• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,878 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

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An unexpected change of schedule

An unexpected change of schedule

The arena was hushed as Spike once again emerged from the floor Pinkie was noticeably absent, after the last match they’d taken a half hour break now it was time for the next match. The lights dimmed completely.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have a treat tonight, two of the most…” Spike’s speech was interrupted by a loud CRACK sound of displaced air. Hovering above the arena floor was a group of beings wherein dark cloaks.

“Be silent dragon, or we will do to you what we did to this pink one.” One of the figures said menacingly as it held up Pinkie Pie in one shrouded hand. Twilight gasped, Pinkie’s body was bloody and covered in bruises. The figure then threw Pinkie to the ground, with an audible crash. “Ladies and gentlemen we have been watching your little performances, and we are not amused.” The figure rasped, Twilight turned to look at Luna who was grinding her teeth.

“Luna what’s going on?” Twilight whispered quietly.

“I don’t know Twilight, but I don’t like it.” Her marefriend replied quietly.

“We have sealed this realm, none may enter nor may they leave, as of now all immunity and revives are off. We own this realm and you are to be our servants!” Another of the figures yelled, the audience was growing restless.


“Forzare!” The speakers were suddenly forced backwards as a wall of force slammed into them. Twilight watched in amazement as a familiar duster clad figure ran out onto the arena floor grabbed Pinkie and Spike in his arms and took off running towards the stands.

“Twilight teleport him up here right now!” Luna told Twilight urgently. Twilight focused on the moving target holding her friends and they reappeared in the box, Dresden was out of breath but otherwise unscathed.

“Thanks Twilight, I can’t fight that many gods at once.” Dresden panted setting Spike on the ground where Twilight wrapped him in a hug. Pinkie was a different matter entirely, her body was covered in burns, bruises, and cuts that wrapped her entire body in what would eventually become a very impressive layer of scar tissue. Luna pulled Twilight away with magic and Celestia knelt in front of her, her horn glowing.

“YOU FOOLS WILL NOT STAND BEFORE US WE ARE GODS!” The second voice yelled from outside the box.

“Lulu this is bad, we need a place where we can effectively fight back from, right now we’re just fish in a barrel.” Celestia told her sister who nodded.

“Where is Harry Potter?” Dumbledore asked Dresden urgently.

“He’s coming I think, we didn’t have much time to plan. He said something about finding Ron and Hermione.” Dresden said as he accepted a glass of water from Ebenezar, suddenly one of Pinkie’s eyes shot open.

“We need to get to Base 42; it’s highly defensible and big enough to hold all of us.” Pinkie said slowly wobbling to her feet; a microphone appeared next to her face. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for this interruption but it’s a little out of my control at the moment. This is a private frequency that the enemy cannot access, leave the arena immediately! Once out follow the glowing gold trail that should appear in front of you to the base there we will restock, resupply, and prepare to take back our dimension form these big meenies!” Pinkie’s voice cracked once or twice but her message made it through.

“Some of you are going to planning to fight back I assume, I’d just like to warn you that that would be a truly bad idea.” A voice oozed out of one of the figures. The crowd ignored him and began rushing towards the exit. “Fine, leave you’ll only learn that it’s hopeless to hide.” The slippery voiced figure continued with a shrug as the trillions of audience members fled the arena.

“Pinkie where is Base 42?” Celestia asked urgently.

“Just follow the golden trial, now if you’ll excuse me I need to fall unconscious…” Pinkie said and promptly did so.

“We need to get out of here!” Rainbow Dash said, she was right the ‘gods’ may have been watching in amusement, but they had helpers who were not so content. A group of orcs was charging towards their booth swords in hand. Alberich stepped forward sword in hand and cut them apart with simple grace.

“We’re leaving, someone grab Pinkie and Spike.” Celestia said as a golden flaming sword materialized itself above her head, Luna followed suit but her sword was silver and reflected moonlight. The large group started forward with the two goddesses in front, Alice, Evanlyn, and the woman in white were in the middle of the group with Twilight holding Pinkie in her magic and Spike ridding on her back. Ebenezar and Dumbledore walked on either side of them staff and wand at the ready, Will came next bow at the ready. Horace and Alberich brought up the rear of the formation their swords at the ready.

Dark creatures erupted from the ground and began to rush the group; they all had a distinctive heartlike symbol on their chest. Before the creatures could get to them two men jumped down from another level and slashed through the creatures with swords that seemed to be made of giant keys. They nodded respectfully to Celestia before running off to help another group of travelers. Twilight was close to mental breakdown at this point, everywhere she looked there was violence and she spotted some of the friends she’d made at the parties battling for their lives.

“I came here to get away from fighting damnit!” A voice that sounded like Twilight’s yelled as a pony who looked like Twilight ran through their path a large glowing sword grasped firmly in her magic. The other Twilight jumped towards a group of attacks with her sword performing a beautiful dance of death as she went. Running beside her in a black cloak was another pony who carried a sword and a bottle of whiskey in his magic.

