• Published 5th May 2015
  • 2,696 Views, 73 Comments

A Small Breeze - Shadowmane PX-41

It was all a pleasant day for Twilight in Ponyville, until a certain breezified unicorn catches her eye...

  • ...

All Fun and Games Until...

An hour and a half had passed since Twilight and her friends had eaten their apples and went to sleep. Throughout that time, the seven Breezies were relatively motionless in their sleep. They would sometimes turn slowly in their sleep, dreaming pleasant thoughts about what they thought the rest of their time with Trixie would be like until they turned themselves back to normal.

As Twilight was the first to shake herself from slumber, she climbed out of her leaf bed and spread her wings. Quietly flying upwards, she poked through the top of the tree and sat herself down on one of the highest leaves. After she got comfortable, she looked back towards Ponyville. Nothing had changed since she had used the transformation spell. The houses were still intact, the ponies were still happy and healthy, and all of the plantlife and trees flourished in the sunlight. Twilight gazed blankly as she began to process exactly how much Trixie had changed since she had been turned into a Breezie.

"Ever since Trixie was freed from the Alicorn Amulet, she said that she was going to right the wrongs that she had inflicted on others. Ergo, she changed her calling card to the 'Humble and Apologetic Trixie'." Twilight recalled. Despite the fact that her voice was still pitched up due to her form, she was still speaking with the same severity that she always had. "From where it stands, she's been living up to the humble part pretty well. But will it remain the same if we manage to fix her up? Will she return to being a boast buster if we pamper her too much? So many questions to answer, and so little time to contemplate them..." Twilight's smile had faded when she thought about the changed that were to come. "From where it stands, Trixie's still left a negative impression on Ponyville since her last visit. But at the same time, Breezies captured the hearts of the townsponies. I'm still unsure as to whether or not it's alright to show the ponies of Ponyville Trixie now, especially since we're still Breezies until we decide to get back to the castle and get back to normal."

Unbeknownst to Twilight, Trixie had woken up as well and was rubbing her eyes. Trixie looked around and saw that the rest of the Main Six were still fast asleep, nestled underneath makeshift blankets made from the leaves of the apple tree. She smiled momentarily, only to have her pupils shrink when she saw that Twilight was gone. Trixie's breathing became heavy, her face filled with sweat, and she found her eyes darting all through the tree to find where Twilight had gone. Despite her efforts, Trixie could not find Twilight anywhere inside the forest of leaves.

"Girls?" Trixie flew aside each of the leaves, gently shaking each of Twilight's friends in an attempt to wake them up. It took her a while, but at last, the other five Breezies finally pulled themselves off of the leaves and spread their wings.

"Afternoon, Trixie." Applejack was the first to talk. She pushed her chest forward with her tiny legs and sighed in relief. "Man, I ain't had that nice a sleep since ah was a filly."

"I must say, the life of a Breezie sure seems like a pleasant and carefree one." Rarity let out another yawn and chuckled afterwards. When she finally had time to compose herself, she brushed away some of the hair that was beginning to get in her face. "I think I understand why the ones who got stranded in Ponyville didn't want to leave Fluttershy's cottage."

"I know what you mean, Rarity. But I had to eventually tell them they weren't welcome anymore." Fluttershy sympathized as she put one of her legs around Rarity's shoulders. "They were just so cute, though. I couldn't say no to such sweet little faces such as theirs. But in the end, I knew that it had to be done; otherwise, we'd never have gotten them home in time."

"Yeah. If Fluttershy hadn't wised up and said no, Twilight wouldn't have used this spell in the first place, and we'd have been stuck with an awfully big mess on our hooves." Pinkie Pie was the next one to talk. She was standing quite still on her leaf, looking around as if she was missing something. "Well, that and we wouldn't have been able to open the chest which meant that Tirek would have completely eradicated every living thing on Equestria, Twilight wouldn't have gotten her castle and map, and I wouldn't be thinking abou—"

"PINKIE PIE!" everyone shouted together, knowing full well that Pinkie Pie was becoming unsettling in her dialogue. After they had calmed down, Pinkie Pie used one of her legs to imitate her mouth being zipped shut.

"Speaking of Twilight, where is she?" Rainbow Dash asked, checking each and every leaf that she came across. Every one of them was the same; plain and Breezie-free. "She wouldn't have just flown off without a good reason."

