• Published 5th May 2015
  • 2,698 Views, 73 Comments

A Small Breeze - Shadowmane PX-41

It was all a pleasant day for Twilight in Ponyville, until a certain breezified unicorn catches her eye...

  • ...

Twilight's Questions

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the long wait, everyone. Either Equestria Daily is really slow at reading my story again for final confirmation, or there's been a terrible error with the publishing system.

Either way, here's a new chapter of A Small Breeze for your pleasure. I hope you enjoy the hard work I poured into it.


The kitchen was a sight to behold. It was filled with all kinds of regal decorum lining the walls. Each different area of the kitchen was quite expansive. There were different areas for all the different kinds of food preparation, as well as a few pieces of rustic farm decor that Applejack had installed whilst she had been out a few months ago.

Twilight and Fluttershy walked over to the fridge to see if there were any fruits that could be chopped up. Upon the door's opening, the two ponies were instantly affected by how cold it was. Trixie shivered as the temperature around her fell, whilst Twilight and Fluttershy were only feeling a small chill.

When Fluttershy noticed how Trixie was shaking with the change in temperature around her, she put Trixie back into her mane and allowed her to poke out of it to see what was going on. As Fluttershy shot another little smile to Trixie, the two of them then watched as Twilight levitated out what looked like a small bunch of grapes from a large cluster. Once the fruit was set down on one of the counters, Trixie leaned out of Fluttershy's mane even further, and accidentally fell out with how far she had reached for the grapes.

Trixie had a violent landing on the floor of the kitchen. The simple feeling of falling from that height had made her quiver. When she pulled herself up from the floor, she looked at how high everything else was and began to shed tears. From the floor of the kitchen, Trixie began to feel like she was the smallest and most vulnerable thing in Equestria. As she cried, she watched Twilight and Fluttershy approach her, making her seem even more feeble.

"Aww... did you have a bit of a fall, Trixie?" Fluttershy picked her back up and began to comfort her. Once Trixie's tears had been reduced to small sniffles, Fluttershy began to examine her wings to see if they had been hurt from the drop. "Hmm... looks like she bent her wing a little out of shape..." she said as she looked at the slight bend in Trixie's wings. Though it was small, it still looked a little uneven from the other wing, and was most likely damaged. "Just rest it for now. I'll be sure to fix it all up once you're done eating."

Trixie was gently placed onto the counter, right next to the grapes. She looked over at the purple fruit and gently walked over to it. As soon as she got to one of the grapes, she tried to pull it off of the bunch with her tiny legs. However, after trying a gentle pull, she noticed that they would not budge an inch. Trixie's face scrunched up with determination as she put her legs around the grape a second time. This time, she was more forceful in her attempts to yank one off of the bunch. But just like the last time, her efforts were met with no avail. Trixie was pulling so hard that once she had lost her grip, she suddenly flew off and landed on her back.

Once Trixie sat up, she looked back at the grapes and pouted at them. However, she saw that one of the grapes flew off of the bunch and slowly flew over to her. Wondering what had happened, Trixie looked at Twilight, who was using her horn to pick the grapes off one by one.

Trixie thanked Twilight in Breezie, then got back up and ran over to one of the grapes. She put the grape close to her mouth, and as she sank her tiny teeth into it, she was met with a good amount of the grape's juice. The taste was unlike the grapes she had eaten in the past. To her, they felt sweeter and juicier than before.

She enjoyed the taste of the grape, and quickly found herself digging her jaws into another section of it. Eventually, she was consumed with how tasty the fruit was, and devoured the rest of it within seconds. Once it was finished, she flopped onto her back and didn't even notice another grape land right next to her.

Twilight watched as Trixie slowly got back up and ate another grape. Looking at the tiny Breezie tuck in to the small and juicy fruit, a wave of acceptance washed over her. Twilight then let herself return to the realm of thought as she returned a hoof to her chin. There were still so many questions that had been unanswered. She looked up towards the ceiling and stared off blankly, enraptured by her train of thought.

"What are you thinking about, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, seeing that Twilight was staring up idly..

"I'm just wondering about those flowers that Trixie had fallen into," Twilight said, quickly leaving her mindset to address Fluttershy. "Now I'm no botanist, but I'm pretty sure that there aren't any flowers in Baltimare that can turn a pony into a Breezie," she began to tell Fluttershy what she had been piecing together in her mind. "And while it is true that Poison Joke exists, I'm sure that nopony would be brave enough to venture into the Everfree Forest to bring back a bunch to put on display. So how did Trixie turn into a Breezie by falling into flowers?"

