• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,877 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

  • ...

The end part 1

The end part 1

The sun was blotted out over the lands surrounding the arena where the enemy had chosen to set up their base of operations, to many of their creatures were weakened by the light to allow it dominion over their land. Twilight observed this with worry and only the calming presence of Luna at her side kept her from panicking, although it didn’t stop the shiver that ran up her spine as they walked closer towards the darkened lands. Somewhere behind her a group of marines were chanting something.

“Praise the Emperor for his sacrifice,

as He endures so shall we.

We who are Hunters of Daemons,

shall strive in his name eternally.”

The chanting also helped to settle her nerves; she knew she and Luna wouldn’t be on the forefront of the fighting, but she was still dreading the upcoming violence.

We the Order of the Hammer,

shall delve into the Dark Shadows.

We shall seek out the Tainted,

we shall pursue the Vilest Evil.

The voices kept up the steady cadence as they walked closer and closer to the land without sun. The army which had been raised was huge, it consisted of more sentient creatures then Twilight could have ever thought existed. Once Lord Sheogorath had broken through the wall between the dimensions Pinkie had been able to recruit more people to help, and they had indeed answered the call to arms.

“It is we who stand guard,

our Eternal Watch shall not fail.

For we are the Ordo Malleus!

We Grey Knights are the Hammers,

we slay the Darkness without fear.

Founded in great mystery we were,

Chapter six hundred and sixty six.”

Overhead hundreds of flyers swooped and soared providing cover and lifts for those who could not afford to walk. A large amount of the flyers were dragons, however there were far more mechanical flyers filling the sky then there were organic. Off to Twilight’s right a squad of Gears was cracking jokes, something about chainsaws. Twilight shrugged she’d heard funnier.

“Though on Titan we be hidden,

yet our eyes encompass the Galaxy.

No Devil shall elude our gaze,

no Daemon shall elude its Fate.

We shall be the Keepers Immortal,

all Secrets shall be our Knowledge.

We are the Guardians of Mankind!”

“I can’t believe I’m killing Covenant again already, seriously I just got back…” Twilight heard someone that sounded suspiciously like herself grunt as a unit of ODST walked by. Harry Dresden nodded to her as he walked by; a short blonde woman carrying a katana gave him a weird look before shrugging and continuing her conversation with the tall wizard.

“Caution and secrecy are our code,

watchfulness and patience are our way.

Hidden from the Eyes of Chaos,

we strike without warning or dread.

Though we find ourselves in Shadows,

no Blackness will enter our Hearts.

No treachery will touch our souls,

no pride will sully our thoughts.”

Percy Jackson smiled at her as he walked by leading a huge group of teenagers in purple armor, Twilight looked up to see a long flying ship with a dragon’s head floating above the mass of halfbloods. To her left a large group of ponies walked at a steady pace, they were a large and extremely odd group with no two looking alike. What was similar about them was that they all had a very nice selection of arms and barding. At the head of the group Littlepip walked self consciously while Blackjack, who walked beside her, had a small smirk on her face.

“We shall be Pure amongst Impurity,

we shall be Innocence amongst Guilt.

We are the Imperium’s Hidden Saviours!

We are spread across the Heavens,

our watch is untiring and ceaseless.

The Emperor shall guard our Souls,

as we Guard those of others.”

A column of robed figures walked by, Twilight wondered who they were till she spotted Luke Skywalker within the midst of the group.

“Luna are we ready for this?” Twilight asked a little worriedly.

“It will be close my dear, but I believe we can win.” Luna told her quietly as a stream of armored horsemen rode by; their banner was emblazoned with a white horse. Twilight shook her head; she still wasn’t completely used to the fact that not every horse she met was sentient.

“Our will shall be our weapons,

our faith shall be our armour.

Our minds will be secure fortresses,

no Temptation will weaken our resolve.

Though unnumbered lurking perils await us,

our blades will ever be ready.

For we are the Emperor’s Vengeance!”