"If she had, then we'd still be stuck like this until she came back to find us." Rarity pointed out to enhance the severity of the situation. "And as fun as this is, I do still have an awful lot of designs to work on..."

"Twilight? Where are you?" Trixie called out to every corner of the tree. When it didn't respond back, Trixie's muscled tensed up as her search intensified. "Come on, Twilight. This isn't funny..." Trixie's head hang as she finally realized that her search was proving fruitless.

Twilight heard the commotion from inside of the tree. Snapping out of her thought, she laid down and pulled some of the leaves away, revealing Trixie and her friends. They were frantically trying to find her by pulling other leaves away from one another, and eventually checking inside the bark of the tree itself. Realizing that her absence had caused her friends to be this worked up, she flew back down to try and calm her friends down.

At first, it took Twilight a while to get her friends' attention, mostly due to the fact that they were too wrapped up in trying to find her. In the end, she managed to meet Trixie once more and patiently waited with her until the rest of the group reported back or made eye contact with her. Just like before; it was a lengthy wait until the Main Six saw that Twilight had returned. But eventually, they all found Twilight again and pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry for making you worry like that, girls. I was just sitting on the top of the tree, trying to think about the future." Twilight apologized as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Whatever for, Twilight?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow. "What kind of things?"

"Mainly about Trixie, and about what might happen before, during, and even after we turn her back into a pony." Twilight explained, but felt a little discord in her voice. "Secrets can't be kept forever, and it's only a matter of time before the townsponies find out about Trixie's return. How will they react? Will they take a liking to Trixie? Will she be able to build up a better relationship with the ponies? Who's to say whether or not she'll revert to being a jerk? And is there even a way to fix Trixie, seeing as she was made this way by a pollen spillage?!" Twilight's voice got louder and louder with each question, and she threw her legs out for emphasis.

"Twilight. I can understand the stress you're feeling," Trixie broke the silence, "But there's no cause for worry at the moment. At the very least, we just have to keep me hidden from the eyes of the public until the heat dies down. And considering how well you've done so far, I'd say that we're all perfectly fine."

"There's more, Trixie," Twilight took a deep breath. "Ponyville is also the town that is most frequently hit with misfortune," she explained, unable to shake off the past that she and her friends had experienced. "Monsters, supernatural events, and even Dark Magic can strike at any given time. It's been that way ever since I moved here."

"Don't be down on yourself, sugarcube," Applejack did her best to comfort Twilight. She used a hug to reinforce her dialogue. "None of those disasters were your fault. You're not responsible for the hardships Ponyville had to face. Even back when we were first starting out as friends, Nightmare Moon wasn't called to Ponyville because of your actions. It was a million to one chance of that ever happening."

"Applejack is right," Rarity's spoke next. "There were some trials and tribulations that the town had to face, I'll agree. But it was thanks to you that we were able to stop such dilemmas from growing out of hoof and causing complete turmoil for all of Equestria." when she stopped, the rest of the group chattered in agreement.

"Thank you, girls. But this is a problem that can't stay under wraps forever." Twilight pulled herself out of Applejack's hug. "The longer we leave this secret buried, the harder it gets for us to keep it a secret. I mean, it's only a matter of time before the townsponies realize that Trixie's back again. And when the beans are spilled, then who knows what'll happen?"

"We'll weather that storm when we reach it, Twilight," Fluttershy had her turn to speak, "But for now, I think that we need to have one last flight back to the castle. It is starting to turn into the afternoon, and I think that some of my critter friends are getting hungry."

"You're right, Fluttershy. Nothing lasts forever, But I wouldn't mind trying this out again sometime with you all." Twilight accepted the course of action and flew out of the tree first. Her friends followed closely behind her with Trixie and Fluttershy being the last to fly out. "Now come on, we need to get back to the ca—" Twilight bumped into another apple, causing it to shake from the stem and eventually fall. What Twilight didn't see was that Applebloom was directly underneath the tree, and was immediately bonked on the head with the felled fruit.

"What in tarnation?" She looked up to see what had caused the apple to strike her. Upon turning her head skyward, she saw the group of seven Breezies almost immediately. When the group looked back at her, they shared the exact same looks. All of them were flabbergasted that they had been exposed, and Applebloom herself was a bit thunderstruck. "Breezies? What are they doing here?"

