My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth

by Bloody

First published

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.
I walked through the same portal I entered through, unknowingly Trixie decided to follow me, I'm unsure of what lies ahead, I just have to hope that everything goes well.

Chapter 1

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My Little Adventure
The Return to Earth

The walk was long, my mind filled with worries but I pressed on. I entered what I knew as Earth, for the first time in what I thought to be six years. The trees returned to the old Canadian maple I was used to; I continued to walk until I emerged from the forest, my first stop would be someplace I knew, my friend Michelle's apartment.

Trixie had been following Collin for the past two days, Part of her was curious to learn about this... "Earth." She tailed Collin sticking to the bushes. Trixie grinned, she felt very sneaky, she continued to observe Collin, trying to predict his movements.

I stood there and thought for a moment, I stretched my wings out and, wait I had my wings still? I looked over my shoulders and surely enough broad as day there they were, I pondered for a moment and decided to see if I still had magic, I did perhaps this was going to be easy after all...

I folded in my wings and hid them under my jacket, I'd have to hope that no one noticed them. Trixie continued to follow behind Collin, sticking to the bushes. I began to walk, but I felt as though something...or someone was following me, I looked to my left to see a slight bit of white peeking out of a bush, I shrugged and assumed it wasn't anything. Then again it moved, I quickly ran over to the bush and spotted...The great and powerful Trixie...

It indeed was Trixie, "Trixie? what are you doing here!?" I hissed, I didn't need anyone with me to do this, I was flattered she followed me but it was dangerous for her, heck it was dangerous for me!

Trixie's lip quivered, she knew she could get a bit of pity from Collin, hopefully soften whatever punishment he'd give her, and hope that he wouldn't send her back to Equestria. He was like an older brother to her, a very close friend above that. "I just wanted to come with you..." Trixie said her voice trembling, I sighed, "Alright alright shh, but it's not safe for you to be out in the open, it's not even safe for me! We need a plan Trixie."

After a lot for thinking I came up with an ingenious plan to shrink Trixie and keep her in my pocket, allowing for her to stay with me at all times and remain concealed. I began walking towards Michelle's supposed apartment, I just hoped she still lived there, I knew my place would be gone being as I've been gone for who knows how long.

We arrived at Michelle's place around Noonish, I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door. The next 10 seconds happened so fast I had no time to react, the door opened, I was yanked inside and pressed up against a wall. "Collin? is that really you?" A voice called out from nowhere in particular, "Of course it's me...who are you?" I asked calling out, I was pretty sure it was Michelle, it sure sounded like her. Michelle arrived and ran up to me, I wasn't sure what to expect but I got something that wasn't half bad, a hug. Michelle looked up to me, tears streaming down her cheeks, "You've been missing for 6 months!" she managed to sputter out through the sobs.

It was a heartfelt moment, I stood there with her arms wrapped around me for a few minutes until two things happened. Michelle let go and took a step back, "Your jacket feels....lumpy what are you hiding?" Michelle asks suspicious already, my front pocket in my jacket also squirmed a bit and let out a "Meep!"

Michelle blinked when my pocket spoke, "Well....I can't really explain, I'll have to show you..." I said, Michelle gave a subtle nod, I took off my jacket but still held it with my one hand, Trixie's head popped out of the pocket and she gave a tiny wave, Michelle promptly gasped and fell over, but not before I caught her with my free hand. Michelle stood back up, she took in the sight of my wings and her jaw dropped, then she looked at Trixie, "What in the name of..." Michelle started but didn't finish her sentence, she was just too shocked, wings and a tiny pony?

Michelle and I sat down, I put Trixie back down and put her to her full size, I had to admit it was kind of funny watching her explore the apartment, touching almost anything. meanwhile I was explaining to Michelle, where I'd been for the past six months. Michelle's reactions we're mixed, mainly angry when I told her that I'd nearly gotten myself killed twice, "Your still a reckless fool aren't you?" Michelle asked, "Of course, I didn't change that much." I said with a smirk, "Now...I have a question for you." I looked over to her and she looked up, "And what's that?" Michelle asked, "You remember how we used to watch the show together." Michelle nodded, "Would to visit...Equestria?" Michelle's face lit up, blushed and looked confused all at once, " would we get there, and why me?" Michelle asked shifting around in her seat. "Well... We're good friends, and we have been for a long time, so I've been given the choice to bring one person back with me, and well, I'd like to bring you back with me."

Michelle looked shocked, " what if they don't accept me?" Michelle was muttering all the things that could go wrong, "None of that will happen, you got a good heart Michelle, and they'll like you all the same." Michelle cracked a smile and we headed for the forest, after shrinking Trixie back down, Michelle held her, it was funny the two we're already getting along, maybe it wouldn't take awhile to get someone into Equestria with me.

Chapter 2

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Michelle, Trixie and I began walking back to the park, but what we saw shocked us. Police, everywhere they we're combing the area for something, "Michelle..." I started, she looked over, "Let's head" Michelle didn't question she just acted and we all headed back. After we entered the apartment I sat down, Michelle walked over and asked, "What's going on?" I shook my head, "I don't know but...that doesn't seem right..." Michelle sat down beside me, Trixie hopped from her hand and landed on the coffee table and looked up wondering the two almost in synch said, "What do you mean?" I shrugged, "something about all of that just seems to tug at me in the wrong way, maybe it's nothing but we'll check again tomorrow at the latest." I let out a sigh and got up, "You got anything to eat Michelle?"

The three of us sat down and ate, thank god Michelle didn't bring out any meat, and I’d have to warn her about that before we go to Equestria. Trixie asked me to ask Michelle for a grass sandwich, but she ended up with pasta anyways. "Yeah...Equestria is very different...” I started to say, "Well of course it'll be different! It's all ponies and stuff, I doubt it'll be that bad though, if you could stand living there for six months I'm sure I won't have a problem." Michelle smirked, she knew how I had a hard time staying in one spot for more than half a month, I should probably tell her how long I was actually there, "Well Michelle....I was actually there for 6 years." I said calmly, Michelle whom was drinking her coffee nearly spit it out when I said so, I couldn't help but to grin, "You’re joking?" Michelle asked, I shook my head, "He's telling you the truth!" Trixie had finally spoken for the first time. Michelle looked to Trixie, "You can speak?" Trixie nodded and grinned, "Was there any ever doubt?" I smirked and so did Michelle, we both remembered he famous line from the first episode she was in, in all honestly, I had to say Trixie had to be my favorite character even though she'd originally come across as a jerk, but she'd found a special place in my heart, she was a very good friend indeed.

