• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I had a decent sleep, but something was nagging me in the back of my mind. I awoke the next day to find myself face to face with Celestia, at first my reaction was nothing more than a “Hello Tia...” I said sleepily as I rotated myself on the bed and stood up, and then my brain kicked in, I gradually glanced over, “Oh....Hello Princess....” I said as best as I could, Celestia smiled back, “Hello Collin, is this the friend I heard you brought back?” I nodded slowly, “Yes Princess...” I felt like an idiot for being so Casual, why would, no how could you even be casual when you wake up and find yourself face to face with one of the leaders of Equestria? Michelle rose up sleepily and spotted Celestia, she went ridged and pulled me over, she whispered into my ear, “Is that?” Michelle’s voice trailed off, “Celestia meet Michelle, Michelle meet Celestia.” The two of them exchanged looks, Celestia was the first to smiles, “Hello Michelle, it’s nice to meet you.” Michelle smile and nodded, “And it’s an honour to meet you princess.” Michelle did a polite half bow from her position on the bed.

The three of us headed into the kitchen shortly afterwards and began to eat, I’d made some tea and served it, the three of us sat in silence. Celestia was looking around my house and then she finally spoke up, “So did you encounter any trouble coming back?” I put my mug down, “Nothing here, but back on Earth we encountered some troubles, but they’ve been taken care of.” Michelle nodded in agreement, Celestia on the other hand seemed to stiffen up, “You alright Princess?” I asked looking over to her, Celestia sighed, “They didn’t follow you in or anything right?” I nodded, “I covered our tracks...why?” Celestia had a grim look, “You closed the portal too right?” I stood up and had my jacket on before either of them could put they’re cups down “I knew I forgot something!” I was mad at myself for forgetting such an important task. I glanced back at the two, “I’ll be back soon.” I lunched myself into the sky without hesitation as I flew full tilt to the portal’s location.

The sky was a blur, as was everything else as the wind hissed past my ears, I wasn’t far off by this point, but I could already tell something was wrong, I heard voices, and they didn’t sound like they belonged in Equestria. I flew overhead using the clouds to hide my figure, peering down I saw something that made my face lose color. Soldiers, 2 squads of them, armed to the teeth and watching their surroundings, everything but directly above them, I smiled to myself, if I could knock them out, I could toss them through the portal and not have to kill anyone, but I needed to be prepared. I stood up, and leaped off the cloud plummeting down, at the last minute I spread my wings and impacted on the ground, creating a large gust of wind tossing most of the soldiers aside, I’d quickly bullet proofed myself with my magic and punched a soldier in the gut, the next I gave an uppercut and then a round house kick to the last. Three down six to go...

The ground thundered as the last of them hit the ground and lied there dazed and unresponsive. I shook my hands and lifted most of the bodies up with magic, I was walking back towards the portal before I heard something, it was a rumbling of sorts, I peered ahead and I stopped dead in my tracks. Directly ahead of me a tank with a platoon of troops was moving forward slowly, I clenched my fists, this ticked me off, I was tired of these things happening it was ruining the time I was supposed to be spending with my friends, I stood still and then bolted forward slamming through the troops and right into the tank flipping it back through the portal, the troops immediately opened fire bullets bounced off of me as I took each of the troops out by chucking them through the portal, the six that I'd encountered earlier were used as weapons as I used them to slam into their fellow soldiers and quickly and easily pushed the troops back, now I just had to close the portal. More troops began to pour from the portal, they quickly got into formation and started to yell commands at me to "stand down" and to "Surrender." I smirked and flicked my hand forward sending a pulse of energy slamming into them and toppling them all through the portal, I didn't hesitate this time I closed the portal and knelt down, the fight had taken a large amount of energy, and a few moments of rest seemed like a good idea.

Fear, that was the main emotion going through her, she was crouched behind a rock as that man just plowed through an entire platoon and a tank. She only had her sidearm left and this man, whoever he was seemed to be bullet proof. She peaked up over the rock and saw that he'd knelt down to the ground and seemed to be tired. taking a deep breath Jennifer vaults over her cover and points her pistol. "D-Don't move!" She said, trembling, she'd seen what he'd done to her squad mates.

I glanced to my side to see a frightened looking female solider I was about ready to do the same to her, knock her out toss her away, but with the Portal closed I had no need to risk opening it again for one more, then another thing struck me, I knew her from somewhere, I wasn't sure but she ringed a bell in my head, I stood up to my full height and I towered over her, "No...you." I said childishly not wanting to hurt her unless I had to. She looked determined, but before anything happened I saw a flash of blue and a few feet away Rainbow had her pinned to the ground, and she didn't look happy about it either. "Dashie, don't hurt her." I said walking over, Dashie looked back and glared, "She was going to hurt you!" I was about to say something when everyone else emerged, Trixie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity accompanied by Celestia and Michelle. The soldier nervously gulped, I did the simple thing, "What's your name?" I asked plainly as if nothing was going on.

Jennifer looked at Collin and tilted her head slightly at this out of nowhere question. "Sergeant Ifanova." she replied sheepishly, she saw as Collin's jaw dropped. "no...That's...not...Jenny Ifanova...?" Collin said in disbelief. Jenny nodded her head slowly, "Why...who are you?" Jenny asked looking up at the man who'd just blown away a platoon sized force, Collin smiled in that way, that Jenny knew something was up.

I was grinning, not happy or anything just that grin that you get when you can't believe something when it's right in front of your eyes. This soldier...Jenny she was my childhood friend and last I remember is that she had moved away from my hometown. She'd asked a question that I knew I should answer, "Collin...Collin Lington..." I said, this time it was her that had the wide eye surprised look of disbelief, "No! that's impossible he went missing six months ago!" Jenny spat back not wanting to believe that, even though she'd just been tackled by some blue Pegasus and a bunch of other ponies had come by this point. "Yes...I did go missing six months ago but that was on earth and I've been here..., and we're not on earth anymore so technically I never really went missing." I replied, I knew nothing was going to calm her down aside from time.