricuted her.

"Applejack-UGH!" The Alicorn swung his large hammer and smacked a powerful blow against his head, sending him somersaulting and crashed on the ground. He fell unconscious as his forehead start bleeding. Applejack struggled to break free but the Alicorn surrounded her so she gave a sigh of defeat and released the sword. The Alicorn strucked her head with his hoof, leaving her dazed. Applejack's vision gone blurred and her eyelids become heavy, refusing to stay open and she look at the castle one last time before she fell unconscious. The camera zoomed instantly to the castle and into the large fire in the balcony. The scene changed to a strong white stallion with mane divided in two different shades of blues, wore powerful armors and his Cutie Marks is a shield. He was battling the Alicorns with the Royal Knights, along with his sister, Princess Twilight Sparkles, and his wife, Princess Cadence. Twilight used her teleporting spells to zig-zag around the Alicorns, confusing them then levitated them and slammed them through the wall while Cadence fired multiple energy bolts from her horn. The knights are struggling to push them back and Shining Armor was clashing against a powerful orange Alicorn who has a goatee, crimson-red mane and wields two swords.

"You will not take this kingdom!" growled Shining Armor as he swung his sword at the orange Alicorn, who blocks it with his swords.

"Oh, we will. We took very careful studying on everypony, including you." smirked the orange Alicorn as his horn glowed orange then a 3rd sword materialized in thin air then impale through Shining Armor's waist.

"AARGH!" yelled Shining Armor in pain. Cadence flew away from the alicorns then turned around and saw Shining Armor with the sword went through his body.

"NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Cadence in horror. Twilight flew away from them and turned to her sister-in-law.

"Cadence, what's wro-" Twilight look at what Cadence is screaming about and the world went silent as fear and pain stabs her heart. Her brother, laying on the ground, die. "No...no...Not Shining Armor...not Shining Armor!" she cried as multiple Alicorns entered and aid with the orange Alicorn.

"Pathetic." he scoffed. Twilight heard his word of disgust and her eyes was consumed with rage as her horn start amping up with massive surge of energy.

"YOU MONSTER!" roared Twilight as she swung her head down and fired a powerful magical beam. The Alicorns channel up their unknown energy from their weapons then fired multiple energy beams. They strucked the energy beam and pushed it all the way back to Twilight, whose eyes widen in shock and horror before the beam blasted her, sending her flying across the hallway and crashed against the wall, denting it hard and shifted into a hole then she dropped down as she fell unconscious.

#End Flashback#

The scene returns back to Twilight as everyone continue walking away from the ruined Ponyville and the Alicorn whipped Derby and Fluttershy for being slow and weak. Twilight's face shows no emotion as she was overwhelmed with sorrow and pain. She look at the fourth wall as the scene faded in black minus her eyes.

"This is the Fall of Equestria!" she said.