Darkness of the Eclipse

by Silverstream233

First published

A solar eclipse is coming and Luna is feeling insecure. After all her days of rising the moon just for the night, now on this one day, she has to cover the her sister's sun with the face of her moon. But during the eclipse, a new darkness is unleashe

Luna is feeling insecure due to a solar eclipse coming up soon. Although she has done several solar eclipses in the past, this one just doesn't feel right. After a shocking discovery in the Everfree forest, Luna is separated from her sister and forced to fight one on one against a greater enemy. One that might turn ponies against her once again.

NOTE: THIS STORY HAPPENS BEFORE SEASON 5! IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED SEASON 4, PLZ DO NOT READ IN CASE YOU SPOIL IT FOR YOURSELF, thanks! Also, this story is also on wattpad! The reason the alicorn on my title has no cutie mark is because it will spoil the story. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

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"Luna, why are you pacing so much?" Princess Celestia nudged her as she paced beside the window near her balcony.

"I'm just thinking, sister." She replied . She shook her flowing mane, which resembles the night sky. Princess Celestia had mane with beautiful pattern of green,pink and blue. She stared out the window and could spot the Sparkling Tree Castle of Princess Twilight. The Castle of Harmony, that's what she had called it. I shuddered. Being trapped in Tatarus with Princess Cadence and her sister was still in her mind. Almost like when she had been sent to the moon, powerless, but at least she wasn't alone and she knew where her magic had gone. And Discord...he was finally trusted by Princess Twilight and his friends. She sighed and picked up a book from her library to read. Most of my books were about the night sky, astromnomy, shooting stars, cosmology, eclipses any anything that included the universe. She flipped through the book about eclipses and stiffen. The next solar eclipse was coming up soon! How could that be?

"Luna, you sure you're ok?" My sister comes over and reads the page. "Oh, that! I can't believe i forgot to tell you this!" Celestia scolded herself. "It's not like me to be forgetful.

"I remember doing solar eclipses, but this one feels different. Like some danger will come soon..." I murmured. Celstia shifted her hooves. "A total solar eclipse doesn't occur that often, so maybe you think this one should be special." Luna glanced down at the page again.

"It's partial eclipse that is coming...but that means that I have to raise the moon to block the sun!" She felt distraught at the thought. Why? She thought. She had done an eclipse before, but why did she feel so....upset about this one? Celstia rested her wing on her sister's back.

"Not the entire sun. Only part of it. If i recall, the sun shall be in the shape of the moon! Like the night merging with the day! Won't that be wonderful?" Luna shrugged, but a nagging thought was in her head. Although everypony had accepted her and her wonderous night, the thought of blocking out her sister's sun still brought back to aching memories of when she had become Nightmare Moon.

"Luna, you're not eager? I thought you always wanted this." Celestia teased. Luna flattened her ears and turned around. How could she joke about something like that?!

"No! I never wanted it! It was only because of jealousy, Tia. Jealousy! i never truly wanted what happened all those years ago deep down in my heart!" She wailed, sounded like a little filly again. She had even called Celestia 'Tia', a nickname for her big sister when she had been small. She swung open the door to her balcony, lifted her wings and flew off into the night sky. Behind her, she heard her sister cry out, "Luna!" But the Princess of the Night did not turn back, not when the hurt from her sister's words was still inside her.

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Chapter 2

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Luna flew pass Twilight's castle silently, relieved that nopony had come out on this cold winter day. She flew off toward the old castle that she had once shared with her sister, hidden deep inside the Everfree Forest. Now many ponies may think it is strange that the Princess of the Night would return to the same castle where she had turned into Nightmare Moon, even though her memories of this event was painful. But the Princess had returned only to look on into the ancient books still scattered among its library. She flew pass the darkened trees and reached the old castle. She turned, feeling like someone was following her, but she decided it was just the wind. No pony ventured into the Everfree forest that often. She remembered the castle well.

The door to the throne room was closed. Good, she thought. The last thing she needed was to go into the very room where she had become Nightmare Moon. She made her way into the library. She weaved her way through the library, twisting around shelves until she reached the end of a hall. A small hole was drilled into the wall, but she inserted her horn in, and the wall in front slid sideways. She slipped inside and closed the secret door behind her. She had found her secret library. She had spent many hours here when she had felt her sister was shining too brightly than hers.

She sighed and flipped through the books until she found one with the words "Solar and Lunar Eclipses: both partial and total" on its cover. She glanced down at her small desk, her pencils still neatly sitting in its corner. Instead, she curled up inside the closet, where she had piled pillows and blankets inside. "In ancient times, many ponies believed evil had been bestowed upon them whenever an eclipse happened. The solar eclipse threw their town, city, or kingdom into darkness without warning while the Lunar eclipse cast an eerie red glow." Luna read. She chuckled. "Lunar eclipses do seem eerie." She smiled to herself.

She didn't like the fact that her moon frightened ponies back then, but now they seem to look at lunar eclipses in awe. But as she read on, the text began to confuse her. "On the 100th solar eclipse, a new evil will rise, stealing the power of Light Princess and only the princess of the Night shall stop her, if the trust from her people stays with her." Luna read this page over and over again. What could it mean? Stealing the power of the Light princess...? and only I, or at least i think its me, am the only one that can defeat it? The sound of hooves made her stop and she lowered the book onto her pillow. She quietly opened the door and peered around the bookshelves, gasping as she saw who it was. Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash! She slipped the book inside her book bag and opened the door

Chapter 3

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"You sure you saw someone fly in here, Princess Twilight? No pony ever goes into the Everfree forest and especially not at night!" Rainbow Dash was saying. Princess Twilight stretched her wings out.

"We've been in here plenty of times with the others! and there's no need to call me Princess, remember? You can just call me Twilight like you always do!" She said. Luna sighed and began walking down the halls.

"You are right that somepony did fly in here, Princess Twilight."Luna said softly. Startled, the two girls turned around. "Princess Luna!" Rainbow Dash and Twilight gasped. Rainbow Dash dipped her head respectfully, while Twilight ran up to her.

"Princess Luna! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot?" Princess Twilight asked. Princess Luna smiled. "Even a princess can use some time alone from royalty, right?" She blinked down at her friend. Princess Twilight chuckled. It was true. She couldn't get used to this royalty and respect that a princess should have, especailly when her best friends treated her like one. Princess Luna sighed, her mind still spinning from the disturbing discovery she had made in her library. "Luna, are you alright? You seem distressed." Rainbow Dash said, concerned. Should i tell them? I...can't put them in danger. I shall let my sister know first.

"I'm fine." Princess Luna replied, smiling the best she could. "I must be getting home. I don't want to be here longer than I'm suppose to." She walked toward the entrance of the old castle, Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight following. When they reached the edge of the forest, Princess Luna lifted a cloak out from her bag and draped it over herself. "Farewell, my friends. Perhaps we shall meet again soon." She took off and waved a hoof as Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew home. As she neared the castle, two of her guards flew towards her. "Where have you been, Princess? Your sister has been frantic." They escorted her to the balcony window from where she had flown away. She let out an exasperated sigh. She was no longer a little filly, yet her sister still worried about her. Too much... Luna thought. She braced herself as her sister burst into the room and embraced her in a hug. "Luna! Why did you run off like that? I'm sorry..I shouldn't have joked about something like that! I should have known that it would hurt you." She whispered.

"It's alright, sister. Mistakes happen." She said, relaxing in her sister's grip. But she knew this happiness wouldn't last long. Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself away from her sister and stared at her with serious eyes. "I flew over to our old castle and I found something...disturbing." At the tone of her sister's voice, Princess Celestia glanced down at her sister. Princess Luna took out the book and flipped over to the correct page. She laid the book down in front of her sister and waited as she read. When she finished, her seriousness reflected in Luna's eyes. "I think it's time for Princess Twilight and her friends to come to Canterlot once more." Turning to the guards that had escorted her here, "Send a message to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. We'll need plenty of sercurity for Canterlot and Ponyville." As the guards flew off, Princess Luna began writing a letter to Princess Twilight as she lowered the moon to make way for the dawn. She opened the door to her pet snowy owl, Moon's cage and watched as she flew off with the letter in her beak.

Chapter 4

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Twilight's POV

Next chapter is out! Something exciting is going to happen soon!

Princess Twilight paced her castle impatiently, waiting for her pet owl Owlicious to return. Hoot! A loud tapping on the window made her jump. She opened it with her magic and took the letter that he held in his beak. "Moon gave this to you, right?" She teased. She had a feeling her owl friend liked the snowy owl. Owlicious frowned and looked at his owner with serious eyes.

"I say, I think that owl of yours has given you a message that means no funny buisness." Discord's voice sounded behind her. Twilight didn't turn around to look at the draconequus, but instead opened up the letter.

"Girls!" She turned and called to her friends who were sitting in their crystal chairs. "We're needed in Canterlot. Princess Luna is sending a carriage to pick us up." She urged them. Rarity hopped down carefully and placed her nail polish on her chair.

"Princess Luna? Why does she need us? What about Princess Celestia?" She examined her hoof carefully before placing in down.Twilight sighed. "They're royal sisters. I guess Luna felt the need to sent her guards this time. After all she did send this letter." Discord and Spike looked downcast.

"Can I come too?" Spike begged. Princess Twilight shook her head. "I need someone to stay with Discord. After all, he's one of our friends and I don't want him to be all alone." She said. Spike looked uncertainly at the chaos bringer.

"What if he does something I can't stop? He always finds a way to cause trouble!" Spike exclaimed. Discord glared at Spike. Princess Twilight looked at Discord. "Remember, you can only fool around and do your magic in your own room. Anywhere else in the castle is forbidden and I'm serious ." Fluttershy gave her friend a firm glare.

"I know, Princess. You must know how to trust me." Discord said boredly. The six ponies gathered outside. Ponies gasped in surprise as they saw Princess Luna riding in a carriage, pulled by four of her guards. They shifted closer as they landed near Princess Twilight's castle.

"Hello everypony. How is everyone?" She smiled at Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"Does this visit have anything to do with why you were in the old castle?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Perhaps." Luna did not change her expression, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "I assume you know another solar eclipse is coming soon." She looked straight at Princess Twilight as she spoke.

"Oh yes. We helped Rarity make a bunch of those special sunglasses so we can look safely at the eclipse." Applejack said. "It was a pain making them for me, but I was just being helpful." Rarity flicked her hair proudly.

"I actually made a special one just for the princesses, with extra glamor of course," She said happily. Using her magic, she takes out the special sunglass. Luna's eyes widened as she saw it. It was decorated with tiny blue sapphires and pieces of jewels shaped into a moon.

"For you, Princess Luna." Rarity said, dipping her head respectfully.

"Rarity, it's beautiful! I don't know how you could have done this." Luna whispered. "And please, my friends, just call me Luna." She placed the sunglasses delicately upon her head.

"There is another thing that troubles me about this eclipse, sister." Luna said as she led Twilight and her friends down the hall. Priness Celestia had joined them when they had arrived. "The eclipse will only last a few minutes, but around this time, I know for a fact that the dark creatures on the moon are at their strongest." She said seriously. Princess Celestia thought for a moment before turning a concerned glance at her sister. "The solar flares are at the strongest as well. There will be more solar flares around this time than anytime else." She murmured. "Luna?" She stared down at her sister in surprise. She was beginning to glow brightly. The mane six and Princess Celestia watched in confusion as the entire hall was blinded by whiteness.

Chapter 5

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She blinked in confusion as her sister and her friends disappeared. She was now standing on her balcony looking up at the clear blue sky. Then suddenly, the moon began to block out the sun, throwing darkness over Equestria. She tried to lower the moon, but it would not budge. A mysterious alicorn flew in front of her, her horn glowing with dark blue magic.

"You will never be in control of the moon again! Ponies will know the true beauty of an eclipse, Luna!" The iciness in her voice made her shiver.

"Didn't you always want this, Luna? To overshine the sun?" The alicorn taunted. "No pony will ever trust you again after this eclipse!" A clasp of thunder rose overhead and her alicorn let out a wicked laugh that was achingly familiar. Nightmare moon! She was thrust back in the presence before she could identify who it really was.

"Luna? Are you alright?" Princess Celestia loomed over her anxiously.

"I had a vision."She murmured, rising shakily to her feet. "I don't want to talk about it." She added quickly. I turned back to Twilight and her friends. "I will let you know if there is more trouble." She turned and disappeared into a room at the end of the hall, my ears drooped downwards. She could hear Twilight and her friends speaking quickly with her sister before their hoof steps descend away. glanced warily out the window, watching the mane six seat themselves into the carriage. How can Nightmare moon possibly return? She pushed away the thought of her transformation all those years ago.

"It will not happen again." She told myself firmly. She picked up the special glasses than Rarity had made for her.A surge of anticipation flowed through her body, pushing away all her worries.

I will make this eclipse a wonderful thing!

She opened the door to her balcony and stood watching the ponies of Canterlot walk around and did their daily activities.

"Thunder hoof!" She called. A gray pegasus immediately stepped into her room, his cutie mark was a sword in the shape of a lightning bolt

"Yes, princess?" He dipped his head in respect.

"I wish to travel to Canterlot. Fetch me my cloak." She ordered. The guard disappeared and came back with her cloak, which she draped over herself and placed on the hood as well.

"Shall I prepare a carriage?" Thunder Hoof asked.

"No, we shall fly there. I want to stretch my wings anways." She replied. She spread her wings and took off of the balcony, Thunder Hoof following. When they arrived in Canterlot, ponies stared curiously at me, their eyes wide.

"Why the dark magic store, princess?" His voice was cautious and guarded.

"There is something I must get." She says

Chapter 6

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"It's here somewhere. I can feel the dark powers pulling at me already." she said.

"Are you sure the alicorn amulet will not harm you?" Thunder Hoof asked anxiously.

"I am already an alicorn. The corruption will have no affect on me."she replied. She entered into the store and brushed away cobwebs with her wings.

"Princess Luna! What brings you to such a place?" A dark gray pony adjusts his glasses and bowed respectfully from his place behind an old wooden desk.

"I need the alicorn amulet." She replied.

His mouth dropped opened in surprise. It had been moons since another pony had bought it.

"I only need to borrow it. As you know, an eclipse is coming and I feel a darkness coming that I may not be able to stop." She continued. The store owner bowed his head and goes into the back store room. Luna waited patiently and produced the box that had kept it safe.

"Due to the incident in Ponyville last time, it can only opened by alicorn magic." he says.

I took the box from him and used my magic to unlock it. She took a quick peek inside and handed the box to Thunder Hoof. She rummaged through her cloak for bits, but the store owner shook his head.

"There is no need for payment, princess. But I advise that you return as soon as possible to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." He walked back to his place behind the counter.

"I had intentions on keeping this in the castle, I'm afraid. It will be more protected here," Luna said. The store owner cocked his head but nodded in agreement. "Alright. Good day, Princess!" He called after her. As they return back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia rushed towards her.

"Where have you been? The eclipse should be starting any minute!" She exclaimed. She quickly sent Thunder Hoof away and walked out onto the main balcony with my sister. There were many ponies watching, all wearing special glasses.

"Goodness, Rarity must have taken a very long time to make so many of those." She said. I'm ready for this.She flew up and slowly raised the moon.

Chapter 7

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"It's here somewhere. I can feel the dark powers pulling at me already." she said.

"Are you sure the alicorn amulet will not harm you?" Thunder Hoof asked anxiously.

"I am already an alicorn. The corruption will have no affect on me."she replied. She entered into the store and brushed away cobwebs with her wings.

"Princess Luna! What brings you to such a place?" A dark gray pony adjusts his glasses and bowed respectfully from his place behind an old wooden desk.

"I need the alicorn amulet." She replied.

His mouth dropped opened in surprise. It had been moons since another pony had bought it.

"I only need to borrow it. As you know, an eclipse is coming and I feel a darkness coming that I may not be able to stop." She continued. The store owner bowed his head and goes into the back store room. Luna waited patiently and produced the box that had kept it safe.

"Due to the incident in Ponyville last time, it can only open by alicorn magic." he says.

I took the box from him and used my magic to unlock it. She took a quick peek inside and handed the box to Thunder Hoof. She rummaged through her cloak for bits, but the store owner shook his head.

"There is no need for payment, princess. But I advise that you return as soon as possible to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." He walked back to his place behind the counter.

"Good day," She said as I walked out the door.

"Good day, Princess!" He called after her.

As they return back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia rushed towards her.

"Where have you been? The eclipse should be starting any minute!" She exclaimed. She quickly sent Thunder Hoof away and walked out onto the main balcony with my sister. There were many ponies watching, all wearing special glasses.

"Goodness, Rarity must have taken a very long time to make so many of those." She said. She placed on her own glasses. I'm ready for this. I flew up and slowly raised the moon.

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
"Princess! Are you alright?" A faint voice was calling to her from a distance. Drowsily, she got up and looked at the pitch blackness around her. At the end of the dark corridor, there seemed to be a door of white. Slowly, She walked towards it and entered. In the waking world, her eyes slowly opened to see Thunder Hoof standing anxiously over her. Several other white pegasus guards were standing at a far distance, looking out for danger. He helped her up and she turned her head towards Canterlot. To my horror, all there was, was black jagged crystals, blocking out the view of the castle.

"Tia..." She whispered, her eyes filled with tears. She had not called her sister that since she was a young alicorn. She began walking towards Ponyville, with the guards behind her. Ponies were outside their houses and talking anxiously with each other. She walked on the street, trying to keep her head held high, but her ears were drooped down sadly.

"Princess? What's happening in Canterlot? What is that black creature?" Ponies gathered around, asking questions.

"Everypony, please! Give the princess some space. She is very stressed out right now because Princess Celestia told her to leave her behind."Thunder Hoof and the other guards shielded the Princess once more.

"No, perhaps they deserve an explaination. But I- I don't know what to say." She said sadly. Twilight and her friends pushed throught the crowd of ponies.

"Come into my castle. Maybe we can talk this through in private." She invited.

"I don't think you need to do that, Princess Twilight. Perhaps Ponyville can decide for themselves. I have a feeling they have experience this kind of eclipse before, haven't they?" A strange hooded pony stepped out from behind me.

"Who are you?" She demanded.

"Name? I have no name as far as I know, but I do know that I can be very convincing." He uncovered his hood and smiled in a not so friendly way.

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Chapter 9

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"What do you mean?" Twilight asked the mysterious pony.

"Hmm, let me think." he said. "The eclipse is happening, Princess Celestia is gone, and...why isn't Luna lowering the moon?" He glanced over at Luna.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to respond, but Luna stepped in front her and faced him.

"If I could, I would have. Just like I would have saved my sister as wel," She stared sadly at the ground. The ponies began talking to one another.

"You mean, Princess Celestia is still stuck in Canterlot? In there?" Mrs.Cake pointed towards the black crystals surrounding the castle. Luna did not respond. Twilight glared at the mysterious pony again.

