• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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3) A Book Called Forces (part 2)

In the days that followed we went toward Alia's manor. She wore her armor almost the entire time, even sleeping in it. For 'safety' she said. At first I thought the idea of a settlement run by a mercenary was silly but it would be my home for some time. The fact that a settlement run by a pony, even a hybrid, was impossible to me.From what she told me it was in an old river basin and was the first farm to get the spring thaw's rain. Now I knew she was crazy, a pony having such a good spot for a manor?

We walked through the pine forest and eventually the mountains were behind us like a pack of monolithic giants. The land away from those towers of rock was patched green and flat . A dirt road led us away from the mountains to some mounds in the distance. The rocks were the only landmarks in the tall dry grass, save the occasional tree which grew in patches. The mounds in the distance was a town with windmills and was full of griffons. They called it Breeze because of the powerful air current that plowed overhead; they used the town as a rest stop for fliers, merchants and messengers.

Alia told me her manor wasn't to far past the town. I asked her why she didn't fly over to the manor in stead of walking, she pointed to the cracked suit of armor and I smiled dumbly. As we went through Breeze, I got a lot of grimaces and dirty looks from the griffons and even ponies. Almost every pony I saw had a collar or a bridle on their muzzles. A few had a blank glossy stare like some washed up fish, I knew for a fact those ponies were the… 'livestock' kind.

A three week journey came to an end and Alia's manor was in view. It had large wood structure at the center and a few small fields with an orchard next to it. The closer we got, the more detail I could see. The manor house had a simple but strong looking design and a few smaller houses around it in a grid pattern. On the east side were the small fields and on the west side was the orchard.

I felt a little sick when I saw her workers, they were slaves like the ponies in town. I saw four mules in her field with heavy plows in tow with that fish-like stare. Alia lead me to one of the smaller houses that had a hefty brick chimney. Going around the corner I saw it was a blacksmith shop. There was a barrel chested sand yellow stallion behind an anvil pounding on a piece of metal with a hammer. Behind him hung several metal things such as ax heads, pitch fork heads, sword blades, all decently made. Alia took off her helm and waited for him to look up.

Eventually he did and I saw a forge and time worn face of an older stallion with a graying ginger mane. He put down his hammer and wiped soot from his face,"Afternoon Lady Bufordox," His voice was gruff," I'm glad to see you back, is there anything I can do for you today?"

"Aye, Smelter. I need ya to repair my armor. It's been cracked since last time I was here."

"Oh dear. I'll do what I can but you've really gone and banged it up… if your lordship permits, we don't have very much coal left for this kind of thing… my apologies."

"Oh shut it. Just tell me what else the manor is running low on."

Smelter shifted his weight,"Well… there's flour, salt, coal, iron, lumber and wheat seeds." The blacksmith muttered.

"Wheat seeds? Flour? I've got a whole wheat field out there," Alia fumed.

"Bad season last year. Didn't rain for a whole four months...dried the whole thing up. I'm surprised the apple orchard is still alive." Smelter smiled.

"I understand that but why are Sammy and his brothers still tilling the field?" Alia groaned.

"While you were gone I planted barley. Those mules wanted ale so bad they've been tending the fields even with the drought we've had."

"Alright, alright. There's a few things I need to catch up on," Alia said hurriedly,"Pea, help me get this armor off. I miss my bed in the big house and I'm rather worn out."

Undoing her armor straps was rather easy and once she left Smelter went to work. I leaned on the framework of the shop while Smelter heated up the forge. It was a few moments before he decided to chat.

"So, your name's Pea Gravel?" Smelter asked eyeing a forearm piece.

"Yes sir," I said quietly.

"No reason to call me sir, I'm a slave. You don't seem like your… how would the best way sound… owned."

"I guess not, Alia called me her 'squire' on the way out here," I said bashfully.

"Squire huh?" He said holding the armor close to the forge with tongs to heat it up,"You're a lucky one. The best a slave like us here can get is stuff to call our own. Or just have an owner like Master Bufordox, she's very kind despite her… jaded attitude."

"Us? How many slaves are out here?" I asked with a grimace.

