• Published 5th May 2015
  • 2,694 Views, 73 Comments

A Small Breeze - Shadowmane PX-41

It was all a pleasant day for Twilight in Ponyville, until a certain breezified unicorn catches her eye...

  • ...

Taking Flight Again

"Thank you all for coming, girls," Twilight paced back and forth as she addressed her friends in the library, "I know that this is short notice and that you all have important things to be doing, but this is something that could very well make Trixie's stay in Ponyville much more comfortable," Twilight pulled up the spell that she had acquired from the Castle of the Two Sisters. "I trust that you are all aware on what this spell is, correct?"

"Yes indeed, Twilight. That's the transformation spell that enables us to shapeshift and become a different species," Rarity was the first to answer. "But I'm still unaware as to why turning ourselves into Breezies again will give Trixie a much more suitable lifestyle."

"Shouldn't we be getting her back to the way she was before?" Fluttershy raised a hoof. "Not that I'm having trouble with helping her and us all out, but Trixie is still a pony deep down. She's just been turned into a Breezie by accident."

"It's occurred to me that the Breezie language is getting harder and harder to translate the further I delve into it. There are just so many pronunciations and sentence structures that sound alien to Equestria and its inhabitants," Twilight sighed as she looked back at Trixie. "I can't believe that I'm saying this, but their alphabet is as hard as trying to learn Prench or Japonese..."

"So how do you know that it'll even work with Trixie, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I mean, if we used the spell on a Breezie who turned out to be a regular pony, then who knows what would happen?" she threw out her hooves for emphasis. "We could grow twice the size; or freaky double horns; maybe even four extra legs!"

"Pinkie, I'm not sure that that's even possi—"

"And if you took all of those combined into one transformation, we'd be..." Pinkie Pie took in a massive gasp of air. "DOUBLE PONIES!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight's wings unfurled as her voice boomed, silencing Pinkie in an instant. Twilight coughed to regain her composure, then continued with what she was saying. "Anyway. The transformation spell only turns ponies into what the other species happens to be. So in no way would we ever turn into double ponies, Pinkie Pie..."

"Sorry." Pinkie Pie smiled and returned to her position in the line.

"Today is a windless day, and there's not a single rainstorm forecast," Twilight went on. "I was thinking that we take Trixie on a little flight through the plains today, then come back at some time in the afternoon. Now before we begin; for the sake of clarity, I need to ask you all; do you want to become Breezies again?"

"Well... the last time seemed to go off without a hitch," Applejack already had her answer. "Ah'm in. What about the rest of ya'll?"

"I'd love to become a Breezie again, Twilight," Fluttershy was straight to the point, "Not only would it be another good experience to see the world from their eyes, but we'd be doing Trixie a good favor by helping her feel more at ease."

"Well, as much as it does kind of eat into my stunt practice, what the hay? Might as well take another crack at being a Breezie..." Rainbow Dash's leaned back as her wings flapped.

"I do have some dresses that have a deadline of two days..." Rarity was stroking her chin with her hoof. "I should be worried about it, but I feel like it would be rather enriching to learn of beauty within nature," coming to a realization, Rarity gasped. "Idea! I'll gladly come along, Twilight. Seeing as I never got the chance to write down the designs of the Breezie Homeworld, I feel like this little trip will be just the thing to get the perfect inspiration for a dress that embodies the world around us..."

"Alright then. That's four out of five," Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie at last. "Pinkie Pie. Do you want to become a Breezie again?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Pinkie Pie bounced eagerly. "Of course I'd want to become a Breezie again!"

"Perfect," Twilight turned towards Trixie. "Now Trixie. I'm just going to highlight you with a spell. The same thing will go with my friends. You don't mind this at all, do you?"

Trixie chittered in Breezie and nodded her head, giving Twilight to go-ahead to perform the spell.

"Alright then. Now just stay still," Twilight told Trixie, then turned to the rest of her friends. "This goes for you too, girls. This won't hurt a bit..."

Twilight illuminated her horn and took her friends airborne. Taking a breath, she used multiple beams to mark Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. With her friends being the ones to transform, she turned back towards Trixie and fired the last beam of magic at her, surrounding her with archaic markings. With the preparations complete, Twilight closed her eyes and let a bright flash illuminate the room.

The six ponies all noticed a change. First, everone grew curly Breezie antennae; Next, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight's wings all became Breezie wings whilst the others grew theirs freely; And finally, the spell shrunk the Main Six rapidly until they were the same size as Trixie. With another powerful burst of light, the Main Six all examined themselves again. The last features that came with the transformation was that their legs had become thinner, their hair had been extended, and their muzzles had been replaced with Breezie noses.

Trixie was awestruck when the light finally died down to reveal the results of Twilight's spell. As she looked at Twilight and her friends, she could not help but smile with her success.

"Well, here we are again," Twilight's voice had drastically increased in pitch, as had the rest of her friends. "Now just like before, this isn't permanent. But at the same time, there's no limit as to how long we can stay like this." she made the additional rules of the spell clear for the group.

"Check us out..." Rainbow Dash had some time to admire her new body. Despite it being fragile, she was still impressed with how every detail was correct. "It's like we were born and raised as Breezies..."

