• Published 10th Apr 2012
  • 2,878 Views, 157 Comments

The best party ever - ed2481

Twilight goes to an interdimensional party hosted by Pinkie

  • ...


To those of you keeping score this chapter is going to annoy you I think, I used a lot of characters from books that I grew up with so you may or may not most of them it all depends on how well read you are. I also put in two real life character’s possibly obscure webcomic personality.


“Harder Twilight push harder!”

“I’m trying Luna!”

“You have to put more strength into it!”

“This is so hard it hurts!”

“I know Twilight just a little more I sense it coming!”

“Oh here it comes I can feel it coming too Luna!”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh YES!”

“Did I do well Luna?” Twilight asked uncertainly looking at the glowing orb of magic suspended in front of her, Luna nodded.

“Yes Twilight I would say that that is a perfect magic construct, in fact it looks better than some of Cely’s.” Twilight was astounded.

“Really I did something better then Celestia?” Luna chuckled to herself.

“Yes Twilight, although I wouldn’t get a big head over it hers are still better most of the time, but for only your third time casting it this is very impressive.” Suddenly Celestia walked into the room.

“Luna what did I tell you about having sex outside of your bedroom, it’s simply impolite to the rest of the staff?” Twilight blushed furiously and Luna chuckled.

“Sister we were simply working on creating magical constructs nothing remotely sexual.” Celestia raised an eyebrow in doubt before her eyes fell upon the orb of pure magic suspended in front of Twilight and she let out a gasp.

“Twilight I had no idea that you had become that powerful, even as my student I never once observed you to posses this kind of power, I’m very impressed!” Twilight blushed even harder.

“It was nothing Princess.”

“Don’t devaluate yourself Twilight I simply won’t have it, for this you deserve a reward of some kind.” Celestia told her.

“Well it is Hearts and Hooves Day, and it also happens to be Sunday which means that tonight should be amazing so I don’t think that I really need any other rewards Princess.” Twilight told her former mentor, Celestia smiled she was happy that Twilight had managed to gain enough self confidence to speak like that.

“Very well my little pony, I suppose you’re right tonight should be amazing, a word to the wise though. Most of the other dimensions call it something differently so don’t be surprised if they give you weird looks if you say Hearts and Hooves.” Twilight nodded her thanks and Celestia walked out of the room leaving Luna and Twilight alone.

“Did it really sound like we were having sex?” Twilight asked Luna

“Probably, we may want to keep it down next time, and I suppose me yelling encouragement didn’t help the mater.” Twilight shrugged, for some reason she didn’t mind what the rest of the Palace thought.


Pinkie stood at the doorway of the house as the guests walked in she nodded to each in turn until two new faces came before her, she held up a hoof to block their path, and they stopped.

“What is the meaning of this, Bella and I would like to attend this party?!” the man said, his eyes were golden, for some reason this annoyed Pinkie more than anything about him.

“Yeah hold that thought pretty boy…” Pinkie told him as she turned to Haskill and asked “Are the three of them here?”

“Yes Madam all three and I must say this should be good, would you like me to locate them?” Haskill asked Pinkie, Pinkie nodded her head rapidly.

“Edward maybe we should just go.” The voice had no real inflection, no real personality, nothing worth remembering. Three new figures now stood behind Pinkie, one was a blonde women who appeared to be in her twenties, one was a man wearing a red jacket and matching hat along with round glasses that reflected the light, The last was Harry Dresden who needs no introduction at this point.

“These are three of my favorite vampire hunters; I suggest you run now before I nicely ask them to remover you from my reality.” Bella backed away but Edward held her there, he wasn’t backing down.

“You won’t do it, I’m a Cullen.”

“Alucard, would you be so kind as to show Mister Cullen the error of his thinking?” Without a second’s pause Alucard drew one of his pistols and riddled Edwards’s body with large bullet holes, a large smile on his face as he did it. Bella screamed she didn’t know how the bullets had penetrated; Edward’s skin was as hard as diamond it should have easily stopped the bullets. When he was done shooting Alucard blew on the barrel of his gun to cool it and smiled at Pinkie.

“Oh I just love magic bullets.” He said with a grin on his face “Now I wonder where Police Girl’s gotten to?” he walked away humming the Adventure Time theme to himself. Pinkie looked at Haskill for explanation.

“That was the Alucard from the abridged universe." Haskill said simply, Pinkie nodded her understanding. Bella was cradling Edward’s body which was somehow still functioning.

“I’ll get rid of them” Buffy said drawing the crossbow from across her back. With extreme precision she sent five magical bolts through both of the vampire’s heads sending them flying backwards. Dresden sighed before he immolated them both in a extremely hot fire spell reducing them to little more than ash.

“Thanks Dresden, I would have hated to find some other way to get rid of the bodies.” Pinkie told him.

“That went well Ma’am” Haskill told her as more guests shuffled past Pinkie nodded, the night was off to a great start. The next ponies in line were Twilight and Princess Luna.

“Twilight it’s good to see you again, It’s been a week!” Pinkie said pulling her friend into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry Pinkie, Luna and I have been doing experiments.” Twilight told her causing Pinkie to giggle.

