• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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7) Row, Row your Boat...

In Equestria though Twilight and her friends were slightly shaken up after the strange mare left, the rest of their quaint little world went on as if nothing happened. Rainbow Dash, almost the day after the stranger left, said she had unexpected business in Cloudsdale. Daring Do returned to her quieter alter ego and left for her home in the forest. Now several days, if not weeks went by as Pea's stolen ship sailed east

Breaking waves on the sea the doomed ship creaked under only one pony's weight, the original crew thrown out single-handed by the cyber mare. She'd spend her days practicing on walking upright on her hind legs, at first her hind legs jutted out stiffly and awkwardly marching up and down the deck. Finding the ship's armory she picked out several flint locks and a pair of cutlasses to practice with.

The firearms were equestrian made, not meant for fingers. They took some getting used to with it's pressure sensitive trigger at the handle and other models were shot via biting down on a mouth guard. She'd lineup spare hats on the railing posts and hone her targeting. After all, she had a ship's worth of gunpowder and shot for just one mare. If not shooting, she'd practice swinging cutlasses at dummies she made out of wood scraps from the ship.

Pea tried one sword, one in each hand and even three. One in each metal hand while the third was tight in her jaws slashing skillfully at her wooden targets. She preferred three swords, she figured it would confuse and intimidate the enemy with a mare walking with two swords and biting another down. The pirate's armory was much different than what she was accustomed to, her original training was more about broadsword swinging and dodging arrows. The black powder firearms that the pirates had were a menace but in short supply out in 'The Wild', as she now called it.

During the evenings, she'd make sure the boat was on course before cooking dinner. Though there were enough rations to feed a crew of thirty five for almost six months, portions seemed to be slimming when she tapped into the food stash. She paid no mind, she couldn't eat all of this food anyway. She didn't even plan on seeing the boat docking out there, Pea expected it to be sunk inside or near the edge of the Dead Ring. After a salty vegan meal she sat at the helm, checking every now and again on the ship's direction. Pea had a compass in her sight at all times next to her 'Ink Pearl' as she called it.

As the days of sea travel went by, she had become dangerously skilled using three swords. She had fashioned a double sheath that fitted on the her lower back while the third sword was on a sheath strapped to her torso, within her mouth's reach. Within a month the edge of the Dead Ring could be seen. It's waters were grey and the sky a lifeless blue. The sea currents weakened and the wind faded the closer the ship got to the dismal waters. Pea sat at the captain's cabin thinking about how she was going to get across. Checking the deck she found that one dinghy was still aboard.

The tiny ship had a large blanket sized sail, also enough room for one pony and four crates of supplies. What she'd be using though, were the two oars on either side of the boat. Going back into the hull of the pirate ship, she hauled two food crates up. She didn't bother to check inside them since every other crate she tapped into had pristine produce inside. Later one for guns and powder and lastly one with any valuables she could scrounge on the ship. The valuables crate had blankets and traveling supplies she'd need for her journey on land as well as salable loot.

Lowering the dinghy into the water via crane, the small water vessel landed gracefully. Pea strapped up her leather jacket, tightened up her makeshift sword holsters and jumped to the dingy on the water. It dipped slightly from her weight but bobbed safely in the near mirror waters. She kicked off from the ship and rowed the dinghy out into the Dead Ring. After a few hours she had to rearrange the crates so the weight didn't dip the boat over, once that was done she made a makeshift canvas tent from the sail. She'd have to worry about the sun out here, not rain or storms. There was no wind blowing on the dead ring, making a trip across it almost more deadly than a barren desert.

The water was unearthly clear. Anyone afraid of what lurks in the deep would die of shock looking down into the Dead Ring's waters. Schools of fish of every size swarmed through the still water, feeding of each other in a cruel food chain hierarchy. Some looked more like sharks or whales, while others looked like giant spiky squids. The ones that made small hills of displaced water when they neared the surface looked like horribly massive lobsters with gaping maws that swallowed pods of whales whole. If Pea ever got bored of careful rowing she'd watch the underwater circus of fish.

From experience and the way the horizon looked, she only had another day of travel. She sighed with relief. She laid back relaxing as much as she could under her canvas tent. She felt oddly calm drifting over a carnivorous spawning pool, maybe because she was that much closer to where she wanted to be. She would've drifted off in a nap but a small sound from the crates woke her up.

Without warning, Rainbow Dash threw open the crate lid,"Ahh! Finally out of that thing!" Pea held her breath in horror as she watched the lid fly into the air and splash in the water. Time seemed to freeze, then movement in the water kicked up little waves on the surface. Rainbow Dash looked around, "What's wrong?"