"Well...there's me, Jimmy and his three brothers, Sweet Summer, and Dew Berry. Sometimes critters looking for work stop by during harvest time with the mercenaries Alia hired to keep us safe when she's gone," He chatted while merging the crack in the armor,"Come to think of it, I think you'd like Dew Berry. She's about the same age as you… I think..."

"Where is she," I asked tentatively.

"She's the housemaid and Alia's personal cook. I'm pretty sure lil' Dew would be in the Big House making something for the mistress to eat. Don't bother waiting here or anything, I'm going to be just working on this until curfew so go ahead."

"Okay… see you later Smelter!" I giggled as I headed for the Big House.

"One more thing," He called before I went too far, "The well is beside the big house, you should wash up before going inside."

I took his advice and found a small well near the big house. I fished out the bucket inside to wash the dirt and grime off me. After that I went for the inside of the house. The door was unlocked and the 'receiving' room had an ornate carpet under a rafter filled ceiling. There were a few doors and the one at the far end had tantalizing smells coming from it.

I followed the wafting odor to a brick layed kitchen. Dried vegetables hung from the ceiling along with pots and pans. There was a long table at the center covered in a cook's mess. A young red mare with a sky blue mane chopping turnips. She had a deep blue patterned bandanna keeping her long straight hair from her face as she worked.

"Food's not going to be done for another few hours Sweets," She didn't even look up from her work,"No snacks either, you'll spoil your appetite," She said in a collected voice.

"Ummm… I'm not Sweets. I'm Pea Gravel, Alia's squire," I said.

I saw her teal eyes when her face shot up,"You? Alia told me you were some kind of natural born fighter."

"Yeah… and?"

"Well, ponies are more… domestic creatures," The red mare said,"Ponies are born to work, not fight."

"I've worked on a ranch. I hated it," I grumbled.

"A pony not wanting to serve is like a bee avoiding flowers. It's plain silly," the mare huffed.

"Okay, I take it you're one of the newer 'helpers' around for this time of year then?"

"No, I'm Dew Berry. They’re tending the orchard," She glared at me, "So were you after something?"

"Food, I'm starving," I giggled greedily.

"Absolutely not. Just because you're a squire doesn't mean you can eat before the rest of us. The soup should be done in about two hours."

"Gaaah! Two hours?" I cried, "What have you got to eat that isn't soup?"

"You could go for an apple outside," Dew went back to chopping turnips,"If you want to help you could put bit of ginger into the pot," She nodded to a fire spit with a cauldron over it at the far end of the kitchen,"Spices are in the pantry cabinet near the cauldron."

"Tsk, nah. I think I'll pass," I said turning to leave. Once I was facing the main door again a wiz then a thud was heard from my right ear. I looked and saw the knife Dew was using stuck in the wood door frame. I spun my head in her direction.

"What the hell...are you out of your goddamn mind?!" I shouted.

"Sorry… I thought I saw a fly. My bad," She smirked and put the vegetables on a plate to put in the pot.

"You bet your bad," I grumbled.

Later that day Alia showed me to my cabin. It was small and quaint but dry. She let me place my things inside but had devilish smile.

"Kiss your old self good bye," she grinned,"Tomorrow we start training."

In the days that followed Dew and I became more… mutual, we both were in our thirteenth year now. In a open part of the orchard Alia began training me how to use a sword. We used some of the spare lumber to make wooden paddles we used to batter one another. Once sword practice was over I had to do laps around the manor, fields and all. My daily schedule became an organized hell.

-Wake up at the crack of dawn and scarf down what was left over from the day before or cook something myself. Alia and I were the only one's up then.

-Ten laps around the Big House.

-Multiple exercises that would 'bulk me up like a mule', according to Alia.

-Once the sun had been out for awhile we would start sword practice. Every week we switched weapon types; axes, spears, maces, that sort of thing. She told me to use everything that wasn't nailed to the ground to win.

-At noon I was granted a break, after a run of coarse. Every ten laps meant an hour of break time, so I pushed myself to twenty laps around the manor property.

-At break time I lay under a tree or inside depending on how hot it was. Here Dew would bring me a cool rag for my head and some apples. I felt bad, I was so exhausted most of the time I couldn't even thank her. She didn't seem to mind.