"I must admit, I too am impressed," Rarity felt how soft her new wings were. "You know, I never really had time to say this before but I actually enjoy this form, Twilight. I can't put my hoof on it, but there's something beautiful about being a Breezie..."

"I'll tell you what it is, Rarity," Pinkie Pie giggled and dived into a nearby cupcake, eating it from the inside out. "It's because we're so tiny that makes it better! Well, that and our voices sound like we've all inhaled helium, but it's definititely how itsy-bitsy and cute we all look!"

"Now then," Twilight and Fluttershy glided over to Trixie with the rest of their friends in tow. "Are you ready to go, Trixie?"

"Yes. Yes I am, Twilight." Trixie spoke normally, despite her voice being pitched-up as well.

"Perfect," Twilight turned and saw that the window was open. "Now since there's no wind today, we should be abl—" she froze and turned her head when she had let Trixie's words sink in "—what? You can talk, Trixie?"

"Yes. In fact, you're all speaking my language now," Trixie explained. "You said it yourself, Twilight. Extra concentration allows the ponies being transformed to speak in the language of the species they become, and understand the exact same species as if they were speaking normally. So in truth, we're really all speaking the Breezie language."

"Oh yeah..." Twilight chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. "I forgot about that."

"No worries. It's just another brick in the wall," Trixie smiled, "Now, shall we get going?"

"Yes. We're burning daylight just by staying in this stuffy castle," Twilight flew over to the window and slipped through the open crack by retracting her wings. Just before she could lose altitude, she spread tem again. "Come on, girls. There's a whole new world to explore..."

All of Twilight's friends followed suit with Fluttershy being the last out of the castle. She stayed back to escort Trixie and help her get through the open window. Holding hooves, the two flew through together and opened their wings out in the radiant sunlight. Smiling at each other, Fluttershy and Trixie had a little hug before following Twilight and the rest of the group.

As the Main Six and Trixie flew high above Ponyville, they could see that the world looked completely different. Height and size aside, it was as if they had just laid eyes on Ponyville for the first time, and that all of the details were awe-inspiring and worth murmurs of interest and gasps of amazement. And that was just the kingdom. Their next sight was the clouds. From their little forms, the clouds all looked like massive fluffy fortresses where each of the group could climb into and rest themselves.

Flying downwards towards the grass, the seven Breezies now got a good view on the natural world around them. Every blade of grass was like a small tree growing from the natural earth. Every flower was like a colossal umbrella for if the rain came pouring down unexpectedly. And each bush that they flew past felt like a forest of leaves, other insects, and the occasional thorn. Every detail was worth observing for the time that Twilight would keep her friends Breezies to ease Trixie into the place she would be calling her home.

Their maneuverability as they moved about was quite controlled as well. By flying as one pack, the seven Breezies found it much easier to control their flight patterns and turn on a whim. And while there were some pegasi soaring in the same airspace, they didn't come close to the group during their travels. But to remain perfectly safe, Twilight and her friends decided that coming into contact with a pegasus wasn't really a good idea.

"So, how are you enjoying the sights, girls?" Twilight asked as they stopped to compose themselves.

"I think it's all simply lovely, Twilight," Fluttershy's answer came first. "I never knew Ponyville had so much beauty..."

"It just goes to show ya; we're all quite lucky to call this kingdom our home." Applejack smiled.

"What about you, Trixie? How do you like Ponyville for what it is on the inside?" Twilight turned towards Trixie.

"After seeing what your town has to offer, I'm actually considering living here once this all finishes," Trixie looked at the light refleting off of the leaves below in the plains. "The nature here goes well with the peacefulness of the town, making it seem like a much more suitable place for a pony to live."

"Well, I'm glad you like it, Trixie," Rarity put one of her tiny legs around Trixie's shoulders to comfort her. "There is so much more to Equestria when you see it from another side. The same thing can be said for many of the other Equestrian cities and towns. Every little one has its charm; be it rustic, modern, or one of utter tranquility."

"I know. Such harmony could never be found among other places here in Equestria," Trixie continued, "There really is no substitute for beauty, isn't there?"

"Exactly," with Trixie starting to enjoy Ponyville more and more, Twilight brought her into a hug. "I'm glad this all happened, Trixie..."

The rest of the group saw Twilight and Trixie hugging and decided to make it a group hug. The happy murmurs as they all embraced each other could be heard all across the skies. When it finally finished, the group all dispersed and allowed Trixie some space.

"Now then, where should we head next?" Trixie asked. "I'm curious to see what else this lovely place has to offer..."

"How 'bout we head down to Sweet Apple Acres for something to eat?" Applejack proposed. "With how small we all are, at least one apple would be the perfect thing to keep us all going on our way..."

As if on cue, Rainbow Dash's stomach rumbled. "Good idea, AJ. Where's the fun in adventuring as a Breezie if you have an empty stomach?"

Everyone giggled, then Twilight said, "OK then. Sweet Apple Acres it is."

And then, they all flew off towards Sweet Apple Acres at their own leisurely paces.