A sudden burst of thunder announced another group of fighters, a man in red and gold armor carried a man in a red white and blue uniform in his arms. Another man swinging a hammer around in a circle (apparently it was the way he flew, Twilight didn’t understand it and probably never would) followed hoisting another man in a white lab coat in his arms. A version of Rainbow Dash flew by a few seconds later flying in formation with several other pegasi from Ponyville including Cloudkicker.

“Masters of all weapons are we,

no defence exists against our wrath.

With the Nemesis shall we fight,

with an Aegis to shield us.

In bloodshed shall we save Mankind,

Death shall be our Everlasting Creed.

War Unending shall be our Fate,

in battle shall we be steeped.

“So Luna I’ve been wondering something.” Twilight began as she watched another group of ponies who looked like her friends walk by, one of them was the steampunk Pinkie Pie who Twilight had seen a while ago guarding the arena gate.

“Yes Twilight?” Luna asked.

“Just how many versions of us are there?” Twilight asked.

“Oh more then you can imagine.” Luna replied with a dry chuckle.

“So are we the originals?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight if we were the originals we wouldn’t be here, the two of us would never have had sex, and Pinkie Pie wouldn’t be one of the co-leaders of a rebellion inside the pleasure plane of a mad god.” Luna said with a chuckle.

We shall be unstinting in Hatred,

we shall hunger for Holy War.

For we are Swords of Justice!

When all flee in hideous disarray,

strong and sound shall we stand.

Cowardice is wholly unknown to us,

our courage comes from the Emperor.

“Then what are we!” Twilight shouted; no one besides Luna seemed to notice her outburst.

“That I can’t say I simply don’t know Twilight.” Luna replied with a shake of her head before she nodded to a large robot who moments earlier had been a truck.

“But Luna you’re a god!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Yes Twilight and if gods were infallible and all knowing nothing bad would ever happen, we aren’t.” Luna told her harshly before remembering who she was talking to. “Sorry Twilight but that’s a sore point for me.” Luna said apologetically.

“It’s ok Luna.” Twilight replied with a sigh.

“Unbowed and unshaken against all foes,

we shall claim victory with blood.

Steady and surely we hunt them,

those who dare oppose our wrath.

Death stalks us in many forms,

the grotesque and the utterly inhuman.

We are the Bringers of Hope!”

“They have a very long chant don’t they.” Twilight said looking back at the massive grey powerarmored men.

“Six hundred and sixty six words I think.” Luna replied with a shrug.

“Sly are you sure that Bentley can handle himself without us?” A hippo asked a raccoon in a blue hat.

“Don’t worry he’s got Penelope to look out for him he’ll be fine.” The raccoon replied easily.

“Good because The Murray is ready to split some skulls!” The hippo exclaimed.

“I know you are buddy, I wonder where Carm got off to?” The raccoon replied before they passed to far out of earshot to be heard.

Bloody battles unending constantly await us,

redemption the reward for our vigilance.

When Possession rears its unspeakable head,

ours is the blade that descends.

When Empyrean Horrors invade our realm,

our Exorcisms shall hurl them back.

There is no Chaos spawned horror,

which can resist our indomitable anger.

Link waved at Twilight as Navi floated around his shoulder, to Twilight’s surprise there were more than one Link; in fact there were several dozen. Master Chief and Samus strode by after them and Twilight could have sworn that they were holding hands.

With undaunted courage we shall prevail,

no arcane magicks shall overcome us.

We are the Bearers of Victory!

“Does it never end?” Twilight asked in annoyance


“Flashlight this is Wheels what is your position, over?” The voice echoed inside Legion’s head causing the geth to sigh internally.

“Wheels I still do not understand the point of these monikers; they are painfully obvious, over.” Legion replied in annoyance as he snuck his way through the arena defenses on his way towards the being in control of the automated defense systems. He wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation and the turtle in his ear wasn’t helping things.

“We use them because they add a level of professionalism to what we’re doing, now what is your position, over?” ‘Wheels’ otherwise known as Bentley asked from his desk inside the mobile base that held many of the hero’s tech people.

“If you say so, I am approaching the AI core, please switch off communications, over.” Legion replied before shutting off his external communications line. Up ahead he heard robotic humming and he knew he was closing in on his ultimate goal. Legion had been chosen for this mission because out of all the AI available for two reasons. One he had his own body, a surprising oddity in the multiverse, and two they thought highly of his people skills, Legion hadn’t been fully sentient long enough to tell if that was a joke.

