• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 367 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter : 19 In The Frontline

The scene resume from the previous chapter where the Alicorn Princesses and Mane Six arrived back to the Castle after their trip to the Divine Temple and saw many races of different Empires gathered together along with the remaining Alicorns. Geoffrey approached them as they all approached the civilians, who don the Persian King battle armor which it was cream-white and emerald-green.

"We had waited patiently for your return, Princesses." he began. "Did they lean their ears to hear your request?" he asked.

"Yes, they did." said Celestia with a smile.

"Praise the Divines!!!" shouted Geoffrey and everyone cheered greatly.

"Is the Army ready?" asked Luna rather loudly as she approached the tent with Geoffrey and Celestia, who began to brief with them. As they brief, Golden approached the Mane 6 and Sunset.

"So...Twilight? What did the Divine said about Khronos? That they'll blow him up with a lightning bolt!?" she asked with great hope.

"Uh, not.....exactly..." she said, making Golden confused.

"Hm? What do you mean?" she asked then she, along with everyone, noticed Oliver and Kate. "KHRONO'S TROOPERS!!?!??" exclaimed Golden in horror.

"KILL THEM!!!" roared the Dragons as they prepare their fire breath and everyone else arms up.

"W-Wait wait!!" panicked Oliver.

"W-We're not enemies anymore!! We're friendly!!" screamed Kat.

"SHOOT THEM DOWN!!" ordered the Felinekos.

"EVERYONE FREEZE!!!" yelled Twilight as her horn surged powerfully and released a wide-spread energy aura that caught everyone and completely halt their movements, preventing them from firing and the Dragons were forced to swallow the fire and snort them through their nostriles. However, the Alicorns broke free and ready their horns but Sunset stood in front of Oliver and Kat.

"Whoa whoa whoa wait!!!" she yelled as she spread her wings out, shielding them.

"What are you doing!? They are Khronos troopers!" yelled one of the Unicorn.

"The 12 Divine spared their lives!" yelled Sunset.

"W-What!??! ||| Seriously?? || I can't believe it!" exclaimed everyone in bewilderment.

"Why the Divines spare them after everything they done?!" argued Golden.

"Because the Divines chosen this stallion, Oliver, to replace Khronos as the new Divine of Science and Knowledge!" explained Twilight.

"Why do they choose them, instead of choosing one of us good guys?!" complained the Kaninu soldier.

"YEAH!!" argued everyone.

"Grrr.... What's wrong with the Divines!? Haven't they saw what they did to all of us?!" argued Golden then Zeus held her back with his telekinesis.

"Calm down, Golden. You must remember that the 12 Divines doesn't think like we do." Zeus reminded her and everyone else.

"Zeus is right! The Divines doesn't think like we do! They've chosen Oliver for he had proven to be worthy to be the Divine of Knowledge. Like when they chosen Celestia to be the Princess of Sun or Luna to be the Princess of Moon." add Sunset. Everyone soon grew silent and struggled to progress their statements.

"Wait, replace Khronos? Khronos is the Divine of Knowledge?" asked the Dragon.

"More like has-been!! This whole war destroyed the original purpose of Knowledge and Khronos is actually an outcast!" explained Rainbow Dash.

"An outcast? || Who would've thought it.... || Outcast or not, he's still a deity." muttered everyone.

"So, you're saying that that Khronian wil be the key element to end this war?" asked the Kaninu.

"In a way, yes he is!" said Twilight. Seeing they calmed down, she undo the spell and released them then spoke up once more. "But fear not!! For we, the Mane Six, are here and all the Alicorns are here! Have faith." said Twilight. Everyone continues to mutter and Rarity turns to Oliver and Kat.

"I do believe you two darlings should stay with us." suggested Rarity.

"Yeah, these people need ah little more times to understand and to apologize yah." said Apple Jack.

"Okay." nodded Oliver.

"R-Right..." stuttered Kat. Everyone returns to their posts and the civilians to the safe area. Golden watched the Mane Six head down to join the Princesses with Oliver and Kat sticking close to them, she remains glaring fiercely but soon calms down.

