• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,878 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

  • ...

The End part 2

The end part 2

The lords of evil who hadn’t bothered to take the field were observing the battle from the walls of the arena. They were a motley group of truly evil beings. Emperor Palpatine stood next to the Prophet of Truth who (much to his annoyance) was hovering just high enough so that his head was above the emperor’s. Frank Fontaine whistled a short tune while he directed his forces, to his considerable surprise his splicers weren’t doing as well as he’d thought that they would.

The Witch King was also in attendance along with his giant mount, to his right stood Sauron who looked evil enough to drive a knife into the heart of good itself. The Joker stood giggling as he planned his attack on Batman and Lex cast him a disparaging glance while Darkseid merely chuckled. Dr. Doom was also in attendance although he was more of a passive bystander then an active force.

Nicodemus had just left to take the field against Dresden and Lord Voldemort had decided that it was an opportune time to strike at Potter. Visser Three’s tailblade swished back and forth in impatience while Vilgax simply rubbed his hands together while thinking of ways to kill Ben Ten. Finally the Emperor spoke.

“What is it that these fools seek? They cannot possibly believe that they can defeat all of our armies, let alone our combined strength, so what is the point?” He asked in a low raspy voice.

“They are but worms, forever reaching for the sun, but never able to escape the pull of the earth.” Truth answered.

<Enough of this foolish talking, it is time we take the field!> Visser Three insisted before his body began to change and he assumed the form of a large flying reptilian that in some places would be called a dragon. <DO YOU HEAR ME ANIMORPHS? I AM YOUR DOOM!> Dr. Doom looked at the retreating form of Visser Three and glared, no one was allowed to use the word Doom but Doom himself.

The rest looked at one another before shrugging, what did they have to lose?


The storm that Dash and the others in charge of weather was finally big enough to be unleashed. Thunder cracked ominously in the background and lightning lit up the skies. Soon the storm would break.


“You can fight like a krogan and run like a leopard but you’ll never be better then Commander Shepard!” Commander Shepard sang as he blasted a hole through an innocent stormtrooper who was one day away from retirement. Garrus rolled his eyes as he caused a head a few thousand feet away to explode in a shower of gore, the man standing next to him died of a heart attack. Suddenly they were both thrown backwards as a tank bashed towards the enemy lines. Garrus saw someone who looked distinctly like him piloting it along with another man and sighed, he never got to have any fun.


“So Harry I’m are you enjoying the fun?” Nicodemus asked Dresden as he calmly decapitated an imperial guardsman.

“You could say that Nicky.” Dresden replied with a grin.

“Oh?” Nicodemus asked; he hadn’t expected that kind of answer.

“Well you see I’ve made a lot of friends while I’ve been here. Two of them are actually pretty handsome actually.” Dresden continued with a smirk.

“I didn’t take you for the type Harry, although I feel nothing against that particular lifestyle.” Nicodemus said amicably. “You do realize that I have you captured by my shadow?” Nicodemus asked Harry who grinned.

“Actually yeah I did notice that, it doesn’t matter that much to me though.” Harry replied with a shrug.

“Oh, why ever not?” Nicodemus asked in confusion as he walked closer to Harry and prepared to finish him.

“Well you see it has to do with those handsome guys I was talking about.” Harry replied.

“What about them?” Nicodemus asked.

“Oh you know, come on Nicky this is the multiverse, use your imagination.” Harry told him, although he had to choke out the words around Nicodemus’s shadow’s newfound grip on his throat.

“He seems a little slow, what do you think Harry?” A voice identical to Dresden’s asked, a shadow of fear passed over Nicodemus’s face.

“No!” He whispered he turned around to find himself faced by two more Dresdens, one was a pony, and the other looked extremely pissed.

“I’m looking forward to killing you in my own dimension for what you’ve done to Twilight and the others, but for now I think you’ll do nicely.” The pissed Harry said with a grin.

“This can’t be happening.” Nicodemus muttered to himself looking between the three Dresdens.

“Hey Nicky what happens when three of me fight a fallen angel?” The original Harry asked. Nicodemus gulped. “We send him back to hell!” Harry shouted.

“Pyrofuego!” Three identical voices shouted at once and Nicodemus was consumed in a towering inferno of fire. When the smoke cleared there was nothing but a scorched coin.

“That was the best you could think of?” One Harry asked the original Harry.

“Everyone’s a critic…”


Marcus and Dom were up to their knees in corpses of every verity and they were enjoying themselves immensely.

“This isn’t a party, this is a mega party!” Cole shouted as he punched his fist through a marauder’s head.


“I am tired of being disrespected!” Eragon shouted as he cut through another enemy soldier. “I am tired of being called a sue! If I was a sue I would sparkle and everyone would want to have sex with me!” He yelled with another slash that cut through the leg of a rancor which he calmly cut in half. “Hell Saphira got more sex then I did!” Eragon declared as his flaming sword cut through a chaos marine “I didn’t get any sex till I started coming to these parties and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let an army of evil minions stand between me and Arya’s p-” He was cut off by Arya who he’d forgotten was standing next to him.

“Think very carefully about how you’re going to finish that sentence.” Arya told him while she decapitated a Nazi.

“- Heart, yes I was going to say heart!” Eragon shouted. Suddenly the two of them were surrounded by a large group of Edward Cullens.

“Did someone mention sparkling?” They asked in unison baring their fangs and crouching

“Now that you mention it I bet if I kill more of you then people will like me more!” Eragon shouted before he launched himself at the army of shiny vampires. Overhead Saphira sighed, her bonded was an idiot occasionally. “I heard that!” Eragon shouted as he cut a Cullen in half.


The Witch King descended on the battlefield causing great terror and fear.

“No man may slay me!” He proclaimed proudly.

“Does that claim prevent women?” A blonde woman carrying several stakes asked politely. The Witch King stared at her.

“Yeah I thought not, come to mamma!” Buffy yelled as she charged.

The Witch King’s mount snapped at her but Buffy calmly shot a crossbow bolt into its eye and while it was distracted by the pain she leapt onto its head and ran up its neck towards the Witch King. The Witch King reached for his mace and rose to meet her; the mace however was no longer at his side. He looked around furiously until he caught sight of a woman in red holding his mace and twirling it casually.

“Thanks for the mace!” Carmen Sandiego called over her shoulder as she strode across the battlefield occasionally caving in enemies’ heads as she went. The Witch King turned to find Buffy standing in front of him fiddling a scythe.

“You ordered a little off the top right?” Buffy asked him, before he could respond she swung the scythe and the Witch King’s head rolled from his shoulders.


Despite these victories Pinkie knew that unless her plan came together perfectly then they were doomed, there were simply too many villains and bad guys for the heroes to handle. On the bright side neither she nor Sheogorath could find a flaw in the plan. And it was almost time to unleash that plan on the unsuspecting bad guys.


Twilight and Luna were tired, actually Twilight was exhausted, Luna on the other hoof was fine. This probably had something to do with the fact that Luna was a nigh immortal goddess who had been fighting for years against an equally immortal goddess. Whereas Twilight was normal unicorn plucked from a life of small time adventuring and thrown violently into a whirling maelstrom of violence. To say that at this point Twilight was aware that she had muscles that she didn’t think existed was putting it gently, to say that every single one of those muscles screamed in unimaginable aggravation and tiredness was far more accurate.

“Luna I don’t think I can go on.” Twilight told her marefriend as she leaned against the alicorn for support.

“I know that you can Twilight just hold on a little bit more, you’ve barely lost any blood and that healing potion fixed the hole so you’ll be fine.” Luna replied comfortingly as she decapitated a super mutant with a stroke of her luminescent moon blade.

“But Luna I’m so tired.” Twilight said.

“Twilight I have a question for you.” Luna told Twilight before she bucked out with her back hooves and sent a Nazi flying.

“What Luna?” Twilight asked tiredly.

“Do you believe in magic?” Luna asked with a grin.

“Of course I believe in magic Luna!” Twilight told Luna in annoyance.

“Oh that’s good because one of the most important parts of magic is persevering when you’re tired.” Luna replied with a grin.

“Luna are you trying to confuse me, or convince me of something?” Twilight asked; she didn’t really understand what Luna was talking about.

“Well Twilight Sparkle we just need to keep fighting for a few more minutes till the storm breaks, once that happens we’ll be golden.” Luna said reassuringly while she ducked underneath a rather enthusiastic sword thrust from a vampire before casually bisecting it.

“I hope that you’re right.” Twilight replied as she lay down, a nice nap sounded perfect right about now.

“Oh Faust she’s asleep.” Luna groaned.


The Lone Wanderer had always wondered where his title had come from; he’d almost always had someone fallowing him whether it was a giant supermutant or simply his faithful pooch Dogmeat. Now sure he hadn’t brought anyone out of the vault with him, not that he hadn’t tried to convince Amata, but since then he’d always been attracted to the company of others. Then again he supposed that his title did sound better than some he’d heard, like the Vault Dweller, the guy didn’t even live in a vault by the time that they started calling him that. The Wanderer was broken out of his introspection by the sound of his girlfriend yelling at him.

“Shoot something you moron!” The Courier shouted; they were surrounded by some very angry looking men wearing Cesar’s Legion armor.

“Oh right, sorry I got introspective for a second there.” The Wanderer told her with a smile as he hefted the Terrible Shotgun. “So do you want the ones on the right or the left?” He asked her, the legionnaires had been shooting them for several seconds but neither could feel it through their armor.

“I’ll take the right.” She said rolling her eyes as she leveled her heavy machine gun at the idiots.

They entered VATS simultaneously. To the outside observer it would look like a red mist had suddenly spread over the battlefield surrounding the two warriors. To the two warriors in the center of the mist it was what they did on a daily biases. Legion heads exploded as shotgun shells tore into their skulls; chests were torn open by bursts of high caliber machine gun rounds that nearly cut them in half. When the mist cleared they were surrounded by bodies and their armor was coated in blood.

“Should we bother looting them?” The Wanderer asked the Courier shook her head.

“Not worth the trouble.” She answered with a shrug. A sudden sniper bullet tore out of nowhere and slammed into the Courier’s chest throwing her to the ground.

“Shit!” The Wanderer said he looked around and quickly spotted the ass responsible. It was a skirmisher. “Oh hell no you don’t you little bastard we already lost Kat, again, we aren’t losing her too!” The Wanderer shouted before quickly drawing his scoped Blackhawk and blasting the alien’s head apart. Then he knelt down next to the Courier. “Please tell me I won’t have to explain to Boone that you died in another dimension, I don’t think I’d make it fifty feet before he blew my head off!” The Wanderer said softly. The Courier chuckled, and blood spurted out of the hole in her chest and onto her duster.

“You moron I’ve got enough redundant systems that nothing short of being shot in the heart by a missile or being disintegrated will actually kill me. Now give me a stimpack, I may not die but this hurts like hell!” The Courier told him with another chuckle. The Wanderer quickly stabbed the needle of the stim into her chest and watched over her protectively while the wound healed. She was back on her feet in minutes and punched his powerarmored shoulder gently.

“I still say that you should be wearing this stuff.” The Wanderer said as they moved across the battlefield.

“But it doesn’t flow.” She said with a grin.


“Well team as much as I hate to say this it looks like this is the end.” Robin told the rest of the Teen Titans with a sigh.

“Come on man we can take them!” Cyborg said raising his arm cannon. “Besides when have you ever given up at anything?”

“Well we’ve never faced Trigon, Slade, Brother Blood, and The Brain at the same time along with an army’s worth of each of their supporters.” Robin replied.

“Don’t give up Robin we can win this I know it!” Starfire said readying her starbolts.

“Yeah relax we’ve got this thing in the bag.” Beastboy agreed with a shrug before he changed into a gorilla. They were pressed into a circle; on all sides were the various enemies that they’d fought over the years, even the occasional ones that they’d killed.

“My offer is always open Robin.” Slade called from the enemy ranks.

“Go to hell!” Robin shouted at him raising his staff.

“I have, it wasn’t very interesting.” Slade replied with a shrug and several of the other villains laughed. “Now then I believe that we were about to kill all of you.” Slade continued raising a gun. Then thunder roared and the rain began.


<Prince Jake this is bad> Ax shouted in thoughtspeak.

< I noticed Ax> Jake replied dryly. Visser Three had them cornered between his massive battlemorph (which resembled nothing so much as the unholy offspring of Godzilla and Cthulhu) and an army of controllers.

<Now I shall eat you slowly and painfully so that you know the true extent of your worthlessness!> The Visser shouted with their minds.

<Bring it!> Rachel shouted in defiance. The Visser began to bend down, and then it began to rain.


“Laurence I do not think that we can match all of them.” Temeraire said worriedly as he looked at the legions of enemy flyers headed for the allied lines.

“My dear if we die here, I just wanted to let you know that it was an honor to be your captain.” Laurence said patting the black scales.

“Can you two have a moment later; we have a battle to win?” Emily Roland asked politely from where she was prepping a rifle behind Laurence. The enemy hoard rose towards them and Temeraire found that there were few other dragons working for the side of good who were currently available to help.

“Once more into the breach then.” Laurence said just as the first raindrop began to fall.


“Tennyson your end is nigh!” Vilgax shouted as he pinned Ben’s body to the ground with a large clawed foot.

“Oh yeah, well let me tell you something big green space guy, I’m Rath, and no one messes with Rath!” Ben shouted back flailing around trying to get at his attacker.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day Tennyson. This is the day that shall be remembered as the day that I finally killed Ben Ten, the day that shall be celebrated by the eating of newborn children for the rest of time!” Vilgax told him, which is when the first drop of rain hit his head.


“Yeah boys this is exactly what we needed, we’re all getting laid!” Dash shouted; there was a general cheer from the others involved with storm duty.


Legion stood next to Glados silently.

“Now.” He said suddenly. The control and radar screens of every evil person still inside of the arena suddenly flicked out and were replaced by a rotating companion cube.


“Alright it’s time for you to say it Shagy.” Pinkie told Shegorath.

“Finally!” Sheogorath replied before clearing his throat, he grabbed the voice amplifying microphone. “RELEASE THE KRAKENS, AND GIVE THEM CHEESE!” He shouted much to the confusion of everybody on the opposing side.


As the rain poured out of the sky in a drenching torrential downpour and Sheogorath’s words echoed across the battlefield the sky suddenly became thick with massive ships.


“Why am I always saving you?” Red X asked as he and Terra suddenly slammed into the enemy army surrounding the Titans.

“What the hell?” Slade shouted, for once he was completely surprised by something.

“Was the acting any good?” Robin asked X.

“Meh I’ve seen better.” X replied before nonchalantly bringing down Cinderblock with one of his patented X knives.

“No this can’t be! What’s happening?” Slade shouted before a boulder slammed into his chest knocking him backward.

“Well you see master, Sheogorath decided to call in us anti heroes to fight for the side of good.” Terra told him before sending out another rock that slammed into Slade’s head.

“I’m honestly surprised that no one ever questioned where the anti heroes were, I mean really.” Red X said with a sigh before he ducked under a sladebot’s arm and cut it in half.

“That really is a good question.” Robin agreed while he brained a bot with his staff.


Temeraire was tired he’d killed at least twenty other dragons but even his strength was beginning to fade, which is when a large red dragon streaked out of nowhere and impacted against the dragon flying towards Temeraire.

“Thank you!” Temeraire shouted over the din of combat.

<Anytime, I’m Thorn> The red dragon replied speaking directly to Temeraire’s brain.


Visser Three leaned closer to the Animorphs and extended his long claws preparing to rend them to pieces. Suddenly the sound of Flight of the Valkyries playing over several loud stereos filled the background. A couple dozen helicopters sped towards the Visser who started to chuckle and asked.

<What do you expect to do with those, ram me?>

“Actually the plan was to blast you into oblivion with the combined firepower of several dozen attack helicopters, but if that doesn’t work we could always try it, ramming that always works.” The woman behind the controls replied before pushing down the firing button for the large main cannons. “Think of this as a form of payback from all the workers who you randomly killed.” She added as the shredder rounds slammed into the Visser.


“Are we wining the space battle?” Sheogorath asked.

“Of course we are; we’ve got Ender Freaking Wiggin as our commander up there!” Pinkie told him excitedly. “You have no idea how much trouble it was to get him here; on the bright side it looks like it was worth it.” She said with a smile.

They watched as another Imperial starship was destroyed in silence. “I also got Admiral Thrawn to side with us so we’re essentially perfect up their thanks to their combined tactical genius along with Captain Keyes and Admiral Hackett.” She added with a grin.

“Do you suppose we should bother watching the battle?” Sheogorath asked.

“Na we’re good.” Pinkie answered with a wink. “Would you like some popcorn?”


“Without the power of love on your side you can never hope to match me Potter!” Voldemort shouted holding his wand out with a slightly shaking wrist. For some reason after he’d chased Potter into a corner he’d found himself unable to move an inch. The rain pounded off of his bald skull and poured off of it sluggishly irritating the dark lord.

“Yeah, I thought about that Volde.” Harry said offhandly.

“You dare disrespect me Potter?” Voldemort snarled almost disbelieving the

“Actually yeah I do, you see I’ve been spending what is probably an unhealthy amount of time around Harry Dresden and it’s rubbed off on me.” Potter said with a grin.

“Why am I unable to move?” Voldemort asked in annoyance as he desperately tried to escape whatever spell Potter had put him in.

“Well you see I’ve also been talking to a version of me who thinks of things much more ‘rationally’ and he suggested that if I couldn’t kill you with love then I should try something a little different.” Harry told the dark lord who growled at him like a caged dog.

“What sorcery is this?” Voldemort asked.

“It’s not sorcery actually.” Harry replied with a grin. “This is what was described to me as a tractorbeam. It will hold you completely immobile while I carve a magic circle around you to prevent any magic from passing through.” Harry added as he began to carve a circle in the ground around Voldemort.

“You think that this technology will stop me Potter? I’ve killed hundreds and you’re no different!” Voldemort shouted.

“Actually no I don’t this is to contain you for a few seconds until-” A buzzing sound filled the air “-That happens” Harry told him with a grin. A green glowing field had suddenly came into existence around Voldemort.

“You believe you can contain me? I’ve broken into and out of Askaban!” Voldemort shouted.

“I think it’ll serve its purpose.” Harry replied. “You see that is a forcefield being supported by a Dyson Sphere, that’s a large array of satellites which surrounds a star and receives energy directly from it just so that you’re keeping up with me here.” Harry elaborated to his captive audience who was growing impatient.

“I will still escape this muggle magic easily!”

“I think not, you see the field surrounds you completely and totally, however instead of terminating around your feet the field actually cuts through the ground to form a large sphere around you. On the advice of my more rational double I’ve buried several thermonuclear warheads beneath you. Ordinarily I wouldn’t risk the detonation this close to the rest of the battlefield but I figure that the area affected thanks to the forcefields should be easily avoidable.” Harry said pulling a detonator out of his robe.

“Potter you can’t do this!” Voldemort shouted at him.

“Boom.” Potter said before pressing down the detonator. The inside of the forcefield exploded in a sickly green and purple light for several seconds before the air cleared with the help of the forcefields. There was nothing left of the darklord, not even ash.

“Remember kids, science is cool!” Harry said with a grin before he strode away from the black stain on the ground without a backwards glance.


Shepard and his squad were pinned down and under heavy fire without any chance of a rescue.

“Tali I love you!” Garrus shouted.

“Ash I love you!” Shepard yelled

“We know!” Both shouted in annoyance, the two men had been saying that repeatedly for the last several minutes just in case they died. Suddenly the sound of a spaceship descending filled their ears; they looked up to see Malcolm Reynolds and Zoe Alleyne Washburne standing next each other pointing their guns at Cerberus troops.

“Looks like we got here just in the nick of time. And what does that make us?” Mal asked Zoe

“Big Damn Heroes, sir!” Zoe replied with a grin.

“Ain't we just.” Mal replied before they both cut down the Cerberus troops with withering fire while they were to still stunned to understand what had happened.

“Well at least they got here on time I was beginning to think that I couldn’t keep the act up any longer.” Garrus said with a smirk before he calmly rose above fire and shot two Cerberus troops in the head in quick succession.

“I still can’t believe that Joker forced us to do this thanks to him losing a bet with Wash.” Ash grumbled as she to rose out of cover and began to fire into the crowed.

“I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite spot on the battlefield!” Shepard shouted with a laugh.


“So I get to be on top.” Master Chief said with a grin from where he stood above the dead body of Ridely, there was a man sized hole in the dragon’s stomach.

“Fine, I still say that you cheated by being swallowed while I had to actually kill that stupid flytrap.” Samus replied rolling her eyes.

“Don’t be a sore loser; I think that you learned a very important lesson about disrespecting space zombies.” Chief told her with grin. Isaac Clarke stormed by running after a few necromophs. “And thank the gods that you don’t have his job.” Chief added causing Samus laugh and say.

“Let’s go help him.”


“So Littlepip I died again.” Blackjack told Littlepip as they trudged along the battlefield looking for stranglers from their fight.

“Can you possibly stay alive for two days?” Littlepip asked

“Probably not.” Blackjack replied. “But at least now I can drink here again!” she added with a grin


Ben Ten looked up in time to see an old man in scholarly robes walking towards Vilgax slowly. Vilgax turned to stare at the man.

