• Published 5th May 2015
  • 2,697 Views, 73 Comments

A Small Breeze - Shadowmane PX-41

It was all a pleasant day for Twilight in Ponyville, until a certain breezified unicorn catches her eye...

  • ...

Comfort and Emotions

Twilight, Trixie, and Fluttershy returned to the castle and slowly walked back to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. During that time, their thoughts were focused on the theory that they had come up with to explain how Trixie had become a Breezie. It wasn't perfect, but they had managed to find a reasonable explanation for what had happened to her. However, it could have also been proved to be fake without evidence that there was magical pollen to sustain it. Twilight wanted to try and make the story true; but at the same time, she had duties to uphold as the Princess of Friendship.

Twilight sighed heavily, which attracted Fluttershy's attention immediately.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked as she brushed some of her hair out of her face.

"Nothing's wrong, Fluttershy," Twilight spoke firmly; despite the fact that her mental series of events on how Trixie was turned into a Breezie could have been false. "I'm just wondering something; our story on how Trixie got this way might be wrong without evidence, right?"

"Y-Yeah..." Fluttershy agreed. "But, surely we can find this pollen someday and clear the rumor, right?"

"Yes. But for the time being, we have Trixie under our care, as well as the map to attend to," Twilight explained. "If might be days; maybe even weeks before we can find the pollen that can reinforce what we've learned. And even then, it could be gone forever by the time we start looking..."

Trixie flew side by side with Twilight and Fluttershy. She too was having trouble thinking about how she became a Breezie. Even though she herself was the victim in this case, all that she could remember was falling into pollen covered flowers. However much it lingered in her mind, though, she remained cautiously optimistic as long as she was with Twilight and Fluttershy. Whispering to herself, Trixie glided slowly through the corridors.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were all working hard on constructing Trixie a house out of the materials they had. However, without Twilight and Fluttershy to oversee them, they were beginning to have doubts on whether or not Trixie was to be trusted in her new state. Though their initial thoughts on her had been all but forgotten, the four working ponies still knew that Trixie had been a pain to deal with during her past encounters, and that she could have very well been faking her new role to ambush Twilight when she least expected it. Even so; they still went over the plans, cut the wood down to an optimal length and height, and carefully did their best to build Trixie a house to rest herself in for the nights ahead.

"Do any of you get the feeling that Trixie's just faking this?" Rainbow Dash asked after she finished shortening another plank of wood.

"Whatever do you mean, darling?" Rarity tilted her head and looked at Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow. "Fluttershy said it herself; Trixie wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone any of us..."

"But that's the problem, Rarity. Trixie's a very deceptive pony, capable of using underhanded and sneaky tactics to ensure she gets her way," Rainbow Dash spared no time in letting her thoughts out. "You saw what happened when she had the Alicorn Amulet, right? She used some of the most powerful spells in history without even breaking a sweat! She must have learned to make herself stronger after that. There's no other way she could have turned into a Breezie unless she somehow cast a spell as she fell into those flowers..."

"Trixie's a powerful unicorn, ah'll say; but there's just no way she could've learned a transformation spell like that..." Applejack seemed to be the one siding against Rainbow Dash. "That spell must take an awful lot of power to muster. And even then, there had to have been Breezies in the area for her to use it..." with the knowledge that she had accrued, Applejack's tension mounted. "Dagnabbit! This story's got as much sense as one of Twilight's fancy-schamncy science lessons!"

"So out of the four of us here; there's one who thinks Trixie is scheming to get revenge, another who thinks that she became a Breezie for an unexplained reason, and one who thinks she's just a victim of circumstance..." Rainbow Dash face-hoofed and groaned. "Just great..."

"Who cares how it happened, girls?" Pinkie Pie spoke up as she hammered a nail into multiple pieces of wood with one strike, binding them all together without splitting it. "If anything, it's made Trixie much cuter now!"

"Cuter?" Applejack's voice was raised as she squinted her eyes. "Ya think that a magician who caused so many ponies so much grief is cuter now that she's a Breezie?!"

