• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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3) A Book called 'Forces' (part 1)

Rainbow Dash sat in her LazyBuck chair being anything but comfortable. In her hidden study she had only a single lamp illuminating the book in front of her. It was written by A.K Yearling (or Daring Do as she prefers out of formal events) along with the short tempered mare Pea Gravel about the journey the stranger had from a dismal childhood to when she arrived on Equestria's shores.

The title page had nothing except the authors names; A.K. Yearling and Boatswain. Dash was puzzled of the seemingly random name. She soon realized it was just a pen name like Daring's. She flipped to the first page and began reading the book she had waited two months to hear about.

Hello, my name is Pea Gravel. This may seem strange but the world you know of cupcakes, rainbows, princesses, even friendship is noting but a dream for ponies like me who don't live alongside with you. If you'll let me, I'll explain it the way I lived through it and maybe you'll appreciate the world you live in a bit more when you put down this book.

I was born like everypony, into poverty. My father, orange hair and red fur with a face that shown the labor he did to feed my mother and I. She was a pegasus, a rare thing to find as a free pony, and he was an Earth pony like me. Both were nomads until they met each other, my mother's fair grey fur and platinum mane caught his eye and the fact she had wings meant her children could. Sadly it didn't but what came out of it was a little grey filly with a grey coat and an orange mane...me.

Having a family to care for was no easy task in the world we lived in. Both were from the desert which was full of things similar to diamond dogs (but scrawnier and in larger packs) , deadly scorpions, and worse of all Carnahorses. Now for you kids at home, yes a Carnahorse is exactly what it sounds like. It's a pony that can only eat meat. With all of these dangers and a brewing territory dispute with the Ridge Dogs and the Sand Boars, my father needed to find a place as close to safety as we could get.

We found a rancher in the Sand Boars territory who was willing to let a family of ponies stay and work. Now again for the kids who don't know, a ranch (out here at least) is a farm-like place but with livestock. Along with barley or wheat they raised practically brain dead horses, pigs and cows for carnivorous buyers. Unfortunately, ponies who couldn't keep up with feeding and tending the herds were turned into glue, food and leather while their bones were sold to the Coyotes who made art from any bones they could find. My father didn't want this this to happen to me so he made a deal with the rancher pig, he does the whole family's share of labor while my mother and I clean the pig's house and cook. The pig accepted happily.

I know what you're thinking,"Pea Gravel! That's a horrible trade, what happens when your father can't work anymore?"
The truth is, my father would rather work out in the fields under sweltering heat then fight the Ridge Dogs. These diamond dogs have a massive, well organized pack. All they would do with a pony is eat it or 'play' with it awhile, the Sand Boars on the other hand are a much more lenient to other hooved creatures. This band of wealthy pig landlords would rather pay ponies to work for them until their use is out, then eat them or 'play' with them.

I was about eight when I started noticing differences with my parents. My father became thinner and sun bleached while my mother came back to our house on the ranch later and later from the Pig's house. The later she came home, the more silver she came back with. This was a reoccurring thing and at the time I thought nothing of it, the only thing that kept the two going was the stories dad would tell late at night. They were of fantastic things like wish granting fairies and ponies who could slay dragons, tales of hope for the pitiful things we were. I became fascinated with things outside the norm and I was often caught daydreaming when I should have been scrubbing or dusting, but I
wasn't the only one. He often told stories to the sore ponies and cows that worked with him and his stories gave as sense of hope...and sometimes purpose.

One night not too soon after I turned eleven everything changed. The desert air was hot for the time of night while all of the tired ponies, bulls and whatever else unfortunate enough to be stuck in the ranch all slept dreamless, except me. I lay wide awake between my parents on our dirt floor with a single wool blanket over the three of us. I stared at the mud brick ceiling with a sense of unknown fear. I tossed and turned for a while until I decided to go to the glassless window night sky and gaze at the stars. I got a wood crate to help me reach the windowsill and poked my head out the window. My heart froze and my eyes blinked in disbelief at what I saw slinking through the other ranch houses. It was a dragon. Each pueblo was thin and about two stories tall, the dragon was crawling and shoulders almost met two thirds up.

