• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,876 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

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The Stadium was silent as the spotlight once more made its way to the middle of the floor, Spike and Pinkie’s dais rose up out of the floor of the arena until it started to literally float.

“Ladies and Gentlemen now is the time for tonight’s last fight and boy is it a doozy!” Spike said into the mic.

“You’re right about that Spike, we’ve looked for some of the most talented dragon riders that there are, or at least that we’ve heard of and gathered them here tonight to shed each other’s blood. It’s all in good fun of course and no one will actually die, but you already know that so let’s get this thing started!” Pinkie said into the mic to the loud roar of the crowd.

“The rules of this fight are simple, it is a free for all in which any dragon my attack any other dragon or rider. All natural abilities except magic are allowed which include all forms of elemental breath, shouts with the exception of dragonrend, and armor. Now let’s begin with introductions.” Spike said with a flourish of his hands “Our first master of aerial combat is a man by the name of Lord Hal Kailas; he’s been a soldier for most all of his life during which time he led a large company of dragonriders in defense of his country. He and a small group of riders pushed back an assault on their world by an army of demons who had previously destroyed a advanced magical civilization.

His dragon Storm has seen just as much action as he has and has established a firm mental link to his master which he exploits to give them the edge over other riders.” The arena seemed to stretch itself even wider then it had been as a monstrous brown dragon emerged from a large gap that had appeared, on its neck sat a handsome blonde man wearing silver chainmail armor with a sword at his hip and an intricate crossbow strapped across his back. The certain members of crowd gave them a standing ovation while the majority of them just looked confused; Twilight gathered that Hal wasn’t very famous but those that did know him loved him.

“Our next challenger has seen some very worrisome accusations against his name and his honor, the most worrying being the accusation that he is an amoral Marty Stu. Today he is here to attempt to prove the multiverse otherwise, ladies and gentlemen Eragon Kingkiller, and his dragon Saphira Brightscales.” Pinkie announced, the crowd’s reaction was mixed. Some gave him hesitant applause, while others booed.

“Luna, why are people booing him?” Twilight asked her mare friend who chuckled slightly.

“Some people see him as a self entitled brat; others see him as an inhuman monster who only claims to fight for good. I personally see him as an ill defined character who can’t make up his mind about what he is.” Twilight looked at the man sitting atop the blue dragon thinking about what Luna had said as she watched the man take the boos with good grace although she could tell that he was frustrated. He was blonde and tall but he looked slightly elf like at least compared to other humans that Twilight had seen, he had a sword across his back and he was covered from head to toe in blue armor.

“Our next to contestants hail from England during the Napoleonic Wars. Captain William Laurence was a naval captain who captured an enemy vessel inside the cargo hold he discovered a dragon egg. Laurence and Temeraire are combat veterans of hundreds of battles and have saved their country many many times. Besides just being a war hero Laurence went to great personal risks to prevent the deaths of thousands of dragons across his world even though it was highly treasonous for him to do so. Temeraire for his part is a member of the Chinese royal family being one of the few remaining Celestials alive. Temeraire has an extremely well developed of morality along with being intelligent enough to solve upper level physics problems in his spare time.” Spike said as an enormous almost serpent like black scaled dragon rose out of the arena floor. On his neck rode a slightly disgruntled looking Englishman wearing a large red coat, he had a sword strapped to his hip and several pistols sticking out of his coat at various points. The crowd cheered loudly, Laurence looked embarrassed but Temeraire was looking around at th/e stadium with awe in his blue slit eyes.

“Our last contenders are more a marriage of convince more than partners they are the Dovahkiin and his part time ally the dragon Odahviing. The Dovahkiin has stopped the destruction of his world, done the work of the gods, and fought innumerable foes.” The crowd apparently loved the Dovahkiin because when he and his dragon rose out of the ground they exploded into wild cheering. Most of the Dovahkiin’s features were obscured by his smooth black armor except for his head which was covered by a helmet that had two curling horns coming out of wither side. On his hip was a curved sword that looked matched his armor on his back sat a shield that also matched his armor. The dragon was large and grey with hints of black erupting over its scales, beside Twilight Luna sucked in an excited breath.

“They got the Dragonborn, I can’t believe it this is going to be amazing!” She whispered to Twilight, Twilight remained doubtful. If she was a betting mare she’d have put money on Hal and Storm, there was just something about the look on the man’s face that screamed intelligent and deadly.