"I guess....they're right..." she sighed as she began to trot away, toward the hill top. All her life, she grew up fueled with rage toward Khronos and the Khronian for they destroyed her home and killed her family but seeing the Divines spared two Khronians, she felt...a bit guilty for some reason. *Maybe....maybe some of them are doing what we all do; we carried our leader's orders with our loyalty. Maybe not all Khronians want to continue this war either.... Ugh, this makes my head hurts...* she moaned as she arrived at the top and sat down near the cliff's edge. The Sun began to set by mysterious force taking Celestia's place, maybe the Divines? Golden ignores that subject as she just watch the sun setting at the horizon.

"Golden?" asked a voice and Golden turned to see Zeus trotting up to her. "Hey, why a long face?" he asked with a smile. Screen turned black and a golden lightning bolt struck in the background as Golden gave a death glare with golden sparks, and Zeus was sweating nervously with a nervous smile. "*I think I made a wrong approach...* S-Sorry, I didn't mean it. I meant, what's with a sad face?" he asked correctly.

"I was just....bothered.... I grew up hating the Khronians so much and now two Khronians joined the good guys because the Divines spared them! Makes me......makes.......me w-w-wo...." she looked away and glanced down with a sad look then Zeus gave a smile.

"Feel a little guilty on the Khronians who didn't know better? I felt the same but we cannot show sympathy to those higher rank Khronians and the Bio-Alicorns. They are completely heartless." he reminded her.

"Yeah..." she sighed.

"Come on, Goldie!" smiled Zeus as he sat down next to her. "Cheer up. This time, we can finally finish this war once and for all." he said as he gave a slight tug. Golden then gave her usual grin with a hint of sadistic pleasure then held her head up with pride.

"Yeah, there's nothing stopping us time!" she beamed then grew serious and glanced at Zeus. "Oh and Zeus? Don't ever call me 'Goldie', okay?" she frowned.

"Eehehehe....okay." chuckled Zeus nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "So......if the war ended and we're victorious.... Will....you head back to Stalliongrad?" asked Zeus. Golden glanced at Zeus then gazed at the sunset as she think for a bit.

"Wow....I never thought ahead about that." she said in surprised tone. "In my to-do list, it's kill Khronos and his empire to avenge my family and end this war but... Maybe.....uhhhh n-never mind!!" she shook her head as her cheeks burns blazing red.

"What?" Zeus asked.

"W-Well..... I guess....I could start a family and have a dog....." she said with timid and rubbing her arm. "Except I wear the pants in the house!" she stated with glare and a smirk.

"Ha ha ha.... Really? I thought you'll be adventuring and fight some bad guys in the way! I never thought you really think about having a family and a dog! Ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha...ha..ha...ha..." Zeus began to cease laughing as he noticed her glare and pouted face.

"Hmph! And...what about you? What are you going to do after this war is over?" she asked harshly.

"I don't know.... I guess...I could get myself a mare and make her the happiest mare in the world." answered Zeus as he glanced at Golden.

"Also....I hope that mare love me.....a-as I l-love her..." he stuttered nervously and Golden widen her eyes as she noticed his gaze then blushed a bit but maintain her serious gaze.

"I'm not really into mushy stuff, but if you're flirting with me, you could REALLY get some help!" laughed Goldie.

"Hehehe...." blushed Zeus as he screw up big time. Despite that, Golden moved closer to Zeus and he braced himself for her punch.

"B-But.....few days ago....I was having those feelings too..." She then lean on him and rested her head on his shoulder, making Zeus blushed greatly. "I guess...somehow, we're meant for each other." she smiled deeply.

"I'm really happy to hear that." smiled Zeus as his heart is racing then he was about to do something but Golden placed her hoof on his lips.

"Shh....Let's just enjoy this view, okay?" she said before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Okay." nodded Zeus as they began to watch the sun vanished in the mountain and valley then nightfall began to show and stars filled the nightsky. They coninued watching the sky then Zeus grew confused on one thing: "Are you really serious about wearing the pants?"
"Yes, now shut up." she ordered him and he did.


The Mane Six are gathered in the room, ready to tug in their sleeping bags.

"Well, tomorrow will be the ultimate day where we will confront Khronos once more." said Twilight.

"I'm kinda nervous." admitted Pinkie Pie as she rested on her back and had her hooves behind her head.

"Now now, Pinkie dear. There's no need to be nervous. We have the power of Harmony and everyone is safe here!" smiled Rarity with comfort.