I would later come to know that this dragon's name was Wiktet. His body was long and a rust red color with porcupine quills running down his wavy back but no wings like the ones I heard of in stories. His teeth jutted out to make his mouth look like it was in a permanent smile. Wiktet slithered through the ranch houses like a snake through a gopher tunnel. He peered his pale yellow eyes into the mud brick houses with a hungry look. He licked his lips as his arm carefully into a window and shuffled his talons through the room while the small grey filly watched. His eyes lit up when he grabbed something, he pulled his tawny arm back out and held a labor worn pony between his talons. Wiktet licked the sleepy pony who cringed from the unnatural touch. She opened her eyes for only moment before the dragon shoved her neck back with a push of his thumb, causing the mare to go limp. I couldn't believe what I saw but what came next was just as shocking.

The pig rancher hobbled his fat girth down the path that ran along the fronts of the pueblo houses. Wiktet crawled out to meet him and his massive size dwarfed the fat pig. I saw an almost...mutual look between them.

"Gracias, cerdo," the dragon drooled,"Your workers have a...sabor especial."

"De nada, Jefe," The pig looked around in the darkness nervously,"I have a favor to ask of you if you'll listen," the rancher said through his fat.

"For a few bites, I may take it. What does my little cerdo want?" Wiktet hissed.

"I have this one familia in a pueblo," The pig pointed to my house and I ducked out of view,"The Padre in there fills my workers heads with stories full of azúcar y mentiras, sugar and lies. If he keeps going they might get ideas."

The dragon wheezed an awful laugh,"You want me to eat some caballitos?"

I could hear the dirt scrape against his belly and claws as he crawled closer. I had to think fast, I ran over to my parents and shook them awake.

"Mamma! Padre! Wake up!" I cried.

"Eh, what is it pequeño? My Padre asked groggily. He saw how frightened I looked and held me close in his arms,"You just had a bad dream, Pea. Come back to bed-" His eyes shot open when he saw the talons of Wiktet's hand slip through the window.

Rainbow Dash left the book open on her lap and leaned back into her cushioned chair. She remembered Pea Gravel, or Boatswain now, telling her about this part of the story. Dash leaned forward and fluttered her wings, her stomach felt sick when she thought about what happened to Pea's mother. That pegasus was 'clipped' for life, she went crazy being stuck on the ground. Dash turned a few pages and found a part where Pea was wandering alone away from the ranch. She ended up in the mountains as the weather began to drop.

Dash found where Pea wrote of her...'encounter' with the carnahorse. The pegasus grimaced at the daunting paragraph telling of the meat-eating-horse's untimely end. Rainbow Dash skipped past that part and found a paragraph a little ahead and found it much less relenting.

...the snow was heavy on the other side of the mountains. Nowadays I know the reason the desert I spent my young life in was so dry and relentless, it was in a rain shadow of these mountains. From what supplies I took from the carnahorse's cottage I was fed little for several weeks. In the pine forest that covered this side of the mountain I spent many sickened nights only being kept warm by leather and wool coats I took from the cottage.

I about a month I reached the foot of the mountain range and found a thick pine forest with trees I had never seen. These trees had leaves much bigger than pine needles. I gazed at the forest and embraced the sight of the most green I had ever seen. I walked through it, it's cold wet ground feeling alien on my hooves. As I walked I found a ridge that led to a small cliff face. I heard the sounds of clanging metal and the occasional grunt of anger.

I crept to the ridge and saw thirty feet down in a rocky clearing a pony I could only describe as stretched. In her suit of dark iron armor I could see she had long legs, a long snout, long ears and a long tail. She even had backwards facing horns sticking through her helm. From my point of view I thought the set of tan bat wings on her back was a cape. The long armored pony had a group of bandits attacking her from all sides.