"Applebloom? What's she doing here?" Applejack asked the rest of the group. "Ain't she supposed to be with Big Mac?"

"Maybe these poor little Breezies got lost on their way back home and are looking for somepony to keep 'em safe." Applebloom came to the assumption, then plastered a large smile on her face. "Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Ah think ah just found what we can earn our Cutie Marks in!" and then, she ran off to tell the other Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Twilight watched Applebloom disappear from sight, then sighed in relief. "That was a close one, girls," she said to the rest of the group. "At least she didn't realize that we were right in front of her."

"You think we should get home before they come back?" Trixie asked.

"Yes. It would raise a lot of activity if the ponies of Ponyville suddenly found seven Breezies out of the blue." Twilight responded. "And as much as they love the Breezies, I think it would be quite a mess trying to explain them the root cause of why they think they've come back only a half a year after the portal closed."

Twilight and the group flew through the orchard together, keeping close by each other to keep their turns sharp and to make sure that no-one got stranded. It was still a long way until they were out of Sweet Apple Acres, and the group of seven wanted to be safe from any other mishaps.

Then, it happened. Out of nowhere, the CMC came back and spotted the group trying to escape. It wasn't a problem for the girls at first. That was until they saw the three fillies carrying nets to catch them.

"Where do ya think you're going, little ones?" Sweetie Belle's voice was innocent as she tried to catch the flying Breezies. She meant no harm, but the way she was swinging the net said otherwise. It came close a few times, but it never fully caught Twilight or her friends. "I just want to earn my Cutie Mark in protecting endangered and exotic species."

"Breezies can fly. So we need to try and get up to their height..." Applebloom's quick thinking gave her an infallible plan. "Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle! Set me up for a jump!"

Applebloom's two friends were quick to comply with her orders. They quickly dropped the nets they were carrying and held out their hooves as a spring. When Applebloom landed on the hooves of her friends, she felt herself being thrown airborne. With her net ready to swing, Applebloom was ready for a winning catch.

The Main Six and Trixie were almost free from the orchard. They were just approaching the arch that exited the farm and led towards the rest of Ponyville. But almost before they swooped under the arch, they were quickly surrounded by a web of netting. They all crashed into each other and groaned in pain.

"Ah caught 'em!" Applebloom bounced in delight as she sealed the top with a jam jar lid. With her prizes caught and unable to escape, Applebloom ran back to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who were already rushing over to her to congratulate her. "Look, girls! We did it! These cute little Breezies aren't gonna get hurt anymore so long as we're looking after them."

"What a great catch, Applebloom!" Scootaloo commended Applebloom for her prizes. "Now that they're safe, we can make sure that the Breezies live on forever!"

"And if this works out well, we could get our Cutie Marks for sure!" Sweetie Belle squeaked, "I bet Rarity, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash would be proud of us!"

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ENDANGERED SPECIES CONSERVATIONALISTS, YAY!" the CMC all cheered and hoof-bumped before carrying the seven Breezies towards the clubhouse.

From the perspectives of Twilight and her friends, the view of Sweet Apple Acres had changed drastically. Instead of being the once majestic place it had been for their small eyes, it now seemed like they had been captured and were about to be locked up in an unescapable prison. The leaves, trees, and apples were still visible; but they were now blocked off by a wall of wires that when meshed together, proved to be unbreakable.

"What now, Twilight?" Trixie asked, seeing as things had taken a turn for the worst. "Should we just let this happen, or are you going to revert the transformation spell to turn you and your friends back into ponies?"

"It's for the best that we let the Cutie Mark Crusaders have their fun for now," Twilight already had a plan set up. "We'll just sneak off when they're not looking, then turn ourselves back to normal at the castle."

"Trust me. Those kids are too innocent to keep watch of us forever." Rainbow Dash had a confident smile. "Just ride this one out, then wait until they're gone, then we should have a leisurely flight back to the castle."

"Why are you still wanting to keep yourselves as Breezies until we return to Twilight's castle, girls?" Trixie's expression was different from before. It seemed as if she was trying to take charge. "It's a far safer option if you turn back into ponies immediately after we leave their sight."

"Trixie. If ponies recognize that you're still a Breezie when the spell ends, that would attract a lot of attention," Twilight explained. "I know it seems weird that we're still choosing to keep ourselves in this state until we return. But it's the only way we can ensure your safety from the rest of the world."