"Applejack! Calm down, dear..." Rarity threw out one of her hooves in front of Applejack's chest, ready to hold her back if she lashed out at Pinkie Pie. "Don't just jump headlong into something and try to start an argument over miniscule little details. You remember what Twilight taught us when she returned from the Canterlot High a few months back, right?"

Applejack wanted to fight back against Rarity's words, but nothing she could say could be used as artillery to back herself up. Grunting in defeat, she backed down and put her hat over her head.

"Listen, I know these are hard times for all of us, Applejack," Rarity spoke mellifluously as they drilled a large hole into a side of the wood, most likely to serve as Trixie's door to her new house. "But you need to remember that this might not be permanent. These things come and go all the time. Sometimes they take a short while, other times take more than a day, and some things even last for up to a week without a solution," using her magic to clean up the shavings, Rarity turned her gaze towards Rainbow Dash. "This goes for you too, Rainbow Dash. Sometimes, we have to push ourselves to do something, even if it's too hard to manage. But at the same time, we're not being forced to work on this like some paid employees. We're doing this of our own volition, to aid Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in fixing this little debacle up and getting Trixie back to the way she used to be."

"Rarity, how can you be so calm in all of this?" Rainbow Dash asked once Rarity had finished her monologue. "Trixie did some pretty awful stuff to you as well..."

"Well yes, I still can't forgive her for her crimes against fashion. But Twilight and Fluttershy can see the goodness in everypony's heart; even for someone as mean and as boastful as Trixie," Rarity's tone remained neutral as if she was talking normally; despite the fact that Trixie had been cruel to her as well. "If anyone can be redeemed, then there's a good chance that Trixie can see the light as well. Even some of the worst ponies we've ever met deserve a shot at redemption. And despite the hardships, I press onwards; knowing fully that there's always a reward at the end of an arduous task. However, if you wish to drop out now, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the door is right behind me..."

As Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at the door, they had taken in what Rarity had said. In a way, they had no right to be cruel to Trixie, even if she had become such a despicable unicorn who caused terrible things to happen to other ponies. As much as they wanted to run away and forget about Trixie, they also remembered that Breezies posed absolutely no threat to them; or any other pony in Equestria. They still held the impression that Trixie was still planning to get back at them in some way, but they repressed their anger as they returned to working on the house that they had been working on.

"Fine, Rarity..." Rainbow Dash sighed heavily as she hammered in another nail to the wood. "But I'm doing this under protest..."

"You keep thinking about that, Rarity..." Applejack stubbornly brought over another piece of wood and cut it to make one half of the house's roof. "But don't come crying to Rainbow Dash and me when Trixie stabs you in the back..."

Rarity brushed off the things that Rainbow Dash and Applejack had replied with, raised her head high, and used her magic to get rid of the excess wood shavings and cut pieces that had fallen onto the floor.

After a while, Twilight and Fluttershy walked into the room with Trixie by their sides. They immediately saw the hard work that the ponies had put into building the house. In their sights was a house that was just large enough for Trixie to climb into, but not too big that she became greedy and boastful. With four sides painted blue, a roof that had been coloured white, a hole that was big enough for Trixie to squeeze into, and a perch for her to stand on, Twilight and Fluttershy could not help but be proud of their friends for building the house.

"So, what do you think, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie leaped up in front of the group and came much too close to Twilight's personal space. "I personally think that we could have lined the interior walls with little tiny pieces of fruity candy to make it taste as good as it looks, but then again; it's a house or food, not both..."

"I personally think that it could have been better, girls," Twilight's judgement was quick, but she turned her head afterwards. "But that's just because I've personally never seen a Breezie house from the inside before. What about you, Fluttershy?"

"I think that it looks lovely from the outside, girls," Fluttershy's criticisms were much sweeter, putting smiles on her friends faces. "But it's not up to me to decide. It's up to little Trixie here..." Fluttershy used her wing to gently push Trixie forward towards her house. "Go on now, Trixie. Head inside and tell us what you think when you come out again..."

