• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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23) Break Down

Far from the Torrent City, far from the paradise of Equestria, in the middle of nowhere was the nameless unicorn and Pea Gravel. The Torrent centaurs took all of their supplies; food, supplies, weapons, guns. After the fact the mare had been sitting for several days, refusing food and water. She just stared out to where the caravan had headed almost a week ago. The unicorn sat nearby, his foreleg mending painfully and the bash to his head clearing up. He tried to find the greenest grass in that dry prairie, even though winter was nearly over the land was still bare. He watched her with worried eyes, wondering what to do with her. He could read her before but she seemed insecure now, not stone cold determined like before.

The mare herself listened. Listened to the sounds in her mind and the ones around her. She'd sometimes catch wind of the unicorn talking to himself at the late hours of the night, maybe he was more crazy than she was. She was lost in herself, she felt complete and utter humiliation realizing what she had guided Rainbow Dash into. She imagined them cold and afraid in some rusted cage surrounded by hungry centaurs, she was unable to make herself get up and find out.

In times when there was nothing to do, or nothing she could think of, she'd tinker with her limbs. The unicorn would see her sitting on her haunches with an arm detached, tightening the carbon fibrous muscle hidden inside the arm. She'd do this for hours, tinker with one arm then reattach it. She'd clench her fist to test it then repeat the process with her other arm and legs.

"Warrior, why are you so sad?" The unicorn croaked one afternoon. There was a long silence. The unicorn looked at her, just staring out into space sadly. He turned to leave her be but a small sound came from her mouth. It was followed by words.

Pea Gravel answered him as well as herself, "It's all my fault. It's all my fault...."

"What is?" He asked.

"This, this whole goddamn mess!" Pea Gravel spun her head to stare at him," If I never met those ponies... never go to Equestria… they'd never get fucked over like they had… I'd still have Tuff..."

"And Dew Berry would be living out the rest of her days as a farmer's unhappy wife, that Ahuizotl beast would still be roaming around Equestria," The unicorn said flatly,"And I would still be a pet."

Pea Gravel tensed up. She had a grimace on her troubled face,"Alright.... so what should I do then? If I go chasing them, I'll get them into bigger trouble," She hit her forehead, "...or get sidetracked and go on another fucking rampage!"

"Why must you be so vulgar to a companion?" The unicorn croaked again, "I've done nothing to you."

Pea Gravel's eyes turned mint, "Done Nothing? You… you… you're a fucking mind reader! It pisses me off how you can just dig out what I don't want to say!"

"Dose it?" He smiled weakly, "Did the Equestrian mares not have a similar effect?"

The cyber mare blinked. She thought back to Twilight and Applejack, they were just so humbling somehow. She couldn't live with herself if she lied to such innocent creatures. All the mare wanted was to save her friends, retire in Equestria till they died old and happy. It seemed the universe, god, fate, the devil or something big didn't agree with her. She remembered the deal she made with Volm.

Pea Gravel hit herself again, "I left them too! That bastard is there, why did I leave them!" She hit herself more. So hard so that the unicorn rushed to stop her. He put a hoof over her arm and tried to hold it so she wouldn't do it again. Pea Struggled for a moment then collapsed hopelessly. She looked at her hand and saw fresh blood on the knuckle.

Pea Gravel's shoulders began to shiver as she stared at the hand. She stared with helpless eyes while tears flowed out from her face. The unicorn stoked her vest-covered back gently to ease her.

"What am I?" Pea Gravel choked, "All I do is hurt. I hurt and take..." She closed her eyes, " What good am I if I can't save anyone? I lose my friends, I’ve fucked Rainbow Dash over… what am I?" The cold winter wind whipped around them. The fur coats and a small will to live the only thing keeping them from freezing.

Another silent day passed after that. Pea Gravel stayed still while the winter died around her. As she sat she heard the unicorn talking to himself, this time she listened in.

"What do you mean keep going?" He asked in a tone very different than his normal one, "You promised once I transformed that I'd never have to deal with stuff like this again," He was silent for several moments. Pea Gravel caught a peek of him while not looking suspicious. He seemed to be listening for something, as if there was a small whisper on the wind.