"You might as well tell us your name," She said.

"Fine, my name is Black Ember." He said, throwing away his hood to reveal and black flame as a cutie mark. He had an unicorn horn as well

"I don't know if I believe this! But why would Princess Luna run away like that?" Lyra Heartstrings stepped forward nervously. Twilight glanced expectedly at Luna, but she had turned and walked away towards the Everfree, with her head bent towards the ground.

"Didn't she always wanted to be the only princess?" Black Ember soothed.

"Do you really think we'll turn against the Princess just because of your assumptions? You're nothing, but a stranger here." Rainbow Dash said angrily, flying straight into Black Ember's face.

"If Luna ran away, Princess Celestia must have told her to, because Luna was probably capable of defeating the monster.," Applejack said confidently.

"I think we should go after the Princess. She seems really upset," Fluttershy pointed a hoof towards the Everfree forest. Twilight narrowed her eyes at Black Ember.

"Perhaps it's best if you leave if you're asking for trouble." She warned him and began running after Luna, her friends following. Luna was crouched in front of a statue of her. The Nightmare Moon statue had been replaced by a statue of her during her birthday a couple of moons ago. A small group of nocturnal animals were cuddled up around her, but there was also a mysterious rain cloud over her head

"Do I really have to bear the burden of making so many ponies suffer?" Luna said quietly, staring down at the ground.

"Luna, just because one pony doesn't support you, it doesn't mean the rest of Equestria doesn't. Black Ember is just a stranger. There's no way he can convince ponies who've been loyal to you for so long to turn their back on you." Rainbow Dash said, trying to push away the cloud.

"The only thing thing that Equestria thinks of me now, is that I did the same actions as I did when I was Nightmare Moon." She said sadly.

"Princess Celestia would have sacrificed herself, because she must have known that you were the one to stop the darkness." Rarity pointed out. Luna stood up and sighed.

"If my sister couldn't even fight off the darkness, how could I?" She began flying towards the old ruins. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash followed behind her slowly, while Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie watched Luna with worried and concerned eyes.

chapter 10

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Soon after they returned to Twilight's Castle, it began to snow and the weather turned cold because of the lack of sunlight.

"Applejack, I think it's best if you harvest most of your apples in case they all die. There has to be a good food supply for Ponyville," Luna said.

"Of course!" She agreed, nodding her head.

"And I'll make lots of cake and goodies!" Pinkie pie squealed, bouncing around.

"I best go now before the snow gets deeper. I'm gonna need all of Ponyville to help me." Applejack said. We went back outside and Luna quickly wrapped her cape around herself. Rarity wrapped her neck in a scarf.

"It really doesn't feel right wearing sunglasses and a scarf." Rarity complained. Applejack rolled her eyes.

"This ain't the time for the latest fashion trend, Rarity." Amused, Luna cast a spell on all of Ponyville so they can look safely at the eclipse without blinding themselves. All their glasses disappeared except for the sparkly blue one Rarity had made for Luna.

How strange... Luna thought as she took off the glasses and slipped them into her pouch. I somehow managed to grab this instead of saving my sister? She pushed away the bitter thought and followed her friends to Sweet Apple Acres

We gathered almost all the ponies in Ponyville to help us gather the apples. Luna, Twilight, and the other unicorns used their magic to lift the apples from the trees while the entire Apple Family bucked apples. They had come over soon after they got the letter for a family emergency. It seemed to take days to gather all the apples, but they did not know because of the eclipse. Exhausted, Luna and her friends returned to their castles for a good rest

. . .

The next day, when Luna awoke, she saw a white creature fluttering weakly towards them. She opened the window just in time to catch her owl, Moon in her hooves, her wings battered.

"Thank goodness, you got out safely!" She hugged her pet gently. Luna gave Moon to Fluttershy to care for while Owlicious flew around them, hooting anxiously.

"Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are here!" Spike exclaimed. Luna and the mane six hurried to greet them.

"Is everypony ok?" Shining Armor ran to embrace his sister. Princess Cadence dipped her head in greeting to Luna.

"No pony came to greet us..all their doors and windows were shut." She sounded more concerned than annoyed.

"Princess Cadence! Shining Armor!" Three fillies ran towards them. They were the cutie mark crusaders. Luna smiled. She had a special connection with all of them.

"I can't believe a strange pony actually turned ponies against Luna! I mean, she is the best princess." Scootaloo complained. "In my opinion." She added quickly, looking at Princess Cadence and Twilight.

"You're not the only ones." Apple Bloom pointed out.
"And the ponies didn't turn against Luna. They're just scared." Sweetie Belle said.

"More ponies are coming in! They seemed to have escaped from Canterlot!" Princess Cadence pointed to a group of exhausted ponies who were slowly walking towards them.

"We'll have to put up a defensive shield around Ponyville. Can you handle it, Princess Cadence?" Luna asked.

"Of course! I'll have Shining Armor to help me, not like the last time when Sombra attacked," She replied.

"Speaking of the Crystal Empire, whose protecting them?" Twilight asked.

"We have most of the guards there, but we don't think..." Shining Armor paused. "the threat will go for them. She's mostly targeting us."

"No, she's targeting me and my sister." Luna said. "I don't know why, but the only way to defeat her is for me to battle her one on one."

"May I help everyone as well?" A nervous voice sounded behind her. Everypony gasped when they saw who it was.

chapter 11

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"Trixie? What are you doing back in Ponyville?" Twilight demanded, her eyes wide in surprise.

"I heard that you were a princess and now I've heard of the danger so I wanted to help." The blue unicorn shuffled her hoofs nervously. "I wanted to show Ponyville that I am no longer a bad pony."

Luna stepped back, unsure if how to handle Trixie because she had no idea what she was talknig about. Twilight and her friends stepped forward. Twilight opened her mouth to speak but Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"You've caused trouble in Ponyville twice already. What makes us think you won't cause trouble again?" She said angrily, her light blue wings flapping rapidly.

"You gave me another chance," Trixie replied quietly, taking off her star covered hat and looking at them desperately.

"Please!" She added when they didn't speak. "I want to use my magic for good and I would use it to save Equestria."

"Fine," Twilight said at last. "You might as well stay at my castle because it doesn't seem like anypony else will accept you so quickly." She glanced behind Trixie. Luna could see hostile stares from the ponies in their direction, though she felt like they were staring at her as well.

As they turned around, a clash of thunder startled them. Luna narrowed her eyes up at the sky and she could see the shape of an alicorn with a flowing dark blue and purple mane. Her body was almost black and her eyes were an eerie red. Ponies cowered in fear as they saw her land among the path. Some ponies pulled their fillies inside and shut the door. The alicorn gave a cruel laugh. Suddenly Luna recognized who this was. This was the alicorn who had captured her sister and taken over Canterlot. A wave of rage pumped through her. She charged forward with her horn glowing, ready to shoot out any spell she could at the evil alicorn.

"Relax, Luna." A cold voice told her. Luna glared up at the alicorn bravely.

"You should know better than to attack your superior," She cackled.

"You're not my superior! You're an enemy to all of Equestria. What have you done with my sister?" Luna shouted, her horn glowing brighter and brighter and sparks of magic flew out from it.

"Enough," The alicorn snapped, locking eyes with Luna. A strange cold feeling surged through Luna's body and reluctantly, she forced her horn to dim down again.

"Meet me in the old ruins," The alicorn said and she took flight again. Then she stopped and turned back towards them.

"And please, do come alone."She glanced over at Twilight and her friends. Applejack was pulling back at Rainbow Dash's tail to stop her from attacking. "Oh, forgive me...my name is Queen Eclipse, the new ruler of Canterlot." She cackled, then she flew off and disappeared into the Everfree forest. Luna was ready to go after her, but Twilight hurried forward.

"You can't possibly go alone. It must be a trap!" She protested.

"Obviously it's a trap! This Queen Eclipse already kidnapped Princess Celestia! If Luna is in her grasp as well, we're all doomed." Rainbow Dash said dramatically.

"I will go first...stay out of sight." Luna said quietly. Then she flew off after Queen Eclipse. She entered the throne room through the giant gap in the ceiling. Queen Eclipse was settled on a throne...her old throne. Luna landed in front of her with a thud.

"Aren't you gonna bow down? You might as well start practicing." the Queen sneered.

"Never!" Luna snapped back.

"Alright, enough...I'm not ready to fight yet....instead I'd like to make a deal with you." She said, her eyes thoughtful.

"If only it includes the release of my sister!" Luna said instantly.

"But of course...however, you need to pay a price as well." The Queen said ominously.

Chapter 12

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"You go first." The Queen snickered, resting her head on the side of the throne she was on. Luna glared at her angrily, but nodded.

"If I win after three duels, you will release my sister and we will both decide your fate." Luna said. The Queen sat up, her expression surprised.

"Is that really all you want in this deal?" She crooned. Luna looked at her unblinking.

"What more do I need? I already have the support of my ponies." She broke off as Queen Eclipse jumped off the throne at in front of Luna. She tensed, ready to use her magic.

"Are you sure you have enough support?" She sneered. "Anyways, if I win, obviously I will...I shall take over all of Equestria and your sister will be my slave." She sighed as though she was thinking about what would happen if that came true.

"That will never happen!" Luna snapped.

"My dear...you didn't even let me finish deciding what I'll do with you." Her eyes glowed wickedly. Luna couldn't help but tremble slightly, but she held her head high.

"You...will be sent to the moon and there will never be any way for you to return! And I will be taking over the duties of raising and lowering both the moon and the sun!" Lightning crackled overhead as she reared up, laughing. Luna heard gasps of horror from somewhere behind her, but the Queen was too busy laughing to notice.

"Now, get out of my sight! I shall be staying in this castle until I get used to living in Canterlot in the future." There was a bright flash of light and Luna could feel herself blasted away and she landed hard at the edge of the forest. Twilight and her friends were flung out after.

"Why that little-" Rainbow Dash attempted to fly back towards the old ruins, but Twilight held her back with her magic. She came to Luna's side.

"Look, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor will help you defeat her and so will we." She said. Luna shook her head, her expression determined.

"No, this is my battle alone." Luna insisted. They all stared at her in surprise.

"How can you possibily defeat her alone?" Fluttershy said worriedly.

"Why can't I?" Luna replied, but there was a note of uncretainty in her voice now. She and her sister had always fought enemies together. During her banishment, there had been 1000 moons of peace and after her return, Twilight and her friends had bore the elements. But now, there were no elements since they had been returned to the Tree of harmony. She shook her head and flew off to the edge of Ponyville, staring up at the sky where the stars and the moon were meant to be. She glanced in misery at the black vine covered Canterlot from the distance. I always thought we would fight enemies side by side, sister...but this time, I'll try to be strong and handle it myself. Too exhausted to fly back, she curled up on the grass and tried to best to visit her sister in dream.

Chapter 13

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Instead of the starry path that she took to each dream she entered, Luna found herself in a dark ball of smoke. Using her horn to guide her, she pushed her way through the smoke. Unseen vines wrapped around her legs and she instinctively shot her magic at them, making them retreat. Unseen voices whispered and urged her forward. Cautiously, she followed them through a forest.

"Luuunnnaaa, why did you leave me?" Her sister's wail made her flinch back. Luna turned and ran the other direction. I had no other choice she told herself over and over again. If we had both been captured, Equestria would have no hope of surviving. I am the only one who can defeat her now. Even as Luna told herself this, her confidence wasn't high. She had never really fought an enemy alone, not without her sister. She sighed and summoned her magic so it glowed bright white, then she was transported back to the real world. She got up from where she was resting. She could hardly tell when it was day or night because of the eclipse.

"There you are, Luna! We've been looking everywhere for you." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were flying towards her with an anxious expression their faces.

"I just took a nap. How long was I gone?" Luna said, stunned

"We don't know," Fluttershy admitted. "But it felt like hours....or maybe even a day..." She looked utterly confused.

"Let's fly back, shall we?" Luna said quietly. The mane six were already heading back, each carrying a bucketful of apples. Trixie trailed behind, her eyes uncertain. She followed them into the castle.

"I'll show you to the guest room. It's on the same floor as where the princess is staying." Twilight was saying. Then she turned to look at Luna. "Is that alright with you, princess?"

"Of course!" she replied. Trixie's eyes were wide and she dipped her head gracefully. Luna flew back up to her room, leading Trixie to hers. As Luna entered the room, she noticed at the alicorn amulet was sticking out from her bag. She lifted it slowly and examined it.

"Forgive me for intruding,Princess, but I don't think you need that amulet to help channel your magic." Trixie's quiet voice startled her. Luna turned to look at her.

"I used that amulet once to get revenge on Princess Twilight because she humiliated me, but I found out that all the necklace does was corrupt me. I only realized what I did was wrong when she tricked me into taking it off." Trixie continued. "That amulet may not affect you as much, but it will still change you and..." Trixie paused, her face worried. "You may end up doing more damage than trying to save us. You may not have your sister by your side at the moment, but you need to show everypony that you are capable of caring for Equestria and you need to show your sister that as well." Trixie said.

Luna blinked and smiled. "Thank you, Trixie. As long as Equestria believes in me, I will have the willpower to protect it and rescue my sister. I am not planning to use this amulet for my magic, but I was going to bring it back into the castle for safekeeping."

" Black Ember, what do think you're doing here!" Rainbow Dash's accusing voice brought their attention to the halls.

"Wait, Black Ember?" Trixie stiffened, then ran down the hall. Luna hurried after her but stayed at the end of the hall to peer over.

"Trixie, how wonderful to see my favorite cousin," HIs voice rang out.

"Y-You're no cousin of mine!" Trixie snapped, retreating back a step.

"Why not? I was the one who showed you where the Alicorn amulet was. Did you not use it properly?" Black Ember soothed. Everypony turned to look at her.

"No, actually, I didn't use it properly. In fact..I returned it back to the store owner." Trixie stammered, but Luna could see her sneak a look back at her.

"Leave, you're not welcome here. We won't listen to your lies about the Princess," Applejack said sternly.

"Fine, but you've been warned. You should decide which princess to be loyal too." Black Ember sneered, before turning and walking out the door.

"We're loyal to both of them, so there!" Rainbow Dash yelled after him, then closed the door.

Silently, Luna teleported herself out of the castle and ventured out into the forest. She had a secret hideout here when she and her sister had lived in the old castle. Her sister had taught her magic there, and now she was going there again to practice to fight against Queen Eclipse. She paused in front of the ancient stone wall. There was no door visible, but there there two holes off to the side, one with a sun, and another with a moon. She inserted her horn inside the hole with the moon and let her magic flow in briefly.

A stone door slid open and she walked in. As the door closed behind her, torches lid up as she walked down the path. When she got to her destination, she paused to look around the room that she had not been in for moons. She glanced around at the stone ponies who were covered in dust and cobwebs. When activated, they came to life, and she would practice fighting them. Each time she defeated one, it would shatter and the next pony up would be more difficult to fight.Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the arena and activated the statues. Slowly, they began to move. They had no faces, but they did have horns. It shot out a blast of red light at her. Instantly, she formed a shield around herself, and shot a lightning bolt of magic back out. It shattered the stone statue. When she had fought all the unicorns, the most difficult stone pony came forward: an alicorn. Luna breathed in deeply. She had never needed to fight another alicorn in a situation like this.

By the time she returned to the castle, she was exhausted. She curled up on the bed and fell asleep in seconds.

Chapter 14

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Princess Cadence stood beside her as they stared out at Ponyville.

"I have to do this," Luna replied simply. "The Queen is willing to give me three chances, so that means three duels. I have to win more." The mane six stood a little way behind her, staring at her worriedly. The CMC glanced at her and smiled, giving her nods of comfort.

"Me and Shining Armor will create a shield over Ponyville and there will be guards outside and inside. You won't need to worry," Princess Cadence reassures me. We walk together through the town. Ponies peeked out nervously from their homes. Most of them had boarded up their windows in fear of the threat outside. Once they reached the outskirts of town, Shining Armor was waiting for them. He and his wife gave me a solemn nod and summoned their magic to create the shield around Ponyville with Luna on the outside. The mane six threw an anxious look at me, as though they were unsure whether to let me face the danger alone.

"Go," I told them. "She is coming."

"Alright, but good luck, princess" Twilight called as the shield closed them inside. Luna glanced back up at the sky, and she could see a dark giant cloud of smoke coming from Canterlot. She didn't flinch as the smoke shifted into the queen's shape.

"I was just curious...but is your name really Eclipse? I have never heard of a name like that," Luna asked.

"Of course you haven't! I was banished moons before you were born. I suppose your sister said nothing about me?" the queen sneered.

"What would she know about you?" She asked, startled.

"Perhaps I'll tell you after you beg me not to banish you back to your little vacation spot on the moon," She snapped back. "I will first stop this winter storm so it may be easier for us and there will be moonlight as well." She used her magic to shift the moon back into the sky and set the sun.

"How did you lower the sun?" She gasped.

"Do you think I captured your sister for no reason?" She sneered back. Luna flattened her ears.

"What have you done with my sister?" She demanded. Her horn began to glow.

"I simply borrowed some of her powers. Nothing really," She grinned evily. "It's simple revenge

"What grudge do you have with my sister? I haven't even heard of you before," Luna said quietly.

"Of course you haven't! I was banished moons before you were born. I suppose your sister said nothing about me?" the queen sneered..

"Perhaps I'll tell you everything after you beg me not to banish you back to your little vacation spot on the moon," She snapped back. "

Luna flung open her wings and her horn glowed bright blue at the threat.

"Perhaps it's your turn to take another vacation," she snapped. She shot a lightning shaped flash of magic from her horn. The queen fought back, her magic glowed an eerie dark red and their attacks collided with one another with a powerful clash. The red magic was pushing back the blue one steadily. Finally, Luna teleported herself a few feet away. The queen's magic hit the magical shield behind them and it flickered for a second.

"Go my little friends! You have fun!" The queen flicked out one hoof and large shadow shaped creatures ran past her and smacked themselves against the shield making in flicker again.

"Enough! Your battle is with me!" Luna exclaimed.

"It is. But my friends are not me," The queen cackled back, shooting out dark vines of smoke at her. Luna flew into the air and used her magic to summoned some starlight towards her. The tiny sparkles of stars surrounded her briefly, then it turned jagged and she aimed them at the queen. Some of the them sliced her wings, making her yell out in fury.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Luna," She whispered. "Come join me and we can rule Equestria together as night princesses. That way, we are both equal."

"Do you take me as a fool? I would never join you. I don't even know you!" Luna spat. She launched herself forward and slammed into her opponent.

"Don't you want to know more about me? It's a shame your dear sister never even told you," the queen twisted and shot the princess down onto the ground. Luna shook herself off and glared up at the queen.