After lunch Trixie, Michelle and I all sat down and watched TV, Trixie was amazed by this "magic box" as she put it, she loved watching the shows with us. Michelle scooted across the couch and got closer beside me, Trixie stayed glued to the television, Michelle leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder; I looked down and smiled, "Yes?" Michelle smiled warmly back, "Just resting my head." normally I would've shrugged but I had a Michelle on my shoulder so I nodded quietly and went back to watching the show. I was forced to look down to my hand, which Michelle was now holding, tightly, I looked over and quirked an eyebrow, it was obvious she noticed but she pretended not to, I grinned and subtly poked her, then looked away and "watched" The TV when she looked at me. This continued for a bit until I noticed Trixie had been watching, I couldn't keep A straight face, I chuckled nervously. "What were you two doing?" Trixie asked tilting her head slightly, "We...were...fooling around." I said, Michelle giggled and Trixie giggled along with her, "What....I'm aloud to have fun too!" I said in a joking manner, and then all 3 of us burst out in laughter together.

After laughing for a good couple of minutes we'd all calmed down, "Ah...I did kind of miss earth a bit..." I admit, "Although Equestria is a lot more fun, I can't wait to show you everything!" I said cheerfully, Michelle was about to respond before there was a knock at the door. All three of us peered over the couch, "Go get it, me and Trixie will keep out of sight." I quickly said, picking up Trixie I stepped into the kitchen while Michelle went to get the door.

When Michelle closed the door she hurried back, "It was the police...they're looking for you." I quirked an eyebrow, "Now I defiantly don't like this..." I stood up and quickly put on my jacket, “Why would they be looking for me?” I wondered aloud, Michelle came up with the answer quickly, “You’ve been missing for 6 months remember?” I face palmed, “Wow....that makes sense too.” I shook my head, “Well I can’t exactly see them with these wings so.” I used my magic to quickly make my wings disappear, “There we go!” Michelle gasped, “But...How...Wha...what?” I grinned, “Magic Michelle, another thing I got from Equestria.” Michele shook head, “I don’t even know how I should respond to that.” I smiled, “Same way as you reacted to my wings, just go with it. I’m going to go and check things out with the police, you and Trixie stay here.” I said as I exited the apartment.

I said goodbye quickly and walked about 5 steps before I was grabbed and thrown to the ground, I quickly turned and kicked my attacker, which happened to be a police officer, there we’re two others, I stood up and raised my hands. “Sorry...” I was very suspicious now. The policeman I’d kicked got up and dusted himself off, “Sir, you need to come with us, we have some questions for you.” I nodded and walked downstairs, they loaded me into a cruiser and we drove off.

We arrived a few minutes later at the station; I was escorted to a questioning room where I and one officer sat. I remained silent, “So you know why we’ve brought you here today?” I slightly nodded, “It’s because I was missing for six months correct?” The officer nodded, “Yes....where have you been?” I took a deep breath, “I’ve been around...that’s all there is to it.” I said holding a poker face. Me and the officer argued for a while, but they got nothing out of me, I left being as I committed no crimes and began to walk back, along the way I checked my bank account, it had 50 dollars so I withdrew it and bought Trixie and Michelle both a blue rose, I arrived at her apartment shortly after.

I knocked on the door; Michelle peeked through the eyehole, “Oh your back!” I heard some sort of whispering from the other side of the door, then Michelle opened the door and I found her, Trixie and a cake, “Happy early birthday!” Trixie and Michelle chimed I smiled, “You guys are the best.” I quickly scooped the two up into a big ol’ hug.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

These two made my “early birthday” a ton of fun, Trixie gave me and Michelle a little show and I got a kiss from Michelle too, I lit up like a tomato and we all had a good laugh. I have to admit, just seeing Michelle after six years made my heart explode, but I still had to get her and Trixie back to Equestria soon, if a month here was a year there...well we've been gone a while and I'm sure they're worried. "So we'll head to Equestria tomorrow for sure, Michelle you should pack some things, so you can get a head start." I said putting my jacket on. Michelle began to pack simple things into her backpack, pants, shirts, other things that she wouldn't let me near, I snickered from around the corner. "Don't forget the pink ones." I said in a joking manner, Michelle peeked her head out and pecked me on the cheek, "Okay, I know they're your favorite!" She joked back, I smirked and looked over to Trixie whom was checking out Michelle's old N64. I walked over, "Whatcha' looking at there Trixie?" she looked up and pointed to the N64, "What's this?" Trixie asked looking back to the device. "That's a Nintendo 64." I replied picking up the console and removing some of the dust from it.

After a lengthily explanation of what a Nintendo 64 was and packing it up along with some games, I grabbed the last few things we might need, I packed the items into a backpack, I had mine, Michelle had hers, and Trixie was happily sitting in my jacket pocket again. The three of us began to set out, I peeked out the eyehole in Michelle's door to find S.W.A.T officers piling up, I looked back and told Michelle to backup, I used magic to make myself bulletproof and then proceeded to kick the door outwards sending a few officers flying, the others went to tackle me but I tossed them aside like Rag dolls.

After battling our way out of the apartments we bolted for the forest, we managed to make it with the aid of my magic casting some confusion spells, honestly I was probably just as confused, why did the police come, and what did they want? We kept running through the forest and eventually found the portal again, without hesitation we dashed through the portal, the tree’s changed back to jungle like Everfree. I covered our tracks behind us; eventually we made it back to the point where I’d first encountered Dashie. The three of us sat down, Trixie was now her rightful size being as I no longer had to hide her. Taking a drink I looked to Michelle and Trixie, “Welcome back to Equestria.” I gave a small jazz hands gesture along with my trademark smirk. The three of us all had a good laugh, I stood up and helped them both to their feet, spreading my wings out I opened my arms; “Shall we go for a flight?” I asked, Trixie jumped into my arms, Michelle slowly nodded, you could tell she was nervous as she hugged onto my tightly, clearly wanted to stay on the ground as much as she wanted to fly.

We soared through the air watching as the tree’s passed below us, like a big form of green cotton, it looked soft being as I was flying so fast with the two of them, Michelle was grinning ear to ear, Trixie spread her hooves out in a superman like fashion, me well, I was actually using my wings so I looked like my usual flying self. Landing at my house the three of us entered to find Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all waiting, Dashie was the first to latch onto me with a great big hug. “Hey RD, I missed you too.” I said with a light chuckle as I hugged her back, Fluttershy tip toed over silent as a mouse and tugged on my jeans, she gave a glance to Michelle and the rest looked to Michelle with the same sort of look, “This is Michelle, she’s my friend.”

