• Published 19th Jun 2016
  • 222 Views, 0 Comments

Darkness of the Eclipse - Silverstream233

A solar eclipse is coming and Luna is feeling insecure. After all her days of rising the moon just for the night, now on this one day, she has to cover the her sister's sun with the face of her moon. But during the eclipse, a new darkness is unleashe

  • ...

Chapter 20

"But why would she put on the amulet?" Trixie gasped, speaking for the first time since they left. Everypony turned to look at her.

"Asteria must have done it herself. Since she is the one who created it, she must have the power to change it," Luna said reasonably.

"How are we going to take it off her?" Rarity asked worriedly.

"When I had it on, only I could unlock it. That means she can take it off herself right?" Trixie stated.

"If that was the case, she would have taken it off already. Asteria must have done something to it. Changed the way the amulet worked with its corruption," Luna said grimly.

"We should return to Ponyville before they notice us," She added, turning back around.

"Wait! If Princess Celestia is under Asteria's control, doesn't that mean she'll tell her everything!" Twilight exclaimed. "What if she tells Asteria all of the secrets to your powers?"

"Princess Twilight, I do not share the secrets of my powers with my sister. We may be sisters, but that does not mean she needs to know every detail of my life," Luna replied, trying to keep her worries hidden.

"Princess, I can see that you're worried. We all are. You don't need to hide it," Fluttershy said kindly, coming to her side.

"I don't want to seem worried. If I'm not convident, then ponies will worry," Luna told her.

"Even princesses can have worries. They have a lot of responsibilties. Protecting Equestria is only one part of it," Twilight added.

"Right," Luna mumbled. Twilight exchangd a worried glance with her friends, but stayed silent until they reached Ponyville. Mayor mare ran to greet them.

"Did anything happen while we were gone?" Twilight asked.

"There's been no sign of Asteria or Black Ember. The guards are standing at every corner of Ponyville," She reported. Lyra, Bonbon, Minuette, and Derpy came up to them.

"Princess, is there anything we can do to help? Those shadow monsters might be back and we need everypony's help," Lyra said.

"That would be helpful, thank you," Luna said.

"I've heard some ponies spreading rumors about you. They should no better than the talk behind the princess' back," Minuette said woriedly.

"Rumors? I'll handle it," Twilight said instantly. "I need you to tell ponies to keep their fillies inside. This battle is not for the little ones,"

"But what about us?" Apple Bloom protested.

"You can help, but just let us do most of the hard work, ok?" Rarity said. "Why don't you tell your filly friends to help you as well. I'm sure everypon can do something." The cmc exchanged looks and ran off.

"Did you find anything in the old castle that could be useful?" Bonbon asked.

"Oh, so we did see something, didn't we?" Celestia's voice made everypony turn their heads. Her hair was no longer flowing and multicolored, but instead, it was pink and hung down.

"Princess Celestia1" Madam Mayor gasped, running towards the princess.

"Wait," Luna held he back with one hoof.

"The alicorn amulet! Why does she have it on?" Lyra gasped. More ponies began to gather in the plaza.

"What's going on?"

"Princess Celestia had the alicorn amulet?"

"Why would she wear it? Surely she must have known how evil at amulet was?"

"Remember when Trixie had it?" Voices echoed among the crowd.

"Sister, why are you wearing the alicorn amulet?" Luna asked quietly.

"Oh, Luna. Didn't you miss me at all?" Celestia took a step towards her.

Luna didn't move, her wings spread out cautiously.

"This amulet will give me more power to protect my subjects," Celestia replied, addressing all of Ponyvile.

"I do not think so, my sister. The amulet corrupts and controls those who wears it. And what has happened to Asteria?" Luna asked. '

"She will join us soon," Celestia replied. Gasps of shock rippled through the crowds.

"But she's evil!" Derpy burst out.

"No, you've simply misunderstood her," Celestia insisted.

"But Princess, she hurt Princess Luna!" Twilight came to Luna's side, looking up at her former teacher.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, Asteria told me that Black Ember was the one who hurt her," Celestia stepped closer again.

'And this is the concern you show for your own sister?" Twilight's voice shook defiantly. Celestia stepped closer and wrapped a wing each around Twilight and Luna.

To her surprise, Luna jerked away. "Have you forgotten that Asteria was the one who kidnapped you? What lies has she told you?" Her voice was unexpectedly furious.

"No lies at all, dear Luna," Asteria flew down and landed next to Celestia. The ponies instantly moved back, staring in fear and the dark purple alicorn.

"She will rule alongside us! In good time, I hope you will forgive her," Celestia smiiled at Asteria. The mane six, Trixie, and Discord stared in disbelief.

"Why so glum, Luna? Wouldn't it be great to have three sisters ruling side by side?" Asteria sneered at her.

"You are no sister to me," Luna snapped. "What role can you possibily play in Equestria? All you've done is bring fear to ponies all around you."

"That is the way we will rule, Luna. Isn't that what you wanted?" Celestia looked at her with narrowed eyes. Luna flinched at her words.

"Not anymore," Luna said, staring her sister in the eye.

"If you will not be loyal to me, then who will?" Celestia's eyes scanned the plaza. Ponies exchanged uncomfortable looks.

"We do not wish to be ruled in fear..." Bonbon said quietly.

