• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 367 Views, 17 Comments

The Khronos empire - Cyrusquest

this a story is a point of view of many character who are facing cruel reality cause by the Kronos empire , a empire who built their civilization base on technology . they seek bring down Celestia kingdom and those who is threat to them .

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Chapter 3: Have Faith

Back in the ruined Canterlot, everything was in destruction and several buildings reduced to rubble. Apple Jack slowly regain conscious but she can't open her right eye as it was bruised and her right temple was slightly bleeding. She saw the Khronos Trooper putting Big Mac in chains, which he was resisting but the soldier, who was plain unicorn, levitated his advanced rifle, loaded it and pressured it at his forehead.

"Enough!" he demanded. Big Mac remained glaring at the soldier with hatred within his eyes, which made the soldier smirk. "Do you want a third eye, eh?! Well, do ya?" he asked.

"Hold your fire!" ordered the second soldier. "We have more use for him alive then dead." he stated. Apple Jack tried to stand up but failed as she noticed she's bound in chains already. A third stallion noticed her.

"Hey, look who's up? Had a nice nap?" he asked in a mockery tone.

"Let...us...go!" panted Apple Jack.

"What makes you think we're going to do that, you stupid little mare?" scoffed one of them.

"Ugh...well...if you wanna live, y'all had to let us go...unless y'all wanna fight." smirked Apple Jack in pain but with a fearless face.

"Bold word coming from you." he scoffed as he raise up his rifle and powered it, making a high-pitching whirring. "I dare you and your friend to attack!" he dared them.

"You...You're...a...a coward." panted Apple Jack as she struggled to stand. "Having a weapon...doesn't make you a better pony then me!" she frowned with flames in her eyes. Like all foes, the trooper was greatly offended and grew enraged.


A sniper bullet pierce clean through his helmet, which instantly killed him as he dropped on the ground. The others reacted the ambush and searched with caution.

"What in Haye?!" exclaimed Apple Jack as she didn't expected that. The Khronos Trooper took cover and readied their battle saddles, scrutinizing their surrounding area. Another sniper fire was heard, breaking the silence that overcome them.

"Where is it coming from?!" asked K. Soldier #1.

"I have no bloody idea!" panicked K. Soldier #2. Big Mac noticed they are distracted so he took this opportunity to attack. He grabbed the chain with his mouth, gather all of his strength into his legs to stand up then he swung his head, wrapping the chain around K. Soldier #2's neck then yanked him down, choking him. "Gack! Urk...let...me...go!" he demanded but Big Mac refused and continue his attack.

"What the-!?" K. Soldier #1 noticed that Big Mac is choking his ally then turned his weapons at him. The mysterious sniper gain a clear shot on the distracted stallion then took the shot. The bolt-action rifle was fired and the speeding bullet soar through the sky and pierce through his head, landing a critical hit that resulted half of his face blown clean off. Without his ally's aid, the K. Soldier #2 was unable to break free from Big Mac and died through suffocation. Big Mac released the chain then took the key from the dead stallion then used it to take off his chains. He noticed his young sister standing up so he went to her and start inserting the key to unlock her chain. Despite of killing the enemies, Big Mac was hoping that the mysterious sniper is friendly.

"I'm glad that you are okay, Big Mac." smiled Apple Jack as she took the chains off and hugged her big brother.

"So do I but let's not get all excited yet." said Big Mac as he look around for signs of the sniper. Then they saw the sniper coming out of the destroyed yet standing bakery. He slowly approached Big Mac and Apple Jack when the light revealed his appearance and the weapon he used. It's an earth-bound class sniper rifle-Springfield, which the name said so, was made for earth-bound pony, since they don't have magic to wield it. So it was attached on a gauntlet, where it has the slot for their hoof so they can wield and fire it. However, the owner himself is unfamiliar to Big Mac and Apple Jack so the latter began to ask.

"Who are you? Do you want something from us?" asked Apple Jack. The stallion looks like an Indian but not savage for he was wearing what it seems to be a ranger uniform with the seal of Celestia Empire.

"I am Turey and I suggest that we should leave before more troops arrived." he said.

"I ain't going nowhere with ya, neither Big Mac!" she declined.

"But Apple Jack, don't you think-"

"I'm talking now, Big Mac! Hold your tongue for a sec." Apple Jack boldly interrupted her older brother.

"I have no time for this. We must go now." said Turey. From the distance, more Khronos soldiers are approaching and they can heard them shouting commands. Apple Jack wanted to finish what she start but decide to discuss it later as she don't want to get themselves kill. They ran off to the burned house and lay low until they left.

"Now that's the coast is clear, I have question that need to be answer." said Apple Jack.

"Apple Jack? Is that you?" asked a tomboyish voice, which AJ remember as clear as bell. She looked at the source and it was a blue Pegasus mare with rainbow-colored mane, and her Cutie Marks are a thundercloud with yellow/blue/red lightning bolt.
"R-Rainbow Dash? Is that you?" asked Apple Jack with the same question.

