• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,090 Views, 48 Comments

Fact or Fiction - Mocha Star

The land of Equestria, while having it's own dangers, is isolated from the rest of the world. The lands beyond Equestria aren't as peaceful as they may seem.

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17) Winter's First Bite

It was now early winter in 'The Wild'. The wind grew colder and the equines did their best to keep warm. Daring Do gave the eerie pearl back to Pea Gravel to guide them to their next target, the dragon Oza. The pearl pointed roughly south east, a land between Torrent lands and the red terror Borox's Kingdom. This would be dangerous territory, everypony would have to be on their guard at all times. For reasons unknown to Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, Pea Gravel never mentioned the pearl to Dew Berry or even let her see the strange stone.

After a few chilly days through more woodland, the few wool blankets weren't enough to keep everypony warm. The unicorn, who still had no name, gave Daring Do and Rainbow Dash what he could for warmth. He had spent several nights freezing by the campfire. Cardinal barely walked, his father refused to let him out of a blanket over his back for warmth. What they had simply wasn't enough, they needed more. One day Pea Gravel had an idea but to the average herbivore it was unthinkable.

While the party rested for lunch, which was spent having the Equestrians (Rainbow Dash mostly) how to forage for food when it was scarce. As the mares tromped around in dead leaves looking for berries and bark, Pea Gravel said she'd look in another direction. When Wheat Biscuit asked why she was bringing a pistol with her and not swords, she ignored him. She walked off, in guilt of her planned deed.

She wandered through the brown forest landscape, the pistol hidden in her leather jacket felt like it was burning her skin. Eventually she found a spring in a little clearing. She pounced next to it and drunk deeply from the frigid water. It bit at her mouth and throat, she sat back coughing the mouthful out. The sound of a chuckle made her jump. Across the spring was an elk. Her size and graceful figure was breath taking. Pea Gravel was only a third her size and yet the elk still had a skeptical eye to the mare.

"Silly pony,"The elk playfully giggled,"To used to drinking from a trough?"

"You're a strange deer,"Pea Gravel smirked,"Most ones I've seen act like chickens."

"They may thought you were a hunter of some kind," the deer said casually and drank from the spring. Pulling her head back up she smacked her lips,"Ah, you get used to it if you keep your nose in it."

Pea Gravel sadly nodded. She kept her gaze away from the elk. The large but nimble elk hopped next to Pea Gravel. Pea Gravel kept her head low the closer she got. The elk frowned with a worried look on her face,"Oh dear, are you alright? You seem upset!"

Pea Gravel sighed, the steam from her mouth trailed into the air and disappeared,"I...I need something...but..."

"But nothing," The elk said warmly,"Just tell me what you need."

Pea Gravel knew what she was after, but it pained her to ask. She could just do the job right then and there...but that would be murder. Pea Gravel had killed many creatures through self defense or because of how evil they were...but very few, very guilty murders. She looked at the elk, her brown pelt soft and elegant. The elk's face was very close to Pea's, the mare could feel the hot breath on her face.

"You're not looking for berries or bark, are you?" The elk asked sadly. Pea Gravel’s lip quivered while she shook her head. The elk tried to comfort her by licking the side of her face. Pea Gravel gently pushed the elks head away. The elk became very worried,"Did you lose someone?"

Pea Gravel took in a shaky breath to explain herself,"I...we, my group of travelers and I...what we have to wear isn't enough. I'm afraid that when it get colder we may freeze."

The elk stood frozen looking at the sad mare. She gulped down the lump in her throat,"If you were a hunter looking for a prize to mount, I'd be dead already," She knelt down next to Pea Gravel and put her face close to the mare's,"You...you really do need my fur don't you?"

Pea Gravel nodded,"Yes. Don't worry, I have something less painful than a blade or an arrow," She said pulling out the pistol.

The elk gazed wide eyed at the contraption, as if seeing a fine work of art at a museum. She blinked away a tear,"It really won't hurt?"

Pea Gravel shook her head,"No, just open your mouth and bite down on this," the mare instructed.

The elk bit her teeth around the barrel not sure what would happen. She blinked at Pea with terrified but willing eyes. The mare lay her free hand against the elk's cheek, stroking it gently. The mare's heart pounding in her chest. As she squeezed her eyes shut, she squeezed the trigger.

The rest of the part was startled by the echoing sound of a gunshot. They knew it was Pea Gravel, but didn't know if she was in danger or not. They each stood still and listened, the only sound now was a slight breeze and the occasional bird. If Pea Was fighting something, they would've heard it.

Several hours later, the sun was beginning to set. Pea Gravel's group was wondering if they should go looking for her. As if to answer their question, a figure came slowly walking into view. It was Pea Gravel, with a tired look and crudely made fur coats over her back. The rest of the equines welcomed her back, asking her if she was alright. She told them she had a tussle with a bear at a watering hole, having to use a pistol she took the fur for coats.

She had started tanning the hide, but that process would take a few days. Pea Gravel sighed as she started a campfire, the rest of them admiring how soft the fur was. She wiped away the few tears that crept out. While the rest were ready to eat dinner, she retired to bed early. When putting her pistol back into her pack, she held it as if being close to it too long would burn her alive. Finally laying down, her back was to the group.