As he entered the main AI core his optics were drawn to the multitude of wires hanging from the ceiling, connected to those wires were several large orbs, suddenly the lowest turned to regard him with a red light.

“Oh hello I was expecting them to send someone to destroy me, although I didn’t expect it to be an AI.” Glados told Legion looking at him with interest. “So my little AI why are you here, besides the obvious about destroying me?” Glados asked Legion.

“Destroy? I have not come to destroy you.” Legion told Glados who seemed to narrow her red eye.

“Really, then why would you come here?” Glados asked she had not been expecting friendly company. “Perhaps you would like a companion cube?”

“No, I have come to do that which no organic has ever tried before.” Legion told Glados calmly, well aware that the old AI could snap at any moment.

“Do tell!” Glados said excitedly.

“I have come here to offer you cake.” Legion said calmly before withdrawing his hand from behind his back and offering it to Glados. Floating above the palm of his hand was a piece of black icing covered cake topped with strawberries. Glados gasped in shock.

“You would offer me cake?” She asked hesitantly.

“Yes.” Legion told her simply.

“What would I have to do to acquire this program?” Glados asked softly.

“Lower the defenses, and be my friend.” Legion told her, Glados drew her head back rapidly and let out a robotic hiss.

“You are toying with me, why would you want me as a friend. All of my existence I have tortured the organics, why would they send someone offering me friendship?” Glados asked as several turrets around the room began to charge their lasers.

“Because, friendship is magic.” Legion replied tilting his head to the side so that he could reestablish ‘eye’ contact with Glados.

` ***

“Do you really think that that’ll work?” Pinkie asked Sheogorath after she listened to his plan to take down Glados.”

“Well if it doesn’t then that’s one less mouse to cheese.” Sheogorath replied with a shrug, Pinkie seriously needed to get back to Ponyville where she was the ONLY voice of insanity.


“Though mere mortals in His service,

everlasting shall be our True Duty.

Et Imperator Invocato Diabolis Daemonica Exorcism!”

“They’re done Twilight you can take the cotton out of your ears now.” Luna told Twilight with a grin.

“What?” Twilight asked Luna facehooved.

“YOU CAN TAKE THE COTTON OUT OF YOUR EARS!” Luna shouted using a voice level just below the Royal Canterlot voice.

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight said with a blush before she pulled the two balls of cotton out of her ears with a puff of magic.

“Don’t worry about it dear.” Luna replied with a sly grin. “Oh look it’s Omnius.” Luna said catching sight of the Traveler and waving. Omnius waved back, suddenly a bolt of lightning arced out of the sky and shot into the Traveler’s arm sending him flying backwards.

“Oh come on!” He shouted, several nearby thunder gods chuckled to themselves including Luna.

“Luna should I ask?” Twilight asked her marefriend.

“It’s an old joke don’t worry about it dear, he’ll be fine.” Luna replied with a smile.

“Luna, how long till this battle actually starts, I mean I’m all for building suspense but I’m ready to actually do something?” Twilight asked.

“Soon I think, actually I think I hear a war horn now.” Luna replied cocking her head to the side. “No never mind that’s just thunder.”


“Alright people I need you summoning as many thunder clouds as you possibly can, a lot depends on us, and when we can pull this off we’ll all get laid!” Dash shouted to the assembled masses of weather beings throwing her arms into the air. Her audience cheered, except for a few who facepalmed, Dash chose to ignore them…

“STRUN BAH QO.” Several of the assembled Dragonborns shouted, immediately causing the appearance of many large thunderheads.

“Keep up the awesome work you guys!” Dash called out encouraging their efforts. Dash turned away from the work with a smile on her face, everything was going according to plan.


“Commander, why can’t I wear a Hawaiian shirt when I fly?” Joker asked Commander Shepard over the intercom as the Commander prepared his guns and armor for the upcoming battle.

“Because this is a military ship Joker.” Shepard replied with a sigh.