"You can't trick me with your lies," She replied, but her voice was uncertain. "I will never join you, Queen Eclipse."

"Stop calling me that!" The queen yelled, making Luna cringe. "I only chose that name so I would seem superior. My real name is Asteria. If you wish to know more, I rather you have your precious sister to tell you." Smoke wrapped around Luna tugging at her wings and legs.

"Come with me Luna...I can tell you so much more. I can tell you all those secrets your sister kept from you. Why do you think she let herself be captured? She was trying to protect you, but instead she left you to fend for yourself. Poor Luna can't fight without Celestia by her side," She crooned.

"Silence! She was only-" Luna broke off as she took in Asteria's words carefully. "I can fight without my sister," She snapped.

"Really? Then why don't you make yourself the only ruler? Why do you need your sister by your side during battles if you can fight for yourself?" Asteria paced around her. Luna struggled against the vines angrily.

"It is our duty to protect Equestria. We work together to maintain the day and night," She burst free in a flash of blue light. She pushed her magic to the fullest, making it expand outwards, and shot out a huge cannon of magic towards Asteria. She pushed back with equal force.

"Don't you want to know why I was banished?" She tempted.

"I-" Luna couldn't finish her phrase as the connection between their magic snapped, throwing them both back just as the shield protecting Ponyville shattered. The night creatures rushed through, eager to terrorize the ponies inside. Twilight and a couple of other unicorns were fighting back easily.

"You must have come around before I was born, otherwise I would have known of you sooner," Luna replied, glancing worriedly back.

"Fine! If you insist on being ignorant, I can defeat you during our first battle," Asteria's eyes began to glow white, and she blasted herself into the air. "I can simply get my revenge on Celestia by hurting the pony she cares for the most," She lifted some nearby rocks and shaped them into spears before hurling them at Luna. Quickly, the princess flew and dodged, but winced as a spear grazed her wing.

"Asteria, I can sense bitterness in your heart. I know how you feel. Whatever grudge you have against my sister, revenge is not the answer. I too was bitter and foolish enough to let my selfishness take over me and I paid the price by being trapped on the moon. And now the miasma has taken over you as well," Luna told her.

"If you truly know how I feel, you should never have changed your ways! Unlike you, the only way I can redeem myself is revenge! Your sister ruined me! And when I tried to take back what she stole, she banished me! Your parents helped! Banishing their own daughter! How pathetic!" Her eyes glowed red. Luna flinched, not in fear, but at the strength of her rage.

"What do mean?" Luna began, but she broke off as a ray of red shot towards her, forcing her to jump to one side.

"Are you going to talk or fight?" Asteria demanded, sending spears of rocks towards the princess again. This time, Luna created a shield around herself and flew at her, pushing Asteria into a rock.

"I can feel the bitterness in your heart, little Luna. Let go of your pain. Do you really think the ponies will trust you a hundred percent after you nearly destroyed their home?" Asteria got to her feet and padded towards her with a grim look in her eyes. Luna's shield faltered and faded all together as she realized the truth in her words. As far as she saw, the cutie mark crusaders and Twilight and her friends were the only ponies who trusted her. She recalled the disbelief in every pony's eyes as she revealed how she left her sister and the stranger pony, Black Ember who had tried to turn them against her. A wave of despair clouded her thoughts and her ears drooped and eyes closed. She could hardly see Asteria advancing on her menacingly.

"Luna! Snap out of it!" She could hear a faded voice shouting at her and grew louder.

"Stay out of this!" Asteria roared, jolting her back into the presence. She opened her eyes to see Twilight charging angrily at Asteria.

"Twilight! Stop!" Luna cried as Twilight tackled the dark blue alicorn. Her horn lit up and she dragged the purple alicorn off the evil alicorn, but not before she managed to rip off the cape covering her flank, revealing her cutie mark as the alicorn amulet.

Chapter 15

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"Y-your cutie mark is the alicorn amulet?"Twilight gasped. "But how?"

"I was the one to create it, that's how! The day I was banished, my spirit form went into the amulet instead of being sent to the dark side of moon. I managed to avoid being sent away by one of the most powerful alicorns in Equestria! The parents of Celestia and Luna. The way the alicorn amulet corrupts is also my doing. Didn't you feel me when you placed on the necklace, Trixie?" Asteria turned to head to glare at the light blue unicorn who shrunk back under her gaze.

"I felt as if I was being taken over..." Trixie began, but trailed off.

"If only Luna had placed it on the day she received it! Then I would have used her to finish off Celestia on the day her powers was at its lowest. But instead, the eclipse was enough to bring me back!" She grinned wickedly. She glanced back down in Luna who was crouching on the ground, her eyes filled with shock. She got back up and glared at Asteria as she walked towards her.

"Twilight, head back to Ponyville and defend it. I'm not finished with her," Luna flicked out her wings and narrowed her eyes. Twilight and Trixie hurried back, glancing over their shoulders a couple of times. The shadow creatures leapt towards them, but the two unicorns quickly blasted them with her magic. Asteria turned on Luna unexpectedly, surrounded the princess of the night with black crystals, trapping her inside. Luna blasted herself free and shot a blue ray towards the dark alicorn. Asteria took flight and chased her, her huge shadow following her. The monstrous shadow grabbed hold of one of Luna's legs and tossed her into a small cliff and she tumbled onto the ground. Luna shook the dust off her wings and was ready to take off again when a rumbling noises sounded above her. She glanced up and her eyes widened as she saw huge rocks tumbling off the side of the cliff. She kicked herself off the ground, her body still shaken from the impact when she had fallen as the struggled to avoid the rocks. Then a particularly large rock fell and it smashed one her wings to the ground, dragging her along with it. She let out a cry of pain as she felt the rock's weight on her wing. A shadow fell over her and she could only look weakly up.

"I think I already know the result of our first battle. Better luck next time, little Luna," Asteria's face peered down at her. Luna tried to summon her magic, but her horn only glowed faintly. Asteria took off and a black shape from the cliffside took off as well following her, but Luna was too exhausted to see who it was.

"Luna!" A faint voice above her called out. She could barely make out the blurred shape of Twilight and her friends. The last thing she felt was the weight of the rock lifting off her wings.

. . .

"Luna,are you ok?" A desperate voice drifted into her sleep. Luna blinked opened her eyes. She could feel a soft blanket upon her flank and one of her wings felt warmer than the other.

"Thank goodness you're awake, Princess! We were all so worried," Fluttershy said quietly as Luna sat up slowly. Trixie was there too but her eyes were closed and concentrated and her horn glowed pale blue. Twilight's other friends were sitting in her room too as well as the cutie mark crusaders and Zecora the zebra.

"Trixie has learned healing magic all those moons she was away from Ponyville," Rarity explained. Luna blinked at her injured wing that was encased in a warm blue glow.

"Those who know this magic is quite rare for those who envy them find it unfair," Zecora said, her phrases in riddles as always.

"It may take a while for your wing to heal fully, princess. My magic can only do a little at a time, and I've never healed alicorn wings before," Trixie said quietly. Luna did not respond. She was staring out at the eclipsed sky and the snow who was growing harder, her ears flattened against her head.

"Um, I think we should let the princess rest for a bit." Applejack backed out from her room. The rest of them followed her.

"Trixie, you can stay and finish the healing...I think the princess needs some comforting," Twilight tells her.

"Me? Comfort? What can I do?" Trixie exclaimed. "This is my first time meeting the princess and-
Twilight sighed, cutting in. "You should know how she feels after trying to fight me twice and how we are willing to give you a third chance. Good night, Trixie, Luna....if it even is night." She slipped out from the room and closed the door behind her.

"Look Luna...it was your first time, its not perfect for anypony," Trixie took a step towards the princess.

"I know that! But the fate of Equestria rested on this battle!" Luna whipped around, her eyes hard.

"Luna...princess..you have two more battles left. And-" Trixie trailed off as Luna turned her back again. "By the way, the pegasi have cleared out most of the storm clouds so the storm is stopping a little,"Trixie said, trying to change the subject.

"Leave," Luna said quietly. Trixie lowered her head and slipped out from the room. Luna stood up and got off the bed and wrapped herself in a cloak. She waited until Trixie's footsteps had faded down the hall before she used the little strength she had to teleport herself out from the castle and to the edge of Everfree Forest. She glanced once behind her and walked into it.

Meanwhile...in the Canterlot dungeons....

Asteria stalked down the stairs towards the cells and stopped in front of one holding a white alicorn, her hair no longer flowing. She looked up and glared at her through the bars.

"Where's Luna?" She demanded, glancing behind the dark alicorn.

"She isn't with me," Asteria replied. "But, she does put up a pretty good battle...if only she were stronger," She snickered.

"Battle? What are you talking about?" Celestia asked softly.

"Your little sister challenged me to a duel. There will be three fights total, since I decided to go easy on her, but she has already lost the first battle," Asteria flicked out her wings and grinned.

"Leave her out of this!" Celestia exclaimed, getting up and pressing herself close to the bars. "Your battle is with me!"

"Oh, Celestia. I can't help it. It was Luna who wanted to fight me. And she will fail. I'd probably hurt her enough to scare her from the battle." Asteria pushed Celestia against the wall with her magic.

"What'd you do with her?!" Celestia demanded.

"She brought it upon herself...anyways while battling a rock just so unfortunately broke her wing," Asteria sneered. Celestia flattened her ears and stared out the tiny window of her cell, letting tears fall down her face.

"Next time, she should be more prepared instead of battling alone. I had a little friend to help me." She turned and left the dungeon, leaving Celestia to cry alone. Asteria seated herself on the throne with her dark smoke creatures around her. The guards left in the castle were under her spell and she would use them to take over Equestria.

"Black Ember, my faithful little friend. You've done well. Does Ponyville know what you've done?" Asteria summoned the gray unicorn towards her.

"Not yet, mistress...but they will find out soon. They never trusted me." He replies.

"Go back there and stay as long as you can to find information," Asteria ordered. Black Ember bows his head and leaves the room.

Chapter 16

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By the time Luna returned, the mane six and Trixie were waiting by the Cutie map, looking worriedly at each other. When she entered, they ran to her side.

"Luna, where were you? We went to your chambers and you were gone!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I just needed some fresh air," Luna said. "I'll be sleeping now. Perhaps I could walk in my sister's dreams tonight..."She walked off without another word, aware of her friend's worried eyes following her as she left the hall. Luna curls up on her bed, carefully tucking her injured wings and closed her eyes, ready to walk into dreams. She walks past a series of doors and reaches the one at the end of the hall, the one with the distinct sun pattern on it. When she opens it, the surrounding area is shroud in darkness.

"Sister! It's Luna! Are you here?" Luna called out in desperation.

"Luna! Are you alright? I-I can't reach you!" A voice called out from the darkness, barely audible.

"I'm fine. Sister, are you alright? Where are you?" Luna took one step into the pitch blackness.

"Don't, Luna! It won't do any good if you are trapped in this darkness! Are you sure you're ok? She told me she had hurt you." Celestia cries. Luna didn't reply, shame coursing through her body.

"Luna?" Celestia asked anxiously.

"I'm fine. It's nothing...Trixie knows special healing spells. I'll be fine in a day or two," Luna mumbled, not sure of herself.

"Don't worry, dear sister. I'll get you out of this mess. I promise I'll be strong. Do you believe in me?" Luna says.

"With all my heart, dear Luna! You can be strong,even without me by your side, I know you can." Celestia replies. Luna longed to find her sister and give her a hug, but she knew Equestria needed her.

"Good night sister...be safe wherever you are. You'll be free soon." She backs away from the dream door and closes it. Unfortunately many ponies seemed to be having nightmares tonight, so she had to visit many dreams and comfort them, using her magic to chase away nightmare creatures. By the time she was finished, it was nearly dawn...or so it should be. She blinked awake and peered out her window to see ponies clearing away the snow. She gets off her bed, straps on a small bookbag Rarity had given her for her last birthday, and heads for the main hall where Twilight had called a meeting. When Twilight offers her her seat, she kinda states that she'll stand.

"Luna, do you have any idea how this...Asteria came to be?" Applejack asked.

"I do have one theory. Do you ponies remember the Pony of Shadows?" Luna responded. The mane six exchanged looks remembering that frightening experience inside the old castle of the two sisters.

"Yes, we do, but we figured out it was Pinkie pie all along," Twilight says. "She was playing the organs."

"Strange...that day I visited the castle, I felt some other presence with me and it wasn't Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Its very likely that when you defeated the darkness inside me as Nightmare moon, not all of the miasma was destroyed," Luna said.

"Miasma?" Fluttershy shrank back in her chair, her eyes fearful.

"The miasma is a powerful force of darkness, but without another pony to take over, its vulnerable. My sister told me the story of the miasma on the night I returned. I don't know Asteria's side of the story, though I'm sure you're as curious as me. Trixie," Luna turned to the blue unicorn. "How long will my wing heal?"

"I'm not sure," Trixie replied. "Most pegasi wings..or in this case alicorn wings should heal naturally, or else um...why else would we have hospitals?" She shuffled her hoofs uneasily as everypony gave her looks.

"I'll do my best, princess," Trixie dipped her head.

"My magic will only take another day to regain. I'm sure Asteria had planned this out to purposely weaken me, especially when Black Ember himself did it," Luna's brows furrowed.

"My cousin?" Trixie gasped, her eyes widening, then her shock turned to anger. "I should have known he would be up to no good!" She suddenly turned and ran out the door. Confused, everypony followed her.

"Trixie? Are you ok?" Lyra heartstrings padded forward towards her.

"Black Ember has betrayed Equestria!" Trixie skidded to a halt and shouted. Ponies made their ways out from their doors and gasped, muttering to themselves.

"How do you know this?" Mrs.Cake asked.

"Luna saw herself! Black Ember deliberately injured the princess with a rock fall. He's sided with Asteria!" Her voice was so full of anger that even Twilight and her friends looked surprised.

"What? You mean me?" A voice called out innocently. Everypony gasped and stared at the black unicorn standing near the fountain. They quickly stepped away, leaving him a path to walk. Ponies pulled their fillies close as he walked. Trixie's horn began to glow brilliantly.

"Get out of here! Traitor!" She pawed at the ground, her nose flaring.

"Uh, Trixie...you might wanna calm down..." Fluttershy said, taking a cautious step forward.

"You want to fight me, little cousin? You've never beat me, not even when we're practicing." Black Ember sneered, a smirk on his face. Trixie charged foward, her horn shooting out sparks. Black Ember's horn glowed a dark red.

"Enough!" Luna's magic surrounded a blue round shield around Black Ember and Trixie. She pulled Trixie back towards the others and dropped Black Ember on the ground. "Leave, Black Ember. Go back your mistress and tell her that the next time I face her, I will not fall again," Luna took a step towards him.

"Really, princess? With only one wing? I would like to see you do that!" He sneered. This time Twilight and her friends stepped forward.

"How dare you talk to her that way? Let go of me Applejack!" Rainbow Dash tore her tail out from Applejack's mouth and sprang at him. He vanished in a flash of light, leaving Rainbow Dash to crash onto the ground. Grumbling, she got back up and scanned the crowd.

"Where'd he go?" She demanded. Luna placed her good wing on the pegasus's back.

"He's gone and if he returns, you may attack all you want," Luna said. Just then, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence appeared, their mane matted and they were breathing heavily.

"Are you two alright?" Twilight ran forward to meet them.

"These shadow creatures are nasty creatures. They turn into smoke and attack you out of nowhere," Shining Armor replied.

"Princess Luna! Your wing..." Cadence began, but Luna shook her head.

"I'm fine," She reassured her.

"I'm sorry to say this, your highness, but we may have to return to the Crystal Empire. The snow has stopped and I'm worried about the crystal ponies. They're vulnerable without us to protect them," Shining Armor looked away uncertainly.

"I'll go, Shining Armor. You stay and protect Ponyville," Cadence spread her wings, ready to find her guards.

"Be careful, dear!" Shining Armor called as she flew off. Luna waited until the ponies had their backs to her, as they waved at Cadence, then headed towards the Everfree. She blasted timberwolves away as she approached the old castle. Asteria had abandoned it and had decided to stay in Canterlot. Luna made her way through the castle and headed towards the hall she had not stepped a hoof in over a thousand years. She opened the door to her sister's old room, brushing away cobwebs. There were books scattered everywhere and a wide round bed similar to the one in Canterlot on the floor. There was also a journal, dust covering its title. Luna blew it off and her eyes widened as she read the title. "The Journal of the two sisters," By Luna and Tia. Emotion flowed into her eyes as they glittered. She slips the book inside her bag and looks around at the books.

"Oh Luna, to what do I owe this pleasure?" A hauntingly familiar voice startled her. She whipped around and came face to face with Asteria.

Chapter 17

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"What are you doing here?" Luna narrowed her eyes and backed away from the dark blue mare.

"You came here seeking answers, didn't you? Trying to find out more about my connection with your sister?" Asteria took a step towards her.

"Stay back!" She snapped, her horn beginning to glow.

"Oh, I won't hurt you. We have a truce until the next battle," Asteria cleaned off the dust on Celestia's old bed and settled down on it.

"Well? Are you going to answer my question?" Asteria questioned.

"Why should I believe what you have to tell me?" Luna retorted."You are nothing but a threat to Equestria!"

"That's what they thought too," Asteria said bitterly.

"Who?" Luna was getting curious.

"Your parents!" Asteria sprang up, her face contorted with fury. Luna took a step back, startled.

"I was their first born. I should have been ruler! But I was rejected because I wasn't their true daughter!" Asteria advanced on her, her wings spread out.

"What are you talking about?" Luna teleported herself to the other side of the room, her eyes wary.

"Perhaps you should ask your parents yourself!" Asteria flicked open the windows.

"How? They've been gone for thousand of years!" Luna ran after her.

"I thought your purpose was to show everyone the beauty of the eclipse!" Luna added.

"Luna, Luna, Luna, are you really that ignorant? You should have known that I lied to the ponies about that! I have other intentions...I thought you were smarter than that!"

She turned back into mist and vanished into the night sky. Luna glanced at the moon and stared at the whiteness and purity of it. Although it was beautiful, there was darkness behind it. Luna took a deep breath,and tried to connect with the light creatures of the moon. When she had been banished, there had been moon creatures that seemed to be made of dreams and looked like clouds. They had comforted her, but Nightmare Moon had taken over her again and they had scattered.

"Hoo!" Luna whipped around to see a white owl flying towards her.

"Moon! Did anyone follow you?" She glanced at the doors anxiously.

"Only me," Trixie appeared at the entrance. "Look, I know how you feel Luna. I-" She broke off and shrank back as Luna glared at her.

"How? You've never had to fight off a threat to Equestria. I betrayed them as Nightmare Moon! How could they ever trust me to protect them again?" Her expression was filled with anger and hurt. Trixie started forward, but to her surprise, Luna looked up again, her face hard with determination.

