• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,877 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

  • ...

part one of however many to come

Just a little preface this was my celebration at having reached over one hundred pages in one of my stories, it was met with success so I decided to try it as a standalone piece. Thanks to Pinkie being Pinkie she can break the laws of physics and more importantly canon, unfortunately those laws go back into being once the characters leave. Thanks to the huge amount of universes that Pinkie has been to you may recognize many characters if not just ask me and I’ll explain who they are. Also unmarked spoilers for many different books, games, TV shows and movies, read at your own risk.

The best party ever

Twilight Sparkle had had her doubts about Pinkie Pie’s sanity before; then again everypony in Ponyville is insane. Even she was on occasion, but what Pinkie had told her to do was absolutely insane.

“You’ll be fine Twilight; all you have to do is jump in a circle and yell FOREVER. Then you’ll appear at the party house.” Twilight said in a sarcastic imitation of Pinkie’s voice while she walked towards Everfree forest, which was the only place she felt that it was ok to make a complete idiot of herself. As she neared the forest she decided that this would have to do and began to jump around in a circle for a few minutes before she yelled.

“FOREVER” much to Twilight’s considerable surprise she found herself standing outside a large white walled mansion, coming out of the mansion was the distinct beat of techno and flashing multi colored lights. Twilight went up to the door and knocked uncertainly, the door was opened by a short human in a jesters outfit.

“Hello, do you happen to have an invitation or has Miss Pinkie neglected to give you one like the rest?” the man asked her in a voice that was somewhere between jaded and sarcastic. Twilight looked at the man in shock, it wasn’t that she’d never seen a human before, it was just that he was such an ordinary human who looked completely out of place inside his outfit.

“Haskill stop being such a downer this is Twilight.” Pinkie said from behind Haskill

“Of course madam.” Haskill replied deadpanly as he stepped out of Twilight’s way. As Haskill stepped out of the way Twilight caught her first view of the party, it took her breath away. Standing around talking to each other, drinking and eating together, or dancing together were more strange humans and other species then Twilight had ever seen before.

“So Twilight what do you think of the party?” Pinkie asked her friend as she led Twilight into the house.

“Pinkie where are we?” Twilight asked her friend uncertainly.

“Oh we’re at a plane between dimensional planes that can be accessed by anyone who knows how; I have a super special deal with the guy who runs it he lets me throw as many parties as I want in exchange I make sure that we aren’t canceled.”

“Canceled, Pinkie how could we be canceled?” Twilight asked Pinkie in confusion, instead of answering her Pinkie grabbed a cupcake and handed it to Twilight.

“Trust me Twilight you wouldn’t understand, now get out there and mingle the crowd is great tonight!” Pinkie enthused before she walked back towards the entrance to great a very confused man in a leather duster carrying a large wooden staff.

“Yeah mingle.” Twilight said with sarcasm as she looked around for someone who looked even a little approachable, in the end she decided on two ordinary looking guys sitting at a table talking. “Umm hi cool party right?” Twilight asked them.

“Ford the purple pony is talking to us.” Said one

“Arthur why do you always have to state the obvious?” Ford asked his Arthur

“Coping mechanism.” Arthur replied, Ford turned to address Twilight.

“Yeah the party is pretty swanky, almost beats Millways, so this your first time?”

“Yes, I’m confused who are all of these people?”

“Well I’m Ford, and this is Arthur we’re a couple of hitchhikers out to see the galaxy, as for the rest I haven’t the faintest idea. Now if you’ll excuse me I desperately need a Gargleblaster.” He waved to a waiter who brought over a tray; Twilight assumed that that was all she was going to get out of them so she wandered away.

Pinkie waited at the door expectantly as the latest guests arrived; it was two teenaged boys and a teenaged girl, both of the boys’ hair was extremely spiky but one’s was white while the other’s was brown, over their shoulders all three carried large Keyblades.

“Glad you could make it Sora!” Pinkie enthused as they drew closer causing the brown haired guy to smile.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world Pinkie, who’s here?” Sora asked

“And more importantly what kind of alcohol do you have?” the white haired guy asked her drawing an annoyed look from the girl.

“Too many to count, and more than enough.” Pinkie told them as she moved out of their way; it was turning into a really good party. Pinkie then surveyed the dance floor and found that somepony had replaced the techno with smooth waltzing music. Couples were elegantly spinning each other around in incredible displays of grace; at the center of it were two couples. One was a familiar masked raccoon spinning a fox around, while the other was a man who looked slightly awkward dancing with a startling beautiful woman. Way to go Mal, Pinkie thought to herself before taking in the rest of the party.

At a table off to the right Master Chief and Cortana were in deep conversation with Ratchet an Clank, to their left Markus and Dom were having a drinking contest with two of the Warhammer Spacemarines, it wouldn’t end well for them. As she continued to scan the room she noticed Dresden having a nerdgasm as he simultaneously talked to Gandalf and Luke Skywalker.

“An excellent party we’re having this evening madam…” Haskill told her from his position next to the door. “...although I do worry about leaving my lord by himself for too long unattended, he has a habit of ‘going mad’.”