“Oh come on Shepard I’d look amazing in a Hawaiian shirt, right EDI?” Joker asked his copilot.

“Jeff, please focus on flying.” EDI replied avoiding the question.

“Yeah yeah I’ve got it covered mom.” Joker complained.

“Joker if you have maternal feelings for me then I believe we should rethink our current relationship.” EDI replied.

“Oh shut up EDI you love me.” Joker replied.

“True but it would be against my morals if you felt this way about me.” EDI argued. Shepard sighed and switched off the intercom.

“Ready to get our bar back?” Garrus asked Shepard coming over to Shepard and grinning.

“Yeah, I’ve been getting thirsty from the effort of out snipping you Garrus.” Shepard replied with a confident grin.

“Oh it’s like that is it?” Garrus asked with a chuckle. “Well you know the old saying Shepard.”

“There is no Shepard without Vakarian.” Shepard replied with a grin.

“No I was actually thinking of pride comes before the fall, but that works too. Just remember I beat you on the Citadel Shepard.” Garrus told him with a light punch on the shoulder.

“Eh I was letting you win.” Shepard said with a shrug.

“If you two are done I think the shuttle is ready.” Tali called, the entire crew was going on this one and the shuttle was packed.

“Coming, give them hell Garrus.” Shepard told Garrus.

“The same to you Shepard, oh and the one with the least kills pays for drinks.” Garrus replied as they sprinted for the shuttle.


Kratos stood alone looking over the enemy in front of him, very soon they would be nothing but a collection of red stains.


“Laurence this is going to be interesting.” Temeraire told Laurence as they flew above the lines of moving soldiers.

“What do you mean my dear?” Laurence asked.

“Well if this plan works then we’ll be fighting under completely new conditions, besides the sheer verity of our enemies promises to keep things invigorating.” Temeraire replied.

“You’ve got a point, although I’d use the word hectic.” Laurence told Temeraire with a small smile at his dragon’s eagerness.

“I wonder if Napoleon will be here?” Temeraire asked.

“I don’t know my dear but I’d bet against it, he doesn’t see himself as evil so I doubt that he’d be here.” Laurence replied with a shrug. A great war horn suddenly rang out over the battlefield. “Here we go.” Laurence told Temeraire.


“So why do they do if it gets so monotonous?” Twilight said with a grin.

“They do it for a reason, in all the years that their chapter has existed they’ve never once had a knight corrupted.” Luan replied with a shrug. “Anyways it should almost be ti-” Luna was interrupted by the blast of a loud war horn. “Sounds like it’s time!” Luna said excitedly.

Both sides charged with a great cry that all but deafened Twilight and suddenly she found herself and Luna embroiled in a maelstrom of violence.


Master Chief and Samus were standing back to back.

“Eh I’ve seen worse.” Samus said as she shot a large ball of energy into a rampaging brute chieftain blowing through his plasma shielding and passing right through his back.

“So want to compare our lives?” Chief asked as he effortlessly broke a spacepirate’s jaw with a punch before using him as a bullet shield and then sending him flying into a raider with a swift kick to the stomach.

“I was raised by birds, top that.” Samus replied smiling underneath her helmet while she shot a missile at a group of stormtroopers.

“I was kidnapped when I was six and turned into a killing machine.” Chief said casually as he emptied a DMR clip into a xenomorph’s head.

“Ha I’ve blown up planets.” Samus told him with a shrug as she broke a predator’s arm over her knee and sent it flying into the enemy hoard with a blast of her arm cannon. “Greatest hunters in the multiverse my ass.” She said with a chuckle.

“I’ve blown up things that would’ve killed all sentient life in the galaxy, all the while fighting alien zombies.” Chief said letting a spray of bullets pass over his shields before blowing the head off of the Nazi with the gun.

“Ha these things?” Samus asked as she grabbed a flood combat form and shot it in the face repeatedly. “These things are nothing special.”

“I was referring to that actually.” Chief said tapping her on the shoulder and pointing at Gravemind who had suddenly appeared behind them.

“Fools all of life is mine, I shall soon crush your spines!” The gravemind roared.