After a lot of hello’s introductions and explanations the eight in the room, including myself all went into the kitchen where I made some sandwiches and everyone had a good meal. Michelle seemed to relax fairly quickly, despite being the only female human in the room, Rarity was going to drag her off so she could get some designs for dresses and such for her, while Twilight had booked a session at the Library, when Michelle got her wings Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy we’re going to teach her to fly while Pinkie was going to get Michelle’s help with a cake. This left me with nothing to do but get Michelle’s stuff settled into my house, I flew over quickly and got most of her stuff settled in, one problem remained though; we needed a bed for her and a bed for me.

After about thirty minutes of thinking I came up with the simple answer, I’d just sleep on the couch. I turned to go to the living room to find Michelle standing right behind me “Boo.” She said innocently, I jumped back and clutched my chest, “Jeez! Don’t do that!” I was half smirking; Michelle was grinning ear to ear and laughing along with it, “got you back for Halloween finally.” I laughed as she did and I explained what I was planning on doing, Michelle taped the ground, “What’s up?” I asked knowing that something was on her mind. Michelle looked up to me, “Well, I was thinking...we know...stay together?” I found myself dumbstruck, I knew she had some feelings for me, and heck I had feelings for her, but the fact that she’d not get angry if I was in the same bed...well it made me feel good about myself. “Sure, in fact I like that idea a lot more.” I yawned towards the end and checked to see that it was nearing 11PM, “Let’s go get some sleep, I’m beat.” Michelle went to say something before she slumped forward and fell into my arms, I gently carried her and put her in the bed, I lied down beside her and fell asleep myself. It had been a good day, and I was glad to be back in Equestria.

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I had a decent sleep, but something was nagging me in the back of my mind. I awoke the next day to find myself face to face with Celestia, at first my reaction was nothing more than a “Hello Tia...” I said sleepily as I rotated myself on the bed and stood up, and then my brain kicked in, I gradually glanced over, “Oh....Hello Princess....” I said as best as I could, Celestia smiled back, “Hello Collin, is this the friend I heard you brought back?” I nodded slowly, “Yes Princess...” I felt like an idiot for being so Casual, why would, no how could you even be casual when you wake up and find yourself face to face with one of the leaders of Equestria? Michelle rose up sleepily and spotted Celestia, she went ridged and pulled me over, she whispered into my ear, “Is that?” Michelle’s voice trailed off, “Celestia meet Michelle, Michelle meet Celestia.” The two of them exchanged looks, Celestia was the first to smiles, “Hello Michelle, it’s nice to meet you.” Michelle smile and nodded, “And it’s an honour to meet you princess.” Michelle did a polite half bow from her position on the bed.

The three of us headed into the kitchen shortly afterwards and began to eat, I’d made some tea and served it, the three of us sat in silence. Celestia was looking around my house and then she finally spoke up, “So did you encounter any trouble coming back?” I put my mug down, “Nothing here, but back on Earth we encountered some troubles, but they’ve been taken care of.” Michelle nodded in agreement, Celestia on the other hand seemed to stiffen up, “You alright Princess?” I asked looking over to her, Celestia sighed, “They didn’t follow you in or anything right?” I nodded, “I covered our tracks...why?” Celestia had a grim look, “You closed the portal too right?” I stood up and had my jacket on before either of them could put they’re cups down “I knew I forgot something!” I was mad at myself for forgetting such an important task. I glanced back at the two, “I’ll be back soon.” I lunched myself into the sky without hesitation as I flew full tilt to the portal’s location.

The sky was a blur, as was everything else as the wind hissed past my ears, I wasn’t far off by this point, but I could already tell something was wrong, I heard voices, and they didn’t sound like they belonged in Equestria. I flew overhead using the clouds to hide my figure, peering down I saw something that made my face lose color. Soldiers, 2 squads of them, armed to the teeth and watching their surroundings, everything but directly above them, I smiled to myself, if I could knock them out, I could toss them through the portal and not have to kill anyone, but I needed to be prepared. I stood up, and leaped off the cloud plummeting down, at the last minute I spread my wings and impacted on the ground, creating a large gust of wind tossing most of the soldiers aside, I’d quickly bullet proofed myself with my magic and punched a soldier in the gut, the next I gave an uppercut and then a round house kick to the last. Three down six to go...

The ground thundered as the last of them hit the ground and lied there dazed and unresponsive. I shook my hands and lifted most of the bodies up with magic, I was walking back towards the portal before I heard something, it was a rumbling of sorts, I peered ahead and I stopped dead in my tracks. Directly ahead of me a tank with a platoon of troops was moving forward slowly, I clenched my fists, this ticked me off, I was tired of these things happening it was ruining the time I was supposed to be spending with my friends, I stood still and then bolted forward slamming through the troops and right into the tank flipping it back through the portal, the troops immediately opened fire bullets bounced off of me as I took each of the troops out by chucking them through the portal, the six that I'd encountered earlier were used as weapons as I used them to slam into their fellow soldiers and quickly and easily pushed the troops back, now I just had to close the portal. More troops began to pour from the portal, they quickly got into formation and started to yell commands at me to "stand down" and to "Surrender." I smirked and flicked my hand forward sending a pulse of energy slamming into them and toppling them all through the portal, I didn't hesitate this time I closed the portal and knelt down, the fight had taken a large amount of energy, and a few moments of rest seemed like a good idea.

Fear, that was the main emotion going through her, she was crouched behind a rock as that man just plowed through an entire platoon and a tank. She only had her sidearm left and this man, whoever he was seemed to be bullet proof. She peaked up over the rock and saw that he'd knelt down to the ground and seemed to be tired. taking a deep breath Jennifer vaults over her cover and points her pistol. "D-Don't move!" She said, trembling, she'd seen what he'd done to her squad mates.

I glanced to my side to see a frightened looking female solider I was about ready to do the same to her, knock her out toss her away, but with the Portal closed I had no need to risk opening it again for one more, then another thing struck me, I knew her from somewhere, I wasn't sure but she ringed a bell in my head, I stood up to my full height and I towered over her, "" I said childishly not wanting to hurt her unless I had to. She looked determined, but before anything happened I saw a flash of blue and a few feet away Rainbow had her pinned to the ground, and she didn't look happy about it either. "Dashie, don't hurt her." I said walking over, Dashie looked back and glared, "She was going to hurt you!" I was about to say something when everyone else emerged, Trixie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity accompanied by Celestia and Michelle. The soldier nervously gulped, I did the simple thing, "What's your name?" I asked plainly as if nothing was going on.