Pea grabbed the oars frantically, "ohshit! ohshit! ohshit! ohshit! Go! Go! Go!" She made the oars row at a near speed boat pace.

Daring Do peeked out of same crate Rainbow Dash was hiding in, "What's going on?"

"No time!" Pea shouted,"Grab the mast and haul ass with your wings, now!"

The still water began to churn around where the lid landed. Sharks swarmed around it and soon bigger fish began eating the sharks. The two pegasi held onto the dinghy mast as flapped their wings in a panic. They were confused more than terrified. A shark jumping out of the water over them, nicking their wings, made the two Equestrians fly for their lives. Soon a feeding frenzy trailed behind the speeding dingy with fish of many sizes bumping, biting and almost flopping into the boat. Pea shouted for more speed when the sun's light was blocked out. One of the giant lobsters reared out of the water and began heading back to the bloody waves. The mares held their breath waiting for the impact, luckily it landed far enough behind where a wave lifted into the air on a wall of water. It had biting fish falling out of it trying to get to the boat.

The wave took them to edge of the Dead Ring, a flow of sea monster blood followed them as they drifted dumbstruck into the now blue water of the 'Wild's' ocean. The fish weren't keen on leaving the Dead Ring, so it was just the three mares panting in the dingy. Rainbow Dash looked to the other two mares and began laughing from her first brush with death. Daring Do snickered and too, then began laughing. Pea had a heavy scowl on her face. The two mares relieved laughter died quickly, seeing they escaped one big monster only find something just as scary glaring at them.

"Oh come on," Rainbow Dash cooed, "What's the m-"

Pea smacked both mares in the face,"I thought I told you, no one follows me! Do you idiots speak English?"

Daring Do glared, "You would've been eaten if we didn't rescue you back there!"

"That whole mess would've never happened if dumbass over here didn't throw the lid to my food in the ocean and woke all that shit up!" Pea shouted.

Rainbow Dash looked hurt, "We...we came to help you, why are you acting like this?" she said rubbing her cheek.

Pea clenched her fists to her face,"Cuz you two are gonna die out there! That's why!"

Daring Do folded her arms, "Who says we will, there's only one way to find out something."

Pea turned around, facing the front of the ship, "This is just great, fan-fucking-tastic..."

The two Equestrians looked at the alien ocean. The clouds were in shapes and patterns competently unknown to Rainbow Dash. She began panicking,"Daring Do?! What's wrong with the clouds, they're not… swirly! The sky isn't blue...it's not our blue!"

Pea scoffed, "I can tell you two will just love it out here," The two mares glared at her sarcastic comment," If you want to survive you'll have to listen to me from now on," Pea said looking out on the horizon.

Daring Do wiped the sweat off Rainbow Dash's brow, "Yes Captain? What do you want us to do first?"

Pea pointed to the horizon,"Move my boat that way with oars or wings, I don't care."

Rainbow Dash eventually got used to the environment's differences and helped Daring Do push the boat forward. The boat moved through the water with ease from the horsepower pushing it. The comforting feeling of Equestria was slipping away the further they went, a new feeling called dread fell onto Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was still looking at the strange clouds with awe while Daring Do attempted conversation with the silent cyber mare.

"Sooo...where is our first stop, Captain?" Daring asked with a forced smile.

Pea was silent for a while. When she finally spoke both Equestrians listened, "You do realize that you hid in what was supposed to be half of my rations? So that means what was for one is now split with three. Not to mention that, once we could get to a harbor, you could be snatched up just because you two look pretty."

Rainbow Dash scowled, "Thanks, I always wanted to be called pretty by somepony."

Pea sighed,"Will red or leather collars look best on you two..."

Daring's attention snapped to Pea, "Excuse me?"

"I have a reputation out there, some things fear me. It's best you act like my slaves then friends… in public that is." Pea said without looking back at the other mares.

"Why can't we just be friends?" Rainbow Dash asked, now regretting the idea of venturing out here.

"I didn't have 'friends' out there, only trusted battle partners and slaves. Besides, if your my 'property' you're less likely to be taken… just saying," Pea almost smiled.

The rest of that day was held in silence. Once the sun had set Pea took the oars and told the now exhausted mares to sleep under the canvas tent. They fell into a quick but fitful sleep. Pea rowed with a worried heart, she liked these two. Now she had something to defend while jumping back into the frying pan...