"Maybe a unicorn cast a spell on her in secret?" Fluttershy tried answering Twilight's question. Even though Twilight usually had all of the answers, she was completely lost on an explanation for Trixie turning into a Breezie. "Though, if it was a unicorn, they'd surely be reported to the authorities..."

"Maybe the flower ponies know about these kind of things..." Twilight looked back at Trixie, who was just finishing up a third grape. "Once we finish feeding Trixie, we should pay Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy a small visit. Maybe they know of a flower capable of such magical properties..."

"Good idea. They know much more about this sort of thing than we do," Fluttershy agreed and nodded her head.

After Trixie had eaten a fourth grape, she slowly flopped onto her back and began to fall asleep. It was only natural that she would need the time to sleep it off. She was so relaxed that she didn't even notice that Twilight was using her magic to put her back in Fluttershy's mane.

"So, should we get going?" Twilight cleaned up the grapes and put the rest back in the fridge for later.

"Yes," Fluttershy felt Trixie toss and turn in her hair. With a serious expression on her face, she said, "The sooner we know about Trixie's transformation, the better..."

After they had finished in the kitchen, Twilight and Fluttershy began their walk towards the front door of the castle. Their next stop was the flower shop in Ponyville, where Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy would be working. If the flowers that Trixie fell into had any link to her transformation, then the answer would come from the three flower ponies.

The sun was still out once Twilight and Fluttershy walked out of the castle and into Ponyville. The morning had passed, and now the day was moving into the hours of the afternoon. There was less activity than before, but it was still enough to make the town seem vibrant and alive. Once Twilight and Fluttershy made it to Town Hall, they took a right turn into another part of the town.

As they walked through the street, they saw a variety of shops and stalls, each one of them crowded ponies who were buying and selling stuff. Each one of them had smiles on their faces, a sight that both Twilight and Fluttershy were pleased to see. It gave them both a sense of hope, hope in the possibility that nothing would go wrong from that moment on.

Eventually, the two ponies arrived at a shop that had a bunch of flowers on display. Some of the flowers were bedding, whilst others were in bouquets or were planted into the ground. Each different flower had a little sign that read what kind of flowers that they were, and how much they would cost. The actual building was also quite inviting, with a flower on the door, and a hanging sign with a picture of a flower on it.

Twilight opened the door of the flower shop, hearing a bell ring over her head. Seconds after she had heard the bell, she could see that Rose, Lily, and Daisy were already arriving at the counter, ready to service the two mares in any way they could.

"Welcome to Flower Power! The only florist in Ponyville with the perfect flower for everypony," Roseluck said with glee as Twilight walked over to the counter to try and ask her about the flowers that Trixie had fallen into in Baltimare. "How can I help you today, Your Highness?"

"Rose, I need to ask you, Lily, and Daisy an important question about some flowers." Twilight told Roseluck her question as quickly and as collected as possible. Even though a slight thought ran in the back of her mind thinking that the flower ponies wouldn't have any answers, she was still willing to give them a try.

"Sure, Princess Twilight. What do you want to know?" Lily asked as she stood to the right of Rose, with Daisy standing to the left. "Do you want to know what flowers are popular this season? Or what special offers we have?"

"Well, whatever you want to know, we're the ponies to go to," Daisy said. "So, what's your question?"

"I want to know if there are any flowers capable of transforming a pony into another creature," Twilight told them her question as Fluttershy pulled Trixie out of her mane and put her in front of the flower ponies. She watched the three ponies' jaws drop, but still continued with what she was saying. "I found Trixie like this in one of the town's bushes, and when I took her back to the castle and listened to her explain how she became a Breezie, the only thing we were able to learn was that the last thing she did as a pony was falling into a bed of flowers. We were kind of hoping that you knew something about that..."

Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy were speechless with what they were looking at. From their past experiences, they knew that Trixie had been nothing but trouble for the ponies of Ponyville. But after they had heard that flowers had done this, they began to wonder what had happened.

Finally, Rose broke the silence by saying, "Well, I'm not sure that there are any flowers capable of such a thing like that. The only example of flowers that we know that can change a pony are Poison Joke."

