• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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25) What makes a Red Cloak?

Inside the ancient tower of Dogdurhal, Rainbow Dash and Daring Do sat looking out from a terrace. After their first encounter with the High Priest Belial, the two mares barely saw him. He usually stayed up in the highest reaches of the tower. It had been a few days since they had arrived and the feeling of being trapped was agony for both of them. The safety for Dew Berry and her family was always on their mind, even Pea Gravel who they hadn't seen in weeks. Luckily Dew Berry, Wheat Biscuit and Cardinal were kept as workers for the tower's gardens. The two Equestrians met with the family whenever they could. When outside, they heard whispered rumors of another centaur coming, a 'red cloak'. Neither Rainbow Dash or Daring Do knew what that meant, they just knew it was important.

It was bitter sweet living there. They wore clean white linen (or were forced to) and bathed every day. The food they ate was fit for a princess, specially made for an equine. They even flew around the big tower but they felt watched by sharp eyes while they were in the air. Having such a feeling drained the fun of flying away. Almost out of boredom Daring Do ventured around the tower and asked around for a library. She was told to go to the subterranean levels of the tower. It seemed to go down into the earth as it went up into the sky.

The halls she walked through could so huge Natabirus could walk through. These giant halls, or more appropriately tunnels, were poorly lit with a torch every few yards or so. It created a very empty and dark atmosphere. There were the occasional set of stone doors built for her size, over them were words she couldn't read carved into the rock. Eventually she came to a fork in the road. There were three halls before her, the furthest to the right had the hint of light further down it while the middle was dark. The left one made her cringe; heat radiated out of it. I just felt evil. Taking the lit path she found a robed centaur, a very pale one who looked like he had read every book written. He sat on the stone floor reading a scroll from candle light.

"I was told a library was down here," Daring Do told him. She was used to being in caves to the confines didn't bother her. That's what a robed centaur called it, but it was too deep underground to be comfortable.

The centaur wheezed a laugh,"Library? Bah! Don't use such a demeaning word, The Torrent owns many lexicons, not a simple bookshelf."

He slowly rose up on rickety joints. He was around the size of Celestia, it seemed only a few of the Torrent were giants.

It was many levels under the surface, the stone should be cold but it was warm to the touch. This centaur who seemed to live there carried a torch and guided her. After all, under Belial's direct orders the centaurs were obligated to serve the two rare equines unless it meant helping them escape. He led her down the tunnel he sat outside of. It was a short walk to the opening of the most expansive cave the adventuress had ever seen. It held a library equally labyrinthine. It was full of pitch dark halls and tall shelves out reaching the torch light. There were scrolls and tomes centuries old here, documenting thousands of different things. Daring Do noticed a pattern as she was guided through, tomes with a red binding were about centaurs known as 'red cloaks'. She smiled at the though of Twilight finding this place; that mare wold be gone for months and still have a mountain of unread books.

"What is a red cloak?" Daring Do asked her guide.

The old centaur's wrinkly face smiled with pride,"They are the finest of our faith. The Red Cloaks stand as knights for the high priest," He eyed her,"You plan on taking some of these tomes above?"

Daring Do frowned,"No, I wouldn't know what to do with them," She looked over her shoulder," So their the elite of the Torrent's army?"

The Centaur pursed his chapped lips," In mass, yes they are. There are a select few held higher than even a red cloak, sadly most die on their day of glory."

"Would they be priests along side Belial?" Daring Do asked.

"They wear robes of white," The old creature said dreamily," They prove themselves to be worthy and charge directly at the enemy, knowing well they will never come back. In some tongues they are known as 'Berserkers'."

Their words echoed in the empty place. Daring Do shivered," Let's go back. I miss the sun."

The centaur grumbled and lead her back through the maze of books. When they arrived to the entrance Daring Do rushed off. A thought ran through her mind and she stopped,"Hey, what's in that tunnel? The one that's hot?"

She saw a twisted look of fear from the old centaur. It looked like he just heard a hungry wolf's call,"Never go there!" He called to her,"It's the shadow of us!"

Rainbow Dash was running around in the gardens with Cardinal while the foal's parent's watched. The gardens looked like they were fit of a king, the new coming spring was pushing the flowers into full bloom. The amount of green made Rainbow Dash feel at home. She saw Daring Do trot out into the lush garden, the adventuress looked as if she saw a ghost. Rainbow Dash gave Cardinal a playful shove and told the foal she'd be back. She went over to her friend.

