• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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15) Hearth's Warming Eve

It was Hearth's Warming Eve in Ponyville. The Ponyville Elementary was putting on a pageant dramatically retelling the story of the three pony tribes, The Cutie Mark Crusaders had leading roles and took up every moment of performing. Sweetie Bell subtly waved to Rarity and the rest in the audience while Apple Bloom got a wink from her sister. Not having Rainbow Dash there to see her onstage, Scootaloo felt crushed. In a few rows behind Twilight and the others sat Tuff Boulder wearing a blue jacket. He smiled and it lit Scootaloo's spirit up just enough.

After the show, Twilight and the others waited outside for the Crusaders. There was a light blanket of snow on the land under the moonlight creating a friendly glow. Twilight watched all of the school fillies walked out with their parents, each was bundled up in some sort of winter wear. Once the Crusaders came out Applejack hugged her little sister while Rarity praised Sweetie Bell's craftsmanship on her show dress. Scootaloo looked around in the winter night and sure enough, Tuff Boulder came out with something hidden in his jacket.

"Hey there Tuff," Scootaloo chirped, "Whacha got there?"

Tuff had a bashful look, "It's a present… for you and the Crusaders."

Scootaloo gasped, "Oh, we got you something too! Come on to the tree house tomorrow and we'll show you."

Tuff patted the hidden present, "I guess we'll just exchange tomorrow then?"

Scootaloo was about to nod when a surprise came from down the road. The mare Lily was running up to them. She had an amazed look on her face, "Come on! Hurry, you'll miss it!" She cried.

"Miss what, Lily?" Twilight asked.

"It's that Volm guy," Lily pointed back at Ponyville,"He's got some friends with him and...and..." she she stuttered, something either amazed or traumatized her.

"Spit it out!" Applejack said worriedly ,"Is something wrong or not?"

Lily stood there gasping for a few moments, "It's… it's about Stellar Eclipse, you need to see this!" She said wide eyed and turned back to Ponyville.

Applejack looked to the others, "Does a 'Stellar Eclipse' ring any bells for y'all?"

Fluttershy thought back,"He was the stallion with wheels strapped to him, "She gasped," Do you think something awful happened?!"

"We should go anyway," Twilight said sternly, "Maybe something is wrong," The rest nodded and ran along with her to the town.

While they ran the short distance to main Ponyville Applejack became skeptical, "Lily mentioned 'tall thingies'. What you yall think she meant 'bout that?"

Fluttershy's ears perked up, "Oh! Maybe it's Wednesday."

"Is he that mask wearing blanket chap you told us about?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yes. I saw him give dozens of carrots to Angel Bunny right out of his hand… maybe he can do that with other things too?"

"We're about to find out," Twilight said as they turned a corner to the town hall. There they saw everypony living in Ponyville all in a state of wonder. At the front were all sorts of ponies who looked sick or crippled, from crutches to wheelchairs and even some broken wings. Volm and two masked figures stood on a stage overlooking them. Standing next to Volm with a beaming smile was the crippled stallion Stellar Eclipse. Twilight was shocked to see what was different about him. Stumbling forward to get a better look, the change was unmistakable.

His once crippled back legs were gone; replaced.

They were metal, all the way to the hips. The design was remarkably familiar, almost too familiar. The thighs were connected to a brass looking ring on the hips, while being covered in a plate of metal. The rest of the leg was bare bones with the mechanisms to move it. The stallion beamed like a pony born anew while Volm had an arm over his shoulder with a similar smile.

Volm called out like one of the Flim Flam brothers, "What you see is true, this stallion can walk again! Show em' Stellar."

The jubilant pegasus strutted on the little stage, his mechanical legs moving as smoothly as any natural ones. The ponies marveled at the exposed mechanics, the dark muscle looking wires curling and uncurling every step. Applejack had seen shows like this in the past, may con-artists had come along to try to take advantage of the quaint town. Even though her eyes told her otherwise she told herself the metal legs had to be fake. Applejack marched through the crowd and looked Volm in the eye from on the ground.