Trixie nodded, then towards the house. She landed gracefully on the perch, retracted her wings, and walked inside the house gently. Once inside, she noticed that the house only had one room. It was dimly lit to account for the lack of windows, had barely enough space for Trixie to move around in, and had a floor covered in bedding that would usually appeal to birds.

Looking around, Trixie shivered that her own house would be completely pitch-black every time Twilight and Fluttershy went to bed themselves; but at the same time, Trixie remembered that it was her own house, and that she would be protected as long as she remained inside of the thick walls of wood. Trixie flew down onto the bedding, laid herself down, and tested the materials she would be sleeping on. Pulling some over herself, Trixie could immediately feel how soft it felt around her skin. It might have been little strips that acted as lots of miniature blankets for her, but they were surprisingly comfortable, and they made Trixie feel drowsy.

She was about to fall asleep, when the melodious whistle of Fluttershy woke her up just in time. Remembering that she still needed to deliver her verdict on what she thought of the house, Trixie rubbed her eyes, shrugged the bedding off of her, and walked out of the house. Trixie spread her wings when she was outside, and flew over to Fluttershy's side, giving her review in the language of the Breezies.

"Still got no idea what the heck she's saying..." Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"It's a good thing you have me to translate for you, then..." Fluttershy held out her hoof and let Trixie stand on it. "She said that she loves the house for how cosy it is; even though she knows that it'll get darker than most other houses when we go to sleep."

"Ah just wish there was a way to learn the Breezie language, Fluttershy," Applejack jaw fell wide with how well Fluttershy had translated for the group. "Ya make it seem like there's nothing to it..."

"To Fluttershy, it's easy for her; but for the rest of us, it's a difficult chore to understand the language," Twilight pulled out one of the books in her bedroom and opened it up to the page which had the transformation spell she had used in the past. "I've been studying the transformation spell I used to turn us into Breezies before; and I've learned that when the user has a massive concentration focused into using the spell, it becomes powerful enough for us to hear the language of the species we become as if they were speaking our own.

"Sure, it might seem like we're going to be talking Breezie to everypony else we come across if we remain in those forms for extended periods of time; but to Trixie and to us, we'll be speaking proper pony." Twilight smiled as she put the book back.

"Twilight, how do you find the time to learn all this stuff, even when the map could be beckoning you at any given moment?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I usually organize my schedule quite accordingly; with the offset chance that a friendship problem could arise without warning," Twilight conjured up a lengthy schedule which reached the feet of her friends as it rolled out. Everything was also marked with a red asterisk, which was explained at the bottom of the list saying, 'If map reacts, the event is null and void'. "I'm prepared for anything; even if it means we have to leave Ponyville for important business..."

"Anyway, I think it would be nice to take Trixie out for a walk in Ponyville before sunset," Fluttershy made her voice heard. "We've still got some time, and I bet it would be nice for her to see exactly how much Ponyville changed since her last visit..."

"That sounds like a great idea, Fluttershy," Twilight put a hoof around Fluttershy's shoulders. "If you're living in a new place, it's an ideal decision to see exactly the whole town or city with your own eyes, so that you'll be mentally prepared to navigate without a problem..."

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash's pupils shrunk to pinpricks. Wasting no time, Rainbow Dash flew into the air and landed hastily in front of Twilight.

"Twilight, I think I speak for everyone that I don't think it's a good idea to take Trixie out with you," Rainbow Dash's voice was stern as she locked gazes with Twilight. She unfurled her wings and used them to cut off Twilight's progress. "If the townsponies see that Trixie is with you, they'll start thinking less and less about you..."

"Yes, Twilight," Applejack added. "Ah'm not saying this to try and make you angry. But I am saying that this if for your own protection. If those townsponies recognize Trixie, it could damage your reputation by a considerable amount. And being a princess of Equestria, it would be a terrible thing for your subjects to think of you negatively..."