When everyone arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, they were once again taken aback with how everything looked from their points of view. The height of the barn was enough to make the seven Breezies see the farm as a thing of beauty. Coupled with the frames for the doors and windows, it felt like a palace rather than Applejack's home.

"We should probably head over to the Eastern Orchard, girls," Applejack took charge, since it was her orchard. "Big Mac and Applebloom are working hard in the Western Orchard, and they might disturb our lunch with their applebucking."

"Good idea, Applejack," Twilight said, "Lead the way."

The seven Breezies over the foliage of the trees, occasionally skipping across the leaves whilst giggling. With how minuscule each of them was, it was easy to find fun in places they had already been to. When they had had their fun, they flew downwards and saw another breathtaking sight.

There in the distance was a large cluster of trees. Each and everyone of them was bearing massive red apples that would completely fill Twilight and her friends up in an instant. As they daintly hung from the branches, the fruit glistened in the daylight, making them all the more alluring.

"Here we are, girls," Applejack stopped the group when they had reached their destination. "Eastern Orchard.

"Now tuck in, but don't eat too much." Applejack graciously let her friends fly towards the apples that they found to be the plumpest.

Each of Twilight's friends examined an apple. Given their miniature forms, it seemed like they were all looking at perfect copies of the one that Applejack had used to lure Flutterbat in many months ago. Each of them sank their teeth into the giant red fruits, with Trixie being the first one. Just one bite from each of the girls had left tiny bite marks . When they had ripped off their respective chunks of apple, each of the Breezies chewed throughly, tasting that they were much more filling than before. After swallowing, the girls all stopped, then hastily took a bigger bite out of each.

"Sweet Celestia, Applejack. These apples are just heavenly!" Twilight pulled her face out of her apple, wiping the juice out of her face as she did. "I can't stop eating them!"

"My thoughts exactly, Applejack!" Rarity was the next to speak, albeit with her mouth full. She eventually finished the second piece of hers, cleared her throat, then continued. "I'm not sure what, but these are the best apples I've ever tasted!"

"Which is odd..." Applejack examined the apple that she had been eating. "It's no different than a regular apple, and yet it tastes as if it could put the fabled Zap Apples to shame with how good the taste is..."

"I guess Breezies just have different taste buds to ponies then," Trixie said next, poking her head out of the top of the apple she was eating. "There's no way an apple would taste this heavenly without a change in taste buds..."

"Who cares that it tastes different?" Pinkie Pie smiled and buried her face in hers. "It's totally delicious!"

Everyone returned to their lunch of oversized fruit, munching away as if they didn't have a care in the world. The juices were all over their faces, and some crept onto their wings and antennae as they climbed inside the colossal fruits. But they didn't mind a bit. They were eating in peace, and that was all that mattered to them now.

When everyone had finished eating, they had all perched themselves on the branches of the trees. They had eaten a lot, and their bellies were starting to swell. A few burps and peaceful noises of satisfaction came from the girls as they relaxed after their hefty feast. Even Twilight, Fluttershy, and Trixie were completely full.

"Hard to believe that one apple is that filling in this state..." Twilight sighed in peace. "I'm actually thinking about sleeping this meal off now..."

Rainbow Dash yawned and stretched her legs. "Actually, that does sound like a good idea, Twilight..." she flew up towards a leaf in the tree and used it as a makeshift bed. Yawning again, Rainbow Dash felt herself drifting off to sleep already.

"I think we're all tired, aren't we?" Trixie gathered the rest of the group. "Why don't we just take a nap here, then head back towards Ponyville for more adventure when we're well rested?"

Yawning, Twilight said, "I guess the feeling's mutual, Trixie. I haven't eaten like that since I was a filly..."

"Let's try towards the top of the tree, girls," Applejack rounded up the group and flew up. "Leaves are generally much stronger and bigger the higher up the tree they are..."

Rainbow Dash was roused from her drowsiness to follow the rest of the group as they examined the leaves for suitable places for them to sleep.

In the end, each of the seven Breezies had found leaves that they thought were all perfect. Some were spaced away from each other, but they were all very close to each other. Curling their legs as they flopped back onto the soft leaves, Twilight and her friends all let out a chorus of more yawns before letting their eyelids fall.

"Sleep tight, everypony," Twilight said as she pulled off another leaf and used it for a blanket. "Or should I say, everybreezie?"

Murmuring, everyone fell asleep in almost perfect tandem with each other. With their beds and blankets of leaves, their movements slowed down and stopped as their eyes shut, and they were permitted to sleep and dream happy thoughts. Twilight, her friends, and Trixie all felt as if today had been the best day of their lives. And as they snored, they only knew that it was going to get better when they woke up.

Author's Note:

Truth be told, I'm unsure as to whether or not 'apple' can be considered a word that's okay for repetition. But I have seen moments where repetition is okay for effect. Comment below and tell me whether that's true in this case or not. Or just comment below for the heck of it. Tell me what you all thought about this chapter.

Further, this whole Breezies-transformation thing isn't the main focus of the story from now. It's just a little fun side-arc that'll come in from time and time again. Don't let it distract you from the main focus here; emotions.

By the way, I totally wasn't listening to Satorl Marsh Night whilst writing this chapter... :trollestia: