• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8
The first two things that happened scared the living hell out of my, first the room plunged into darkness and secondly it burst back into light and I found myself slamming down into the floor boards, I quickly got to my feet to figure out what exactly was going on and found that I was face to face with some Changelings. I took a moment to figure out what was going on and Trixie managed to get through the crowd, "They're changelings!" Trixie exclaimed, a few moments before Jenny and Michelle we're at my side, we found the changelings had taken advantage of my quick disappearance to come and attack Canterlot again.
I'd smashed through a large number of the things before they began to take multiple forms, thankfully they couldn't take the form of me Jenny, or Michelle, otherwise this fight would get even harder than it already was. Jenny seemed to be enjoying this more than anyone else, then again she was also kicking more butt than anyone else, I tried to mimic her fighting style as I fought.

The battle over Canterlot lasted over 2 weeks, but thankfully we managed to repel the attack with the help of Celestia and Luna. I stepped out from one of the nearby stores with 3 soda's which I'd planned on giving one to Jenny and one to Michelle. Aside from wearing ruined dresses and having dirt covering their faces I managed to charm them back into a cheerful mood. "You guys still look just as pretty as when we first teleported in here." I said with my trademark smiles, Michelle and Jenny brightened up almost immediately, we began to head back for Ponyville which would take us a decent while being as we had to journey on foot.
Michelle was the first followed by me, and then finally Jennifer grew to tired of walking and the three of us took a rest, we were still a few hours out from Ponyville but not by much, and walking with an injured wing wasn't exactly a fun experience, in fact it was more or less an annoyance at best. "Ten minutes...Then I'd like to get moving." I said looking over to Michelle and Jenny, Michelle looked back over towards me, "Fifteen, Please?" I was about to speak when Jenny snapped back, "No! We need to get back!" Both Michelle and myself looked over to Jenny whom seemed to frown, "What's wrong Jenny?" I asked sliding over to her side, "N...Nothing...I'm fine." Jenny said in a mumble, I sighed and gave her a quick hug, "We're almost home, don't worry." I let her go and stood back up, "Alright both of you come here." I said gesturing for the two to come to my side, I was going to teleport us back, even though at this point it would still drain all my energy to do a long range spell like this again, especially after all the fighting and walking we'd done.
The three of us appeared in my living room, luckily I fell down over onto the couch and immediately passed out. I saw glimpses of the worried looks on both Michelle and Jenny's faces, I managed to mumble. "I'll be fine guys...Don't sweat it..." That was the point where I had exhausted all of my energy.
Jenny gave a sigh as Collin passed out onto the couch, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge and began to drink from it, Michelle joined her a few moments later, for a couple of minutes the two sat in silence drinking their beverages. "What was that about?" Michelle asked speaking up, breaking the silence, Jenny looked over, "What was what about?" Jenny replied, Michelle gave her a half glare, "Snapping back there...You know..." Michelle said sipping from her soda, Jenny sighed, "Oh...That....Sorry, I just...I thought Equestria would have...Less fighting and all that." Jenny said confessing as she took another sip, Michelle shrugged, "I know just about as much as you do...I only got here a day or two before you." Michelle said offering a chance for the two to make peace. Jenny looked over suddenly, "Seriously?" Michelle gave a nod, "Yeah, Collin appeared on my doorstep one day, wings and magic, and with Trixie too!" Michelle lightly laughed for a moment, "But...Getting back was weird...With the military and all chasing us." Jenny giggled slightly, "We we're told that he was some sort of terrorist actually..." Michelle giggled this time, "Collin couldn't be a terrorist! He's too friendly!" The two giggled away their worries with the aid of soda and talking the past months events over.
Jennifer walked over to her room, passing Collin whom was still passed out on the couch, she stopped and looked at him for a moment, smirking slightly. "Just once..." Jenny thought to herself, quietly tip-toeing over to Collin's side and tucking him into a more comfy position on the couch, Collin suddenly reached out and pulled her into a sleepily hug with a hint of cuddle, Jenny almost gave a quiet eep, but managed to hold it back, she was blushing furiously wondering what anyone might think of this, eventually she managed to free herself, finish tucking Collin in and scurry off to her room and dive into bed. Jenny was still smiling, "I hate him! I love him! Gah Collin why!?" Jenny thought to herself in her head, she liked Collin, but she wasn't sure how she liked him, as a friend? Or was there more to it? That hug...That cuddle, it just made things more complicated than they already were! Even if Collin had no idea he had done it.
Michelle was dragging herself back to bed, she'd noticed Collin had been tucked in, "That was nice of Jennifer." Michelle thought happily to herself, she walked over and gave Collin a goodnight hug, "See you tomorrow" Michelle whispered to Collin in his subconscious state, Michelle quickly walked off to bed, a little more relaxed, the fighting was over, peace had returned, and everything just seemed...Good.