"I'll show all of Ponyville that Nightmare Moon is my past. If they can't see that, then so be it. It's my duty to protect Equestria and I won't let my friends down." She walked past Trixie with her head held high and Moon perched on her shoulders. Trixie followed her. As they arrived at the castle, Luna called everyone together; even Discord poked his head in uncertainly and Shining Armor sat at the entrance.

"Ponies, my second battle with her draws near. I need you to defend Ponyville from the ground. There is no doubt she won't let her night creatures attack you. But, I also have creatures of my own. A little while ago, I made contact with the moon spirit animals and they will come to Earth to help me. I know that I was defeated during my first battle because of the guilt I carried inside me of abandoning my sister," Luna paused as she pushed away the unhappy memory. Twilight and her friends smiled. They could no longer see uncertainly in the princess's eyes; there was only hard determination.

"My wing is nearly healed, but I have a plan and I'll go fight her tomorrow," Luna said.

"But isn't that too soon?" Rarity said worriedly.

"I've got a plan in mind and it will surprise everypony, including her." Luna replied. "There's another thing too...my sister has some connection with Asteria. I don't know what it is for she never mentioned it to me," Luna sounded worried.

"Maybe she couldn't tell you because she was afraid she would put you in danger," Fluttershy suggested quietly.

"A princess should make sacrifices, yes, but I don't like the idea that she puts herself in danger while I don't. We should handle problems together," Luna replied.

"Excluding this one," Rainbow Dash added.

"Right," Luna said. She opened the diary she had got from Celestia's old room and flipped through it, hoping to find clues, but there was none. She did, however find a spell book with a way that breaks enchantments over certain objects.

She went back to her room and opened the door to her small balcony. Concentrating all her energy on the moon, she tried to lower it. At once a black ray shot out towards her, but Luna was ready and created a shield just in time, reflecting it back at the moon with a loud boom! It worked! Ponies ran outside to see what was going on. Luna flew carefully down to the ground where the mane six were staying up at the sky.

"I'll try to lower the moon now," Luna flew up carefully and tried to lower it. Inch by inch, it lowered, revealing rays of sunshine. Ponies shielded their eyes as sunlight reached them for the first time in a week.

"This was not part of our deal, Luna!" A loud boom echoed across the sky. A huge shadow covered the moon and it flew down towards Ponyville with lightning speed. Ponies fled, but Luna shot out a thick blue ray of magic towards it, knocking it down and creating a large crater. Luna stepped towards it.

"I figured out your plan. I guess I am as smart as you think," Luna said.

"You want to fight me already? With one wing injured?" Asteria sneered, flying out from the pit.

"I do, but first, you lower the sun and we can fight in the moonlight," Luna replied.

"Moonlight? Why?" Asteria narrowed her eyes.

"It would be easier for the both of us," Luna answered.

"Then hand over the alicorn amulet!" Asteria demanded.

"No," Luna replied calmly. "This will be a more even fight and you won't have your little servant to help you." Her eyes flickered at something behind Asteria. She turned to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack tying up Black Ember against a tree while Twilight restrained his magic with a spell.

"Do you think that everyone has forgotten what you did as Nightmare Moon? Some still fear you, but they're not brave enough to join my side!" Asteria boomed. Luna did not flinch.

"Nightmare Moon is in the past! The nightmare forces are no longer with me. I only wish to bring good and harmony to Equestria. Everypony knows that this is not your intention, so why would they join you?" Luna fired back.

"She's right! She's our princess and no pony's perfect!" Lyra Heartstrings bravely stepped forward until she stood a littles way behind Luna. Bonbon joined her, then Mrs and Mr Cake, followed by the cutie mark crusaders and even Diamond Tiara and her father.

"Fools! You saw what she did! She abandoned her own sister!" Asteria yelled.

"But she's protecting us!" Sweetie Belle snapped. Rarity nudged her sister back, but she refused to budge. Asteria's eyes flared, then she rose up and lowered the sun.

"I'll throw you all in darkness! Then you'll see her true intentions." Sweetie belle cowered next to her sister as darkness began to cover Equestria. Luna's horn glowed, then her entire body seemed to shimmer with moonlight as she flew up and rose the moon once again, throwing silver light over the ponies.

"Luna, you're glowing!" Fluttershy gasped. A single brighter ray of moonlight shone on Luna as tiny white balls of light flowed inside it.

"Look out!" Lyra called, pointing at the sky. Instead of a black creature, a white one was flowing slowly towards her.

"Could that be," Twilight gasped, here eyes wide. "It's the spirit of the moon and her creatures! It's real!" The shadows shifted into the shape of an alicorn Luna lowered her head to it.

"What is your purpose of calling me here?" The white pony asked, her voice pure and serene.

"I wish to borrow some of your power, to protect Equestria and all the ponies who live in it," Luna said, speaking directly to the white mare. Asteria shot a bolt of magic at them, but it simply vanished.

"And what of your past of Nightmare moon?" The mare continued.

"Long gone. Nothing but a mere memory. I shall never turn against my ponies again. Their love for the night is true now. Although my sister often shines more brightly than me, I shall embrace the love my sister and my subjects gives as equal to the love given to my sisters," Luna said. Asteria stopped trying to attack them and stared at them in shock and anger. Everypony was staring at Luna and the white mare.

"I have taught you well, my dear," The white mare shifted to reveal a white alicorn with orange tinted legs. Her mane pale orange that slowly shifted into a umbra of purple. Luna gasped.


Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
The names of Celestia's and Luna's parents are from Ink rose's headcannon, "Celestia, Luna, and the history of equestria" video. I DO NOT OWN THE NAMES (unless the names are from the internet then just comment below if they are and i'll remove this message). and the night and white "creatures" are similar to those in the nightmare rarity comic, but they appear more pony-ish like the changelings.

"Yes, dear one. It is I," King Cosmos lowered himself and embraced his daughter

"I can't stay for much longer. I will leave my moon creatures here to help fight the darkness and I will lend you some power," He touched the tip of his horn and touched it to Luna's. Upon contact, there was huge bright glow of light. When the light faded, King Cosmos had gone, leaving an army of moon creatures along Luna's side.

"I had so much to ask him still..." Luna glanced back up at the moon sadly. "And mother...it's been so long..."

"Done chatting yet?" Asteria stomped the ground with one hoof. Luna turned back towards her, all trace of sadness erased and faced her. The shadow creatures growled eagerly at Asteria's side. The citizens of Ponyville stood behind Luna as well as the moon creatures. Luna turned to look at them.

"Be warned, my fellow ponies! These nightmare forces will do their best to scare you off, but fear not! The moon creatures will help you face your fear. We shall fight to the end," Luna shot herself into the sky, her wing working as well as ever. Asteria flew up to face her, while the ponies below her fought off the shadow creatures. Asteria's eyes glowed an ominous red and vines of shadow shot out towards Luna, wrapping around her legs tightly. Luna teleported herself out from its grasp behind Asteria and shot her down onto the floor.

"Maybe they forgive you for being Nightmare Moon, but what about abandoning your sister?" Asteria taunted. Luna narrowed her eyes.

"Must you taunt me with the same things every time? I still feel the guilt, but that guilt is overwhelmed by my desire to protect Equestria. And once I defeat you, my sister shall be free," Luna's horn glowed more brilliantly, and a magnificent white mist reared up behind Luna in the shape of an alicorn, much like Lucena. Luna blasted herself forward, with the white mist following her like a shadow. They knocked Asteria so far back that she landed at the foot of the Everfree forest.

"We don't need to do this, Luna," She said as she struggled to get up, clearly battered by Luna's attack. "We could both rule Equestria together. So then the ponies can finally appreciate you," She broke off as Luna's voice roared over hers, almost as loud as her Royal Canterlot voice.

"YOU can not know how the ponies appreciate me! Look around you! The ponies are united with me to defeat you! They have proven to me their love," She looks back fondly at the mane six "And I have redeemed myself with them as well. You have nothing to offer them, neither compassion or wisdom. " The shadow creatures were retreating fast, cowering next to their fallen leader now.

"Get up and we can finish this," Luna stepped back away from Asteria, allowing her to stand.

"Or perhaps we can all it a draw," Asteria blinked at her innocently.

"We can clearly see who the winner is here," Rainbow Dash flew until she was directly above them, a look of anger furrowed her brows.

"Fine! But hear me out, Luna! Our final battle shall be one that everypony will remember! Enjoy your time on Earth while you can!" With a final cackle, she disappeared into a loud explosion of purple smoke. Luna sighed, and sat down,tired out from the battle. After resting for a bit, she walked through Ponyville, making sure no pony was too hurt. The moon creatures had retreated over to Fluttershy who stroked them happily.

"Is everything ok, princess?" Twilight and Spike came over, a look of concern on her face.

"I am still curious to find out her connection with my sister and why Celestia has not told me this. There is no evidence in our old castle that speaks of an alicorn with the name of Asteria.

"Do you think you could be related?" Spike suggested.

"That isn't possible..." Luna trailed off, deep in thought.

"Trixie!" She called suddenly. "Is the alicorn amulet safe?" The blue unicorn hurried over.

"I don't know. Everypony was out battling and no pony was in the castle." Her expression worried. "Why? Do you think someone could have taken it? Black Ember is still tied up though," She pointed to her cousin still tied up against the tree. Luna didn't respond, but flew straight toward the castle. Rainbow Dash followed her. The princess ran to her room. Thunder Hoof and another guard was no longer standing, but was instead knocked unconscious on the floor.

"Thunder Hoof! Wake up!" She shook the purple pegasus urgently while Rainbow Dash tried to wake the other guard. As they both sat up drowsily, Luna helps Thunder Hoof to his feet.

"What happened? Did somepony enter the castle," Luna asked her guard. Rainbow Dash glances over curiously at them, but says nothing.

"A shadowy creature knocked us both out. We saw it head into your room." He trailed off, his eyes widening.

"The amulet!" They all said at the same time. Luna raced into her room, and stared as she saw books littered everywhere and Moon's cage knocked over. Moon was cowering in the far right corner, her eyes scared. When she saw Luna, she hurriedly flew over and she embraced her. She picked up her bag and rummaged through it. The amulet was gone, leaving only the sun and moon yin yang jewel necklace Celestia had given her inside.

"Why can't I do anything to help?" Discord's annoyed voice drew her attention back to the hall. She placed the necklace around her neck and headed outside. The draconequis was staring down at the mane six with his arms crossed.

"Well, I know you wanna help, but I just don't see how. I mean, you are the master of chaos," Twilight was saying.

"I thought you trust me by now not to cause trouble," Discord said sharply.

"We do!" Fluttershy assured him, but the rest of the mane six looked away.

"It's just...you don't really have the power to help and you might make things worse," Rarity said.

"Fine!" Discord snapped. "If that's what you really think, I'll be better off in my room." He stormed off. Fluttershy followed him, trying to reason with her friend. Luna could not bring herself to follow them. During Celestia's and her parent's reign, there had been war between the Draconequis and the alicorns, and during that battle their parents had been killed and their spirits went to the moon and the sun. Discord had been so young then and they had played together, but as their duties as princesses grew more important than their games with Discord, he eventually turned against them, forcing her sister and herself to turn him to stone. Although he had been reformed, Luna couldn't bring himself to forgive him. She decided not to lower the moon now, since there would be nothing from darkness since she could not raise the sun.

"How about we both try to raise the sun?" Twilight suggested.

"I think it's best to stay in moonlight for now. Even with all the unicorns helping out, it may not do much process. And now that she has her hooves on her alicorn amulet, we do not know what power she possesses," Luna's tone was serious. "In fact, she could be more powerful than before," she added.

"But I thought the amulet won't corrupt an alicorn," Rarity pointed out.

"Perhaps that isn't so...Asteria claims to have created the amulet, so she will most likely be able to use her magic to change that," Luna replied. "It may take more than one alicorn to defeat her, but with Princess Cadence back in the Crystal empire, it may be more complicated."

"Well, I would be honored to help, Princess Luna," Twilight said rather pointedly.

"Of course," Luna gave her a half hearted smile.

"I have a hunch...I just hope I'm wrong," Luna turned and walked back to her chambers, her head half lowered.

The idea about discord betraying luna and celestia came from Ink rose's headcannon. I only took one bit of it, not the entire video of her headcannon. If she says no, i WILL remove and rewrite this part, so plz no hating! and also, the last quote luna says is from the third book/movie of harry potter ;)


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Chapter 19

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That night, Luna tried to connect with her sister in her dreams again but there was nothing but darkness, not a single replied came to her when she called out to her sister. This worried her greatly and she was ready to step into the darkness herself to find her sister. I can't...if i get lost in there, Equestria is doomed. Please..be well sister. She turned and opened a different door of the dream world and found herself in the clubhouse of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Luna!" A small yellow earth pony with red hair ran to her and hugged her.

"Hello Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," She nodded a greeting to the unicorn and orange pegasus.

"Is there anything we can do to help Ponyville? Applejack and Rarity make us stay in the castle," Sweetie belle grumbled.

"Yea! We're perfectly capable of helping them! Cutie marks or not!" Scootaloo added.

"Can you convince our sisters to let us help? Please?" Apple Bloom looked at her pleadingly.

"My little fillies, I don't think you need to be involved in this. Your sisters are only trying to keep you safe, after all, you're their only younger sibling," Luna pointed out, part of her not wanting to see her most faithful subjects get hurt.

"But-" Sweetie belle started to protest but stopped as Luna pulled all three of them close.

"I've already lost my sister to that monster. I don't want to lose you too," Luna wrapped her wings around them.

"We don't need to get in the fighting...anything will do, just anything! Please!" Sweetie Belle begged.

Luna sighed. "We will have to see, little one," She exited their dream and went onto the next one, using her horn to sense for troubled ponies and nightmares. There weren't many happy dreams, but Luna decided to enter Trixie's dreams, curious of the young unicorn's life. Trixie ran by her as she entered, but didn't notice her. To her surprise, she saw another version of Trixie, her eyes smirking and face smiling evily.

"Stay back," Trixie demanded, her ears flattened as she pressed against a wall.

"You should have taken the amulet back when you had a chance, Trixie," Evil Trixie said, advancing on her.

"No! Never! I won't go back to that life again," Trixie snapped.

"But you are the GREAT AND POWERFUL Trixie!" The dark Trixie tempted.

"I can be great and powerful another way," Trixie snapped, shooting a bolt of magic at her dark self. It faded instantly.

"Trixie..." Luna said quietly, stepping into view.

"Princess Luna! Did you-...you saw everything?" Trixie stammered, her eyes dark with shame.

"How long have you been having this nightmare?" Luna asked, gently putting a hoof under Trixie's chin and lifting it.

"It's n-not a nightmare.."Trixie stammered, not meeting her eye.

"It seems to me like your past is haunting you and it involves the alicorn amulet," Luna sits and wraps a hoof around her shoulders. "I can only help you if you tell me what happened, however painful it may be,"

"I used the amulet to get revenge on Princess Twilight after she humiliated me...and she only beat me with the magic of friendship... with the help of her friends. After that, I realized how important and powerful friendship could be. I left Ponyville and I made a couple of new friends, but especially my mentor, Meadow Dew. She's very well known for her healing magic," Trixie added.

"The nightmares will stop only if you learn to forget your past and move on," Luna said softly.

"How did you get over your mistakes when you were Nightmare Moon?" Trixie asked. Luna was silent. She may have the forgiveness of the ponies, but the guilt of the suffering she had caused was embedding deep into her mind.

"Princess?" Trixie said anxiously. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have asked such a personal question,"

"It's fine," Luna said, ignoring the pain in her heart. "Over time, ponies forgave me. I made up to many ponies by entering their dreams and helping them with their problems. I even visited them once on Nightmare Night. Turns out they enjoyed being frigtened," Luna gigled at the memory.

"Thank you, Princess. You've eased my worried. I guess I just need to be patient," Trixie smiled. Luna dipped her head and exited the dream and woke up. She glanced at the snowy and moonlit sky. Her efforts to raise the sun had left her magic on lower levels than usual and both her and Twilight exhausted. The unicorns' attempt to help had barely no effect.

"I wonder how Celestia even raises the sun," Luna muttered to herself. She opened the door to Moon's cage and allowed her pet owl to rest on her back before exiting the room.

"Princess, good morning. How ya doing today?" Applejack stepped out of her room in the long hallways and dipped her head to her.

"Good morning, Applejack," Luna greeted her.

"Princess Luna, we thought maybe we could go to your old castle. We may be able to find something there. Princess Cadence is looking through her library as well, but I'm not sure if she can find much." Twilight came up to her.

"Of course. How is everypony coping?" Luna asked, looking outside anxiously.

"Most ponies are staying inside because of the cold. This lack of sunlight is getting the best of all of us," Rarity said.

"May I join you?" Spike hurried towards them with the CMC behind him.

"My guards will stay here and protect the castle. I've increased security since the amulet was stolen," Luna told them as she walked towards the Everfree forest. The branches and vines seemed more wild than usual. Fluttershy shrank close to Rainbow's side while Pinkie crept around each tree like a spy.

"Something's not right," Pinkie said slowly, poking her head out of a hole in one the trees.

"Since when is the Everfree forest ever normal anyways?" Rainbow rolled her eyes. Applejack stepped on a branch.

"Ee!" Fluttershy crashed into Rainbow and hugged her.

"Why are you so nervous? We've been here loads of times to visit the castle," Rainbow gently pushed her off.

"Pinkie is right. The forest seems more eerie than usual," Twilight observed. As she spoke, a bunch of vines shot out towards them. Luna and Twilight shot out beams of magic at them, breaking them instantly. A loud pop behind them startled them.

"Discord, I know you're there," Fluttershy said sternly, flapping her wings swiftly and glaring at a nearby bush. A snake slitered out and transformed into Discord.

"I'm sorry I snuck up on you. But I just want to help," He said remorsefully.

"Yea right!" Apple Bloom muttered.

"Um, maybe you can keep an eye on the castle. We already have too many ponies here," Fluttershy said.

"I would send our sisters back, but it's been a while since they had a little adventure of their own," Rarity said, stroking Sweetie Belle's mane.

"I'll keep an eye on him," Spike said, standing up straight.

"You're not even going to give me a chance? I thought we were friends," Discord grumbled, turning his back on the ponies.

"Why don't you go ahead and tell us if you see any danger?" Luna suggested.

"Sure," Discord sped off. A few minutes lately, he came back.

"You won't believe who I just saw! It was Princess Celestia!" He exclaimed.

"What?!" Everypony shouted at the same time.

"But she was with that other alicorn, Astelle." Discord added.

"Asteria," Luna corrected, speeding up her pace and taking off.

"Wait! Why would Celestia be with her?" Discord called after her.

"Well, she must have imprisoned her," Rainbow Dash said.

"No, actually. They seemed to be talking," Luna paushed mid fligt and turned to face him.

