• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,878 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

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Oh and guys a game of Thrones spoiler for you, if you haven’t read A Dance With Dragons yet I advise you to read with care

“Twilight we may have a… erm minor problem.” Luna said as she walked into the main room of her housing complex within the Canterlot Palace. Twilight looked up from her meal in surprise.

“What is it Luna?” She asked uncertainly.

“Well you know that your friend Fluttershy writes clop fic novels don’t you?” Luna asked her.

“Fluttershy does what?!” Twilight asked in uncomprehending slack jawed amazement, Luna nodded.

“Yes she’s one of the most well known clop writers in all of Equestria, with all the books that you read I’m surprised that you haven’t heard of her.” Luna said arching an eyebrow and making Twilight blush deeply.

“I…would never read smut Luna” Twilight stuttered out.

“Well apparently when your friends wanted you to talk to them about your sex life with me…actually just look.” Luna placed a book on the table in front of Twilight, who did a spit take at the image adorning the cover.

“Is that you and me kissing on your bed?” Twilight asked, Luna nodded before she flipped through the book to an appropriate page and held it up for Twilight to see. “…and then she stuck her tongue inside…who then reared back in ecstasy…and then she shoved it in… By Celestia I’m going to kill her!” Twilight yelled throwing the book aside, Luna started to snicker. “What’s so funny Luna, doesn’t this make you angry?!” Twilight asked the alicorn.

“Twilight the people of our kingdom thrive on smut, it keeps them entertained to fantasize about what they can’t have and Fluttershy makes a good living off of it.” Luna said trying to placate her partner.

“This is still a major violation of my trust!” Twilight told her in outrage Luna looked at her hard for a few seconds.

“Yes Twilight, yes it was, but you freely gave out the information to your friends and you never told them to keep it secret so they could do with it what they wanted. Besides it’s good for the populace to actually be hearing true rumors about your sex life for once.”

“What do you mean by ‘true’ Luna?” Twilight’s voice was deadly calm

“Well usually it’s stories about you and Celestia, or Pinkie, or Dash, or Apple Jack, or Rarity, or occasionally Fluttershy, and every once in a while there’s one about you and Spike.” Twilight’s face had drained of all its blood; she looked like she was ready to kill.

“Luna, could you please explain to me why everypony in Equestria is so interested about my sex life?” Twilight asked Luna each word coming out like she was trying to avoid strangling something.

“It has something to do with the fact that you’re a hero to the populace who know you as the Element of magic who has saved the land from never ending evil twice and weekly saves the town of Ponyville.” Luna told her a small smile of pride creeping over her face, Twilight was stunned.

“Ponies look up to me?” she asked in astonishment Luna sighed, her marefriend could be so obtuse.

“Twilight let me put this another way, There’s Celestia, There’s me, there’s you, and then there’s every other pony in Equestria. That’s the way that the common pony sees you, you should be honored and happy with the fact that your friend reserved the right to write about you.”

“Wait so only Fluttershy is allowed to write about me having sex with my closest friends?” Luna nodded

“Normally we don’t allow that kind of thing in Equestria; ponies usually don’t like outright bans on what they can and can’t do, but because she knew how you would react Celestia passed an edict so that only your friends could write about you.” Twilight sighed.

“I’m still going to talk to her about it tonight at the party.” Twilight told Luna sounding the tiniest bit defeated.

“I think that that would be a good idea, just remind me to be around, it should be good.” Twilight glared at her, Luna smiled.


The music was thumping, the guests were enjoying themselves, and Pinkie had just finished Fluttershy’s latest novel. She had just spied Twilight and Luna walking up the walk towards the house and had to suppress a giggle, judging from the look on her face Twilight knew why she was giggling. Pinkie suppressed her inner laughter so that it was down to manageable levels as Twilight got closer.

“Hi Twilight you ready to party!” Pinkie asked her trying to keep Twilight’s attention from the fact that inside she was doubled over with laughter. Twilight gave her a death glare and stepped past her without a word; Luna shook her head and said.

“Trust me Pinkie she is, first though she needs to attempt not to kill Fluttershy, let’s watch this is going to be good.” Pinkie smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically.