"Yes, as far as I can sense they are... I realize that but you don't need to get so angry," He flinched as if a sound cut his ear,"D-don't worry. I'll make sure it gets to you… yes, yes I know," After that he stopped. An hour went by and he dropped some fresher grass next to Pea Gravel.

"Do you..." Pea Gravel was hesitant, "Do you talk to yourself sometimes?"

"Feeling better I see," The unicorn chuckled, "Not me, only crazy ponies would do that."

"We've been sitting for too long," Pea Gravel stood up with some strain to her limbs,"We really should get going."

The unicorn stood up as well, "Are we going after them to Dogdurhal?"

Pea Gravel smiled weakly, "I may have another idea."

The unicorn rose an eyebrow but followed anyway. Since the Torrent had taken all of their supplies they just walked off with what they had on their backs. Instead of going in the same direction as the caravan went, they went slightly north. Less dragons there but more of the rouge beasts lived. As the pair walked Pea Gravel's mind slowly repelled it's previous depression. The conversation she heard the Unicorn have made her think. He obviously wasn't talking to himself… but to who?

The nameless unicorn had begun to act strange. As he and Pea Gravel neared the northern border of the heart of the Torrent empire, he became restless. The landscape became more wooded with very tall pines. Pea walked with her usual fearless, confident gaze and the Unicorn looked around with worried eyes. The forest before them was one that would seem haunted. There was an eerie atmosphere to it. Near the edge inside the forest she found a stack of mossy rocks so hidden by plants it had a small tree growing from it's base. Close to this was a wide broken-in path, it looked like no one had traveled on it in weeks.

The pair of equines were very close before the Unicorn stopped, "Warrior… why are we going in this place? Doghdural is to the south."

Pea Gravel smiled, "I have a feeling I'll meet some old friends who may help."

She entered the dark woods and the Unicorn reluctantly followed. There was the faint call of crows in the forest along with other, more unnatural, howls. When the Unicorn looked from side to side he caught the glint of sharp eyes and hunched figures in the dark. He knew they weren't alone there.

Pea Gravel sighed carelessly, "Unicorn, have you ever heard of a Lepuric?"

The Unicorn grimaced, "Those abominations from the dark corners of the earth? I have heard… too many stories to know fact from fiction."

"Then you've heard of how they are born correct?" The cyber mare cooed.

The Unicorn gulped, "Possessing a stillborn child, summoned by necromancers, brought by demons… I couldn't tell you which one."

"There's something I do know for sure," Pea Gravel grinned, "They can always contact their master, no matter how far away they are apart."

"How disturbing!" The unicorn shivered, "Do they all have that same monstrous look?"

A strange bird whistle was heard. Pea Gravel glanced around,"They can become what they eat, so I'm told."

The forest became dark, huge trees blocked most of the sunlight. The Unicorn began to sweat. In the underbrush further on they smelled wood smoke. As they went through the dense path they soon came to a thick, almost fort-like log cabin. There were barrels filled with coal outside the thick front door and many freshly carved spear-length sticks. There was smoke from a very hot fire coming from the far side of the house. It was apparent a black-smith lived here, one she had met only a handful of times. Pea Gravel had a skeptical look on her face.

"You wait here," She whispered, "I'm going to see who's over there."

"You must have lost your mind," The unicorn hissed, "Orcs can forge steel, how do know it's something we can trust?!"

Pea Gravel smiled grimly,"That's what I'm here for."

She carefully approached the house,"Hello? Dose a Gunter still live here?"

There was a clanging sound, like someone who tripped and fell. From out behind the house ran a tawny old human. His skin was a dull tan and had little burn marks over his arms. In his strong hands was a rod of iron with a red hot tip. His head only had a grey beard, what little hair on his head he had stood on end. His faded blue eyes had the look of a delusional maniac. He tried to snarl with his five teeth.

"Who are you?" He called, "Are you some bandit to steal my swords? A demon that wants my soul? Speak! Speak!"

Pea Gravel sat on her haunches and held up her metal hands,"I don't want any trouble Gunter… I want a sword."

