• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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16) One More for the Road

Inside a little farmhouse, a debate on weather Dew Berry and her new family should follow Pea Gravel was taking place. The promise of living in Equestria was tempting but the road was dangerous. On top of the things to deal with, Pea Gravel still wanted to look for Oza and Rochi, a task that may take up several weeks. Cardinal's parents said he wasn't quite old enough to deal with life on the road. To the contrary, Tuff Bolder had been wandering with Pea Gravel since he was about three. Daring Do was willing to help the family back, if she needed. Pea Gravel rejected that since there was danger everywhere, they might as well stay as a group.

The ponies were all inside the farm hut talking or arguing. Rainbow Dash had grown tired of the talk, "Alright, are we leaving or not?"

"It's a possibility," Wheat Biscuit pursed his lips, "But I'm needed for the harvest, could we at least wait until then?"

"Good idea," Dew Berry nodded, "We could stock up some extra food and supplies for the trip. What do you think, Pea Gravel?"

"Fine," Pea Gravel sighed, "You need me to plow?"

"If you want," Wheat Biscuit chuckled, "You look tough enough for it."

Daring Do watched the ponies talk and talk. Being out here, she'd begun to miss reading books or studying artifacts. The farm was owned by a fortress nearby, maybe they had a library with interesting books or documents. She was didn't like the idea of going out in the fort alone though, she had no idea if it would be safe or not. She decided to ask Pea Gravel," Umm...can I ask you something?"

"What?" Pea Gravel asked sourly.

"Would there be anything wrong with me going into the fort and look for a library?" Daring Do smiled, "It's been awhile since I read a good book."

The cyber mare rubbed her face tiredly, "Places with books are kinda only for humans out here. They'd see you as a piece of farm equipment really, unless you met one who likes ponies a lot," Pea Gravel shrugged, "If you're careful and sneaky you could probably get in. You're an adventuress right? It should be a piece of cake."

"I'm not sure," Dew Berry pondered, "I've only seen the library once or twice, it's in the hold at the center of the fortress. You know, where the lord of the fort lives."

"I've gone incognito before," Daring Do straightened up her signature hat with a grin,"I'm sure I could manage."

"That's good to hear," Pea Gravel chuckled, "At least be back in one piece, okay?"

Daring Do nodded with a childish grin and waved as she went out the front door. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure if she should follow her or not, "Do you guys need me here?" She asked.

"Nah," Pea Gravel waved at her while still looking at the couple, "Just try not to die, okay?"

Rainbow Dash groaned and went after Daring Do. Following her up the dirt path through the fields, she felt somewhat relived. Daring smiled brightly when she saw her.

"I don't think they have any Daring Do books in there," The adventuress giggled.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes,"Oh stop it," She looked at the guards men standing on the ramparts on the walls and in front of the gate. With a sly grin she looked over to Daring Do, "Wanna just fly over? I think if were fast enough they won't see us."

Daring Do spread her wings, “Try to keep up!"

They both took to the sky in a quick burst. In the fields farmers watched in amazement as the flying horses flew overhead. Up in the air, the two mares looked down at the fortress. At the center was the biggest building and several smaller ones cramped between it and the walls. They quickly made their descent, avoiding the sentries' looks. They landed in a garden next to the keep.

It was rather green for autumn, and greener than anyplace they had seen on their trip. There were bushes of flowers and trees with little apples growing on them. The walls around the keep's garden felt suffocating how confined the place looked, Daring Do wondered how anyone could stand living in such tight spaces. Tending some flowers was a human girl, wearing a dress similar to what Rarity would make. Next to her was a silver unicorn, a very frail and downtrodden look was on his face.His mane was a pale lavender, almost white and his cutie mark was a cup on a tray. Adding to his appearance was that he wore a tight leather collar around his neck with a loop for a leash.

The mares tried to hide from them by crouching behind a bush, but Rainbow Dash's mane stuck out like a sore thumb. The little girl kept sitting on the ground looking at the flowers and petting the unicorn, the unicorn himself however was looking at something else. The Equestrians were still very new to humans and not exactly fans of how they war mongered the land. Getting a good look at the human she was only inches taller than the ponies, same with the unicorn. The two mares knew if they were to be found, nothing good would come of it.

The unicorn looked over at them through the brush. His sad opal eyes were fixed on them. He did nothing to warn the girl of their presence, he just stared. His almost envious look made Rainbow Dash's skin crawl. A shout from inside the keep perked up the girl's head. She said something back in a language the mares didn't understand. Getting up she led the unicorn over to a loop on the wall surrounding the garden. She tied a leash to his collar and went inside, once she was gone he lay on the ground like a tired dog.

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do looked to each other and silently debated about confronting him. Eventually they agreed and stealthily made their way near him.

"Don't bother," he said sadly,"I know you're there."

"It's not you you're worried about," Rainbow Dash whispered harshly, "It's the monkeys."