"Alright mister," She frowned, "Is this some sort of scam? How's this possibly happening?"

"Why so rough, Applejack?" Volm seemed taken back, "My friends and I have given a cripple the gift of walking again. Is that so wrong?"

"Not at all," Applejack said, a little embarrassed at her bluntness, "It's just that we've had so many no good con-artists here… Ah'm a bit uneasy about this whole thing."

Stellar laughed happily, "It's no scam Applejack! These are real mechanical legs, not a costume or stage magic."

Applejack scowled cynically, "Alright… prove it."

Volm looked to Stellar Eclipse, "May I?" Stellar nodded vigorously.

The large plate of metal over the thigh and flank was unlatched revealing a ball and socket joint with some extra 'tendons' attaching the thigh to the hip. Twisting a ring around the fake muscle the leg came loose. Wednesday lifted the detached leg up for all to see while Stellar Eclipse was using Volm to keep him standing. Applejack felt a little sick seeing a missing leg on a pony, but believed them undoubtedly now.

Sliding up from Friday's palm in an otherworldly way, a fat apple made of gold manifested. Applejack gasped with wonder and the apple was placed on top of her hat. She slid it down, catching it she simply gawked at it.

"Now you believe?" Volm folded his arms, "I can fix anypony or improve them. All they have to do is ask."

Twilight frowned understandingly, "What do you mean...improve?"

"I mean that I could make ponies stronger, your highness," Volm bowed, "If you don't mind, I'll see to it that the rest of whoever needs prosthesis."

Several ponies in wheelchairs raised their hooves in the air to be picked. Volm had them come forward in a line to write their name on a list, so he could work on them later. The list grew longer and the crowd slowly dwindled as the cold winter night drug on. Twilight wasn't sure how to react to ponies signing away their names on a list like that, even if it meant they'd get better. She had a gut feeling that this could be bad.

The crowd was gone after about an hour, ending with Stellar Eclipse flying away. Twilight, the Crusaders and her friends watched the last of the ponies leave before talking with the blue green creature. They made their way forward and Friday made his way to them. Friday's height blocked out the street lights as he stood over them, his purple eyes were borderline dangerous. His eyes twitched and blinked, scanning the ponies eerily.

"Easy Friday, their just friends," Volm said warmly. The towering figure slid to the side and Volm walked up to Twilight with a happy grin.

"That was really something!" Pinkie Pie said.

Volm grinned, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie. Now I do have one present, it's a very special one..." He nodded the two masked figures over," Understand that I'd only give this special gift to my best friends, you ponies," Volm said with a sheepish smile.

"No problem," Twilight giggled, "Just doing our job."

Volm looked around and whispered, "My friends here can grant one wish. Just one though."

The mares and fillies gasped, a wish? They talked among themselves about what to wish for, but nothing quite came to mind. Sweetie Belle noticed that Scootaloo wasn't in their circle. She looked out to see the orange filly quietly sniffling away from the rest.

"Scootaloo?" She asked, "What's wrong?" The rest of the ponies turned to look.

"I… I have a wish..."Scootaloo was holding back tears.

Volm hopped over and smiled to the filly, "Just name it, we'll give it to you."

Scootaloo looked up to Volm with a pensive look,"I… I wish… I wish Rainbow Dash was back..."

The smile on Volm's face faded. Twilight, her friends and the other two crusaders were very happy to hear Scootaloo's wish. Volm however, had a melancholy look. He sighed and bit his thumb. Scootaloo held her breath to hear the answer.

Volm shook his head sorrowfully, "I'm sorry, little one, that's a wish we can't grant..."

Scootaloo was crushed, "W-what?! What do you mean you can't?! Why can't you bring Rainbow Dash home?!" She cried out.

Volm sat on the snowy ground and sighed, "She's simply too far away. They can't reach her, I'm sorry. You do understand… don't you?"