-After break time I tilled the fields or tended garden and orchard. Here I got to spend time with Sweet Summer. She was a ditzy green mare with a blonde mane and a sun hat on every day. Her nectarine eyes seemed paranoid somehow and she always talked about and issue with the weather, even if it was a pleasant day outside.

-Once it grew dark dinner came around and I wolfed down my rations. I was allowed three hours of a 'night break' before curfew at eight. Here I got to spend more time with Dew. She always was ready to listen to what I had to say, even if it was a smart ass remark. She'd just throw another right back. Occasionally if I had the remaining energy, I would tell on of my father's stories about grand adventure and larger than life ponies being heroes, Dew found them unlikely but entertaining.

-Curfew hit and I crashed into sleep until the grueling cycle continued.

This went on for two years. In the later part of the first year I had to wear Alia's armor in every exercise, let's just say I'm more of a leather kinda gal.

One night while small clouds of fireflies droned through the hot night air, Dew visited my cabin. I was laying on my straw filled knapsack drained of the day's work and seemed a bit surprised when she came in. In the two years of my training she had slimmed out and… puffed up in certain places. I felt a bit awkward being as muscular as most fit stallions while she was becoming well endowed .

"Pea, do you have a moment?" she asked quietly.

"Sure bud, come on inside," I said sitting up. I hung my hind legs over the edge of the bed and patted a spot next to me. Dew walked over and sat down slowly.

"You seem bummed out Dew, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I overheard Master Bufordox talking with a shady looking griffon. He told her about a raiding mission being funded by the Sand Boars to get a foothold on this side of the mountains...she's bringing you with her."

"That's great!" I slapped her on the back,"My first mercenary job, this'll be a cakewalk!"

Dew had a solemn look,"Didn't you hear me? I said 'Sand Boars', as in the ones you lived under and parents died because of. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

I sat in thought, "I don't have anything against them, just the one at the ranch. Once I see his flab of a face I'm going to make it a pancake," Dew groaned at me, "What? You don't believe me?"

"Oh I do it's just that...we're only fifteen and I've seen you pull a plow almost as good as Jimmy. All I can do is cook and clean...and a bit of sewing."

"Hey, I can't sew shit and I'd probably burn a salad if I was cooking," I smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks Pea, but you're not the least bit worried about the mission?" Dew sighed.

"Nah, I'll be fine. You better make me a good victory meal though," I smirked.

Dew seemed amazed at my lack of worry at the upcoming event. She bade me goodnight and went back to the big house. I knew it was nine because all of the porch lamps on the cabins were dimmed out, curfew time. I lay back on my straw bed looking up at the ceiling in thought. "What's going to happen?", I asked myself,"Am I going to survive this or was Alia right, am I just going to get eaten alive out there?"

A knock came from the door.

"It's curfew Dew," I whispered,"You'll get in trouble if you're out here."

"Aye, she would," Alia's voice came from behind the door, "But she's not here. It's just ol' Alia."

I scrambled to the door and opened it for her,"Yes ma'am'? What can I do for you?"

"I came to tell ya about a job opportunity. I've talked with a client about a fort this side of the mountains that a certain fort that a Sand Boar noble has his eyes on. Interested?"

"When do we start?" I asked brashly.

"We set off tomorrow. Get some rest, that's the last bed you're going to sleep on for a while." Alia yawned.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," I said. Alia nodded and walked through the hot summer night back to the big house. I went back to my bed and now seemed much more tired.

The next morning, or before dawn, Alia drug me out of bed. She was in her full suit of armor that was freshly polished. I stared groggily at her and she tossed something heavy at me. It landed on my lap and I saw a set studded leather armor. I blinked with disbelief at it.

"I've been meaning to give this to you, but now you need it," Alia said.

"So we're leaving?" I asked.

Alia nodded, "Put it on, I'll wait outside for you. I got one of the mules already packed up with supplies."