“How about we focus on killing these things first?” He asked her after he took a sip of whisky; Twilight heard the other Twilight grunt before she looked away.

“Luna who was that?” She called.

“A version of you who is playing the immortal game, don’t worry about it!” Luna shouted back as she hacked her way through a large troll.

“BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!” A human yelled running towards their group with a chainsaw sword grasped firmly in his hand, a large gray armored figure stepped out of the shadows and impaled the human on a humming energy spear.

“I think not.” The armored figure said quietly before moving on.

“This is insane!” Twilight yelled as wave of zombies stumbled towards them, a man riding a motorcycle mounted with chainsaws drove through them leaving nothing but a red streak behind.

“Thank Faust for duct tape.” Celestia chuckled, Luna much to Twilight’s confusion joined in. A group of slavering bat creatures jumped towards their group only to be intercepted by literal column of fire shooting out of Dresden’s staff.

“You know, I already killed all of them once…” Dresden muttered to himself as he burned through several others “…You’d think they’d have the decency to stay dead!”

They were closing in on the exit when they saw an awesome sight, a man in blue spandex and a red cape was standing with his back to a golden haired man, and a man who looked like a cowboy. Surrounding them was a large pile of bodies, all of which were bloody and broken, the golden haired man smiled when he saw Celestia and threw her a small green bag. Celestia nodded gratefully and passed the bag to Twilight.

“Give Pinkie one of the beans in there; it should bring her back to normal.” Celestia told Twilight as she cut a snakeman in half. Twilight forced the odd looking bean down Pinkie’s throat and to her surprise the party pony jumped out of her magic.

“Woah! This is not what I had planned but we definitely need to leave right now!” Pinkie said rapidly as she waved at Goku Superman and Chuck Norris to get their attention. “Boys I’m trusting you to hold off those evil gods, keep them from attacking the weaker people.” Pinkie told them, the three nodded and took up fighting positions. “Okay dokey loky, let’s go everyone!” Pinkie said as she ran for the exit. Suddenly a new shape emerged from the shadows, Pinkie gasped. It was Edward Cullen; he was covered in blood and was stalking towards her like a predator.

“Remember me?” He asked with an evil grin spreading across his face “You wouldn’t let me into your party well now I’m going to ki…”

“ROCKET!” Edward was interrupted by a grinning man in a straw hat; he was thrown back by a punch that to Twilight looked completely impossible.

“Thanks Luffy!” Pinkie cried as the group ran past, the man tipped his hat.

“No one messes with my friends!” Luffy said before he launched himself at the vampire who was for some reason sparkling. Just as they were about to exit the arena a group of men wearing chainmail armor with large crosses on their chests charged, Celestia and Luna readied their swords. Before the men could get any closer two men in white cloaks leaped down from overhead and landed on the Templers with a sickening crunch as their wristblades plunged into the necks of the downed men. The other Templers stopped and exchanged scared looks; the two assassins exchanged smiles before they charged the Templers cutting them down in seconds. Then one of them bowed to Pinkie and said.

“Let us know next time before you plan a party Pinkie, that way I can bring more friends.”

“I didn’t plan this Ezio, but have fun!” Pinkie told him with a wink as she took off leaving the two men laughing and Twilight’s group running after her. As they exited the arena they were confronted by a large army of mythological monsters. “Well this should be interesting…” Pinkie said causing Twilight to look at her in confusion.

“Pinkie what could possibly be interesting about this?” Twilight asked the pinki pony who just stood there looking at the assembled army.

A roar came from behind them and two figures flew over them to land in front of the army of myths. One of them Twilight recognized as Kratos, the other was a man with brown hair wearing an orange shirt carrying a bronze sword.

“So Kratos how about we finish arguing later and kill these monsters?” The man in the orange shirt said.

“Of course you know son of Poseidon once we are through here our grudge will continue.” Kratos said.

“Yeah I know, now let’s kill us some monsters!” Percy yelled as he charged into the hoard reducing monsters to dust with every swing of his sword. Kratos followed, leaving a much bloodier trail in his wake. Pinkie began to run through the gap in the army that the two warriors were carving them. Twilight watched in awe as Percy swept up an arm and a nearby river smashed into the wall of monsters sweeping many away to a watery grave. Kratos topped him with the sheer brutality of his kills, Twilight shuddered slightly as he strangled a giant with a centaurs intestines.

Eventually they managed to get out of the army of monsters leaving Percy and Kratos to continue their fun, Twilight had never paid much attention to it before but the landscape of this plane of existence was actually quite nice. The land that they were running over for example was made up of rolling green hills, a small river babbled nearby causing Twilight to almost forget that they were running for their lives. That forgetfulness was immediately addressed when a group of dark crowlike birds swooped down at them claws at the ready. The creatures were intercepted by a group of owls, leading them was a barnowl who had a blade of ice clutched in his talons.