The old blacksmith squinted, his right eye drifted lazily,"How did yew know I was a blacksmith, eh? Are you some kind of sorceress to tempt me?"

"I met you a couple years ago," Pea Gravel said calmly, "You made some swords for my mercenaries. The Breakneck Bevy."

Gunter grinned with his tooth deprived mouth,"Butter my chicken and call me a sailor, why didn't you say so? I love those folks!" He blinked lazily recalling some memories,"Funny, where are those fellas? Don't tell me they kicked the bucket," He saw a solemn look cross Pea Gravel’s face, “Now… how long has it been since you've seen me?"

Pea Gravel chuckled, "Almost thirteen years now," Pea Gravel said. She remembered back to when she had hired him out to make fifty swords for her crew. He looked much less crazy than he did before, he even had hair. He had four younger men with him who had a similar nose like he did. (Human siblings seemed to share that) Those four other blacksmiths with made swords that almost never broke. She felt some pity looking at the man now, crazy and alone.

Gunter itched his beard, "You can come inside," He looked at the still hot poker like it was just given to him, "I'll… I'll put this back."

He disappeared behind the house with a waddle. Pea Gravel waved over to the unicorn. He rushed to her like a lost puppy. Pea Gravel opened the heavy door and was hit with a wall of smells, mostly unclean ones. The old man lived out here all alone so he never thought tidying up his home was important. They were now standing in a large room filled with arms and armor all sharpened and polished. The floor was covered in dirt and soot but not a piece of weaponry was found on the ground. Swords, axes, maces, war-hammers and other weapons were arranged in neat racks along the walls. There were even barrels filled with unfinished steel or iron blades. The armor there ranged from full plate sets to bits and pieces, all set on makeshift mannequins or shelves. Lighting the room was several large candles well away from any metal it could drip wax on.

"He likes metal, doesn't he?" The unicorn asked.

Pea Gravel laughed. There was a staircase on the far wall and a door built under it, Gunter waddled out from behind the door. His right eye drifted as he spoke,"Ah, you brought a fella with ya. Don't get too swanky, it ain't polite," He nodded for them to follow,"I've got some food a-cookin!"

They followed through the door and found the 'workplace' on the other side of the house, it was an open air veranda. There were a few stone ovens there but the still hot forge was producing an unrelenting heat. Gunter walked near the hot bed of coals as if they weren't there. He scratched his head in confusion,"What kind of sword did you want?"

Pea Gravel sighed, "If you don't mind, could we talk about that over dinner? We haven't eaten a good meal in several days."

Gunter nodded and went over to one of the stone ovens, "I've got this potato pie thing, it's still cooking."

The unicorn smelled the air, it had a charcoal scent, "Umm...Gunter...I smell food burning..."

The old man looked inside the stove, "Oh you wanted it golden brown, eh? Don't like your food cooked proper?" He shrugged and grabbing a pair of forge tongs, pulled out the earthenware pan the food was roasting in. When he pulled it out he grumbled, "Fiddlesticks! I don't have a table for you folks to eat at, no visitors in eight years and all..."

"Don't worry about that," Pea Gravel said, "We'll just eat out of the pan."

Gunter kept his gaze away from her,"...'an only one spoon."

"Gunter you're impossible!" Pea Gravel chuckled.

"You popped up uninvited," Gunter said as he took the burnt pie inside, "At least ya should've talked to my dealer in Dongdurrhal."

"Dogdurhal," The unicorn corrected.

"Potato tomato," Gunter huffed, "Anyways if I knew ahead of time I'd get some decent food. Can't just eat potato pie."

Handing the hot plate to Pea Gravel, Gunter wobbled around moving some empty barrels into a makeshift table set. Pea placed the pie at the center barrel and sat causally, the Unicorn followed her example. From a pocket in his apron, Gunter pulled out a brass spoon. It too was polished and clean like the swords around them. He dug the spoon into the pie and upturned it so it'd cool faster.

"So...d o you live here, with no one?" The unicorn asked.

"Yep, my sons and brothers lived out here with me awhile ago," Gunter said with a peppy tone, "Then the blue nasty ate 'em."

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