The dragon pony left my cabin and I began putting on my new armor. It felt confining on me but not so much I couldn't fight in it. I left my cabin with a dizzy head. I was really going to do this. I saw Alia standing nearby with one of the mules who had several packs, bags, spears and swords. He had a bridle in his squared off mouth. I met up with them and we set off with the sun rising behind us. Before we were too far away I turned to look at the manor again and found a surprise. There was Dew Berry, Smelter, Sweet Summer and the other three mules all waving to me. I felt a swell of pride and a bit of sadness. I had to make it, for my mentor and for them.

I looked back at Alia, "So how much are we getting paid for this?" I asked.

"What a greedy pig ya are," Alia chuckled, "If you survive theirs forty pieces of silver waiting for you. There's also a twenty gold piece award for the commanding dog in the fort. He's a gnoll from the south."

"A gnoll?" I asked vacantly.

"You know what a Diamond Dog is right?" Alia sighed.

"Yeah, it's like a dog but they walk on two legs and talk like us."

"Eeeh...close enough. Well a gnoll is like one of them but bigger and heartless. I'd rather fight fifty Dimoders then a big gnoll like the one in that fort."

I cringed. Something that makes Alia intimidated? That's no good, but I can't disobey her. She already signed up for the job and I'm her squire.

"How far away is the fort?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Its close to the mountains about a hundred and sixty miles north west from Breeze. It'll be a good long hike," She chuckled.

It took about three days of no conversation to reach the rendezvous camp where the rest of the mercenaries we were going to work with. It was a massive camp with a thousand mercenaries. Alia had her mule set up a tent while she led me to the center of the camp to confirm we were fighting. We walked through the makeshift alleys with several angry eyes looking back on us. I saw goats, caribou, pigs, and a few minotaurs and griffons. The only ponies I saw were several carnahorses that smiled at me with their razor teeth. We reached the center tent that had two minotaur guards. They were ready to stop us from entering but a learned voice called from inside.

"Ahh, Bufordox. You've come at last! Come in, come in!"

The guards stepped away and we entered. Inside there was a large pig with a purple robe trimmed in gold. He sat on an immensely cushy green pillow with several ponies fanning him. In his hoof he had a goblet of wine and a elated grin on his face.

"You haven't changed a bit, Bufordox. Tell me, who's your little friend? Is she your slave or are you just being unnecessarily kind to me?' He asked eyeing me.

"Nay, she's not a slave. This pony is my squire," The pig half choked on his wine hearing this, "Her name is Pea Gravel."

"Good afternoon your Excellency," I bowed,"I'll be honored to aid in the capture of the admirable fortress you've set your ever so keen eyes on." I said humbly. Alia raised an eyebrow at my smooth talking.

"How wonderful! You've taught your pet well. I think it's fascinating a pony can speak so eloquently!" The pig chortled.

"Your lordship, when do we begin the siege?" Alia asked.

"The siege itself has already been afoot for several weeks, I called upon your services because the whole thing may go out of hoof. Now that you're here we can start our assault upon that mutt infested fortress. I wouldn't want to begin without my favorite dragon pony!" The pig smirked after a sip of wine,"Now if you want to socialize with the rabble be my guest. With the skill of that damned gnoll I don't believe most of them will survive."

With that we nodded and left the pig to his drinking. Being in a mercenary camp made me feel uncomfortable but I had to tough it out for Alia, for everyone at the manor, for Dew.

It was now mid morning in Ponyville and Rainbow Dash was in an exhausted sleep. The half open book lay in her lap as she rested her head back. At her door a familiar voice called inside the house.

"Rainbow Dash? It's me, Daring Do. Are you awake?"

Outside Daring Do stood on the cloud porch. She looked down to earth where Pea Gravel waited patiently.

"Daring the festival is about to start, just go inside and get the book. I don't think she'll mind," Pea called.

Daring shrugged and went inside. She eventually found the sleeping mare with the book in her lap. The tan pegasus took the book silently and quickly left the house. She swooped down to the ground to meet up with the cyber mare.

"Did she finish it?" Pea asked.

"I don't think so, she was asleep in a big chair-"

"You don't think she found it boring do you?" Pea blurted.

"No, she doesn't read too many books. She pretty excited about this one," Daring smiled,"Come on, we've got to get to Rarity's and get all dressed up for the festival."

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