Jennifer looked at Collin and tilted her head slightly at this out of nowhere question. "Sergeant Ifanova." she replied sheepishly, she saw as Collin's jaw dropped. "no...That's...not...Jenny Ifanova...?" Collin said in disbelief. Jenny nodded her head slowly, "Why...who are you?" Jenny asked looking up at the man who'd just blown away a platoon sized force, Collin smiled in that way, that Jenny knew something was up.

I was grinning, not happy or anything just that grin that you get when you can't believe something when it's right in front of your eyes. This soldier...Jenny she was my childhood friend and last I remember is that she had moved away from my hometown. She'd asked a question that I knew I should answer, "Collin...Collin Lington..." I said, this time it was her that had the wide eye surprised look of disbelief, "No! that's impossible he went missing six months ago!" Jenny spat back not wanting to believe that, even though she'd just been tackled by some blue Pegasus and a bunch of other ponies had come by this point. "Yes...I did go missing six months ago but that was on earth and I've been here..., and we're not on earth anymore so technically I never really went missing." I replied, I knew nothing was going to calm her down aside from time.

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
The group and I had headed back to my house, I restrained Jenny with magic which didn't help her calm down anymore, aside from that when I tried to carry her normally she'd clawed at my eyes and attempted to strangle, and punch me on top of that, so I felt I'd just give her some space and give her some time to cool off. I sat down on the loveseat with Michelle and put Jennifer down on a chair across from us, she'd slightly calmed down by this point but still looked rather annoyed with me. Jennifer looked up and asked me one thing, "Prove it." She said simply, she wanted me to prove that I was indeed who I was.
To prove that I was me I thought of the most simple and simple thing to do, tell Jenny something only I knew about her. "Well..." I started, "We were in Paris back in high school on that field trip, and you decided to drag me along away from the group to go see the Eifel Tower. Unfortunately we took too long, lost the group and nearly missed the bus back to the hotel, our teacher Mr.Reynold was not pleased, and we both got suspended for a week after the trip." I said plainly, folding my arms I waited for her reaction.
Jenny had a look on her face of doubt, guilt, and joy. Normally she would've sprung up and gave Collin a big hug after all he was one of her best friends, and one of the few she kept in contact with, but the magic Collin had placed on her kept he sitting on her seat firmly. "um...could you..." Jenny gave a gaze to the magic wrapping around her. I sighed and decided to trust her, as soon as I lowered the restraints I found myself being hugged. "I can't believe it's you!" Jenny exclaimed she seemed very happy to see me, Michelle was beside me smiling, "That was like my reaction too." Michelle commented, as she watched Jenny latch onto Collin for the brief moment. Jenny backed off and sighed. " am I going to get back?"
The room filled with deafening silence, the awful conclusion that I didn't have an answer for, but I had to come up with an answer, "Soon, when we can assume it's safe to reopen the portal." I replied, Jenny seemed satisfied with that answer, but I knew I'd have to break the truth to her or at least get her to like Equestria so she might stay, then again Celestia might have other plans. Deciding that I'd have to go talk with Celestia eventually, I said I had to go check on some things, Jenny and Michelle gave me an accepting nod and I left the room leaving the two to converse.
Almost immediately Celestia brought me into another room and we sat down to talk, even I had to admit that this wasn't good and Celestia's expression was filled with worry, "Collin...that got out of hoof, and you'll need to fix this right away, it took my subjects long enough to get used to you, but how do you think they'll cope with 2 others?" Celestia said asking, the fact she'd noted were true, it did take all of the ponies a decent while to cope with me living, but then again there was just one human not three, and even I had to admit this would impose a problem, "Well I don't want to open the portal again for at least another year Celestia...I found out that it's only one month back on earth as a year passes by here in Equestria." I said stating my own facts, "It's not safe to open the portal yet, I fear the Humans from earth would force their way through the next time they get a chance." Celestia nodded, "Very well Collin, but you must be careful, I'll talk with Luna about this, perhaps the three of us can talk again soon, for now try to keep your friends under control." I nodded and walked Celestia outside where she nodded and took off back for Canterlot.
I walked back into the room where I had left Michelle and Jennifer, they seemed to be talking but hushed as soon as I entered the room, "Am I interrupting something?" I asked even though it was quite obvious I did. The two shook their heads again and I shrugged, "Alright,." I said as I departed from the kitchen. I'll talk to Jenny later on and then I'll go for a flight with Michelle, hopefully she'd gotten used to them by now. I headed into the living room where I met with Rainbow, "Hey Dashie, how has Michelle's flight lessons been going?" I asked sitting down beside her, Dashie looked up from her Daring Do book and smiled, "Oh she's been doing great, almost as good as you." she replied and went back to reading her book. I thanked her before I left and headed into my room to rest for a bit, the fight today had taken all the energy out of me and a well deserved rest was needed.
I crawled into bed with a sigh as I felt myself drifting off to sleep Michelle walked in and hopped into the bed, as did Jennifer, "Guys..let me sleep..." I said tiredly, Michelle sighed, "We are, but Jenny needs a place to sleep and you're asleep anyways..." Michelle laughed lightly as I had fallen asleep by that point. Michelle looked to Jennifer, "Here I think I can help." Michelle concentrated for a moment and conjured a bed out of thin air for Jenny, Jenny was awestruck, "" She couldn't form the words and just sighed, "Thanks Michelle." Michelle nodded and crawled into bed beside me and fell asleep quietly, Jennifer on the other hand found herself lying wide awake staring at the ceiling, "maybe staying here could be cool, I mean they have magic, and wings! But, will they even let me?" Jennifer found herself thinking throughout most of the night before she finally fell asleep.