Scootaloo was completely aghast. The thought of her idol being too far away for a wish was too much for the little filly to handle. She broke down and began to cry. Friday pulled away, not knowing how to react while Applebloom and Sweetie Bell rushed to their friend. The two fillies hugged Scootaloo tight, trying to calm her down. Volm rubbed his neck in thought. Volm's cheery looks were fading, a very annoyed and almost worried look was on his face.

"Well, if everypony's been accounted for we'll get going," Volm stood up, "It's been a long night. Come on fellas, it's bedtime."

Scootaloo fluttered over to Volm and hugged his chest, "Wait! This isn't fair, why can't I get my wish?"

Volm patted her back, "What else do you want?" He gingerly placed her on the ground.

"Can we at least see her?" Applejack asked. The rest of the ponies nodded in agreement.

Volm looked to the masked figures. Wednesday bent down made a snow ball, throwing it up into the air the snow expanded. It made something similar to a screen and the ponies gazed into it. The image was a bit fuzzy but what was there was real. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do were sneaking around in some dark library. Her eyes were so much different than what they were used to, her eyes looked jaded like the cyber mare's.

Volm clenched his teeth. Snapping his fingers he said, "Wednesday! Friday! Let's go."

To the ponies surprise, the image disappeared. The two masked figures slid over to his side but the ponies were far from done seeing their friend. The strange trio waved to Scootaloo and then vanished into thin air before anypony could grab them.

Volm and his subordinates were now miles outside of Ponyville. Being out of ponies' view made him shiver with relief. In the dark snowy night a twisted light returned to his eyes. When he popped his knuckles his subordinates flinched, "Such a whiny brat, she almost ruined everything… snotty bitch!"

After his verbal outburst he reared his back with a deep breath. He began walking through the fields that surrounded Ponyville as if nothing happened. He began to talk to himself, "Oh dear, I promised Pea Gravel I wouldn't mess with anything while I was here," He spat on the ground and the snow sizzled, "Ah fuck that. Imagine the look on her face..." He wasn't going anywhere, just walking. His cold eyes darted up to the moon. It's silver glow started to light up the snowy field brightly, so much that it was suspicious.

"Luna," Volm grimaced.

A winged figure flew from the moon, Luna glided down to the ground near Volm. She could tell he was out of sorts,"What is this? Does something trouble you Volm? You look frightful."

Volm rolled his neck, shaking away his ill mood, "My apologies your Highness. Tonight has put a toll on my strength."

Luna nodded understandingly, "I see," She then looked critically at him, "It was a foolish notion to bring those 'friends' of yours without informing my sister and I. We do not have an official 'immigration' system. Your friends may be an… issue."

"They bring no ill will, Princess Luna," Volm pleaded, "Don't send them away please? Did you not see how happy your subjects were when they saw their wishes being granted? Don't you want your ponies to be in high spirits?"

"It's always on my mind," Luna squinted, "To me however, they seemed happy enough before."

"...please forgive me, they had no home," Volm gestured the masked figures, "...This was the last place they could go..."

"'Had no home' you say?" Luna asked, "Were they hunted by someone?"

"Yes, anyone who saw them grew delirious with envy," Volm said sadly, "They had been forced to give up immeasurable wealth to their captors..."

Luna smiled,"So you brought them here to keep them safe, that is truly kind of you," She spread her wings,"I was worried about you for a moment, I see that I was mistaken," She looked warmly to the blue green stranger,"Volm… is the rest of your evening open? My sister and I… well the palace is hosting a ball for the holiday..."

Volm pulled on his jacket collar, "My goodness, you're inviting me to the royal castle? I-I'm flattered!"

"So you'll join us?" Luna asked brightly.

"My apologies Princess… I cannot," Volm sighed sadly,"We are very tired..."

"I understand," Luna put on a mock look of despair, "If you had gone though, I'd get to see you dance."

