• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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13) Control Yourself (part 1)

It had been a few days since the encounter with the nightmarish Lepuric monster. It was early evening, the moon was just peeking into view. Under the dying sunlight the equine trio was grazing on the edge of the savanna. Daring Do had eaten wild grass on occasion but Rainbow Dash was still getting used to it, it's coarseness harsher than her normally domestic diet. The strange pearl Pea Gravel had been wearing around her neck was nearly white now, they were very close to Dew Berry. On the horizon was a range of hills, daunting and dead tree covered. The whole world felt dry and dying, it felt alien to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash pulled her head up from eating grass, "This is wrong… it should be winter by now."

Daring Do looked up to, "You're right, it feels to hot and dry for being winter."

Pea Gravel looked up too with a patch of grass still being chewed, "You don't think Equestria is in the same climate as out here, do you?"

Rainbow Dash grimaced, "I don't know, it just feels wrong."

Pea Gravel almost laughed, "Aww, dose the little foal feel homesick?"

"Excuse me?" Daring Do asked bitterly.

Pea pointed up at the moon, "See that?"

Rainbow Dash was growing impatient, "Yes. It's the moon, genius. What about it?"

Pea Gravel rolled her eyes, "Look closer at it."

Rainbow Dash groaned and looked up at the moon. It was smaller than the one she was familiar with, it looked so far away The unicorn pattern on it was faint. It's light was much less powerful and just seemed to hang there, lonely. It was eerie in the night sky, adding to the list of things to be afraid of.

Rainbow Dash went pale, "...W-what's going on?! Why is the moon different?!"

Pea Gravel rubbed her neck muscles, "'Cuz it's far, far away. How's it feel to be lonely?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't think of any words she knew to say. She decided to use some of Pea Gravel's, "Bullshit I'm lonely!!"

Daring Do was taken back, "Look what you did Pea Gravel, now she's going to be swearing like… like you!"

Pea shrugged, "So what? They're just words."

Rainbow Dash sat on her haunches in disbelief. She winced and pulled one of her hind hooves back and held it, "I have Daring Do… we'll get through this soon..."

Daring Do was heated, "What's wrong with you?"

Pea yawned, "How does it feel, being away from your oh-so-powerful 'goddesses'?"

Daring Do was bitter now, "I didn't need them. I can handle myself."

"I bet you can," Pea Gravel spat, "You're just like the rest, in denial. I've seen too many of my kind die because they were dependent… being lonely gives you an edge," Pea's angry tone wore off,"If you're alone you have no one to lose..."

Rainbow Dash rubbed her damaged hoof, "If you're so strong then, why did you come out here for your 'friends'?"

Pea Gravel rolled the pearl in her hand, "I've grown… humble. You're all shaken up from being away from your friends for a few weeks, I haven't seen mine in ten years," Pea Gravel peered over and saw a bit of Rainbow Dash's hoof, there was a wound of some kind. It looked dangerously infected. She walked over and reached for it, "Dash let me see your hoof," She said.

Rainbow Dash shoved her away, "NO! I'm tired of you babying me, you've been treating me like I can't handle myself!" She shouted.

Pea made a face much like an annoyed parent would to their teenage daughter, "You don't know everything yet, and until you do I will baby you."

Dash stomped a fore-hoof, "You're such a jerk! All we did was go out of our way to help you and all you've been doing is treating us like dumb little kids! I'm sick of it!"

Daring Do had been listening to both sides of the argument. She felt the same way Rainbow Dash felt, not as explosively though. She looked over to their cyber enhanced guide and she looked pissed. Daring Do knew that Pea Gravel may be more 'physical' now so she decided to stop it before it got out of hand, "...Pea Gravel, you need to calm down. Everyone's tired and sore, probably needing more sleep too. Let's just make up and go to bed alright?"

A clanging thud made both the Equestrians jump. They looked down to see a sword was dropped in front of Rainbow Dash. Looking up at Pea Gravel, they saw her standing up on two legs. In her right was another sword.

"What's the big idea?" Dash demanded, "Why'd you toss a sword to me?"