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up next morning and dragged myself from bed to find myself falling over another bed and face planting onto the floor, an audible thud accompanied all of this and Jenny and Michelle both woke up, smirked and began to howl with laughter. Jenny was the first one to gather herself together "wow, talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Michelle spoke up before I'd even pushed myself to my feet, "This is even better than that time you toppled down the stairs after waking up!" I had to admit, this was just about as funny and a lot less painful, so it was defiantly better than the time I'd token that wrong turn and toppled down the stairs. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up girls." I said as I stood up and stretched out, I looked over to the two, "let's go." I mumbled with sleep and pain entwined with my voice.
The three of us sat at the table and ate breakfast together, all three of us seemed to be in the same sleepy state. I eventually finished and walked outside to fetch the morning paper, I opened it and browsed through it quickly, not spotting anything aside from a Royal wedding that happened while I was gone, nothing really provoked my interest. I tossed the paper onto the couch and called for Michelle and Jenny to come meet me in the living room. The two entered shortly after and we all sat down for a moment. This was where I would talk to them about our situation.
The silence that filled the room for a short moment was quite awkward. "So, this is where we've arrived." I said looking at the two. "As you both know I brought Michelle here on purpose and Jenny you got stuck here un-intentionally." The two nodded in agreement. "And I take it you'd like to go home Jenny?" I asked. Jenny looked down and then up, "Well...I'd rather stay here...." I was actually taken by surprise, "You do?" Michelle remained quiet, Jenny nodded, "Yes if it's okay with you and that princess...I'd love to stay here...I've noticed it's a heck of a lot better than earth." I stood up and walked over, Jenny looked up, "He's going to say no!" Jenny thought, but this is what caught her off guard, I gave her a big hug. "Of course you can stay!" I said as I hugged her, I decided to levitate Michelle over too and bring her into the group hug, the three of us stood there hugging each other all with a great grin plastered on our faces.
Shortly after we has our little meeting I decided to celebrate the occasion with some ice-cream and treats down by Sugar Cube Corner, I'd invited Twilight and the others, Michelle and Jenny tagged along of course being as they were the main part of the Celebration, somehow Pinkie had found out and had an entire surprise party planned out and set up by the time we arrived. "SURPRSIE!" Pinkie yelled out as the eight of us all entered. I nearly fell over, Dashie jumped up, Fluttershy dived for a nearby table, Rarity gasped and nearly fainted, Twilight just blinked, and Applejack began to laugh, Michelle and Jenny jumped up and hugged onto each other startled by the surprise. Pinkie bounced over giggling, "Wow I guess I really surprised you guys huh!?" I nodded quietly as I tried to calm my heartbeat down, "Jeez're gonna' give me a heart attack!" I said regaining my balance, "But....It's a great surprise..." I said through a weak smile. Pinkie's face brightened up and she leapt up and gave me a hug, "Oh I'm so glad you like it!" Pinkie jumped back off and frolicked over to the cake, "Well well!? what do you think?" I walked over and looked to it. "It's amazing." I said, honestly it was the best cake I've ever laid eyes upon. My mouth actually watered as Pinkie described the moist delicious triple chocolate cake. Michelle and Jenny followed my gaze and look, I heard a snicker from behind and found Rainbow Dash hovering beside me with a great big smirk on her face, "oh my should see your faces!" Dashie burst out into laughter as she finished the sentence, I playfully tackled her over, "Oh well you should see your face!" I began to give her a noogie as I was tackled over by two other bodies, Michelle and Jenny, both began to poke me, and try to get me to let go of Dashie who was too busy laughing her flank off to try to escape the group, eventually everypony even Fluttershy had joined in, we all laughed, cried tears of joy and eventually I found myself being air-tackled by Dashie and Fluttershy, unfortunately I have rotten luck and wound up covered in cake.
After a quick clean with the help of magic the group ate what was left of the cake, we talked and chatted about the wedding which I had missed, I was surprised to find out that Twilight had a brother, "Well as long as everything worked out." I commented towards the end as we wrapped up the changeling attack and such, I gave a polite nod and Michelle, Jenny and I began to walk home, it seemed to be around 9:38 PM, The sun was beginning to set and I got the great idea, "take my hand." I said offering one to each of them, they gradually took my hands, I used my magic to stabilize the three of us as I lunched up into the sky and settled us down on a cloud, "What are we doing up here?" Michelle asked, I pointed ahead, "Watching the sunset of course." Michelle nodded and leaned on my shoulder, I almost leaned back onto her head when I found Jenny leaning on my other shoulder... I wasn't exactly sure what to do at this point, so I put my arms around each of them and held them as we watched the last of the orange disperse from the sky and become a calm dark blue.

Chapter 7

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Note: Sorry this took FOREVER to upload, I got sidetracked and I'm currently struggling to get through each day.