“I’m sure you have Twilight, I’m sure you have.” Pinkie told her friend with a mischievous smile on her face, which is when Twilight caught the subtext.

“Not that kind of experiment Pinkie!” she cried, Luna sabotaged her by saying

“Well not as often as the normal kind of experiments at least, we usually save those for the evening.” Pinkie just giggled and waved the two though while Twilight glared at Luna who simply smiled benignly in return. As they walked into the room Twilight noticed the fact that the room was literally covered in pink, pink heart shaped spotlights spun across the room casting pink shadows on the white walls, spread around the room were pink party balloons also in the shape of hearts. Twilight made a slight gagging sound, this much pink was giving her an aneurism.

“Arya please, even Saphira who up until recently was the last the last female of her race and the only male options were evil, has had more sex then me, and the unresolved sexual tension between the two of us is so bad that whenever we’re in the same room together it feels like the room is going to burst into flames!” Twilight heard a man tell a woman who was sitting in front of him at a table off to the side.

“Eragon we’ve been over this countless times, it will never work out between the two of us!” The woman replied heatedly, Twilight and Luna exchanged looks; this was going to get interesting.

“Arya I’ve saved your life, you’ve saved mine, your immortal, I’m immortal, your elven, I’m more than half elven, you’re a dragon rider, I’m a dragon rider. We’re perfect for each other, I don’t know why you won’t just accept it!” the man was obviously getting angry.

“Because Eragon I’m the queen of the Elves, I can’t take you as my life mate, it just wouldn’t be proper!” Arya replied getting angry at Eragon.

“That’s bull and we both know it Arya, the Elves will accept anyone as the queen’s consort that they as long as the queen is happy!”

“You know nothing of elven politics Eragon, don’t presume that you have a secret insight into how we work!” it was at this point that Twilight noticed that several other couples were looking at the bickering pair and shaking their heads. One was a man dressed in almost blindingly white armor with a rampant dragon on it; his woman was a tall blonde haired elf who looked highly regal.

“I wish those two would hurry this up, it’s making me feel guilty for finding a loophole.” The man in white armor told the blonde elf, she smiled and sighed.

“Not every situation is the same as ours Tomas, although the similarities are very striking.” Before first couples conversation could go any farther Tomas stood up and said.

“Hey you two, every time that you come here you spend the entire time arguing about whether or not the two of you should have sex, why don’t you try it and then make your decision about what’s right and wrong about it? Because I for one am tired of hearing this argument!” the entire room around them started to clap for Tomas’s announcement, Eragon blushed visibly surprisingly so did Arya. Arya looked over at Eragon for several seconds before she pursed her lips and said.

“I think that what he says has some merit, perhaps we should try it his way.” Eragon tried not to look to happy, he failed miserably, but it was the thought that counted. The two of them departed heading for one of the upper story bedrooms.

“Thank the gods…” Twilight wasn’t sure who said it but sensed that the feeling was mutual to everybody. Luna smiled and led Twilight to the bar where they both picked up glasses of cider. Pinkie had been watching the scene with amusement, but now she was just happy, the two deserved each other. A brown haired man and a brown haired woman walked up to the door causing Pinkie to squeal in surprised delight.

“Bobby I haven’t seen you and Courtney in years!” She said as she wrapped the two in a hug.

“Sorry about that Pinkie we’ve been busy lately, but Courtney decided that we could take enough time out of our schedules to come and party.” Bobby told her after he returned the embrace, Pinkie waved them in with delight the last time she’d seen Bobby was when he’d chased Saint Dane to Equestria. It hadn’t turned out as Dane had planned and he had to flee soon afterwards.

At the bar Twilight and Luna ran into an unlikely pair of Italians one of whom was helping his brother pour out his grief, something over Peach being kidnapped right before Valentine’s Day yet again. Twilight decided to ignore them, the one in the green hat looked to be handling things fine. Luna meanwhile had struck up a conversation with a woman named Eleanor.

“How are your mother and father getting along?” Luna asked the Eleanor, who smiled and laughed.

“Daddy always gets annoyed at mom, and then they start arguing, which is weird when one of them lives inside my head, but I’m used to it.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Luna said

“I’ve got to go, but it was nice seeing you again Luna.” Eleanor said as she left, leaving Twilight wondering what she was talking about.

“That was Eleanor, she’s from a very bad place and went through a lot of bad things but she’s finally found peace.” Luna told Twilight when she asked her about it. They went to find a table where they could eat food from the buffet table. Unfortunately for Twilight and Luna the only table that was open was one that was occupied by a large talking snow leopard and a being who looked very wolfish. The two of them were apparently in the middle of a very important and very loud drinking contest. After ten minutes Luna couldn’t stand it so she did the only thing she could think of.

“Twilight go on, I’m going to drink these to under the table and I’ll find you latter.” Twilight looked at Luna in confusion, but nodded her head.

“Are you sure about that Luna, I’ve heard you’re a lightweight!” shouted the snow leopard looking up from the bowl of beer in front of him.

“Bring it on Tharaman!” Luna shouted back giving Twilight a wink before heading over to the table and grabbing a mug in her magic and proceeding to drain it.