“Haskill watch the door for me.”

“Of course Madam.” Haskill said rolling his eyes, Luna and Pinkie followed Twilight over to the table where Fluttershy was sitting along with the rest of Twilight’s friends. Fluttershy looked up to see Twilight approaching rapidly.

“Oh feathers.” She swore quietly as she noted the enraged expression on Twilight’s face. “Now Twilight do calm down I have to make a living somehow don’t I?” Fluttershy asked her voice pleading Twilight smiled at her and one of her eyes twitched.

“Fluttershy I have no problem with you making a living off of imagining me having sex with our friends, I’m actually flattered. What I do have a problem with however is you publishing things that I actually told you without my knowing.” Fluttershy was surprised, so was the rest of the table.

“Wait so you don’t have a problem with any of the others?” Fluttershy asked, Twilight shook her head.

“Except for the stuff about me and Spike, that’s just nasty.” Fluttershy blushed

“Sorry about that, my publisher made me, he said something about a periphery demographic that I was reaching.” Twilight shrugged

“Anyways I just wanted you to know that I’m ok with you writing this stuff, but please ask me before you publish something that I actually told you about, ok?” Fluttershy nodded “Then let’s party!” Twilight cried reaching for a drink, Pinkie looked quizzically at Luna.

“It thought you said it was going to be good.” She said

“It was, Twilight overcame her anger at her friend and now it’s time to party.” Pinkie regarded her levelly before she said.

“Luna you’ve been around Celestia to much if that’s your definition of ‘this is going to be good’.” She then turned around and began to walk to the door, Haskill lifted an eyebrow sardonically. “Oh shut up.” Pinkie muttered. Then Pinkie saw a situation starting to form between the Teen Titans and the newer group Young Justice “I had better go and keep that from getting out of hoof.” Pinkie told Haskill who nodded.

“Best of luck to you Madam.” The main problem seemed to be over table placement, the Titans were used to sitting at one table and Justice had inadvertently sat at it.

“Get out of our spot you punks!” Cyborg shouted at them in outrage

“Your spot, we were here first!”Kid Flash exclaimed, Cyborg’s Robin tried to restrain him but Cyborg wasn’t about to let a slight to his honor go so easily.

“What did you just say to me?!” Cyborg growled in anger.

“I said that we were here first.” Kid Flash responded his voice growing angry.

“If they say that it is there table perhaps we should leave.” Aqualad said laying a hand on KF’s shoulder, KF shrugged it off.

“If robot boy wants to fight over it I’m game.” KF said getting up from the table.

“Wally you’re being an idiot, sit down.” Artemis said pulling him back into his seat. Given the rate that the confrontation was progressing Pinkie decided that it would probably be more fun to watch then it would be to surpress.

“Yeah ‘Wally’ sit down, what’s the matter kid going to let the little birdie talk to you like that?” Cyborg asked KF mockingly, faster than he could see Artemis was on her feet with her bow out and an arrow drawn.

“You really don’t want to do that lug nut.” She said warningly. Suddenly Titian’s Robin shouted.

“Enough! Cyborg I’m not sure what’s gotten into you today but I don’t like it, if they were here first then they were here first, end of story!”

“But Robin that little redhead insulted me, and so did the chick with the bow.” Before Cyborg could say anything else he was encompassed in a black aura and forced to hover in place.

“I think that’s about all I can stand” Said Raven as she held Cyborg in her magical grasp.

“Azarathan magic, cool.” Said Zatanna noticing Raven’s power “I’m sdrawkcab reklat myself but I’ve heard of your people’s magic.”

“Interesting I haven’t met a fellow magician in a long time.” Raven said Cyborg had decided to settle for pouting to Beastboy who was mostly ignoring him.

“Thanks for keeping things under control other me.” Justice’s Robin said to Titan’s Robin who shrugged.

“No big deal, Cyborg’s been weird lately this is the fifth time I’ve had to do something like this.”

“Robin are we going to get pizza now?” Starfire asked Robin looking over the buffet in hope; Beastboy was at this point already there.