Chapter 7
I awoke the next day and went about to do my average morning things, aside to the fact that when I was about to take a bite from my toast that somepony decided to knock on my door, I sleepily shuffled over to the door and opened it. "Yes?" I asked sleepily, I had no time to react as an over excited Trixie leapt up into my arms, "oh hey Trixie!" I said surprised as I stumbled backwards and fell into a chair. Trixie smiled happily. "Trixie decided to come and visit her friend!" I nodded, "I can see that." I reached over and took a sip of coffee before looking back to Trixie, "How is Trixie this morning?" Trixie beamed a great smiles, "Trixie is feeling good, how are you Collin?" I gave her my winning smile back, "Collin is doing fine, would Trixie like some coffee?" I said as I poured myself a cup. Trixie gave a polite nod and seated herself at a table. "Yes please!" I smiled as I poured the mare some Coffee into a mug for her. "So what brings you by here so early?" Trixie looked up from her mug, "Trixie was in the mood for some friendship, and Luna is busy in Canterlot cleaning up the mess that those troublesome Changelings caused." Trixie paused to sip, "And Trixie also heard that Collin made a new friend?" I nodded slightly, "Well not a new friend, rather an old friend." I said drinking from my mug, as if on cue Jennifer stumbled into the kitchen, "Morning..." She said with a yawn, she walked over grabbed my mug and drank back the rest of the coffee, I gave her a slight glare, "I was drinking that Y'know." Jenny smirked, "you snooze you lose." I rolled me eyes and looked back to Trixie who happened to be smirking herself, "wipe that look of your face or I'll take yours." I said in a playful tone, Trixie now rolled her eyes, "oh I do hope you don't." She said half mockingly, she gave a slight wave to Jenny whom gave her a sleepy nod sitting beside me. "Trixie Jenny, Jenny Trixie." I said introducing the two of them, they quickly leapt into conversation I sat back quietly sipping from my newly brewed Coffee, I smiled as the two conversed, Michelle woke up a few minutes afterwards and joined the other two talking. This continued for awhile until the four of us had all officially "Woken up." which meant that both Jenny and Michelle had spent over an hour getting ready again.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked as they came back out, Both Jenny and Michelle shrugged, Trixie piped up, "I..Trixie has a show in Canterlot tonight..." I looked over with a grin, "Then I guess we know what we're doing tonight!" Trixie grinned widely, "That's great! Trixie can't wait for you to come!" Trixie basically hopped around in circles with that cute little smile she always got when she was feeling really happy.
Getting ready was simple enough for me, somewhat casual clothing with a hint of formality, I smiled as I looked into the mirror, I'd gotten Michelle to buffer my wings slightly to make them produce an almost angelic glow to them. "Well don't you look handsome." Michelle commented as I stepped from the room. I smirked, "Not too shabby yourself Mitchy." Michelle shot me that one look that she always gave me when I pushed one of her buttons. She gave a quick twirl in her dress, "Really?" she gave a slight wink towards the end of that and I had to say, "Damn." we both broke off into laughter, Jenny walked in, she twirled around in her dress, "This dress is a little long." she mumbled as she walked over, I grinned, "Here." with a quick magical spell I shortened the dress' length and allowed Jenny to walk normally again. Jenny smiled as she looked up, "thanks Collin." she gave me a quick hug, I looked to the both of them, "Well...It's 8 hours to get there." I said, both Jenny and Michelle looked at me with an expression of "How are we going to get there!?" I grinned spotting the obvious expression, "Collin! It's already 6:30! We can't make it!" Michelle said, Jenny nodded along with her, they both actually looked slightly annoyed, "And that's why I'll be teleporting us there." I said in my usual confident tone. Michelle and Jenny exchanged a look, "Well...Try not to teleport us into a dumpster." The two said with a hint of giggling, "Oh I think you'll love our entrance." I said with a smirk.
With a quick snap of my fingers I'd teleported us to the arrival point for most of the carriages, but we didn't arrive in one, no we arrived with a suddenly burst of a flock of doves, Jenny and Michelle looked dumbstruck for a moment but quickly faded into warm smiles as we progressed down the red carpet. Once we arrived inside of the theater we went to our assigned seats; which were to say very nice at that.
The opening to the show was like most, the host would walk onto stage and introduce the act, but this time it wasn't just any host it was none other than Princess Luna herself! "Welcome Mares and Gentlecolts!" Luna said with a small smile, "Welcome to the Great and powerful Trixie's late night magic show! prepare to be stunned and awed as she performs her magical feats!" Luna did a quick bow and flashed from the stage, apparently she was beside us the next moment, "Did thou like my entrance?" Luna asked looking over, Jenny and Michelle jumped in their seats slightly, I had a wide smirk being as after a while you'd get used to Luna's relaxed side, "I enjoyed it very much." I said looking over to Luna. She returned the look with that smile that spilled out cuteness with a hint of authority, I'm pretty sure that gave the guards around the palace heart attacks.
Trixie stepped out onto the stage, well rather she teleported onto the stage in a puff of white smoke! "Greetings everypony it is I, the Great And Powerful, TRIXIE!" A small amount of fireworks blasted to life behind her giving her that fancy glow with a hint of being "Great and Powerful" Honestly even I enjoyed it a bit, and I was used to these little tricks by this point. Trixie started off with basic tricks and such, but eventually somewhere around the halfway point I found myself standing beside Trixie suddenly, a puzzled expression filled my face and the crowd erupted into a low rumble like laughter, Trixie looked up to me with a cute little grin of hers, "Hello there Collin! Are you enjoying the show?" I looked down to her and returned the grin, "I'd have to say I'm quite enjoying it." Trixie looked to the crowd, "How about all of you?" The crowd agreed with my statement, Trixie stomped her hoof and the stage changed, a small box appeared suddenly, "Collin, could you please step inside?" I gave a quick nod as I stepped into the box, I was pretty sure they'd switch the boxes around or something of the sort, but apparently they has other intentions, Trixie actually used magic and teleported me into a different room, I was rather confused so I sat down by the nearby bench and waited.

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
The first two things that happened scared the living hell out of my, first the room plunged into darkness and secondly it burst back into light and I found myself slamming down into the floor boards, I quickly got to my feet to figure out what exactly was going on and found that I was face to face with some Changelings. I took a moment to figure out what was going on and Trixie managed to get through the crowd, "They're changelings!" Trixie exclaimed, a few moments before Jenny and Michelle we're at my side, we found the changelings had taken advantage of my quick disappearance to come and attack Canterlot again.
I'd smashed through a large number of the things before they began to take multiple forms, thankfully they couldn't take the form of me Jenny, or Michelle, otherwise this fight would get even harder than it already was. Jenny seemed to be enjoying this more than anyone else, then again she was also kicking more butt than anyone else, I tried to mimic her fighting style as I fought.