"Daring Do what's wrong?" The cyan mare asked,"You look awful!"

Daring Do caught her breath,"There's something....s-something down under ground."

Rainbow Dash's face went grim,"Like what, come on. You have to tell me."

Daring Do buckled to the ground whimpering. Rainbow Dash was shocked to see the adventuress act so childish. She knelt beside the tan pegasus,"Come on, what's down there?"

Daring Do's lip quivered,"The air down there....it was saturated with anger. There's something locked up down there...a centaur."

"What?" Rainbow Dash gasped,"You're acting crazy. Belial is a monster and you didn't even flinch! What's with this other thing?"

Daring Do locked her terrified eyes up at Dash's," I...I saw it! It's all deformed and... it looked like it was boiling under it's skin!" She wrapped her arms around Rainbow Dash and sobbed,"Rainbow Dash, I'm scared!"

Rainbow Dash hugged Daring Do back,"It's okay, don't worry. We'll get out of here."

That night the two Equines bade their friends goodnight and were escorted back up the tower to their rooms. They slept in a room high above the ground with a terrace overlooking the city. The room itself was roomy for a centaur but huge to a pony. The build looked as if the room could swallow up the two mares at any moment as they lay in their silken beds. Daring Do lay in a fitful sleep while Rainbow Dash sat wide awake. She stared outside at the warm spring evening. The waxing moon cast a silver veil of light on the city. The cyan pegasus walked slowly to the terrace. She had one thought in her mind; escape.

If she could fly fast enough she could make it out of sight. She could go find Pea Gravel and they both could save the captives. It seemed like a foolproof plan with her speed in mind. She fiddled with the saddle straps that kept her wings tight to her body. They eventually came undone and slid to the ground with a jingle. She euphorically spread her wings, it felt amazing to have them out again. She fluttered them to refresh the muscle. She knew if she got caught she would be punished, to what extent she didn't know. She thought of what Pea Gravel would do in her situation.

"Fuck it," Rainbow Dash spat,"I'm doing it."

"Wait!" a voice called beside her,"I'm going too!"

Daring Do had slapped on her pith helmet and had a smile hungry for adventure. Rainbow Dash grinned widely. She rolled her shoulders as she spread her wings wide. With one mighty push they rocketed out the open air window and out into the sky. There was a moment of free fall where she caught her breath. She flapped her wings again and flew higher up into the air, far above the dark city below. From the tower behind she noticed several griffons begging to follow her. She grinned triumphantly as she out flew them. She embraced the feeling of rushing air over her body again, she missed it. She felt like the griffons would never catch her, and with Daring Do at her side she was home free.

From out below flew four griffons, all dressed in black. They had nets tightly gripped in their sharp talons. Rainbow Dash wheeled over to the nearest one and punched him on the side of his beak. It made a pleasing crack as he spiraled back to earth. The remaining three circled her. A new feeling surged through the mare. She recalled whenever her friends wanted to fix something Rainbow Dash would always say; 'The hard way.' This was one of those times.

Another flew in from behind, her net outstretched to trap Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare rolled up into the air, just barely grazing the top of the oncoming griffon's head. The griffon had no time to react as Rainbow Dash kicked downward onto the griffons back. This griffon too fell down to earth. The remaining two rushed her at the same time.

She dodged as flipped mid air, enough to make a wonderbolt jealous. She was beginning to enjoy fighting. One of the griffons managed to scratch her arm, the mare bit her lip in pain as three little gashes welled up with blood. That griffon got two kicks to the gut. With another scratch to her side she took the remaining griffon's net. Quickly evading him she tangled up his wings.

She waved to the griffons as they rained down on the sleeping city. With surges of adrenaline still pumping in Rainbow Dash's blood, she sped forward to the wall at the edge of the city. It felt amazing to fly so fast.

She passed the wall.

Rainbow Dash whooped with joy and soared like an eagle. She had made it, she was going to find Pea Gravel and save her friends! Rainbow Dash giggled with relief as Dogdurhal began to shrink behind her. She slowed her pace to conserve energy, her heated mood dwindled down as well. Daring Do glided as well, both flying over and underr one another. She gazed at the plains below, they had begun to turn green with the coming of spring. She saw little herds of deer grazing in the night. She looked up at he clear sky above her, it was blanketed with stars and the beautiful crescent moon, even if she didn't recognize it.