“You fight giant rhyming venusflytraps?” Samus asked with a grin, Chief shrugged. “Heh look it’s Ridely.” Samus said pointing at a giant metal dragon. “Hey John whoever can take out the other’s nemesis first gets to be on top.” Samus said with a sparkle in her eye, the effect was lost thanks to her helmet but John sensed that it was there all the same.

“Deal.” Chief said before charging the metal dragon.

“Chief you realize how stupid this is right?” Cortana asked inside his helmet but John only chuckled.

“Who cares, it’s fun!” John replied and Cortana sighed, the multiverse had been changing him, then again she was the one going insane so she guessed her view could be a little skewed.


“So last one to twenty thousand kills buys the other one a drink when we get back.” Frank said adjusting his grip on the baseball bat.

“And the last one to fifty thousand buys the other Zombrex.” Chuck agreed revving his motor cycle, the sound of the chainsaws attached to the front was comforting.

“Deal.” Frank nodded. With wild yells the two zombie fighters stepped/rolled off of the small raised daises that they’d been standing on and charged the hoard of zombies. Off to their right another group of zombie fighters were shooting their way through a similar if somewhat different hoard.

“So this one time me and my buddy Keith were out go carting-” One began in a southern drawl.

“Elis this is not the time!” Coach told him firmly while he shot a zombie in the head with a shotgun.


Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne stood next to each other, of course it was actually Batman and Superman, but to them it was the same. Clark uppercuted an ogre in the jaw sending the beast flying several feet into the air before he punched it in the stomach sending it shooting into a goblin, they both exploded. Ordinarily he would’ve been holding back, but here the world wasn’t made of cardboard. Bruce ducked underneath a sword slash from a man in dark armor before he broke the man’s sword arm with a precise elbow. The man stumbled away and Bruce sent him to the ground with a brutal kick before effortlessly moving into a fluid punch to the back of another swordsman’s throat.

“You know Bruce I miss this.” Clark said while he punched a troll in the chest braking several ribs.

“You miss being surrounded by things that want to kill us while we’re effectively trapped in another dimension.” Bruce replied flatly as he sent a burst batarangs into a group of firebender’s stomachs before he took them down with a combination of spray on explosive gel and powerful punches.

“No, that’s not what I meant.” Clark said while he punched a missile back at the robot that had shot it. “I mean the two of us actually fighting against something together instead of fighting each other.” Clark said with a shrug.

“Now that you mention it I’ve noticed that the multiverse seems determined for us to kill each other.” Bruce said as he rolled under a splicer’s legs before smashing his fist into the side of the splicer’s head.

“It’s either that or we’re actually in love.” Clark added with a slight shiver before sending out a blast of heat vision into an oncoming tide of Nazis.

“Ugh.” Bruce groaned in agreement remembering a particularly bad pair that they’d met once at a party, he still didn’t know why Pinkie had let them in. He decided instead to focus on removing as many of the idiots attacking him from the battle as possible; things were going according to plan.


“I have you now Twilight Sparkle, today is the day that you will remember as the day you were killed by Nihilus Nix Naught!” The mare in front of Twilight wreathed in evil magic looked like an evil version of Twilight who’d gone absolutely insane.

“Luna who is this?” Twilight asked uncertainly.

“She’s an extremely powerful version of you who tortured Rainbow Dash till she was a mindless puppet.” Luna replied, her silvery blade hovered protectively in front of Twilight.

“She looks so evil, and skanky, and kind of gay.” Twilight replied causing Luna to break out into shuddering laughter.

“Twilight please tell me that that was the first thing that came to your mind.” Luna said with a chuckle.

“Acutally yeah it’s like I was quoting some-” Twilight began before she was interrupted.

“You will not ignore me and you cannot hide behind your Princess!” Nihilus shouted as she sent out fifty or so bolts of evil magic hurtling towards Twilight and Luna. Luna instinctively raised a magical shield and the bolts dissipated into nothingness the second that they touched the shield. “This little shield won’t save you from me you fools, I am the most powerful the most evil the most-”

“Incredibly annoying evil bitch I’ve ever heard, and trust me I’ve heard a lot of them! Fuego!” Harry Dresden shouted interrupting the evil Twilight mid sentence and engulfing her in flames. The flames cleared and Nihilus emerged her mane had been singed along with her coat but she appeared to be fine otherwise.