The two equestrians woke to see sea gulls flying overhead. They peeked under the canvas to see a small island with a handful of palm trees. Pea was making a pile of food she had found on the white sand beach. Once she saw them she waved them over.

"The best coconuts are at the tops of the trees, could you two lovely ladies go and pick some?" She asked.

Daring Do flew compliantly, Rainbow Dash yawned. The picked well over a dozen coconuts and loaded them onto the dingy. Pea carried two dead green lizards along with their finds. The Equestrians eyed the lizards with a grimace.

Pea smirked, "I'm leaving some more food for you two, I'll eat these." She smiled, holding up her prizes.

Daring Do stuck her tongue out in disgust,"You'll eat those?"

Pea tossed the lizards into the food crate and grabbed the oars ,"It's alright, fly girl. I've eaten worse."

The three mares made the final checks for leaks or breaks in the hull before setting they off again, dead east. With the two pegasi sitting under the canvas tarp at the front of the boat, Pea took up the oars. The words of Pea's carnivorous habit burned in Daring Do's mind. She didn't really eat other creatures like a wolf or the carnahorses she had been told about, right? She recalled that of what Pea had told her, not anyone else. When writing Forces they only reached where Pea Gravel and her friend Dew Berry were fully on their own.

Daring Do looked over to the silent rowing mare, "Pea...I think there's some details you need to tell Rainbow Dash," Daring Do requested quietly, "You know… about the natives out there."

"They're just bigger, meaner versions of what lives in Equestria," Rainbow Dash said confidently,"Don't tell me...there's other stuff too?" Pea rowed silently, ignoring either of her followers. Daring decided it would be best if she didn't pry at Pea right now, however Rainbow Dash... "Tell me!" Rainbow Dash's shout echoed off the open ocean, "Tell me what I have to deal with out there," She cried.

Pea looked up coldly,"The hierarchy out there isn't who's the biggest or strongest, it's who's the best at stabbing everyone else's back. The most cunning bastard can have killed an army, but he may never need pick up a sword. I'm the only one you could trust out there, past the little horse land on the coast. After that… we're on our own."

The rest of the evening and the following morning was grimly quiet. Eventually there was a black line the distant shore ahead. The masts of large ships could be seen riddled throughout the waters near the land. Daring Do looked in amazement, there was a whole world of undiscovered cultures and relics out there. She'd become the greatest treasure huntress Equestria ever knew. Rainbow Dash was getting fed up wit Pea's warnings, she was beginning to think the whole thing like a Fisherman's story, It gets more amazing each time one tells it. Rainbow Dash was becoming excited to see a new world full of excitingly different ponies.

Daring Do turned to look at Pea, "So how long have you been away from here?"

Pea pursed her lips in thought, "About five years, ever since I took in Tuff," she got a bit teary eyed thinking about the colt.

Rainbow Dash fluttered up into the air, "Alright! This is going to be awesome!"

Pea groaned and went to the crate full of loot. She pulled out a black overcoat for herself and two cloaks for the Equestrians. They looked at the drab clothes with disdain, "If you don't want to get mugged, put these on," Pea commanded.

The distant line was growing into view and the bigger ships were becoming more detailed. Showing out from the mid morning sky, ships shown like trees on the water. When the three mares were suited up Pea pulled out a telescope from the crate of loot and peered out at the distant ships. She nearly dropped the spyglass at what she saw: Torrent Ships.

Daring Do and Rainbow Dash could see them now as well. Each Torrent ship was at least five decks high and had twelve masts holding up dozens of deep maroon canvas sails. The decks were made of black painted timber and had plates of brass bolted onto them, becoming discolored from their time in seawater. Though no cannons were aboard, an absurd amount of sickly yellow torches were lit. The mares saw arrows lit with these flames fly off one of these ships and strike another ship. The target was a ship like the one Pea stole, but this one shot up in flames seconds after being hit by the evil yellow fire arrows.

Pea rubbed her forehead, "We need to play it safe, I had no idea the Torrent would be this far west..."

"What would they do to us?" Rainbow Dash asked timidly.

The cyborg mare smirked, "We're bound to meet one...why don't you ask yourself?"

The small dingy brought little attention to any ships that sailed by. Once buildings were in view on the shore Pea maneuvered the boat through a maze of docked ships. Their massive size loomed over them like forests. The dock of the Sea port they were headed to was packed with all kinds of movement. Low buildings were behind a busy stone walkway on the port where merchant tents and workers filled the space. Ships were being loaded and unloaded with supplies or biped creatures in armor. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do saw that not everything was a pony, in fact almost none were. The only ones they saw were carrying most of the cargo. Pea scanned the dock for something, the Equestrians didn't know what.