After almost an hour the sun was down and the temperature dropped. Pea Gravel's layered vest kept her torso warm, but she was still shivering. A dismal voice came from behind her,"You had the look of...a crushed mare earlier, grey warrior" the unicorn said,"Y-you're beginning to look like me."

Pea Gravel buried her face in her arms,"I'm no warrior," she mumbled,"I'm a killer. A stone cold killer."

The unicorn sighed,"Would a killer travel with such company? Would she be on such a noble quest?" His confidence in talking with her was growing.

Pea Gravel rolled over to look at him,"Noble? What do you know about my job out here?"

The unicorn pursed his lips,"Ah, do you believe that the rest of your band stays silent during the hours we walk on the road? The rainbow headed pegasus told me that you seek your friends to bring them to a safer place," He glanced at Dew Berry next to the campfire,"My condolences for your friend Joe's loss. May he rest in peace."

Pea Gravel ground her teeth,"Why this holier-than-thou speech? Are you pitying me?"

The unicorn shrank back a little,"N-no...I'm afraid of what's inside you. Being a creature connected to the astral plane...I can sense things...see things..."

"So is that why the humans kept you?" Pea Gravel asked,"You decipher what's inside a soul?"

The unicorn was silent for a moment,"You are correct. With that you now understand why my own spirit is so low and heavy."

"You're seen the darkness and greed in souls?" Pea Gravel asked cattily,"So tell me, O fortune teller. What do you see in me?"

The unicorn's opal eyes looked deeply into the emerald eyes of the mare's. He was silent like a stature of what felt far too long. He blinked as he looked away,"N-nothing...I must be tired..."

Pea Gravel's hand gripped around the unicorn's horn,"I'm sorry, what was that?"

The unicorn's face looked pained, he was able to see into Pea Gravel's mind. She saw herself through his eyes and it wasn't a pretty picture. Surrounding them was a void of blackness, at the center was the Pea Gravel the unicorn saw. She was looked tormented, searching for the familiar light of those she loved. They saw some memories as well, of Pea Gravel cutting through ranks of warriors she was paid to kill. Sometimes she was cold and indifferent, other times she relished driving a sword into the black heat of an enemy with a deranged joy.

Pea Gravel blinked back into reality, both silent from what they saw. The unicorn became more timid again next to the mare, now knowing just how many ways she could kill another equine. He stumbled up and bowed his head low,"I'm sorry to have troubled you, Mistress. I'll be going back with the others now. Pleasant dreams."

Pea Gravel lightly groaned as the unicorn walked away,"Ain't that a fucking hoot, 'pleasant dreams'?"
Her mind was far from calm. Reaching into her pack she pulled out the jar of drugged fruit. She looked with a mortified look at the jar, it had only one fruit left. Her mouth watered as she gingerly placed it into her mouth. It's hallucinogenic effects numbing her. Despite what had happened that night, she smiled.

The next few Days, they grew closer and closer to the disputed land. As the equines marched through the resting woodland, the dark watery eyes of the elk burned in Pea Gravel's mind. She had final tanned the leather and the rest of the mares in the party accepted the fur as coats. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do weren't as accepting of wearing another animal's skin, but the cold wind was unforgiving. When Pea Gravel saw her friends warm and happy in their new coats made her feel less guilty, the meat was probably put to good use by some wolves anyway. Spending several days with Dew Berry's new family, their...dullness grated on the stressed grey mare. Wheat Biscuit was overly friendly and Cardinal was plain annoying when he wasn't asleep.

The landscape was beginning to change. It was going from fields and woodlands to much dryer hills with scattered gnarled trees. With a low range of mountains ahead of them, the vast border between the two powerful empires had a majestic and solemn atmosphere. The group had to tread carefully so they wouldn't attract attention. After a day of traveling in the cold dry landscape, Dew Berry became paranoid.

"Pea Gravel," she said to her friend as they rested on the sun side of a hill,"How do you know that Oza's out here? He really could be anywhere!" Her speech was frighted and rapid,"I haven't seen him in almost eight years and you haven't seen him it ten, so even if we do find him will he recognize us?"

Pea Gravel patted her back reassuringly,"He has to be here. He's had beef with the red terror for years and he's probably a grade-A ass kicker by now. A real dragon beating badass. Don't worry about it."

A few day's later, they hid behind a rather large tree while a thick snowstorm hit the plane. The snow didn't stop falling, it just slowed down. They wandered through the flurries of snow until the light of campfires bleed through. They stopped and saw a camp in the snowy distance. It was a Torrent camp. The red and black canvas showed off like a beacon in the overcast light, the biggest tent being almost the size of a circus tent. The group was unsure of going to it, it was in their way but a camp like that would be impossible to sneak through.

They cautiously made a wide arc around it, several hundred yards away. As they walked over the crest of a hill, something caught Dew Berry's eye. Pea Gravel looked to her friend and found a hopelessly furious face.

"Dew, what is it?" Wheat Biscuit asked.

"He's there...it's him..." She gritted her teeth,"Naditabirus."