"Let's go check it out," Twilight broke into a run, her friends following her.

"You fillies stay here with Discord and Spike. We'll take it from here," Applejack said, running towards the castle.

"Left out again!" Sweetie Belle complained. The mane six and Luna had amde it to the bridge leading to the castle. Pinkie whipped out a pair of binoculars out of nowhere and peered through it.

"I see Princess Celestia! And that other alicorn," Pinkie announced."Oo! Princess Celestia's got some fancy jewelry on,"

"Jewelry?" Luna asked, fearing the worst. She took the binoculars and peered through them, then looked back at the others with a grim look. "It's not just any jewelry. It's the alicorn amulet,"

Chapter 20

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"But why would she put on the amulet?" Trixie gasped, speaking for the first time since they left. Everypony turned to look at her.

"Asteria must have done it herself. Since she is the one who created it, she must have the power to change it," Luna said reasonably.

"How are we going to take it off her?" Rarity asked worriedly.

"When I had it on, only I could unlock it. That means she can take it off herself right?" Trixie stated.

"If that was the case, she would have taken it off already. Asteria must have done something to it. Changed the way the amulet worked with its corruption," Luna said grimly.

"We should return to Ponyville before they notice us," She added, turning back around.

"Wait! If Princess Celestia is under Asteria's control, doesn't that mean she'll tell her everything!" Twilight exclaimed. "What if she tells Asteria all of the secrets to your powers?"

"Princess Twilight, I do not share the secrets of my powers with my sister. We may be sisters, but that does not mean she needs to know every detail of my life," Luna replied, trying to keep her worries hidden.

"Princess, I can see that you're worried. We all are. You don't need to hide it," Fluttershy said kindly, coming to her side.

"I don't want to seem worried. If I'm not convident, then ponies will worry," Luna told her.

"Even princesses can have worries. They have a lot of responsibilties. Protecting Equestria is only one part of it," Twilight added.

"Right," Luna mumbled. Twilight exchangd a worried glance with her friends, but stayed silent until they reached Ponyville. Mayor mare ran to greet them.

"Did anything happen while we were gone?" Twilight asked.

"There's been no sign of Asteria or Black Ember. The guards are standing at every corner of Ponyville," She reported. Lyra, Bonbon, Minuette, and Derpy came up to them.

"Princess, is there anything we can do to help? Those shadow monsters might be back and we need everypony's help," Lyra said.

"That would be helpful, thank you," Luna said.

"I've heard some ponies spreading rumors about you. They should no better than the talk behind the princess' back," Minuette said woriedly.

"Rumors? I'll handle it," Twilight said instantly. "I need you to tell ponies to keep their fillies inside. This battle is not for the little ones,"

"But what about us?" Apple Bloom protested.

"You can help, but just let us do most of the hard work, ok?" Rarity said. "Why don't you tell your filly friends to help you as well. I'm sure everypon can do something." The cmc exchanged looks and ran off.

"Did you find anything in the old castle that could be useful?" Bonbon asked.

"Oh, so we did see something, didn't we?" Celestia's voice made everypony turn their heads. Her hair was no longer flowing and multicolored, but instead, it was pink and hung down.

"Princess Celestia1" Madam Mayor gasped, running towards the princess.

"Wait," Luna held he back with one hoof.

"The alicorn amulet! Why does she have it on?" Lyra gasped. More ponies began to gather in the plaza.

"What's going on?"

"Princess Celestia had the alicorn amulet?"

"Why would she wear it? Surely she must have known how evil at amulet was?"

"Remember when Trixie had it?" Voices echoed among the crowd.

"Sister, why are you wearing the alicorn amulet?" Luna asked quietly.

"Oh, Luna. Didn't you miss me at all?" Celestia took a step towards her.

Luna didn't move, her wings spread out cautiously.

"This amulet will give me more power to protect my subjects," Celestia replied, addressing all of Ponyvile.

"I do not think so, my sister. The amulet corrupts and controls those who wears it. And what has happened to Asteria?" Luna asked. '

"She will join us soon," Celestia replied. Gasps of shock rippled through the crowds.

"But she's evil!" Derpy burst out.

"No, you've simply misunderstood her," Celestia insisted.

"But Princess, she hurt Princess Luna!" Twilight came to Luna's side, looking up at her former teacher.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, Asteria told me that Black Ember was the one who hurt her," Celestia stepped closer again.

'And this is the concern you show for your own sister?" Twilight's voice shook defiantly. Celestia stepped closer and wrapped a wing each around Twilight and Luna.

To her surprise, Luna jerked away. "Have you forgotten that Asteria was the one who kidnapped you? What lies has she told you?" Her voice was unexpectedly furious.

"No lies at all, dear Luna," Asteria flew down and landed next to Celestia. The ponies instantly moved back, staring in fear and the dark purple alicorn.

"She will rule alongside us! In good time, I hope you will forgive her," Celestia smiiled at Asteria. The mane six, Trixie, and Discord stared in disbelief.

"Why so glum, Luna? Wouldn't it be great to have three sisters ruling side by side?" Asteria sneered at her.

"You are no sister to me," Luna snapped. "What role can you possibily play in Equestria? All you've done is bring fear to ponies all around you."

"That is the way we will rule, Luna. Isn't that what you wanted?" Celestia looked at her with narrowed eyes. Luna flinched at her words.

"Not anymore," Luna said, staring her sister in the eye.

"If you will not be loyal to me, then who will?" Celestia's eyes scanned the plaza. Ponies exchanged uncomfortable looks.

"We do not wish to be ruled in fear..." Bonbon said quietly.

"THAT is not your decision!" Celestia boomed. The ponies shifted back uneasily.

"What about you, Rainbow Dash?" She turned to the blue pegasus. "Will you live up to your element and follow me?"

"I can't...not when you're loyal to..HER!" She pointed to Asteria. "She hurt Luna! It wasn't just Black Ember. She wanted to take over Equestria." Rainbow Dash protested.

"I only wish to bring a new ruler into our midst. She will protect you. Luna has betrayed you once. What is to say she won't do it again?" Celestia glared at Luna with a sudden menance.

"How can you say that about her? She's your sister! She's changed and earned the trust of everypony!" Twilight's voice was rising in anger.

"Really Everypony?" Celestia inquired.

"I'm loyal to Luna! And we would be loyal to you as well if you didn't bring Asteria onto the throne," Twilight continued.

"Fools!" Asteria hissed. "You can start over with a new ruler! Me and Celestia! Luna should be sent back to the moon! She's betrayed you once already!"

"Luna has the right to be a ruler. Shes's made up for her mistakes. She protected us! But you? You wanted to start trouble from the moment you got here!" Lyra called.

"I was trying to prevent another mistake that Luna made! She could have turned right back into Nightmare Moon if she had let the nigthmare forces take over her," Asteria said.

"You've known me for thousand of years, Celestia. Yet you side with a pony you've only just met!" There was hurt and anger in Luna's voice.

"No, Luna. Asteria is our older sister. I've known her since before you were born!" Celestia stated.

"What?" Luna whispered, her ears down.

"This is your last chance, Luna! Join us or we will have to get rid of you," Celestia said. At that, the mane six pushed their way to her side.

"My faithful student...betraying me. Why did I ever make you a princess?" Celestia spat.

"And you, Luna. Asteria was right about you. You can betray me anytime since you've already done it once. I cannot trust you. I know you are still jealous, so why wouldn't it turn into Nightmare Moon again," Celestia sneered. Luna lowered her stance and stared at her in disbelief as the words sunk in.

"I know that I will never outshine you. But I still have ponies supporting me," Luna said shakily.

"Take off the necklace!" Trixie stepped forward. "Don't let it destroy you like it almost did for me!" She pleaded. Celestia whipped around and shot a beam of light at her. Twilight leaped in front of her and surrounded them both with a shield.

'Attacking your own subjects? Is that the kind of ruler you want to be?" Twilight yelled.

"Shadow creatures, attack!" Asteria shouted. As she spoke, a huge cloud of shadow behind her slid out and broke into chunks, forming odd creatures. They swarmed forward and fell upon the ponies of Ponyville. Celestia stepped towards Luna. The princess of the night lit up her horn, ready to summon her magic.

"Want to fight me again, Luna? Betray me like you did last time?" Celestia sneered. The light around Luna's horn faded and died away. While she was defenseless, Celestia shot a a yellow beam of magic at her, knocking her on her side.

"Princess!" Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow ran towards her. Luna got to her feet and stared back at her sister. She could not bring herself to fight. Celestia came at her again, and all Luna did was protect herself with a shiedld. Again, Celestia attacked, but Luna, refusing to use her magic against her sister only summoned a shield. Celestia chased her until they were both exhausted. Meanwhile, Asteria was battling Twilight and Trixie effortlessly.

"I would never fight you unless it is for the good of Equestria," Luna told her sister defiantly.

"Then there would be no sunlight on Equestria. You would be dooming your precious ponies to your internal darkness," Celestia replied. She rose up and began to raise the sun. Instinctively, Luna lowered the moon. The first sunlight in days shone upon the ponies, making them shield their eyes from the glare.

"Foolish move!" Celestia stomped one hoof and a group of shadowy tendrils wrapepd themselves against Luna's legs.

"You should learn to trust Asteria. Get to know her better as a sister. It's that simple," Celestia leaned down next to her, the amulet gleaming in Luna's face. She shot a bolt of magic at it, but it bounced off harmlessly.

"Sister, this isn't you. You would never hurt me like this," Luna whispered.

"You are the one whose hurting me. I thought you enjoyed your seat of power next to me," Celestia said in mock hurt.

"I do not stand beside you for the sake of power," Luna retorted, jerking free of the shadowy tendrils. "I stand beside you to protect Equestria and its inhabitants and you should do the same,"

"That was the old Celestia. Now I shall have an even greater reign! I will work harder to keep out enemies and anypony who resists me. My subjects will not dare to turn against me while Asteria and I rule Equestria.," Celestia snapped. Luna stood up and took off the necklace she wore around her neck. The crystal moon and sun, wrapped around each other gleamed in the sunlight.

"Do you recognize this necklace? Do you remember how we both made it as a symbol of our bond and love?" Luna said, levitatitng in with her magic.

"Never seen it before!" Celestia said boredly. Luna stared at her in disbelief.

"B-b-ut-" She broke off as Celestia's ray of magic broke the necklace in half. Luna stepped away from the broken remains, her eyes closed. When they opened again, there was hard determination in her eyes. Twilight and Trixie stopped their battle with Asteria and glanced over. Everypony else followed their eyes. The princess of the night was pushing magic to the fullest, her horn glowing brighter and brighter. Celestia tried to step away but couldn't. A bright ball of white came from Luna's horn until it grew large enough to swallow both of them.

Chapter 21

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Luna blinked open her eyes to find herself in a ethereal space full of stars and nebula. Princess Celestia stood a few feet away from her, her eyes dark.

"Where have you brought me? Why can I not use my magic?" She demanded.

"This is my dream world. I control this world, so I decide who can use their magic," Luna said calmly.

"So you bought me here so I could be defenseless?" Princess Celestia snapped.

"I have no desire to duel you," Luna replied. "But," Luna took a step towards her sister. "I plan to restore you back to your original state. I only wish for you to become my sister once more."

"I am your sister," Celestia insisted.

"Really? And what kind of sister would say such words as the ones you said outside in Ponyville. You are a monster inside my sister's body, poisoning her mind," Luna took out the broken pieces of her necklace.

"What are y-" Celestia began, but Luna cut her off.

"This necklace was made on my birthday last year. It was a very special necklace. Both of us made it together... we put all of love into it. Love for each other," Her eyes grew solemn.

"What are you trying to do?" Celestia said boredly. Luna glanced back at her and uncovered two books that hovered next to her. One had the same design as the necklace. The other had the picture of two alicorns on it.

"Open it," Luna said calmly, hovering the book in front of Celestia. The white alicorn looked puzzled but opened it. As she did, pictures flowed out from the book and enlarged into the space next to them. Luna trotted among the path of stars laid out in front of her, turning her head to look at each photo. Without speaking, Celestia unexpectedly followed her, eyes glittering with emotion as she looked at the memories of Luna and herself.

" Our sisterly bond can not be overcome by the greediness for power. You know that as well as I do," Luna said quietly.

"But Asteria, she is our sister as well," Celestia said uncertainly. Luna blinked slowly.

"She can not rule beside us. She disrupted the harmony between us and the peace in Equestria. We bring harmony by bringing the day and the night. And what has she done?"Luna inquired. "Kidnapped you, used you as a pawn to try and defeat me, poisoned your minds with lies against me," She continued.

"Those words you said out there were not of one who is a ruler. The amulet may give you more power, but that power has replaced the love and trust of your subjects....and me," She whispered. She held her head high and looked into her sister's eyes. "You have forgotten the most important magic of all. You taught this to Twilight Sparkle for many moons. She and her friends have magic more powerful than the magic the amulet possesses. The magic of friendship." Luna spread out her wings widely as she spoke those last words. At that,Celestia turned to face her, the red gleam in her eyes fading and returning to its regular magenta color.

"Luna, I'm sorry," She whispered. She walks forward and wraps her wings around her sisters for the first time in days. As she did so, the amulet popped off and disappeared through the ground. The broken pieces of the necklace swirled swiftly. As the sisters' feeling of love for each other spread, a small wisp of magic, one yellow, one blue, drifted into the air and into the pieces of the necklace. They came back together and the necklace was restored, glowing brighter than ever. The space of stars and nebular faded away and Ponyville shifted into sight.

Then suddenly, without warning, Luna felt a sharp pain at her horn. The space where they were standing began to crumble and a small portal appeared at the end of the starry hallway. Luna strained at her magic to keep it together.

"Luna, what's wrong?" Celestia asked in a panicked voice.

"I-I used too much magic to summon this place, and now its crumbling. Go while my magic keeps it together!" Luna cried, her horn glowing brightly.

"Luna, you s-summoned this star world? How could you use so much of your magic just to create it and bring us here?" Celestia cried out over the rumbles.

"There was no other way. Go NOW! I'll find a way out, I promise!" Luna pleaded.

"I can't! I won't leave you alone again. Luna..." Tears began running out Celestia's cheeks. Tears of her own ran down Luna's. She already knew the price of doing this. Nevertheless, a rule must make sacrifices when necessary.

"GO! Please! They need you!" Luna shouted. Celestia backed away, her eyes filled with anguish and disappeared through the already shrunken portal. Luna sighed softly as it closed up completely.

Chapter 22

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Back in Ponyville

Twilight's POV (third person pov)

Twilight blasted another shadow monster away with her magic and watched as Pinkie blasted another with her party cannon. Rainbow and Applejack were kicking and karate chopping a bunch of other monsters. Even Discord was snapping his fingers to summon various objects to attack them. Princess Cadence had returned with a couple of her guards after checking to make sure her kingdom was safe Just then, there was a sudden glow of light that made everypony battling turn around. The bright ball of glowing light had appeared again, and as Twilight squinted and she could see the shape of Princess Celestia slowing flying down to the ground.

"Princess?" Twilight asked uncertainly stepping towards her.

"Be careful, Twilight. Remember she has the amulet on," Princess Cadence told her.

"But she doesn't...look!" The glare had vanished and they could see Princess Celestia clearly now, her pink mane matted and her eyes were filled with sadness.

"Princess Celestia, are you alright?" The mane six hurried over to her.

"I'm fine," She replied shakily.

"Hey, where's Princess Luna?" Applejack asked, looking around. Princess Celestia didn't reply, only looked down at her, tears beginning to form at the corner of her eyes.

"What is with royal sisters? Abandonment one after the other," Asteria sneered, stepping towards them. The mane six lined up beside Princess Celestia, glaring up at her.

"What's wrong, little sister? Too ashamed to speak?" Asteria continued. Twilight stared at her former teacher in surprise.

"Princess, is she really your sister? Yours and Luna's?" She asked. Celestia let a out sigh.

"Yes." She replied. "Let me explain," She interrupted as gasps of shock came from the mane six.

"Asteria was found outside the castle when she was only a filly. I was only a filly myself when it happened and Luna wasn't born yet. My parents took her in and raised her. For the first couple of moons, I believed that she was truly my older sister until my parents told me the truth. I was shocked and felt betrayed...yet," She paused, letting out another long sigh. "I decided to keep this from Luna when she was born. I did not want her to resent her parents at such a young age. Soon, when I was of age, my mother began teaching me the ways of a ruler. Asteria became jealous because she was the oldest of the three of us. She believed that she should be taught the way to rule before me. However, our parents believed she could never be a true leader because she did not share the royal bloodline. After that, she left and went out to pursue her own ambitions. I don't remember much, but I remember her returning and trying to exact revenge and our parents banished her," Celestia sat back, her ears down.

"Well well well, you told the story quite truthfully. Our parents were fools to believe that I wouldn't be a great leader! I should be the one raising the sun, not you!" Asteria screeched.

"No! A good leader must be willing to risk her life to protect her subjects. You have done the opposite!" Celestia snapped.

"Equestria has never known a third royal sister! You have been lying to them. A TRUE leader does not lie!" Asteria screamed, her horn lighting up. I challenge you for the throne!"

. . .

Luna's Pov (third person)

Luna watched as her sister disappeared through the portal and it closed shut. She sat down and wiped away the tears. Equestria will not fall without me, my sister can raise the sun and the moon.

"It's not like they would want you," A chillingly familiar voices made her entire body tense up. She stood up and turned to find herself face to face with Nightmare Moon. Fear coursed through her body and it refused to leave as she tried to put up a brave face.

"Y-you! What do you want from me? Begone, you vile creature!" Luna yelled, taking a step back, energy flowing into her horn.

"Ha! You're calling yourself that? How pathetic," Nightmare Moon cackled. The dream landscape around her shifted into the moon landscape.

"I am n-not you! I am Luna. Leave me alone!" Luna shouted, glancing around wildly at the sudden change of scenery.

"Listen to me, Luna. You have a chance with me here. You can defeat Asteria once and for all. Just let me in! I can help you, Luna. I can lend you my powers," Nightmare Moon pressed closer, her flowing purple mane curling around Luna's horn slowly.

"I do not need your powers!" Luna began.

"Really? She defeated you! The ponies of Equestria were depending on you but you have failed them. You failed to fight Celestia when she threatened you and your subjects. What does that make you? A wise ruler? I do not think so," Nightmare Moon sneered. Luna's heart sank as she realized she was right. Dark clouds began circling her as she sank to the ground.

"You can redeem yourself right here! You defeat both Asteria and Celestia and you can be the sole ruler," Nightmare Moon leaned and whispered into her ears.

"B-but why Celestia?" Luna whispered, her eyes darkening.