“Thanks Soren!” Pinkie yelled to the owl who nodded in-between sword cuts dead crow creatures fell from the sky like rain as the owls cut their way through them.

“Pinkie, you realize that we could have handled all of these problems by ourselves, right?” Celestia asked Pinkie raising an eyebrow as they continued to run.

“Well duh!” Pinkie said. “But this way we save our energy so that we can get to Base 42; after all I’m the leader of this résistance.” Pinkie said in an accent that sounded distinctly French, Celestia shook her head and turned her eyes back to the horizon.

“How much farther is it to this Base 42?” Twilight asked, unlike the rest of the group she wasn’t in the most amazing shape.

“A day, barring the sudden and pleasant appearance of a deus ex machina of course.” Pinkie responded then looked up at the sky as if hoping for an airship to arrive at any second, when none appeared Pinkie pouted. “Come on you know you don’t want to type out a day of travel!” Pinkie yelled at no one, still nothing happened, Pinkie sighed in resignation. “It was worth a try.” Pinkie told the group who just stared at her. “Could I at least get a timeskip?” Pinkie asked the sky, none was forthcoming.

As they traveled onward they reached a large dark forest they traveled down the main path with Celestia lighting the way with her flaming sword, Twilight couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. Eventually after maybe ten minutes of walking they were stopped by what appeared to be a large army of human sized rats, stouts, and other vermin. At the head of the group was a smaller group of much more intimidating vermin.

“Well would you look at what we have here boys, a group of ponies...” Said a rat whose tail ended in a large blade, before he could get any farther into what was surely going to be a thrilling speech a shower of arrows rained down on the vermin standing behind him.

“Mossflower!” Yelled an army of mice, squirrels, one angry looking hare, and several heavily otters. Behind them came an army of hares headed by several large badgers carrying extremely large weapons. Pinkie nodded a greeting to a mouse who carried a large sword as he beheaded one of the rats before she led their way through the clashing armies. After they had left the clashing armies behind two large white blue eyed horses drew up to them, Alberich and the woman went up to meet them.

“Alberich you can’t believe how nice it is to be able to talk out loud again.” The muscular stallion told Alberich with a chuckle before he turned to Celestia. “Greetings Princess, I hope your day with my chosen has been going well.”

“Of course Kantor, he’s been a very nice addition to the party.” Celestia replied with a grin.

“I’m sure he has.” Kantor smirked “By the way, Pinkie Shalkan and Kellen are leading an army of elves for you and are shielding your advance.”

“Okay doki, thanks a bunch Kantor!” Pinkie told him as they began to make their way through the forest again. In the background Twilight heard the sounds of great battles being held, the sounds of men and women fighting and dying. This wasn’t like it had been before, now there was no reset button, everything was for keeps. Twilight began to cry silently, there was too much senseless death, it was so unexpected and now that the shock had worn off it pain of those around her was like being punched in the stomach. Luna dropped into step beside her mare friend and placed a comforting magical aura around the purple pony to ease the impact of the pain.

After an hour of walking they emerged on the other side of the forest to find a massive killing field spread out before them. A woman with fiery red hair approached them ridding on the back of the giant snow leopard that Twilight recognized as Tharaman from her third party. The woman jumped off the leopard and walked forward to meet Pinkie who had somewhere along the line acquired a cap with five stars attached to it.

“I’m glad to see you Pinkie; we need to get you to base 42 as quickly as possible.” The woman said throwing her red hair to the wind for a second.

“Thank you Queen Thirrin, will you be escorting us yourself?” Pinkie asked the woman, she was being strangely businesslike.

“No, I’m needed to hold them from our position as long as possible. My army will cover you while we work in with Kellen’s to delay them.” The woman replied with a tiny smile before she remounted Tharaman who took the opportunity to call.

“Drinking match back at base Luna, I’ll kick your ass this time!” before the two of them bounded away across the battlefield to assist a group of very violent unicorns in dealing with a group of evil looking dog creatures.

“You know it’s too bad almost no one actually knows who either she or Kellen are.” Pinkie told Celestia who shrugged. The two armies must have been working well because their trip was only interrupted once. A group of ponies who were covered in blood and some kind of spike covered armor approached them laughing darkly. They were interrupted by a chariot flying overhead where a pony Twilight recognized as Littlepip and a heavier armored stallion unleashed death upon them.

“Thanks Littlepip!” Pinkie called as the gore bits fell to the ground.

“We thought you could use a helping hoof, got to go!” Littlepip called as the chariot flew away.

After an two hours of uneventful walking a large castle appeared on the horizon stealing Twilight’s breath; it was bigger than the arena!

“Welcome to Base 42, big enough to house life, the universe, and everything.” Pinkie said with a grin.