"S-She's right. We managed to do this sort of thing before.... I'm sure that we can do it." said Fluttershy.

"But Khronos is a deit--"

"An outcast deity." Rainbow Dash reminded Pinkie. Then they noticed Apple jack arrived in the room and began to kiss her boyfriend good night.

"Bye, Jacob." smiled AJ with a love gaze then, as Jacob left, she turned around and got startled by the presence of her best friends. "Oh! Uhhh......Ah thought y'all be asleep now!" stuttered Apple Jack.

"Ha! Look whose breaking their curfew!" teased Rainbow Dash.

"Oh ha ha. Ah just wanted to enjoy this night with Jacob." answered AJ.

"Jacob and Apple Jack sitting on the tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" sang Pinkie Pie then everypony minus AJ joined in.

"First come love, then come marriage, then come Apple Jack with a baby carriage!" they sang. Everyone let out some joy and laughter. Zanuck was passing by and heard them giggling and chatting. It felt strange for her to hear such happiness but she ignores them as she head off to the watch duty to relief one of the Griffin soldier. She then noticed a horde of troops leading the discovered survivors and refugees from other country and empires. She can see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watching the crowd. They seems very worried and desperated.

"Where is she..." muttered Sweetie Belle.

"...." Apple Bloom looked around nervously then spotted a certain pegasus. "S-Scootaloo!!!" cried Apple Bloom as she ran forward and hugged her best friend.

"Hey! You girls are okay!!" smiled Scootaloo with tears.

"Yeah, thanks to the Mane Six." said Sweetie Belle as she gave her friend a hug.

"Mom? Moooom? Are you here?" called out a voice Sweetie knew very well then she spotted a brown earthbound filly with caramel mane, no Cutie Marks and wore a propeller cap. He was searching for his mom since a Felineko told him she's among the others with his brother.

Sweetie gave a big smile, ran pass Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and pounced him.

"BUTTON MASH!!!" she squealed.

"W-WAAAH!!! S-SWEETIE BELLE!??!" exclaimed Button then he hugged her with glee. "You're okay! You own me 5 bits!!" he complained as he break the hug and pointed at her.

"Aw, I missed you too! Mwah!" she kissed his cheek and Button turned burning red.

"What?" he baffled.

"Awwww!" said the girls.

On the other side of the city, everyone had gathered around in the fireplace as ponies, griffins, Zecora, Kaninus and many other races gathered. Some were very eager to fight but some were scared and mourning for their family and friends they've lost in the war or during their voyage to Griffin Empire. Techno was helping the staffs to serve foods to refugees and he was waiting patiently for DJPoni3 and Octavia.

He then saw Vinyl leading the sightless Octavia across the path.

"Hey, Vinyl! Over here!" Techno waved his hoof at them so Vinyl can see him. She saw him so she lead Octavia to one of the avaliable table.

"Vinyl..." Octavia began as her best friend/roommate helps her to sit down gently and carefully. "I would like something to eat, if it's not too much trouble." asked Octavia as she glanced her blank eyes about, still unable to see anything as it's all blur.

"Sure, not a problem. I will be back just....don't wonder off again...okay?" asked Vinyl.

"All right..." sighed Octavia as she stay put. Vinyl trots to her boyfriend and, before he asked something, she suddenly kissed him and he reacts very surprised as it was all the sudden.

"Hi hon." smiled Vinyl with a caring smile.

"Whoa....that was all the sudden, ha ha. I'm glad to see you again." smiled Techno as he stroke his hoof tenderly on Vinyl's left cheek.

"Me too." she nodded as she used her magic to levitate two bowels and two soup spoons. "I would love to stay and chat some more with you but I need to bring some food to 'Tavi." she said.

"Uh.... How's she doing?" asked Techno as he glanced at Octavia.

"Well....she's getting better by the day, thanks to Red Heart and Gemstone." smiled Vinyl but has hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I hope one day she'll be able to see again." said Techno as he serves her some veggie soup to both bowl.

"I totally hope so too..." said Vinyl with slight saddness. "I see you in the few minutes, hon." said Vinyl as she returns to the table with the soups then sat down beside Octavia.