Volm looked bashful, "P-Princess Luna, why are you being so informal? I'm not royalty."

"No, but we have something in common. You and I, we've seen many things," Her friendly look turned into a suspicious one, "To be truthful, I have tried to enter your dreams before..." Volm looked at her unfazed. Luna frowned and continued, "...But I cannot. You have built a wall that even I cannot pass, why is that?"

Volm rubbed his arm, "I have things… things I don't want others to find..."

"I was correct," Luna grinned, "You do have something to hide!"

"No, no… not like that..." The blue green creature looked pitiful, "I don't want anyone to get hurt… that's all..."

"I see," Luna spread her wings, "My condolences. As I mentioned earlier, will you be joining us at the palace?"

"It would be an honor, your majesty," Volm bowed. Luna nodded and took off into the sky. Volm waved after her, "Goodnight, Your Highness!" Once she was a speck in moon's light Volm snarled, Seemed like she was on to me for a sec, guess spending a thousand years on the moon makes you as stupid as a rock, He thought to himself.

Volm turned to his subordinates,"I suppose since it's a ball… you'll need dates to bring," The masked figures looked to each other and shrugged, not really sure how to react. Volm rolled his eyes, "Just go 'pick up' some mares."

As if to say,'Ohhh, okay,' the two masked figures nodded. With a small bow to Volm their black forms turned and headed off. They slid along the ground like giant shadows on their way to commit a malicious deed.

Wednesday arrived in Cloudsdale, his dark shape standing out against the stark white clouds. He stood nearby an area congested with traffic, watching the pegasi fly along. His keen eyes searched out ponies with features that were 'attractive'. One mare that flew by had aquamarine fur and her yellow mane was fixed back. Wednesday waved to the mare to catch her attention.

She stopped flying and landed, "Who me?"

Wednesday nodded and waved for her to come over. She shrugged and trotted over,"Yeah, fella? Did you want something?" Wednesday held a hand out. The mare rose an eyebrow at this, not sure how to take it. Quite to her surprise, red and green candies began spawning from his palm. She looked up at him,"Oh wow! These are all for me?"

Wednesday nodded vigorously. The mare popped one in her mouth and almost squealed with delight, "I've never had candies like these! They're… great..." her voice trailed off.

Her knees buckled and her vision began to fail her. Before she blacked out completely Wednesday pulled her under his arm and disappeared beneath the cloud city, unseen by the rest of the pegsi. Through a few scattered snow clouds, his figure sailed to earth quickly. Landing on a forest floor, he causing a great gust of wind out from under him. He looked around in the dark night to get his bearings and slid against the ground back the way he came. His figure sailed across the ground like a buzzard's shadow; silent and foreshadowing of what's to come.

Volm was sitting in a tree far outside Ponyville, his eyes glinted like a demonic owl's. The blue green creature sat patiently waiting until his subordinates began sliding into view. Once they were nearby he dropped out of the tree like a cat. The dark trio met up at the base of the tree. Volm grumbled,"Alright, let's see what you caught."

Wednesday lifted his unconscious mare up for Volm to see. He squinted, "I can manage. Friday, show me yours," Friday shifted nervously, keeping his catch hidden behind his back. Volm's stony glare altered, a vein bulged in his neck and forehead, "Show me her, Friday. Now."

Friday hesitantly pulled his catch out from behind his back. He held a pegasus in each hands who were far more than unconscious. Both were dead but only recently though, the trip back was fatal for them. Both faces fixed in gruesomely mortified looks. On one the forehead was caved in at the base of her mane and fresh red blood trailed from her face down to her neck. The other had a nastily bruised neck from being rung like a wet towel. Friday gently put the still warm corpses on the snowy ground between him and his master.

Volm kicked the bodies out of his way, "Come here. Now."