The battle over Canterlot lasted over 2 weeks, but thankfully we managed to repel the attack with the help of Celestia and Luna. I stepped out from one of the nearby stores with 3 soda's which I'd planned on giving one to Jenny and one to Michelle. Aside from wearing ruined dresses and having dirt covering their faces I managed to charm them back into a cheerful mood. "You guys still look just as pretty as when we first teleported in here." I said with my trademark smiles, Michelle and Jenny brightened up almost immediately, we began to head back for Ponyville which would take us a decent while being as we had to journey on foot.
Michelle was the first followed by me, and then finally Jennifer grew to tired of walking and the three of us took a rest, we were still a few hours out from Ponyville but not by much, and walking with an injured wing wasn't exactly a fun experience, in fact it was more or less an annoyance at best. "Ten minutes...Then I'd like to get moving." I said looking over to Michelle and Jenny, Michelle looked back over towards me, "Fifteen, Please?" I was about to speak when Jenny snapped back, "No! We need to get back!" Both Michelle and myself looked over to Jenny whom seemed to frown, "What's wrong Jenny?" I asked sliding over to her side, "N...Nothing...I'm fine." Jenny said in a mumble, I sighed and gave her a quick hug, "We're almost home, don't worry." I let her go and stood back up, "Alright both of you come here." I said gesturing for the two to come to my side, I was going to teleport us back, even though at this point it would still drain all my energy to do a long range spell like this again, especially after all the fighting and walking we'd done.
The three of us appeared in my living room, luckily I fell down over onto the couch and immediately passed out. I saw glimpses of the worried looks on both Michelle and Jenny's faces, I managed to mumble. "I'll be fine guys...Don't sweat it..." That was the point where I had exhausted all of my energy.
Jenny gave a sigh as Collin passed out onto the couch, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge and began to drink from it, Michelle joined her a few moments later, for a couple of minutes the two sat in silence drinking their beverages. "What was that about?" Michelle asked speaking up, breaking the silence, Jenny looked over, "What was what about?" Jenny replied, Michelle gave her a half glare, "Snapping back there...You know..." Michelle said sipping from her soda, Jenny sighed, "Oh...That....Sorry, I just...I thought Equestria would have...Less fighting and all that." Jenny said confessing as she took another sip, Michelle shrugged, "I know just about as much as you do...I only got here a day or two before you." Michelle said offering a chance for the two to make peace. Jenny looked over suddenly, "Seriously?" Michelle gave a nod, "Yeah, Collin appeared on my doorstep one day, wings and magic, and with Trixie too!" Michelle lightly laughed for a moment, "But...Getting back was weird...With the military and all chasing us." Jenny giggled slightly, "We we're told that he was some sort of terrorist actually..." Michelle giggled this time, "Collin couldn't be a terrorist! He's too friendly!" The two giggled away their worries with the aid of soda and talking the past months events over.
Jennifer walked over to her room, passing Collin whom was still passed out on the couch, she stopped and looked at him for a moment, smirking slightly. "Just once..." Jenny thought to herself, quietly tip-toeing over to Collin's side and tucking him into a more comfy position on the couch, Collin suddenly reached out and pulled her into a sleepily hug with a hint of cuddle, Jenny almost gave a quiet eep, but managed to hold it back, she was blushing furiously wondering what anyone might think of this, eventually she managed to free herself, finish tucking Collin in and scurry off to her room and dive into bed. Jenny was still smiling, "I hate him! I love him! Gah Collin why!?" Jenny thought to herself in her head, she liked Collin, but she wasn't sure how she liked him, as a friend? Or was there more to it? That hug...That cuddle, it just made things more complicated than they already were! Even if Collin had no idea he had done it.
Michelle was dragging herself back to bed, she'd noticed Collin had been tucked in, "That was nice of Jennifer." Michelle thought happily to herself, she walked over and gave Collin a goodnight hug, "See you tomorrow" Michelle whispered to Collin in his subconscious state, Michelle quickly walked off to bed, a little more relaxed, the fighting was over, peace had returned, and everything just seemed...Good.

Chapter 9

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NOTE: I cut this chapter shorter slightly so I could get back on track, Sorry it's been so long! Chapter 10 will be done by Friday, that's a Pinkie Promise!

Chapter 9
I awoke the next morning, well more or less I woke up in a sudden matter, by falling off the couch. Landing with a more than audible thud I dragged myself back to my feet, I checked my watch which read 6:00 AM, I cursed under my breath silently. Luckily for me no one had woken up, So I made some coffee quickly and walked out onto my deck, watching the sunrise was nice, after all the violence that had happened over the course of the month, waking semi-peacefully up to a sunrise gave everything a warmer glow and almost perfect mood to it. I sipped from my coffee quietly as the sun continued to rise, I decided I may as well fully wake myself up, with a few quick flaps of my wings I managed to take off into the sky, then my brain decided to remind me, I'd injured it, it was a little late to correct myself before the pain kicked in, I plummeted down towards a tree, wait.. This wasn't a tree it was the Library!
Twilight awoke to the sound of something crashing down into the Library, she grabbed the largest book she could find and flung it into the room at the supposed thief, a loud "WHAP!" filled the room as the book hit Collin directly in the face in an almost cartoon like matter. Twilight ran into the room, "Aha! I got!" Twilight stopped talking when she saw none other than Collin sitting on the floor with a book on the floor, he was holding his nose, "Nice to see you too!" Collin mumbled, getting up and taking a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the crimson liquid which was now running freely from his nose. Twilight gasped and ran over, "Oh Collin! I'm so sorry! I thought you we're a book thief...and...well..." Twilight frowned.
Twilight looked extremely displeased with herself, So I bent down and gave her a hug, "It's fine Twilight, I can heal this up in no time." Twilight's expression went slightly happier this time, she hugged me back. I stood up afterwards and sighed, "I forgot my wing was damaged and I sort of...Fell." I said explaining my sudden appearance. Twilight giggled slightly, "Little silly of you don't you think Collin?" I looked to Twilight, "About as silly as you thinking there was a book thief." Twilight giggled some more as I gave a light laugh. "I think I'll be fine."
Fluttershy was walking by the Library and stopped when she heard the clatter of Collin's crash landing, she slowly looked over to the Library as the large thud was heard when Collin was hit in the face by the book, and then followed by the laughter. Fluttershy quietly walked inside, Collin's wing was bent and he was bleeding from his nose "Oh My!" Fluttershy gasps fluttering over to his side "You poor thing!" Collin blinked, "What?" Fluttershy didn't want to hear it, she continued to flutter off with Collin back to her cottage.
Michelle and Jenny walked over to Fluttershy's cottage, they heard that Collin had apparently been taken there by the yellow-cream Pegasus. I looked over as Michelle and Jenny entered, but immediately Fluttershy fluttered over and blocked them, "Oh no, you can't see him yet! He still needs to rest." Fluttershy explained, Jenny tilted her head, "Can we go in and see him? We'll let him rest." she said trying to offer a resolution that would work for both sides.
EVENTUALLY, Fluttershy agreed to let them see me, I couldn't help but smirk wildly being as I knew I looked like a mess, "Hey guys." I said calmly as they stepped into the room. "Sup?" Jenny waved slightly, "Oh...Not much, just woke up and found out that my friend is currently in the Flutter Hospital." Michelle nodded, "Yeah." I grinned even more, "Well....I had an accident I'll be fi-" My voice was cut off as Fluttershy interrupted. "No until Doctor Fluttershy says so!" I had to sigh, "C'mon Flutters, I'll be fine by tomorrow!" I complained, Fluttershy simply shook her head, "No magic or anything this time, your body needs rest, so you're stuck here until I give the O-Kay!" she said in a manner that put it at "I'm not going anywhere deal with it."
Jennifer and Michelle both came periodically as I was in "The Recovery stage" as Fluttershy had put it, Jenny seemed to come by more often, which to be honest I appreciated, It wasn't much fun lying in bed all day with nothing to do, Jenny usually brought some form of entertainment. By the end of the week I was feeling much better...Perhaps Fluttershy was right after all, not that I'd admit it.
After spending a little over a week in the Flutter-Hospital I was finally released back out, Jenny was there to greet me when I left, we immediately did the one thing that seemed logical, It was early in the morning...So it was coffee time.