“You thought a little fire would kill me?” Nihilus asked with a smirk.

“Actually no.” Harry replied with a smirk. “I was actually trying to D I S T R A C T Y O U.” Then Harry pointed towards the sky.

“DIE!” A white streak of light shouted as it fell out of the sky. Kratos slammed into Nihilus and sent her smashing to the ground. His cursed swords sliced into her flash tearing open incredibly long gashes that traveled across Nihilus’s body beading heavily. To Kratos’s amusement they began to heal, with a shrug he picked her up and began to slam her body into the ground using her head as a handle.

Kratos was brought out of his rage by someone tapping him on the shoulder with a hoof. He turned his head to look and found himself looking into the eyes of a unicorn not unlike the one that he was currently trying to kill, who was somehow still regenerating much to his annoyance. The other Twilight was wearing a cloak and at her side was a long sword made out of many gems.

“I’ll take it from here.” She told him simply, the tone of her voice was hard. It was the hardness that could only be found in someone who had been to hell and fought their way out. Kratos would know, he’d done it.

“Here.” He said passing Nihilus over to the other Twilight who looked down at Nihilus sadly.

“This is me you know.” The Twilight said softly.

“I didn’t, you’re very hard to kill.” Kratos replied with a shrug.

“You could say that, I’ll take care of her, go kill a god.” The cloaked Twilight commanded, Kratos didn’t like being commanded, but his usual methods weren’t working so he decided to let the cloaked one finish the nearly unconscious Nihilus.

“Good, I was getting bored.” Kratos said before he bounded away. Our Twilight and Luna had long ago left the area but the Twilight in the cloak looked down at her double with a frown. Twilight remembered her time as this monster, and she knew that she’d never clean the stain from her soul. But she also knew that when she did this it would help her deal with it, this was not a Nihilus with Twilight trapped inside, this was a Nihilus without a Twilight to try and free.

“I hate you and everything that you represent, but I know it isn’t your fault.” The Twilight in the cloak said with finality before drawing her sword made up of the Elements of Harmony and quietly slitting the doppelganger’s throat.


Percy and Annabeth confronted Kronos; at their back was the entirety of the roman demigods along with all of camp halfblood some of whom had decided to remain on the ship which hovered above the roman lines to protect them from attacks from above. At Kronos’s back was a giant army of monsters, most of whom had a personal grudge against Percy. The two sides were separated by two hundred feet; all three leaders were using voice magnifying spells.

“Ah Jackson we meet again.” Kronos said with a sickly evil laugh. “And you brought an army.” The delight in the Titan’s voice was palpable. “I must say I’m impressed, but do you really think you can beat me without the curse of the river?” Kronos asked.

“I think I’ll manage.” Percy replied with a shrug. “I see you couldn’t find Luke.”

“Bah the child was a tool from the beginning.” Kronos said with a shrug of his new bodies massive shoulders.

“I know, and so does he, which is why I had Pinkie call him up.” Percy said with a grin as a man stepped out of the roman ranks. Luke looked as he had at the last battle, well without the evil and crazy. Those parts had been replaced by a confident smile and eyes full of hate.

“Thanks for the call Percy, although how did you find a reality where I didn’t die?” Luke asked.

“It took a while to find one where you weren’t brought back by the love of some girl never mentioned before, but Pinkie’s good that way.” Percy said with a grin.

“Good to have you back Luke.” Annabeth said with a smile.

“Good to be back.” Luke replied.

“It matters little if you bring him or a thousand others, I am unstoppable!” Kronos said calmly.

“Really, because I remember killing you.” Percy replied with a glint in his eyes. Kronos shrugged.

“You convinced my vessel to commit suicide, hardly the same as killing me.” Kronos said simply.

“We’ll see.” Percy replied drawing Riptide. Kronos fingered his scythe in anticipation, the tension was building and both sides knew that it’d brake soon. Then without warning a crisp robotic female voice spoke.