“Sure Star go ahead I’ll get some in a minute.” Robin told her, she flew off happily, Pinkie walked up from behind and asked.

“You wouldn’t happen to want another table over here would you, that way you can all talk together and we won’t have to worry about any brawls breaking out?” Both Robins nodded, after she saw to it that the arrangements had been made Pinkie hopped away leaving the two teams to intermix.

“How did it go Ma’am?” Haskill inquired once she got back to her spot at the door.

“Well it seems like they’re going to be getting along, oh hello Soren, sorry that I didn’t see you there.” Pinkie said to the barn owl who was flapping his wings in front of her.

“Don’t mention it Pinkie, the Band’s on break from saving the Tree so I figured that the four of us would stop in here for a good vole and some interesting conversation.” The owl replied as he flew in, followed by three others. Twilight was making rounds stopping off at random tables to chat with people that she knew. She’d already seen Link whose partnership with Navi was going well again thanks to her pep talk. Twilight had also finally managed to meet the illusive Littlepip who had been sitting at a table with Velvet, Calamity, and another mare named Homage. Littlepip had gotten a sad expression on her face when Twilight introduced herself, but other than that she had seemed like a perfectly nice, if somewhat troubled looking mare.

Pinkie was surprised by the next group of arrivals, mostly because all of the humans were dead already.

“John, Robb, Ygritte, I’m surprised to see you here.” Pinkie said as she met the three plus two large wolves.

“I wish I wasn’t here, but it’s too late to change that now, I’m here to relax, and to spend some quality time with Ygritte.” John said with a small sad smile on his face, Pinkie nodded solemnly as the five passed by, even Haskill didn’t remark. When they passed Pinkie let out a sad sigh.

“I hate it when we get parties of completely dead people; they always make me so sad.” She said softly, Haskill nodded sagely.

“Do not pity the dead Pinkie, they’ve moved on.” Then the atmosphere of the party returned to normal and Pinkie shook off her blues enough to walk around the floor. In the back corner of the room she noticed the shape of Katniss Everdeen sitting at a table alone drinking a glass of gin.

“Hi Katniss, how’re you feeling?” Pinkie asked the woman.

“I’m good Pinkie, or at least I’ve recovered from all of the stress, and Peeta and I are doing better than before. Hell even the mental scarring has started to heal at this point.” Pinkie nodded happily.

“I’m happy Katniss, if anyone deserves a happy ending it’s you.” Pinkie wandered away, a little while later and she found an elf and a dwarf having a drinking game.

“Have you given up yet Gimli, I can keep going?”

“Confound it elf I have no idea how you built up such a tolerance, but I swear that on this day I Gimli son of Gloin will defeat you in this game!” Gimli said this as he drank another shot most of which ended up on his beard, several shots latter he was out like a light, Pinkie walked up behind Legolas and asked.

“He does know that you’re essentially immune to alcohol right?” Legolas put a finger to his lips in the sign of silence.

“No but it is good for him to try and obtain the unobtainable, plus it’s fun for both of us.” The elf answered with a slight grin spreading to his face.

“Ok but make sure that he’s ok afterwards.” The party continued for several hours but eventually Twilight had had to call it quits, she was just too drunk to trust herself not to accidentally set off some kind of high power spell that might destroy the house. She staggered over to where Luna was standing talking to a couple of beings who looked extremely powerful, but thanks to her current state she couldn’t make out any specifics.

“Ok Luna…I think it’s…time to go.” Twilight slurred, Luna looked down at her with a concerned expression on her face.

“Are you ok Twilight, you look positively wasted?”

“That’s how I feel, can we go please?” Luna said goodbye to the beings who she was talking to and began to walk Twilight out of the house, Pinkie waved after them before they both vanished in a flash.


Ok first off I hope I didn’t piss off any Titans fans with my portrayal of Cyborg, none of the others on the team could have done it. Second off Sorry for the shortness of this chapter in comparison to the others, I’m kinda out of ideas. This is why I’m happy to announce that I will be taking almost any requests, unless said characters have been requested to many times by the same person or I have no idea who they are. Have fun suggesting guys I hope for many good ideas and suggestions.