Though he was much shorter than the masked figure, Volm's blood freezing glare commanded Friday to crouch to his level. Friday was in a cold sweat as he was now looking Volm in the eye. The blue green monster grabbed the side of Friday's head, "We needed live ones you fucking idiot!" He used his free hand to bash Friday upside the head several times, "Keep this up and you'll ruin everything," Volm growled.

Friday was making pitiful whimpering sounds under the beast's gaze. Volm wasn't sure what to do with the pony's corpse. He looked from Wednesday who hid his catch out of the taller one's sight. The blue green creature shoved Friday aside. Volm thought how the ponies he was living among were acting tonight, it was a night of 'being thankful' and 'loving one another'. He looked at his subordinates, he could tell they were starving for a meal. One that had a precious price to it.

Volm itched his chin devilishly, "Wait a second. Mares disappear sometimes, don't they?" Friday nodded maliciously. Volm made a twisted grin,"Then I suppose there's a Hearth's Warming dinner waiting for you boys. I'll take yours, Wednesday and you can dig in."

Wednesday gingerly handed his catch to his master, who tossed her over his back like a sack of potatoes. Volm went further into the forest in Canterlot's direction and called back to them, "Make sure you two clean up afterwards. Don't want anypony finding out about this."

Friday eyed the two dead mares hungrily. Wednesday wasn't as keen on eating, but his natural instincts got the better of him. Out from under their masks a slit of a mouth opened, taking in the smell of still warm meat. Friday's little mouth began to open wider and wider. It was a gaping maw with wedge teeth and a massive lumpy tongue. His tawny arms grabbed a mare and his jaws ripped off a hind limb. The equine's flesh was easily torn by his jaw's interlocking teeth. Friday leaned his head back and chewed the leg, savoring the taste of red meat. The sound of chewing and his pleasured grunts were spine chilling. Crimson rivers dripped out of the corners of his hideous maw.

Wednesday nipped some meat of the pegasus' back and his blue eyes shrank to tiny dots. His mouth opened up like the Friday's and began biting off strips of meat off the other pegasus. Friday didn't want his counterpart to eat anymore then him so he too, dived in and bit away. The two dark figures ripped and bit at the corpses like starved dogs, blood splattering up on their alabaster white masks and snow. In a matter of seconds, by yanking out guts and scooping out the brains hidden away, the once graceful looking mares were now nothing more then bloodied bones. The gnawed pony framework lay in the blood melted snow, however the masked beasts were far from satisfied. The bones could be eaten too, the two monstrous figures chewed the blood covered skeletons greedily. Seeing as this would be their only 'real' meal in a long time the two monstrosities relished every drop of blood and every morsel of flesh, down to the bone marrow.

Meanwhile, Volm was playing in the forest. The unconscious mare Wednesday caught was laying on her back over a bed of pine leaves. Volm pawed her unconscious and warm body, not concerned of the consequences. His teeth were locked into a terrifying smile. He placed his six fingered hand over her temple, "Let's change your mind up a bit… I'm not one to cut corners," He cackled. He explored her mind like an open book,"Oh ho! Your name's Lightning Dust, what a cutie… and in the Wonderbolt reserve? Impressive. You'll fit the bill nicely..."

Volm's magic was strange; unnatural. Through his touch on her head, dark energy was being channeled. He began to hum with the flow like a conductor music. Inside the mare's brain Volm had tiny lines weaving through her mentality; rewiring it. The invisible fibers twisted through her brain and body locking onto thoughts and muscles, a process that was far from painless. The pegasus' eyes shot open and saw the beast.

Now wide awake, Lightning Dust could feel the strings and wires burrowing and searching throughout her body and mind. If she could open her mouth, Lightning Dust would scream… but Volm already took care of that. She still struggled, she kicked and beat her wing but it was useless. Her body began working against her and slowly she could move less and less of herself. The last thing she did consciously was see Volm while her vision blacked out. Lighting Dust lay limp.