"THAT is not your decision!" Celestia boomed. The ponies shifted back uneasily.

"What about you, Rainbow Dash?" She turned to the blue pegasus. "Will you live up to your element and follow me?"

"I can't...not when you're loyal to..HER!" She pointed to Asteria. "She hurt Luna! It wasn't just Black Ember. She wanted to take over Equestria." Rainbow Dash protested.

"I only wish to bring a new ruler into our midst. She will protect you. Luna has betrayed you once. What is to say she won't do it again?" Celestia glared at Luna with a sudden menance.

"How can you say that about her? She's your sister! She's changed and earned the trust of everypony!" Twilight's voice was rising in anger.

"Really Everypony?" Celestia inquired.

"I'm loyal to Luna! And we would be loyal to you as well if you didn't bring Asteria onto the throne," Twilight continued.

"Fools!" Asteria hissed. "You can start over with a new ruler! Me and Celestia! Luna should be sent back to the moon! She's betrayed you once already!"

"Luna has the right to be a ruler. Shes's made up for her mistakes. She protected us! But you? You wanted to start trouble from the moment you got here!" Lyra called.

"I was trying to prevent another mistake that Luna made! She could have turned right back into Nightmare Moon if she had let the nigthmare forces take over her," Asteria said.

"You've known me for thousand of years, Celestia. Yet you side with a pony you've only just met!" There was hurt and anger in Luna's voice.

"No, Luna. Asteria is our older sister. I've known her since before you were born!" Celestia stated.

"What?" Luna whispered, her ears down.

"This is your last chance, Luna! Join us or we will have to get rid of you," Celestia said. At that, the mane six pushed their way to her side.

"My faithful student...betraying me. Why did I ever make you a princess?" Celestia spat.

"And you, Luna. Asteria was right about you. You can betray me anytime since you've already done it once. I cannot trust you. I know you are still jealous, so why wouldn't it turn into Nightmare Moon again," Celestia sneered. Luna lowered her stance and stared at her in disbelief as the words sunk in.

"I know that I will never outshine you. But I still have ponies supporting me," Luna said shakily.

"Take off the necklace!" Trixie stepped forward. "Don't let it destroy you like it almost did for me!" She pleaded. Celestia whipped around and shot a beam of light at her. Twilight leaped in front of her and surrounded them both with a shield.

'Attacking your own subjects? Is that the kind of ruler you want to be?" Twilight yelled.

"Shadow creatures, attack!" Asteria shouted. As she spoke, a huge cloud of shadow behind her slid out and broke into chunks, forming odd creatures. They swarmed forward and fell upon the ponies of Ponyville. Celestia stepped towards Luna. The princess of the night lit up her horn, ready to summon her magic.

"Want to fight me again, Luna? Betray me like you did last time?" Celestia sneered. The light around Luna's horn faded and died away. While she was defenseless, Celestia shot a a yellow beam of magic at her, knocking her on her side.

"Princess!" Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow ran towards her. Luna got to her feet and stared back at her sister. She could not bring herself to fight. Celestia came at her again, and all Luna did was protect herself with a shiedld. Again, Celestia attacked, but Luna, refusing to use her magic against her sister only summoned a shield. Celestia chased her until they were both exhausted. Meanwhile, Asteria was battling Twilight and Trixie effortlessly.

"I would never fight you unless it is for the good of Equestria," Luna told her sister defiantly.

"Then there would be no sunlight on Equestria. You would be dooming your precious ponies to your internal darkness," Celestia replied. She rose up and began to raise the sun. Instinctively, Luna lowered the moon. The first sunlight in days shone upon the ponies, making them shield their eyes from the glare.

"Foolish move!" Celestia stomped one hoof and a group of shadowy tendrils wrapepd themselves against Luna's legs.

"You should learn to trust Asteria. Get to know her better as a sister. It's that simple," Celestia leaned down next to her, the amulet gleaming in Luna's face. She shot a bolt of magic at it, but it bounced off harmlessly.

"Sister, this isn't you. You would never hurt me like this," Luna whispered.

"You are the one whose hurting me. I thought you enjoyed your seat of power next to me," Celestia said in mock hurt.

"I do not stand beside you for the sake of power," Luna retorted, jerking free of the shadowy tendrils. "I stand beside you to protect Equestria and its inhabitants and you should do the same,"

"That was the old Celestia. Now I shall have an even greater reign! I will work harder to keep out enemies and anypony who resists me. My subjects will not dare to turn against me while Asteria and I rule Equestria.," Celestia snapped. Luna stood up and took off the necklace she wore around her neck. The crystal moon and sun, wrapped around each other gleamed in the sunlight.

"Do you recognize this necklace? Do you remember how we both made it as a symbol of our bond and love?" Luna said, levitatitng in with her magic.

"Never seen it before!" Celestia said boredly. Luna stared at her in disbelief.

"B-b-ut-" She broke off as Celestia's ray of magic broke the necklace in half. Luna stepped away from the broken remains, her eyes closed. When they opened again, there was hard determination in her eyes. Twilight and Trixie stopped their battle with Asteria and glanced over. Everypony else followed their eyes. The princess of the night was pushing magic to the fullest, her horn glowing brighter and brighter. Celestia tried to step away but couldn't. A bright ball of white came from Luna's horn until it grew large enough to swallow both of them.