Pea Gravel strained to see the infamous centaur. Walking around the camp were centaurs and minotaurs of varying sizes, wrapped up in scaled armor and fur. Looking toward the biggest tent, she found him. He was the largest centaur she had seen so far, he could look at a mid sized dragon in the eyes. Compared to what Rainbow Dash told her about Tirek, Naditabirus' stature was pocket change. His stature was large from his height to his body's girth. It was apparent he relished the perks of being a high priest.

Over his chest was a breastplate detailed to look like chiseled muscle he never had, along with a belt around his human waist with a rounded piece for his horse's chest. Over his back was a blood red cape and hood hiding his face from view, His horns and curly beard stuck out into view along with two tusks on his bottom jaw. He sat on a large chair with several captives lined up at his hooves.

He used the feared spell of eating magic, a reserved and fine art for his kind, onto his captives. Eating the ponies magic his arms grew redder and his black pelt grew a more youthful sheen. If the captives were humans, griffons or anything else he'd levitate them up and stuff them in his hungry maw. Apparently magic wasn't enough to satisfy this centaur. He shooed the captives away, and retired to his tent. The warriors who stood and watched eagerly scooped up the defenseless captives and drug them away, their fate grim and sealed.

"I'd love to see his pretentious head roll off those blood red shoulders,"Dew Berry huffed out a cloud of steam,"...but we can't we've got a job to do. Even if we wanted to fight him we couldn't...he's too strong."

While Dew Berry talked, Pea Gravel instantly set to work loading up a pair of flint locks. Dew Berry gawked at Pea,"What the hell are you doing?!"

Pea Gravel strapped on her trio of sword and stuffed the pistols into her vest,"I'll be right back."

Before anyone could stop her, she kicked up snow and galloped off toward the camp. Her friends would shout after her, but their cries would alarm the hundreds of centaur warriors before they would reach Pea Gravel. They huddled down, not sure what else what to do but pray to whoever was listening for safety.

Meanwhile, Pea Gravel's heart pounded like never before. Her innate sense to end things crept out from the back of her mind, this kill would mean something, help someone. It wouldn't be like the elk, this would be different, it's fate not survival. She used the darkness of the overcast clouds to her advantage, sneaking from tent to tent, avoiding sight and campfire light, she eventually made her way to the central tent. She squeezed under a loose flap of canvas and rolled inside.

The interior was nothing short of an art gallery. Statues and gold looted from unknown places littered the floor. At the center was a fire pit warming up the fat bastard. He was sitting pleasurably, smoking from a wagon sized hookah and reading through some scrolls. Draped onto his horse torso was a curvaceous female centaur half his size, she was messaging his back and shoulders with some kind of aromatic ointment. Pea Gravel crept along the dark edge of the tent searching for the best angle to strike.

She finally got a good position. She rolled her shoulders like a lioness watching a fat deer, licking her lips for the kill. She took a sword in each hand and her mouth and ran like a shadow. She used the centaur concubine as a step up, jumping onto her head and kicking away, she sailed to Naditabirus' shoulders. She drove one sword into his right shoulder, causing him to cry out in surprise and pain. The next attack was to his ear, which was sliced off easily. He threw his meaty left hand to try and grab her, but she chopped off the thumb. He gripped his wrist and shouted in agony as his blood spurted out. Pea Gravel stood in front of him with a wicked grin, dropping her swords she replaced them with pistols. One blanked out but the other, it's lead spit gouged into the centaur's left eye.

"What the fucking hell was that?!" He roared,"My goddamn eye!"

Pea Gravel spat at the bleeding beast,"That's for the mule Joe."

Having heard the shout, three minotaurs came inside the tent to see what happened. Their jaws dropped when they saw how much the little pony sliced up their leader. Naditabirus clenched his eye socket,"Don't just stand there! Kill her!!"

Pea Gravel took up her swords and raced to the guards, a hungry light in her eye. One with a club hit her in the ribs, but his head rolled for that. The next one had a blade of steel slide between his ribs and poke out the other side. The last one's neck was slashed open, his life blood spraying onto the mare's face. Hopping over the corpses, she bolted out of the tent.

Her body raced through the tents, Naditabirus shouting behind her. She felt more then excited, she felt alive. Naditabirus wasn't dead but he'd remember her, and why she did that to his pompous body. She felt as much euphoria as any of her jade cactus fruits running through the tents, causing havoc as much as she could. She knocked over brazens that burned tent canvas, kicked over unaware Torrents and even hacked her way through a warrior or two.

She reached the edge of the camp and was now running out into the thick snow. It was peacefully quiet, save for the shouts coming from the camp behind her. She had reached halfway between the camp and her friends when suddenly a thunderous sound shook the frosty air. She looked behind her only to see a pillar of orange light bolting to her like a spear. The magic blast hit her hard on the back. It's effects were wicked, her muscles stopped moving, her skin burned and she could barely breath. The impact sent her rolling into the snow, burning and paralyzed.

The thunder of hooves came from the camps direction. She couldn't see anything, her face was stuck looking up at the sky but she knew...she fucked up.

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