• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Note: Sorry, I thought I'd posted Chapt 10 up already so it was sadly...LATE!

Oh god....Twilight is going to kill me...

Chapter 10
After we'd gotten our Coffee me and Jenny decided to go for a walk, Jenny kept looking at my wings, and eventually she poked them, "Okay...Tell me how the heck did you even get those?" I looked to Jenny and shrugs, "Magic of course." Jenny deadpanned, "Magic...Seriously...What's next a leprechaun?" I grinned, "Well You can probably use magic too you know." Jenny's face brightened up, "Really!?" I gave her a nod, "Just use your imagination... Concentrate and poof imagine you got your wing sand you'll be done!" I said with my trademark smirk.
It took about 2 hours to get Jenny into the swing of things, eventually we decided to head towards Twilight's library, she'd be able to help Jenny if anyone. "Twilight?" I called in as I entered, I also braced myself for another book to the face, "Collin...I'm not going to throw another box don't worry!" Twilight said with a hint of a giggle towards the end, "You can never be too careful." I retorted, Jenny remained silent and let me do the talking with Twilight. "..And that's why we need your help." I said after the three of us had sat down, Jenny had gotten most of it on her own, just...Her spells didn't last long, unlike my ability to be able to dismiss my wings at will, she had the issue of them randomly disappearing mid flight, I had to thank myself for keeping her low to the ground otherwise she would've ended up with more than a few scrapes and bruises. "I don't see any problem with helping her out." Twilight said with a smile, "I mean, I did teach you after all Collin." Twilight continued with a smirk, I gave a light chuckled and Jenny had her giggle fit.
So I headed home and left Twilight and Jenny to their studies, I decided to visit somepony who'd I'd bonded with; Trixie. I arrived within a few minutes being as she'd gotten a new wagon and was currently in town for the weekend. "Trixie?" I called out as I neared the wagon, the blue unicorn's head popped from the back of the wagon with a large grin, "Collin!" Trixie exclaimed scampering over and jumping up into my arms, "You have impeccable timing! Trixie was just about to do a show!" I tilted my head slightly as I hugged her and walked towards the wagon, "Oh really? Well I don't got anything planned so I'll stay here and watch, is that-" I was cut off, "Well actually Trixie was hoping you'd be IN the show!" I shrugged, "Sure, sounds like fun." Trixie clapper her hooves, "Oh...Do you have a tuxedo? Trixie would like her Assistant to-" She stopped talking and giggled as I quickly changed into my tux with a snap of my fingers, "I do indeed have a tux." I replied walking towards the show area.
We both walked out onto stage and got an approving roar from the rather large turnout, I knew Ponyville wasn't huge but...this seemed to be a huge crowd for such a small town. "Welcome one and all to The Great and Powerful Trixie's show!" The roar got even louder as the crowd applauded, I gave my best winning smile which to my surprise got a large amount of the mares to squeal in a fan-girl like manner. The intro to the show was simple, lot's of talking from Trixie and lot's of me "Gesturing" to the one and only Trixie giving the crowd my trademark grin. I had to admit, this was plenty of fun, being a part of this...Magic show? Towards the ending of the first act Trixie asked me to show the crowd my most "Spectacular feat." I pondered a moment, I looked to Trixie, "Does it have to be with Magic oh great and powerful one?" I said asking her, she gave me a shake of her head, "Just something incredible Collin." she said with a happy smile, I gave her a nod and shot into the sky propelling myself up into the air at an amazing speed, upon reaching maximum altitude I looked down to the specs below, with a magical burst I shot off going right for the ground, the wind hissing past my ears, I adjusted my wings just slightly, sending me roaring over the crowd at nearly the speed of sound, I raced back up and with my finale of a magical explosion I landed beside Trixie without making a sound.
The stunned crowd sat there in dead silence for a few moments, Even Trixie herself was stunned, I looked up and noticed that'd I'd done a sonic boom with that explosion, not a Rainboom, just a normal one like back on earth, the only thing about this one that made it so amazing that it left a streak of rippling air, it looked like water was trapped in the sky, I was just as awestruck, "I think I broke the sky."I commented trying to make a joke, the crowd and Trixie all looked at me and burst into laughter, my number one rules always prevails, if you think you're in trouble...Make a joke! After Trixie had gathered herself together again, "Well! As you all can see everypony can do something...Spectacular! Or in Collin's case break something!" The crowd let loose another round of chuckles, "Trixie and Collin bid you all a farewell! Trixie's next stop will be in Appleloosa!" Trixie gave a bow and we both Teleported back into her wagon.
Trixie was hopping with a large grin, "Oh that went great! Trixie got an even better turnout than she'd expected!" I smiled, "Well you are the Great and Powerful Trixie after all!" Trixie rolled her eyes as she removed her cape and hat, "Yes...Yes we are." she giggled and gave me a quick hug, "Thanks for helping Trixie with her show." I gave her my trademark smiles and hugged her back, "see you later then." Trixie smiled and waved as I left off towards the Library, I had to go check up on Jenny anyways.
After a brief and short flight I arrived back at the Library, Jenny was outside waiting for me, "I was wondering when you'd arrive." she said with a smirk, I gave a roll of my eyes, "Always waiting on me huh?" She grinned, "Yep." I shrugged, "I remember I was always waiting on you." I replied looking to her, She shrugged in turn, "I got the hang of my wings! Well sort of!" she said, I quirked an eyebrow "Oh really? How so?" She fluttered her wings, "Well I can keep em' working for a half hour or so!" I smiled, "Well that's good...Race you back home then?" I said flapping my wings excitedly. Jenny grinned, "you're on!" And with that she shot off like a bullet, It took a fair few seconds but I caught right up to her grinned and then shot off ahead of her. The race was going well for me, when Jenny sped ahead in a blue and stopped on a dime at the house, I was dumbstruck and just stared at her and crashed into the side of the house, "Ack!" I fell down and rubbed my head, Jenny was in stitches laughing, I rolled my eyes, "Well...That was unexpected.." I said admitting defeat without actually having to. Jenny bopped my nose, "Don't underestimate me Collin...I can do things you can only dream of doing." with that Jenny walked back inside, I shook my head, "What've I gotten myself into?" I thought quietly, I soon followed after Jenny.

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