“Who are you, fool?” Vilgax asked.

“I go by many names; however the one that I’m proudest of is Sir Isaac Newton, The Deadliest Son Of A Bitch In Space!” The man roared before producing a large hand cannon and shooting Vilgax in the face. Vilgax’s body slumped to the ground and Ben stared in amazement.

“Are you really Isaac Newton?” He asked in confusion.

“Of course, I’m what could’ve been or what is and shall be, or possibly I’m insane I never could decide.” The old man said before helping Ben to his feet. “Now let’s go kick some ass!”


“-our faith in your friends is yours!” Palpatine replied, he was the last villain still alive on the field and he’d been sparring with Luke for twenty minutes.

“Dad, would you be so kind as to remind him of what happened the first time without dying this time please?” Luke asked suddenly.

“Of course, my son.” Vader answered, before Palpatine could turn around a red blade had vivisected him.

“Thanks dad.” Luke told his father with a grin.

“I have a few years of being evil to correct so how’d you like your old man to make you some pancakes?” Vader asked with surprising cheer.

“That would be great, by the way have you met Mara yet?” Luke asked with an even larger grin and they walked away into the sunset.

One week later

Twilight and Luna sat at a table inside the biggest house in the universe sharing a milkshake.

“I still can’t believe I slept through the last half of the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.” Twilight said with a pout/

“I can’t believe that I fought the last half of the battle with you on my back, we need to talk about putting you on a diet.” Luna replied with a smile.

“Leonidas I can’t believe that you missed it, you would’ve been a big help!” Twilight heard Pinkie exclaim from the doorway to a tall man wearing only pants and a cloak.

“I heard Pinkie, you wouldn’t believe how hard we lobbied, but Satan is kind of a dick.” Leonidas replied with a shrug.

“Well at least you can come to dinner here.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Indeed, do you have seating for 300?” Leonidas asked.

“Of course right this way.” Pinkie said leading them towards the back.

“Pinkie you have no idea how nice it is not to be constantly smelling brimstone.” Leonidas confessed.

“Wait I just thought of something. Why did you go to a Christian hell? I mean I always assumed you meant that you wanted to dine with Hades which would’ve been an honor.” Pinkie asked in confusion

“I blame people not doing research.” Leonidas replied with a shrug as they drifted out of conversation range.

“So Luna what now?” Twilight asked.

“I suppose we come to parties every other week or so and eventually turn you into an alicorn.” Luna replied with a shrug.

“Works for me.” Twilight said with a grin. Suddenly Pinkie ran up to them.

“Twilight we need to do something!” Pinkie exclaimed in excitement.

“What is it Pinkie, please tell me I don’t have to kill anyone?” Twilight asked and Pinkie chuckled.

“Of course not silly filly, just meet out front and stand in front of the steps.” Pinkie said before dashing off again.

Twilight Luna shrugged and went outside; they were soon joined by every single person or thing that had fought on their side in the final battle. Pinkie rushed out and set up a projector. On the cloudless night under the ten full moons that orbited the planet that was located on the middle of a plain of existence inside of Sheogorath’s head several trillion voices recited eight immortal words in perfect harmony.

“So long, and thanks for all the fish!”

Comments ( 13 )

And it's here!

This is essentially the end unless you guys give me a specific character to focus on, please let me know what you guys think. Anyways you guys are awesome thanks for all the support and comments over the course of the story. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

In other news i'm going to be doing something in the vein of this story but with Lyra and Bon Bon as agents of a group who protect the multiverse so please give it a chance tommorow!

Love the hitchhikers ending

Admiral Thrawn and Mara Jade?
Thank God I'm not the only Star Wars geek....


Remember this is very, very old. At least by my standards anyways


because he's a Garry Stu. not that I didn't enjoy the books, but he really gets off to easy compared to some heroes

I wish I'd found this sooner so I could have suggested Dante or Nero or Vergil (all from Devil May Cry)

Well, this fanfic made my day. I know of a few things that could've been added (like Rand from the Wheel of Time series, he'd definitely be a pretender in the swordfighting and/or the archery competitions), but still, epic fic.


Well that's good, I'd just like to point out that this was written a while ago so I can't promise that the quality is amazing


Wow, someone actually got that one; I'm impressed :twilightsmile:

3872400 I actually just went over to check up on them before reading that chapter.

I just love how many refrances are IN this. BEST ENDING EVER.

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