[Octavia POV]

I just hope my sights returns.... Red Heart and Gemstone managed to ease the pain and restore my eyes but I still see blurs. As I wait for my roommate to bring my meal, I can overhear one of the ponies that the Mane Six and the Princesses will be battling Khronos once more. They then began to wonder, and shall I say perish the idea, 'what if they lose again and that maybe they're better off being slave to Khronos rather then dying in vain in an unwinnable war'. Some were against that selfish idea, and they began to argue. I can hear somepony trotting toward me but I can't figure out its appearance because, again, my sight are still blurred.

"Tavi, I brought some soup." it's my roommate, Vinyl Scratch alias DJPoni3. I really hate that nickname but I can't argue as she is too worried about me and the smell of the soup enters through my nostriles and brought smile to my face.

"Thank you so much." I said then Vinyl held up a spoon and motion me to open my mouth so I did, I feel the warmth of the soup spoon in my mouth and I closed my mouth, slurp up the soup and smiled. It was a good soup! Once again, I overheard somepony talking.

"Well, in two days we will meet the Khronos Empire once more." said a pony. Judging his tone, I say Celestia Royal Guard.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" panted a voice with excitement like a dog, which means it's the Kaninu who replied.

"I am not sure if we should be excited for that. We must be cautious." Another voice answered, this time a zebra as it matched the accent of Zecora.

"I agreed. I hope the Princess of Friendship's plans work. If they used the Inhibitor against us again, we're done for, just like Trottingham...." said another stallion. Though my vision is blur, I noticed his shape has a horn and wings, means he's an Alicorn. (A/N: The Alicorn has light-brown coat, brown-chocolate mane, a dead eye and scars on some part of his body)
"I'm sure her plan will work! No doubt about it!" said the Celestia Guard.

"Hmmm..." began Vinyl as she resume feeding me. "I guess some people doesn't have faith in Twilight Sparkle." she said. I agree; Twilight studied so much in every books on various subjects, including war so I have no doubt but Khronos' months of tyranny is sapping away their hope, despite the turn of tide.

"Are we all going to die?" a young filly voice asked, it frighten me that even children are losing hope.

"NO!! No, we are not going to die!!" said the filly's mother as she hugged him.

"Who knows... They managed to kill the King of Mombasa, Heart String, Cleo, almost all of the power Alicorns and Kings. They killed them all like nothing!" said a pegasus.

"You gutless wimp!!" snarled a dragon. "If you want to embrace slavery, then go on and leave!!! No victories can be won by a group of cowards!!!" he said it very bluntly.

"I agree with Hot Breath." said a female Kaninu. "If we all going to turn chicken, then we are letting everyone's death be in vain!" she barked.

"Cleo died fighting against these Khronian!! Are you asking us to stop fighting and let her death be for nothing!??!" hissed the Neko.

"Better then dying for nothing." said the pegasus, only to be grabbed by the dragon's tail and getting choked.

"Why you pile of weak flesh!!" he growled.

"Hey, put him down!!!" said the ponies as they pry his tail open and freed the pegasus. Everyone continue arguing and doubting the victory. I just had enough of all negativity. I held up my hoof, telling Vinyl to stop feeding me.

"Tavi, what are you doing!?" Vinyl asked me. I know she given me a puzzled look but I ignored it as I stood up, bipedal style so everyone can noticed me then.... I sang.

We drink to our youth
For days come and gone
For the Age of agression
Is just about done,
We drive out the Khronian
And restore what we own
With our blood and our steel
We will take back our home
//Down with Khronos !
The Killler of Kings
On the day of you death
We will drink and we will sing
For we're the children of esquestria
And we fight for our life
When Sovngarde beckons
Every one of us die .//
But this lands is ours
And we'll see it wide clean
Of the Scourge that have solid,
Our hopes and our dreams .

Faith restored to everyone as they all joined the song together with me. I may have lost my sight but I can finally hear people's joy and hope.

May the 12 Divines grant us victory and peace!

#Khronos Prision Facility#

[Sombra POV]

Guess this shows how much of an arrogant oaf I becomes.... I had the powers that exceed the Mane 6 and the Princesses, especially Nightmare Moon but that blinded brute defeated me with only smarts and a Crystaling. I just cannot believed I actually lost to a being who is not even a full Alicorn and with all the negativity and destruction of Crystal Heart. It passed months and I hardly felt any agony surging through my body... Hmph, that oaf must've add more then just gravitational field that binds me in mid-air to not only prevent me from escaping but from preventing my rise of powers. There are no ponies in my area..... *sigh* I really wish there's somepony to talk with or gloat with, so I won't lose what left of my sanity.