Rainbow Dash was gliding now, her wings catching soft warm air currents. As she flew she felt as if something was following her. She looked behind her and saw that Daring Do was gone. The black tower she had been locked up in was all that was behind her. A cold feeling gripped her and she pumped her wings harder and harder but the tower still remained close behind her. She felt fatigue covering her like a lead blanket. Her wings gave out and she began spiraling downward. The prairie below her raced up to her with terrifying speed. She cried out in anger and fear, hoping this nightmare would just end. She covered her eyes before impact.

Rainbow Dash woke up with a start in her bed.

She looked around her and saw she had never left the tower, she had been dreaming. The scratches left by the griffons never happened and the saddle was still strapped to her. She wanted to scream, her mind was playing games with her just like the cruel world around her. She glanced at the terrace overlooking the city. Almost constantly a griffon or a gargoyle flew past the opening. She punched the bed spread in anguish. She sat for several moments almost sobbing. This whole 'adventure' was awful.

She got off her bed and sadly wandered over to the balcony. She gazed out and looked at the sleeping city, it seemed so peaceful for housing the most powerful centaurs in the world. Her sharp eyes caught moment down below, something big and quiet was moving. She wiped her tears away and looked far down to see a centaur walking though the streets silently. A huge red cape billowed behind his already three story tall body. He had what looked like a pole with a hammer head at one end holstered on his side, his face was hidden by a bronze colored mask with small slits for sight.

He moved up through the streets and into the courtyard. Unlike any one else she saw, Rainbow Dash saw him open the tower's front doors like he owned the place. She had a hunch that this red cloaked stranger was headed for a secret meeting with the prophet.

She carefully crept to the door of her room. It was unlocked. Rainbow Dash looked back over to Daring Do, the tan mare was in a uncharacteristically upset sleep. The great adventuress she had grown up idolizing was beginning to fade. Fading into a fearful mare. The cyan mare slowly opened the door. There was no one in sight. She remembered vaguely the path up to the prophet's room. She sneaked through the many halls that climbed up. When a pair of guards neared she clung up to the tall ceiling. Their torches barely reached up to the tall walls. Soon after them she saw the vising centaur come from the same way they left, they sounded like a parade compared to him. Once he had walked past and was far enough ahead Rainbow Dash began following. After what seemed like hours, hours of entertaining sneaking, she finally reached the staircase leading up to the room.

She was very close to the tall door. From the lower levels came a rumble, like a massive creature running. She went back up to the ceiling and not a moment too soon. Natabirus ran up the stair case, gasping for breath. A wave of cologne scented air followed him. Rainbow Dash held her nose from the strong scent and shadowed him a safe distance away. He came to the door and stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He politely opened the large door. As the massive doorway began to close Rainbow Dash rushed as fast as she could to make it up to the door way. There was a gap underneath, almost big enough for her to crawl comfortably under, that she used to watch what was going on.

At the far end was the opening where she saw another centaur besides Belial and Natabirus, equal in size. His horns stuck out from under his hood faced forward like a bull's and battle scarred arms folded over his wide chest. His face was gaunt and shown how many times it had been broken and smashed, his left eye was scarred shut and his other didn't look very good either. Rainbow Dash looked at the stranger's cloak again. It wasn't fabric at all, it was dragon hide!

"Your Holiness," Natabirus said still short of breath," You have summoned me?"

Belial was looking over a set of scrolls and parchments, some tiny for his scale. He looked up from them with tired eyes," Indeed. I have a favor to ask of you and your ties with our merchant force. I'm sure you'll be compliant?"

Natabirus nodded slowly," If it's funds you need then I can organize a donation rally or raise taxes. With myself money is no object."

"This may be done. There has been something as of late that has caught my attention. A new source of magic has made the beast underneath the fort restless," Belial said calmly to Natabirus," The gems you confiscated from your captives. Bring them here."

Natabirus looked sick. He reluctantly reached into a pocket of his coat and pulled out a small bag. Belial used his magic to snatch it, Natabirus looked physically harmed to see it go. The bag floated up in front of Belail. Two gems slipped out and levitated for the three giants to see. Rainbow Dash recognized the gems even though they were so far away, one was a blue one given to Daring Do and the other one was a black pear that Pea Gravel carried around.