The group consisted of four rams with spears and a massive pig with a heavy flail. All of them had thick leather hide armor with occasional pieces of iron as protection. But the part that frightened my young self the most is that they seemed to be having fun as they were attacking the pony from all sides with a sword in both forehooves. I was amazed by how quickly she moved with all of that armor. One of the rams threw a spear but missed the pony, unfortunately it hit some loose dirt I was leaning on and I rolled down the cliff. Both sides watched me roll down the hill with amusement.

I landed right in front of the pig. He looked from me to the armored pony. He kicked me in the ribs then used one of his forefeet to keep me on the ground. The armored pony looked at me through her visor with shocked pink eyes. With the pig's hoof on my back I could barely breath.

"Heh heh heh, wacha gonna do now?" The pig snickered with the mace's handle in his mouth.

"Ya fat swine!" the mare's muffled voice called through the helm,"I'll slash the fat off your damned bones!" It was an accent I had never heard in the desert.

"Pit down yer swords...and yer armor too an' I let 'er go," The pig licked his lips,"I bet yer a squishy 'un under all dat armor!"

The mare was standing on her hind hooves and stamped a foot closer,"I'll warn you only once...get off."

The pig leaned more on to me and I cried out in pain under his crushing strength. He laughed only for a moment. The armored mare's wings rocketed her toward the pig, she readied her swords as the pig simple brain tried to register what was happening.

He didn't have long. The mare's swords dug deep into his adam's apple and as she pulled the two apart his wide neck split open gushing blood out onto me and the ground. His weapon fell to the earth and I scrambled to get out of the way of his falling body. He landed with a wet thud and his ram followers scattered. I sat panting and afraid while the pony looked at me through the visor.

"Is the wee filly injured?" She asked with her accented voice.

"A-a little. That bastard was heavy on my back. But...thanks for saving me, Miss," I responded. I rubbed the thick blood off my jacket.

"What a mouth on such a young lass," She said sheathing her swords. She walked over to a large rock and lifted a large pack from behind it and placed it between her wings. She looked back to me for a moment,"Oi, there's a river over yonder. If you don't want some wolves or worse chasin' ya, I'd suggest you wash the blood off of you," She sniffed the air,"Actually you need it any way. I kin smell you from here."

I felt a little offended at this. I looked down at my hooves and saw not the skin tone hooves I have, but mud crusted nubs. I pulled some of my mane in view and saw it was matted and had bits of sticks in it. I glared at the mare, I knew I was a bit dirty, she didn't have to be so blunt about it.

The mare was walking away to a thicket of trees and I rushed up to her to follow. My chest ached from the pig's attack but I didn't want the armored mare to know it really hurt. She stared straight ahead as if I wasn't next to her.

"So yer followin' me now?" she asked.

"I-is that a problem?" I asked as bravely as I could. I could sense a smile from her inside that helmet.

I followed her for a little and listened to the sound of cicadas and singing birds. The armored mare broke the silence,"Do you have a name, lass?"

"Pea Gravel, miss," I said meekly.

"Tsk! Ya don’t have tah call me Miss. If you're going tah be formal say 'mam," Her voice grated,"And I have a name too, Alia Bufordox."

I giggled when I heard her name,"Bufordox? What kind of name is that?"

"S'a traditional name for Dragon Ponies like myself," She replied flatly.

"Dragon pony?" I asked vacantly.

"Are ya that stupid lass?" Alia groaned,"Look at me wings! They aren't a-covered in feathers are they?" She said lifting her bat-like wings.

"Is that all that makes you a dragon?" I asked.

"When we stop at the river I'll show ya. I'd rather not carry this here armor unless it's on me back."

After a small walk through the pine and leafy trees I heard the sound of moving water. Once out of the woods I saw a small river, up until then it was the biggest body of water I had ever seen. I threw off the leather coats on my back and rushed to the river. Jumping into the shallows the cold water felt amazing on my grubby skin. I rolled around and dunked my head under the water while Alia moved to the shore undoing some of the leather straps on her armor. I had figured out a strange form of the doggy paddle until I looked over at Alia. I trotted to shore with a soaking coat of fur.