"This is really boring!!" I complained but no pony heard me.

"You never did like to be alone, remember?" a voice spoke to me and it startled me.

"WHAT?!?! WHO'S THERE!?" I demanded as I scanned my prison room.

"I still don't understand why you done all these horrible things....but I have hoped that one day you will realize that." Then a ghostly mist manifested before me. Just what I needed....a ghost pony.


"Have you forgotten me?" asked the ghost pony as she reveal herself. Wait a minute!!!! Her mane.....it's sky blue and....her coat are violet....her Cutie Mark is a large heart with a medical symbol and...she is coated with crystal skin.... I know her!!
"Radiant Hope....." I baffled but wait....she's a ghost!??! "Wait, you can't be dead!!" I baffled.

"You do remember me..." she said with a gentle smile and her eyes flow with tears that slide down her cheeks. "Then you remember the fun we had in our childhood..." She gently touched my cheek with her smooth hoof.... "And when we want to go to the Crystal Faire together!"
"Crystal Faire together!" I said the last part together with her then it occurred me... If she's a ghost.....did I....
"Please tell me I didn't killed you!!" I panicked with tears flowing from my eyes, the first time I ever shed tears. "I-If I did....I-I cannot...f-forgive myself..." I sobbed.

"No... I had return to Crystal Empire a few months before the invasion of Canterlot and cease to exist in the day when Crystal Empire was destroyed." she answered. Wait!! That's when I was unleashed and fought--
"No.....no......That oaf.....Khronos killed you!??!?? RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!" I roared as my body exploded in a massive dark aura and start bashing the wall violently but the prison device held me in place. "NOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I WILL KILL KHRONOS!!! I WILL KILL HIM!!! I......I will....." My rage soon replaced with sorrow and I weep very bitterly.... No matter how evil I become, I never wanted Radiant Hope to die.... I-I...I still love her....

"Please Sombra.... Do not blame yourself. Nopony could have anticipated this war." she comforted me. "I need to ask you something?"
"What do you need?" I asked as I struggled to break free but to no avail. Khronos is so **** lucky to create Inhibitors or else, I will break out and tear his throat out with my bare hoof!!

"I want you to defeat Khronos by aiding the Mane Six." she answered.

"W-What!?! I-I will not depend on the Mane Six!" I growled.

"Please...through this, you may redeem yourself." she plead me.

"I only need to restore my full power then I'll smite Khronos and make him beg for his miserable life!!!" I growled.

"Please Sombra!! Don't give yourself to darkness again!!" she tackled me with a hug and began to weep on my shoulder. "Not again. No...." Seeing her cry.....reminds me how she ran away when I began my tyranny.....
"Very well.... I will seek for their help." I sighed. "I don't see if they'll agree with this but I'm doing this for you." I told her.

"I'll be waiting..." she whispered as she slowly fade away.

"W-Wait, don't go!!!" I plead as I struggled even harder to break free but failed. "Don't...." I lower my head and began to weep once more.

Suddenly, I heard an outburst of firefight echoing across the hallway. To my surprise, the gravitational field and the Inhibitor got deactivated, I fell on my hooves and my powers are returning to max. I finally tear the Crystaling off my body and more powers are being restore in my body. The window of escape is thin so I took my chance and tore the doors apart with my powers. As I stepped out, I encountered a Changeling wearing a Skyslayer uniform, slaughtered some of the guards. I ignore it as I exited out of the prison and found myself of Crystal Empire. Seeing the ruins was supposed to bring me joy but knowing Radiant died among the Crystal Ponies, it tears the small amount of goodness in my black heart. Then the Changeling appears before me and said:
"You must head for Griffin Empire. You better hurry as Khronos is already half-way there."

"Right...." I frowned suspiciously.

"Just get going!" he said before taking the form of a pegasus and flew away. I unleashes my powers and absorbed all the Umbrum Ore in my area, re-constructing my armors and grant me enough strength to run across the plain at equal speed as that Mare of Loyalty. I'm on my way....to meet the Mane Six in Griffin Empire.