"You don't want to be a kid? Pick it up," Pea said flatly.

Daring Do pulled the sword away from the cyan pegasus, "What the hell is wrong with you Pea Gravel, she's just a kid!"

Dash yanked the sword away from her, "Am not!" and placed it in her mouth. She stood up and crouched like a cat ready to strike.

Pea Gravel shook her head, "No, no. Look at the way you have your hooves placed, you've left both sides completely unguarded." Dash rearranged herself so that way she was now crouching at an angle. Pea grimaced, "Close enough."

Daring Do jumped in between them, smoldering at Pea Gravel who looked flatly back. Daring knew that Pea could easily beat her, maybe kill her but she refused to see that happen to Dash, "I don't what you're trying to pull here, but stop it. If you want to train her to use a sword that's fine, but do it when your anger has sobered!"

Pea pushed her aside,"If you want to get hurt, just ask," she had glossed over eyes as she looked to Dash,"Take your first strike."

Rainbow Dash bolted forward and twisted her neck to slash the cutlass. It met with Pea Gravel's almost instantly. Dash staggered back, the vibrations from the sword ringing in her head. Pea Gravel popped her neck, "Again."

Rainbow Dash sprung in again, at the left this time. She swung wildly and Pea blocked the blade with either her metal forearms or her own cutlass. Dash tried to reel her neck back and forced with all her might at Pea's sword, in hopes to disarm her. The cutlass flew out of Pea's hand and stuck into the dirt a yard away. Dash took a moment to admire what she did...amateur mistake.

All the air from her lungs was forced out with a kick to the ribs. The cutlass fell from her mouth and she rolled across the dusty ground. She turned to her back and gasped for breath. Pea Gravel's silhouette jumped and stood over Dash menacingly. Dash gasped when a metal fist slammed into the ground inches from her face, another was winding up. Daring Do had seen enough, she flew towards the two fighters and threw all of her strength into a punch to Pea's jaw.

Pea Gravel was knocked back. Daring took no time to lock her hind legs around Pea's arms at her elbows to hold her back. Pea had a venomous look as she glared up at Daring Do, "Do it, hit me. I know you want to."

Daring had a hoof locked back ready to punch. She was shaking, "Stop it! What did she do to you?!"

Pea licked the inside of her jaw where Daring Do punched her, "She hasn't adapted to being a 'foreigner', Miss Equestria," She spat a glob of blood to the side.

Daring's hoof whacked into Pea's face again, "Is that good?" Another punch, "Is that adapted enough for you?"

Pea curled her torso until her fore legs met Daring Do's chest. She wrapped her legs around the pegasus’s' chest and yanked Daring Do off. Before Daring Daring Do could react she was now on bottom, with a metal hand on either side of her face. She looked hopelessly at Pea Gravel who had a fiery grin, "Almost, fly girl. Almost..."

Rainbow Dash finally sat up, rubbing her chest, "Damn! That hurt!"

The pearl from Volm dangled on it's string over Daring Do's head. While Pea looked up at Dash, the adventuress snatched the pearl and hid it in her hat. Almost immediately the fire of violence died in Pea's body. She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Stop complaining, baby face!" she looked down at Daring Do, "You alright?"

Daring Do fumed, "No! Not until you promise me you can control yourself goddammit!"

Pea got up and sat at a distance from the two pegasus. She had a new look on her, one of guilt. She gulped nervously,"I don't remember what happened for the last two minutes or so...I'll take the first watch again, you two can go to sleep if you can. I-I...I didn't hurt either of you...did I?"

Daring Do knew it had to be because of that pearl. She brushed herself off, "No we're fine, just a little bruised. Nothing tough girls like us can't handle, right Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash scowled at Pea Gravel,"Right...bruises.."

Pea continued to sit away from the Equestrians into the night. She had several ideals biting at her; being compassionate or efficient in her quest. She was growing tired of the slow pace Rainbow Dash had however something made her guilty about it. She sat with her back to them, hugging her knees and looking out into the night. Inside her mind visions of her band of mercenaries berated her. She remembered she would pick up any equine willing to fight against the odds, and any other creature who shared the same ideals. Pea Gravel was the leader up until Rochi stepped in, running alongside her comrades. She did her best to keep them together, keeping them fed and alive.