The stranger was amazed," Is that it?" His voice was warm like tar.

Belial smiled warmly," Indeed it is, Anokeen. The Tear of The King is ours."

Natabirus folded his hands," My apologies for not recognizing such a relic. We have reason to celebrate this night, do we not?"

Belial held his eyes closed for a moment, as if he was listening for something. His flushed red skin became redder," If the scriptures are correct..."

His fingers danced and sparks of magic shot from his hand. He made a gripping motion and the tear shaped gem began to glow a piercing blue. Natabirus became terrified while Anokeen grinned with sadistic enthusiasm. Suddenly waves of energy shot from the rock. It caused paper to fly in whirlwinds and cloaks to billow in the magic wind. Anokeen's dragon pulled away as far as she could without leaving the tower. The winds coming from it holed with unearthly screeches. Even as far away as Rainbow Dash was she felt the winds rush past her under the door. Belial's body shivered and he stopped applying magic to the gem, the hurricane of force echoed away leaving silence.

Belail snatched the stone out from the air and held it in his palm, it's blue aura still lighting up the room. He sighed with pleasure," Truly this is the stone that Tirek had found so long ago! This is the source of his power!"

Anokeen stepped closer so he could look into his master's palm," Indeed it is a powerful stone...but was there not supposed to be contained by an enchanted chain for its weilder?"

Belial closed his palm,"Yes, the Carmino. That is why I have summoned you here, Anokeen. You will lead a siege to the last remaining bastion of that filthy sun worshiping cult. They have had the Carmino Chain for generations," His magic brought back all of the papers he had been looking over. The three centaurs looked at the plans

Rainbow Dash shivered at the words Belial said; " Precisely. When we reunite the two pieces then," He clenched his hand on the tiny rock," At that moment my sons, at that moment... We can open the gates of Tartarus and finally release the god Tirek from his prison."

Anokeen levitated the other rock, the pearl. He gazed at it," The smaller one, Your Holiness. There is something about this gem that is familiar."

Belial clenched his fist," That's from the blue demon, its magic is like no other. Damn! We must to be quick about our actions now. It's a thorn in my side that he's involved again."

Rainbow Dash was already halfway down the tower before she realized it. She was running so fast she was barely touching the ground, she had to tell Daring Do. They needed to escape!

Rainbow Dash was catching her breath as she opened her room door. Her body was shaking from anxiety as she went up to her fellow Equestiran. She shook Daring Do awake and perhaps a little to hard.

Daring Do awoke with a start," What is it?" She asked groggily," Did something happen?"

Rainbow Dash was still in a state of shock," That thing that Pea Gravel gave you, the blue rock thing..."

Daring Do's inner senses began kicking in," Yes, what about it? Is it so important we should risk our lives trying to steal it back?"

"No no no," Rainbow Dash blurted," It's a...a kind of magic rock..."

" Well that isn't a surprise," the adventuress sighed," What kind of magic?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide," Evil! It's some kind of weapon! Tirek found it and that's how he got to equestria, now these guys have it...they want to get Tirek out of Tartarus!"

Daring Do sat up," Whoa, whoa, wait. Equestria is miles upon miles away from here. On top of that is that ocean of sea monsters. How will they get over that?"

Rainbow Dash was pacing now," They aren't leaving yet, they need to find some kind of chain for it or something..."

"So what?" Daring Do asked.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the tan mare's shoulders," So? That's when we escape! We at least get away from Belial and these centaur goons!"

Daring Do bit her lip," What about Dew Berry and her son?"

"We'll figure something out," Rainbow Dash huffed," The point is we need to figure out a way to escape!"

"What if they catch us?" Daring Do asked.

Rainbow Dash had enough of the depressed way her idol had been talking," What? What happened to the great Daring Do, why did she leave this sissy in her place?"

Daring Do pulled back defensively," I'm trying to be rational here. The stakes are already set way to high out here...if we get caught we can't help Pea Gravel find her friends..."

Rainbow Dash made a reassuring smile," She's probably grouping up with them now, planning a way to storm in and kill every on of these centaurs. What we need is to be ready for the best opportunity, right Daring Do?"

Daring Do's eyes were rekindled with hope. She took Rainbow Dash's hoof in hers and grinned," Your right! We can do this."

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