"I appreciate your concern, Rainbow Dash and Applejack; but Trixie is under our care, and we promised her that nothing would harm her," Twilight stood up for herself. "You and the townsponies might see her as a threat, but I still see her as a troubled pony who always seems to be making the wrong choices in life, but not because she was baited in by them or that she was acting like a jerk."

"It's a pretty big risk, Twilight. Even I'm concerned for you and Trixie..." Rarity added in. "One false move, and it's curtains for both of you..."

"Girls. We're completely sure that Trixie will be safe with us," Fluttershy defended herself and Twilight as she stood next to Twilight. As she spoke, Fluttershy could feel Trixie flying into her mane and scurrying around in it. "Trixie will be spending most of her time in my hair, and occasionally Twilight's. We're not going to risk her going out into the wind, for fear she might be blown away and out of our hands."

"That's your opinion, Twilight. But from where me and Applejack are standing, you could very well be taking a massive risk in taking Trixie for a walk," Rainbow Dash seemed to lose faith in Twilight already. "I'm not about to risk one of my best friends suffer because the townsponies hate her new friend!"

"Rainbow Dash! Why are you siding against me?!" Twilight felt like nothing she said would dissuade Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Trixie might be harmless in your eyes, but I still think she's just scheming against us," Rainbow Dash was quick to the point once more. "Look, I'm sorry if I make you and Fluttershy angry, but I still don't think that Trixie is to be fully trusted..."

"Well, that's something that you yourself can worry about," Twilight levitated Rainbow Dash and put her down by Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. "If you don't even trust Trixie enough to show her around Ponyville, then by all means, stay in the castle and keep an eye on things," Twilight walked out with a pout. "I'm taking Trixie for a walk. Come on, Fluttershy..."

As Fluttershy and Twilight walked away from their friends, Fluttershy turned back and scolded, "Look at what you've become, girls. Trixie needs our help and you decide to abandon her? Think about what you've said, then come and find us when you decide when you want to say sorry." then she shut the door, failing to notice that Applejack and Pinkie Pie were hanging their heads.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack might have had suspicions about Trixie, but Fluttershy's words were sharper than steel. It was their own fault that they had put themselves in this position, and they fully deserved the blame after what had happened.

"I'm afraid that Twilight and Fluttershy are right, Rainbow Dash and Applejack," Rarity walked towards the door. "You went as far as to overprotect Trixie the wrong way when she's clearly in capable hands? For-shame..." Rarity opened the door and slammed it behind Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Applejack, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie Pie's expression was devoid of happiness. "Trixie is a cute little Breezie now. And in all the years I've lived, I've never seen a pony turn down anything as cute as her. Well, maybe because they had other things to do and couldn't be bothered,but never as mean as what I've just seen here today!" Pinkie stormed off. "When next you see Trixie, I expect to see an apology from both of you meanies."

After Pinkie Pie and Rarity had left, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were alone to dwell on the severity of the situation. They had done a terrible thing after being scolded by the rest of their friends for doing it, and they were on the verge of losing them forever if they didn't make up for what had happened. Hanging their heads, they walked out of the room and down another of the castle's corridors.

Author's Note:

Sorry for leaving you all hanging like that. But I've come up with an interesting sum of how to get this story posted on EQD. I believe that one story cannot stand on just a few chapters to be considered a worthy novel unlike the other big names out there. So with that in mind, I'm putting off publishing it to EQD for a while and waiting until I reach double digits in chapters, so that I have much more stuff to work with and fix.

Anyway. Now that I've been given some time to work, the team at EQD told me what to watch out for when working on my story.

Repetition: If you guys think I'm repeating myself in terms of phrasing or big words, just tell me where and when, and I'll sort it out.

Telly Language: This is another factor; but I'm not exactly sure what counts at Telly Language. If you guys know what it is, be sure to describe it to me.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of commenting, be sure to leave a comment down about your thoughts on this chapter.