“For this round the laws of physics have been asked to kindly ignore the arena so don’t worry, no matter how close it seems the combatants are to your box they’re actually in their own pocket dimension so you are in no danger.” Pinkie assured the crowd. “Now let’s get going, ready START!”

The four dragons shot into the air with Saphira going the highest before diving down at the competition; suddenly she was exploded backwards by a flash of light screaming in pain.

“Spike could you get us a recap of what just happened?” Pinkie asked her co-host, Spike nodded. A small screen appeared at the bottom left of Twilight’s viewport and it showed Hal firing a crossbow bolt directly into Saphira’ side, the bolt exploded.

“Now that is a powerful crossbow, I wonder Laurence could we get one, I’m sure we’d make Iskierka jealous?” Temeraire asked his rider as he twisted away from the claws of Odahviing.

“My dear I think we have bigger concerns at the moment!” Laurence replied as he parried a sword thrust form the Dragonborn. Eragon and Saphira had decided that Hal needed to be the first to die and were currently engaged in a brutal midair duel with Hal and Storm. Saphira flew directly at Storm her mouth open spewing blue flame, Storm rolled underneath her and inflicted several large slashes along her belly. Get back here you animal! Saphira screamed mentally, Storm honked something unintelligible in return.

“FUS RO DAH” Temeraire found himself pushed backwards by an unexpected wall of force, but he only chuckled. The skin around his neck bulged and he let out a great roar of his own, it slammed into the Dragonborn born and Odahviing sending them hurtling towards the ground with Temeraire diving in pursuit. When they were feet away from the ground the Dragonborn yelled “LOK VAH KOOR.” Instead of slamming into the ground the two became transparent and alighted gently on the ground. Temeraire pulled himself out of his dive and hovered in one place over them.

“That is a very neat trick!” Temeraire called to them.

“Thanks.” The Dragonborn called in a deep voice as they rose back into the air becoming tangible yet again. “I believe that a temporary alliance against the blue dragon would be beneficial to us both, do you except?” The Dragonborn called up to Laurence.

“I don’t see why not, but not backstabbing till they’re dead!” Laurence replied.

“Laurence, that doesn’t seem very fair.” Temeraire told his captain as they rose towards the intense battle taking place between Hal and Eragon as they exchanged sword thrusts.

“This is one of those cases where your sense of fairness needs to be suspended my dear.” Laurence told his dragon patting him on the neck. Saphira noticed the other two fighters rising towards her and let out a cry of challenge. Hal took the opportunity to try and slash Eragon across the chest with his sword causing the rider to flinch away from the blow. Odahviing charged upwards at Saphira and delivered a quick jet of flame which swept across her blue scales rapidly turning several black as Saphira roared in pain. Storm pulled away from Saphira giving the other two dragons room to fight effectively. I’m killing all of you. Saphira said mentally.

“It seems to me that that would be rather difficult and costly considering the circumstances that you find yourself in, but you’re welcome to try it.” Temeraire told her as he hovered in place above her before he dived down and slammed into her back with his claws extended. Eragon took his chance and leapt onto Temeraire’s back with unnatural grace and began to run straight at Laurence with his sword ready to slice through the Englishman. Laurence jumped out of his saddle and turned to face the approaching warrior with his sword in one hand and his pistol in the other. The wind was whipping fiercely in his face as Eragon charged the red coated man with brisingr held high.

He was in the process of wondering what the small metal object in Laurence’s hand was as it went off in his face. The projectile traveled far too fast for even his enhanced reflexes to counter and it hit him dead in the eye launching him backwards off of the black dragon’s back. Saphira roared in shared pain and dived to catch her falling rider but she was interrupted by an exploding bolt from Hal’s crossbow. Eragon hit the ground with a dull thud and splattered blood over the arena floor. Saphira fell out of the air seconds later much to the surprise of the others.

“That folks is the major disadvantage of having an empathetic link with another being and having your life tied to it.” Spike said over the following boom as Saphira hit the ground. Twilight jumped at the unexpected sound of her dragon calmly narrating the death of a member of his own species. Luna chuckled slightly and pulled Twilight closer. The six remaining combatants looked at each other realizing that now they were uneven, they each flew a fair distance away from one another before they all charged.