The Bevy had traveled a long way, all the way to the coast. Here there were very few centaurs but several human kingdoms. These men and women didn't particularly like the idea of talking horses running around. While the Bevy was strong, Pea Gravel (for the most part) wouldn't lead her comrades into battles they knew they had no chance winning any loot from. The fact that the humans had lots of steel and things called 'guns' made almost every fight a sure loss. Not to mention that Dew Berry was well into her pregnancy, no one wanted her getting hurt.

Away from the bulk of the humans was a tropical area of land, the Bevy was lounging under palm trees while Pea sat with Oza on a cliff edge, looking out at the ocean. Oza stared lovingly at the deep blue. Pea Gravel noticed his gaze, "You could just jump in, you know?"

The dragon shook his head, "Oza thanks little horse, but no. Once Oza dip toe in ocean again, he's never coming back out," He chuckled, "Besides, Oza's best friends can't breathe underwater like him."

Pea Gravel laughed along, "I dunno about that. You'd probably sink like a rock," Her voice trailed off when she noticed a ship with a black flag out on the water, "Oza you see that?"

Oza's sharp eyes looked out, "Pirate ship, what dose Pea want to do with it?"

Pea strained her eyes to see,"Loot. What do you see on the boat?"

Oza scanned the boat as it slowly sailed out on the blue waters. After a few moments her counted off, "Lots of humans… a few ponies and griffons. They wear collars, slaves Oza bets."

Pea popped her neck, "Wanna do some 'financial liberating'?"

Oza laughed, "If Pea Gravel insists," He looked out to the mass of lounging mercenaries, "Bevy! Get suited up, Pea Gravel found next fight."

The Bevy slowly got up and strapped on their iron plate armor, or the occasional padded leather. Behind most of the mercenaries sat the cooks and squires. Here Joe tended to Dew Berry's every need, the mare was still a little embarrassed about being waited on. She was used to being the server her whole life. The two ponies watched the mercenaries, wondering what crazy thing Pea was up to now.

While the ponies had swords in their jaws the griffons held crossbows in their talons. They all looked over to see Pea Gravel and Oza standing at the cliff edge. The pirate ship was nearing the shore close by the cliff, most likely to find supplies. Pea Gravel's plan was to ambush the pirates once their scouting party got to the shore. If they were a good crew the Bevy could use the scouts as ransom, if the ship ran off they could just steal the scout's dingy boat to follow the main ship.

Hiding in the brush Pea Gravel and a dozen archers awaited the scouting party. Their bows and crossbows notched and ready in the smothering tropical heat. Finally the dinghy was pulled up on shore by four ponies in collars. Still in the boat were two other ponies and five humans, all looking like born and bred sailors. The humans got out and stretched, their swords glistening in the sun. Pea Gravel made a silent nod to her archers. They fired and three humans and a pony dropped dead, arrows buried in their chests. The remaining two humans threw their arms into the air, with terrified faces they turned to where the arrows came from.

Pea Gravel sauntered out of hiding with a smug face for the ages. Behind her walked a chunk of the Bevy, not to big to be noticed by the main ship but big enough to be scary. The five ponies followed their master's' example except one, he had a tan brown coat and a fierce set of azure eyes. He stared straight at Pea Gravel whom in turn glared back.

"Alright sea dogs, bring us to your ship's loot and no one else is gonna get shot!" Pea Gravel announced.

The lone stallion hopped off the dinghy, "You and what army?"

Pea Gravel and her mercenaries laughed, "This one dumbass!" She shouted with laughter.

The stallion popped his neck, "I, Rochi, challenge you to a duel. Winner keeps all."

One of the pirates looked up from groveling, "Shut up you stupid horse! You are in no position to trade off Gumbo's gold!"

Rochi glowered at the pirate, "Make me," the pirate looked from the stallion to the Bevy. Rochi spat at him,"That's what I thought."