“Looks like we’ve got some competition Grishmak!” the Leopard shouted and pushed her another mug, Twilight walked away before she saw much more shaking her head. That’s when she noticed that her friends were all sitting at a table smiling at her.

“Well it’s about time that you noticed us darling.” Rarity told her in mock annoyance.

“Wait I knew that Dash knew but when did you learn about this place?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Twi we’ve been coming here for a lot longer then you have.” Dash told her “But like I said last time, you weren’t ready before.” Twilight looked at them crossly before breaking into a smile.

“So Twilight how was yer week with Princess Luna?” AJ asked her.

“It was good, we’ve got a lot in common, and even Celestia doesn’t have as much of an imagination as she does.” AJ sighed and turned to Rarity.

“What Apple Jack means Twilight is how was your week in bed with the Princess?” Twilight blushed and stuttered.

“I…can’t…talk…about…it” Surprisingly it was Fluttershy who pressed the issue.

“Twilight if anypony has a right to be nervous about something it’s me, now please tell us, we’ve been waiting all week to hear.” Fluttershy looked at Twilight and stared into her eyes.

“Alright alright I’ll tell you!” Twilight told them after she broke eye contact with Fluttershy.


Pinkie has noticed that her friends were all sitting together and wondered if she should go and join them, before throwing the thought away, she had a party to run. As she walked around the house checking in on everyone she came across Alex Rider and his date Sabina, the two seemed to be enjoying each other’s company so Pinkie left them alone. In another part of the house she found Danny Phantom talking to his girlfriend Sam.

“Hi guys are you enjoying the party?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“Yeah it’s great, thanks for inviting us Pinkie!” Danny told her.

“I can even get super vegetarian food here!” Sam said causing Danny to roll his eyes, Pinkie left them alone. She noticed Commander Shepard sitting with Garrus at the bar, as she passed she overheard them talking.

“Shepard we really should go back, we have a battle to fight.” Garrus told Shepard.

“Yeah I know, I just feel like relaxing for now though.” Shepard replied, Garrus sighed and ordered another brandy. Pinkie kept on walking until she noticed two young wizards talking.

“You know Kit there are multidimensional parties, then there are Pinkie’s multidimensional parties!” said one to the other.

“Remember Nita we aren’t here to party, we’re here to make sure that your sister doesn’t set of an interdimensional incident, although yeah Pinkie throws a mean party.” Replied the other

“Thanks you two!” Pinkie called as she walked past them, they exchanged amused looks. The next two that she saw were two of her regulars, one was a man with stylish sunglasses and black hair and the other looked slightly like a librarian with extremely white hair.

“Hi Crowley hi Aziraphale!” she called to them.

“Hello Pinkie, not to bother you but don’t you think that there might be a little too much pink in the room?” Aziraphale the white haired man asked Pinkie politely with an amused look on his face.

“Nope there’s just enough pink, it inspires love and keeps fights from breaking out.” Pinkie told the angel who sighed.

“Don’t worry about Aziraphale; he’s just uncomfortable with huge orgy going on upstairs, goes against his angelic sense.” Crowley told Pinkie in a mock whisper, his lizard like eyes peeking out from behind his shades; he was a demon after all. Pinkie changed the subject.

“So how’s the Anti Christ doing?”

“He seems content to grow up like a normal well adjusted human being. Hell and Heaven are understandably put out by this, but I don’t think that they can do anything about it.” Aziraphale told her rolling his eyes so did Crowley; neither really liked their respective bosses. Pinkie waved goodbye to the two and made her way over to another pair of regulars. They were an unlikely pair for interdimensional super heroes but the two comedians had definitely earned their right to the title.

“Hi John hi Colbert, how are you?” Pinkie said to the two who looked down at Pinkie in bemused surprise.

“Hey there Pinkie, when did you get here?” John asked her taking his hand off of his bat.

“Oh I just got here, I’ve been talking to everyone here and I noticed you two over here and I decided that I hadn’t seen you in a while so I should come over and say hi, so Stephen how’s your phoenix?” Pinkie asked.

“She’s doing fine Pinkie, she’s getting bigger and more powerful every week, I barely need to think to be able to fly these days.” Replied Stephen with a smile, Pinkie bounced up and down in place for a few seconds before she said.

“Alright I’ve got to go I think the party is almost over and I need to make sure that everybody gets out alright.” She waved at the two and set off to find Haskill.


“I, hic, told you I’d, hic, drink them under the table Twili, hic, light” Luna said as she stumbled over to the table that Twilight and her friends were sitting at, Twilight facehoofed hard. Suddenly there was some commotion coming from the stairs. Everybody in the room turned to look, there in the doorway stood Eragon, his hair messy his face red and his clothes were put on badly. At his side stood Arya, who was in an almost equal state of disrepair, the room stared at them waiting in silence for the announcement. Slowly Eragon brought his fist up and after a moment’s pause pointed his thumb up while a smile spread across his face. The room let out a cheer and the crowd threw the two onto their shoulders and paraded them around the room.

“Well that’s finally done with.” Haskill remarked to no one in particular.


Ok so how many people did I fool with that opening?