Lightning Dust was now a very different mare. He morphed her into nothing more than an autonomous puppet. Once his gruesome task was done he pulled his hand away from her head and her body lay still. She went back to looking asleep, in a way. Volm scooted away from Lightning Dust,"Dust honey, wake up," he said sweetly.

Lightning Dust sat up like one waking up from a long nap,"Oh man, I had a great nap," She looked around at the forest, "Wh… what? I thought we were in Cloudsdale. How'd we get here?"

Volm reached over and helped her stand up, "You fell asleep earlier. Princess Luna invited us to Canterlot, remember?"

Lightning Dust giggled, "Oh right, right! How could I forget?"

Volm looked behind his shoulder, "Hang on, gotta check on the boys. Be right back."

Lightning Dust sighed happily, "Oh those two. Make sure they didn't make a mess of themselves at the ball."

Volm headed back to the figures, "You bet, sugarcube," Volm was walking back to his subordinates with a wicked grin.

He found them licking blood off the ground. The blue green creature looked to Wednesday, "You, you did a good job. She's perfect," Wednesday's eyes returned to their big friendly shape and Friday growled at him. Volm butted in, "You should learn a thing or two from your younger brother. Get that blood off you, we're leaving."

As Volm turned to leave, Friday used his large tongue to lick the last of blood off himself, Wednesday wiped himself off in the snow. Friday scooped up the equine's bones and tossed them into his mouth, his appetite still not quenched. They both trailed behind Volm, awaiting what to do next.

Volm returned to Lightning Dust in the forest, "Alright, let's go. The Princesses are waiting!"

Lightning Dust looked at herself, "I don't have a dress for the ball...are you sure they'd be okay with that?"

"That's not a problem for me," Volm waved his hand. Wednesday swept over and lay his hands on Lightning Dust. Magically a sparkling dress of gold materialized onto her.

Friday lay his hands on Volm's shoulders and two piece suit that matched her dress appeared on him,"Happy Hearth's Warming honey!" he smiled.

Lightning Dust giggled and kissed Volm on his lips, "Thanks V!"

Volm touched his face numbly, expecting her to act the way he intended but wasn't prepared for it. He thought about what his plans were for this mare and he shivered. Shaking off his shock he took up Lightning Dust's hoof, "Let's go."

Before she knew it, Lightning Dust and Volm were in front of The Canterlot Palace. Wednesday and Friday were behind her and Volm, looking polished and clean. Walking inside were ponies of all prestige, along with some rich or powerful figures from Equestria's neighboring kingdoms. They saw ponies, griffons even a yak or two. Volm and Lightning Dust began walking inside, heads held high. Inside there were droves of ponies dancing to a slow waltz, their dresses and tails sweeping the stone floor to the swaying music.

Through a crowd of ponies they saw the four princesses standing on a stairwell, looking over the event. Luna looked across the plaza to see the strange group of four entering. She nudged Celestia and the two princesses waved at the pair. Twilight only looked for a moment, she was too busy looking at the crowd.

"Is something wrong?" Cadence asked her sister in law, "Who are you looking for?"

"My friends from here but especially Moondancer," Twilight hid her nervousness, "She promised she'd be here..."

Celestia made a reassuring smile, "I'm sure she'll turn up," She leaned over to her sister, "Do you see that mare with Volm? It would seems she's his-"

"-Significant other?" Luna finished, seeing how Lightning Dust looked up at Volm as they walked, "It certainly looks like it."

Cadence was puzzled, "I've never seen them together before. I guess our new citizen has a liking to athletic mares."

Twilight waved to ponies in the slow dancing crowd so the alicorns didn't look suspicious whispering to each other, "Should we be worried about those tall mask wearing creatures, I saw them in Ponyville. What if they end up like the Smooze..."

"Don't worry,"Luna chuckled, "They're harmless, Volm promised me."

Marching through the crowd, Volm and his party sauntered up to the staircase and all four bowed to the Princesses, "As promised, Princess Luna, I'm here."

Luna nodded knowingly ,"I see, and you have brought a mare to dance with?"