“Don’t worry Haskill; I’m sure your master will be fine.” Pinkie told him before she said “Now it’s time to party!” Haskill sighed as she ran off into the crowds. Twilight was still completely lost among all of the different people and beings that surrounded her, she noticed a group of people wearing white hoods which looked remarkably like eagle beaks talking and laughing together mentioning something about Templers. She decided that they were probably not the right people for her to be talking to, before she could go much farther Rainbow Dash of all ponies emerged out of the crowd.

“Twilight what are you doing here?” Dash asked her friend in bewilderment.

“I could ask you the same thing Dash.” Twilight replied slightly annoyed

“Well Pinkie invited me of course, I love these parties!” Dash responded doing a midair back flip.

“Wait you knew about these?” Twilight asked her in amazement.

“Of course I did Twi Pinkie’s been inviting Rarity and I for years.”

“And you never told me about it?” Twilight asked her friend with a hurt look

“Oh don’t be like that Twi, if we’d told you a year ago you would have called us all crazy, besides how close are you to freaking out?”

“Really close actually.” Twilight replied

“Then I suggest you avoid going over there, Celestia and Luna are having their annual drink off and I don’t think that your brain could take it, especially with Discord judging.” Twilight’s jaw dropped and she stared at Dash.

“Here Twilight follow me I know a table where you should be fine.” Dash told her before leading her over to a side table occupied by two other ponies. One was a brown coated pegasus wearing a cowboy hat and the other was a black unicorn with a white mane.

“Howdy Dash, who’s you friend.” The pegasus asked.

“This is Twilight, I’m sure you’ve heard of her, this is her first party and she’s taking it kinda badly, could you two make sure that she doesn’t go crazy I still want to get some dancing in?” Dash asked them.

“Of course go right ahead, this isn’t the first time that Calamity and I’ve had to keep somepony from going crazy.” Replied the unicorn in a beautiful voice

“Thanks Velvet, gota fly.” Dash then sped off back to the dance floor.

“You alright kid?” The pegasus asked Twilight, who looked uncertainly around her before answering

“I’m not sure; this is all too much to take in.” The black unicorn nodded, she knew what Twilight meant.

“I understand, the only reason that we’re here is that for some reason Pinkie’s invitation extends to a certain friend of ours, and it’s the only time that we really get to see her now days.”

“I’m sorry…?” Twilight said not really understanding

“Don’t worry about it; she and Homage are off somewhere so it doesn’t really matter anyways. So do you have any questions about what’s going on here?” Velvet asked her.

“Yes how is this conversation even possible?”

“As to that we don’t really know, but you should ask Pinkie later, anything else.” Calamity drawled.

“Is there anypony that I really shouldn’t talk to here?” Twilight asked with the odd feeling that she’d overstayed her welcome. Velvet motioned over to the main bar where a large shirtless man with red tattoos and scars running up his chest stood casting an imposing shadow over most of the bar around him.

“You should avoid going anywhere near him, that’s Kratos, he kills gods for a pastime, other than that most people will at least humor you.” Velvet told her.

“Thanks I think I’ll try and mingle now.” Twilight told them as she got unsteadily from her chair. Calamity and Velvet exchanged glances before they both started to snicker once she was far enough away. One table over a guy in a jumpsuit with the words ‘Vault 101’ on them sighed, he was lucky enough to have gotten a second chance, not everybody was so lucky in the wasteland.

Twilight decided that the best thing that she could do at this point was get pleasantly buzzed so she headed over to the bar. Much to her surprise the bartender was a blue skinned female humanoid with slightly scaly skin.

“What’ll it be dear?” asked the bartender in a surprisingly deep voice, not creepy deep just surprising.

“Umm cider please.” Twilight responded unsteadily, she wasn’t used to having many options for drinking.

“Sure kid coming right up.” Said the bar tender as she reached under the bar and brought up a small barrel of cider and poured a glass for Twilight before she pushed it over to her. “So is this your first time at a Pinkie party?”

“No but I’ve never been to one in-between dimensions before.” Twilight replied “How’d you know?”

“It’s the fact that you look like you just stepped out of a coma.” Replied the bartender easily as she looked around to make sure that no one else needed her.

“I look that bad?” Twilight asked her in concern.

“Yeah, I would suggest only drinking a glass of that or you’ll wake up tomorrow with a raging headache and somebody of a completely different species lying next to you.” The bartender told her with a shrug “not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, I’m asari so I can’t judge.” Twilight was astonished by the frankness that the bartender talked with, it sounded like she’d seen it all.

Meanwhile Pinkie was making her rounds when she noticed an eight year old boy running around in his underwear yelling sugar while he was pursued by a blue creature yelling for him to come back. Pinkie sighed, people needed to learn not to give Mac candy, especially considering this was the tenth time that it had happened. As she walked through the part of the house devoted to being far bigger on the inside then on the outside in order to accommodate many of the larger creatures that called the many dimensions that Pinkie traveled to home she spied a large black dragon talking to a human standing next to him.