"She was fooled by Asteria into wearing the amulet. Perfect, admired Celestia turned against her subjects...you'll be doing them a favor. Accept my offer now or be trapped here forever," The dark alicorn gestured to the moon landscape around them. "It's now or never." Luna closed her eyes, feeling the darkness closing in around her once more.

"Luna." A gentle voice, so achingly familiar, called to her that Luna snapped opened her eyes once more and turned to the sound of the voice. She sucked in a breath and she could see a pale blue pegasus walking towards her. Her mane was white with a few blue stripes and on her flank there was a flower with a snowflake on top.

"Snowdrop," Luna's voice was barely audible.

"Luna, I've missed you so much," The pegasus broke into a run towards her, but Nightmare took a step forward, her expression angry. Her eyes gleamed once and the dark swirls blocked Luna's view from her.

"No! Leave her alone!" Luna's horn began to glow.

"You cannot hurt me here! What would you want with a pathetic blind pegasus who can't even see the night but claims she appreciates it?" Nightmare Moon sneered. Luna glared defiantly back, realizing the words Nightmare Moon spoke was the same ones she had on the night of her transformation.

"I won't be fooled by you again. I will never let you take control of me again! It wouldn't make my subjects love me, only fear me and getting rid of the trust I had worked so hard to built," Luna snapped, scanning through the darkness for Snowdrop.

"Trust? How much trust did you see in everypony's eyes that night when you arrived in Ponyville?" Nightmare Moon sneered.

"Even if they still don't trust me," Luna said quietly. "I will try my best to earn their trust, even if it takes another thousand years." At those words, Nightmare Moon's influence over her seemed to shrink back. As it did so, the dark clouds cleared and Luna could see Snowdrop fully now. They walked towards each other, their eyes gleaming, but Nightmare Moon knocked Snowdrop to one side with her horn, slamming her to the ground. Instantly, Luna shot out a beam of magic at her, fury coursing through her. Nightmare Moon countered it. Snowdrop got up and stared at the two alicorns battling with fear in her eyes.

"You see? You've made Snowdrop fear you!" Nightmare Moon screeched.

"No! She fears you. You are nothing more than my imagination now," Luna told her calmly. Nightmare Moon's magic faltered and stopped. Luna's magic shot through her, and she vanished instantly. Luna's strength left her so fast that she collapsed. She looked up to see Snowdrop. She looked bigger than the last time Luna had seen her, which was a few days before her banishment.

"Snowdrop, I'm sorry...I said such hurtful things to you that night and..."Luna began to cry. "You had to pass away with those last words in your head from your friend...I'm sorry!" Snowdrop stroked her mane gently with her hoof.

"I forgive you, Luna. They will all forgive you, if some haven't already."

Chapter 23

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Luna's pov (third person)

Luna stared down a long black hallway that had appeared after the moon landscape vanished. She could see Ponyville at the very end of it.

"This is where I say goodbye, Luna," Snowdrop pressed against her.

"W-will you visit me again?" Luna pleaded, not wanting to leave her beloved friend.

"I will try, but I do not have access to walking in dreams. Not like you," Snowdrop replied. "Now, go. Equestria needs you," She pointed a hoof down the hall. Luna touched her nose gently with Snowdrop's and walked slowly down the hall. When she was in front of the portal, she looked back and she saw Snowdrop's form vanish. With a deep breath, she walked through the portal. Ponyville flashed into her vision and she could see ponies battling with large creatures made of smoke.

"Princess Luna!" Several guards ran towards her, their armor and mane battered.

"Is my sister alright?" She demanded, pushing away their concerns.

"She's battling Asteria," One of the unicorn guards replied. "New ponies have come to help. Including the Wonderbolts and Princess Cadence has arrived with some of her guards. Meadow Dew has also arrived and she's doing well with healing injured ponies,"

"Right," Luna said. "Go back to help with the battle. I will assist as well,"The guards dipped their heads and left immediately.

"Luna! You're alright! You betta come quick. Princess Celestia and Asteria are in the middle of an epic showdown!" Applejack called to her as she ran by. Luna took flight and followed her. She gasped at the sight. Celestia stood facing their older sister, both of them with fire in their eyes and breathing heavily. Some ponies had gathered around to watch them. Unfortunately, Celestia was still weak after Asteria had taken some of her magic.

"Giving up already? I can't wait to rule over Equestria. I can finally change the ways of your softness on your subjects!" Asteria sneered.

"Enough!" Luna boomed, nearly turning back to the royal Canterlot voice. "There are two rulers in Equestria, in case you forgot," She added, coming to her sister's side. As she spoke, the necklace she wore glinted slightly in the moonlight.

"Oh, you fixed your broken necklace? Is that what's going to make your a perfect ruler?" Asteria rolled her eyes. Luna ignored her and turned back to her sister.

"You remember what I told you before. About how we made this necklace? I've forgotten that there are two parts to this necklace. As she spoke, she separated the two parts of the sun and moon so half of each piece was a necklace. When she placed the sun part of the necklace on her sister's neck, it began to glow.

"Your useless necklace can't do anything! I have the alicorn amulet," Asteria snapped, taking it out and placing it around her neck.

"Well, my necklace was able to break the corruption spell of the alicorn amulet. And you created it," Luna shot back.

"So what? I have more magic than you can ever imagine," Asteria snapped, shooting a red beam of magic at them. Luna and Celestia countered with their own spells, pushing it back to the middle before it exploded, sending clouds of dust into the air.

"Luna, she's taken most of my magic. I don't know how I can help you...I'm sorry," Celestia put an arm around her sister.

"It's fine. I think she's wrong. These necklaces do have magic, but a different kind of magic...one that is stronger than the magic inside that alicorn amulet," As she spoke, she glanced over at Twilight and her friends.

"Of course, friendship is more powerful, but neither of us wield the elements," Celestia pointed out.

"The elements may represent the magic of friendship, but it doesn't hold it! Friendship is everywhere," Luna replied.

"Are you going to talk or fight?" Asteria called, her horn glowing again.

"Come on sister. Even if you don't have most of your magic, you still have some of it," Luna took flight and faced Asteria. Celestia came to her side seconds later and the battle went on.

. . .

Twilight's pov

Twilight watched as magic burst back and forth from each alicorn.

"Twilight!" Trixie's distress call diverted her attention and she ran towards the sound. Trixie was completely surrounded by the smoke monsters.

"Come with us, Trixie. We'll give you more magic more powerful than your healing magic...why choose healing magic when stage magic is your real talent? It's what your cutie mark represents," They crooned.

"Stop!" Trixie covered her ears with her hooves. Twilight blasted one of them, then another. Trixie shot her magic at them as well until they were all gone.

"Trixie!" Meadow Dew was running towards her. She was a pale blue pony with a light green mane and her cutie mark was a leaf with dew drops on them. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Meadow. Don't worry," Trixie gives her teacher a hug.

"Girls!" Twilight called her friends over.

"What's up, Twilight? I'm still ready to bust up those shadow monsters," Rainbow Dash said excitedly as they hurried over. The CMC came as well.

"I'm not..." Fluttershy said worriedly.

"I think there's something magical about those necklaces Luna and Celestia are wearing," Twilight stated.

"How so?" Applejack asked.

"Since the necklaces was made by a strong bond between Luna and Celestia, then isn't it similar to the elements of harmony?" Twilight asked.

"Come again?" Applejack asked, kicking away a shadow monster that tried to tackle Fluttershy.

"The necklaces represent friendship, but a different kind of friendship. It's the bond between the two sisters. Don't you see?" Twilight pointed out, watching the two princesses battle Asteria.

"But there are lots of ponies with sisters," Rarity pointed out, wrapping a hoof around Sweetie Belle.

"But their sisterly bond has gone on for over a thousand years...not including the time of Luna's time as Nightmare Moon," Twilight added. "But their bond has lasted longer."

"But Luna said they made the necklaces only a few moons ago. Why would the magic we working now?" Applejack inquired.

"It's not. The magic didn't need to be used until now," Twilight replied.

"DOES THAT MEAN I CAN DO THAT WITH MAUD?" Pinkie pie squealed.

"Who?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"My sister, silly!" Pinkie replied. Maud was dressed up in her usual gray shirt and was kicking rocks at the shadow monsters. Spike was doing his best to blow fire at them.

"Um, I'm pretty sure that y-" Rainbow began

"Twilight!" Fluttershy cried, pointing at the sky. Twilight turned back and watched with a worried face as she realized at Luna and Celestia were being pushed back. Black Ember was constantly distracting the two princesses by shooting up rays of magic. Angrily, Twilight flew towards her, but Trixie had gotten there first.

"Look out!" Rarity shrieked. A huge boulder had begun rolling towards them. Twilight's magic only made a small dent in it. Maud leapt into action and smashed it up with her hooves.

"Thank you, Maud!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I did what I needed to help Ponyville and Pinkie Pie's friend," Maud replied with her usual tone and went back to help Spike.

"I think that y'all little ones should go back to the castle. I know y'all wanna help, but all this fightin' is jus too dangerous for you," Applejack insisted.

"Ugh!" Scootaloo complained, but she obeyed and started to head towards the castle. She didn't notice the shadow monster following them.

"Look out!" A pink pony with purple and white mane tackled all three of them aside just as the monster struck out. Silver Spoon hurried forward and struck it with a hammer that she held in her mouth and it went away with a loud wailing.

"Diamond Tiara?" Apple Bloom said in disbelief.

"Look here, you blank flanks! Just this once..we have a truce," She began, her brows furrowed. "For Ponyville," She put out a hoof. Reluctantly, the CMC took it and looked them with puzzled looks.

"Are you sure you're not just doing this so you can take shelter in the castle?" Scootaloo said suspiciously.

"Well, I'm not goin' into the castle. We can at least defeat some of them monsters if we work together, right?" Apple Bloom glanced at Applejack.

"Fine, but y'all be careful,"Applejack began but they had already gone.

"We betta go and help everypony," Applejack said, taking out her lasso, and roping a group of monsters who had several earth ponies cornered.

"Come on! Let's go help!" Rainbow Dash flew off before any one of them could reply. Twilight and her friends hurried after her.

Luna's pov

"Asteria, you don't need to do this...all this bitterness will only eat you alive inside. Wouldn't you rather have ponies love you than fear you?" Luna pleaded, dodging another one of her attacks.

"Luna, it's no use. Even our parents couldn't stop her to become evil," Celestia told her, shooting out a golden ray of magic at her older sister.

"But sister...I've followed the same path as her, and I've redeemed myself," Luna insisted. "I wasn't so easily convinced to stop my jealousy and become Nightmare Moon."

"She is different," Celestia replied, using her magic to wrap Asteria in a huge ball of magic.

"How?" Luna demanded, flying to her side to help her, straining to keep it together. Celestia didn't reply, only concentrated on her ball trapping Asteria. With a loud boom, the ball burst open, knocking both princesses to the ground.

"You're pathetic, both of you! Luna, you should have joined me when you had the chance," Asteria screeched, flying straight down at them as they got up shakily. Without warning, a shield erupted around the two sisters, pushing Asteria back.

"Who?" Luna looked at her sister, but she shook her head, puzzled. Use your necklaces! A voice in Luna's voice called.

"Sister, I think we can defeat her if we combine our magic. These necklaces represent something; love and friendship and our sisterhood. This magic will be powerful because this bond has been lasting for over a thousand years..." Luna told her, a look of seriousness and affection her eyes as she looked at her sister.

"Luna.." Celestia began, emotion in her voice, but she broke off, as Luna gently touched the tip of her horn with hers. Almost immediately, their necklaces and their bodies began to glow brightly, illuminating the entire central square of Ponyville.

Note: when i describe the necklaces, think of it as the best friend ying yang necklaces. and also, I feel like I'm not making Applejack speak southern like she's suppose to. Comment below on how I can improve her southern speech!

For readers: Leave at least one comment below please! I wanna know what you think! Vote if you wanna!

Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
The glow from the necklaces had stopped all fighting and turned everypony's attention to Luna and Celestia. A bright rainbow of yellow and blue shot out and aimed directly at Asteria. She turned to fly away, but the rainbow surrounded her. She let out a yell of rage before disappearing behind it. The alicorn amulet shot out and broke in half. The rainbow spun faster and faster around Asteria until it disappeared, leaving the alicorn lying on the ground. Luna and Celestia slowly lowered themselves to the ground, the light from their necklaces faded away and they slowly walked towards their older sister. She glared up defiantly at them, but was too weak now to use her magic. Her mane had stopped flowing after the alicorn amulet had snapped.

"Her cutie mark! Look!" one of the pegasus in the sky pointed. Luna blinked in shock as she realized that Asteria's alicorn amulet cutie mark had vanished and had been replaced with a different one, a bright yellow star surrounded by purple smoke. The smoke was so familiar that it puzzled Luna even further.

"How is that possible? A pony with a changed cutie mark?" Twilight sounded puzzled.

"It's like her destiny has been...shattered," Trixie muttered, nudging the pieces of the broken alicorn amulet.

"What are you waiting for? Do your worse!" Asteria snapped, her eyes flaring.

"What more can we do? You are already defeated," Luna stated. Asteria narrowed her eyes.

"You see! This is your problem! Both of you are soft! Too soft to actual defeat enemies! You banish them! You turn them to stone! But they always return!"

"Listen here, Asteria. We have defeated you...your magic is gone. What more do you want us to do to you?" Princess Celestia sounded shock as she realized where this was going.

"Remember that little spell I used on you? To take away your magic? Take your revenge. My magic is not gone! Its weak, but it will return," Asteria snapped.

"That spell is forbidden," Celestia replied calmly. She summoned one of the guards over and they handed over a round metal disk. The unicorn guard placed it on Asteria as well as tight ropes around her wings.

"Lock her in the dungeons. Luna, Twilight, Cadence and I will decide her fate," Celestia began walking towards her castle. Luna trailed behind, clearly exhausted from the fighting, but tried to keep on her hooves and made sure no pony noticed her swaying.

"Choose wisely! You should get rid of me all together to ensure I will never return!" Asteria called after her as several guards dragged her away.

"Are you sure you shouldn't make sure she's secured?" Twilight walked up to Celestia's side.

"The metal disk I placed on her horn prevents her from using any magic. It's whats used on unicorns who have been jailed. The ropes are are especially for pegasi who were jailed and they will be double knotted," Celestia told her calmly. She turned back to her sister. "Luna, are you alright?" Her eyes narrowed in concern.

"Fine," Luna said, forcing her voice to not shake. They entered the castle and into the dining room where they all sat. The rest of Twilight's friends remained outside.

"So, what are we going to do? Isn't the best thing to do is to banish her again?" Cadence suggested.

"It's like she said...if we banish her, then there is no guarantee she won't return again. And without the elements of harmony, the banishing spell won't be as strong," Luna added.

"But you-" Twilight began, but she quickly stopped, knowing Luna hated talking about her banishment.

"I made sure she would be able to return to me, Twilight," Celestia said, already knowing what she would ask. And it would be quite difficult to banish yet another of my sisters regardless of her crime,"

"Perhaps we should send her to Tartarus. It is very well guarded. I don't think it's likely that Cerberus would leave his post again," Luna said, putting a hoof on the table.

"Or perhaps there is a way to give her a chance to redeem herself," Celestia murmured, not meeting Luna's eye. Luna narrowed her eyes slightly.

"If you'll excuse us for a moment, Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence. I wish to speak with my sister alone," Luna stood up. Cadence and Twilight exchanged puzzled looks but dipped their heads and left the room.

"Sister, why must there be so many secrets between us?" There was hurt in Luna's voice and she spoke with her back turned.

"Luna, I'm sorry..." Celestia began.

"Sorry doesn't make up for what you've kept from me for over a thousand years, Celestia," Luna snapped.

"I know...but I kept this from you for your own safety. Please understand," Celestia said pleadingly. Luna turned around and waited.

"My parents took in Asteria before I was even born so I believed she was my sister as well. Back then, we were still in the Everfree Forest. She was kind when she was little, always taking care of me and playing with me," Celestia began, edging her wing around her younger sister, but she shifted away.

"But soon, my royal duties called and Mother began taking me away more and more to learn how to raise the sun. Asteria grew jealous of this and did not understand why she couldn't be the one to raise the sun since she was the oldest," Celestia continued.

"Did she know she was adopted?" Luna asked quietly.

"Yes...we didn't know who her real parents were or how another alicorn came to be and ended up in front of the castle," Celestia replied. "She grew more and more resentful and eventually stopped talking to me altogether. When I tried to play with her, she snapped at me and told me she had to study magic. Since then, I was alone until you came into this world," Celestia wrapped her wings around her sister. This time, Luna stayed put.

"Why don't i remember her then?"Luna asked.

"You were barely a foal when Asteria decided to turn against us. She did something so unimaginably horrible I couldn't even bear to think about it," Celestia's voice began to tear up and tears dripped down her face. Unable to see her sister in such pain, Luna leaned against her and placed a hoof on hers, her anger fading away as she remembered all they had been through fighting Asteria.

"You don't have to tell me..it's ok," Luna murmured.

"No Luna...I've kept this from you for too long. It's long overdue," Celestia insisted. "She did such a horrible crime. She tried to hurt you. She was planning to abandon you in the Everfree forest to the timber wolves. She thought that if she got rid of you, she would be able to raise the moon," Celestia continued. Shock pierced through Luna along with a trace of fear.

"But I saw her and reported her to the guards. She screamed at me for betraying her, but I only told her that she had betrayed Equestria and had no right to become a princess. However, before she was banished, she shouted out a strange spell. I didn't understand it but I knew it had something to do with you. Not only had she created the Alicorn Amulet, but she created the miasma or as you know it, the nightmare force," Celestia looked down at her sister.

"She was the reason you became Nightmare Moon," Celestia told her quietly.

"That's not true!" Luna was surprised at the fierceness in her voice. "Her spell had nothing to do with my feelings of jealousy! They were my own!" Celestia blinked in shock, then let out a long sigh.

"You're right. But the miasma fed off of your jealousy and it was drawn to you," Celestia said.

"So Mother and Father's spell wasn't strong enough to keep her away forever?" Luna asked. Celestia looked at the ceiling.

"Nothing stays away forever...Mother came to me in a dream when I was in a dungeon," She said.

"I saw Father...and Snowdrop," Luna's voice shook as she remembered the young pegasus.

"I remember Snowdrop. She loved you so much," Celestia gently bumped her with her muzzle. "By the way...we should send Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence back in. It feels like we've been talking for hours," Celestia opened the doors with her magic as she spoke.

"Is everything ok?" Twilight asked, her expression concerned as she stepped in with her sister in law.

"Don't worry, Twilight. Everything's fine," Luna said quietly, shooting a glance at her sister who looked back at her in return, her expression clear. This secret is between the two of us...

"Are we going to forgive Asteria or send her to Tartarus?" Cadence prompted.