"Tell me if you see a snake with arms," She said.

Rainbow Dash cleaned out her ears, "Excuse me?"

"Serpent folk, their very rich merchants around here," Pea gestured over to the weapons crate,"I can't just show anybody black powder guns here, their worth their weight in gold," She looked out to the crowd on the port, "They also know a lot about… 'current events'."

Daring Do spotted on the dock a long purple robed figure. The robes figure had a large crocodile standing on it's hind legs next to it. The figure's back was turned but when it looked out to the harbor it's face was a snake’s. Daring pointed, "Is that one?"

Pea smiled a trouble maker's smile,"Yep, we're going to tie the boat at the port. Just keep quiet and follow my lead."

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up, "We're gonna sell stuff to get gold?"

Pea sighed, "Just keep quiet, okay?"

The boat drifted next to some other small ships tied to the dock. Theirs was next to a stone staircase that went from where everyone was walking down into the water next to them. Pea lifted the heaviest crate, the loot one, and told the Equestrians to carry the others. The two pegasi did their best to lift up the crates, while Pea went up the stairs without stress the pegasi strained to fly with their cargo.

As the three mares walked, they received some odd looks. Pea dropped her crate in front of the Serpent, and her two out-of-breath followers dropped theirs. Pea straightened up and looked to the shady merchant with a dignified aurora.
The croc guard made a move to shove Pea away but the Serpent stopped him,"You, horsssse. What have you brought to sssell? Or are you interested in… live merchandise?"

Pea shook her head, "I just came from the Dead Ring, looting ships. I believe I have something you'd be interested in."

The Serpent scowled,"The Dead Ring only bringsss death. Don't bring such talk to me," He said waving a hand away. Pea took the lid off and tossed a flint-lock to him. He pulled away as if the thing was toxic. He peered at it, picked it up and examined it. Then a wicked smile crept across his green scaly face,"I am lissstening. Do you have anything elssse to sssell me?"

Pea pushed the crate to him, it slid and he gawked at the contents. Inside were two small barrels of gunpowder and nineteen other flint locks. Along with those were five cutlasses, polished to a chrome like shine. The Serpent put the gun Pea tossed him in the crate and folded his hands,"What'sss your price?"

Pea sat back and looked at what the serpent had with him. Five slaves (all mares), ornate rugs, some jewels and a tight locked chest. (probably his gold) Pea pulled the weapon crate back to her and the Serpent almost pawed the air to reach it again.

Pea looked back to her friends, "Me and my gal's need some information. Do you know where I can find some centaurs around here?"

The serpent frowned,"Theresss an inn jussst down there," He pointed further inland to the buildings,"They go there after patrolling the docksss."

“No, no. Not the thugs they have,” Pea smirked,”I’m talking big fish.”

The serpent looked to his guards for half a moment,”How big of a fisssh are you looking for, horssse?”

Pea Gravel leaned closer to him,”The biggest, Belial.”

The serpent cringed,”That bassstard. He’s killed business for me and my egg-brothers,” He scowled. Next to him his crocodile guards popped their knuckles,”Why are you looking for him?”

“It’s just me, Pea Gravel from the Breakneck Bevy. Now are you going to buy some of these guns or not?”

With a timid face and a shaky hand to a bag of gold he gulped,”I’ll buy three off of you. Don’t sssay you did busniess with me though…”

Pea made the exchange and put the lid back on the weapons and drug it away, "Thank you, I'll be off now. Come on girls."

The serpent fumed while the three mares headed for the inn. When they reached the entrance Pea mover herself and Rainbow Dash aside and nodded Daring Do to go inside. Pea knew Daring was talented in using words to get around conflicts, "I need you to find a centaur wearing brass armor or a hood with an 'x' on it. Tell him your master needs to speak with a Torrent member."

Daring Do gulped,"...alright captain."

Daring Do walked inside to find a loud commotion of bipeds drinking and eating. Their jarring size and looks intimidated the adventuress, almost more than the late Ahuizotl. Daring Do's stomach churned when she saw the handed creatures were eating meat. They were ape like, at least some of them were. Others were more like the bipeds from Equestria but they were much more grizzled.

The pair of centaurs at the bar stood out from the sea's rabble. Their size above the other humanoids stuck them out like black and red spotlights. Their maroon skin matched the color of the sails she saw earlier. Over their heads were black hoods with their bull horns poking out underneath. On both hoods was a red oval above at the center with a black 'x' and a dot on each corner. The two centaurs held pints of ale and drunk it rather calmly. Holstered on their backs were pairs of curved swords, each bigger than a pony.