"Yep! It's me!" she said proudly. Ignoring the pain, Apple Jack tackled Rainbow Dash with a big hug as she was glad to see her alive. Next to her was a pink-coated Earth-bound mare with curly fushia-pink mane and her Cutie Marks are 3 balloons.

"Pinkie Pie! Boy, I'm so glad to see mah best friends okay...but where's the other?" asked AJ then she remembered somepony. "Oh ma' goodness! Have you seen Apple Bloom?!"

"No, we hadn't seen her." said Pinkie Pie as she look down sadly.

"Maybe she's with Zecora." Rainbow Dash stated the possibility.

"You're right." smiled Apple Jack as she knew Zecora will protect her little sister. "We must go now!" she said. Surrounding the ponies are the local ponies, some are alright but some are wounded and need medical attention. There are foals and colts as well and they are scared. A young filly with white coat, lavender curled mane and lack Cutie Mark is trying her best to calm down them down.

"Shhh, calm down." said Sweetie Belle.

"I want my mommy!" cried a filly

"You'll see her soon." she told her. Everypony were very shakin' up by the sudden invasion then Turey and a mare entered to make sure everything are okay. The mare is a yellow mare who resembled Rainbow Dash but has ruby eyes, various shades of grey on her mane, was dressed as an archaeologist.

"We must take them to safety before they find us." suggested Turey.

"You think I haven't thought about it?!" snapped Daring Do as she attended a pony that got burned from some kind of incendiary grenade. "We must find a way to get them out of here." she said.

"Is there anyway to get them out of here?" asked Apple Jack.

"Nope. There's no way to get them out of this place without drawing their attention." sighed Daring Do.

"We must find a way to fight back!" said Turey with determination.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Rambo! I am not letting you go out there!" declined Daring Do as she blocked his path then Rainbow Dash hover beside her heroine.

"Hey, he got the point! We got to do something." said Rainbow Dash.

"Then try to find a way to get these ponies out of here. We'll stay here hiding." said Daring Do.

"Water..." moaned a wounded pony in a weak voice.

"How do we get all of them out of here?" asked Apple Jack as she scratched her head with her hoof then Pinkie Pie hopped before them.

"Hey, what about the train, huh?" chimed Pinkie Pie in a hyperactive voice. "We can guide them there, jump aboard and get out of Canterlot!" cheered Pinkie Pie. Everypony looked at each other then back at Pinkie Pie.

"Uh, P? There is one problem." said Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie looked at her friend, head half tilt and with a big smile.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"That train station could be filled with those Khronos guys!" she pointed out at the top of her lungs.

"Ooh." said Pinkie Pie as she hadn't thought of that.

"Dashie's right. We cannot go to the most obvious location where they will be expecting us." Apple Jack agreed.

"Maybe we should steal these truck they used to bring their soldiers." suggested Turey.

"Yeah, that would work if one of us know how to drive that thing!" scoffed Rainbow Dash with a sacatism tone. Turey glared at the prideful pegasus.

"I do know how to drive a truck." he said.

"Alright but we're gonna need a plan. Surely they won't let us take the truck by just asking politely." said Apple Jack.

"I got an idea!" beamed Pinkie as she hopped up and down. Everyponies gather around Pinkie to hear her plan, despite the irony Pinkie's plans are.

Few minutes later, all the ponies arrived at the Khronos outpost then some of them hid behind some of the barrels then initiate the plans.

"Okay, Pinkie. Do your thing." whispered Apple Jack and Pinkie childishly sneak around. "Rainbow, cover her." said AJ.

"Here." Turey gave Rainbow Dash his Springfield gauntlet. "You know how it work?" he asked.

"Uhh... Sure! Of course I know how to work with this thing. Ha ha..." Rainbow Dash chuckled quietly.

"Just aim and shoot." he said.

"No sweat." she grinned. Apple Jack noticed they are talking about something but she shifted her attention of making sure they aren't spotted.

"OK, let's go." said Apple Jack. As they ran cover to cover toward the truck, the soldiers spotted a party box labeled "SURPRISE!" then Pinkie Pie popped out.

"Hey boys! How y'all doing?" she asked.

"What the-?! Who are you!?" demanded a Khronos sergeant, who has more bulked armors. 8 more soldiers arrived and dropped in battle stance with their 35. cal. battle saddles armed.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! And it's time to partey!" she cheered as confetti exploded out of nowhere.

"What- Where did the confetti come from?" asked K. Soldier #1.

"Uhh, order sir?" asked K. Soldier #2.

"Hey, you like juggling?" she asked as she start juggling six baseballs. "Come on, everypony, it's time to smile!" cheered Pinkie as she gave a super-big smile.

"Enough of this nonsense! I want this mare kill!" ordered K. Sergeant.

"Oh no!" gasped Rainbow Dash then she start readying her rifle.

"Awww! I thought we could have fun?" whined Pinkie Pie with a disappointed face as she kept juggling.

"Sayonara, clown!" he grinned.

"Hey boys! Catch!" Pinkie Pie threw a baseball and hit one of the K. soldier.

"Is that your plan? Throwing us a ball?" he baffled.