"For now, she will stay in the dungeons with many guards keeping an eye on her. She was always clever on being sneaky," Celestia replied. "I should head back to Canterlot now..Luna, are you sure you're alright? You look exhausted," She glanced at her sister worriedly.

"Fine," Luna muttered, staggering to her hooves.

"Why don't you stay in Ponyville for one more night.." Celestia began, but Luna shook her head insistently and walked ahead of her in the halls. Twilight's other friends joined her.

"She misses being with you," Twilight said, trying not to feel hurt at her friend's quick rejection. "She was distraught for the first few days, but now, the sun is back up and everything is back to normal," She added.

" Princess Luna!" a loud cry up ahead made her jump. Celestia instantly ran ahead, with Twilight struggling to catch up. Applejack was hovering over Luna's crumpled body.

"Sh-she just collasped!" She gulped, taking off her hat.

"Fetch the guards!" Celestia snapped out the order, while trying to wake her sister up.

Twilight ran off with one last glance over her shoulders.

Chapter 25

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"Luna! Are you alright? Wake up, please!" Celestia's desperate voice aroused her and she squinted her eyes against the harsh light. She looked around to find herself tucked in her bed with Twilight, Celestia and the rest of her friends standing around her including Trixie and Meadow leaf.

"What happened?" Luna asked wearily.

"Well, um, you kinda fainted and we had to bring you back to Canterlot," Applejack told her.

"You're not ill," Meadow Leaf said quickly, her horn glowing a light green. "You've just used up a lot of your energy and magic. What you need is rest," She added.

"Shouldn't we let the real doctor look at her?" Rarity asked. "No offense," She added, glancing over at Meadow leaf who shrugged to show that she hadn't been offended. Luna didn't respond, but instead, the hurtful words her sister had spoken while wearing the amulet was going through her mind.

"She'll on her way," Celestia replied.

"I think she's right. A good rest should be fine for me," Luna insisted, suddenly feeling the urge to be alone.

"But wasn't your wing hurt?" Pinkie pointed out.

"It's fine now," Luna said quickly as Celestia ran a hoof over her wings.

"If you say so," Celestia narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but beckoned for the ponies to leave the room. "If you need anything, call me. I'll be in my room. I'll tell the doctor to come after your nap," She called over her shoulders.

"Don't banish Asteria without me!" Luna called. Celestia paused, glanced back at her with a sigh, and nodded.

As the door closed, Luna laid her head back upon her pillow and pulled the blankets close, finally letting her exhaustion sweep her into the dark. Her dream landscape hadn't appeared yet. Odd..maybe because no pony else is sleeping or it needs to rebuild itself. Horror struck her as she remembered the dream landscape crumbling around her. Was it gone for good? Would she never walk into ponies' dreams again? She held back a tear and sat there in the darkness, dread running through her. A good ruler must make sacrifices.. She told herself over and over again, but the agony was still there and she couldn't help but feel selfish that she may have lost the only connection she had with the Cutie mark Crusaders.

"Giving up so soon?" Nightmare Moon's chilling voice reached her.

"Leave me alone. I no longer need you!" Luna whipped around to face the evil alicorn.

"But you are me!" Nightmare Moon began.

"NO!" Luna screamed out the words. Nightmare Moon vanished into darkness.

"Snowdrop...come back to me," She whimpered, feeling like a filly again.

"Luna has betrayed you once. What is to say she won't do it again?" The words echoed out from the darkness as Celestia's voice.

"You should never have given up so much power!" Nightmare Moon's voice came again. Luna turned, but she could see nothing.

"Stop it! Why can't you just leave me in peace? I don't need you! You are nothing!" She snapped. She strained to hear Nightmare Moon's respond, but Luna could no longer feel her presence.

Had I really scared her off just like that? Luna thought, stunned. Then she shook her head, knowing she'd be back. Luna continued to pace around the darkness until she saw a light. Without hesitation, she ran towards it. With a cry of surprise, she realized she was sitting outside a dungeon cave.

"Luna, I've been expecting you," Asteria's grinning face peered through the bars. Luna jerked back in surprise.

"You're a prisoner! You've got no right to be in my dream!" Luna snapped.

"I didn't go into your dream," Asteria said simply. "This is your dream. You control it. You've been thinking of me too much," She cocked her head curiously.

"I-" Luna broke off, not knowing how to respond. "You're a criminal. I won't waste my time here speaking with you." Luna turned to go, but Asteria called after her.

"Stop! You are not my sister, Asteria!" Luna cut her off.

"Stop using that pathetic name!" She yelled. Luna turned to face her, surprised.

"' Asteria' isn't my real name. I hate it, but it's better than using the name your parents gave me! Princess Selene," She said it with a sneer.

"That's a beautiful name!" Luna burst out.

"It doesn't fit me! Selene means moon, but your name also means moon. That makes us alike, doesn't it?" She crooned.

"No," Luna told her. "We are nothing alike. You seek the throne only for power. Celestia and I are rulers with compassion and wisdom. We know the meaning of sacrifice. You do not seek the love of your ponies."

"And I suppose you didn't?" Asteria shot back. Luna blinked.

"My time as Nightmare Moon is past. The ponies have forgiven me." But I haven't Luna did not speak the words aloud, knowing she would seem weak. She turned her back on Asteria and left the room.

Chapter 26

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A few days after the battle ended

Luna stood alongside Celestia, Cadence and Twilight at the entrance of Tartarus. Her sister had agreed that all four alicorns should play a part in banishing Asteria.

"Are you sure you want to do this to me?" Asteria pushed her face close to the bars, but she was staring at Luna as she spoke. Luna's gaze hardened.

"There is no other punishment that we would have chosen for you," Luna replied, and dropped her gaze.

"I only ever wanted to better Equestria. Why must I be punished for wanting the things I desire so bad?" Asteria's gaze were fixed on Luna.

"Enough. You have not told us anything that would make us forgive you," Celestia said sternly.

"And what has Luna done?" Asteria snapped.

"More than enough," Twilight responded, before Luna could speak.

"Do what you must then," Asteria said at last, her voice weary.

They stood at each side of Asteria's cage, the tips of their horns glowing brilliantly. Their magic swirled around Asteria, glowing brighter until it transported her cage deep into the prison of Tartarus. Cerberus gave one hefty growl and shifted his position slightly to keep an eye on his new prisoner. The princesses climbed back into the carriages. Luna took one last glance back as their guards flew them back to Canterlot Castle. Inside the castle, Celestia and Luna sat side by side, reading some books along with cookies as snacks

"Hey, Celestia," Luna began.

"Yes, Luna?" Celestia's eyes shifted towards her.

"Can we promise each other never to keep secrets again? You don't know how I felt when I realized I had a third sister..and you've kept this secret for all that time. We need to be able to trust each other. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do Luna. And yes, I promise," Celestia rested a hoof on hers.

"O-ok...since you've told your secret...I want to tell mine. It's about Thunder Hoof...my guard," Luna began uncertainly.

"What's up? Do you want a new guard?"

"Oh no!" Luna said quickly. "It's just that...I..." She paused, not knowing what to say.

"It's ok. Tell me," Celestia said gently.

"Am I allowed to love?" Luna burst out. Celestia recoiled slightly.

"Of course you are! You love me, your friends, your kingdom," Celestia pointed out

"No...it's not that kind of love," Luna struggled to get the words out. "It's more like Cadence and-" Luna stopped, studying her sister's expression. There was shock in her eyes. Luna got up, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Luna, wait! It's ok!" Celestia told her.

"How can it be ok?" Luna snapped. "My duty shouldn't be to Thunder Hoof. His duty is to serve me, not love me. My duty is to protect Equestria. How can I-" She stopped, as Celestia hugged her close to her.

"Luna..." She murmured. "I can't stop your feelings for him, but I don't know if this relationship could ever be real. Maybe you will admire him, but I don't think it will become official..." She trailed off. Luna let a deep sigh.

"I understand," She said quietly. She headed towards her door, ignoring her sister's plead to come back. She nearly bumped into her adviser and closest friend Musical Night. She was a pale blue unicorn with a silver and purple mane.

"Princess!" She gasped, bowing down instantly. "My apologies! I didn't see you!"

"Don't worry about it, Musical," Luna said warmly. "Have you been looking out for any constellations?"

"Oh yes! I've written down all the cosmic events predicted for this moon," She opened the flap on her bag and gave her a list.

"I'll be happy to let you borrow my telescope!" Musical said happily.

"Oh no. It's quite alright. I'll be able to see it just fine from my window. Do you mind if I copy this?" Luna asked.

"I'll do it for you," Musical said instantly.

"No, it's quite alright," Luna began, but Musical dipped her head again.

"Your highness, it's my duty. She took her list back and raced off. Luna stared after her and shook her head, finally heading back to her room. She took out her book on nocturnal creatures and several other books and stacked them on her desk. It would be a long night. A loud buzzing noise disturbed her studies earlier that day and Luna walked towards the throne room where the noise was coming from.

"Luna! Is something wrong?" Celestia called out to her just as she was about to open the doors.

"The noises are distracting me. What is that?" She turned to the door once more, but Celestia stopped her.

"Asteria's dark magic messed up the room a bit so Cadence and Twilight are helping to clean it up. Her friends arrived a few minutes ago to help,"

"Are you sure you don't need me to help too?"Luna asked.

"Oh no, it's fine. You should rest," Celestia insisted, nudging her back towards her room. Luna looked curiously over at her sister, but didn't ask any more questions and headed back towards her room.

A month later, nearing the winter solstice....

As Luna read through her papers, a scroll flew into her room sent by a familiar green flame. Curious, Luna opened it and gave a small cry as confetti burst out, covering her mane. Laughing, she shook it off and read the letter.

Dear Princess Luna,

I hope you are doing well. I know you are very busy but my friends and I would like to invite you to a sleepover party on the 20th day of the 12th month of this year. Pinkie pie was very eager to make this invitation and Rarity helped to decorate it. I know it has been a while since we have seen each other and your last visit wasn't the more fun. Since we are friends, it is only polite that we invite you. Ponyville would love to see you visit more often, just as Princess Celestia has. We hope to see you soon.

Princess Twilight

Luna finished the letter and looked up, smiling.

"Yikes!" Luna jumped back when she lowered the letter and saw her sister standing there.

"Sorry, Luna," Her sister apologized but she was snickering slightly.

"Don''t do that," Luna grumbled, as she placed the letter on her desk. Celestia peered over to read it.

"You've been invited to a sleepover? That's wonderful!" Celestia smiled warmly.

"But do I have time to go?" Luna asked worriedly.

"We all need a break from our royal duties sometimes. Even I take strolls in the garden to relax a bit, but you never really join me," Her sister's voice grew small.

"I prefer walks alone with my guard, but we could walk together next time," Luna said calmly, careful not to mention Thunder Hoof's name. "A stroll in the moonlight would be nice," She added. She peered over at her calendar and blinked in surprise as she realized how close her birthday was.

"I'm not sure if I can go to the sleepover. We always celebrate my birthday the day before," Luna said suddenly.

"We can change things up a bit this year. I'm sorry, Luna but I'm not even sure if I'll have time to celebrate it with you. I'm really busy that week," Celestia's eyes were upset.

"Oh,"Luna said softly. She turned back to her desk so her sister wouldn't see her tears.

"Luna...I'm really sorry," Celestia began but Luna cut her off.

"It's fine, sis...royal duties are important..and I..can you just leave me to my studies?" Luna said at last. Celestia cast one last glance at her before exiting her room. When she was gone, Luna told her guards to fetch Musical Night.

"Is everything alright, princess?" Musical walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

"Everything's fine. I just need some company. Come, let's sit on my cushion," Luna waved a hoof invitingly.

"Are you sure?" Musical looked uncertain.

"Musical Night, I've already told you it's ok for us to spend time together. We're friends. And when we're alone, I'd like you to call me Luna," She said firmly.

"Alright, pri-, I mean alright Luna," Musical settled down next to Luna. "Is there something you need to talk to me about? Wouldn't Celestia be better?"

"No," Luna said flatly, her voice dull. "I'm not the happiest with her right now."

"Oh," Musical leaned in closer to Luna. "Why not?"

"She told me that she might not have time to celebrate my birthday this year," Luna said at last, her voice quivering.

"What?" Musical gasped. "But why? She's always had time!"

"Exactly. Even when she has plenty of royal duties, she's found time. Maybe she's actually mad at me for abandoning her that night," Luna said bitterly.

"That wasn't your fault!" Musical said fiercely. "You told me that she ordered you to leave. Why would she blame it on you?"Luna was lost for words. Part of her still resented her sister, but not because her sister had forced her to abandon her, but because of the words she had spoken that night. It had been bothering her for a long time, but she never wanted to speak to her sister about it. With a sigh, Luna poured out her feelings to her friends and the words that Celestia had spoken while wearing the corrupt amulet. The only other ponies who had heard those words were Twilight and her friends.

"I know she never meant it, but it still hurts hearing those words coming from her," Luna finished. Musical's eyes were full of concern and she wrapped her hooves around Luna to give her a hug.

"I'll tell the guards I'm having dinner inside my room. You can stay and eat with me. I rather not see my sister at the dinner table," Luna murmured. She poked her head outside and spoke with the guards before slipping back inside. She walked out to her balcony and peered out over the city of Canterlot.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Here's the list of cosmic events you wanted," Musical pulled out a rolled up piece of paper wrapped in a sparkly blue ribbon from her pocket.

"Thank you," Luna placed the parchment on her desk. "So, how is your sister doing? Silver Pen, is it?"

"Oh yes! She's doing great! She's always in her room, writing up stories. She's getting ready to sell her newest book. She's planning on opening a book store in Canterlot," Musical night said excitedly.

"That's great!" Luna smiled and wrapped a wing over her friend. She used to magic to levitate two books and they spent the rest of the afternoon reading and talking. At dinnertime, the cook bought in two plates of food. After they ate, Musical and Luna sat reading books together when a soft knock interrupted them.

"Yes?" Luna called.

"Your highness, your sister wishes to speak with you. May she enter?" A guard's voice answered her.

"You should talk to her," Musical urged.

"No," Luna said firmly.

"We are busy," Luna told the guard. "Tell her to come another time."

"But your highness, she says its urgent." The guard insisted.

"Very well, she may come in. Musical, could you excuse us?" Luna got up. The purple unicorn dipped her head and exited the room.

"Luna, why weren't you at dinner? Were you feeling ok?" Celestia asked worriedly.

"What is the urgent matter you needed to speak to me about?" Luna questioned, ignoring her sister's concerns.

"It's about Black Ember, Trixie's cousin. He wants to redeem himself," Celestia told her. Luna felt shock coursing through her body along with anger as she remembered what he had done.

"I will never forgive him," Luna said coldly. "If that is all, I must go raise the moon. Good night," She turned and closed the door behind her sister as she walked out. She walked onto the balcony and slowly raised the moon with her magic. After she was done, she organized the area where she and Musical had sat. As she tucked herself into bed, she hoped that she would have good dreams to visit that night instead of the haunting image of Nightmare Moon looming over her.

Chapter 27

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Luna packed up the rest of her stuff into her bag and draped it over herself. With Moon perched on her bag, she got ready to leave for Ponyville in her carriage.

"Which guards would you like to go with you?" Musical looked up from a long list hovering in front of her with her magic.

"Only my personal guard," Luna replied with a long look at Thunder Hoof.

"Your highness, Princess Celestia insists on having extra guards with you due to the events that happened a couple of months ago," Thunder Hoof said.

"Alright, if that's what she wants," Luna sighed. She took her seat at the front of the carriage, while her two unicorns guards sat in the back. Her pegasi guards lifted off and pulled the carriage on its way to Ponyville. When they landed, Twilight and her friends were already waiting. Even from a distance, Luna could see Pinkie Pie bouncing about and shooting confetti from her party cannon as she arrived. When she got off, they bowed respectfully. After the greeting was done, Pinkie pie let all out all her energy.

"PRINCESS SLEEPOVER! WOOHOO!" She squealed, blasting confetti out as she went. Luna couldn't suppress her laughter as she watched the energetic earth pony.

"Pinkie Pie, maybe you should calm down a bit," Twilight began, looking nervously over at Luna.

"Oh, that would be difficult, especially for Pinkie," Luna laughed. "Everything doing ok in Ponyville? The last time I was here, there was snow everywhere."

"Oh, the snow has all melted and everything's back to the way it was before. We'll be spending the night in my room, Luna. I've arranged for an extra bed for you as well as everypony else's beds," Twilight told her as they walked through the castle halls.

"Hello Princess," Discord poked his head out from his room and waved a greeting. "Fluttershy, I set up the dining table and," he paused. "I tried my very best to uh..organize it," he struggled to say the word 'organize' since it was very well the opposite of the chaos he usually did.

"That's very nice of you, Discord. Thank you," Fluttershy flew up to give him a small hug.

"You will let me hang out with you too, right?" He placed on a pair of glasses with pleading eyes on its lens.

"Oh! Um.." Twilight stammered.

"Um..well..we sorta wanna," Applejack began, but she stopped and looked down at the ground awkwardly.

"It's alright with me," Luna said, breaking the awkwardness.

"Well alright, Princess," Applejack nodded.

"Just as long as you don't cause too much trouble...this is suppose to be our special night with Princess Luna," Rainbow Dash told him, her voice wary but not suspicious .

"Of course," Discord replied, but his eyes flickered away as he spoke. The girls and the Luna spent most of their afternoon in Twilight's room. Luna took the opportunity to spend an equal amount of time with each of Twilight's friends to get to know them better. Rarity promised her a beautiful new dress. Fluttershy introduced her pet owl to her other critter friends. She helped Applejack bake and sampled some of her apple pastries. Rainbow dash, however, challenged her to a race.

"But I won't favor just because you're a princess," Rainbow Dash told her

"Hmm, I wouldn't expect you to," Luna replied, flashing her a grin. "Don't worry. I won't use magic. But I have to warn you...my wings are larger than yours,"

"Eh, I've beaten Twilight at every single race," Rainbow boasted.

"Hey! That's because I don't use my wings often!" Twilight protested from behind the starting line.

"Ready," Applejack called. "On yer marks...get set...go!" Both racers took off, their wings pumping as they flew into the air.

. . .

"Look at those two love birds," Fluttershy giggled. Luna turned and she could see Moon and Owlowiscious perched together on Twilight's balcony, their heads close. When Fluttershy giggled, they turned their heads around without turning their bodies and stared over at them. They gave loud hoots of annoyance before turning back around. Luna chuckled and stretched out her wings slightly. She had been so close to coming in after Rainbow Dash that Applejack had decided it was a tie. She could see Rainbow Dash sulking in the corner with Tank, and couldn't help but laugh again.

"What are we going to do now? It's not even sunset yet," Rarity said, breaking the silence. "OH I've got it! We can all go down to the spa for some relaxation, what do you say?"

"That would be lovely," Fluttershy said.