Alia was undoing the leather under her chin and I realized something terrifying at the time. Alia had fingers like a dragon's. She slid her horned helm but the streamline horns stayed on her head. Alia held the thick iron helm in her hands and looked at me with her pink iris eyes which complimented her burgundy mane that flowed out between the horns. She had very smooth skin that almost looked like fish scales in the tree dappled light and a scar ran across her muzzle cheek to cheek. Alia lay her helm next to the rest of her armor and stretched her arms and wings out with a yawn.

"So you really are a hybrid!" I exclaimed.

"What a daft lass, did my wings really not give it away?" She groaned.

I sat near her examining her alien appearance, she didn't take it to well.

"Am I funny lookin' to ya?" She growled.

"No, just different," I smiled.

"Pea was it?" She asked picking her sharp teeth with a claw, "I've got to say, either you're the bravest wee pony I met or the stupidest."

"Why?" I asked whimsically.

"Cuz most ponies turn tail and run at the sight of me. Ya see...most ponies think I'm some sort of monster or something cus my father was a dragon," Alia said.

"I don't think you're scary. I've seen a real dragon and you're nothing like him."

Alia threw her head back and laughed loudly,"Really? Ah, what kind of dragon did ya see lass?"

"He was long and reddish black. He had creepy yellow eyes and porcupine quills on his back," I recalled with a chill.

Alia's face grew serious,"Did he have wings?"

"No, that's the weird part! All of the dragons I've heard about have wings like you."

"That's no good. From what ya told me, that one sounds like the Lamb Cruncher, Wiktet. He's one of Borox's cronies," Alia said with a frown.

"Borox? Who's that?"

"Ah child, you lived under a rock didn't you? Borox also known as the Serpent Father or The Bloody Bastard by non followers, is teh head of some cult for wingless dragons," Her wings twitched,"I could never imagine being stuck to the ground like an 'earth crawler'...no offence."

"S'alright Alia," I smiled.

There was a silence between the two of us for a moment. Alia looked around impatiently,"You washed up, why are ya still here?"

"I want to follow you," I said bluntly.

"Come again?" Alia itched the inside of her ear.

"I want you to teach me to fight like you did back there," I asked with bright eyes,"Could you?"

Alia bit her lip. She folded her arms and scanned my size for a moment,"You? You learning to fight like me? Don't make me laugh."

"What have you got to lose?" I asked.

"Well...yer a pony. Ponies aren't the fighting type," She grumbled, "Most of the things out there would eat ya alive!"

"I escaped a dragon and killed a carnahorse," I said flatly.

"Bullshit you did. I've seen carnahorses, their as tenacious as a mule is stubborn. There's no way in heaven or hell a filly would kill one."

"So you don't believe me?" I asked.

"Hell no I don't. Don't go trying to swell your story to make it sound better, that's not how it works out here," She piratically scolded.

I stood up on my hooves,"Alright, I'll fight you for it."

Alia rolled on the ground laughing. She whooped and hollered while I stood with a uneasy glare. Her fits of laughter subsided and she sat up and looked at me with an amused look.

"Oh lassie, you'd really fight me even knowin' I'm a mercenary that's killed more creatures then ya have teeth? Even knowin' I'm a carnivore?" She grinned devilishly.

"Yes," I said simply.

She got up and walked over to a nearby tree. She broke off two staff-like branches and tossed one to me. The stick landed in front of me and I looked from Alia to the staff. She held her staff in her mouth and walked back to her sitting spot on the shore. She sat down and smiled with the stick between her teeth.

"Alright, I'll go easy on ya. Just try to land a hit on me," She grinned.

I picked up the staff with my jaw and looked at how Alia was sitting. She sat like a cat would waiting for her prey to come closer. I shifted my hooves around looking for a vulnerable spot while her hot pink eyes stared me down. I took my chances for her left side. I jolted off the ground and had my staff mid swing but something blocked my strike. Her wing was splayed out like a shield and I was swept away like a dust bunny. Rolling back, I went for the other side. This time a smack in the face from her tail. Targeting the center. Crack on the head with a staff. I put my staff in my fore hooves and stood on my hind ones, this made Alia's eyebrow raise a little. I went in for a downward strike and was blocked by her staff. Strike, block, strike, block, kick...

