• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

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Chapter 2

Michelle, Trixie and I began walking back to the park, but what we saw shocked us. Police, everywhere they we're combing the area for something, "Michelle..." I started, she looked over, "Let's head back....now." Michelle didn't question she just acted and we all headed back. After we entered the apartment I sat down, Michelle walked over and asked, "What's going on?" I shook my head, "I don't know but...that doesn't seem right..." Michelle sat down beside me, Trixie hopped from her hand and landed on the coffee table and looked up wondering the two almost in synch said, "What do you mean?" I shrugged, "something about all of that just seems to tug at me in the wrong way, maybe it's nothing but we'll check again tomorrow at the latest." I let out a sigh and got up, "You got anything to eat Michelle?"

The three of us sat down and ate, thank god Michelle didn't bring out any meat, and I’d have to warn her about that before we go to Equestria. Trixie asked me to ask Michelle for a grass sandwich, but she ended up with pasta anyways. "Yeah...Equestria is very different...” I started to say, "Well of course it'll be different! It's all ponies and stuff, I doubt it'll be that bad though, if you could stand living there for six months I'm sure I won't have a problem." Michelle smirked, she knew how I had a hard time staying in one spot for more than half a month, I should probably tell her how long I was actually there, "Well Michelle....I was actually there for 6 years." I said calmly, Michelle whom was drinking her coffee nearly spit it out when I said so, I couldn't help but to grin, "You’re joking?" Michelle asked, I shook my head, "He's telling you the truth!" Trixie had finally spoken for the first time. Michelle looked to Trixie, "You can speak?" Trixie nodded and grinned, "Was there any ever doubt?" I smirked and so did Michelle, we both remembered he famous line from the first episode she was in, in all honestly, I had to say Trixie had to be my favorite character even though she'd originally come across as a jerk, but she'd found a special place in my heart, she was a very good friend indeed.

After lunch Trixie, Michelle and I all sat down and watched TV, Trixie was amazed by this "magic box" as she put it, she loved watching the shows with us. Michelle scooted across the couch and got closer beside me, Trixie stayed glued to the television, Michelle leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder; I looked down and smiled, "Yes?" Michelle smiled warmly back, "Just resting my head." normally I would've shrugged but I had a Michelle on my shoulder so I nodded quietly and went back to watching the show. I was forced to look down to my hand, which Michelle was now holding, tightly, I looked over and quirked an eyebrow, it was obvious she noticed but she pretended not to, I grinned and subtly poked her, then looked away and "watched" The TV when she looked at me. This continued for a bit until I noticed Trixie had been watching, I couldn't keep A straight face, I chuckled nervously. "What were you two doing?" Trixie asked tilting her head slightly, "We...were...fooling around." I said, Michelle giggled and Trixie giggled along with her, "What....I'm aloud to have fun too!" I said in a joking manner, and then all 3 of us burst out in laughter together.

After laughing for a good couple of minutes we'd all calmed down, "Ah...I did kind of miss earth a bit..." I admit, "Although Equestria is a lot more fun, I can't wait to show you everything!" I said cheerfully, Michelle was about to respond before there was a knock at the door. All three of us peered over the couch, "Go get it, me and Trixie will keep out of sight." I quickly said, picking up Trixie I stepped into the kitchen while Michelle went to get the door.

When Michelle closed the door she hurried back, "It was the police...they're looking for you." I quirked an eyebrow, "Now I defiantly don't like this..." I stood up and quickly put on my jacket, “Why would they be looking for me?” I wondered aloud, Michelle came up with the answer quickly, “You’ve been missing for 6 months remember?” I face palmed, “Wow....that makes sense too.” I shook my head, “Well I can’t exactly see them with these wings so.” I used my magic to quickly make my wings disappear, “There we go!” Michelle gasped, “But...How...Wha...what?” I grinned, “Magic Michelle, another thing I got from Equestria.” Michele shook head, “I don’t even know how I should respond to that.” I smiled, “Same way as you reacted to my wings, just go with it. I’m going to go and check things out with the police, you and Trixie stay here.” I said as I exited the apartment.

I said goodbye quickly and walked about 5 steps before I was grabbed and thrown to the ground, I quickly turned and kicked my attacker, which happened to be a police officer, there we’re two others, I stood up and raised my hands. “Sorry...” I was very suspicious now. The policeman I’d kicked got up and dusted himself off, “Sir, you need to come with us, we have some questions for you.” I nodded and walked downstairs, they loaded me into a cruiser and we drove off.

We arrived a few minutes later at the station; I was escorted to a questioning room where I and one officer sat. I remained silent, “So Collin....do you know why we’ve brought you here today?” I slightly nodded, “It’s because I was missing for six months correct?” The officer nodded, “Yes....where have you been?” I took a deep breath, “I’ve been around...that’s all there is to it.” I said holding a poker face. Me and the officer argued for a while, but they got nothing out of me, I left being as I committed no crimes and began to walk back, along the way I checked my bank account, it had 50 dollars so I withdrew it and bought Trixie and Michelle both a blue rose, I arrived at her apartment shortly after.

I knocked on the door; Michelle peeked through the eyehole, “Oh your back!” I heard some sort of whispering from the other side of the door, then Michelle opened the door and I found her, Trixie and a cake, “Happy early birthday!” Trixie and Michelle chimed I smiled, “You guys are the best.” I quickly scooped the two up into a big ol’ hug.