"Eh, I rather not get into the froo froo stuff," Rainbow Dash said boredly.

"Well, maybe you can get a massage or something. Looks like you're outvoted, Rainbow," Twilight chuckled.

"What do you think, Luna?" Fluttershy turned to her.

"A spa treatment would be lovely," she replied.

"Or a deep tissue massage," Rainbow Dash added.

"Then let's go!"

. . .

"Your highness, what a lovely surprise!" Lotus blossom and Aloe hurried to greet them, bowing respectfully.

"What can we do for you today, Princess? " Lotus asked politely.

"What are the options?" Twilight asked

"Here you go," Lotus passes her a piece of paper.

"The steam rooms sound pretty relaxing," Twilight read out loud. "And we could always go for a mud bath after." Her friends nodded in agreement and turned to the princess who gave her approval.

"This way," Aloe said, walking though a door way covered by a curtain.

"This room is for special reservations and guests, so its rarely used," Aloe said, opening up a door. "Enjoy and call me if you need anything," Then she leaves the ponies to settle down.

"Now all we need to do is wait for the steam to to come in," Rarity instructed, placing a damp towel on her face and sitting back.

"Are these any spas in the castle?" Fluttershy asked as she wrapped a towel carefully around her head.

"A few, but I've never really gone to them myself," Luna admitted.

"I suppose they are a lot more relaxing than the ones here," Rarity pointed out. As she spoke, steam sizzled out from rock pit at the center of the room.

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" Spike asked, looking around for the rainbow-haired pegasus.

"She's probably not into this girly froo froo stuff. I think I saw her go into the massage room," Fluttershy said.

"Ai!" Pinkie pie squealed as she touched the rocks with a hoof. "Hottt!" She squealed as she began hopping around on three legs.

"Well, obviously its hot, Pinkie pie. Honestly, where do you think the heat is coming from?" Rarity said in a muffled voice, but Luna was sure she had rolled her eyes under the towel.

"Did your guards come with you, Princess? I didn't see them," Twilight asked.

"Oh, they're waiting outside the spa. I just hope ponies don't get nervous," Luna chuckled. The door opens and Aloe pokes her head in.

"I've brought in some drinks and snacks if you would like them, your highness. I apologize that its not Canterlot worthy," Aloe said, dipping her head.

"That's quite alright, Aloe. Do you mind bringing some in for Twilight and her friends as well?" Luna asked, feeling slightly embarrassed that Aloe had not asked the rest of her friends.

"Oh, there's plenty for everyone," Aloe pushes in a cart and distributes a glass of lemonade and snacks for everyone before leaving again.

"Hang on! Discord is missing too! Didn't he want to come too?" Fluttershy looked around for the draconequus .

"I think he went with Rainbow Dash," Applejack replied.

"Not quite," Discord's voice echoed into the room. Twilight let out a shriek of surprise as the towel she had draped around her head turned into Discord.

"Wait, he was like that the whole time?" Spike asked. "That's...kind of...," He stopped and shuddered despite of the heat in the room.

"I'll be off for a massage then," He snapped his fingers and two towels appeared. He gave one to Twilight and wrapped the other around his waist before leaving.

"He's really changed, hasn't he?" Luna murmured.

"Weelll, kind of. He still messes around sometimes, but everybody makes mistakes," Fluttershy said loyally.

After they left the steam room, Discord and Rainbow Dash joined them, their expressions relaxed. Other ponies in the waiting room were looking nervously over at Discord and shifting away from him.

"Maybe we should pass on the mud room. I was hoping to get more of a tour of Ponyville and get to know each of you a little better individually." Luna said.

"Of course, princess. Why don't we start with Sweet Apple Acres?" Applejack suggested.

"I would love too," Luna nodded. The ponies separated to their own homes to prepare for Luna's visits to each. They headed towards the farm, with Luna's guards following a little way behind them.

"Princess Luna!" Applebloom ran towards them as they approached with Big Mac hurrying behind her

"Now Applebloom, is that anyway to greet the Princess?" Big mac said sternly as they stopped. Luna blinked in surprise because she knew Applejack's brother rarely spoke such big words and usually only said 'e yup' and nope'. Apple Bloom ducked her head and bowed in respect.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Luna smiled.

"Yes," Apple Bloom nodded. "Scootaloo and Sweetie tell me they've been visited by you in their dreams. Are you gonna visit me next?" Her eyes grew huge.

"Oh Applebloom, I can't just visit your dream because you want me to. I visit ponies because I help them with their problems in the dream world," Luna laughed.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. Sweetie Belle said you visited her because she was having problems with her sister after that play we did. And Scootaloo saw you because she had to face your fears..I'll wait my turn," Apple Bloom said at last and bounced away.

"Now this here is the orchard. All of us, Big Mac, me, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom put all our heart and souls into tending to the trees everyday. And its a lot of work," As she spoke, Applejack kicked back her hind legs against a tree trunk and allowed apples to fall into the basket below it. Big Mac and Apple Bloom were at some other trees. bucking apples as well.

"Why don't you make yourself at home while I finish my chores? I'm sorry I couldn't show more hospitality at the moment, princess," Applejack dipped her head slightly.

"I would love to help you out for a bit. Life in the castle is great, but it can get a little boring. Sometimes, I want to take a break from being a princess and being royal and just be a regular pony like everypony here in Ponyville," Luna stopped, realizing she was talking too much.

"If you're sure its alright, then we would gladly accept your help," Applejack replied. Luna flew up towards the top of the hill over the orchard and used her magic to lift the apples off the trees and into a cart.

"Wow! Now I really wish I was a unicorn. Maybe I would have gotten my cutie mark already if I knew magic," Apple Bloom grumbled.

"Don't be silly. You should be proud to be the pony you are," Applejack said sternly as they walked back towards the house. When they got inside, Luna was offered a fresh serving of apple cider and apple pie.

The rest of the day was a blast. She helped Pinkie Pie bake a cake for the sleepover party; Rarity had promised her a new dress, and Rainbow Dash had challenged to another race. This time, she secretly let the pegasus win. At the end of the day, all six ponies were back at Twilight's castle. Luna steps outside and slowly raises the moon, aware of the crowd of ponies who had gathered to watch her. By the time she flew back down to the ground, the ponies were murmuring to each other in awe. They had seen Celestia raise the sun many times but they had never experienced her raising the moon. Its truly a beautiful thing and they know this now. Luna thought, smiling to herself. She waved her hoof once to the crowd before going back inside the castle. The rest of night would truly be fun.

"....and they never came out of those woods again!" Rainbow Dash finished, waving her hooves dramatically in the air. Sweetie Belle pressed in closer to her. The cutie mark crusaders had joined the sleepover shortly after she began to night and so did Pipsqueak. She had not seen the colt for a very long time. The last day she had seen him was during the Summer Sun celebration. Rarity gave a yawn as Rainbow finished her story.

"It's getting late. Maybe we should all get some shut-eye," Twilight stated, peering out the window. The rest of Ponyville was already dark and the only light illuminating the room were a few lit candles.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can probably stay up for the rest of the night!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Um, I think you had too much cake, sugarcube," Applejack told her.

"HOW can anypony have too much cake? I mean, its sugary and there's frosting and there's sprinkles!" Pinkie pie squealed.

"How about we go play hide and seek in the Everfree forest?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Oh goodness, I really don't think thats a good idea. I mean, the forest is full of all sort of monsters that could hurt somepony," Fluttershy said worriedly.

"Oh come ON, Fluttershy! We've spent plenty of our time saving Equestria from ponies and villains. What harm could a few monsters do?"

"I know...but what about the fillies?" She pointed a hoof towards the CMC and Pipsqueak.

"How about we play hide and seek in the old castle?I suppose its safer?" Twilight suggested.

"Um well, if tons of booby traps and secrets rooms that could potentially get you trapped counts as safe.."Rarity said.

"Why don't we just play here?" Luna suggested.

"I guess we could, but its not as scary," Rainbow Dash said slowly, but she was careful to not complain in front of the princess.

"The castle is pretty huge. To be honest, I haven't explored most of it myself," Twilight admitted.

"I'll be it first," Luna steps forward.

"Oh alright , if you're sure princess," Fluttershy blinked up at her with uncertain eyes.

"I'm off!" Rainbow Dash flew off, a rainbow trail behind her. Luna turned to face the wall to count down. It had been a very long time since she had played this game. She closed her eyes, remembering faints bits of memory of playing in the Canterlot gardens with Princess Celestia when she was young. She was probably around five years of age. But she also remembered a shadow, peering at them, always watching. She shook her head and began the countdown.

It was nearly 11:30pm when she found all six ponies, including Spike ,and Discord as well. Pipsqueak and the CMC had gone home early since they got tired faster than the older ponies.Discord was the most difficult to find with his ability to morph into strange objects. Even Pinkie Pie was tired, but not all of energy had been spent. She curled up in one of the small six beds who had been arranged in a semi circle around Twilight's larger bed. A medium sized bed, with a blanket covered in stars had been placed next to it. Luna curled up in the covers, watching as her friends each got into their own beds. She closed her eyes and sleep quickly took over her. A wisp of purple smoke came forward to greet her, as though it had been waiting. Luna shook her head.

"No, Tantabus. not tonight..." Luna insisted.

"But you've waited your punishment for too long..." it said in a whispery voice. Luna bowed her head.

"You're right...do what you must...," The last thing she remembered in her dream was being swept up into the old throne room of the castle ruins.

This is my longest chapter ever! Sorry I couldn't keep each chapter at the same amount of time for reading, but I might change that by adding a few minor details to each chapter.The story is coming to an end, so be ready for more! Please leave a comment down below :)

Chapter 28

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"Princess, you seem troubled. Is everything alright?" Twilight asked her early in the morning. Luna had woken up a dawn to lower the moon.

"I'm not sure...now that I think about it. It seems childish," Luna admitted, staring out towards Canterlot where her sister was raising the sun.

"If you'd want, you can talk to me about it. I'm pretty good with advising ponies," Twilight came over to stand beside her.

"I am upset at my sister..I'm glad this sleepover happened. It wasn't only an excuse to get away from my sister at my moment, but a wonderful chance to hang out with the ponies I can call my 'friends'. I'm not sure if Princess Celestia ever considers any of her subjects as friends. But I'm not like her...I sometimes prefer to be seen as a equal among my subjects," Luna stopped, realizing how much she was talking.

"I'm mostly upset at her because she cancelled out on celebrating my birthday this year," Luna's cheeks turned hot slightly as she felt embarrassed. "As I said before...it's childish. I guess I overreacted. It's not that big of a deal."

"NOT that big of a deal? How can a birthday not be a big deal?" Pinkie's loud voice startled both princesses.

"I mean, your birthday is that moment when you get one number older! It's like...THE BEST DAY EVER!!" Pinkie began bouncing around both of them, but despite her energy, Luna could see dark circles under her eyes.

"I could totally arrange for a party for you!" She began, but she stopped, catching Twilight's eye.

"That would be nice," Luna smiled, not noticing this exchange.

"Your highness, may we come in?" A guard's urgent voice came from the door. Luna turned and walked a few steps towards it.

"Yes, come in," Luna said. A gray unicorn in a dark blue and purple armor opens the door.

"Princess Luna, your sister, Princess Celestia has arrived. She wishes to see you," The guard announces.

"My sister?" Luna blinked. "Of course, I will be right out." Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash had begun waking up as well. They said a sleepy greeting to the princess. Luna cocked her head when she saw dark circles under their eyes as well. Before she could ask them why they were so tired, Thunder Hoof poked his head in. Luna turned and followed him outside, but not before she heard a loud pop coming from Twilight's room. When she got outside, she gasped at the sight. There were balloons and party decorations covering most of the houses in Ponyville. There was a huge banner with her cutie mark on it as well as "Happy birthday, Princess Luna" written in huge letters. She scanned the crowd of ponies cheering and smiling up at her until her eyes met with her sister's. Princess Celestia stood at the front of the crowd along with Twilight and her friends.

"Who..who planned this party? I-" Luna was lost for words, but she could feel emotions swimming in her head. Princess Celestia stepped forward and touched her horn with Luna's.

"I would never pass over on your birthday. You know that...no matter how much royal work I have, I will always find time for my little sister," She smiled down at her sister lovingly. Luna leaned in close and wrapped her hoof tightly around Celestia's neck, hugging her close.

Then she turned back to the ground. One by one, ponies presented gifts to her until they were almost taller than her. However, today, Luna was relieved that not everypony in Ponyville had given her a gift. It would never have fit into her room. Among the ponies were Twilight and her friends, along with the CMC and Trixie who had arrived shortly. Twilight gave her an observation books that she had recorded her own observations and facts about the night sky into. Fluttershy gave her a beautiful painting of Canterlot at night that she had worked very hard on. The CMC had worked together to make her a dreamcatcher. Applejack gave her lots of her best baked apple pies and several barrels of cider. Discord gave her one of his Discord lamps. Although it was strange to receive a gift from a former villain,she thanked him.Rainbow Dash, to her surprise, gave her a ghost story book, but Luna noticed that she gave it to her when no one was looking except her friends. Last of all, Rarity gave her a beautiful dress. The fabric was as light as gossamer and the design on it resembled the night sky along with twinkling stars.

"Come this way, and I'll help you put it on," Rarity motioned her towards the boutique. Luna carried the dress, careful not to drag any part of it on the floor as she admired it. When she came out from the boutique, she could feel all eyes trained on her in awe.

"Luna, you look beautiful," Celestia's eyes were shining and there were tears in her eyes. Luna felt heat rising up her cheeks as ponies praised her.

"I'm sorry I was complaining so much," Luna muttered, leaning close to her sister so only she could hear.

"I would have done the same at your age," Celestia admitted. "Now, go and fetch your friends. It's my turn to give you your gift," She started walking towards the carriages. Luna quickly fetched Twilight and the others and followed her. The CMC bounced behind them, talking excitedly about going to Canterlot. There were four carriages. Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy got in one while Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight got in another. The Cutie mark crusaders got their own carriage. Luna climbed into the royal carriage next to her sister and the carriages took flight. She could hear the excited chatters of the ponies behind her and she longed to turn around and talk to them, but she wanted to act like a princess now, especially since Thunder Hoof was pulling the cart.

The four carriages landed in the gardens and the ponies got out. The ponies working at the castle dipped their heads to the princesses as they arrived. Musical Night hurried over and walked a littles way behind Luna as she followed Celestia towards the throne room

"Is the throne room fixed?" Luna stopped next to her sister.

"Oh, it's much better than the old throne room, that's for sure," Her sister replied, her eyes twinkling. With those words, she opened up the throne room door. There was a collective gasps of surprise as from the ponies behind her as they saw what was inside.

Chapter 29

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The throne room indeed looked very different. It seemed much larger to Luna now than it did then. At the end of the throne room were two thrones. One was dark blue with a moon symbol at the top along with some stars and the other was Celestia's usual throne. The small platforms next to and under her throne had been extended to make room for her throne and it looked much bigger. In fact, the entire throne room looked bigger as well. Luna was lost for words.

"So...this was the dark magic cleaning up I heard from you, huh?" She said at last, turning to her sister.

"Well...yes..I had to think of a way to keep you of the throne room completely. Rarity helped with the design of your throne and she had a couple of construction ponies to come help extend the room,"Celestia explained. Luna cocked her head.

"Was the sleepover meant to be a distraction too?"

"Mostly, yes, but I also wanted to spend some time with your Ponyville friends and to take a break from being a princess," Celestia replied. "So, do you like it?"

"I love it,"Luna replied and touched her horn lightly with her sister's. Then she stepped back and went to examine her throne. It looked similar to her old one, but it was larger and had more designs to it. Although it was still slightly smaller than her sister's, she loved it. She sat upon it and admired the view she had from the throne.

"Would you like to go have fun now, Luna?" Celestia's eyes shone.

"Are we bringing the party to Canterlot?" Luna asked, startled.

As she spoke, she could hear many voices outside the throne room door. She got off the throne and headed toward the room where the Gala was usually held. It was filled with ponies who had come from Canterlot as well as Ponyville. Pinkie was already setting up all the party supplies, hanging streamers everywhere. A huge wave of emotion crashed over Luna as she scanned the throne room. Then she laughed and began dancing along with the ponies. As she partied, she saw Shining armor and Princess Cadence join them. She also thought she saw Snowdrop hurrying through the crowd of ponies towards her. Luna stumbled through the crowd of ponies towards her, but to her disappointment it wasn't her. Of course it wasn't...Snowdrop is gone and she has been for over a thousand years.. Then a thought dawned on her and hit her like a ton of bricks. How many more friends would she have to lose while they aged and she stayed immortal as an alicorn? Luna stopped dancing and looked at each of her friends, her eyes filling with emotion.

"Luna, everything alright?" Twilight looked over at her. Luna shook the sad thoughts away and nodded.

"If you're ready, your cake is on the table," Princess Cadence stepped up next to her and nodded to the far corner where a large pale blue cake sat on the table. The music stopped and changed into the "Happy birthday" tune as she walked towards her cake. The ponies stopped dancing and stood around the table as well, forming a circle. Luna smiled up at her sister as they began to sing. After that, everything had cake and the dancing started again. It was well after midnight when everypony was worn out. As Luna waved good bye to the last pony, she turned back to her sister.

"Will every one of my birthdays be like this?" She asked tiredly.

"Hopefully not...but you only have so many friends," Celestia's eyes blinked down at her.

"Of course," Luna smiled. She had truly never had so much fun in all her life. Not even the time she went down to celebrate Nightmare Night. The fillies had begged for bedtime stories, so Luna tells them stories her sister used to tell her when she was small. My children of the Night Luna thought. She had almost forgotten completely about Asteria.

"Come,Luna. Let's get you to bed," Celestia draped a wing over her as she watched the maid ponies clean up the party. Luna turned and followed her. Before she went into her bedroom, she hugged her sister close and whispered. "Love you, Tia. Thank you,"

"Love you too, Lulu" Celestia whispered back, calling her by her nickname as well. Luna climbs into bed and closes her eyes.

"Tantabus," She said warily as a wisp of purple smoke greeted her as soon as she sunk into sleep.

The purple smoke, of course says nothing only floats in front of her as though waiting.

Why must I do this? Luna asked herself. Everypony loves me...my birthday party has proved that. They've forgiven me. Or was it simply an act?

"No," Luna says out loud, shaking her head. I can't forgive myself...I have not made up for the way I hurt them. She dips her head towards the Tantabus and braced herself

The book is done! I hope you've enjoyed my little story about Luna! I've left you at a cliffhanger >:) for those of you who haven't yet watched season 5, go ahead and do so and you'll find out what the tantabus is. I'll be posting another story real soon! Comment below on whether you want another mlp book or a warrior cat book! Other options may be suggested as well, such as Harry Potter, The Mortal instruments, Survivors, or seekers.