• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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A Ray of Hope

“So, my little ponies,” Belial said in his deep, rumbling voice as he stood tall, looking out a tower window. His hands were folded behind his back, his tail swayed to the side, twitching instinctively at times at the insignificant flies that buzzed around his rear.

“The five of you thought you could escape through the ancient sewers of the city? Heh,” he chuckled and turned his head, glancing at them from the corner of his eye, a smirk crossed the side of his face, facing them.

The pegasi were in wing restraints so tight they could barely stand, their hooves cuffed together and chained to one another while the family sat in a cage, hovering a meter from the surface of the table.

“You smell worse than any plan I’ve ever heard of,” he chuckled again, “and technically, I’m also a general.”

He returned his gaze out the window, his rear hooves scratching the floor lightly.

“W-we’re sorry, sir, please, don’t hurt our son,” Wheat said softly.

With a low grumbling growl, Belial turned his whole body around and glared at the caged family.

“You have no more rights here,” he snarled, baring his fangs.

The family recoiled and huddled together.

“Hey, jerkface, pick on somepony your own size,” Rainbow shouted, her muzzle snarling at him.

“And you,” he looked at her, “I offered you near royal treatment to stay, even as prisoners, and you escape like cowards? Is this how you honor your sun goddess?”

“She’s honored just by us living,” Daring spat before she gasped for air, the tight wing braces squeezed the air from her lungs.

“Daring?!” Rainbow shouted, “Look, Belial, loosen the braces or I’ll-”

“You’ll do what?” He asked looming over Rainbow, his red eyes glared at her. “You’ll swim through my shit and throw it at me like a retarded human?!” He slapped his hand to the left of the mares, yielding a gasp from Daring but no reaction from Rainbow.

“What, are you gonna squish us? We went from royalty to dog meat? Is that how quickly everypony falls on your list? We didn’t even hurt anypony! First thing that happened when I was caught was one of your colt cuddlers tried to rip my wing off.”

Belial closed his mouth and stood again, swallowing hard. “I can understand your point of view, pony. I may seem like a monster, and in many ways I am, by your standards, however,” he turned to the caged equines, “I am also not a fool, controlled by my emotions. I am older than you know,” he sighed.

“In all my years I have sent more creatures to death, in glory of our gods and Tirek, than I have led into the chambers of Toghnal, the glorious afterlife.Even Anokeen has reminded me of this,” he turned to the window and returned his hands to his back.

“There is one truth you have to know about the world beyond the paradise you hail from. That is that life and faith are equally meaningless in battle and war. Much is going to happen over the next several months; little good to your kingdom, if all goes to his plan. And there’s no stopping the train we’re on.”

“Trains? War? What’re you even talking about, you giant freak horse?”

“Miss Dishes, was it?”

Rainbow growled. “Rainbow Dash, don’t forget it.”

“You’re a loyal and respectable pony, I can tell. Between the few of us in this room, can I ask you something?”

THe room fell silent as every equine eye was on Rainbow. She looked around, between them, asking without words what to do.

“I’m the most honest pony you’ll ever meet,” she said firmly. The memories of lies Daring had told, and wrote in her books was all she needed to know it was true.

Belial turned to her and raised his hand. A red glow covered Rainbow and lifted her into the air.

“Take this,” he handed her the opal gem, now attached to a metal link necklace, “it’s the mares and I am no fool. This is a guide; a beacon. Wherever it may lead is to a place where the future may be changed.

“Rainbow Dish,” he clenched his hand and the binds fell from her body, clattering to the table, “I release you to the world and pray you make haste. I am not kind, I am not nice, I am not a pony. I do this for my people; to keep war at bay and blood from their hands and hooves.

“I will punish your friends for their indiscretion and the longer you take, the worse off they will be.”

“Bastard! Let us all go! You can let us all go and-”

Silence!” He bellowed so loudly that Rainbow’s ears rang, her right one especially. “I do as I please, this is my part of the world,” he spoke loudly, “and I will release you as a herald for my entire people. Take this and leave,” he raised his other hand and a glow encompassed the cage.

He slowly closed his hand and the cage began to bend into itself with a deep creaking sound. The equines within huddled together and whimpered; Dew Berry cried into Wheat’s chest.

“Okay! Okay! I agree, please, don’t kill them,” Rainbow shouted, reaching a hoof for the gem that was dangling from his fingernail.

“A fine choice,” he said cancelling both spells.

Rainbow opened her wings and broke her fall.

Belial held the gem out. “The necklace is unbreakable, except by master mages and myself. However, there is no reason to break the chain and remove the gem, is there?”

“N-no,” Rainbow sneered at him.

He tossed the gem to her and clasped his hands together in front of his belly.

“...So, should I go now,” Rainbow asked as she put the necklace on.

Belial stood in silence, staring at her.

“Okay, I’m just gonna-”

He swiped his hand at her, clutching her in his hand. With a grunt, he turned to the open window, pulled his arm back.

“I can fly myself,” Rainbow mumbled loudly, her words lost to him as he pitched her from the tower.

With a high pitch whistle Rainbow sailed across the city, tumbling and spinning on all axis for a full fifteen seconds before she recovered.

Opening her wings quickly to balance herself, she kept the momentum, using it to glide high, out of sight, and toward the cloud layer.

“Bucking jerk,” Rainbow muttered as she looked back, “I’ll free my friends then beat you to a giant pulp and let Pea finish you off.”

Rainbow flew into the clouds and coasted as she held the gem in her hoof, looking at it. She moved it to her left and right until it flashed once. She tested it a few times before she found the spot the gem maintained a shimmer.

“That’s the way I guess. Time to get this crap done and get home,” she said confidently as she turned and broke above the cloud layer, increasing her speed with a hopeful heart.

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