"I think they dropped her on the head when she was a foal." said K. Soldier #3.

"No silly! He he he~! Your time is up!" giggled Pinkie Pie.

"Huh?" asked K. Soldier #1 as he looked down and saw a red blip on the baseball, beeping rapidly. "Oh no..." he paled and, before he react, the "baseball" exploded and killed half of the soldiers. Soldier #1 survived and crashed on the group of crates then screamed in horror and pain as the bomb blew his rear leg off.

"KILL THAT PINK MARE!" boomed K. Soldier #7.

"On it!" nodded K. Soldier #6.

"Come on, you jerks." frowned Pinkie in a very serious tone as she threw another baseball-theme grenade. The remaining soldiers start shooting at her but she is too hyperactive that she evade them very quick then the grenade land near their hoods and exploded, blasting the armors apart and burned their coat. The whole outpost heard the explosions and sound off the alarm, sending a platoon to assist the remaining soldiers. "Uh, Rainbow? Anytime now!" she cringed.

"Got your back, Pinky!" said Dash as she fired her rifle and crippled one of the soldier's rear leg. "Okay, this is going to be hard." she muttered. Turey and Apple Jack reached the truck but got spotted by the guard.

"Hey, stop right there!" ordered the unicorn as he levitated the gun. Apple Jack ran out to draw his attention and he aimed his weapon at her but failed to see Turey dashing in and land a punch across his face then he spun around and mule kicked him, knocking him out cold. Turey then searched his saddle pack for the keys, found it and they head to the truck. They hopped in and Turey start up the engine.

"Alright! Let's get the others!" smiled Apple Jack.

"No, there's no time." said Turey.

"Are you kidding me?! We will not leave them to die!" exclaimed Apple Jack.

"I'm sorry. If we head back to save them, we'll all die." he sadly replied as he drove the truck out and head for his hideout.
"No! NO! We're not leaving them!" cried Apple Jack as she look back through the power window. Rainbow Dash noticed the truck leaving then almost got shot by the soldiers, which the bullet struck the crate on her left.

"Pinkie Pie, let's get out of here!" she shouted.

"Right behind ya!" chimed Pinkie Pie as she popped out from the metal crates and threw her last grenade. The explosion stalled the soldiers as she fled the scene. She caught up with her friend as they decide what to do. "Where do we go now?" she asked as she takes cover.

"I don't know. Uh..." Rainbow Dash noticed a large tank, similar as WW2 Panzer Tank with futuristic tone. "Over there, we'll be safe in that thing!" she said.

"Alrighty then." she smiled as they ran toward the tank, open the hatch and hopped inside. "Okay, we're inside. Now what?" she asked as she shut the hatch.

"I haven't thought of that part yet." said Rainbow Dash then she look around and noticed the tank's control system. I'm gonna try this out." she sat on the pilot chair and start pressing buttons at random then a voice spoke.

"Initializing. Ready for combat." beeped the AI.

"Alright, how do you drive this thing?" asked Rainbow.

"Why don't you read this guide book?" muffled Pinkie Pie as she held up the said book in her mouth.

"How convenient." scoffed Rainbow Dash as she grabbed it and start speed reading then she removed the gauntlet and put it aside. "Alright." she said as she put on a pilot helmet that can receive and send out mental commands from pony's brain to the computer, perfect for non-Unicorn pony and easier to drive a tank. Once she wore it, multiple updates displayed on her HUD.

"This is so cool!" squealed Rainbow Dash. The tank began to move and all the soldiers noticed it.

"They activated the tank! Bring the rocket launcher!" ordered the K. Soldier.

"Uhh...Rainbow Dash?! They have BAZOOKA!" panicked Pinkie Pie.

"I'm on it! Fire cannon!" ordered Rainbow Dash.

"Firing primary weapon." beeped the AI. The Tank lower its turret, charged up and fired a projectile at the rocket launcher troops, which exploded into a burst of green energy that instantly burn flesh and melt armors, reducing the victims to skeleton.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHH!" screamed the soldiers as they reduced to ashes.

"Whooooa! Okay now, let's get out of here!" grinned Rainbow Dash.

"Right on!" cheered Pinkie Pie as she raised her hoof as RD continue destroying the blockade and the base as they escape.

As AJ and Turey arrived back at the hideout, Apple Jack remained angry at Turey for abandoning Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash as all the ponies climbed aboard then they heard a rumbling sound and turned to see a tank. Everyone gasped and screamed that they're doom when the hatch open up and popped out Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, look what we got!" waved Pinkie Pie. "All part of the plan, right?" she asked.

"W-What!? What is she talking about?" asked Apple Jack.

"Do you really think I would leave somepony behind?" asked Turey with a silent smile.

"W-Well, I-I...Well, yes, I though you do." frowned Apple Jack.

"Don't worry about it. Now Khronos troops won't be able top stop our escape. Still, we have to leave as soon as possible." he said.

"Well, that will teach them not to mess with us!" smirked Daring Do. Everyone left Canterlot while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash head off to Everfree Forest to locate Apple Bloom, leaving Apple Jack praying she is safe with Zecora.