Chapter 10

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Note: Sorry, I thought I'd posted Chapt 10 up already so it was sadly...LATE!

Oh god....Twilight is going to kill me...

Chapter 10
After we'd gotten our Coffee me and Jenny decided to go for a walk, Jenny kept looking at my wings, and eventually she poked them, "Okay...Tell me how the heck did you even get those?" I looked to Jenny and shrugs, "Magic of course." Jenny deadpanned, "Magic...Seriously...What's next a leprechaun?" I grinned, "Well You can probably use magic too you know." Jenny's face brightened up, "Really!?" I gave her a nod, "Just use your imagination... Concentrate and poof imagine you got your wing sand you'll be done!" I said with my trademark smirk.
It took about 2 hours to get Jenny into the swing of things, eventually we decided to head towards Twilight's library, she'd be able to help Jenny if anyone. "Twilight?" I called in as I entered, I also braced myself for another book to the face, "Collin...I'm not going to throw another box don't worry!" Twilight said with a hint of a giggle towards the end, "You can never be too careful." I retorted, Jenny remained silent and let me do the talking with Twilight. "..And that's why we need your help." I said after the three of us had sat down, Jenny had gotten most of it on her own, just...Her spells didn't last long, unlike my ability to be able to dismiss my wings at will, she had the issue of them randomly disappearing mid flight, I had to thank myself for keeping her low to the ground otherwise she would've ended up with more than a few scrapes and bruises. "I don't see any problem with helping her out." Twilight said with a smile, "I mean, I did teach you after all Collin." Twilight continued with a smirk, I gave a light chuckled and Jenny had her giggle fit.
So I headed home and left Twilight and Jenny to their studies, I decided to visit somepony who'd I'd bonded with; Trixie. I arrived within a few minutes being as she'd gotten a new wagon and was currently in town for the weekend. "Trixie?" I called out as I neared the wagon, the blue unicorn's head popped from the back of the wagon with a large grin, "Collin!" Trixie exclaimed scampering over and jumping up into my arms, "You have impeccable timing! Trixie was just about to do a show!" I tilted my head slightly as I hugged her and walked towards the wagon, "Oh really? Well I don't got anything planned so I'll stay here and watch, is that-" I was cut off, "Well actually Trixie was hoping you'd be IN the show!" I shrugged, "Sure, sounds like fun." Trixie clapper her hooves, "Oh...Do you have a tuxedo? Trixie would like her Assistant to-" She stopped talking and giggled as I quickly changed into my tux with a snap of my fingers, "I do indeed have a tux." I replied walking towards the show area.
We both walked out onto stage and got an approving roar from the rather large turnout, I knew Ponyville wasn't huge but...this seemed to be a huge crowd for such a small town. "Welcome one and all to The Great and Powerful Trixie's show!" The roar got even louder as the crowd applauded, I gave my best winning smile which to my surprise got a large amount of the mares to squeal in a fan-girl like manner. The intro to the show was simple, lot's of talking from Trixie and lot's of me "Gesturing" to the one and only Trixie giving the crowd my trademark grin. I had to admit, this was plenty of fun, being a part of this...Magic show? Towards the ending of the first act Trixie asked me to show the crowd my most "Spectacular feat." I pondered a moment, I looked to Trixie, "Does it have to be with Magic oh great and powerful one?" I said asking her, she gave me a shake of her head, "Just something incredible Collin." she said with a happy smile, I gave her a nod and shot into the sky propelling myself up into the air at an amazing speed, upon reaching maximum altitude I looked down to the specs below, with a magical burst I shot off going right for the ground, the wind hissing past my ears, I adjusted my wings just slightly, sending me roaring over the crowd at nearly the speed of sound, I raced back up and with my finale of a magical explosion I landed beside Trixie without making a sound.
The stunned crowd sat there in dead silence for a few moments, Even Trixie herself was stunned, I looked up and noticed that'd I'd done a sonic boom with that explosion, not a Rainboom, just a normal one like back on earth, the only thing about this one that made it so amazing that it left a streak of rippling air, it looked like water was trapped in the sky, I was just as awestruck, "I think I broke the sky."I commented trying to make a joke, the crowd and Trixie all looked at me and burst into laughter, my number one rules always prevails, if you think you're in trouble...Make a joke! After Trixie had gathered herself together again, "Well! As you all can see everypony can do something...Spectacular! Or in Collin's case break something!" The crowd let loose another round of chuckles, "Trixie and Collin bid you all a farewell! Trixie's next stop will be in Appleloosa!" Trixie gave a bow and we both Teleported back into her wagon.
Trixie was hopping with a large grin, "Oh that went great! Trixie got an even better turnout than she'd expected!" I smiled, "Well you are the Great and Powerful Trixie after all!" Trixie rolled her eyes as she removed her cape and hat, "Yes...Yes we are." she giggled and gave me a quick hug, "Thanks for helping Trixie with her show." I gave her my trademark smiles and hugged her back, "see you later then." Trixie smiled and waved as I left off towards the Library, I had to go check up on Jenny anyways.
After a brief and short flight I arrived back at the Library, Jenny was outside waiting for me, "I was wondering when you'd arrive." she said with a smirk, I gave a roll of my eyes, "Always waiting on me huh?" She grinned, "Yep." I shrugged, "I remember I was always waiting on you." I replied looking to her, She shrugged in turn, "I got the hang of my wings! Well sort of!" she said, I quirked an eyebrow "Oh really? How so?" She fluttered her wings, "Well I can keep em' working for a half hour or so!" I smiled, "Well that's good...Race you back home then?" I said flapping my wings excitedly. Jenny grinned, "you're on!" And with that she shot off like a bullet, It took a fair few seconds but I caught right up to her grinned and then shot off ahead of her. The race was going well for me, when Jenny sped ahead in a blue and stopped on a dime at the house, I was dumbstruck and just stared at her and crashed into the side of the house, "Ack!" I fell down and rubbed my head, Jenny was in stitches laughing, I rolled my eyes, "Well...That was unexpected.." I said admitting defeat without actually having to. Jenny bopped my nose, "Don't underestimate me Collin...I can do things you can only dream of doing." with that Jenny walked back inside, I shook my head, "What've I gotten myself into?" I thought quietly, I soon followed after Jenny.