The unicorn sighed, "They're having lunch right about now. They won't be over here for hours."

Rainbow Dash poked her head out of a flower bush next to him, "Then why don't you escape?"

"Escape?" The unicorn tugged weakly at the leash, "I'm no more than a pet here. A house cat can't live in the fields with wolves."

Rainbow Dash grinned at Daring Do, "Get a load of this guy, he's a poet like you."

Daring Do looked at the pitiful unicorn. Her heart grew heavy, living the life she had the idea of being leashed and kept in a stone box was torture to her. Almost without thinking, she bit the rope leash and it split with ease. Both Rainbow Dash and the Unicorn looked at the cut rope with wide eyes. Daring Do took one of the unicorn's front legs and held it tight.

"Help me pick him up," She commanded, "If we both lift we can fly him out of here."

Rainbow Dash would've retaliated but she too saw what Daring Do saw, and knew she had to do something, "Alright. I'm not sure how the monkeys are gonna react to this..."

She took up the stunned unicorn's leg and both pegasi hoisted him into the air. Flying higher and higher they passed over the keep's walls. Their speed would've been many times faster if they hadn't stolen the unicorn but the hopeful look in his eyes reminded them why they did it. Suddenly an arrow whizzed past the trio. Looking down several guards were pointing up and shouting. Realizing that they had been found they beat their wings faster to reach the farmhouse. Dodging arrows they knew they had to warn everyone else that the time to leave was now.

Pea Gravel was sitting outside of the house with a very glazed look, she slowly noticed the two Equestrians flying toward her. She blinked and they crashed into her, causing all four of the ponies to roll back in a tangled pile. Daring Do and Rainbow Dash hopped off, their hearts still racing from the impending chase. Laying awkwardly on top of the cyber mare, was the unicorn who was still very confused. Pea Gravel looked up at him, giggling like a child.

"Say...girls," Pea said with a hazy grin, "Who's the nice looking unicorn ya brought?"

The unicorn quickly got off of her,"Oh...s-sorry ma’am," He apologized with his head low, "I didn't mean t-to...land on you..."

"Did you steal someone's pet?" Pea asked getting up,"He's got the collar and everything."

The unicorn bit his lip, "I belonged to the lord of the keep's daughter… as a pet… these two b-beautiful mares rescued me from that horrid prison."

Pea nodded, "Girls, was anyone following you?" She asked ignoring the unicorn's fancy words.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her neck nervously, " Heh heh… about that..." To everyone's alarm came a distant shout from a mass of guards. That alone answered Pea Gravel's question.

Pea Gravel sauntered inside the farmhouse, "Hey Dew Berry, there's some nice fellas wanting to kill us heading this way," She said grabbing her things.

"WHAT?!" Dew Berry shrieked as she threw her look outside. She panicked back inside, gathering up what little food and supplies they had. Wheat Biscuit watched her buzz around the house, Cardinal too was confused.

The farm horse went over to Pea Gravel, "What's going on?"

Pea Gravel was busy strapping her packs back on,"Oh we're just in a little trouble. How fast can you run?"

"Er...why?" He asked.

Pea Gravel rolled her eyes, "Just come outside."

Outside the farmhouse everyone was present and unpleasantly surprised. Pea Gravel checked that everypony in their party, adding one, was carrying at least something. She shielded her eyes from the sun with a hand and looked over to the oncoming guards. Without flinching an arrow bounced off her forearm, she smacked her lips in annoyance. Dew Berry lifted Cardinal on her back and took off without needing to be told, she had been in places like this before with that grey mare.

"Alright guys!" She called, "Let's get out of here!"

With the Equestrians at the front and their newest member near the rear, her party made a beeline down the road away from the mass of guards. Kicking up dirt and racing through the autumn air, most of Pea Gravel's party was relying on pure desperation to keep their legs pounding. It was clear who owned that unicorn wanted him back very badly, the ones chasing the party were beyond persistent. Several arrows whizzed by, in front of and behind the equines. No longer were the humans on foot, but riding horses of their own. There were even some hounds and diamond dogs running alongside them. The chase now became more intense and Pea Gravel grinned, revealing the heart pounding chase.

"Just how special was that unicorn?" Wheat Biscuit shouted.

"I am the lord's pet," The unicron wheezed, "Or at least I was..."

"Damn it! Now we're really in for it!" The horse cursed.

A little light blinked in Pea Gravel's mind and ran up closer to Wheat Biscuit, "I've got an idea," She called to him, "I need to jump on your back!"

"Wha… alright," He said, "Don't fall off, okay?"

She jumped up on the horse's back like a cat. Using her back legs to grip tight on him so she could face the guards, she fished through her bag. Finding what she searched for, she pulled out one of the flintlock pistols. The horse was puzzled and terrified by the alien looking thing. Pea Gravel loaded up one after another, because of how unstable the ride was lots of gunpowder and even a few of the pistols themselves fell off. Eventually she had ten shots ready to fire.