“Laurence I have been studying math and science for a long time at this point and this whole place mystifies me, do you have any idea how it could exist at all?” Laurence sighed and in an English accent replied.

“My dear if you don’t then I certainly won’t.” Pinkie greeted them cheerfully as she made her way back to the main room. Much to her surprise she found Twilight dealing with her surroundings quite nicely, if somewhat drunkenly, which was surprising in itself because Twilight wasn’t a very big drinker. Pinkie smiled and waved at Celestia and Luna who were still engaged in their drinking contest, which was one of many that were currently going on around them. Among the drinkers Markus and Dom were somehow still holding their own against the two Spacemarines. Although they looked much worse than the marines, it might have been something about the marines’ metabolism, or the fact that the marines were Ragnar Blackmane of the Space Wolves and Alaric of the Grey Knights might have also had something to do with it. Pinkie also noticed a group of ODST headed by Buck of course who looked like they were about to start a friendly brawl with the members of Noble Team, Pinkie actually wasn’t sure who to bet on.

“Pinkie my comrade it is good to see you again, Sasha and I were worried that we would miss you on our way!” Shouted the Heavy in a Russian accent as he pulled Pinkie into a bonecrushing hug.

“It’s good to see you to Heavy, and you to Sasha.” Pinkie replied as the huge man set her down “Are any of the other team members here?”

“I don’t think so, maybe the Spy but you could never tell!” the Heavy started to laugh heartily and set off at a stumbling gait towards the door.

“You certainly surround yourself with charming people Ma’am.” Haskill said from behind her.

“I know right, I wonder where Twilight went?” Pinkie asked Haskill not really expecting an answer, instead he pointed out Twilight who was making drunken small talk with a short horse named Tug. “I wonder whether I should stop her or not?” Pinkie mused to herself until she saw Tug give her a wink that meant that he would keep her friend from doing anything that she would regret. Pinkie nodded her thanks to the small horse and decided that it was time for a drink. She walked up to the bar where she found Kratos putting away shots and staring menacingly at Percy Jackson muttering something about smashing his face in. “Kratos what did I tell you about threatening the children of gods from other dimensions who are in no way related to the way that you were treated?” Pinkie asked Kratos which caused his shot glass to break in his hand.

“Pinkie, look at the arrogant spark in his eye, he’s mocking me, nobody mocks Kratos!” Jackson had noticed Pinkie and waved at her, which caused Kratos to reach for his blades.

“Kratos not that I don’t think that you could kill Percy, I somewhat doubt that you could kill everyone in this house that calls him a friend, which is pretty much everypony.” Pinkie told the enraged demigod sternly, she may have not liked being the voice of reason, but she could do it regardless when things called for it. Kratos growled in frustration and made his way towards the door, probably going to attack the Egyptian Pantheon.

“Church I told you we could pick up chicks with the tank!” Pinkie heard Tucker call to Church as she was walking through the main room.

“I had a chick once, but then I ate on it and it stopped being a chick and I was very sad.” Caboose replied before Church could say anything. Pinkie liked Caboose he reminded her of herself.

After drunkenly talking to the nice horse Tug for a while Twilight had decided to wander around more, eventually she heard a conversation about magic and decided to investigate. Sitting around a table were two old men with white hair and long beards wearing long flowing robes, and one tall man in a leather duster who was listening to the two men with something verging on hero worship.

“…So you see Albus that’s why I didn’t just summon the giant eagles to take the ring to Mordor.” Concluded one of the men

“Excuse me but why didn’t you just teleport it there?” Twilight asked the wizards breaking them out of their train of conversation; all three regarded her with great intensity before Albus burst into laughter.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle, it’s a pleasure to meet you young lady. I’m sure Gandalf would have if it were up to him, however the gods of his dimension are slightly more restricting then the ones from your dimension. Come sit down and we’ll have a nice discussion about the nature of magic.” Albus told her offering her a seat next to him.

“Harry Dresden, I’m always happy to meet another Twilight.” The man in leather told her, causing her to give him an odd look.

“What do you mean another Twilight?” she asked even with the alcohol clouding her head she was caught off guard.

“My dear you are one of hundreds of trillions of Twilight Sparkles, although even as drunk as you are you are still the most polite that I’ve ever met.” Albus told her, Twilight shrugged, maybe it was the drink, or maybe it was because of all the things that she’d seen that night but the idea that there were more of her running around didn’t surprise her.

“So about the nature of magic…” Twilight asked.

The next morning Twilight awoke with a start, her head was pounding, her eyes were bloodshot, and her entire body ached. She looked around her to make sure that she was alone and sighed with relief that she hadn’t accidentally invited anypony home with her like she had that one time while she was still in magic academy. Suddenly Pinkie dropped out of the ceiling and onto her bed.

“Pinkie please tell me we didn’t do anything together last night.” Twilight moaned.

“Don’t worry Twilight all we did was go to an interdimensional party, you got completely wasted and kept yelling something about physical gods, and then you got in on the drinking game between Celestia and Luna. It was really fun, don’t worry we get to do it all again next week!” Twilight buried her head in her pillow in frustration; it would be a long wait.