Pea smirked, "Pretty ballsy for a slave, don't you think fellas?"

Rochi puffed up his chest, "What? You afraid of a whip beaten slave?"

Pea shook her head with a chuckle, "Alright, pick up that sword over there and we'll start this."

The Bevy made a big circle around the two duelers. The ship slaves were there too, not sure who to root for. The Breakneck Bevy however, howled and whooped for their leader. Pea Gravel and Rochi circled each other, eyes fixed on the others'. They had a sword each ready to swing, waiting for the right opportunity. There was a mass of tension between them. Once Rochi made the first step everyone was in an uproar.

If Pea Gravel hadn't parried at the precise moment, there would have been a blade stuck in her face. She blinked while Rochi put on a smug grin like one Pea had earlier. She kicked with her fore hooves and knocked Rochi back a few feet. He caught himself and stuck blades with Pea again. They swung and slashed at each other, when one hit an arm the other hit a leg. It was a fiercely close battle and Pea Gravel grew tired of how it wasn't getting them anywhere.

She backed up a bit and tensed up, powering for a disarming strike. Rochi eyes her like a hungry hawk. Pea lashed out and her blade hit Rochi's sword hilt, missing his cheek by an inch. The sword flew out of his grip and her rolled his jaw in attempt to ease the twanging pain of getting a sword smacked out of your mouth. At this time Pea held her sword point up to his throat. He blinked wide eyed.

Pea had a confident smile, "Looks like I still get what I want, Rochi."

Before anyone saw it coming, Rochi struck out. He maneuvered his hooves to pull Pea's sword away from her. Now with a sword he elbowed her in the nose and while she fell sat on her chest. Locking his legs around her arms so she was basically tied up, Pea Gravel landed heavily on her back. The Bevy gasped as Rochi now held Pea's sword to her throat.

Rochi made a suave grin, "I'm not going to lose here, not now. Say your prayers!"

Pea knew that he was about to drive her sword through her neck, she saw it coming. What she didn't see coming was Oza's knee to Rochi's head. With a loud thwack Rochi rolled across the ground out cold. Pea Gravel breathed heavily, half from shock half from relief.

She looked up to Oza with a crinkled nose, "I had it under control," The Bevy sighed with relief at the fact that Pea was still alive. The grey mare folded her forearms, "You… you didn't need to do that."

Joe walked in carrying Dew Berry carefully on his back chuckled, "From what I saw, looks like you were under something alright."

Oza rubbed his knee, "Oza didn't expect to see Joe and Dew Berry out today. They missed the show!" He groaned, "That Rochi pony had rock hard skull. Hurt Oza's knee."

Pea punched his leg as she got up,"Aww shaddup ya big baby! I've got a ship to capture!"

Pea forced the two surviving pirates into the boat and the slaves to row while she and three other mercenaries hid behind them. The Bevy awaited their return while the dingy boat slowly trailed toward the ship. On the beach Dew Berry talked to Oza from on top of Joe's back.

"What's she doing this time?" Dew Berry asked a bit worried.

"Spotted pirates the earlier," Oza fluffed out his baggy pants, "Oza saw that there weren't too many aboard and Pea Gravel wanted some extra loot. Something about a… Captain Gumbo on that boat."

Joe rolled his eyes, "That crazy girl, she's gonna get herself killed one of these days."

Dew lightly knocked him between the ears, "Don't talk like that, who's gonna save your hide if she's gone?"

Joe pouted, "You… alright darlin'?"

Dew Berry fanned herself dramatically, "...Maybe, depending on the weather."

On the dingy Pea's heart was racing. She had never boarded a ship to take it over before. The two griffons and pony along with her hid behind the two pirates with daggers poking their back for safekeeping. Once close enough to the ship, ropes were flung over the side to climb. Pea nodded to the mare next to her and they pushed the pirates into the water. Pea and her pony comrade scaled up the ropes as fast as they could while the two griffons flew up. Jumping on the deck they saw a dozen crew hands look in complete surprise.

"Give 'em hell!" Pea Gravel shouted and the mercenaries charged at the pirates.

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