She spat her staff out when my hind hoof went towards the base of her jaw. She headbutted me and I went sprawling back. I was about to push myself up when a stick poked my throat. I looked up and Alia had an annoyed look as she stood over me.

"Look lass, it's been fun an' all but I've got things to do. So if ya don't mind, kindly bugger off."

I've been told my eyes turn a mint green when I'm especially angry. This was one of those times,"There's only one way to use your mouth in a fight," I growled and bit the staff at my throat. Somehow I pulled it out of her grip and made a full 360 turn before cracking it hard on her muzzle.

I stared wrathfully up at her breathing heavily. Alia stared down at me with a shocked look and a nose dripping blood. She held a hand up to her nose and sat down blinking wide eyed.

"Never in my life have I seen a pony with such pain tolerance and… and drive for combat. Ya didn't even notice the blood dripping from your forehead did you?" She asked breathlessly. She held a hand up to block the streams of blood from her nose.

I dropped the stick and placed a hoof on my forehead then held my now blood covered hoof in front of my face. Now that I thought about it, my whole forehead was feeling warm and wet now. My adrenaline had subsided and I sat across from the dragon pony my head aching from Alia's strike. We sat in a few moments of pained silence.

"Alright, I'll teach you what I know...or at least some of it," She said with a grin behind her hand.

I hugged the dragon pony. She seemed shocked and shoved me off her torso.

"I'm your mentor not yer mum! Don't go huggin’ me like that!" She scowled.

"Sorry… so what's my first job?" I asked excitedly.

"First up, we both need to wash off again. Can't walk around like some blood covered cannibals, eh?" Alia chuckled.

We both went over to the river and dunked our heads into the cool water. The flow if it felt amazing on my head that now felt like it was split in two, thankfully it wasn't.

Alia smiled wryly. She pointed to her stack of armor and chainmail,"First I need ya to sort me armor inta two piles. One that the armor isn't cracked or rusted and one that is. Then once you're done with that take the grindin' stone out from the bag an' sharpen my swords."

I jumped to the task while Alia slipped into the river and let the cold water relax her sore muscles. I had sharpened farm tools before but never swords. A few hours passed and I scanned and checked Alia's armor while she swam through the river bend. It was almost dark and I stopped working to get a fire started. Alia saw me make a small flame started with some flint and tinder I stole from the carnahorse. The dragon pony jumped out of the river and shook the water off her mane onto the fire. I was about to protest but I remembered that I was under her lead now.

"Ya can't make a fire here you idiot!" She hissed a whisper.

"Why not? Fire scares off animals, right?"

"Yeah but not Ridge Dogs, fire would be a beacon to 'em," She looked over at her armor which still looked like one stack,"I thought I told you to put the good and bad armor in two piles."

"I did, all of your armor is beat up," I sighed as I scattered the ingredients for the fire,"You're going to have to find a real good blacksmith or pay for a whole new set."

Alia lumbered over to her belongings and cursed under her breath. She pulled out a blanket and bagged up her armor. The dragon pony tied a rope at the end of the bag, flapping her wings she settled the bag on a thick branch on a tree above and tied the rope to secure it. Alia lay on a branch adjacent to the burdened one and called down to me.

"I don't think ya want to sleep down there, some Dogs may come by."

"Could you help me up there?" I called back.

"I'm already laying down, come up here yourself."

I muttered under my breath as I hoisted my belongings onto my back and tried climbing the tree. It took awhile but I managed to get a decent height. Even though made it up about twenty feet, Alia was still higher up. I grumbled as I used the jackets to make a makeshift rope to tie myself to the branch with a wool blanket for warmth. Once secured, I tried to sleep.

"Ya not used to sleepin' in trees?" Alia asked sleepily.

"No, not really...it's weird," I groaned.

I heard her chuckle before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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