“VEN MUL RIIK!” Shouted Odahviing and a vast bank of mist surrounded them, thankfully the view screen allowed the crowd to see through the fog with ease. Odahviing angled up towards Storm who let out a startled honk as he saw the other dragon lunging out of the fog at him, Hal reacted quickly launching an exploding crossbow bolt into Odahviing’s chest blasting the beast back through the fog. Temeraire had smartly decided that it would be a better idea to get above the fog and wait out the contest. Odahviing came back for another pass at Storm and this time Storm rolled to the side and let Odahviing pass as he opened up deep cuts in Odahviing’s side. Odahviing was not the type to just take that so on his next pass he turned tightly and cut deeply into Storm’s back with his claws.

The two dragons ended up grappling in midair spinning downwards as each tried to inflict the most damage to the other dragon as possible. Hal had taken the opportunity to switch his crossbow ammo to armor piercing and was busy filling Odahviing’s throat with bolts.This time Odahviing hit the ground with an earth shattering crash as, the Dragonborn leapt off just in time to avoid getting crushed by his steed’s massive bulk. Storm screamed in triumph but it was a scream cut short by the Dragonborn.

“STRUN BAH QO!” A lance of lightning struck Storm directly in the head, sending him smashing into the ground. Hal stepped off his defeated dragon with his sword drawn and approached the Dragonborn in a fighting stance. The Dragonborn dipped his head in acknowledgment and stepped forward with his own sword extended. Hal charged the Dragonborn who raised his sword just in time to stop the downward cut and punched Hal in the chest with his free hand sending Hal stumbling backwards slightly but he quickly regained his footing. The Dragonborn took the opportunity to lunge forward and stab at Hal who barely brought his sword up in time to parry his opponent’s blade. They began to hack at each other mercilessly neither giving an inch until Hal made one mistake and the Dragonborn decapitated him. Temeraire who had watched all of this interestedly voiced a question that had occurred to Twilight as well.

“If the Dragonborn doesn’t have a dragon, how’s he going to come up here and fight us, we could go down to him but that doesn’t sound very exciting.” Laurence sighed; sometimes Temeraire could be a little too philosophical.

“It wouldn’t be a problem if you would just come a little lower; I’m used to fighting dragons on foot anyways.” The Dragonborn shouted up to him, Temeraire turned to look at Laurence for permission; Laurence nodded knowing that Temeraire wouldn’t have it any other way. Temeraire landed on the ground to let Laurence off before he leapt skyward and landed on the other side of the Dragonborn. “Would you care for another shouting match?” The Dragonborn asked Temeraire politely.

“I wouldn’t recommend it in your case; I occasionally use it for uprooting trees.” Temeraire told him just as politely.

“I can take it.” The Dragonborn replied confidently, Temeraire looked skeptical.

“The only reason that I can think of that you would want me to do that is so that it’ll give you an opening of some kind, I’d say that it’s in my best interests not to do it.” The Dragonborn shrugged and charged at Temeraire rapidly closing the distance between them. He jumped upwards aiming directly at Temeraire’s head. “I think not.” Temeraire said simply as his tail cracked into the Dragonborn sending him flying to the ground several feet away. “No offense but that was really very predictable.” Temeraire picked up the groaning Dragonborn by his shoulders and yanked his helmet off of hi head to reveal black hair and pointed ears that lay underneath before he threw the Dragonborn to Laurence who at this point felt rather bad about killing him.

“Miss Pinkie do I have to kill him, he put up a very good fight and it feels dishonest to kill a man when he’s lying down on his back like this?” Laurence asked Pinkie, Pinkie turned to the crowd and asked.

“Does he live?” Unsurprisingly the crowd roared its approval. “Well I guess that settles that.” Pinkie said as Laurence helped the dark elf to his feet.

“Thank you my friend.” The Dragonborn told Laurence grasping the other man’s hand in a firm shake.

“Any time, would you mind if I asked you your name.” Laurence asked the Dragonborn.

“Not at all it’s…” His voice was cut off by the roar of the crowd. After an hour or so of partying Luna led Twilight out of the arena.

“So what did you think my little pony?” Luna asked Twilight who at this point was rather tired.

“It was the most awful thing I’ve ever seen, but I loved every second of it.” Twilight responded tiredly, Luna just chuckled.

“I hope you aren’t too tired Twilight I have a lot planned for us tonight.” Twilight giggled as they walked through the departure portal.


Sorry it took so long I’ve been distracted by stuff. Oh and I need people for the next group of matches. There’s going to be a magic one, a speed one, and a sword fighting one just for starters so any suggestions on fighters and characters would be awesome