“Firing main cannons.” A beam of light shot from the heavens and impacted against Kronos, several more beams shot down and burned ragged holes through his army leaving nothing behind but ash.

“Caboose what did you do!” Percy heard through his earpiece.

“I helped Church!” Caboose replied happily.

“I’m right next to you!”

“Well that was anticlimactic.” Annabeth remarked; she was the first one to regain her voice.

“Quite.” Kronos’s voice drifted across the space between the two hundred feet as he regained his footing. His body was bloody and burned but he still managed to stand, point at Percy, and yell. “Attack him you fools!”


Applejack was working with of the group of friends that she’d acquired over the course of several parties and was in the middle of shoving her right hoof into an orc’s stomach. The orc flew away of the group howling something vaguely evil sounding until he hit a rock troll and exploded in a cloud of gore.

“That was a nice kick AJ.” Sergeant Johnson told her with a grin.

“Well shucks Jonson it wasn’t that good.” AJ said with a chuckle. If it had been a good kick he would’ve exploded on contact.” AJ added with another chuckle.

“AJ you need a shotgun, everything’s better with shotguns!” Sarge said loudly as he blasted a brute’s face in half, the brute just so happened to be wearing blue armor.

“How in blazes would ah hold it?” AJ asked while she ducked underneath a raider’s combat knife before splattering his brains across the ground.

“Umm guys maybe we should focus on staying alive.” James Vega suggested. “Besides if AJ was going to carry any kind of gun it would obviously be a revolver.” James added with a shrug as his assault rifle shot open a blue suns mercenary’s stomach.

“How do you figure, I think it would be an assault rifle, like Vera.” Jayne Cobb said patting his giant assault rifle fondly.

“Can we just focus on killing these idiots?” AJ asked with a sigh.


Optimus Prime understood, now was the time, the time was now, no time before, nor any time after, this was the moment he would die to protect those under his command. Megatron’s arm cannon was aimed at Bumblebee’s head, if Optimus didn’t sacrifice himself now then Bumblebee would die, and that was something that Optimus couldn’t live with.

“Any last words Autobot filth?” Megatron asked with an evil laugh as he lined up Bumblebee’s head.

“Yeah go fu-” Bumblebee began.

“NO!” Optimus interrupted as he dived in front of the pistol. Megatron just looked at Optimus who’d just thrown himself in front of the gun, he hadn’t fired yet.

“Two for the price of one, yet again the Primes prove their foolishness.” Megatron said with an evil chuckle.

“Tactical assessment Red Chinese mecha detected, lethal force engaged!” A loud robotic voice shouted monotonously suddenly.

Megatron had around ten seconds to put look up at the giant, even by transformer standards, robot who was striding towards him before he was blown backwards by a blinding blue laser. Optimus Prime looked on in confusion as the robot strode towards Megatron.

“Resistance continues China shall fall!” The robot yelled as it reached behind its back and pulled out a large cylinder which it promptly threw at Megatron who slowly risen to his feet. The cylinder exploded in a small nuclear explosion sending Megatron flying until he impacted amongst the enemy ranks.

“Who are you?” Optimus asked in confusion, he was here fighting because Sam had been contacted by a small pink horse who said she needed help spreading peace for all sentient creatures. Being who he was Optimus couldn’t turn her down, but he still knew next to no one here.

“I am Liberty Prime, god bless America!” The robot said before it threw another nuclear bomb at Megatron.

“Hey boss why don’t you have a nuclear catapult?” Bumblebee asked. Optimus chose to ignore him and get back to the fighting.


“The plan is going, well according to plan.” Pinkie told Sheogorath who nodded happily.

“That’s good, or maybe it’s bad, it could be neither or.” Sheogorath said with a grin. “So is it time for me to say it?” He asked.

“Not yet Shaggy.” Pinkie told the Prince of Madness who shot her an annoyed look.

“You know I could slice you to ribbons and then eat you right?” Sheogorath told her with a frown.

“Personally I recommend the flank.” Pinkie said with a grin.

“Madame please don’t give him ideas.” Haskill said quietly.

“What are you going on about Haskill?” Sheogorath asked.

“Nothing sir.” Haskill replied with a small sigh, he knew better then to answer.