She approached one and cleared her throat polity. Their sunken in yellow eyes and sharp white teeth looked down at her with a grimace,"Ech… Leave us little hoofed one. I am in no need for comfort," The centaur's voice matched his size and the accent was heavy on 'h' sounds.

Daring Do stood regardless, "I'm sorry sirs, my master needs you at once."

The centaurs looked to each other and whispered to one another. They nodded and told Daring Do to led them to her master. On they way out they shoved any drunkard out of their way, even stepping on one. They ducked out of the exit way and Daring Do showed them Pea Gravel. If she didn't have her cyborg arms they would've 'confiscated' a lying slave but this metal legged pony was no normal creature. She even sat up like a biped on the crates she had brought.

"Your slave told us that you needed something," One centaur said flatly, "Speak your mind."

Pea tapped her metal fingers together, "I have some merchandise I believe your Arms Dealer would be interested in," She smiled wickedly, "Interested?"

The left centaur pointed to the crate Pea sat on, "Possibly, show us the goods. Make it quick now."

Pea carefully showed them the inside. The sabers could be seen, under them were a few flintlock pistols and a little powder keg,"Beautiful no?"

The right centaur grabbed the crate from Pea and dug his hand inside the crate,"Good. We'll be leaving now."

Pea bowed her head, "Mighty Torrent warriors, do I receive no pay for these weapons?"

The centaurs began walking down the stone street,"You get shit, dirt whore," And they disappeared into the crowd.

Pea smiled wickedly, the two Torrent members walk away. The two Equestrians were confused and still shaken up by the appearance of the centaurs. The two walked away and the whole street moved around them and trying to not touch the ground the centaurs walked on. A few yards down they stopped and left the crate on the ground, examining the tiny guns.

Daring Do glowered at Pea, "What was that all about? You're going to just let them walk away with those?"

Pea smiled and opened her jacket. The rest of the pistols and swords were hidden there. She looked like a walking armory with the swords she already had and the extra weaponry. Lighting a match that went with the package she looked at the tiny flame, "It's a shame how some gunpowder just… leaks."

The two Equestrians slowly caught onto what Pea's plan was. Daring Do and Rainbow Dash watched the match fall onto the ground where a trail of grainy black powder was hidden on the brick street. It ignited and sparked down to the source where two unsuspecting targets sat. The keg left in the crate exploded with a centaur reaching to pick it up again.

There was a loud explosion and cries from the crowd. Both centaurs had shrapnel sticking out of them. One centaur flopped over with his torso missing, spilling his extra guts onto the pavement. The other was missing the arm closest to the crate. His face was numb, paralyzed from the force of the blast and three pistols were stabbed into his torso. They both lay dead in the street while most of the crowd panicked and tried to leave the street.

The Equestrians looked at Pea while the cyber mare tried to keep herself from laughing, "I guess that deal ended with a bang, am I right?" she giggled. Watching them at a distance was the serpent, now with a posse of reptile bipeds of all sizes. Their silted eyes locked on the three mares.

The trio of mares escaped through the commotion. Pea now carried the loot crate while Daring Do carried the food. The Equestrians were culture shocked, walking through the dirty streets filled with the sick or downtrodden. Filthy hands and hoofs alike reached out for a piece of silver or a sliver of food. Rainbow Dash went close to one. The malnourished pony hid under a burlap cloak.

Pea pulled the pegasus away from the beggar and Rainbow Dash promptly protested,"Why can't I help this pony out?"

Pea flipped up the beggar's hood. Her skin was yellowed and lumpy. Her eyes were caked shut and her teeth hid a sandpaper tongue. Rainbow Dash sprung back in horror and Pea sighed, "Being gracious to the poor is kind, but not worth getting leprosy yourself. Sorry you had to see that Dash."

The further they got from the harbor the more run down the city looked. Every now and again they'd avoid eye contact with patrolling Torrent warriors in the slums.

They saw a street brawl between several creatures. Some looked like the ‘humans’ Pea Gravel had told them about while others were much more ape like. When asked, Pea Gravel said the uglier ones were things called ‘orcs’.
Eventually they reached the outside of the city and a bleak dry scrub land lay before them. Pea pulled out the 'Inky Pearl' and saw a white glow pointing forward. That's where Dew was, the first stop. Pea smiled back to the Equestrians.

"Alright ladies, hope you like camping! We're in!"

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