She looked back at the horse, "Get ready, this'll be loud!"

She did her best to aim at the guards on horseback and took the shot. A ear ringing blast came from the lead spitting gun with a cloud of smoke and sparks, it missed but startled the target. Wheat Biscuit whinnied in primal fear while Pea Gravel took another shot. The second blast sent a led ball screaming towards a lead diamond dog's cranium. It made a meaty crater that killed the canine instantly, causing his body to tumble forwards. His drop was so quick, the horsemen behind him had no time to react and their steeds tripped over the carcass. Horse and rider went rolling, causing pandemonium in their ranks.

Pea Gravel fired off the rest of the flint locks at the mess of on comers with an itchy trigger finger. If the led shots hit their targets in the leg, head or chest it didn't matter. All of the wounds were gruesome and lethal. As Pea Gravel and her party ran further and further away the guards fell behind, out of fear or of pain. As the runaway equines thundered off, the cyber mare whooped like a maniac at the quickly shrinking figures.

The party slowed down by the time they reached the forest far from the keep. Dew Berry collapsed on the ground panting, Rainbow Dash was exhausted but kept a strong demeanor, Daring Do was still buzzing with excitement after a real chase and Wheat Biscuit dropped to his knees in a cold sweat. Pea Gravel hopped of the horse and smiled, twirling a pistol with her finger.

"That was a hell of a time," She chuckled as she sauntered between the tired equines, "I'm really liking this 'gun' thing!"

Dew Berry was exhausted and furious. She glared at the proud grey mare, "What the hell was all of that?!" She shouted, "I thought we made a goddamn plan!" Wheat Biscuit coughed to get his lover's attention. She looked at Cardinal and chuckled nervously, "Oh, sorry. Cover your ears dear, mommy's having a grown up talk." The colt covered his large ears happily, not understanding why he had to.

Dew Berry glared back at Pea Gravel, "Like I was saying; I thought we had a plan to leave at least a month from now, "Dew Berry continued, "Not today!"

Pea Gravel had a guilty look and pointed at the Equestrians, "I didn't do it, they stole a unicorn!"

"Oh really?" Dew Berry asked sourly ,"Blaming your screw up on a couple of kids, real mature Pea."

Rainbow Dash stamped a hoof, "Hey we've got ears too ya know!"

Daring Do folded her arms, "And were not kids."

Dew Berry blinked at them while Pea Gravel stuck her tongue out tauntingly at Dew Berry. Wheat Biscuit kept his look away from the mares as not to get involved, his son mirrored his example. Dew Berry sighed angrily but she did cool down.

"Where is that damn unicorn anyway?" Dew Berry asked.

Out from behind a tree, the unicorn's timid head poked out, "I… I'm right here."

"Come out dipshit," Pea Gravel jeered, “No one's gonna bite… well Dew might."

The unicorn slowly came out and made his way over to the equines. He sat distantly, the closest to him was Daring Do. Pea Gravel made a head count while rummaging through her pack again. Taking out a canteen she guzzled down the contents.

"We should really get going," She suggested, "We don't know if those guys are still after us or not."

Dew Berry scoffed, "Why are you so worried to meet them, miss mercenary? Got rusty over the years?"

Pea Gravel smiled grimly, "No. I'm more worried about you guys."

"I know you two love to chat," Wheat Biscuit butted in, " But like Pea Gravel said, we can't stay here."

Dew Berry nodded sourly. It was agreed that the party would rest up and eat what they could before they set off again. Dew Berry napped next to her large lover with Cardinal on top while Pea Gravel set to sharpening the swords she had been carrying. The Equestrians were keen on talking to the unicorn the liberated but he was very internal about how he spoke.

"So… can we know your name?" Rainbow Dash asked,"It's kinda important if you're gonna be with us."

The unicorn sighed heavily. He brushed away some of his pale curly mane, "I was always known as 'The Unicorn' there...I never had a name," He looked bashful, "I belong to you two now so you may name me if you wish," Both mares pulled away with grimaces. The unicorn was mortified ,"Oh no! Don't tell me you do not want me, I beg you!"

Daring Do was the first to speak, "It's not that we don't want you… it's..."

The Unicorn looked crushed, "Oh please, tell me what I have done. I shall never do it again, master."

"That," Daring Do said sourly, "That obedient...slave talk. We don't own you, we freed you."

The unicorn had a blank look on his face, "B-but… how shall I repay you, I owe my life to you!"

Rainbow Dash smiled cattily, "I dunno… what are you willing to do?"

The unicorn bowed his face into the grass,"Anything."

Rainbow Dash patted his head, "Hmm… I always wanted a towel boy..."

"Dash!" Pea Gravel called, "Have some decorum. He could be a butler right?"

The group of tired equines rested in the autumn trees. As the day's light dwindled, the first of many winter breezes blew by. The long road to the end of their quest now only grew more dangerous...

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