#The Next Day#

[Normal POV]

*whistle blew loudly*

"EVERYONE, FORM UP AND GET READY FOR WAR!!" yelled Luna very loudly, causing the ponies near her to shield their ears. Everyone of all races gears up and load their weapons but they were very confused of the sudden wake-up call.

"Why?" asked one of the Skyslayer.

"How close are they?" asked King Geoffrey as he held up his binocular and scanned for Khronos Empire.

"Northwest of here, arriving sooner then expected!" answered Luna. Apple Jack popped out of the tent, trying to equip her left hind boot while the other Mane Six finish gearing up. The Mane Six armor designs are the following:
Twilight's armors are Alicorn-based but light model with armor plates on her wings, its colored are based of her signature color; purple with violet-rose streaks and her helmet lacks faceplate. Raindow Dash don her customized Wonderbolt jumpsuit with the armor plates attached on her shoulders, torso and hind hooves. Rarity's armors are medium variation of Unicorn armor, alloyed by the metal salvaged from Khronos Troopers with a touch of Rarity's style (white with wide dark-purple streak that goes from the start of her neck to her hooves) and a Holy Crystal Cadence found in the Two Sister Castle attached on her chest, granting her protection from any Umbrum corruption. Pinkie Pie dons Khronos' own armors that was shattered by Flurry Heart's attack and reforged by Oliver and Techno then spray-painted pink with her Cutie Mark on it. Apple Jack's armors are the Elite Celestia heavy-class armor, which covered her entire body and her helmet has the equippable faceplate, the armors is colored gold with silver lines.

Zecora and Zanuck head in with the rest of the Zebra forces and every single soldier are armed and ready for battle.

"This can't be!! They arrived early!??!" asked a random soldier.

"Could they anticipated this?" asked Rarity, worried as she does not know how vast is the Knowledge of Divine.

"I hope not..." quivered Fluttershy.

"Hey, wait up!!" Sunset called out as she wore her helmet and tried to catch up. Her armor is the customized Celestia Royal armor with flame streaks across them.

"Could there be a spy among us?" growled the Dragon in japanese accent. He and the Dragons don the Samurai armors of variation, this Dragon is the Musha type armor.

"No, not possible. I am certain that there is no spy." said the Zebra Shock Trooper.

"Our nemesis doesn't want to waste time to invade this Empire!" frowned the Chinese Alicorn donning the Chinese Imperial Armor with minor futuristic tone. Golden and Zeus came running together to catch up. Golden re-don the armors Discord gave her and she managed to buff the dents out while Zeus don the Celestia Infantry armor. All soldiers and veterans arrived and everyone began to chatter of the Khrono Empire sudden arrival. Celestia stood up and spread her wings, silencing the crowd.

"The Divines will bring the Power of Harmony to the Mane Six, they will bring them down!" she said.

#Insert Music:( intro ) Battle Of Athem from Medal of Honor: Frontline#

King Geoffrey flew up and land on the small stage as he began.

"Soldiers, civilians, family...friends... We are about to confront the infamous King Khronos, an outcast of the Divine 12, a tyrant who abused the Knowledge and took everything we have.... But now, we all united together and the world is depending all of us to bring that tyrant down and free the Equestrian and the Empires from the oppression!! But know this, if we don't win this battle...there will be no tomorrow...no new hope...Khronos will win and we will crumble.... So, no matter what, even if Khronos overpowers us, we will fight 'till our final breath until we show Khronos THAT HE CANNOT TAKE OUR HOME, OUR FAMILY AND EVERYTHING THAT'S RIGHTFULLY OURS!!!!" he yelled.

We shall combined our powers!!" yelled Empress Ember as she raised the Dragon Spectar.

"Combined our tactics!!" shouted Empress Neko, the daughter of deceased Cleo.

"And our bonds!! Together, we shall bring down the Khronos Empire!!!" added Celestia.

"WHO'S WITH US!!!!" asked Luna.

I DO!!" yelled everyone.


"WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" shouted Celestia and Geoffrey. Everyone cheered powerfully, praising the Princesses that greatly empowers them and now all are anxious to fight.

"Everyone!! To your station as planned!!" yelled Luna. Everyone rushes down the hill and entered the trench. In the horizon, Khronos and Chrystalis are arriving with their massive army.

To be continue...