"These Breezies talk an awful lot. Kind of like how Twilight and her friends would talk." Applebloom noticed as she led the way to the clubhouse, "Come to think of it, these Breezies look an awful lot like Twilight and her friends. Except for this extra one who looks kinda like Trixie..."

"Oh, come on, Applebloom. It's just a coincidence." Scootaloo tried to make Applebloom forget about the similarities.

"Yeah. Lots of ponies in Equestria have the same coats and manes. So it wouldn't be surprising that some Breezies look similar to ponies," Sweetie Belle pointed out matter-of-factly. "After all, I saw a Breezie who looked an awful lot like Babs Seed during their flight back to their home."

"It just seems a little unorthodox, that's all," Trixie continued the conversation inside of the net. "I mean, I'm ok with seeing the beauty in Ponyville on the way back to the castle, but it still confuses me as to why you want to experience it with me."

"Because, Trixie. We're trying to help you feel much more welcome in our kingdom. It's not that we want to stay Breezies forever—we just wanted to have some fun in trying to show you around. That's all," Twilight's words were commanding, and they made Trixie understand at long last. "Furthermore, we could spend a bit more time as Breezies in the castle before reverting. That is, of course, if Fluttershy is willing to manage that with the fact that she brought up her animals earlier."

"As much as I would love to continue, Twilight, my animal friends are quite important as well," Fluttershy's conviction proved to be unshakeable as she addressed Twilight, "It's just not right to leave animal critters alone for so long without anything to eat or drink. All the poor mice, and the beavers, and especially Angel Bunny. He's going to get really steamed if I don't get back to him soon..."

"Well, you can't say I didn't try," Twilight accepted Fluttershy's decision and came up with a new course of action. "So, when we get back to the castle, we'll turn back to normal instantly. I'm still unsure as to whether or not Trixie will revert back with us, but it's worth a shot..."

"By the way, Twilight? Don't ya think it's a little weird to be speaking like this with the Cutie Mark Crusaders literally right in front of us?" Applejack tilted her head.

"We're speaking Breezie. They don't understand a word we're saying," Twilight reminded Applejack, "As long as we remain like this, everything we say will come out in a language that three fillies wouldn't be able to decipher in one day, let alone the rest of the school term," Twilight's logic made the rest of her friends murmur in uncertainty. "I'm sure we'll be fine. What could go wrong?"

Author's Note:

I swear, the next chapter will be the end of the transformation side-arc for now. As I've mentioned before, it's emotions this story is running on, not the Main Six being Breezies again. And I haven't forgotten about how the world of Equestria is dangerous to a Breezie. I do have a photographic memory of each episode I watched, so I tend to remember an awful lot. And by the way, I'm also planning something big for when the secret does get out, so be sure to keep reading.

And don't forget; if you liked this story, be sure to recommend it to all of your friends and followers. Further, some comments would be appreciated; as with every chapter I write. And by the way, Aeluna? You wanted some excitement? Well here it is. See? I do listen to feedback...

But I'm not a comment-driven-guy in terms of writing. I mean, it is my work, and I decide what happens in it. You would say the same about any of your stories as well. This isn't a choose-your-own-adventure story, but what do I know about those? I'm just a simple brony from England...

Comments ( 5 )

"I'm sure we'll be fine. What could go wrong?"

And, the magical words have been said. The only thing left to do is to wait for a problem to happen.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. What could go wrong?"

Rule numero uno in a story: Don't tempt fate / invoke the wrath of Murphy's law.

This was definitely my favourite chapter so far, the slight twist of the CMC catching them was a welcome unexpectedness. I'd certainly like to see how the crusaders try to get their Endangered Species Conservationists marks, maybe they could make a tiny weeny tea party? That'd be cute :D

(P.s. there is still some over-repetition of words, but this chapter had less than normal, possibly why it was so much easier to read than some of the other chapters which, while enjoyable, proved a bit of a challenge in a negative way)

6417272 Thank you for your feedback.

If it's not too much trouble, could you direct me to the repetition in the other chapters so I can fix it?

Also; I have a new Blog Post on the episode that released today. Check it out when you have the time...


Ahh, haven't seen the episode sadly, and won't for a few weeks, someone's been stealing my internet so I have gone over my limit and can't afford to watch youtube videos. :ajsleepy: but sure, I'll look through the other chapters for the repetition

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