"Did it happen in the Everfree Forest, Twilight?" Lily asked. "If it did happen there, that should wrap this little mystery up nice and—"

"It happened in Baltimare's flower gardens, Lily," Twilight said, immediately making Lily faint. Twilight waited until Lily got back onto her feet then said, "She was stressing over the struggles she was facing, then tripped into one of the beds of flowers. We don't know anything else..."

"Well, if Trixie can tell us something more about how the flowers she fell into looked, then it could give us an idea of what kind of flowers they were..." Daisy said as she looked over at Trixie, who could finally use her wings again.

"Well, she can't speak Equestrian anymore..." Twilight gloomed as Trixie flew up to the eye height of the group. "She can only speak Breezie, meaning that Fluttershy here will have to translate for us..."

"Well? Go on, Trixie..." Fluttershy prompted Trixie with a tiny little brush of her hair. She waited until Trixie stopped giggling, then said, "Do you remember anything else?"

Taking advantage of the conversation, Trixie cleared her throat and began speaking in Breezie once again. Her sentence was long and made no sense, but Fluttershy was listening in on every single word that the small Breezie spewed. The flower ponies and Twilight watched the conversation go on, and swooned with how cute Trixie sounded in her current state.

When Trixie finished talking, Fluttershy said, "Alright. This time, Trixie remembers that the flower was a star shape, had a bright shade of fuchsia with topaz points, and was covered in some golden pollen."

"Golden pollen? That might be something..." Twilight took advantage of that part of the conversation and added it to her mental story. When she had accepted the knowledge, she turned her attention to the flower ponies. "Rose, do you, Lily, and Daisy know about any flowers that have such features?"

"Hold on, let me go up and check our catalogue..." Rose said as she left the counter and cantered upstairs to the housing area of the shop.

"Whilst you wait, be sure to check out all of the different flowers we have on sale today," Daisy stepped out so that she could begin to show Fluttershy and Twilight around the shop. "It'd definitely kill some time, and may even get you interested in sprucing up your castle a bit more..."

Taking Daisy's offer, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Trixie began looking around Flower Power. Each different flower managed to interest them and had a nice scent that accompanied how they looked. The two ponies were even debating on whether or not to get some flowers for the castle.

Trixie looked at each of the different flowers with one of her legs on her chin. Each one of them seemed to grab her attention and keep a hold of it. As she flew closer to each different flower, a small feeling in the back of her mind was urging her to dive into the centre and pull out some pollen for herself. However, she looked at all of the different flowers and began to wonder how it would be physically possible for her to carry pollen from all of the flowers in Flower Power. She wasn't sure about how long the ordeal would take, but believed that it take roughly three weeks for all of the pollen to be transported.

Eventually, Roseluck came back from the upstairs part of the shop, carrying a large book on her back. "Alright, girls. I've got the catalogue. Come over and see," she quickly got the attention of all of the ponies as she put the counter down on the desk. The book's cover didn't have any words on it, but it did have a bouquet of flowers on the front. "Now then, we just need to take a look at the different flower categories..."

"Let's see here... star-shaped, fuchsia with topaz points..." Roseluck quickly turned the pages, seeing so many different flowers appear and then disappear underneath the shifting paper. In the end, she found the flower that Trixie referenced, stopped the pages with her hoof and said, "The only results for a flower precisely matching that description is the Mountain Star, one of the rarest flowers in Equestria. Baltimare must have paid a lot to have those flowers in their garden..."

"But here's the weird thing, Twilight," Daisy pointed towards the centre of the flower, intrigued that it no pollen whatsoever. "If Trixie said that there was golden pollen on the flower, how did that pollen even get there?"

"That raises even more questions!" Twilight's pupils shrunk when she looked at the Mountain Star. "If Mountain Stars don't have any pollen, then how was it that the flowers that Trixie fell into had pollen in the first place? And even so, how is that pollen capable of turning a pony into a Breezie? Something's definitely not right here..."

"You think that maybe the flowers would have cross-pollinated with some of the other flowers in Baltimare?" Rose asked. It was true that flowers could cross-pollinate, and that their combined genes would create a unique new flower. "That would be the case as to why there was golden pollen on the flower..."

"But there's still the question on how Trixie was turned into a Breezie because of this golden pollen..." Lily said. "I'm not sure that there's any pollen in Equestria capable of such a thing..."

"Well, thanks anyway, girls. You've really helped us piece together this story a little bit better," Twilight thanked each one of the flower ponies for their time with her. She then grabbed Trixie with her magic and put her into her mane. "I'm glad we had this talk."