Lightning Dust blushed, "Well...we're more than dancing partners..."

Twilight widened her eyes,"D-don't tell me… Lightning Dust… you're dating-"

"Yep, for more than a month now," Lightning Dust said happily. She covered her mouth quickly, "Oops! I shouldn't have been so loud. We wanted to keep it down, you know, about us."

Volm shrugged, "I didn't want anypony prying in on my little Dusty, you know, since I'm not...'normal looking'."

"You don't need to be so shy about it," Cadence smiled, "I wish the best of luck to you two love birds."

Volm and Lightning Dust bowed to the princess. Turning back to the crowd, Volm took up one of Dust's hooves and they joined the waltzing ponies. Hand in hoof, the two danced close to one another. Lightning Dust's amber eyes gazed up at the yellow pair gazing back. Something hen her mind registered that this was as great, or ever greater then flying sky high with the Wonderbolts. Some looked in surprise or resentment to see a pony dancing with this stranger, others were envious that he was dancing with just her.

While close to Volm, Lightning Dust sighed, "I know this sounds kinda dumb… but even after we've been dating for what seems like forever, but I still feel like I just met you."

Volm gave her a twirl, "I get that a lot."

"So… um,"Lightning Dust tensed up shyly,"Can we… you know.. .let other ponies know about us? I'm dying to tell some of my friends about you!"

Later, Lightning Dust chatted with some ponies she knew at by the refreshments. Volm leaned against a wall out of direct view with his subordinates on either side. Lightning Dust was talking away about the 'times' she had spent with Volm, a fishing trip where a shark hit their boat, romantic picnics, hiking in Equestria's mountains, sightseeing some of the major cities and more. Volm hid a wicked smile under glass of cider, his plan to cement Equestrian sympathy was coming along nicely.

The night drug on slowly but nicely, Lightning Dust introduced Volm to her friends and even some Spitfire and the Wonderbolts. The Wonderbolts didn't find Volm's non-equine figure too daunting, they shook his hand and chatted like he was one of their own. Meeting other ponies and griffons at the ball, Volm made acquaintances from one side of Equestria to the other. Even the yaks seemed to enjoy his company. Through the night, much was drunk and many friends were made but as all things do, the party came to an end.

It was very late when the tired guests began marching out of the castle. On leaving the castle, Volm asked Lightning Dust to stay with Friday and Wednesday. She did so but with a puppy look as if time away from him was torture. Waving back to her Volm ran off to the Wonderbolts who were a ways ahead.

Spitfire was the first to see him coming,"Hey, Volm. Whacha doin'?"

Volm was catching his breath in winter air, "Good, I know it's a bit abrupt to ask you and your team anything, since we just met and all..."

Spitfire chuckled, "Cut to the chase, kid."

Volm gulped nervously, "It's… er… well… it's Lightning Dust's birthday in two weeks, I was wondering if you and your team could help me out?"

"Like what?" one of the uniformed pegsi asked.

"Could you let her in on a flight routine with you?" Volm asked, "I know it's kind of a big favor to ask, if you need to be payed I can provide."

"You don't need to pay us to fly with her, she's been cleaning up her act since she first entered," Spitfire said with a smile, "I think Lightning Dust could keep up with us. Right guys?"

The rest of the Wonderbolts with her nodded. Volm took up one of Spitfire's hooves, "Oh thank you! Thank you!" He kissed her hoof and ran off down the snowy road. Spitfire chuckled to herself and motioned the rest of the Wonderbolts to take off into the sky.

Volm came back to Lightning Dust and his subordinates with a tired look. Lightning Dust ran up to him and clung to his chest, "I saw you talking with Spitfire… did I do something wrong?"

Volm patted her head, "No, I just needed to ask them something."

The mare looked up with a pouting lip,"You're not telling me, are you?"

Volm smiled sweetly and put an arm over her shoulder, "You'll find out later, let's go home okay?"

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