• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 6,268 Views, 190 Comments

Leave of absence - Stormhoof

After a long arguement with twilight sparkle Spike decides to leave ponyville to get time to himself

  • ...

The unreadable letter

Rarity made her way to the library, Happy to have the chance to aid in Spikes return. Her mind was made up, convince Spike to come home, and make sure he has the best birthday possible, nothing else seemed to matter at this point. As the Library came into view Rarity quickened her pace, eager to write the letter.

As she entered the library, she seen that Fluttershy was going through and dusting the shelves, while Twilight was busy restocking most of the shelves with the aid of her magic

"Hello Girls, Twilight, A promise is a promise, I am here." Rarity said waving to Fluttershy before greeting Twilight in the same manner.

Twilight ran over, a smile on her face "Oh thanks for stopping by, I already have quills, ink, and parchment upstairs at my desk, you can start writing whenever your ready" Twilight said, motioning upstairs before saying "Fluttershy and I still have a few more things to organize and we will be right up" The lavender unicorn's voice was steady, but filled with happiness as she spoke.

Nodding in acknowledgement Rarity made her way upstairs, and trotted over to the quill and parchment laid out for her. Sitting down, Rarity quietly went over what she should write, taking just a few minutes before levitating the quill and dipping it into the ink pot.

My dearest Spikey Wikey, I am writing on behalf of all our friends to tell you one thing, we miss you, all of us do. I know you may Still be upset at Twilight, but it does not change the fact that all of us are having trouble with you being gone. I am sure that Twilight is more than sorry about what she has said and misses you as well. You are perhaps the most selfless, hard working individual I have ever met and it would be an absolute shame if you would not return. Please Spike, return to Ponyville, It would mean very much to all of us, especially me.

With great love,


As Rarity set down the quill, she was aware that Twilight and Fluttershy were a few feet behind her. Smiling she rolled up the parchment, and tied it with a royal-purple ribbon.

"Well girls, it is done, hopefully this will convince our Spikey Wikey to return." Rarity said, turning and levitating the letter in front of her.

"This is great, now, let me have the letter and stand back, I have only used this spell a few times" Twilight said, wrapping the letter with a purple glow, levitating it over near the fireplace.


Spike stood back to admire his handy work, after a few hours of digging,hauling, and redistributing rock from his cave, he managed to make a small alcove to put all his gems. Snatching up a handful of random gems he sat down for a well deserved break. Throughout the day the rest of his scales had shed, leaving him with a new set that sparkled bright in the sun. Munching on the gems he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, and a moment later belched green fire baring a scroll with a purple ribbon.

Spike stared intently at what could only be another letter from Twilight. After debating with himself for a few minutes he made a few quick swipes into the wall of stone near him, and set the rolled parchment into the resulting groove.

"I don't have time for this" He said to himself, popping the last few gems into his mouth and biting down with an audible crunch. Laying his head against his pillow of moss he sighed to himself, continually rolling the idea of reading the letter around in his head. As he debated it in his mind he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

"I'll read it when I wake up...if I feel like it..." He said before closing his eyes and resting.

It had been about five hours since Twilight sent the letter, her five friends sat around with her, waiting with her for a reply back. They had all opted for another sleepover since each of them had a relatively easy day, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were whispering back and forth, Twilight only assumed about Spikes birthday party.

As the night pressed on and the girls had their fun, it became clear that the reply might not come that night, if at all. Between the pillow fights,smores, makeovers, and story telling they had plenty of fun, but each of them were growing anxious that a reply had yet to come. Throughout all of this, Twilight could not help but feel happy, her and her friends were having fun, and being that the letter was from Rarity, she felt as if Spike had to reply at some point. Twilight's good mood was enough for everypony else to stay happy, seeing has she had not had the easiest of weeks as of late.

Continually through the night the fire in the fireplace would pop or crack, falsely alerting each of them, Twilight, in an effort to ensure the green flames do not extinguish, threw a small bundle of sticks, and a small log on the fire, as she was dreading the idea of losing contact with the one she still considered her "Number one assistant".

Each of the six ponies amused each other with jokes, pranks (Mainly by the hooves of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash) and idle conversation. As they began to wear down, they all decided it would be best to go to sleep, and wait for the reply when the morning came. Twilight was still smiling as she laid her head down to sleep, a night with friends was just what the purple unicorn had needed to wind down from all the weeks stress, the only thing that she thought could make the night better,was if her number one assistant could be there to enjoy it with them.

In the white walled room of an Ohio apartment the author of this very story grew tired of writing "Author's note" and so he decided that addressing the readers would be more fun if he did it in story format near the end of the chapter. He was gravely sorry that the update had taken forever as he had just gotten a job working 60 hours a week, hopefully his readers would understand his exhaustion and perhaps the delay.

Comments ( 26 )

Real Life Comes First (TM).

I didn't mind waiting. To be honest... I forgot that I had this in my favourites. :fluttershysad:

But seriously though, a nice little chapter, and I look forward to more.

I think the "unread" letter would be a more accurate title.

1757821 well, thank you kindly :)
1757837 I suppose so,

-_- Ahem...
(*Yeah, (*I, (*simple,
(*So they could help you become better
I can do Grammar, and spelling, I just have very little time on my hands, but thank you kindly ^_~

seems to me letters arn't going to eb enough, spike needs to talk to somebody, aswome story though!

Nice update to the story. Maybe if Twilight can prefect her teleportation spell, then maybe they can find Spike a lot faster.:raritywink:

Still I hope he reads the letter because even he cannot turn down a request from Rarity.:duck:

oh Gosh I so want a continuation of this! take a rest, thouh. You deserve! :raritywink:

The punctuation hurts, but the story's good. I'll let it slide... FOR NOW.:trixieshiftleft:

your local grammar nazi here.

it's supose to be happiness not happyness, this affects most words of this kind (lazy, laziness. dizzy, dizziness etc.)

1758662 I thank you kindly

Have him read the letter in the next chapter please.:duck:

1757947 Ohio apartment? which part of ohio?:rainbowhuh:

1760558 Columbus mah friend

1761697 Holy bucking ass crackers me too!!!:pinkiegasp:

1766821 XD. Ohio bronies for the win!

A job is very important as it allows you to by necessities such as food, clothes, and internet.

So is stuff gonna happen soon or what? Here's a question: Why don't any of the ponies seem worried about Spike's well being? They just sit there, having a party, waiting for his reply. How do they know he's not dead? Why don't they go after him!?

Hello? Anybody out there?

1893932 They've got no idea where he is for one...

Well to be honest even if spike comes back for the party that doesn't mean he has to stay in ponyville he could always just go back to his cave

is this still being worked on? i hope so. good story :pinkiehappy:

This story lived a could “life” Rest In Peace

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