"You're welcome, Twilight. Be sure to stop back soon once you finally figure it out," Roseluck waved them goodbye, seeing that Twilight and Fluttershy were already trotting towards the front door of the establishment. "And when you do get back, you can bet your grandfoals that we'll have a flower that Trixie will love!"

"It's still a mystery to me, Fluttershy..." Twilight stopped in the middle of Town Hall, thinking more and more about what Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy had told her. "Mountain Stars cross-pollinated with one of the flowers in Baltimare. But even then, how was it that the combination of their pollen had a magic capable of turning Trixie into a Breezie?"

"It must have been a very special flower, one that the ponies had to look far and wide to put on display..." Fluttershy said. "If there is such a flower that can turn a pony into a Breezie other than Poison Joke, then there might be even more mysteries that could be left unsolved."

"Or maybe, what if we've got it all wrong about the cross-pollination theory?" an idea popped into Twilight's head when came to an assumption on what her mind could piece together. She took a deep breath, revised the story, then said, "Fluttershy, is it possible that the Breezies might have accidentally spilled some of their pollen on the way home from Baltimare?"

"Not that I know of, Twilight. Breezies are usually quite careful with their pollen," Fluttershy explained after Twilight had finished her question "If a Breezie did drop some pollen, it would be impossible to retrieve it since they have to keep flying in their separate packs. Knowing this, they take extra-special care with the pollen they collect, so that they don't lose it on the trip home."

"Yes, but what if one of them was careless and accidentally dropped some?" Twilight perceived of another string of events from the Breezies' flight over Baltimare. "Can pollen collected by the Breezies become magical after a while?"

"If it ferments in their sacks for long enough, then yes. Seabreeze told me this whilst we were gathering pollen together," Fluttershy said. "Pollen that stays in a Breezie's possession for enough time eventually gains magical properties of varying extents—" she suddenly gasped and put a hoof to her mouth when she thought of what the outcome could have been "—you don't mean that..."

"It's not much, but it's what we have to assume for the time being..." Twilight looked astonished as she said her answer, looking at Trixie poke out of her mane. "One of the Breezies must have had a secret pollen spill, causing it to fall onto the Mountain Stars in Baltimare. Then, when Trixie fell into the flowers, the pollen might have reacted and transformed her..."

"Do you think it's true, Twilight?" Fluttershy wanted confirmation on the story. So far, all that she had been told was only a theory, and possibly a lie. "Is it really possible that it did this to her?"

"As I said, it's what we're assuming from this point on," Twilight said. "Until I get some further answers, the working theory is that the Breezies accidentally spilled some of their collected pollen onto the Mountain Stars of Baltimare. Then, Trixie fell into them and was transformed into one when she woke up."

"Is there a way to change her back?" Fluttershy asked as a sense of dread crept onto her face.

"Probably not, but I'll do my best to research a cure later..." Twilight looked sullenly back at Trixie. "If there's a chance we can turn her back, even if it's a miniscule one, we'll try it..."

Trixie had heard what Twilight had been talking about and started to consider hiding again. She might not have remembered the rest of her life, but she did remember that she used to be a pony. She was rather thunderstruck with how unnatural it was for her to be a Breezie now that she had spent some time with Twilight and her friends, and she was beginning to feel uncertain on whether or not she would be a pony ever again...

"Anyway. We should get back to the castle. We need to see how Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are coming along with Trixie's new house..." Twilight said as she and Fluttershy began their slow walk back to the castle.

As they walked back through the streets of Ponyville, Twilight and Fluttershy began to discuss the future for both them and Trixie. If it was true that Trixie was unable to turn back into a pony, then the two mares began to wonder what would happen for the rest of Trixie's life, and whether or not they would be able to protect her.

Meanwhile, Trixie was thinking as well. As the possibility of being a Breezie for the rest of her life clung to the back of her mind, she began to wonder about just how volatile the world would be to her. Everything was dangerous to her now. The slightest gust would send her flying, and separate her from Twilight and her friends. However, when Trixie looked down at Twilight and Fluttershy, she had remembered about all of the kind things that they had done for her. Trixie thought that if they kept up the kind acts to her, then it would be possible that her life wouldn't always be her cowering in the girl's manes for safety and support.

But for the three girls, one thing was clear; they needed more and more answers to the questions that they had been given.